Start Position
A. Presentation by the Arizona Auditor General's Office regarding Gila County's FY 2022 Financial and Single Audit results and findings. (Melanie Chesney/Donald Bohart/Daniel Hunt)
B. Presentation regarding the activities of the County Supervisors Association for FY 2022-2023. (Craig Sullivan)   3. PUBLIC HEARINGS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-06, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for Unincorporated Areas for Gila County by changing the zoning for Assessor's parcel number 301-10-010F located at 7911 W. Sumac Drive, Strawberry, Arizona, to Residential One District Density Ten (R1-D10). (Randy Pluimer)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-07, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for unincorporated Areas for Gila County by changing the zoning for Assessor's parcel number 301-10-010G located at 7925 W. Sumac Drive, Strawberry, Arizona, to Residential One District Density Ten (R1-D10). (Randy Pluimer)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-23-11) submitted by Jody Harwood for a new Series 007 Beer and Wine Bar Liquor License at the Lodge at 5600 located in Pine; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Samantha Trimble)   4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A. (Adjourn as the Gila County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors.) Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Tentative Budget for the Gila County Library District. (Elaine Votruba) (Adjourn as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors and convene as the Gila County Flood Control District Board of Directors.)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the FY 2023-2024 Tentative Budget for the Gila County Flood Control District. (Maryn Belling) (Adjourn as the Gila County Flood Control District Board of Directors and convene as the Gila County Street Lighting Improvement Districts' Board of Directors.)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the FY 2023-2024 Tentative Budgets for the Gila County Street Lighting Improvement Districts per the FY 2024 Budget Schedules entitled "Street Lighting Improvement Districts." (Maryn Belling) (Adjourn as the Gila County Street Lighting Improvement Districts' Board of Directors and reconvene as the Gila County Board of Supervisors.)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the FY 2023-2024 Gila County Tentative Budget; authorize the publication of the summary budget; and set the public hearing for July 18, 2023, to adopt the final FY 2023-2024 Gila County Budget. (Maryn Belling)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the Gila County Finance Department to accept an appropriation disbursement from the State of Arizona for Deputy & Detention Retention funds and disburse to eligible Gila County Sheriff's Office employees in the amount of $1,250 (before taxes) as defined by Arizona Department of Administration Agreement No. DBFFY23L22CH31304 with Gila County. (Maryn Belling)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Request for Sealed Bid Proposals No. 060623-Annual Newspaper Publishing and Printing Contract to solicit bids from a qualified firm for an annual contract for all advertising, publications, and printing required to be done or made by all departments and elected offices of Gila County government for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. (Maryn Belling)
G. Information/Discussion/Action authorizing the Board Chairman to electronically sign the Drug, Gang, and Violent Crime Control Grant Agreement (FY 2024 Award-Grant No. DC-24-004) between the Gila County Sheriff's Office and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission in the amount of $331,654 to provide continued funding for the period of July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and authorize signature on the Certifications and Assurances. (Travis Baxley)
H.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve a FY2024 Arizona 9-1-1 Program Grant Agreement (ADOA-AZ911-24-04) between the Arizona Department of Administration and the Gila County Sheriff's Office in the amount of $198,807 for the performance period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. (Debra Williams)
I. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the FY 2024 Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Town of Payson and Gila County for Centralized Management of 9-1-1 Grant Funds for the performance period of July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. (Debra Williams)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to a Memorandum of Understanding between the Arizona Community Action Association d/b/a Wildfire and Gila County to increase the funding by $105,000 for a total funding amount of $233,400 and extend the termination date to May 31, 2024. (Kayle Lathrop)
K.  Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to Funding Agreement No. 204-23 between the Arizona Department of Housing and the Gila County Community Services Department, Housing Services, to provide Southwest Gas Corporation, Weatherization Assistance Program funding in the amount of $43,900 that will be used to provide weatherization services to eligible citizens residing in Gila County for the period of January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. (Kayle Lathrop)
L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No.1 to Contract No. 121922 with NorthStar Transport, LLC in the amount of $350,000, for a total contract amount of $700,000, and to extend the contract to August 31, 2023. (Homero Vela)
5.  CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A.  Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 072721-Sub-Grantee for Project Management with WOWZA, LLC to extend the contract term from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $550,000, and add required contract language regarding certification of no forced labor.   B.  Approval of the Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Camila Alarcon to temporarily extend the premises on various dates where liquor is permitted to be served at the Old County Inn located in Pine.   C.  Acknowledgment of the May 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Recorder's Office.    D.  Acknowledgment of the May 2023 Month Activity Report submitted by the Globe Regional Justice Court.   E.  Acknowledgment of the May 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court.   F.  Acknowledgment of the April 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   G.  Acknowledgment of the May 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Constable's Office   H.  Acknowledgment of the May 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Constable's Office   I.  Approval of the monthly activities reports submitted by the Human Resources Department for May 2023.   J.  Approval of the Board of Supervisors' May 23, 2023, and May 30, 2023, Meeting Minutes.   K.  Approval of finance reports/demands/transfers for the reporting period of May 1, 2023, through May 31, 2023.   L.  Acknowledgment of contracts under $50,000 which have been approved by the County Manager for the month of May.
6. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
7. At any time during this meeting pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K), members of the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager may present a brief summary of current events.  No action may be taken on the information presented.
8. EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS:   A. Information/Discussion/Action to vote to go into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A)(3) to engage in discussions or consultation for legal advice with the Board of Supervisors' attorney(s) regarding the legal courses of action available to the Board for the possible discipline of an elected official. (James Menlove)   IF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTIONIST AT (928) 425-3231 AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO ARRANGE THE ACCOMMODATIONS. FOR TTY, PLEASE DIAL 7-1-1 TO REACH THE ARIZONA RELAY SERVICE AND ASK THE OPERATOR TO CONNECT YOU TO (928) 425-3231. THE BOARD MAY VOTE TO HOLD AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY ON ANY MATTER LISTED ON THE AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3). THE ORDER OR DELETION OF ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION AT THE MEETING.
