Start Position
A. Presentation on the Arizona Alpine Trail and its activities in Gila County. (Jerry Smith)
B. Presentation of the 2022-2023 Gila County Teacher of the Year Award to Ms. Bethany Gray at High Desert Middle School in Globe; and recognition of two additional Teacher of the Year finalists: Ms. Marnie Perez from Rice Primary School in San Carlos, and Dr. Jennifer Madrid from San Carlos High School. (Roy Sandoval)
C. Public recognition of one employee through the County's Spotlight on Employees Program, as follows: John Digman. (Erica Raymond)   3. PUBLIC HEARINGS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 23-05-05 to name East Burch Mountain Road in the Globe area. (Tom Homan)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-23-08) submitted by Ashley Stovall for a new Series 10 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License at the Christopher Creek General Store located in Payson; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Samantha Trimble)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to consider adopting Ordinance No. 2023-04 which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for Unincorporated Areas of Gila County by changing the zoning for Assessor's parcel number 201-08-066T located at 140 Buckshot Lane, Tonto Basin, Arizona, currently designated as General Unclassified (GU) to add a Trailer District (T) Overlay, which would allow for two (2) travel trailers to be located on the subject property. (Randy Pluimer)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 23-05-03 which approves Gila County Community Development Case No. CUPP2302-001, a request by Vince and Cynthia Hutson (owners and applicants) for a Conditional Use Permit upon Gila County Assessor's parcel number 301-14-008G located at 4042 N. AZ Highway 87, Pine, Arizona. (Randy Pluimer)   4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
N. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Agreement No. 04262023 with the Southern Gila County 4H Leaders Council in the amount of $4,000 for the Gila County Top Guns Shooting Club that the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)
A. (Motion to adjourn as the Gila County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors.) Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the submission and subsequent acceptance of the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Enrichment Program Application by the Gila County Library District for a mini grant in the amount of $5,600 designated to Gila County for the Hayden Library for the period of June 1, 2023, to September 30, 2023. (Elaine Votruba) (Motion to adjourn as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors and reconvene as the Gila County Board of Supervisors.)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Agreement between the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry, (ADCRR Agreement No. 123-175-28) and Gila County Sheriff's Office to utilize the Correctional Officer Training Academy for the period of May 1, 2023, through May 1, 2024. (Dennis Newman)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the submittal of the courts' FY 2024 Field Trainer Grant Application in the amount of $25,000 to the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts. (Jon Bearup)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 23-05-06 authorizing the sale of 1,260 square footage of Assessor's parcel number 206-10-076 and the advertisement of the sale via auction in the County newspaper of record. (Homero Vela)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 101122 with Meridian Engineering Company to increase the contract by $142,471.85 for a new contract amount of $2,943,567.85, and extend the term of the contract to July 28, 2023. (Homero Vela)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. CTR064793) in the amount of $456,893 to provide workforce development strategies to strengthen the public health workforce from December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2027. (Josh Beck)
G. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 3 to Contract No. 012021-1 with Canyon Country Design, Inc. to extend the contract through May 3, 2024 for a contract amount not to exceed $200,000; and approve Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 012021-2 with GH2 Architects to extend the contract through May 3, 2024, and to increase the contract amount by $100,000 for a new contract amount not to exceed $200,000. (Khristina Knox)
H. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the Economic Development Grant by entering into the various Intergovernmental Agreements to jointly cooperate in Gila County's 2023 Summer Work Employment Program with the following entities: City of Globe ($7,171); Town of Miami ($14,344); Town of Winkelman ($17,930); Town of Hayden ($21,516); Town of Payson ($14,344); Young Public School ($7,171); and Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District ($25,102), which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public (Cathy Melvin).
I. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the purchase of the property located at 112 W. Main St. in Payson, Az for an agreed-upon price of $550,000. (James Menlove)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No. 04202023 with Mogollon Valley Pit Program in the amount of $5,000, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Steve Christensen)
K. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No. 05162023 with Veterans Helping Veterans Inc. in the amount of $5,000, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Steve Christensen)
L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve funds up to $30,000 to partner with the Town of Payson to purchase and install the Hashknife Pony Express at the Gila County Tommy Cline Martin Complex. (Steve Christensen).
M. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Intergovernmental Agreement No. 04252023 between Gila County and the Town of Payson for the Gila County Board of Supervisors to accept up to $30,000 from the Town of Payson in effect from May 23, 2023, to May 23, 2024, for the procurement of a Hashknife Pony Express commemorative statue. (Steve Christensen)   N. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Agreement No. 04262023 with the Southern Gila County 4H Leaders Council in the amount of $4,000 for the Gila County Top Guns Shooting Club that the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)   This item has been moved to the beginning of Regular Agenda Items at the request of the Chairman.
O. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Grant Agreement No. 05082023 between Gila County and the Globe/Miami Gun Club, Inc. in the amount of $10,000 to fund the improvements to the gun range required by Arizona Police Officers Standards and Training in order to establish the Eastern Arizona College/Gila Pueblo Law Enforcement Training Academy, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public (Tim Humphrey).
5. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A. Approval of a revised Gila County Provisional Community College Advisory Committee member list to change the terms of office for Bobby Davis, Carl Couch, and Neal Jensen to end on December 31, 2023, so there are staggered terms of office.   B. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by the Pleasant Valley Community Council, Inc. for special events to be held on July 14-16, 2023, at the Pleasant Valley Community Center in Young.   C. Acknowledgment of the April 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court.   D. Acknowledgment of the April 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Constable's Office.   E. Acknowledgment of the March 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Constable's Office.   F. Acknowledgment of the monthly activity log submitted by the Payson Regional Constable's Office.   G. Approval of the monthly activity reports submitted by the Human Resources Department for April 2023.   H. Approval of finance reports/demands/transfers for the reporting period of April 1, 2023, through April 30, 2023.   I. Acknowledgment of contracts under $50,000 which have been approved by the County Manager for the month of April.
6. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Testing. Testing. 00:00:04
You want to hear? 00:00:12
Can you hear me? 00:00:13
It's it's working pretty good. 00:00:15
Yeah. 00:00:17
Excellent. 00:00:19
Good morning, Payson. You guys get up there, Joseph. 00:00:25
Good morning. We can hear you loud and clear. 00:00:31
Hello, Sheriff. 00:00:35
And are we good on YouTube? 00:00:40
We have sound and everything today. 00:00:42
Right on. Well, welcome everybody to our May 23rd regular meeting. It is 10:00 o'clock and we will start. 00:00:45
Ohh. 00:00:54
Molly. 00:00:55
You want to lead us in the pledge this morning? And then after the pledge, we'll have the invocation by Pastor Rory. 00:00:57
Growlers, Restoration Church, outpace and I think you're on pace and so go ahead Molly. 00:01:03
Not. 00:01:10
Hey. 00:01:17
It's. 00:01:20
Enter. 00:01:24
Maybe we don't have him. Roy. Roy, would you want this this morning for us? 00:01:36
So sure, I think we're absent on a pastor this morning. 00:01:40
Where we come before you this morning in humility, thanks. Thank you for this beautiful country. 00:01:49
The country we live in. 00:01:56
The freedom. 00:01:58
And the country we're able to worship. 00:01:59
Was freedom in? 00:02:02
And the freedom to self govern. We pray for your wisdom today. 00:02:04
For the board supervisors and the many decisions. 00:02:08
We thank you for the people that are here and their interest in. 00:02:11
The youth and their interest in all of the population around Heeler County. 00:02:15
We asked to bless his time. 00:02:20
In Jesus name. 00:02:22
Thank you, Roy. 00:02:25
OK. So we'll get started here, Sam, you're good. OK, We'll start with two, a presentation on the Arizona Alpine Trail and its 00:02:35
activities in HeLa County. Mr. Jerry Smith. Jerry, if you want to step up there. 00:02:43
Do we have a mic for that? 00:02:51
It's a new one. OK, good. 00:02:54
OK. 00:03:01
Thank you. 00:03:02
Ohh. 00:03:04
Carmen Klein and Supervisor Christian Simmons. 00:03:06
Supervisor Humphrey, thank you for allowing me to be here today. 00:03:09
My name is Jerry Smith. I'm president of the Arizona Alpine Trail. We are A501C3. 00:03:14
And we are an O HV which is off Hwy. vehicle meaning mostly. 00:03:21
Side by sides and a TV type of equipment. 00:03:28
But the trail is also suitable in places for. 00:03:33
Hiking. 00:03:38
Equestrian. 00:03:40
Viking. 00:03:42
Wow. 00:03:43
Hiking. 00:03:44
Almost all modes, jeeps, cars can even go on part of it. 00:03:46
You have a. 00:03:52
Presentation there. 00:03:53
Umm. 00:03:56
I have a a another hat that I wear. Umm, I'm, I'm a council member of and trying top lakeside. 00:03:57
So I know how boring it can get if I just read you the. 00:04:04
Presentation that you that you've already have in front of you. So I'm gonna spend my time outside of that kind of filling in the 00:04:10
gaps and and giving everybody a chance to answer questions if they will. 00:04:17
Umm. 00:04:25
Our partner. 00:04:27
Alright, first of all, the the Arizona Alpine Trail. 00:04:28
Is not a small undertaking. 00:04:31
It goes from Payson. 00:04:35
To Hannigan Meadow. 00:04:38
In that. 00:04:41
Regard we have a lot of. 00:04:42
Partners. And I'll tell you about those in just a minute. 00:04:47
But what we will be operating under is a master plan. It will look like this. It's about an inch thick. 00:04:50
A master plan is generated by an engineering company, Logan Simpson out of Tempe, AZ. 00:04:59
They have. 00:05:07
We are in the process of contracting with them to do this. 00:05:09
Kind of a document, very comprehensive, covers the entire trail, covers all of the towns that are affected by this, the counties, 00:05:14
the Ranger districts and all everybody that's involved in this trail. 00:05:21
Um. 00:05:28
They will be starting their process of of generating this document. 00:05:29
Ohh once we get our grant to pay for it. 00:05:36
Our major partner is Arizona State Parks and Trails. 00:05:41
They have. 00:05:46
A I'll call it a. 00:05:48
A nice war chest of money. 00:05:50
They received money from each of the OHV stickers that any. If you have an OHP, I'm sure you probably paid the $25. 00:05:54
Um. 00:06:03
There's hundreds of thousands of these in the state, so you can imagine how much money comes in every year. 00:06:05
Arizona State Parks and Trails. 00:06:12
Loves to have a designated trail that they can spend their money on. 00:06:16
You also have to be a 501C3, which we are. 00:06:22
Uh, and they we have a grant. 00:06:26
Pending. 00:06:29
For one of these. 00:06:31
Master plans, They're over $300,000 to. 00:06:33
To to prepare because the engineering firms have to go through each of the trail sections. 00:06:37
And UH, and we have to workout the difficulty of the trail section, who it is suitable for and all of that so that grant 00:06:44
application has been made. 00:06:50
And actually today at 1:00 o'clock is the hearing for the Advisory Council to State Parks. 00:06:58
On that, on that grant, I'll be tuning into that meeting. 00:07:06
After I leave here. 00:07:11
We anticipate no problem. 00:07:14
Getting that grant because state parks ask us to do it, they said. We we want you to do this master plan. 00:07:17
The Master plan Will Tell will show you the trail as it exists today. 00:07:27
And we had a question from the audience a while ago about when will it be open? Some of it will be open if. 00:07:32
Now, because we are using existing Forest Service trails, for the most part, some county roads are involved. 00:07:39
And we'll talk about how I can. 00:07:48
How we as a trail can can help the county with with Rd. maintenance. 00:07:52
So. 00:07:59
Umm. 00:08:01
That process of of getting the grant is is underway and we hope to have our grant funded probably in another month or two-month 00:08:02
and a half depending on how long the. 00:08:09
The 2nd and the 3rd. 00:08:16
Meetings and and all of that takes. 00:08:20
So. 00:08:23
So to give you an idea of a scope of this trail. 00:08:25
It as I said, it starts in inpatient. 00:08:33
It goes through the counties of Hilla. 00:08:37
And. 00:08:40
Proud to be here and tell you about it today. 00:08:42
Coconino. 00:08:45
