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A.  Information/Discussion/Action to deny Gila County Community Development Department Case No. CUPP2207-001, a request by Harold and Mary Sens (Owners and Applicants) for a Conditional Use Permit upon Gila County Assessor’s Parcel Number 201-08-017A located at 171 S. Starkey Lane, Tonto Basin, Arizona. (Randy Pluimer)
B.  Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 23-01-03, which approves Gila County Community Development Case No. CUPP2209-001, a request by Kimberly Brennan (Owner and Applicant) for a Conditional Use Permit upon Gila County Assessor’s Parcel Number 301-09-001C located at 5188 AZ Highway 87, Strawberry, Arizona, subject to the adherence to the conditions of approval as outlined in the Resolution. (Randy Pluimer)
C.  Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-23-02) submitted by Camila Alarcon for a new series 7 Beer & Wine Bar License at Pine Provisions Deli & Bottle Shop, located in Pine; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Samantha Trimble)
D.  Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-23-03) submitted by Camila Alarcon for a new series 7 Beer & Wine Bar License at Old County Inn, 3502 N Highway 87, located in Pine; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Melissa Henderson)
E.  Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-23-04) submitted by Robert Nickolaus Simonis for the transfer of a Series 6 Bar License with an interim permit to operate at the Stage Coach Bar & Grill, Highway 188 and Main, located in Roosevelt; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Melissa Henderson)   3.  REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve a Lease Agreement between Gila County and Gila House, Inc. whereby Gila County will lease a building at 1483 E. Maple Street, Globe, Arizona, to Gila House, Inc. at a cost of $0 (zero dollars) per month for use as a transitional housing property to provide temporary housing for eligible Gila County residents, effective July 1, 2022, to July 31, 2023. (Malissa Buzan)
B.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve the preparation of budgeted and unbudgeted inter-fund transfers for FY2023. (Maryn Belling)
C.  Information/Discussion/Action to grant permission to the Gila County Finance Department to accept appropriation disbursement from the State of Arizona for Deputy & Detention Retention funds and disburse to eligible Gila County Sheriff's Department employees in the amount of $3,750 (before taxes) as defined by the attached Arizona Department of Administration agreement. (Maryn Belling)
D.  Information/Discussion/Action to authorize advertisement for Invitation for Bids No. 01022023 - On-call Road Maintenance and Heavy Equipment Services. (Maryn Belling)
E.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. CTR063737) between the Arizona Department of Health Services and Gila County Health and Emergency Management Department which replaces the original contract and updates the price sheet for a total contract amount of $172,350 from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2027. (Joshua Beck)
F.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve the Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation 2023 Grant Agreement in the amount of $30,000 to be used for the period January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, for an underserved population of children, their parents, pregnant women, and seniors in Gila County. (Joshua Beck)
G.  Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 23-01-05 which authorizes the disposal of a portion of Quail Drive located on Sportsmans Haven Replatted, Official Map No. 311, Gila County Records, Gila County, AZ, and the Chairman’s signature on the Quit Claim Deed. (Homero Vela)
H.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve Gila County's participation in the AZ/NM Coalition of Counties filing of an Amicus Brief to be submitted in the Western Environmental Law Center Suit on the US Fish and Wildlife Service Mexican Wolf 2022 10(j) Rule and to share equally in the cost of the preparation of the Amicus Brief in an amount not to exceed $750 but to consider a higher amount if needed, with Board approval. (Woody Cline)
4.  CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A.  Information/Discussion/Action to appoint the following Republican Party Precinct Committeemen in Gila County: Reyma Grace Barsness - Globe #4 Precinct; and Deanna Dunkelbarger - Payson #2 Precinct.   B.  Approval to appoint the following member to the Gila County Planning and Zoning Commission for four years beginning January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2026: Randy Roberson.   C.  Approval of the monthly activity reports submitted by the Human Resources Department for December 2022.   D.  Approval of finance reports/demands/transfers for the reporting period of December 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.   E.  Acknowledgment of amended contracts under $50,000 which have been approved by the County Manager for the month of October 2022.   F.  Acknowledgment of contracts under $50,000 which have been approved by the County Manager for the month of November.
5.  CALL TO THE PUBLIC: A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
6.  At any time during this meeting pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K), members of the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager may present a brief summary of current events.  No action may be taken on the information presented.   7.  EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS:
A.  Information/Discussion/Action to vote to go into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) for discussion and consultation for legal advice regarding an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Gila County Provisional Community College District and for the Board to provide direction to the attorney(s). (Jessica Scibelli)      IF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTIONIST AT (928) 425-3231 AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO ARRANGE THE ACCOMMODATIONS. FOR TTY, PLEASE DIAL 7-1-1 TO REACH THE ARIZONA RELAY SERVICE AND ASK THE OPERATOR TO CONNECT YOU TO (928) 425-3231. THE BOARD MAY VOTE TO HOLD AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY ON ANY MATTER LISTED ON THE AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3). THE ORDER OR DELETION OF ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION AT THE MEETING.
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