Testing, testing sound good. 00:00:03
Welcome to our Tuesday, June 20th meeting. Is 10 o'clock straight up? 00:00:07
Pacing. How you guys doing once you give us a sound test real quick so Sam can. 00:00:12
And so she can hear you OK. 00:00:17
Try it again. 00:00:21
OK, try it once again. 00:00:28
OK. 00:00:35
Still muffled. 00:00:36
Hi, thank Cassie. 00:00:40
Is that any better sound? 00:00:51
Is it? 00:00:55
OK, we'll give it a try. So if if something happens, tell me. 00:00:59
All right. So we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance. And since we have. 00:01:03
Jason Whining here now Will County supervisor. He'll lead us in the pledge, and Pastor Richie is impatient. He'll give the 00:01:07
invocation. Thank you, Jason. 00:01:11
Yes. 00:01:22
Stay. 00:01:24
And. 00:01:26
Pants. 00:01:28
What nation? 00:01:29
Indivisible with never seen and justice for all. 00:01:31
OK. 00:01:37
Are we see yet? 00:01:42
There we go. 00:01:45
Good morning, Pastor Ritchie. 00:01:47
Good morning. 00:01:51
In all the fields. 00:01:54
I can't hear. I can't hear what's being said. 00:01:57
Ohh, you're good if you want to go ahead and the invocation. 00:02:01
Alright, let's pray together. 00:02:05
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we humbly bow before you today. 00:02:08
We seek your presence and your leading. 00:02:13
And your wisdom. 00:02:16
In this meeting today. 00:02:17
We pray that you will bless our county supervisors with your wisdom and grace. 00:02:19
We pray that you'll watch over them. 00:02:25
Guide them, protect them, bless their families. 00:02:28
We pray for all of our county. 00:02:31
Workers or Sheriff's Office or sheriff's deputies or sheriff and. 00:02:35
And county workers in the jail systems. 00:02:40
For all the county workers who work for on the road systems or in the offices. 00:02:43
We just pray that you will watch over them and bless them. 00:02:47
Provide for their needs, Lord. 00:02:51
Continue to make this county one of the best counties to live in a place where families can dwell in safety and in peace. 00:02:53
Once again, we pray for your wisdom and guidance on this meeting today. 00:03:01
In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen. 00:03:05
Amen. Thank you, Sir. 00:03:08
OK, so we'll get on with #2 presentations 2A. 00:03:18
Presentation by the Arizona Auditor General's Office regarding HeLa County's Fiscal Year 2022 financial. 00:03:23
And single audit results and findings. And we have Melanie Chesney. 00:03:30
Don Bohart and Daniel Hunt. Good morning, you guys. 00:03:35
Good morning, Chairman, Klein and members of the board. I am Melanie Chesney, the Deputy Auditor General and Acting Financial 00:03:47
Audit Division Director. 00:03:51
Thank you for inviting our office to join your regular meeting today to present our audit results and findings for HeLa County. 00:03:56
Joining me from our office are gone bohart. 00:04:04
One of my financial audit managers and Dan Hunt. 00:04:07
Our financial audit senior for this audit. 00:04:11
Before we discuss the county's audits, I think it's helpful to provide a little background on the Arizona Auditor General. 00:04:17
The office is a legislative agency made-up of nonpartisan staff. 00:04:24
Although we are accountable to all 90 legislative members, we report directly to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, which is a 00:04:29
bipartisan group of 10 members. 00:04:34
5 Appointed by the Senate President and five members appointed by the Speaker of the House. 00:04:40
We are an independent source. 00:04:46
Of impartial information. 00:04:48
Concerning state and local government entities and programs. 00:04:50
We provide specific recommendations to improve the operations and programs with state and local governments. 00:04:55
Including Heela County. 00:05:01
We are well versed in and follows several standards, including governmental auditing standards. 00:05:03
These standards were created by the United States Comptroller General and outlined several requirements for things like audit 00:05:10
reports. 00:05:14
Professional qualifications for auditors. 00:05:18
Auditor, Ethics. Independence. 00:05:22
Objectivity. 00:05:25
Professional judgment. 00:05:26
Audit evidence. 00:05:29
And an audit organization's quality control. 00:05:30
All auditors of federal, state and local governments use these same standards. 00:05:34
To perform audits. 00:05:40
And produce reports. 00:05:41
Our presentation today. 00:05:46
Is there an accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes 11-661-D? 00:05:48
Which directs the county board. 00:05:54
To require its auditors. 00:05:56
The office. 00:05:59
To present audit results. 00:06:00
And any findings to the board? 00:06:02
In a regular meeting without the use of a consent agenda. 00:06:05
Within 90 days of the audits completion. 00:06:08
This is a great opportunity for us, your auditors. 00:06:12
To be in front of you to provide information about our work. 00:06:16
Nancy, answer any questions you have. 00:06:19
Today we will be discussing our work on three required annual reports. 00:06:25
The county's annual financial report. 00:06:30
Report on internal control and on compliance. 00:06:33
And the federal single audit report. 00:06:37
As we have done in the past, we sent you an e-mail when your annual reports were completed. 00:06:40
We sent each of you links to these reports and emails dated March 31st, 2023. 00:06:45
For the annual financial report. 00:06:51
And May 18th, 2023 for the report on internal control and on compliance. 00:06:53
And federal single audit report which were issued together. 00:07:00
The first report, the county's annual financial report, presents the counties into annual financial statements. 00:07:04
And our opinion as to whether the county's financial statements are presented fairly. 00:07:10
And all material respects and conformity with US Generally Accepted Accounting principles. 00:07:15
It's wonderful to report that for fiscal year 2022. 00:07:21
We reported an unmodified or clean opinion, which means the county's financial statements are reliable. 00:07:25
The second report the report on internal control and on compliance. 00:07:34
Which is included in the Single Audit report, is where we report any findings and recommendations resulting from our audit of the 00:07:39
County's financial statements. 00:07:43
The report on internal control and non compliance is where we reported 5 findings we found during our financial statement audit. 00:07:48
That Don will be discussing in a little bit. 00:07:55
Finally, the 3rd and final reports, the federal single audit report. 00:07:58
Includes our assessment of the County's compliance with federal program requirements over each federal program we are required to 00:08:03
audit. 00:08:06
Our report on internal control over compliance with federal programs. 00:08:11
And the counties federal schedule of of federal expenditures and our opinion on it. 00:08:14
The single audit report is where we recorded 4 findings. 00:08:21
We found during our federal compliance audit that Dan will be discussing in a little bit. 00:08:24
I will now turn it over to Don, who will be discussing the County's Fiscal Year 2022 financial highlights and the audit findings 00:08:30
we reported in the County's Fiscal Year 22 report on internal control and on concerns. 00:08:37
Thank you, Melanie. Thank you board for having us here today. Appreciate it. 00:08:53
Because we know these reports can be detailed and complex. 00:08:57
We also prepare audit report highlights A2 page summary that you received with the single audit report. 00:09:01
The highlights include the counties largest primary revenue sources and how the county used those monies over the last 10 years. 00:09:08
The highlights also provide brief information. 00:09:16
About our key findings and recommendations, if any. 00:09:19
And and contain links to certain current and prior audit reports and user guides that may be helpful in understanding the 00:09:24
important information that's presented in the reports. 00:09:30
I would like to take an opportunity to present to you. 00:09:37
Some key financial information presented for the county over the last five years. 00:09:41
The county's 4 main sources of revenues consist of federal and state grants and programs, county property taxes. 00:09:47
Shared state sales taxes. 00:09:54
And county the county sales taxes. 00:09:57
As you can see from the graph, the county's revenues for county property taxes, shared state sales tax, and property taxes have 00:10:00
been relatively consistent. 00:10:05
Over the last five years. 00:10:10
However, federal and state grants have increased over the last three years. 00:10:12
Primarily because of increased federal grant revenues received and directed towards COVID-19. 00:10:17
As you can see from this graph, the county's four primary expense purposes consist of general government, public safety, health 00:10:31
and welfare, and highways and streets. 00:10:36
While highways and streets expenditures remained relatively constant over the last five years, general government expenses 00:10:41
expenses were back down to free 21 levels after increasing by $9.1 million in fiscal year 21 due to expenditures related to 00:10:48
various capital improvements. 00:10:54
Public safety expenditures increased by. 00:11:01
$88.5 million in Fiscal year 22 due to flood mitigation efforts after the Telegraph Fire in the summer of 2021. 00:11:04
And finally, health and welfare expenditures increased by $4.4 million from an increase in spending of federal revenues directed 00:11:13
at COVID-19, as I discussed previously. 00:11:19
On this next slide, the graph highlights the five year trend of the county's revenues exceeding its expenses. 00:11:28
As you can see with the black line. 00:11:35
Make sure the county's net position has increased every year since fiscal year 2018. 00:11:38
Most importantly, the county's overall net position increased by $5.8 million from fiscal year 21 to fiscal year 22. 00:11:44
Because revenues exceeded expenses. 00:11:53
Total net position for the county is $25.2 million at the end of fiscal year 22. 00:11:56
It's important to note that not all net position is spendable because $33.7 million of net position was invested in capital. 00:12:02
Thanks. Sorry. 00:12:20
I was on the wrong slide, I apologize. 00:12:22