I have met with Coconino. 00:08:46
Navajo I met with Navajo supervisors also. 00:08:48
Apache. I have a tentative date set to give them a briefing and Greenlee County. 00:08:53
Which is where Hannigan Meadow is. And so I have met with all of those counties. 00:09:01
Um, and giving them the information. 00:09:06
Gotten feedback from them and would like to hope that you all would welcome me and we would all be partners in this as we go 00:09:10
forward. 00:09:16
Umm. 00:09:22
In addition to the counties, of course there are. 00:09:24
Lots of little towns and communities along the way. 00:09:28
And your county we start in Payson. 00:09:34
We have an age trail which goes from patient to Hannigan Meadow, AB trail which goes from Hannigan Meadow back to patient 00:09:36
separately. 00:09:41
It is a contiguous trail, 700 to 800 miles long. 00:09:45
We want a designation of National Recreation Trail. When we're done with this, we're going to apply for that. We think we can get 00:09:51
it. 00:09:55
If we do, from what I have read, we would probably be the longest. 00:10:00
Contiguous national recreation trail in the country. 00:10:06
So right now it looks like the longest one that I can find is 500 miles. 00:10:10
And we will exceed that. 00:10:15
So it's. 00:10:17
That would be great for for federal funding and all kinds of federal. 00:10:19
Uh. 00:10:24
Support. 00:10:25
Advertising information. A lot of. 00:10:29
People then from out of state. 00:10:33
Could come to use the trail right now we're kind of. 00:10:35
Just focusing on Arizona users of the trail. 00:10:39
The UM. 00:10:44
The economics are pretty staggering. Now people spend $5 billion on, OH, V's in the state we think we're going to get about. 00:10:47
On the trail of 100 and. 00:10:58
75275. 00:11:01
Machines were called units on the trail. 00:11:04
And of course, because it's so long, they're not going to, you know, it's not going to be a traffic jam. 00:11:08
But there'll be a lot of people on the trail. 00:11:12
We have done some research on it. It's in your package. People spend about $300.00 a day. 00:11:15
Uh, when they're traveling, we do this a lot ourselves. When we travel to Utah, we travel to Colorado. 00:11:22
We spend money at about $300.00 a day. 00:11:30
Per machine. 00:11:33
Uh, when we're traveling and usually we do five or six days. 00:11:35
We're thinking that that's about the same level that this trail will see. 00:11:38
And and that's. 00:11:44
In a summer that might be $5 million worth of business for for the small towns. And it's all small rural towns in in Arizona. 00:11:47
That's what's the nice thing about it. 00:11:51
We're not talking about the, you know, the state of Maricopa we're talking about. 00:11:57
Heela County Pumpkin Center. 00:12:03
Young getting additional revenue that they would not otherwise get. 00:12:07
From people using this trail, so. 00:12:13
Now as I. 00:12:16
Kind of digress there, I was saying the, the, the magnitude of it. 00:12:17
It does include the the towns of Payson Jakes Corner. 00:12:22
Pumpkin Center, Tonto Basin. Young. 00:12:26
And then the trail goes up to forest lakes. 00:12:30
And uh. 00:12:33
We will have sectors. 00:12:36
For marketing sections of the trail, so someone could do a loop. 00:12:38
They could stage in person, do a loop. 00:12:43
All the way down through. 00:12:47
And back up through Young and and across the Coconino. Then and back through pine and Strawberry. Or they could do one through 00:12:49
Pine top Lakeside. 00:12:53
In that area they could go over to Springerville, they could make, maybe make a loop from Hannigan Meadow to. 00:12:58
Down through Alpine to. 00:13:06
To eager and back up or you'll have people who want to do the entire trail. It's take them ten days, maybe do. 00:13:08
To do the whole trail, typically people will ride 60 to 80 miles a day. 00:13:14
On these trips. 00:13:20
And they'll stop in all the towns and they will spend money at the restaurants, the hotels. 00:13:23
Gas stations, car washes, you name it. 00:13:29
There are tourists. 00:13:33
And they will stop and bite. 00:13:34
Tourist memorabilia also. 00:13:37
So. 00:13:41
Um. 00:13:42
Our partner. 00:13:44
Partners and this is the National Forest Service for the most part. 00:13:46
At this time, we don't go through any tribal land. 00:13:50
State trust land. 00:13:55
Or BLM land. Now that can change. 00:13:57
In the future, as we. 00:14:00
As the trail progresses and and matures. 00:14:03
It will change. 00:14:07
Right now we have some sections of the trail that are very dangerous, I think, in my opinion. 00:14:08
Ohh, there's two miles where we have to be on Hwy. 260. 00:14:15
Up by Right where the young Rd. hits 260. 00:14:20
And the Forest Service has already given us a letter that says please build a trail. 00:14:27
Well. 00:14:35
That bypasses the highway, so that's what this document will let us do. 00:14:37
Once this master plan is in place, we can. 00:14:42
We can build with a trail. 00:14:45
We can bypass places. The trail does not go through very many towns directly, but it touches all these towns with connector 00:14:47
trails, so it makes it easy. And we're trying to be good citizens. We know we create dust, we create noise. 00:14:56
But we're working with all of the towns as we do this, so that. 00:15:05
When we come into town, we're coming in where the town says great, that's where we want you to be. 00:15:10
We want you to be here and there. We also have the ability to build. 00:15:16
Parking staging. 00:15:21
Areas for people to come in. 00:15:24
Park their units, matter of fact in patient. 00:15:27
Supervisor Christianson we we talked to. 00:15:31
Mayor and town manager there. 00:15:35
Uh there. 00:15:37
UM looking to expand the parking area just E just West of the of the fairgrounds. 00:15:39
And said could we partner with them for for some money with a grant And we said absolutely that's exactly what state parks would 00:15:45
like to do is to is to help build places like that. 00:15:52
So we're doing that in all of the counties. 00:15:59
We think primarily Payson, Springerville and maybe Pinetop and Solo area would be good places for the first three. 00:16:03
But we can build 1 pretty much anywhere We could help with that, so. 00:16:12
We're dealing with. 00:16:19
It's kind of interesting, but. 00:16:22
There are a lot of players. 00:16:26
In this because of the massive length of the trail, so um. 00:16:28
In Hilo County, we're dealing with. 00:16:34
Patient Ranger District. 00:16:38
And a ton of Basin Ranger District. 00:16:40
And from there we go up to coming on the A trail up. 00:16:43
Would be that way up through forest lakes and we hit the Black Mesa Ranger District. 00:16:48
In Apache SIT groups, the others were in Toronto, then from in Apache Sitgreaves. We also have Lakeside Ranger District. We have 00:16:55
Springerville Ranger District. 00:17:00
And we have Alpine Ranger district. 00:17:05
So all of those are involved in pretty much the atrial, but B trail coming back. The same ones except. 00:17:09
We take off and at Forest Lakes and go through Coconino. 00:17:16
So we're going to go up on top of the rim to the to the coconut. 00:17:21
So all of those Ranger districts are. 00:17:26
Are on board. We've met with all of them. 00:17:28
And um. 00:17:32
But we have a lot of. I'll just mention one other thing, and I don't want to take too much of your time here, but. 00:17:33
That we have. State Parks is our major player partner, but also. 00:17:41
All of the the. 00:17:47
And the National Forest Ranger districts, our partners. 00:17:49
Game and Fish. 00:17:53
Um, the Eastern Arizona Trails Collaborative is a partner. A dot. Because we're touching highways. Crossing highways. 00:17:55
A dot is involved. Tread lightly. Leaving the trace, there's a lot of. 00:18:07
Of partners that we have coming along here and I'm hoping Heela County will soon join that group. So one of the things that we 00:18:12
offer to a county. 00:18:18
Is Rd. maintenance. 00:18:24
If we happen to be on a County Road, we know we're going through your county, but a lot of times it's on forest roads, but 00:18:26
sometimes it's on county roads. 00:18:31
For example, from pumpkin center up to the. 00:18:35
605 I think it is. We take Forest Rd. 71. 00:18:40
And that's a County Road. 00:18:45
We're gonna use that road and we're gonna. 00:18:48
Maybe contribute to it, getting rough in places, whatever, so. 00:18:51
Um. 00:18:57
We what we propose to do is apply for a grant in partnership with you. 00:18:58
For maintenance, maybe we can add a grading. 00:19:04
Run or two a year for you. 00:19:09
Help you with that? Anything else we can do? Parking areas, staging areas that makes sense for for the county, We'd be happy to 00:19:12
work with you on that. 00:19:17
We. 00:19:23
As a partner, we would like something back. 00:19:26
We would like your support. 00:19:30
I would. I will be sending you a letter requesting. 00:19:32
Support from Heela County. 00:19:39
For the Arizona Alpine Trail. 00:19:41
And um. 00:19:44
We file these with our application just in case in the for the, especially for the master plan for the grant application, they 00:19:46
might say well. 00:19:50
You know, what about Hila? Did you did you talk to Heela County Captures my letter. You know, yeah, they're in support of. 00:19:55
Of the trail, and we'll do that also as we go after grants, we'll be. 00:20:02
Partnering. You'll have to sign, you know, approval. 00:20:06
Permit permission and approval for those. 00:20:09
And the other thing is that we're asking this. 00:20:13
This effort does not happen without money. 00:20:16
Umm. 00:20:20
So what we're doing is asking each of the the small towns for $1.00 of their state shared revenue per person in the town, which is 00:20:20
not too much to ask for. 00:20:26
And also we would ask each of the counties. 00:20:32
For some money, we're asking for Navajo County and Hella for $15,000. 00:20:35
So I'll send you a letter requesting that and. 00:20:42
However, you feel so motivated. 00:20:46
We are not fixed on that. We are negotiable and we'd be happy to take anything you give us. But that's our, that's our, that's 00:20:49
what our letter will will state so. 00:20:54
Uh, with that? Um. 00:21:00
Can I answer any questions? I'll bet you can. Jerry. Supervisor Humphrey. Questions or comments? No, I don't. I don't have any 00:21:02
questions. You pretty much explained most of it. 00:21:08
The only thing is is yeah, I think the trails would be great anytime that we can organize some of these travels on Forest Service 00:21:15
roads and things. 00:21:19
I think it's a good thing. 00:21:23
And also as far as being able to advertise it and direct people in a in a more organized fashion. 00:21:25
And so I I think it's a good thing. 00:21:33
And as as far as funding and things go, that's meetings we'll probably have to have with. 00:21:36
Staff. 00:21:43
And certainly where we go with things of that nature, but. 00:21:45
Yeah, I I have no questions. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey. Thank you very much. You're right. One of the things we do is we're 00:21:48
getting people off of the trails they shouldn't be on. The Forest Service is very happy about this and and right now we are on 00:21:54
some trails that are too busy that we want to get off of. 00:22:00
Especially the highways. There's certain sections that we're on on highways, especially down around Jakes Corner Department 00:22:07
Center. We're on 188, we don't want to be on 188 and we think we can build a trail. 00:22:14
Around. 00:22:22
Some of that and get away from that we've been working with. 00:22:23
Jeremy. 00:22:27
On the From the Forest Foundation to help us figure out where we could, where we could best build the trail to avoid highways. 00:22:29
Yeah. 00:22:33
Supervisor Christensen, thank you. Chairman, thank you, Mr. Smith, Thank you for my sticker. Arizona Alpine trails. Yeah, thank 00:22:39
you. And intriguing. I think it would bring a lot of economy to Heela County. 00:22:45
And. 00:22:52
If you can get some traffic off of the 64 control Rd. that'd be helpful. 00:22:54
But where does this trail start in pacing? 00:23:00
Starts at just West of the fairgrounds. 00:23:03
OK. 00:23:08
West of the fairgrounds we do not cross into across the the Indian. 00:23:09
Now the tribal land there at the stoplight, we come down on the West side of patient down, turn east. 00:23:15
And we intersect the road to the gun range. 00:23:23
OK. And we're going to have a a parking area, probably a small one there, but we're going to have a big one up by there. If 00:23:27
patients that I you know come to terms on it, we'll we'll help put one there by the fairgrounds. 00:23:35
And then it goes from there. 00:23:43
Um. 00:23:46
It goes. 00:23:48
Ohh down. 00:23:50
Across gun range, then it goes down. 00:23:52
Across the right bridge that goes down to Jake's corner. 00:23:54
And from Jakes Corner, it goes to Punkin Center. Punkin Center, We hope to use your new bridge one of these days. Get across the 00:24:00
tattoo because that's one of the restrictions is the Tonto. There's one bridge across the Tonto. 00:24:07
That's up and patient. 00:24:14
Umm. 00:24:16
And we. 00:24:17
We can't get across the tunnel when it's running. 00:24:19
Yeah. So that will be a restriction. 00:24:22
They have an alternative on our trail, however. 00:24:26
They can go through the Coconino. If it's not, it's closed. 00:24:30
OK, but wait, but then you miss out. 00:24:33
On the traffic. 00:24:36
You know through pumpkin center and. 00:24:37
And and all that. 00:24:39
So once you're you're bridge. 00:24:41
One of the requirements is to be street legal. 00:24:44
To use our trail, right. OK, so the street legal, they can ride anywhere we can cross your bridge and then when you get on the 00:24:48
forest roads on the other side. 00:24:53
Get on 71 probably. OK, perfect. So that's that's kind of the plan, right? That sounds good. We're it's a it's a long term plan, I 00:24:58
mean I'm starting this. 00:25:03
You can see I'm not gonna live. 00:25:08
Until this thing is completed, but if we can get it started in the right direction, I'm happy. 00:25:11
Thank you, Chairman Klein. 00:25:17
Jerry, thank you so. 00:25:19
I got a question. I don't think you can answer this, but I'm going to give it a shot. So last six years. 00:25:21
The amount of traffic. 00:25:28
From side to sides, basically that I see and in my district. 00:25:32