Finally, I'd like to highlight the county's federal expenditures that are presented each year in the single audit report. 00:12:25
Although the county received grants from 12 federal agencies during fiscal year 22. 00:12:31
You can see from the bar chart that nearly 60% of its federal expenditures were from U.S. Department of Health and Human Service 00:12:36
grants, over half of which were spent on COVID-19 related programs. 00:12:42
I will now discuss the five financial audit findings and recommendations we reported on in the county's Fiscal Year 22 reports. 00:12:50
These findings are all repeated from prior years. 00:12:57
As previously noted, the Report on Internal Control and Noncompliance is where you will find our findings, our financial audit 00:13:03
findings, along with the county's responses. 00:13:07
For the county, we reported five financial statement findings in this report. 00:13:12
It's important to note that the county corrected One Financial statement finding initially occurring in fiscal year 2013 by 00:13:17
accurately compiling, recording and reporting financial information in its annual financial report and issuing the report in a 00:13:22
timely manner. 00:13:28
The first financial statement finding. 00:13:35
Identify deficiencies in the counties process for awarding. 00:13:38
54 Economic development Awards to Community, nonprofit, and governmental Organizations. 00:13:42
And following up to ensure that $140,925 paid to those organizations was used on activities that benefited the public. 00:13:49
While the county has made has developed written policies and procedures. 00:14:00
They do not include pre, award and follow up steps to ensure that awarded monies are spent as intended or monies were returned if 00:14:04
unspent. 00:14:09
We recommend that the county management should improve its policies and procedures for awarding and monitoring discretionary 00:14:15
minds. 00:14:19
Used for economic development to include free award and follow up steps for it to follow that number one include detailed 00:14:24
guidelines and requirements that all award recipients must meet to qualify for economic development award monies. For example, the 00:14:31
counties policies should describe acceptable award uses. 00:14:38
Further, the county should create an award application where entities would be required to describe their intended uses. 00:14:46
Such as service and activity goals. 00:14:53
Expected outcomes. 00:14:55
And performance measures. 00:14:57
And to provide sufficient detailed budgets indicating how and when the requested monies will be used. 00:14:59
#2 Require awarded entities to report and certify how monies words were spent. 00:15:06
This report and certification should be required periodically, or at least once the specified and approved timeframe for extending 00:15:13
the monies has occurred. 00:15:18
And three, require awarded entities to return any unexpended or misspent monies. 00:15:23
A similar finding has been reported since fiscal year 2017. 00:15:30
The county did improve its processes by ensuring that a committee evaluated award request to be approved by the county's Board of 00:15:35
Supervisors in an open meeting so that the public is aware of the entities to which awards are being made. 00:15:42
The county continues to work towards implementing our other recommendations. 00:15:50
It concurred with our finding and reported that it anticipates fully correcting the deficiencies by December of 2023. 00:15:55
The second financial statement finding identified deficiencies in the county's purchasing card review and approval process. 00:16:09
Specifically, the county did not review and approve. 00:16:16
And ensure appropriate support was obtained for $36,610 of public monies its employees spent on various purchasing card 00:16:21
expenditures. 00:16:25
To ensure that they were for authorized purposes necessary for official county business. 00:16:31
Specifically for 33 of 60 fiscal year 2022. 00:16:36
Purchasing card transactions that we tested. 00:16:41
The county paid for purchases prior to ensuring they were authorized as follows. 00:16:45
There were 15 transactions totaling 11,752 dollars that were not reviewed and approved by the assigned county department 00:16:53
supervisor. 00:16:58
And there were 18 transactions totaling 24,858 dollars that lacked required supporting documentation, including support that the 00:17:04
purchase was for authorized county purposes. 00:17:10
Therefore, we recommended the following. 00:17:18
The county should update its policies and procedures over procurement card expenditures. 00:17:21
To clarify when county department heads should review and approve purchases. 00:17:26
What supporting documentation is required? 00:17:31
If an if an official county business purpose was not evident from the invoice, receipt or other support. 00:17:35
And specify penalties for purchasing card holders who violate county policies. 00:17:42
Next, require a require county department heads and others responsible for reviewing and approving. 00:17:49
Purchasing card expenditures, including those for travel. 00:17:56
To approve only those transactions that are supported by documentation that evidence the purchase. The purchase is for official 00:18:00
county business. 00:18:04
And to do so prior to the counties paying for them. 00:18:08
#3 Require its finance department to develop a process for monitoring. 00:18:13
County departments compliance with the county's policies to ensure that the county does not pay for purchasing part expenditures, 00:18:18
including those who travel. 00:18:23
That are that do not have the required invoices, travel claims receipts or other documentation supporting that therefore a valid 00:18:28
county purpose. 00:18:33
And finally, train all county employees who are purchasing card holders and department heads on its policies and procedures for 00:18:38
purchasing card expenditures. 00:18:42
Training should address detailed instructions for how to submit documentation for review and approval. 00:18:47
And what documentation to provide? 00:18:53
It should also address competitive purchasing procedures and advances authorization documentation requirements before purchases 00:18:55
being made. 00:19:00
A similar finding has been reported since fiscal year 2017. 00:19:05
The county continues to work towards implementing our prior recommendations. 00:19:10
And the county reported that it concurs with our finding. 00:19:15
And anticipates fully correcting the deficiencies by June 30th of 2023. 00:19:18
The third financial statement findings identified deficiencies in the counties process for inventorying and other record keeping 00:19:30
of capital assets the county classified as machinery and equipment. 00:19:35
Specifically, since 2009, the county had not performed the physical inventory of its machinery and equipment, reported it nearly 00:19:41
$6,000,000 to ensure that they were controlled and safeguarded. 00:19:47
And the related capital asset records were updated accurate and complete so that they were correctly reported in its financial 00:19:54
statements. 00:19:58
Therefore, we recommend that the county should perform a complete physical inventory of capital assets, including at all of its 00:20:03
departments, at least every two years. 00:20:08
Maintaining the Inventory documentation. 00:20:14
And reconciling the inventory results to the capital asset listing. 00:20:17
To ensure they're accurate and complete. 00:20:21
And to develop and maintain detailed capital asset inventory and policies and procedures. 00:20:24
And provide training to employees effectively to effectively control Safeguard and report its capital assets, including 00:20:30
depreciation. 00:20:34
The written procedure should also include processes for performing a physical inventory and reconciling to capital asset records. 00:20:39
Reconciling current year capital expenditures to current year additions and reconciling current year capital asset balances to 00:20:46
prior year capital asset balances. 00:20:51
A similar finding has been reported since fiscal year 2013. 00:20:58
The county continues to work towards implementing our prior recommendations. 00:21:03
And did improve its process from the prior year by inventorying construction and progress assets. 00:21:07
The county reported that it concurs with the finding and anticipates fully correcting the deficiencies by completing a physical 00:21:14
inventory by this past May 2023 and completing the reconciliation by June 30th of 2023. 00:21:22
The full financial statement finding identified deficiencies in accounting process for managing and documenting, documenting its 00:21:40
information technology risk. 00:21:44
Specifically, the counties process for managing and and documenting its risk did not include an overall risk assessment process. 00:21:49
That included analyzing and recording and responding to the county wide information technology risk. 00:21:57
Such as potential harm from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification. 00:22:05
Or destruction of IT systems? 00:22:12
It also did not include classifying and inventory sensitive information that might need stronger access and security controls. 00:22:16
Therefore, we recommended the county administration and IT management plan for where to allocate resources and where to implement 00:22:24
critical controls. 00:22:29
Ask responsible administrative officials and management over finance, IT, and other entity functions for input into the county 00:22:34
process for managing risk. 00:22:39
Perform an annual entity wide. 00:22:45
IT risk assessment process that includes evaluating and documenting risks and safeguards. 00:22:48
And evaluate and manage the risk of holding sensitive information. 00:22:55
By classifying and inventorying the information that County holds to assess where stronger access and security controls may be 00:22:58
needed. 00:23:03
To protect data in accordance with state statute and federal regulation. 00:23:08
A similar finding has been reported since fiscal year 2014. 00:23:14
The county does continue to work towards implementing our prior recommendations. 00:23:19
It concurred with our finding and reported that it anticipates fully correcting the deficiencies by June 30th of 2023. 00:23:23
And the 5th and final financial statement finding identified deficiencies in the county's controls over its IT systems and data. 00:23:36
Our report identifies several recommendations to develop comprehensive written IT policies and procedures over restricting access 00:23:44
to its IT systems. 00:23:49
And managing system configurations and changes. 00:23:54
A similar finding has been reported since fiscal year 2014 and again the county has made progress towards for our recommendations. 00:23:58
The county reported that it concurs with the finding and anticipates fully correcting the deficiencies by June 30th, 2023. 00:24:08
I'll now turn it over to Dan, who will discuss the single audit findings and recommendations we reported on the county's Fiscal 00:24:17
Year 22 Single Audit Report. 00:24:22
As previously noted, missing a lot of report is where you will find the federal compliance audit findings as well as the county's 00:24:37
responses to them. 00:24:41
For the county, we reported four federal compliance findings related to the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 00:24:47
Program. 00:24:50
And the Community Programs to Improve Minority Health Grant Program. 00:24:54
The county continues to work toward correcting and previously reported finding over the Housing Choice Vouchers Program 00:24:59
anticipates fully correcting this deficiency. 00:25:04
By July of 2023. 00:25:08
For the first federal compliance finding, we reported that the County did not submit the June 30th, 2022 Single Audit Report to 00:25:13
the Federal Audit Clearing House. 00:25:17
Until May 2023, which was two months later than required. 00:25:22
We recommend that the Finance department should evaluate the counties need to allocate additional resources to timely need agreed 00:25:26
upon deadlines for providing information needed for audit. 00:25:31
And improve financial reporting process so that it can submit the county's. 00:25:37
Future singular reports on or before the federal required submission deadline. 00:25:40
Which is no later than nine months after. 00:25:45
The fiscal year end or March 31st of the subsequent year? 00:25:48
The county reported that it concurs with this finding. 00:25:52
Compliance practice efficiency by May 31st. 00:25:55
2023. 00:25:58
The second federal compliance finding. 00:26:06
Down with the county inappropriately used, a full source procurement or contract paid for with Corona State and local fiscal 00:26:09
recovery funds monies. 00:26:13
Specifically, the Public Works Department, which initiated the Sole Source procurement. 00:26:17
And the county's former procurement officer who approved the social procurement, inappropriately used sole source procurement. 00:26:22
For contract of 25,625 dollars straight, allowing dirt for the County Fair arena paid for with federal program monies. 00:26:29
For failing to ensure multiple sources for the service did not exist and did not appropriately document the sole source 00:26:38
justification in the contract file. 00:26:42
We recommend that the county should require the Public Works Department and Procurement Officer to follow county policies and 00:26:47
procedures. 00:26:50
We're determining documenting each sole source procurement. 00:26:53
Only after conducting a good faith search for available sources and concluding. 00:26:57
That only a single source. 00:27:01
And include it in the control file. 00:27:04
And the only train county employees with purchasing responsibilities, including the Public Works Department and the comment 00:27:08
officer, on the county's policies and procedures for determining and documenting sole source procurements. 00:27:13
The county reported that it occurs with this finding and plans to collect this deficiency help June 30th. 00:27:19
2012. 00:27:24
The third set of compliance planning found that the county's Finance Department did not review and approve all four federal 00:27:30
program reports before submitting them to the federal agency, specifically the department. 00:27:36
Was advanced to 10,492,363 dollars of coronavirus. 00:27:41
State and local fiscal recovery funds monies. 00:27:47
And of this amount, the department reported expenditures totaling 707,000. 00:27:52
And $4.00 in progress reports as of June 30th, 2022. 00:27:56
However, the department did not perform an independent review and approval of the required. 00:28:01
Progress reports to ensure that the 707,000 and four dollars of reported expenditures was accurate. 00:28:06
Agreed to county records and contain only allowable expenditures. 00:28:13
We recommended that the Finance Department develop policies and procedures requiring the Department to perform and document an 00:28:18
independent review and approval of all federal programs. 00:28:22
Reports before sending them to the federal agency to ensure the reports were accurate, agreed to county records, and contain only 00:28:27
allowable expenditures. 00:28:31
And reconcile program expenditures amounts to the counties accounting records. 00:28:36
Adjust or resubmit reports for errors detected on reports the department already submitted to the federal agency. 00:28:41
Or work with federal agencies so that is informed of the errors on previously submitted reports. 00:28:47
Trained department employees responsible for preparing and reviewing reports on what information to gather to prepare the reports 00:28:54
when on the county's policies and procedures. 00:28:58
County reported it concurs with this finding and plan to implement our recommendations by May 31st. 00:29:03
773. 00:29:08
The 4th and Final Federal Compliance Finding found that the County's Health and Emergency Management Department and Finance 00:29:11
Department did offer parents submit timely and accurate program information to the Federal Grantor Agency for Monitoring and 00:29:17
expense reimbursements on the Community Programs to Improve Minority Health Grants Program. 00:29:23
Specifically, the departments submitted the first two required quarterly reports to the federal agency. 00:29:30
95 and 11 days. 00:29:35
Later than the required for the September 30th, 2021 and December 31st, 2021 reports respectively. 00:29:37
The department also reported inaccurate information on all four quarterly reports they submitted. 00:29:45
We recommend that the county management should develop and implement policies and procedures requiring the departments to perform 00:29:51
and document an independent review and approval of all federal program reports before submitting them to the federal agency. 00:29:57
To ensure the reports are accurate and agree to county records that contain only allowable expenditures. 00:30:04
And submit the reports timeline. 00:30:10
Annually train the departments employees who responsible for preparing and reviewing the reports regarding the information 00:30:13
required to be gathered and documented in the County's policies and procedures. 00:30:18
The county reported that it concurs with this finding that Pasty implement our recommendations by June 30th, 2023. 00:30:24
We will follow up on these findings as part of our county's fiscal year 23 audit, which will begin this summer. 00:30:30
For follow up, we'll focus on whether the county implemented our recommendations. 00:30:37
And complied with all applicable laws and regulations. 00:30:41
Additionally, the Federal Grand Tour may decide to review our prior year information as part of their responsibilities to follow 00:30:45
up on our audit findings. 00:30:49
Up to the applicable federal records retention period, which is generally 3 years from the last expenditure of final report. 00:30:53
This completes our presentation of the County's fiscal year 2022 audit reports, including the nine reported findings. 00:31:00
Are there any questions that any of the three of us could answer for you? 00:31:06
Thank you Supervisor Hopkins questions, comments. 00:31:11
Let me guess, I guess as far as questions as I, I would appreciate any help that you can be in guiding our staff. 00:31:17
To prepare documents for you, I thank you very much. 00:31:26
And this is kind of a public spanking, but I'm, I'm, I'm proud to have it because before we were in office there was Hella County 00:31:30
was seven years behind. 00:31:34
In the state audit. So thank you for the spanking. At least we're getting it and we're getting. 00:31:39
We're getting progressively better. 00:31:45
And and by by having our state audits, it allows us to put in for some of these grant funds that we're getting penalized for, for 00:31:48
not documenting it correctly. But at least we can reach out for those grants now for the public. 00:31:54
To to be able to help them more beings were caught up so so again thank you for for for the presentation. Thank you for helping 00:32:01
our staff get better at what you need us to do and and we'll keep trying to stay caught up on our audits because we realized that 00:32:08
for I realized the benefit. 00:32:15
To the public for for keeping these up and and records and documents. 00:32:22
Out of the way they should so. 00:32:28
Thank you for the presentation. 00:32:30
Supervisor Commissions. Thank you Chairman, thank you for the presentation. I don't admire your job. It seems very complicated 00:32:32
and. 00:32:36
Intense. 00:32:40
And like super saying I know our staff is working to solve. 00:32:42
All of these things that in past history have not been perfect and. 00:32:47
Working toward a day where we can say we have no plans at all. So can I ask a question though, out of all the 15 counties in 00:32:53
Arizona, are there any that come up at the end of the audit with no findings whatsoever? 00:33:00
Is it really rare? 00:33:11
No. 00:33:13
Mr. Chairman. 00:33:16
Supervisor Christensen No, I am not aware that there is any. 00:33:18
County that comes up with no findings. Typically the area that we see, all of the counties continue to have findings is in the IT 00:33:24
area. 00:33:29
As you know, the information technology area is constantly changing. 00:33:34
Every day at all levels of government, there are continual IT issues as that You know, the hackers continue to seem to overtake 00:33:41
systems no matter what types of controls are in place. 00:33:48
And as systems continue to become more sophisticated each and every day, it, you know, to keep those systems safe and protected is 00:33:56
just a continual effort and so. 00:34:03