Has just increased every year it does and so. 00:25:37
When this is all finalized, let's say. 00:25:41
What do you think the use is gonna be then is? Are we gonna see more or are we already seeing the traffic that's there or what do 00:25:47
you think? I think you're going to see more because this will be a destination for OH peers. 00:25:54
They will say, wow, we finally have a place where we can ride and we know and we won't get lost because we have signage and we 00:26:03
know that we can make it because we don't have difficulties that are beyond the capabilities of the. 00:26:11
Average driver. 00:26:20
And one of the problems that. 00:26:23
Everybody has IS. 00:26:28
ATV noise and dust. 00:26:31
Nobody likes it. We don't like it. 00:26:34
I wouldn't want it in my neighborhood. 00:26:36
And what we're trying to do is get people. 00:26:40
Off of those neighborhoods and out of those neighborhoods. 00:26:43
We cannot stop. 00:26:48
Someone from driving in those neighborhoods. So we, I mean, we have no control, right? We're working diligently with Game and Fish 00:26:49
and county sheriffs, by the way on enforcement. 00:26:55
To make sure that there's their vehicles are legal and the children all have helmets and and everything is is legal that way and 00:27:02
they're not racing and going over the speed limit and things like that. So we're trying to work on enforcement from that 00:27:08
standpoint. 00:27:14
But I can tell you that with. 00:27:21
We feel that with our efforts. 00:27:23
To. 00:27:26
It won't get any worse from our standpoint. We think it will help. 00:27:27
We can't stop it, but we think it it will help that problem when people have a a designated trail. 00:27:34
That they can now get to and stay on so. 00:27:41
So there's issues with this as well. 00:27:45
And so when you you talk about designated trails, you talked about the 609 Rd. Duncan Center and Young. 00:27:48
You talk about some of these other back roads. 00:27:55
The other users that are on those roads, they're out there. 00:27:57
And and these are the type of people where you might come around the corner and they're sitting in the middle of the road having a 00:28:01
picnic. 00:28:04
And so for like I'm going to give you an example for like us locals where I live. 00:28:07
When we go down these roads, especially on a Saturday or Sunday. 00:28:13
Most of us have gotten pretty, pretty used to looking ahead and watching for the dust cloud that's coming. 00:28:16
Because most all the. 00:28:22
I would pretty much say most all of the side to side use that we see and it'll be a group of maybe 5. 00:28:25
Or 50. 00:28:32
But they're all traveling at a high rate of speed. 00:28:33
And these these roads, like the 609 Rd. they're being used by other recreational users. 00:28:37
They're being used by permittees that are out there trying to get their cows or going down the road with the horse trailer. 00:28:44
They can't get out of the way. So there there's there's these issues that are out there as well. I'm just just bringing this up. 00:28:50
Umm. 00:28:58
And and some of it you know hopefully one of these days we'll you know we can address it in other ways but. 00:28:59
So having the trail system in place. 00:29:05
Thinking about the increase of usage on these trails. 00:29:10
For a lot of people, isn't a very comforting feeling. 00:29:14
You know, if you understand what I'm saying, I I completely agree. 00:29:18
Uh, well, one of the things we're trying to do is get off of the busy. 00:29:22
County roads and the busy forest roads, right. Onto trails, right. And I'm sure our trail. I understand what you're saying. Yeah, 00:29:27
but that's where I'm I'm saying there's a difference is because on those weekends, during the weeks in the summer time, on the big 00:29:32
holiday weekends. 00:29:37
We have tons of users out there in the woods anymore and I think we can credit that to discover here the county which is doing an 00:29:43
awesome job. But so the people are out there. It's not just the side-by-side siders or or that it could be a another 4 wheel drive 00:29:50
group or it could be just mom and pops out there doing the camping trip with the kids. 00:29:57
So there's a lot, lot to be said. I'm not trying to discourage yours throwing thing in the, you know in the kink in this idea. But 00:30:04
I'm just saying there are issues with this as well as it as it begins to grow and become more and that's where I would hope that a 00:30:10
lot of these. 00:30:17
Maybe a lot of these groups these side to side groups. 00:30:25
When they had their meetings. 00:30:28
The, the, the, the leaders, whoever spend it on will address some of this and say, hey, look. 00:30:30
When we're on these roads, let's don't go down these two track roads 50 miles an hour. 00:30:36
And and let's take it easy because what you'll see in these groups. 00:30:41
And I don't understand how this is fun, but I guess it is the one in the lead is having the best time in view of their life. 00:30:45
Everybody else behind them is is pretty miserable, I can promise you. I mean, it's just just. 00:30:52
And so, but with that being said, those folks in the back that are coming up in the back, they don't have the visibility at that 00:30:59
person in the front yet. 00:31:03
And when you start meeting other people on these back roads. 00:31:07
And what not, it becomes issues. 00:31:12
So, so another another thing like I told you a while ago, I had a letter come through from pine and Strawberry area saying hey you 00:31:14
know, we're. 00:31:19
We're already. 00:31:25
Pretty much busy and crowded on weekends. What what did how does this help that you know what I'm saying And so so there's other 00:31:27
concerns out there that I think. 00:31:32
I think you mean addressed. 00:31:38
I I really do. And I would hope that the the users would be responsible and recognize that, hey, look, we're not the only ones on 00:31:40
this trail today. 00:31:45
Good point, Chairman, Klein and. 00:31:50
I would. 00:31:55
Say in one respect that. 00:31:56
One of the things we'll do is we'll. 00:31:59
We'll have people on the trail during the week. 00:32:01
And maybe it'll help. 00:32:04
You know, I know the weekends, we can't control it, so I wish we could, but we can't, right? And yeah, if you're a right leader. 00:32:07
Umm. 00:32:14
You're in the you're, you're in the no dust zone and you're in the look for all the wildlife zone, right? And everybody else 00:32:16
behind you is. 00:32:20
She's got face masks, you know, they're covered. They got covered and everything. So because of the dust, so one of the things, 00:32:26
another thing I'm gonna throw out there, I'm I'm just throwing these out there because we can all see the good parts of this, but 00:32:31
we don't talk about the the other side of it either. 00:32:36
When you get in these remote areas, whether it's someplace like Pumpkin Center, Tunnel Basin or it's in young, you have these 00:32:41
small rural fire departments. 00:32:46
They're they're everything that we have. That's it. There may only be two people on on call that day or or available that day and 00:32:51
so when you have the increase in the in the use and you do have a wreck or you do have this or that it gets pretty tough to get 00:32:57
keep all that covered or you're out there where maybe we only have one deputy on that day for the whole eastern part of HeLa 00:33:03
County. 00:33:09
You know, so there's there's other things that needs to be considered. 00:33:16
But I think one of the most important things is, is that these groups, these ATV side to side groups. 00:33:19
Need to have this talk and say hey look. 00:33:26
This isn't just a big play date, so you go spin around in the middle of the road on and when you mentioned the maintenance on the 00:33:28
roads. 00:33:32
I'm going to tell you straight up, that's one of my pet peeves, because our Rd. department can be out there from Monday through 00:33:35
Thursday grading these roads and by Sunday they're trashed. 00:33:41
We can't always turn around and go back and replace those roads, so it becomes a really, really big issue for for me in my 00:33:47
district. 00:33:51
That, hey, you know we. 00:33:55
We just can't do it. It it's like we like. We like the people. We like to to see them come in and spend money and leave. That's 00:33:58
good. 00:34:02
But there's the other part of that is it really gets tough to to. 00:34:06
Fix the damage too. And so that's that's a balance that I think working with you or whoever we we really need to take a hard look 00:34:11
at. That's why we're talking to you, we're talking, you know, we're trying to get ahead of what we can get ahead of. 00:34:18
And. 00:34:27
So we. 00:34:29
It's interesting that you bring up the. 00:34:31
Uh, the rural. 00:34:34
Ohh. 00:34:36
EMT Hmm. Because we're we have met with several. 00:34:36
And said, look, you're pretty rural like forest lakes is, you know? 00:34:42
Some isolated young is isolated. 00:34:47
We have the ability to help you purchase. 00:34:51
A. 00:34:56
Let me call it. 00:34:58
Enforcement. 00:35:00
Rescue. 00:35:05
Vehicle. 00:35:06
For your for your fire department or your for some of these small towns. We talked to Forest Lakes and they were saying, Oh yeah, 00:35:08
we will one of those. So state parks will fund the cost of those through Arizona Alpine Trail. And I'm not saying that that's not 00:35:15
a help. That's a real generous offer and a nice help. 00:35:21
But you got to have people to put in there. 00:35:27
And so you have to have the people to you have to have the people. And when I I just recently attended the fire departments 00:35:30
meetings and people personnel are an issue. 00:35:35
You know, to keep all everything covered. So but these are just things that I wanted to bring out and throw out there that we 00:35:41
can't, we can't ignore the other, the other people that we talked to that really. 00:35:47
Are probably going to be the brunt of the rescue efforts. And that's the county sheriffs, Yep. And they're stretched into. 00:35:53
There are files, of course. 00:36:02
My backyard. So we met with Sheriff Clause and we he said he would start reaching out to each of the other county sheriffs so we 00:36:04
can have the same conversations about. 00:36:09
How do we handle injury rescues and non injury rescues? And yeah, the people run out of gas, right? You know, versus. 00:36:15
Jerry, thank you for the presentation today. And if neither one of the others have anything, why Will? 00:36:25
We'll move on and I appreciate the time. I look forward to further discussion discussions. Thank you very much. Thank you. 00:36:31
Appreciate your time. 00:36:34
Yes. 00:36:39
OK. 00:36:41
It's going to work, Sam. 00:37:16
You're good. 00:37:17
Alright, we'll we'll get started at 2B. 00:37:18
Presentation of the 2223 Heeler County Teacher of the Year Award to Miss Bethany Gray at High Desert Middle School and Globe. 00:37:22
And recognition of two additional Teacher of the Year finalists. 00:37:31
Miss Marnie Perez from Rice Primary School in San Carlos. 00:37:36
And Doctor Jennifer Madrid from San Carlos High School. Roy. 00:37:41
Mr. Chair, good morning. We're supervisors. Thank you for having us today. 00:37:45
I would like to begin by thanking. 00:37:52
Cindy Fisher Smith, because she coordinated this effort and it takes a lot of effort. 00:37:54
To get to all the schools, go through the applications, get organized, people who go through the applications, and so forth. 00:38:00
Michael, welcome to friends. 00:38:04
Family members who came today also assistant Superintendent from Globe, Doctor Krista Domeland. 00:38:09
She's back there. Thank you. 00:38:17
Uh. 00:38:20
I've not yet seen a. 00:38:22
Person come from another profession. 00:38:24
Who was not and teach who was not by November, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 00:38:28
Sick. 00:38:35
And just about in tears. Many are in tears. 00:38:38
And saying. 00:38:41
But there are 28 of them, and there's only one of me. 00:38:42
Somehow they it it is a very difficult profession. 00:38:45
People don't realize it, especially to do well. It is difficult and great teachers are becoming increasingly rare. So we honor 00:38:50
these people today. 00:38:55
I'd also like to thank and recognize our judges, Preston Pollack. 00:39:02
From Cobra Valley Regional Medical Center. 00:39:07
Marin Belling, finance from Heela County, and Monica Wolforth, the Healer County treasurer. They went through 165 nominations that 00:39:10
comprised some 70 teachers. So it was a few. 00:39:17
Yeah. So there's two years. So what I'd like to do is if I can just. 00:39:27
In the interest of brevity, 3 each person up and just give you a little bit of background about them if I can, OK. 00:39:33
So if I can have our second runner up, Jennifer Madrid. 00:39:40
Here please. 00:39:44
Mrs. Madrid has been teaching physics for 19 years. 00:39:54
And in the past has worked as a research advisor, robotics coach, mentor, teacher, national honor, society advisor and project 00:39:58
leader. 00:40:03
And biomedical science teacher. 00:40:07
She currently teaches physics. 00:40:11
Research Bioscience. 00:40:13
At. 00:40:16
San Carlos High School. 00:40:16
Mr. Madrid has a passion for teaching physics. She loves challenging students in both science and engineering process skills and 00:40:18
cares deeply. 00:40:23
About the growth of her students. 00:40:27
So we honor you. 00:40:31
As our. 00:40:32
By the way, she gets $100 check. 00:40:33
Thanks. 00:40:37
Roy, when we get all done here, can we get everybody up as a group and have a picture? Ohh, I would love that please. Thank you. 00:40:43
Our first runner up, Marni Perez. 00:40:52
But she's special. 00:41:00
And even more rare. 00:41:02
She is a special education teacher in preschool at Rice Primary Elementary School in San Carlos. 00:41:05
She's been teaching for 21 years. She has a Masters degree in Special Education and is presently teaching at San Carlos Rice, 00:41:13
primarily primary school, as a special education teacher and preschool. Her heart and passion for little children. She has a heart 00:41:20
and passion for little children because they might make her life important. 00:41:26
She has unwavering support from the district and school administration and is surrounded by teachers and a staff. 00:41:33
That are genuinely. 00:41:40
Positive. 00:41:42
So. 00:41:43
I think it's. 00:41:45
$300 00:41:46