That seems to be the biggest area that governments and and all sorts of companies, large and small continue to struggle with. 00:34:11
And and we. 00:34:22
Have for many years spent a lot of hour. 00:34:24
Effort training our staff. 00:34:28
To ensure that all of our audit teams. 00:34:30
Have a lot of time and attention when we do our audit work. 00:34:35
And so that's an area that we continue to have findings at all levels of audits, local governments, state agencies. 00:34:39
That universities the Community College districts. 00:34:49
So no one is well and there's a reason I ask that because as people are listening or reporting on today's discussion. 00:34:53
That Healer County has made tremendous gains in reducing the amount of findings that we have, even though it may be relatively 00:35:02
unachievable to ever get to 0. We're only at 9:00 today and I think that's probably a good number. 00:35:10
As we continue to improve that. 00:35:19
Going forward and I anticipate good reports going forward. So thank you very much and Mr. Chairman, if I may, we do want to thank 00:35:21
you and we want to thank your staff for their cooperation throughout the audit and as my team said. 00:35:28
We have found definite improvements in each of the areas as as both gentlemen acknowledged in their presentations that there were 00:35:36
definitely more areas that there were findings historically and when we did our audit work certainly we found. 00:35:46
Within our sample. 00:35:56
Larger. 00:35:57
You know populations, larger samples of problems and so we definitely are seeing progress and and we are seeing more cooperation 00:35:59
from your staff and definitely more interest in solving the problems that exist in Piatt County. And so we do applaud you and 00:36:07
thank you for those efforts and definitely look forward to continuing to work with your staff on the fiscal year 23 audit. And we 00:36:14
are here to be a resource to the county. Yes, we are your auditors, but we definitely are. 00:36:22
Happy to always answer questions. 00:36:30
When they're when questions arise and they want to know what could we do, we're here to help. 00:36:32
Solve those problems and and help answer questions about what controls could be put in place to help alleviate a situation that 00:36:38
exists. We have a whole division in our office who helps solve those challenges for government entities, and so your staff should 00:36:44
always feel free to reach out to these gentlemen. Reach out to me and we can get them in touch with the right people who can help 00:36:51
solve those challenges. 00:36:58
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. One more question. Absolutely. Can you define or give examples of what? 00:37:05
The public benefit means. 00:37:15
For the public benefit, Mr. Chairman, Supervisor Christensen, the public benefit would be as to protect those public monies that 00:37:18
the county spends every day to make sure that those monies are being spent on the appropriate services. 00:37:27
That the county should be spending them on there so, so we struggle with what is appropriate. 00:37:36
And what is for public benefit? So I'm trying to narrow the. 00:37:44
General idea that it's just going to benefit people. 00:37:48
To specifically what we should not be doing, maybe would be easier. Statute would define certain things, Mr. Chairman, Supervisor 00:37:53
Christensen. There will be certain things in statute that that certain money is going to be spent on. For example, if you have Rd. 00:37:59
monies. 00:38:05
Wrote monies might be restricted to certain things that you can spend them on, Road repairs for example. So if you're spending 00:38:12
them on a party for your staff, that would be not a public benefit. But if you're spending them to fill potholes, that would be a 00:38:18
public benefit as a very direct public. 00:38:25
And so we have never been notified by the Auditor General that we're misspending. 00:38:33
Public money. 00:38:39
Can you give me an example without naming names of how another county? 00:38:41
Has done that or could do that. What would be a red flag with the kind of thing? And I'm not talking about a party, I'm talking 00:38:47
about discretionary spending. 00:38:51
To help. 00:38:56
Nonprofits or other entities within the county that you feel are of public benefit and are discretionary that we vote on and all 00:38:57
of that. What would be the kind of thing that we should never? 00:39:04
Be giving money. 00:39:12
Out for I'm trying to. I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well. So we have legal opinions that we have that come to us 00:39:14
about what that means, but it seems rather subjective in many ways to me. 00:39:20
Umm. 00:39:27
Chairman. 00:39:28
Cline Supervisor Christensen There would be instances where the Constitution prohibits gift of public monies. 00:39:30
And so there would be instances where a county may be providing. 00:39:41
Money is to. 00:39:52
A Little League, for example. 00:39:55
To rehabilitate their ballpark. 00:39:58
Field. 00:40:02
And that would not be something that. 00:40:04
They. 00:40:08
That. 00:40:08
Unless they have gone through all of the steps, work with their legal counsel. 00:40:10
Would necessarily be considered. 00:40:16
In the public interest, unless they followed everything that the Constitution would require and instead those monies. 00:40:18
Should be used for something that would be in the public interest. 00:40:28
Which might be something more akin to. 00:40:32
Being. 00:40:38
If the that entity has a library, it might be something that they should be using to buy books for their library. For example, if 00:40:39
the county funds a Public Library. 00:40:46
And so I think. 00:40:53
That would be something. 00:40:54
Now if it has a park district and there's a public park that has a ball field. 00:40:56
It could perhaps be renovating the public park spot field in the county of the County parks ballfield, but to give it to the 00:41:02
Little League, which is a nonprofit organization. 00:41:07
That could be where it's running afoul. 00:41:13
Of. 00:41:15
The Constitution. 00:41:16
Again, you'd have to work with your legal counsel to make sure. 00:41:19
Depending on that. And again, I'm not legal counsel, but that's where you'd have to work with legal counsel. So you have to to 00:41:23
always work with your legal counsel and make sure that it is consistent with what the Constitution says and what legal counsel 00:41:30
says. OK, well, that's very helpful knowing that what we're doing now is not putting up any red flags. So we didn't find any 00:41:38
instances during the course of these indicated fraud. 00:41:45
Important to maintain that documentation as to why it's public and that's why as we made recommendations. 00:41:53
You know, we found instances where expenditures weren't reviewed. 00:42:01
Right. We found instances where people didn't follow policies and procedures or there weren't policies and procedures and that's 00:42:06
why those controls. 00:42:11
Should be in place, the control being the policies and procedures, the controls being the reviews. 00:42:16
So if someone is doing something like giving money to someone, they shouldn't. 00:42:23
Or spending more money when they're traveling than what the policy allows to be spent. 00:42:29
That then someone is not approving. 00:42:37
That they were able to spend $100 for their dinner when the policy says dinner should only be reimbursed and how much. 00:42:40
At $30.00, for example, if that's what the policy says. 00:42:49
Because then that wouldn't be appropriate to reimburse them for the $100, but if no one reviewed that travel claim. 00:42:53
And the county gave them the $100 for their dinner. 00:43:00
Then that would be where it wasn't in the public interest that they got the extra $70. 00:43:04
So that's why those controls are in place. 00:43:10
To ensure it's reviewed and they're only reimbursed what the policy allows. 00:43:13
OK. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Jessica. 00:43:18
Chairman, Member, Supervisors. Melanie, you brought up the point that I was trying to clarify. 00:43:23
And that the audit findings was just about the process for the economic development grants and not so. 00:43:29
The expenditure. 00:43:35
Correct, Correct. OK. Thank you. 00:43:37
You guys thank you for the presentation. We we like you and how we're doing and good place to go from there. So thank you so much 00:43:40
for coming up here today and presenting this. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 00:43:46
OK. Moving on to 2B presentation regarding the activities of the County Supervisors Association. 00:43:53
For fiscal year 22 to 23, Craig. 00:44:00
Welcome this morning. 00:44:03
Ohh, yeah, Jason, the Jason welcome to those of you don't know Jason Jason's and that whole county Supervisor. So we're always 00:44:06
glad to see you. 00:44:10
Chairman Members of the Board grateful to be here with you today. Chairman Klein wanted to thank you for your involvement in in 00:44:16
Eastern Counties Organization. 00:44:21
It's an organization that you served on to provide efficiency then and I have a chance to work on as well and really enjoy the 00:44:27
partnership with you, the county and the opportunity to be able to work with you and get to know you better. You as a as a team of 00:44:33
supervisors been outstanding to work with across the state. 00:44:38
And I value my relationship with you and with the people here in Yellow County. I as I was coming here, I used to always argue 00:44:45
with my aunt. I'm gonna be real honest here. I used to always argue with my aunt. You win either way, I guess, because it's going 00:44:50
pacing or coming this way to go back up to to where I live. 00:44:55
Two different drives. They both go through your county, but my aunt and I used to always argue. She would say I was an idiot and 00:45:01
it was way more pretty to come this way through Globe and go up. And I'd always say this pretty go through Jason, but I don't know 00:45:06
where that hill I'm getting out of the valley and seeing. 00:45:11
You know the canyons and the different things that were there. It is absolutely beautiful especially right now and really see the 00:45:17
beauty that she was always talking about or color. I said that I like to be right So anyways, but absolutely beautiful, pretty 00:45:23