Woo Hoo. 00:41:47
Bethany Gray. 00:41:56
Our Teacher of the Year for Felix County. 00:41:58
She's originally from Colorado, but she's lived. 00:42:05
Throughout the state of Arizona, she attended the University of California at San Diego, earned a BA in U.S. history, and began 00:42:08
her journey as an educator. As she progressed, she felt a real pull to study wildlife biology, so she completed another three 00:42:14
years of graduate education in AU. 00:42:20
She then went on to work as a field biologist in the Southwest. 00:42:26
Then, with family in central Arizona, she began to crave the stability and more regulated work experience. 00:42:30
A close friend at the time. 00:42:37
I've done this to people as well, suggesting that she go into education. 00:42:39
She states that the middle school chose her. 00:42:44
And she chose the kids right back. They inspire her with their curiosity and the paths they choose and the things that make an 00:42:48
impact on them. She finally feels like she found her home place here in teaching. 00:42:54
And was recently able to add a Masters in education to her own education. 00:43:02
Her first year in Globe has been utterly transformative. 00:43:07
There's been a mixture of magic that is not duplicated elsewhere. She feels very lucky to be part of the team that works with 00:43:11
these kids, to connect them to the community and also make sure. 00:43:17
That they can see what awaits them. 00:43:23
In the world. 00:43:26
And still see. 00:43:27
She she's buying a lot of chapters. 00:43:36
Help. 00:43:39
Picture time. 00:43:40
No, that's it. That's it. Thank you so much. Ohh. One more thing. They are changing the format. A RSA is taking this whole thing 00:43:42
now. We are not. 00:43:47
Spearheading it, they sort of took it from us. 00:43:52
So we thought. 00:43:55
We're not going to do one. We're going to do 3 people and honor him on our way out. And we're kind of sad that we're losing 00:43:56
control of the thing, but I don't know what to say. 00:44:01
Have a picture? All right, let's get a picture. 00:44:06
Come on up here. 00:44:09
Thank you. 00:44:17
Like. 00:44:20
So they say that. 00:44:22
Yeah. 00:44:25
A little bit outside. 00:44:27
So. 00:44:30
No problem. 00:44:34
Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. 00:44:39
OK. 00:44:44
Moving on to 2C, public recognition of 1 employee through the county spotlight. 00:44:45
Unemployment program as follows John Digman and Erica. 00:44:51
Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Chair, members of the board. 00:44:56
We did have John there, but he unfortunately had to go away for some duties. So my apologies for that, but we'll make sure he gets 00:45:00
a copy of this recording. Thank you for allowing me to be here today. As mentioned, we do have one employee for this month, 00:45:07
Spotlight on employee, who is, of course, John Dickman. His Spotlight nomination red. 00:45:14
On Saturday, May 20. 00:45:21
On Saturday, March 18th, 2023, a vehicle was observed on the roadway leading to Buckhead Mesa Landfill and it swerved out of 00:45:23
control and went off the roadway through the bar. Ditch became stranded and was not running. No one was injured. Upon hearing of 00:45:30
the mishap, John Digman went to assist the driver and was able to pull the vehicle and trailer back onto the roadway. 00:45:37
John attempted to help in restarting the engine with gas ACAD available, but to no avail. 00:45:44
John then picked up a tow chain which he then used to move the stranded vehicle to a safe and open area where the owner was able 00:45:49
to take care of the rest. 00:45:53
I believe this type of behavior is indicative of all our county employees and John Digman demonstrated that on this occasion and 00:45:57
this was committed by Supervisor Christensen. John is of course with our public works department and he has been employed with the 00:46:02
county for 11 years and eight months, so. 00:46:08
And thank you Erica Supervisor helping comments. 00:46:14
No, just thank you for the. 00:46:18
For the staff that we have in there. 00:46:21
Their willingness to help. 00:46:23
SuperValu, thank you. Thank you, Erica. And I did submit it because I witnessed it. But you know, this is not maybe unusual 00:46:26
behavior. This is what we do at the county. And so I I wanted, I wanted to be him, to be recognized for that because he didn't 00:46:32
just do something, he went out of his way to do it. So. 00:46:38
Thank you. Yeah. Thanks for bringing this forward to you, Erica. And it's good to see our folks doing this. So thank you very 00:46:44
much. Thank you. 00:46:48
Under three public hearings. 00:46:52
3A. 00:46:55
Information, Discussion Action to adopt Resolution #23-05-05 to name E Birch Mountain Rd. In the Globe area. Tom. Good morning, 00:46:57
Sir. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the Board. 00:47:04
The HP mines recently did some land divisions and we have. 00:47:13
Two homeowners going in there. 00:47:20
Normally our procedure is to consider just two homes. Consider that a driveway. 00:47:22
But can. 00:47:28
Given that this is nearly a mile long driveway, it made sense to go ahead and name it. HP also has some future expansions where it 00:47:30
would be relevant, so we're bringing this to you today for your approval. 00:47:37
Answer any questions you may have. Thank you Tom Supervisor Humphrey. 00:47:44
I I have no questions other than thank you for assisting it needing to be done if it needed to be done so. 00:47:48
Appreciate your work in it because I understand you have a lot of things that you need to go by when you're addressing for 911 and 00:47:56
everything else in Rd. name so. 00:48:01
Super Resolution. I think it's Chairman. Thank you, Tom. I have no questions, Tom, thanks. Yeah, I'm good. So that I'll entertain 00:48:08
a motion. Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #23-05-05. 00:48:14
I'll check into that having a motion a second, I'll. 00:48:21
If this is a public hearing, do you have Ohh? It is. Thank you Tom for being there. There was always Jessicas Belgrade Throw pan 00:48:25
at me, OK? 00:48:29
Hold that motion and let's open it for public hearing. Is there anyone in patient? 00:48:34
Joseph, I can't hear you. 00:48:43
No, I take it there's no one in pace in there. 00:48:49
OK. Thank you. 00:48:54
Anyone on YouTube? 00:48:56
And no one here that I'm aware of. 00:48:57
So. 00:49:00
Having him. 00:49:02
Set a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye. 00:49:04
Aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you, Tom. Thank you. Get me back on track today, huh? Yes, Sir. 00:49:09
So 3 Be information, discussion, action to consider a liquor license application. 00:49:15
Counting number L-23-08 submitted by Ashley Stovall. 00:49:21
For a new Series 10 beer and wine store liquor license at the Christopher Creek General Store located in Payson. 00:49:26
And this year, a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether license should be granted Sam. 00:49:36
Good morning, Chairman Klein and Board members. As stated, this is a Series 10 beer and wine store liquor license application for 00:49:45
the Christopher Creek General Store, formerly known as the Tall Pines Market located in the Christopher Creek area. The County 00:49:50
does have an internal review process whereby the Treasurer reviews the application and ensures the applicant is current on 00:49:55
property tax payments for all properties owned in new accounts. The Health department and building permitting department both 00:50:01
review the application as well. 00:50:06
To date, there have been no issues reported for the Christopher Creek General Store. The clerk of the Board's office recommends to 00:50:11
proceed with the public hearing and I can take any questions. Thank you, Sam. Supervisor Humphrey. 00:50:16
Mr. Chair, I have no questions. Supervisor Christensen. The only observation I have is it says it's located in Payson. Yes, Sir, 00:50:22
the physical address is Payson. I see. Thank you for that and I haven't. 00:50:28
I have no questions, Sam. So that I'll open it up for a public hearing. 00:50:34
Is there anyone in Pace and Joseph? 00:50:38
No, Sir. OK, none on YouTube and none here. I'll entertain a motion. 00:50:42
Mr. Chair, I move to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control approve the liquor license application 00:50:47
submitted. 00:50:51
By Ashley Stovall for the Christopher Creek General Store. 00:50:55
And I will second have a motion in a second. All in favor. Do so by saying aye, Aye, aye. Motion carries. Thanks, Sam. 00:50:59
On the SEA 3C Information Discussion Action to consider adopting Ordinance number. 00:51:06
2023-04, which authorizes an amendment to the HeLa County zoning map. 00:51:13
For unincorporated areas of Helix County. 00:51:20
By changing the zoning for assessors parcel #201-08-0616. 00:51:23
Located at 140 Buckshot Lane Tunnel Basin, Arizona, currently designated as General Unclassified Gu. 00:51:32
To add a trailer district key overlay which would allow for two travel trailers to be located on the subject property Mandy. 00:51:42
Good morning, Chairman, Supervisors. 00:51:52
As you know, RV's are becoming a bigger and bigger thing and we're going to be bringing that towards you for a work session here 00:51:56
in the near future. 00:52:00
But on this process, Ronald and Kimberly Newton. 00:52:05
Are asking for this amendment. 00:52:10
In January of 2023, staff received a complaint regarding multiple recreational vehicles located on the subject property. 00:52:12
During the cyclists, there was determined that there were two recreational vehicles on site. 00:52:21
That were hooked to utilities and a 10 by 16 shed that was placed on the property. 00:52:26
Staffed Opened a code enforcement case. 00:52:32
CP 23/01/04 that is still active at this time. Under current interpretations 1 recreational vehicle is allowed in Gu. 00:52:35
Anything other than that, it considers it an RV park. 00:52:47
So there are different sizes obviously of RV parks. This one is going to have two trailers if approved. 00:52:51
Governors are proposing to rezone the subject property to Gu with a T to allow for two travel trailers. 00:52:59
On the subject property. 00:53:08
Originally the subject property came out of parcel 2120108066 L. 00:53:10
Which is to the West of the current. 00:53:17
There are two electrical services currently served. 00:53:19
On this property, it was brought up during the meeting that their thoughts there was three. We have had staff go back out and 00:53:23
verify that there are two. 00:53:27
Umm. 00:53:32
They both were permitted prior to the watch fit. 00:53:33
From 06/6 L. 00:53:38
The subject property is served by the Tonto Basin water. 00:53:41
According to Hill County permit records, a septic system. 00:53:45
Was installed on the property 2013. 00:53:49
When the property was still part of 66L. 00:53:52
The current septic system will accommodate the proposed use. 00:53:56
Per the Hill County Wastewater Department. 00:54:00
You know the County Planning and Zoning Commission at a duly noticed open public hearing. 00:54:04
Held on April 20th, 2023. 00:54:09
Recommended Denial of the Hello County community development case number Rezone P23O3001. 00:54:12
With a vote of three to one. 00:54:22
With one Commissioner abstaining. 00:54:26
Reasons given to deny the Commission were to remain original zoning of the property and they believed it would be a negative 00:54:28
precedence. 00:54:33
For this May 2020. 00:54:40
Hearing or supervised meeting legal ads were published on 5/2 and 5/3 in the Pace and Roundup in the Silver Belt. 00:54:44
Respectfully. 00:54:53
In addition to a citizen participation meeting that was held. 00:54:55
On site with Mr. and Mrs. Newton on March 4th of 2023. 00:55:00
2 individuals in attendance, per the Newtons, There were no concerns expressed by the neighbors. 00:55:04
Mr. Newton also provided a far wider sign in favor of the rezoning. 00:55:10
To date. 00:55:16
The staff has received. 00:55:17
One call in support of the rezone. 00:55:19
2 emails of support. 00:55:22
For the result one called opposing. 00:55:25
The result? 00:55:28
3 emails opposing from 2 separate people. 00:55:30
And two individuals. 00:55:36
At the Planning and Zoning Commission. 00:55:37
Meeting spoke in opposition to the result. 00:55:41
The subject property is currently zoned Gu. 00:55:45
Which allows for a variety of land use uses, ranch, farming, residential, commercial and recreational. 00:55:48
Additionally, one recreational vehicle is allowed. 00:55:56
Per the subject in Gu under the current interpretation. 00:55:59
The Hill County Zoning Ordinance defines a recreational vehicle park. 00:56:04
As a plot of ground on which two or more? 00:56:09
Spaces with the required utilities, improvements and located and maintained. 00:56:13
For awkward, chiefly recreational vehicles as temporary living quarters for recreational vacation purposes. 00:56:17
The trailer district is a district to be combined with. 00:56:24
The current district density. 00:56:29
This will allow mobile and manufactured homes. 00:56:34
Additionally, the T overlay is used for recreational parks. 00:56:38
Because that requires more than one RV to become a recreational park. 00:56:43
Again, this ordinance would allow two. 00:56:47
Trailers and two only. 00:56:50
Umm. 00:56:53
If the rezoning application is approved. 00:56:56
Development plan will need to be submitted and approved prior to the continued use of the subject property. Mr. Bella plan is 00:57:00
designed to address issues such as fences, trash, operational uses, lighting and so on. 00:57:07
That. 00:57:16
You're beating up, Mike. I I get this. 00:57:19
Staff feels that this can become harmonious with the conservation area. 00:57:23
This neighborhood, though? 00:57:29
I will state has. 00:57:31
Probably 80% houses and and then some vacant property. Could be a little off on those percentages. 00:57:33
But this is on Crappy Lane, Buckshot lane, all those around there. 00:57:41
And. 00:57:45
Lot of houses and then some empty lots. 00:57:46
Uh, there are seven conditions that would go with this that are in your ordinance. 00:57:50
That if you approve, they would be required for them to. 00:57:54
Meet. 00:57:58
With any of that, be more happy to answer any questions that I can. Thank you, Andy. 00:58:00
Supervisor Humphrey Good, District. 00:58:06