diverse country that you have here either county and certainly nice to be here with you today. I wanted to thank you like I said 00:45:30
for your involvement in CSA. One of the nice things about that organization, the county supervisors Association. 00:45:36
Is that we come together as a group, we have united voice and as a united voice, we're able to work together as a team at the 00:45:42
legislature and at the federal level to help them to understand what's actually happening and occurring for our citizens. 00:45:49
That are in these areas and it seems like the rural areas that we all live in, I get impacted rather greatly by the federal 00:45:56
government. So appreciate your voices and the partnership that we have with you and the continuing that conversation with CSA. 00:46:02
Um. 00:46:09
I also wanted to thank and I understand he's on the line. That's right, Mr. Menlo. 00:46:10
He chairs the county. 00:46:15
The County Managers Association and he's done a wonderful job. We've been a good leader all he stands up and gives us a good 00:46:18
report and I've always appreciated that his reports good and accurate as he reports to what they're working on and what's going on 00:46:23
with the managers based off of mindful of the clock and. 00:46:28
How much time we have and doesn't get real long winded. So certainly appreciate him and appreciate the good man that he is and the 00:46:33
work that he does. 00:46:37
Joining me today, of course is Craig Sullivan, who does a wonderful job bleeding out of County Supervisors Association and he'll 00:46:41
presenting here in a moment. But before he does, I wanted to remind you about the summit that's coming up. It'll be over in 00:46:47
Coconino County with highly encourage love to have you be there. It's important we're all there because that's the time that we 00:46:52
have to be able to talk about the next slide, just next legislative session. 00:46:58
Jason, thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Perry might have one on when, when do we have to have anything in for the summit, when 00:47:33
it's the discussion. That's a great question. I know this in August, but I'll let Craig give you the exact timeline so that if 00:47:40
that's OK with you supervisor. Yeah, because I, I, I know that Mister Minelli's on the line, but it's something I'd like to to to 00:47:46
get involved in this year because we didn't seem to be. 00:47:53
Make it last year. 00:47:59
OK. 00:48:01
Thank you, Robin. Yes, thank you. Thank you. 00:48:03
Good morning. Welcome, Craig. Good morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the Board. Thank you very much for giving me this 00:48:09
opportunity. For the record, I'm Craig Sullivan with the County Supervisors Association. 00:48:13
Just wanted to give you a good amount of content. 00:48:49
If you do have some questions to move me along and I do think that is Mr. Whiting was lauding Mr. Medla for his brief 00:48:51
presentations at our board meetings. I think it was a veiled suggestion about how I go forward today as well. So I'll, I'll take 00:48:58
it that way accordingly. 00:49:06
This PowerPoint and the document that you have will talk about what we do as an organization in terms of capacity building and 00:49:14
information sharing. It all outline key activities with our research and analytics function and I'll talk a little bit about our 00:49:20
legislative work. And so that's where this is going to take us. 00:49:26
But first, for folks who are not familiar with the organization, and I apologize to folks in the crowd that it's a little bit dark 00:49:34
up here, but what is our organization? 00:49:38
The county supervisors is an organization a collaboration of all 15 counties. You all serve on my board along with all of your 00:49:43
colleagues from the other counties and we benefit from that leadership and we're really focused in a nonpartisan way at looking 00:49:51
what how what helps all of the counties in several areas. One is information development and capacity and and and to improve 00:49:58
decision making locally We do a lot of research. We bring in guests and then of course we serve as an inter governmental offices. 00:50:06
When you see all of this, But the key is really about why it's important. And it's important because intergovernmental 00:50:13
partnerships are critical for entities like counties we are impacted by. 00:50:19
Authorities outside of this region that impacts your resources impact your operations. And so by working together, we're able to 00:50:26
bring the voice of county elected officials to those various forms. And you all know that well. But I think it's important that 00:50:32
constituents are aware of the value of the collaboration. 00:50:38
So moving on to the report, I wanted to spend a little bit of time on how we focus on capacity development and information 00:50:46
sharing. There's a lot of content here, but it basically breaks down like this. We try to use our forums, our board meetings, as 00:50:53
well as webinars that we conduct on a regular basis to bring in elected leaders. 00:50:59
Agencies, heads and policy professionals to talk with you about issues that are relevant to your county. We do that on a regular 00:51:05
basis. Now, you know, you're very familiar with a lot of the topics that we've engaged in. 00:51:11
We're also very proud and privileged to partner with what we call affiliate groups. 00:51:18
The managers association, the finance directors, the planning folks working in your counties. And this really strengthens the 00:51:22
collaboration across all 15 counties at a professional staff level. And I find it infinitely valuable to get their feedback and we 00:51:28
try to share with them what's happening at the legislature and other places and that really strengthens the collaboration as well. 00:51:34
And then as an association, you can see on the left, we do secure appointments to various committees that are relevant to you. 00:51:40
Often there are a lot of ad hoc. 00:51:46
Committees, but these are some of the standing committees where that were involved in things like making sure we're representing 00:51:53
your interests at the PSPRS Board of Trustees. 00:51:58
Our president serves on the ACA, the Commerce Authority Board of Directors. We have liaisons to the court systems and and most 00:52:03
recently I've been assigned to the Governor's Water Policy Council. So there's always an effort to make sure that counties are 00:52:09
connected with these conversations. 00:52:15
Through the association. 00:52:21
I'd like to spend a little bit more time on our research and data initiative. It's a very significant part of what we do. You see 00:52:25
a lot of the work as it comes at the tip of the iceberg, if you will, but what it's all about is just collecting a mountain of 00:52:31
relevant data to county government. 00:52:37
Packaging that and analyzing it into. 00:52:44
Visualizations that often we have on the website or we do have on the website and we plug into our advocacy and analysis. So when 00:52:46
you come to our board meetings, a lot of that analytical work is because of our data. 00:52:52
We have identified and we'll continue to identify critical value add research projects that we think will improve decision making 00:52:59
at both the state and the local level. And so I want to highlight a few of those that are ongoing for you. 00:53:07
So these are some of the research projects. And please know the black writing doesn't matter. It's about the white heading. 00:53:19
We are currently developing an expenditure limit resource resource guide that gives the history and all the activities related to 00:53:25
constitutionally required expenditure limits. 00:53:31
In the counties, this has been a pain point that's been brought forward to us by many of the counties. We are working on public 00:53:36
safety pensions which you know for several years we've had a strategic initiative to partner across the state to have to figure 00:53:44
out how to pay down the public safety pension situation in a cost effective way. But also to make sure that we as stakeholders are 00:53:51
involved in the decision making by the Board of Trustees that is managing all of this money and so our team. 00:53:59
Spends a lot of time analyzing the decisions and the inputs going into the pension system to help me serve on the advisory 00:54:06
committee role that I that I serve on along with the cities and towns, as well as briefing the county appointments to the Board of 00:54:12
Trustees Alan McGuire. And so there's a ton of work that goes into that space, but the financial consequences are so big, it's 00:54:19
really important that we're all spending time on it. We're developing a probation officer compilation of information that will 00:54:25
lead to a. 00:54:31
Data dashboard of information that we've been compiling over the last couple of years, but what I wanted to pull out for you is 00:54:37
workforce development issues. We've had a series of meetings for the last few years about problems in recruitment and retention 00:54:44
across all functions of county government. We're seeing it everywhere there was a statutory requirement. 00:54:52
That PSPRS convene a work group to look at this problem in police and fire. We have deputies there in the police category. It 00:55:00
doesn't address detention, but. 00:55:05
Since we were assigned to that effort, our team looked for ways to support it in a more effective way. And what that led to was 00:55:10
this work group seeking a grant from the Arizona Board of Regents. 00:55:17
Which pulls in these universities to work with this group to do this analysis, recruitment and retention and evaluations. 00:55:24
Best practice compilation, interviews of leadership, interviews of folks who are already working in the function. And ideally we'd 00:55:34
like to get out in the field and see what's the whole workforce development pipeline looks like. We're limited in our scope. 00:55:41
Or of how where we're able to take this because of the statutory requirement given the PSPRS. But our team wanted to make sure we 00:55:49
were bringing some resources and value to it. And so we've been managing these relationships and had a big role of Vanessa Fielder 00:55:56
on our team and Brandon Knee in shaping the whole research project. So you'll learn more about that when we come up with some. 00:56:03
Uh, this is kind of the work plan on our data initiative. And so you can just see how each of those projects is moving forward 00:56:11
over the course of the year and we will be providing a. 00:56:17
A status update at our Policy summit in. 00:56:23
October will also be rolling on some new research projects going into the next year. So this stuff is all foundational and we want 00:56:27
to make sure that we are doing this kind of deep thinking to support our other work that we do for the counties. 00:56:34
On the plans to go to the end of July. 00:57:13
Just a little bit about some of the narrative I you're all aware of the conversations that we had just about the evolution of the 00:57:18
budget. But the key takeaways are these. We had a divided government for the first time in 15 years with the Democrat and the 00:57:25
governor's office and then a Republican controlled legislature need to figure out how to work together. And the financial picture 00:57:31
often tells you how to work together. They saw fairly readily that there was a lot of one time money. 00:57:38
But really no ongoing money and so the whole conversation migrated to that one one time space and this shows which is a very, very 00:57:45
compelling graphic and in their document shows where all of the the money went and let me hit a couple of highlights. 00:57:54
Two and a quarter billion dollars were allocated for one time projects. 00:58:04
And uh, one time support you. See how that breaks down on the left. 00:58:08
Transportation, K12 education, school facilities and housing. 260 million was for a one time income tax rebate. That's where all 00:58:13
the cash went right into these various pockets and this is where members who were given each. 00:58:20
30 million or $20 million to allocate cobbled together how they wanted to spend resources. And so that's what really drove the 00:58:28
state budget conversation. 00:58:33
That led to a significant amount of allocations across the state for transportation projects, local water projects, and local 00:58:38
distributions, And this document, this slide shows how that maps. 00:58:45
Kill Accounting was at the table there on some important items and adopt projects to the tune of about $8.6 million and the 00:58:51
$3,000,000 veterans allocation for the veterans project that you are all working on. And I want to commend you, Mr. Chairman. 00:58:59
You've been educating folks on that for some time now and you've done an outstanding job cobbling together resources to make that 00:59:06
a reality. Thank you. Appreciate that. I love seeing passion projects come to fruition and it's really. 00:59:14
You'll just have to Take Me Out there at some point because I do want to see you have an open invitation anytime. 00:59:22
Now the way they did this by allocating one time money did impact our ability and everybody's ability to solve big. 00:59:31
Big issues that are ongoing. So we had two on the table. One was related to how the state properly funds its responsibility for 00:59:39
probation officers and avoid shifting those costs to the counties. They did put some money in for that owed salary increases for 00:59:47
probation officers. They had some language in there that would have made us liable for some of these expenses that was removed. 00:59:54
But what hasn't been solved is the ongoing commitment of the state. 01:00:02
To the probation officers and that puts them in a difficult position and the counties as well because we can see that cost 01:00:09
starting to migrate into the county copper. So we really have to solve that and that's a real governance issue and we need to get 01:00:14
lawmakers to pay attention to it. 01:00:19
Similarly, the Closed Elected Officials Retirement plan. This is a legacy debt, pension debt that we're carrying on the books. We 01:00:24
wanted to work with the state to put some cash in that, act like the bank, and then we would pay them back our share. And all 01:00:31
told, it would have saved taxpayers in the state about $670 million if they had worked with us on that, quote, UN quote, 01:00:37
refinancing package. 01:00:44
But since they were all focusing on localized projects, this item which was a large expenditure one time didn't make it in the 01:00:51
final budget, though we did have some good champions on the topic. So we're going to have to revisit those two items going 01:00:55
forward. 01:01:00
We did run some bills for our client counties. Here are four. We put four in the system. All four were signed. It says three 01:01:07
there. But the governor signed 2669 last Friday. 01:01:12
I want to highlight the work that Jacob Bennett. 01:01:19
Robin Hilliard do on our Rehab Debate Reactive Advocacy piece This is where we're just waiting for all these bills to come into 01:01:23
the process. 01:01:28
And then we have to figure out what they mean for the counties. And very importantly, we don't operate as a partisan entity. 01:01:32
Our view is always accounting lens. What do these bills mean from a resource and operational standpoint? 01:01:40
And then when we ask our members to consider them, we have a super majority threshold to take the position because we don't want 01:01:47
to migrate into the political winds. We want to stay right on what works for county government serving constituents. 01:01:53
And again, I do want to thank you Mr. Christensen for all the time you spent on the LPC with us. I I learned so much as I go 01:02:00
through all those bills with everybody, but I do appreciate your effort there. 01:02:05
You can see how the numbers break down and I won't belabor a whole lot of this with you, but it is about the staff work that Robin 01:02:10
and Jacob put in and they did very well working with legislators to largely address the concerns that we have. 01:02:16
Yeah, I do want to flag this. I mean, you know we talked earlier before the the session about it this. 01:02:24
The governor has set a record for vetoes this year of over 11 hundred 111 bills and vetoed, and that's going to grow. You can see 01:02:29
the historical veto track when you peel that back. A lot of it is, you know, kind of partisan bills that the Republican majority 01:02:36
wanted to put on her desk. But some of them are, you know, just items where she's weighing in on policy issues, for example, the 01:02:42
food preparation, cottage food. 01:02:48
Statutory changes, the so-called Somali bill and that's something that does touch the counties. We had amended our issues out of 01:02:54
it, but we do anticipate that's going to come back and we we are at the table to work on solutions now that that is back in the 01:02:59
system. 01:03:04
These are all bills that passed and my intent here is really just to give you a sense of the diversity of policy areas that our 01:03:13
team works on. 01:03:17
It ranges from P&Z to board powers and elections as you well know. 01:03:21
We don't know in the general effective date is for bills yet. So we're going to wait until the legislature informs us, is that 01:03:27
right? And so it was 90 days after the legislature signy dies. But we are summarizing all the bills that have been signed into law 01:03:32
now and we will have a full report for your professional staff because you're all going to have to implement these new policies. 01:03:37
The good thing is. 01:03:43
Is that there aren't a whole lot of really process changing policies that were put in place. Most of them are just. 01:03:48
Policy improvements or things that matter to a member or constituents and kind of made sense ultimately to passing the law. 01:03:56
I put a little chart that's starting to look like a Rube Goldberg device here as it relates to elections. But this just shows you 01:04:06
that elections is still very salient conversation. 01:04:11
119 bills were introduced into the legislature, touching election processes. 34 went to the governor and one has been signed. 01:04:16
And so a lot of talk, not a lot of outcome, and that's because there's strong opinions and differences on these policies. 01:04:25
The governor does have a election task force in place that's going to come up with recommendations that probably influences where 01:04:32
a lot of this is. I want to commend the elections officials and the reporters and our partners over at ACO. They have done Yeomans 01:04:38
work. 01:04:43
At putting good quality information and feedback in a very contentious environment and I think they, they have been outstanding 01:04:49
public servants as we've gone through all of this. And so I do want to thank them publicly. 01:04:55
Water is the issue of our time. You know this well, it's going to continue to be. 01:05:03
And we need to make sure that we're at the table monitoring, you know, with the various regions, think about various water 01:05:08
policies. I will tell you I've worked with the counties long time and we've got 15 counties and probably 75 positions on water 01:05:14
policy. So I'm very sensitive to that and we want to make sure that we're talking and processing. 01:05:20
And informing all of you about what has come off the table, notably. 01:05:27
Big ticket item last year was to capitalize a billion dollars in the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority to fund water 01:05:32
augmentation to grow the water pie. 01:05:37
To mix analogies, here in Arizona, the legislature was to deposit 333,000,000 into that this year. 01:05:42
They earmarked half of that. 01:05:50
Right. Not for not for water augmentation, but for various water related infrastructure projects. They're all probably good 01:05:52
projects, but I just wanted to highlight that money that was going to documentation pot. 01:05:59
Has been earmarked for other other projects. It's still a lot of augmentation money in there. 01:06:06
But we all need that issue to be top of mind. 01:06:11
Deep. 01:06:17
And then just finally, I did want to close out with some slides for all of you or some documents that we'll be distributing. 01:06:19
So again, you know, I'm very grateful for all the work that we do, Mr. Medlov and your professional staff, they're phenomenal 01:06:27
partners with all of us. When we wrap up a session, we push out a bunch of documents to help kind of figure out what happened in 01:06:33
the legislature and implement it. And here they are all, several of them are listed for you. These will all be getting wrapped up 01:06:39