Yeah, Brandy, I have a million questions and and. 00:58:10
But I'm not going to ask him all right now, but but this is something that we're moving on on creating. 00:58:14
Ordinances for many homes, fifth wheels, motor homes, those kind of things. So. 00:58:22
That is something that we're moving forward with on on our adopting ordinances, correct? 00:58:27
OK and so. 00:58:34
That I'm, I'm very anxious for because in my district right now there's a lot of complaints of, you know, I mean from Roosevelt 00:58:36
where somebody's got two motorhome or two fifth wheels hooked up. 00:58:43
So they've been told to unhook them and remove them and other people and So what what gets me is is if we do this overlay for one 00:58:50
particular piece of property. 00:58:55
Then what is? What is that going to do to our overall picture if if we say grandfather them or give them an overlay? 00:59:02
And then we create a. 00:59:11
A structure for the county as far as these things go. 00:59:13
Then are we gonna have to exclude this overlay that we did? 00:59:18
Or is it still going to be in effect? 00:59:22
For whatever changes we create or ordinances that we build in the future. 00:59:26
My understanding that this would be a legal question more than. 00:59:31
Zoning. 00:59:34
That if it is in existence at the time of the new ordinance. 00:59:35
Uh, then it would probably be existing and grandfather did. 00:59:40
Yeah, if it's. 00:59:44
If the new ordinance changes any of those requirements. 00:59:46
Then. 00:59:50
We would, they would. Anyone after that would have to meet the new requirements. 00:59:52
Again, I would refer that to legal to see if there's any. 00:59:55
Variances on that interpretation. OK. I yeah I I just see if if if we if we do an ordinance for a piece of property. 01:00:00
With with the square miles that we have in Hand County. 01:00:11
I could see you up here pretty regular trying to. 01:00:15
Pass an ordinance for their neighbor. 01:00:21
And then their neighbor. 01:00:23
And then pretty soon, we're in another piece of property. 01:00:25
And that is a concern both staff. 01:00:28
And has been brought up by the public. 01:00:30
That that is an option. I mean everyone in Gu right now, it has that option, right? Some have taken it and some have been approved 01:00:33
and some I believe have been denied. 01:00:38
So it is it is possible. So yes yeah I'm I'm I'm I I guess I'm very anxious for us to work on ordinances because. 01:00:45
You know, 50 years ago there weren't many homes, there weren't fifth wheels, there weren't some of these things that are now. So I 01:00:55
I think eventually we're going to have to create an environment. 01:01:01
And the structured. 01:01:08
For this type of living. 01:01:09
Because. 01:01:12
There's a lot of people going to many homes and things now that building. 01:01:13
Has become extremely expensive. 01:01:17
Um, so I'm anxious for the ordinance, but I I don't know that I'm anxious. 01:01:20
For continuing to overlays until. 01:01:25
Until we get the ordinance. But on this particular place there is a a septic on this property. 01:01:28
For those two. 01:01:36
5th wheel, Correct. Then it has been approved by the Wastewater Division. 01:01:39
OK. 01:01:46
Mr. Chair, I think I'm finished with questions for now. 01:01:48
Supervisor Christensen, Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, Randy. 01:01:52
Umm. 01:01:57
So my general idea is that anyone that requests and zoning change, it has to make a lot of sense to me. 01:01:58
Rather than just look like a favor to a particular property. 01:02:09
So planning and zoning denied it. We have more. 01:02:12
People opposed to it then support it. 01:02:18
And the current property owners have been in violation of our current ordinance. That's true, Correct. OK. 01:02:21
Thank you. That's all I have. 01:02:28
Surani Anhan, I guess I'm easily confused today, but. 01:02:31
It says authorizes an amendment to the HeLa County zoning map for unincorporated areas of Heela County. 01:02:36
So we're not just talking this property. 01:02:44
So now anytime a rezone is done, it is it's going to affect that one property. 01:02:47
So on the map, it'll show to you with a key overlay. It won't, it doesn't change it from Gu. 01:02:54
But anytime that the board approves the rezone, the map changes. 01:03:01
So. 01:03:05
It's not. 01:03:07
Changing title basin. 01:03:08
It's not changing anything other than this specific property. 01:03:10
To that if it's allowed to allow for the to overlay. 01:03:15
Yeah. 01:03:20
It's confusing as hell to me, so. 01:03:21
But I agree with Supervisor Humphrey, I think this is a bigger issue. 01:03:24
And I think time is at the essence on this because things have changed in the last few years. 01:03:29
There's more and more people living in in what we call RV's. There's more and more people putting more money in RV's than you are 01:03:37
stick built homes. 01:03:41
And so. 01:03:46
I think to me it's something that we need to address as a county. 01:03:48
Honestly, and I will tell you in doing some research on all this. 01:03:53
All the counties are having issues with RV's. 01:03:57
Mr. O'Driscoll has us coming to a work session, hopefully in June, I believe. 01:04:02
That. 01:04:07
To bring to you this, make sure which kind of direction that you want staff to take in this area, because it is, it is. 01:04:08
Overwhelming. 01:04:16
A lot of people believe, you know, if you talk to some of the current residents in Tonto, it's made for next to the lake. I can 01:04:18
have as many RV's I should be able to have, you know, family come and we spend 20 RV's out here. 01:04:24
Yeah, the guy next door that spent. 01:04:30
Half $1,000,000 bill in the House thinks they shouldn't have any of these. 01:04:32
So we will be coming for your direction on. 01:04:36
How you want staff to proceed with the ordinance, it is. 01:04:40
One of the big, there's like 4 big items and that's one of them. 01:04:44
And so will we come in for your directions here in the next month or so? 01:04:48
Yeah. And I I think that's really important from the county standpoint. For me personally, it's a pretty big struggle that I have 01:04:53
because I believe you buy the property, you're paying for it, you're paying taxes on it. I don't see a problem with the RV's. 01:05:00
But I believe that from a country standpoint, we have a bigger issue to tackle. 01:05:07
And just a particular property right now. 01:05:13
Typically. 01:05:16
So with that, I'd open up a a public hearing. Do we have anybody in patient Joseph for the public hearing? 01:05:18
Yeah. 01:05:24
OK. 01:05:25
OK Sir, if you could just state your name and address and you got 3 minutes. 01:05:36
Good morning. Thank you for holding. 01:05:43
OK. 01:05:46
This is the second home that I've owned in. 01:05:56
And I had one in the late 1900s. 01:06:00
Capital for several years and then sold it. I bought the parcel that I reside at right now at 275 and 2011. 01:06:03
My wife and I selected the neighborhood based on the fact that they would be. It appears to be a minimal amount of future 01:06:10
development and Wildcat subdivisions of DNA. 01:06:16
We subsequently designed built a home and are transitioning to full time. 01:06:24
Residency there. The last two years we've been there approximately 7 to 8 months. 01:06:29
We love the neighborhood the way it is right now. 01:06:33
We are concerned with. 01:06:37
The. 01:06:39
Proposed rezoning and the window that it opens up for the future. 01:06:41
You know those roads are not. 01:06:47
That's totally well built. 01:06:50
The excessive traffic when you have high density. 01:06:53
Residency may on particular lots increases. 01:06:58
There are several of us that have participated in Roberts Rd. improvements down there. There are no roads over to agreements in 01:07:02
place. 01:07:05
So we're concerned about that. I have a contiguous parcel next to my residence right now, bought as an investment I believe. 01:07:09
By allowing. 01:07:18
To exceed the amount of. 01:07:20
Arby's as is being proposed here. 01:07:23
That concerns us with the contiguous parcel. 01:07:26
Interestingly enough, we have another parcel that we purchased last year. It's on the next block over on 12 run. 01:07:30
The first became available. 01:07:38
We have made well, we have good friends that wanted to move into conservation. 01:07:40
We went over and looked at the parcel. 01:07:44
Talked to the owner on it and he had exactly the same scenario that is being proposed right now. He had a partial, he had 01:07:47
multiple. 01:07:50
Sub out and you saw these in place for multiple RV's and his stated intention was to use it basically as a destination spot for 01:07:55
buddies. 01:08:00
To put their RV's down and come down and fish and hunt. During the season, they would put their RV's on by run, their RV, their 01:08:05
ATV's and whatnot, and. 01:08:11
Ultimately, the county shut them down. They told him it was not allowed or they needed to go ahead and disassemble everything. The 01:08:18
seller at that point wasn't happy. The neighbors were pleased, as were we. 01:08:24
And when he decided to. 01:08:30
Took a lot on on the market. We bought the lot, we bought the lot with the provision that everything would be disassembled, 01:08:34
restored to normal, would follow the existing zoning requirements and subsequently at that point, once it was just assembled, 01:08:39
verified by the county I submitted and was approved for a permit. And we presently have a stick built, homes being built on the 01:08:45
parcel and eventually that will become the property of the two friends that have expressed interest in moving in there, they're 01:08:51
there now. 01:08:56
My biggest concern again is the the president will discuss for the future. 01:09:03
I've been around Hill County. I've been around Arizona for 45 years. I've worked with the general contractor and as a developer I 01:09:11
understand zoning. I appreciate. 01:09:15
The protection of zoning requires. I also know how people can get crafty. And they can. 01:09:22
They can work around zoning. 01:09:27
And craftiness went through it less working outside of zoning as established. 01:09:29
The intentions of the of the homeowner right now on that parcel, on that we're talking about I'm sure are good, but again the 01:09:37
precedent that it says I believe is questionable and also question what would happen in this parcel conveys in the future. 01:09:45
So with that, I would respectfully request that you read the letter that I had sent to County yesterday and accept my thoughts 01:09:53
today. And I respectfully request that this motion be denied. Thank you, Sir. 01:10:00
Thanks. Is there anyone else in Payson, Joseph? 01:10:08
No Sir, OK. 01:10:15
Do you have anybody on YouTube? 01:10:17
Is there anyone here? There is none. No one here, so I'll close the public meeting hearing. 01:10:19
And then entertain a motion. 01:10:27
Mr. Chairman, I will move to deny the adoption of Ordinance #2023-04. 01:10:29
Mr. Chair. 01:10:39
With comments that. 01:10:41
That the future is coming and we're going to have to make ordinances for the future. 01:10:43
And and it's probably going to include some many homes and things of that. So people in Eagle County know going forward that 01:10:48
eventually we're going to need to create something to allow. 01:10:53
That type of living but. 01:10:59
For now I will second the motion. 01:11:01
Can I have a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye. Aye, aye, aye. Motion carries denied. Thank you, Andy. 01:11:04
Ohh, you got one more? Yes Sir. Information Discussion Action to adopt resolution #23-05-03. 01:11:13
Which approves HeLa County Community Development case number C UP2302. 01:11:22
Yeah, actually 001 A request by Vance and Cynthia Hudson, owners and applicants for conditional use permit upon Heela County 01:11:29
Assessors Parcel #301-14-008-D. 01:11:37
Located at 4042 N Highway, Arizona Hwy. 87 Pine Arizona Randy. 01:11:45
Good morning again. So the apartments are proposing to lease a portion of their property to Sky in the Pine. 01:11:55
LLC Handcrafted Rustic Furniture. 01:12:03
Also, another sky. 01:12:07
Sky has been displaying his items on Settlers Village property. 01:12:09
Which is APN 30120005. 01:12:14
Which is 3 properties to the South of where we are talking today. 01:12:18
If the conditional use permit is approved, Sky will be relocating to the applicant property. 01:12:23
Skyward Display has wood carvings and teepee along the front of the property, which borders Hwy. 87. 01:12:29
On the front patio and in the open grass area South of the B Line guesthouse, but not in the setbacks. The applicants will be 01:12:36
using the existing downstairs front great room of the Beeline Guest House, approximately 572 square feet. 01:12:44
As a gallery to display skies furniture. 01:12:53
They wish to use the half bathroom. 01:12:57
Of the Beeline guest house, which is located right off the gallery as a public ADA restroom. 01:13:00
If approved. 01:13:06
By hello county wastewater. 01:13:08
And the building department? 01:13:11
Per the app, Census will be a retail only site. There will be no wood carving processes on site. 01:13:13
Our retail sales will be inside the gallery as required by Heela County zoning and conditional use permit. 01:13:19
During the pre application meeting that was held. 01:13:26
With the attention, it was determined by the Healer County Wastewater Department the current septic system is not large enough. 01:13:29
To accommodate the proposed use. 01:13:36
The Afghans will need to install a new septic system. 01:13:39
With a large enough to accommodate the proposed use. Additionally, since the public will be utilizing the restroom facilities, 01:13:42
they will need to make it ADA compliant. 01:13:47
Westwater and building plans will need to be submitted. 01:13:52
For review and approval, the subject property is located on Hwy. 87. 01:13:55
Along a multifunctional corridor in Pine, AZ. 01:14:00
Ingress and egress to the site will be off Hwy. 87. 01:14:04
With an A dot permit and approval for a new. 01:14:08
Driveway. 01:14:12
Hwy. 87 is highly traveled as is. 01:14:14
Parking for the retail business will require to meet Hello County zoning ordinances. 01:14:18
Outside parking shown in the proposed site plan provided by. 01:14:22
The applicants may or may not, or certainly working with them on on. 01:14:27
Doing that. 01:14:32
Umm. 01:14:33
The Heliconia Planning Zoning Commission Commission, Sorry and a duly notice public hearing held on April 20th, 2023 recommended 01:14:36
approval for the Health County. 01:14:41
Um. 01:14:47
Small community development case C UP23O2001. 01:14:49
But has specific retail businesses. 01:14:54
And after prerequisite conditions are met and contingent on compliance with other conditionals listed. 01:14:58
On here we have 4 prerequisite conditions of are written in your ordinance. 01:15:05
And then there are six maintenance conditions that will also need to be required to be followed. 01:15:10
Um. 01:15:16
So this is Marcus from Patient was held on March 7th, 2023 to individuals in attendance. 01:15:19
Further Hudsons with concerns expressed were. 01:15:26
About parking and flooding from the water Stormwater for the Hutchins. They have received an e-mail on March 1st. 01:15:29
In support of the conditional use permit. 01:15:36
By the way, before I go on. 01:15:39
This has met the requirements. 01:15:42
A/C, P and A rezone had followed the same process. 01:15:46
And we have 16 properties that were. 01:15:50
Notified in the 300 square foot. 01:15:54
And five of them are against. 01:15:57
So that required ticks in the 20% rule. 01:16:00
Which requires A unanimous vote by the supervisors. 01:16:02
To date, staff has received 2 calls from opposition. 01:16:08
Other requested conditional use permits stating safety concerns. One e-mail in opposition to the commissioners permit. 01:16:12
One mail in letter. 01:16:19
The photos and opposition to the conditional use permit. 01:16:21
Saving parking, flooding and drainage concerns. 01:16:24
There was one individual that spoke. 01:16:27
At the Planning Zoning Commission meeting on April 20th in opposition to the conditional use permit. 01:16:30
The intent purpose of the residential one district which is is currently zoned. 01:16:37
This developed areas primarily for single family dwellings. 01:16:42
Intended, then all purposes be installed, operated and maintained in a manner so as each complement at our least a minimum 01:16:46
disruption to R1. 01:16:51
If you look on our map there. 01:16:56
This property is the last property along that highway on the West side. 01:17:00
That is still zoned R1. There's one property on the. 01:17:05
Each side that is still our one also. 01:17:10
Uh, and if you have the app application. 01:17:14
Staff considers the county zoning ordinance the current and proposed land uses, primary adjacent zoning, and if the land will be 01:17:17
compatible and harmonious with the neighboring uses. 01:17:22
The surrounding properties that abut are zoned. 01:17:28
Are transitional residential. 01:17:32
And commercial C2? 01:17:34
You'll have. 01:17:39
Harry Comprehensive plan states that it seeks to enhance opportunities for development of low intensity cottage and craft. 01:17:40
Commercial uses adjacent to SR87 which is his. 01:17:49
This is also a month Monti functional corridor. 01:17:54
And that basically means that it's on the highway. 01:17:58
And. 01:18:01
Based on the review and the application, staff felt that this could become harmonious with the area since it was in the area. 01:18:04
Few houses down. 01:18:13
Umm. 01:18:15
Again, there are some prerequisite conditions. 01:18:16
That the Hutchins will have to make, and they'll be made those things that will have to be kept up. 01:18:19
Through the process. 01:18:25
And again the board of painting board voted for. 01:18:27
Any questions you want, happy to answer. 01:18:33
Thank you, Randy Supervisor Humphrey. 01:18:36
I just guess. 01:18:39
Everything that they're going to need to do to this property. 01:18:43
Wouldn't be. 01:18:46
Entrance and exit approval by a dot kind of be one of the first things to. 01:18:48
To look at. 01:18:53
It is, except if you look at a dot, it is a long drawn out process. Well, I understand. So if we approve it, they don't get the 01:18:55
driveway. 01:18:59
Then why would they go forward with some of the provisions of what they have to do without, and that's why we have the 01:19:03
prerequisite. 01:19:07
Requirements that if before this even becomes approved. 01:19:11
Those prerequisite items have to be met, right? 01:19:15
I would just like to see the the. 01:19:19
8 on approval prior to my approval because my approval means nothing without a dots and. 01:19:21
Yeah, and then that's just that, that's that's just where where upsetting with it, but. 01:19:29
Yeah, that that's the only question I have. Thank you. 01:19:34
Supervisor Christiansen, thank you. Thank you, Randy. 16 properties were. 01:19:38
Modified. 01:19:45
Ohh, how many out of the 16 responded? I know you said five were against. 01:19:46
I believe it was just five that responded. 01:19:51
Just five. There was 5. 01:19:54
OK. Thank you. 01:19:55
****. 01:19:58
Yeah, I I guess I don't have the questions or any other. I know you've been working with Vince and and Sandy and obviously they're 01:20:00
willing to do these changes or whatever. I understand what supervisors Humphreys saying too, but it probably, I mean they probably 01:20:06
needs our approval to start their process so. 01:20:12
I get that too. You know, So I I'm, I'm good. I don't. I don't have anything else. So that would open up the public hearings. 01:20:18
Joseph. Anyone in Payson? 01:20:24
No, Sir. 01:20:30
OK, is anyone on YouTube? 01:20:31
No and. 01:20:34
I know that Cindy and Vince have turned in a slip. I don't know. Do you guys feel like you need to say something? Vince. 01:20:36
Come on up. 01:20:44
Just. 01:20:48
State your name and and all that. I'm Vince Hudson. I'm the owner of the property, my wife and I. 01:20:49
And just so we know. 01:20:55
We're in a wreck with the flooding in that area and I think everybody sitting here knows that. 01:20:59
We're on a property that was divided. 01:21:04
Out of several parcels. 01:21:07
That we don't have legal access to Hwy. 87. 01:21:09
But yet. 01:21:13
The county allowed the recordation of the splits. 01:21:14
To cause them. 01:21:18
OK. 01:21:20
We are the ones that asked for the new approach. 01:21:21
We went to a doc and asked for the approach. 01:21:27
We contacted the county, submitted our preliminary drawings and everything stating and showing that. 01:21:30
We want to get our property in compliance. 01:21:36
Right now, we honestly are not folks and I mean anybody sitting in here that's been doing the research, they know that. 01:21:40
We're trying to do the right thing. 01:21:48
Not trying in a gate. 01:21:51
Not trying to hide anything. 01:21:53
And we've got other issues besides this that. 01:21:55
Several other parties there, implying has been there a long time, have created. 01:22:00
We've got our irrigation system in the highway. 01:22:04
Which is supposed to. 01:22:07
Which? 01:22:09
Who put that in? 01:22:11
Play unites. 01:22:12
Miranda family. So, Vince, we need to stay on topic here. OK, that's really so. And I agree. I agree. 01:22:14
If we don't redo our driveway down to the southern part, OK? 01:22:21
Because where it's at today. 01:22:27
With our house there, there's not enough room for the driveway. It's got to be at least 20 feet. 01:22:29
That's why we. 01:22:33
When the Sky Game guy came to us because he was getting evicted from the other property. 01:22:35
We said OK, but these are the things we got to do. We were the ones that contacted a doc. 01:22:41
A dot didn't contact us, so we're trying to do the right thing in this. 01:22:46
Application and get the property in compliance. 01:22:50
With with your guys rules and regulations, we're not trying to deny nothing or hide nothing. Absolutely not. 01:22:55
So. 01:23:03
Do we? Do we need to have your approval to get theirs? Do we need to have theirs to get yours? 01:23:05
You know, I'm only honest with you. 01:23:11
Both of us look at each other. We don't know. They don't. They won't say. It doesn't seem like no one saying here. 01:23:13
So. 01:23:19
Honestly, I think. 01:23:22
Gave us an approval with condition that we get the application from a dot, then I can go back to a dot with Yes Sir. 01:23:26
Domba. Mr. Dumba, Here's the proof. 01:23:36
Tony said they would give us this. 01:23:39
Yeah. 01:23:42
We took the driveway down here. 01:23:43
That's for work. 01:23:45
OK. 01:23:47
Sounds like a winner. We've already applied. Now our our application runs out. 01:23:49
Friday. 01:23:55
If we don't know, they give you 60 dates. But where would the only last step? Cindy, you might need to come up here. Yeah, she 01:23:56
knows more about the dates. 01:24:00
Just state your name segmentation. 01:24:07
Yeah. 01:24:11
But we already have the application in for the for the driveway permit with ADA. We've gone through all the steps. 01:24:12
Are waiting for is an asphalt contractor because ADOT requires that they approach the essence of it. So we we have someone coming 01:24:20
to give us a bid. 01:24:24
Tomorrow. 01:24:29
Tomorrow morning. Yeah, what? You know, Wednesday morning, Wednesday. 01:24:31
So we're already going through the process, you know, but ADA takes the time it takes. We all know that. They have told us we have 01:24:35
everything else submitted. We just need an asphalt contractor and his insurance. 01:24:41
And we're just, we're looking for bids right now. We're waiting. So it's not that we're not going to do it. 01:24:49
We know we need that, we not only need it for. 01:24:55
For Sky to come there, but we need it because it's much safer than what we have now. And. 01:24:59
It goes along with kind of regulations. 01:25:05
Where the old one doesn't, did not and does not still. 01:25:08
So you know, we're working on it. 01:25:12
But again, like you said A that's waiting for approval from you, we're waiting for approval from 8 out, so you know. 01:25:14
How's that gonna? Something's gotta give somewhere and certain process. 01:25:23
We've done everything we can do. We're just waiting for that contractor and then they tell us that everything's in. 01:25:27
So. 01:25:34
That's where we're at with that, Cindy. Thank you. You're welcome. Appreciate that. 01:25:35
No one else. I will close the public hearing part. 01:25:40
And. 01:25:45
Entertain a motion. 01:25:47
Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #23-05-03. I will second that having a motion, and a second all in favor. Do so by saying 01:25:49
aye. 01:25:54
Aye. 01:26:00
Aye. 01:26:01
Any opposed, aye. 01:26:03
I guess it died on that one. 01:26:07
Sure so. 01:26:11
10 pass, guys. Thanks. 01:26:16
OK, Moving on, 4 #4 regular agenda items. We're going to do a shift on this. It was going to be. 01:26:20
The. 01:26:29
District library out, but we're going to change that and bring some kids up first so they can. 01:26:31
We can see what they're doing and. 01:26:36
Go from there, so we're moving item number N. 01:26:39
Up up first on this so we'll address that and I don't remember and is information discussion action. 01:26:43
To approve Agreement number 04262023 and Economic Development Grant with the Southern Heeler County 4H Leaders Council. 01:26:51
In the amount of $4000 for the HeLa County Top Gun Shooting Club, which the board has determined to be a benefit for the public. 01:27:02
This is mine and I've been visiting with Gerald Patak on this and this is a really cool program and part of 480 that they've 01:27:08
started. 01:27:15
And with that, Carol, I'm gonna let you discuss this a little bit. Would you do that? 01:27:22
Thank you. I'd be very happy to. 01:27:28
Thank you to supervisors to allowing us to present. I'd like to bring up our three youth that are here with us today, AJ Shivel. 01:27:31
He is the Co leader of the group and actually the. 01:27:38
The initiative behind starting this whole group last summer. And then we've got Sarah Rascoe and Chantelle Jordan. 01:27:42
Uh, we started this group last June. We decided that, and I'm gonna let AJ talk a couple minutes about it, that he was very 01:27:50
interested that we needed the Shooting Sports Group and Heela County. 01:27:55
Because let's face it, you know the youth in our organization and the youth in our county to have something as positive. 01:28:02
To have something that's fun. To have something that they can get good at. 01:28:09
Uh, we got going a little faster than what we expected. We started with 14 kids last June. 01:28:13
I was like October 1st, 2022, We went to 35 and we have a waiting list for this organization. So I mean like AJ. 01:28:20
Take over the presentation about why he thinks shooting sports was important for your county. 01:28:28
And where these three young people are going and why they're all wearing matching shirts. Thank you, Carol. AJ, just let us know 01:28:32
your full name and where you're from, please. 01:28:36
My name is AJ Shively. I'm from. 01:28:41
Aye. 01:28:44
Globe originally. I've lived here my whole life. 01:28:45
Basically, we're coming here today. 01:28:51
I have these wonderful shooters here. They know how to shoot guns very well. I've taught them. 01:28:53
A lot of what they know. I started this out. I thought a lot of younger kids as well. 01:28:59
And. 01:29:05
As far as right now, we're sending a few of our shooters, our better shooters, to national competition. It's located in in 01:29:06
Nebraska. 01:29:11
What our plan is. 01:29:17
This year is we're going to learn mostly, and then next year we're going to hit them with the heat. 01:29:19
We're going to. 01:29:26
Figure out what we need as far as supplies go. 01:29:28
Um, this year And in Nebraska, because. 01:29:32
Let's face it, you don't know what you need to buy if you if you don't see it, right? We've been lucky enough to partner with 01:29:35
some. 01:29:40
Folks from Coolidge. 01:29:45
They help us. 01:29:47
With. 01:29:49
Finding what we need as well as teaching me I am not as good as some of these shooters that are going to net Nebraska. 01:29:50
And so they teach me as well, and I bring my knowledge back to you, accounting to teach even the from the 9 year olds all the way 01:29:59
up to I believe Chantelle is 16 or 17. 01:30:05
She's 15, Sorry. 01:30:11
I do have a 16 year old in my club I believe though. 01:30:12
Basically, we're just. 01:30:17
Here to show you guys that we're here. We're growing very fast. 01:30:20
We're bringing education to your community about these firearms and how to basically handle them because we want. 01:30:25
Our younger generations to be knowledgeable. 01:30:34
And I'm gonna let them introduce themselves as to what their names are and what they are going through Nebraska. Thank you, AJ. 01:30:37
Hi, my name is Sarah Orozco and I am competing in the air pistol. 01:30:46
Competition in Nebraska. 01:30:50
And I am also one of the first. 01:30:53
In the state to go. 01:30:56
For every stop. 01:30:57
Call Dion. 01:31:00
So I'm Shantell Jordan and I qualified for Air Rifle to go to Nationals. Ohh good. 01:31:01
Good deal. 01:31:07
So in Arizona, we're actually sending a few teams. 01:31:09
Umm. 01:31:14
Hill County is lucky enough to be on in three positions. 01:31:16
Or have three positions on the team going to Nebraska 4 Arizona. 01:31:21
Uh, we're just that good, you know? 01:31:27
Chantelle is very good with her rifle. We shoot standing up a lot. 01:31:30
It's very difficult. We're shooting. So they're pellet guns, but they're high precision pellet guns. So every 16th of an inch, 01:31:36
right? That's a small measurement, every 16th of an inch from all the way across the room. 01:31:42
It could be first through. 01:31:49
Probably 30th, right? There's going to be so many competitors down there in Nebraska. 01:31:51
It's gonna be a great competition, great learning experience and I. 01:31:58
I'm looking forward to what I can bring back to your community. 01:32:02
For you guys and. 01:32:06
All the knowledge we're going to gain, I think that's all that we have. 01:32:08
Unless Carol would like to say anything else, yeah, I'll just plug up and say I've learned to not underestimate these young 01:32:14
people. I made the decision in February to send eight of our shooters to the state championship. 01:32:19
With the intention of them going and getting, experiencing what we're heading, where we're going, and that was my idea. 01:32:24
And it that I picked, I picked 2 juniors, 2 intermediates and four seniors to go, and I picked them because they showed up for 01:32:31
practice. I picked them because they were safe. Then I knew I could sign off. They could kind of hit stuff down range, and that 01:32:37
wasn't the primary criteria, but mostly because they had a great attitude. 01:32:42
I sent eight kids down there to get experience. 01:32:49
The end of the first day of competition, they handed out 18 medals. 01:32:52
Nine of those metals came home to Hitler County. 01:32:55
These kids are amazing, you know? Now we're sending from Philly County to Nebraska. 01:32:59
I don't know. 01:33:05
I'm going with them because I want to see what they're doing, you know, I just, I just, I'm amazed they will compete both as an 01:33:06
individual and they also compete As for the state of Arizona. 01:33:11
And so the state director has the idea that if we could finish in the top half of the states that are competing, he'd be happy. 01:33:16
And they said don't underestimate these kids. 01:33:24
I sent them to State thinking that they were going to go down and get get experience and they came home with half the medals, 01:33:26
including two championship buckles. 01:33:30
And qualified all four of our seniors for national competition. 01:33:34
So I think that's really a testimony to the quality of youth that we have here in Helen County. 01:33:38
They've been able to become more visible in the community. They had a dinner that they ran, the whole dinner. They did a fantastic 01:33:43
job. 01:33:47
And and the community just fell in love with the madness, embraced them and I think it's, you know, we need to bring out the 01:33:51
positive that's in youth. And I happen to run into one of the high school teachers. 01:33:56
A couple weeks ago at the at the coffee shop and she asked me if we had any Globe High School students going to the competition. I 01:34:01
said yes we do. 01:34:05
And I told her who the competition competitors were. She's always I've noticed the difference in this family. 01:34:09
That she's got her confidence, she's got a discipline, she says. She's always been a sweet young lady, but she's really gained an 01:34:14
air of confidence, and so we really appreciate the Board of Supervisors the opportunity to present. 01:34:20
Because these really are truly remarkable young people. And there's so many more. Gary Killer County. 01:34:27
That we can help have that kind of a positive experience. We just want to say thank you. 01:34:32
Thank you, Carol. AJ, you ready for some questions? Yeah. Alright. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:34:37
I I don't have any questions. I just I think it's great of what you're doing. 01:34:44
And I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you. 01:34:50
And so let us help you in the future of this. 01:34:54
We're strong for the youth, or I am anyway. 01:34:58
That's supervision. 01:35:01
Thank you. Thank you guys. I didn't know about this program until just now but. 01:35:05
Makes me proud to know that you're. 01:35:10
Putting a lot of effort toward this and that it will build confidence and skills and. 01:35:13
Everything. It's pretty easy to. 01:35:18
Support. 01:35:21
The project that you guys were on. So good luck to you guys. Thank you Sir. This is really cool. You guys are doing an awesome job 01:35:22
and. 01:35:26
You bet. Well. 01:35:30
Ohh. Hopefully be behind you the whole way so we'll see how it goes. Carol, once this is all done, let's get a picture with all 01:35:32
you guys. Is that alright? 01:35:36
All right. 01:35:41
To the competitive part after they've competed, we would love that. 01:35:43
Back and thank you and and whatever happens, my instruction to them is go to Nebraska, have a great yeah, absolutely. No, we would 01:35:48
love to see it now. Just do the best you can. And I'm just so proud of them. They're going. Healey County represents about 10% of 01:35:52
the Arizona national team. 01:35:57
And our our program appears less than a year ago. 01:36:02
Ohh that I need to take a motion. 01:36:07
Mr. Chair on Which to approve Agreement number 0426 Senior Civil Deputy County Attorney 2023 with Southern Hula County 4H Leader. 01:36:11
Leaders Council in the amount of $4000. 01:36:20
That we have determined to be a benefit or we have determined to be a benefit. 01:36:25
Um, of the public. 01:36:30
Second, having a motion. And second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye aye, motion carries. Let's take a minute and get 01:36:33
a picture. 01:36:37
Your hands. 01:36:47
Regulations. Good job you guys have. Yeah, you'll do fine, Yeah. 01:36:51
OK. 01:37:01
I'll let him go first. 01:37:06
Yeah. 01:37:10
Can we get you all down this way a little bit, please? I will need a journal as a Healer, County Board of Supervisors and convene 01:37:12
as a HeLa County Library District Board of Directors. So move Mr. Chair. I'll second. 01:37:19
Now motion. And second, all in favor, do so by saying aye aye aye. Motion carries information, discussion, action to authorize the 01:37:26
submission and subsequent acceptance of the Saddlebrook Community Outreach Enrichment Program application. 01:37:34
By the Heeler County Library District for a mini grant in the amount of $5600 designated to Heela County for the Hayden Library 01:37:43
for the period of June 1st. 01:37:49
23 to September 30th 23 Elaine. 01:37:56
That was a hard act to follow it. Well, it would be. 01:38:00
Thank you, Chairman, Klein, Supervisors, I appreciate your time. 01:38:05
This is another mini grant that we had a quick turnaround on for the Hayden Public Library. As you recall, we had one. 01:38:08
We lost the idea of audio for some reason. 01:38:16
Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. 01:38:22
OK. 01:38:25
Kenyon. 01:38:27
So you recall you had already approved the one previously for $5000 for the hidden library that was so successful. We have had so 01:38:28
many programs down in Hayden. We've had such a hard time in the past. 01:38:34
Getting people because Hayden is is a small community and we've been doing yoga, we've been doing kickboxing, we've been doing 01:38:40
healthy meals for seniors. 01:38:45
Including salads and smoothies. And we have one. 01:38:51
A parent of one of the seniors that said his mom could hardly move. And since she's been to the yoga and the kickboxing classes, 01:38:55
her arthritis doesn't hurt so bad. So we look for another grant, and this is a grant from Tucson. Saddlebrook Community is a 01:39:02
volunteer program that gives grants for early literacy, for health enrichment for the Copper Corridor, and we were awarded that. 01:39:08
So we're asking for you to accept that. 01:39:15
And if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer. Thank you, Elaine. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:39:22
I have no question. Supervisor Christensen. Thank you, Elaine. I have no questions and neither do I. Thank you for doing this, but 01:39:27
that I'd entertain a motion. 01:39:31
Mr. Chair, I move to authorize the submission and acceptance of the Saddlebrook Community Outreach Enrichment Program Mini Grant 01:39:36
in the amount of $5600 as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye 01:39:42
aye aye. Motion carries. And I need a motion to adjourn as the HeLa County Library District Board of Directors and reconvene as a 01:39:48
HeLa County Board of Super. 01:39:54
So move, Mr. Chair, I will second that any motion. And second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye, aye. Motion carries, 01:40:01
Elaine. Thank you. 01:40:05
On to be Information, discussion, action. 01:40:10
To approve an agreement between the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry. 01:40:15
A DCR Agreement #123-175-28. 01:40:21
And HeLa County Sheriff's Office to utilize the Correctional Officer Training Academy. 01:40:28
For the period of May 1st, 23 through May 1st, 24. Dennis, good morning. Good morning, Chairman, members of the Board, Ladies and 01:40:34
gentlemen, I tighten up your sense. I'll make this quick. 01:40:40
We have to utilize other agencies to train our detention officers and so we contract with the folks around the state. 01:40:47
In. 01:40:56
2019, we had a contract with DOC and and that's the original agreement. All we're needing to do is is to amend this because you 01:40:57
know we're having to to pay for each detention officers officer that we send to the Academy of the $958. And then 2150 a day for a 01:41:06
lot of the for the instructors, a lot of the tangible stuff that they use. 01:41:15
So there is an original agreement out there and this is just an amendment to that. This will be for one year period and for the 01:41:23
remaining four years we will we'll have to come before you to get to get approval for that. 01:41:30
So what we are asking that you approved this first year contract with the Department of Corrections for training our detention 01:41:37
officers for detention facilities? 01:41:43
Yes, thank you. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no questions. Mr. Sir, Supervisor Christians, thank you, Dennis. No questions. 01:41:50
Yes, I'm good as well. So thanks. And with that entertain a motion, Mr. Chair moved to approve everything with the Department of 01:41:57
Corrections Rehabilitation and Reentry Agreement #123-175-28AS presented. 01:42:03
Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye, Motion carries. 01:42:11
On to see information, discussion, Action to approve the submittal of the courts, Fiscal Year 24 field. 01:42:18
Trainer grant application in the amount of 25,000 to the Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts. 01:42:26
Jonathan, good morning. Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, excuse me, before you today is a grant application as you stated. 01:42:34
Before you take any action, I want to provide a brief account of the position itself. In 2015, the Superior Court Court reporter 01:42:39
retired. 01:42:45
Rather than rehire that position for administration my group. 01:42:51
Work with then county administration and county human resources. 01:42:54
To reinstitute the Field Trainer position. Field Trainer position offers benefits to all county courts and court offices, whereas 01:42:59
the Court Reporter would have only positively impacted one single aspect of Superior Court operations. 01:43:05
The field trainer acts as the police training coordinator. 01:43:13
Ensuring compliance with continuing education requirements as well as providing specific training. 01:43:16
To various areas of the court or upon request that report where court office. 01:43:22
For example, our field trainer right now is working pretty intensively with the clerk at the Hayden Magistrate Court to ensure we 01:43:27
have good, adequate court services and for that constituency. 01:43:32
Field Trainer also offers a General Court specific orientation to assist with the onboarding of new employees. 01:43:38
Rendering new hires more effective. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the field Trainer acts as a liaison with the 01:43:46
administrative office of the Courts and the rollout of new automation initiatives. 01:43:51
As we presented to the board over the years, we've often stressed that point. I'm not going to list all of those things now, but 01:43:57
we do have several such initiatives underway. 01:44:02
Including digital evidence, which will ultimately replace paper exhibits and trials and hearings. 01:44:06
In fact, the Field Trainer has been instrumental in our transition to paperless court operations with all of the added 01:44:12
efficiencies and cost savings that accompany such as movement. 01:44:17
The field Trainer is funded by county general fund transfer of approximately 38,000, with this grant of 25,000 constituting the 01:44:23
balance of those costs. 01:44:28
The court reporter, however, would have cost approximately 100,000 in salary and employee related expenses. 01:44:33
The Field Trainer position has been included in the courts consolidated budget for over 7 years and in short, we realized later 01:44:40
operational influence across the board at about 1/3 of the cost to the County General Fund. 01:44:46
With that, I'll take any questions. Thank you, Jonathan, Supervisor Humphrey, Mr. Chair, I have no question. Supervisor could 01:44:53
Christensen. Thank you, Mr. Chair and John, I have no questions. 01:44:58
I'm good as well, thank you. That didn't entertain a motion, Mr. Chair. I move to approve the submittal. 01:45:04
Of an FY20 24 field training grant application in the amount of $25,000 And Mr. Chair, I will second that having a motion. And 01:45:11
second all in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you, Jonathan. Thank you. Under the information 01:45:18
discussion action to adopt resolution #23-05-06. 01:45:25
Authorizing the sale of 1260 square foot of assessors parcel number. 01:45:33
206-10-076. 01:45:40
And the advertisement of the cell via auction in the county newspaper record. Homer, good morning, Sir. Good morning, chair and 01:45:45
board members, I think it is still morning, right? Or good afternoon. Barely. Still, yes. So we do have in the audience one of the 01:45:50
property owners, Kelly Spitzer is here. 01:45:56
And I'd like to, just before I get started, explaining that we've been working on this for quite a while. It first came to 01:46:03
community development. 01:46:08
Are they pass it on to Public Works? Public Works started to work on this as if it were a vacating a row. 01:46:13
But this is not vacating a road, this is the sale of real property, and that's very specific. 01:46:19
Requirements for the sale of real property, and that's what this board item is about. So what happened is in 2020 a house fire 01:46:24
occurred on 3714 E Bancroft Way. 01:46:30
A property was surveyed on May of 2021 and it was discovered that actually a portion of the fire damaged residents and coach on 01:46:36
the abutting property, which happened to be owned by by HeLa County. 01:46:42
In order to meet zoning requirements, the setback requirements, and obtain a building permit to repair the damage to property, 01:46:48
owners are seeking to purchase the encroachment area from the county. 01:46:54
A licensed and certified appraiser. 01:47:00
Has valued the property at $1.34 per square foot. 01:47:02
And the appraised value for the 1216. 01:47:06
60 square footage is $1688. OK, so Arizona Revised Statutes 11251 outlines the requirements for the county selling real property. 01:47:11
The first thing that has to happen is the board has to. 01:47:18
To deem that it is advantageous for the county to sell. 01:47:26
The property or the board has to determine that the property is unnecessary for use by the county. 01:47:30
One or the other, or both #2. If the property for sale is real property, the board shall have the property appraised by a licensed 01:47:35
appraiser. 01:47:40
Item number 3 The operational established a market value. 01:47:45
Of the property and the purchase price should be at least 90% of that market value. 01:47:50
Umm. 01:47:56
Number that was the last one. Is that a notice? 01:47:57
Regarding the selling of property, shall be published in the county newspaper. 01:48:01
Umm, and it's from container, among other things. The appraised value, the minimum, the minimum acceptable sales price and of 01:48:05
course the comment on the legal description of the property. That's kind of like the outline for the county to sell real property, 01:48:11
OK. And and it's a procedure that we're using for this board item. 01:48:16
Um. 01:48:22
It's it's a scarcer. 01:48:25
Believe that the encroachment that. 01:48:28
The purchase of the encroachment. 01:48:31
From the county if necessary for the property owner to be make, they'll make the necessary improvements and to obtain the real 01:48:33
estate necessary for all of the improvements to be on this property. Attending board approval and auction will be advertised in 01:48:39
the HeLa County newspaper. 01:48:45
Any board meeting scheduled to conduct the auction 30 days, both advertisements. 01:48:51
The minimum bid shall be 1520 dollars, which is 90% of the appraised value. 01:48:56
Um it is staff recommendation that it is in the best interest of the public for the county to sell the piece of land which is 01:49:03
unnecessary for use by the county. 01:49:08
It's it's in an area where it is of limited value and therefore we think this is the right thing for us to to to to proceed with 01:49:12
and if that recommendation that we bring to you this morning. 01:49:19
Which is to adopt resolution number 23/05/06. 01:49:26
And with that, I'll take questions. Thank you, Homer. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:49:31
Just one question from Merrill is. 01:49:36
Is there access to this property without crossing private property? 01:49:39
Can you repeat the question please? Is there access to the property going up for auction? 01:49:45
Umm. 01:49:53
Other than crossing private property to get to that piece, that's corruptions. 01:49:54
There is access both to the the property that is purchasing the little green triangle that you see up on the on the drawing, as 01:49:59
well as to the county property. Both will have access. 01:50:06
OK I I the the reason for my question is if it goes up for auction. 01:50:13
And and there is access to the property that there may be someone bidding on it that. 01:50:18
Is is not an adjacent property owner. It's. 01:50:23
Was the was. 01:50:27
Was my concern, I guess. 01:50:28
And so you've pretty much asked and answered that, So I have no further questions. 01:50:30
Thank you. 01:50:35
Surprise your question. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you, Mayor. This is a really odd situation. 01:50:36
What if the homeowners are not the prevailing? 01:50:42
Mid winter. 01:50:48
What happens? 01:50:50
Umm. 01:50:51
Property would the The next step would would probably be for the county to take action to have them tear down part of the 01:50:55
property. 01:50:59
Hey. 01:51:04
Is there was there mistakes made in the past by the county that resulted in this problem? 01:51:07
I'm not sure that there was a mistake they made by the county. 01:51:16
Be it. 01:51:23
That there are many. 01:51:25
Areas of accounting where there there is encroachments. 01:51:28
Um on on roads. 01:51:31
In this particular case, this is not a rule. This is an adjoining county property. 01:51:34
Umm, And. 01:51:39
Sometimes I think it has to do with how well the property surveyed, but I don't know. I didn't do the history as to who was 01:51:41
responsible for for the original error. It seemed like a very strange triangle for the county to own. But I think you've answered 01:51:47
my questions. Thank you. 01:51:52
OK, Homer, so the triangle is what we're looking at selling these folks. 01:51:59
Then what about the rest of the property to the right over to the next red line? That's up and down. Actually, the next three 01:52:04
properties to the right belong to the county. 01:52:08
Hmm. 01:52:14
So, OK. So my next question would be for you, Jeff. 01:52:16
Is there. I mean when I look at this and I look at that triangle, I don't see any other. 01:52:21
Person being interested in this property, but from our standpoint, is there any way that we can tie this down to where these are 01:52:27
the only people that can buy this property? 01:52:32
We had a lot of discussions about this summer and I. 01:52:38
And. 01:52:41
The problem is that the statute. 01:52:43
Says this has to be a public sale. 01:52:46
And so if you begin to. 01:52:48
Try to limit the people looking bid. 01:52:50
At the auction you have. 01:52:53
Eliminated the public sale you no longer compliant with statute. 01:52:57
So. 01:53:01
That's the situation is that the county doesn't have to sell this property. 01:53:02
To the people that own. 01:53:06
The encroaching property. 01:53:10
They and arrow was made by them to build on finished properties. 01:53:12
And the way that they can prevent. 01:53:16
Somebody else buying this property is for them not to be outbid. 01:53:21
We have to have a public auction in order to comply with the statute, so this would be actually an open auction. This is not just 01:53:26
sealed bids or whatever, it has to be open to the public. 01:53:31
In order to comply with this nation. 01:53:37
And I was like. 01:53:41
And so did my research and reading about all. 01:53:43
The requirements for the county selling property, somebody made the comment, they said well. 01:53:46
It looks like the legislature didn't want. 01:53:51
The county officers to be. 01:53:54
Giving away county property to their friends. 01:53:56
And that's why they wrote the statute this way. And that was the comment that somebody made us. 01:53:59
It's very strict. 01:54:04
When the county sells property, this has to be. 01:54:06
Done by a public auction. 01:54:09
OK. 01:54:11
Alright, alright, I think that's all the questions that I have. 01:54:13
So with that, I'll entertain a motion. 01:54:17
Mr. Chairman to adopt resolution #23-5-06. Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion in a second. All in favor, do so by saying 01:54:20
aye. Aye, Aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you. Home, Merrill. Thank you. 01:54:27
Alright, on to E. 01:54:35
Information Discussion Action to Approve an Amendment number one to contract number 101122 with Meridian Engineering Company. 01:54:39
To increase the contract by $142,471.85. 01:54:49
For a new contract amount of $2,943,567.85. 01:54:56
And extend the term of the contract to July 28th, Homer. 01:55:06
Thank you. 01:55:12
In the spirit of bringing you the latest status of the Cell 3A expansion, there's two items of interest in this board. Item one of 01:55:14
them is. 01:55:19
For your action. 01:55:24
The other one is an update of the another issue that we're addressing. 01:55:26
The design of both have to take place at the same time and has taken place. The design is complete for all the things that we know 01:55:31
are need to be corrected. 01:55:36
And we have that in front of a DEQ. I just wanted to share that with you because. 01:55:41
I'm going to walk through a series of things and then I'm going to interrupt the medal and say, and this also is happening. 01:55:45
OK. 01:55:51
So the history is that the bids were advertised and Meridian Insurance Company wants a low bid and was awarded the contract back 01:55:52
in January of this year. 01:55:56
Staff added a 25% contingency to that contract. 01:56:02
The contract was for over close to $3,000,000. That's a 1% contingency. 01:56:07
Pretty unusual and very low. 01:56:12
I I would say in most cases that that should have required a 10% contingency, but anyway. 01:56:14
I just just just mentioning that as a part of information for you to digest as we go through the rest of it also the contract had 01:56:20
100 day construction period where they were meeting required to complete the landfill in 100 days. 01:56:28
Thanks. So during excavation of cell three expansion it was the IT was discovered. 01:56:35
That the limit of waste shown in the 1993 drawing that was used to design the expansion of the landfill was inaccurate. The simple 01:56:42
way of saying that is people were dumping trash where they shouldn't have been dumping trash. They were dumping them outside of 01:56:48
the limit of the existing landfill at the time, which can be referred to as stage two. OK, so they were outside of the limits of 01:56:54
stage 2. 01:57:00
And actually into the area where cell 3A were designed. 01:57:06
It was covered up, it forgotten. We didn't discover it until the excavation took place. The adjustments to the 1993 waste limit 01:57:10
have resulted in a redesign of the cell. 01:57:16
And in this, it requires earthwork and additional liner material. So we discover that waste was there. Now we have to rethink how 01:57:22
we design Cell 3A, because all of Cell 3A, including that new waste, has to have a liner and a leachate collection system. 01:57:30
And that's what the engineer said, because? 01:57:39
Is there work to do that? 01:57:42
And we and and that's been that's been completed like I said the design has been completed. 01:57:43
The the new design of Cell 3A, according to EPA and DEQ. 01:57:50
It requires that no waste can be placed outside of the limit of waste unless it meets the regulation requiring a lining system and 01:57:56
a leachate collection system. Like I mentioned just just a minute ago, our engineering team has created a new design. 01:58:04
And it expands the cell liner to that new limit of waste. 01:58:11
OK, so at the same time. 01:58:15
At the same time, a little different than what we're asking you to take action on today. 01:58:18
The excavation of cell 3/8 by Meridian and powder encountered water in a perched water table, so there's water that collected that 01:58:23
at the bottom of the pit. 01:58:28
As after the after the big rain that we had and and the water was increasing a significant amount every day, now it started to 01:58:34
decrease. OK so this this was this was unknown that a perch water table was going to be in the way of the cell. 01:58:41
And and and the new water table and and and that perched water table now requires a a pump system. 01:58:49
And the pump system has been designed together with the liner. 01:58:57
And all of these designs were were turned over to a few last Friday. 01:59:00
Uh, the work. The engineering work was expedited. 01:59:06
We we push forward with the contract company for them to know what the design is that while a DQ is. 01:59:11
Looking at the design and approving it. 01:59:18
The contract company is able to start thinking about what's what's the cost of the pump system going to be. 01:59:20
They gave us an estimate. 01:59:26
An estimate that we are not going to take action on it, but what I can share is that it is under $100,000. 01:59:29
For the, for the, for the pumping system that's going to be required, OK. That's not for today, but that that comes in a future 01:59:35
time, OK. 01:59:39
So. 01:59:46
We're what we're asking for you today is the. 01:59:47
Um. 01:59:51
Operate the funding of the additional excavation, the cotton shield that was required. 01:59:54
4. 02:00:00
The waste that was in the wrong place. 02:00:02
And to pay for the additional liner material that's required to extend the cell 3A, Cell 3A. 02:00:05
Into that limit of waste that was unknown at the time of the design. 02:00:12
Um, so and this is going to take more time? 02:00:17
More time for a DQ to approve. We're asking a DQ to expedite the approval. 02:00:21
We've offered to to to go there any member of HeLa County, including any board of supervisor, that's what if that's where they 02:00:26
would like to talk to. We, we've actually made it known to them that all of us can go visit them and talk to them about why this 02:00:33
is important and why why everyday cost us money. We could because we continue to haul trash today. OK. So we're trying to make the