and distributed as soon as possible. Some of them already have gone out, but please for you and your staff. 01:06:46
As they're trying to get their bearings on new laws, what was in the budget? Anything else, we're available to you. Tell us how we 01:06:52
can help you as we go forward. 01:06:56
And then, Mr. Humphrey, I wanted to save the best for last, so we'll talk about the deadline for submitting proposals into our 01:07:03
policy development process. We are asking the counties to submit proposals by August 7th. 01:07:09
So that we can start processing them for the Coconino County Summit if. 01:07:16
The issue is not fully ready. That's OK. We just need to get an indicator that you have an item that's a priority for your board 01:07:20
to have considered at that time that we want to be available to serve you in that capacity. And as you're developing concepts, 01:07:25
we're available to you to help with any technical expertise we can offer. 01:07:31
Thank you very much. You're very welcome. And with that, Miss Chairman, thanks for all the time. I probably violated with my 01:07:37
President was directing me at the beginning, but I appreciate your generosity and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Thank you. 01:07:42
Craig, do you have something you want to say, Jason? 01:07:47
Just. 01:07:53
Just real quick I I apologize. I am. I had, I had some jokes that I was going to share especially as the you know, accountants set 01:07:54
back here and gave their spill whether I needed to read my report the whole way through verbatim or how you guys wanted things 01:08:01
done. And then my manager said hey they're coming on Tuesday and it kind of shocked me. I thought I better be quiet because. 01:08:07
So. 01:08:16
Threw me off a little bit but but the supervisor questions I I was I didn't get to thank you for being on the LPC and your voice 01:08:18
has been one of the reason and one that really mattered for those that don't know the legislative Policy Committee. Each county 01:08:23
has a representative that serves on that and has a chance to be able to speak to the various bills that are that are coming down 01:08:29
the pipe and so we have a chance to get kind of. 01:08:34
United around how to build will impact our citizens. 01:08:40
And the great thing that I would say, and I hope you don't mind me. 01:08:43
The board that you have, and I mean it, is sincerely, I can say it is outstanding. They truly are public servants that care about 01:08:48
the people that they represent. 01:08:52
And I have a chance to work with each one of them, and it's an honor to work with them and to get to see how they care about the 01:08:57
citizens they represent. 01:09:01
And the bold leaders that they are, but they're not afraid to stand up for what is right. So. 01:09:05
Anyways, it's a pleasure to work with you folks here at Healey County, and I apologize, I meant to say that. I mean, they just 01:09:09
threw me off a little bit. I had hair before I came in. But anyways. 01:09:13
It is quite common to questions only comment is thank you all very, very much for the support that you give us and lead us in. And 01:09:21
it's so nice to be able to go down and be welcome and and have a voice and what goes on and and and all you do and and tries so 01:09:30
hard to help keep us united to have that voice and so just appreciate it very much of all your hard work and interest. 01:09:39
Christian, thank you, Chairman and thank you Craig and Jason, thank you for your kind words. Jason. 01:09:49
Jason was one of the first supervisors I met. After I was appointed, we were up in the gorier area. I can't remember what that was 01:09:54
all about, but. 01:09:59
It was a untimed and so you've been a good friend, a good advisor and now? 01:10:05
Serving as the leader at the CSA or the supervisor. So it's an honor to work with you. It's an honor to work with Craig. I think 01:10:10
the CSA does an outstanding job representing all the counties to the legislature and it's surprising to me that fifteen of us that 01:10:17
are on the LPC. 01:10:24
Almost always agree on. 01:10:31
The approach we should take toward a bill. 01:10:34
And there's a lot of diversity on that. 01:10:37
There's. 01:10:40
Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, whatever. 01:10:42
But we all seem to smell a bad one when we smell a bad one and we all can get behind a good one. 01:10:47
So it. 01:10:53
That's really neat. So thanks for coming today. That's my pleasure. Yeah. Thank you, Sir. 01:10:54
Craig, you guys are awesome, you know and and I don't know if the you know. 01:10:59
It it's it's toughening to me like when we get into situations you guys are just a phone call away and that means a lot when 01:11:03
they're sitting in these chairs to figure things out. And then I watch you kind of heard all 15 counties and kind of keep 01:11:09
everybody and and going and on the same track. I'm amazed. 01:11:15
They'll be like herding chickens, you know. So it's really good. But you guys are really awesome. Thank. I thank you so much for 01:11:21
what you guys do and make sure and pass that along to your team too, because they are great. So I'll do exactly that. Thank you 01:11:27
very much. Thank you. Thank you, Jason. Thank you. 01:11:33
OK, moving on to three public hearings, 3A information, discussion, action. 01:11:40
To adopt Ordinance #2023-06, which authorizes an amendment to the HeLa County zoning. 01:11:47
Map for unincorporated areas for Helix County by changing the zoning for assessors Parcel #301. 01:11:55
Dash 10-010F. 01:12:03
Located at 7911 W Summit Dr. Strawberry, AZ. 01:12:07
To residential one district density 10R1-D10. Randy. Good morning, Laurie. Chairman, supervisors. 01:12:13
Umm. 01:12:22
This is there's two. 01:12:24
Items on your agenda, They're both gonna be right after each other. They are lots next to each other, so almost everything I say 01:12:28
about the first one I won't have to say on the second one so I can help move it along. But if you'll see the F. 01:12:35
On the. 01:12:43
Slide there. That's the first one we're talking about and then literally the one right next to it. 01:12:45
Is going to be the next one. 01:12:50
So what is being requested here is David Lappano. 01:12:53
Who is the owner of Bow Tie Roofing? 01:12:57
Is requesting A zoning change from C2 to R1 D 10. 01:13:00
Of C2 is commercial obviously. 01:13:07
Umm. 01:13:11
The residential property around there says you'll see that whole corner there. That's where the strawberry and the chalet. 01:13:14
And all those. 01:13:22
Establishments are right there that next launch back or where we're talking about. 01:13:24
The applicant owns the Subject property. 01:13:29
On Shamrock Dr. and Strawberry, which is currently zoned C2. 01:13:32
In October of 2007, Mr. Ocano applied for a development plan. 01:13:37
Forward. 01:13:43
Says roofing company that would utilize the property for storing equipment. 01:13:44
And tools for the business as well as to accommodate a site built caretaker course. 01:13:48
In October 2007, the development plan was approved she zoning. 01:13:54
Is not intended for mixed residential and commercial uses. 01:13:58
In 2008, a permit was issued. 01:14:02
And construction was completed for the residents to be used as a caretaker quarter. 01:14:05
Per section 101.3, a property owners were notified within 300 feet of the subject property. 01:14:12
A meeting was held. 01:14:19
On March 24th, 2023. 01:14:21
Permission Lofino There has were no attendees at the neighborhood meeting, and he received no calls or emails with any concerns 01:14:24
expressed by neighbors. 01:14:28
To date, he left County. 01:14:33
Planning The zoning staff has not received any calls either. 01:14:36
The C2 zoning intent is to permit most types of commercial activity and content intended to provide. 01:14:41
For a larger segment of the population than the average neighborhood area. 01:14:49
The district intended for cluster application along major streets and highways. 01:14:53
Although uses within this district should be operated in such a manner as to be compatible with surrounding residential uses. 01:14:58
This first strike is not intended for residential and commercial use. 01:15:06
Comparatively. 01:15:12
On the R1. 01:15:13
Residential district. 01:15:15
And kept the permits is to promote the development and area primary for single family dwellings intended that all others uses will 01:15:17
be installed, operated and maintained. 01:15:22
Hey manner so as to either complement or at least we have minimum disruption to such single family uses. 01:15:27
Any uses not in accordance with the Intent and Purchase traffic stipulation provisions. 01:15:34
And permitted uses to set forth section shall be deemed a nuisance. 01:15:40
Staff review and reviewing. 01:15:45
The rezoning application for Recommendations Staff considers the state statutes. 01:15:48
County ordinances zoning. 01:15:54
The current proposed Land Use Comprehensive Plan. 01:15:56
An adjacent zoning. 01:15:59
Free and public comments. 01:16:05
Of the land use, which we have none at this point. 01:16:08
This is specific lots. 01:16:12
Fall within a month, Multifunctional corridor. 01:16:14
Of on the Comprehensive Plan, there are factors weighing on both sides based on the definition of the Multifunctional Corridor. 01:16:19
Multi function corridor denotes areas of the county. 01:16:27
That are located adjacent to the primary transportation route. 01:16:30
And where a mixed land use is desirable based upon specific location characteristics of land. 01:16:35
This property is not adjacent. 01:16:41
To the primary transportation roof. 01:16:44
Also, is designed for. 01:16:47
That can be seen from the root and this is not being able to be seen. 01:16:50
From the highway. 01:16:54
Legal ads were published on 5/30 of 2023. 01:16:58
In the patient Roundup and the Silver belt. 01:17:02
Respectively. 01:17:05
So what I wanted to point out is that. 01:17:11
This is 1 lot back, so the Strawberry Inn is literally right in front of it. 01:17:14
This is up on SUMAC, which kind of goes around that curve and so it does not meet the requirements of a multifunctional corridor, 01:17:20
even though on the master plan it is a multifunction corridor. There's also, if you'll see right below that pink area that that 01:17:28
orangish color is the commercial part of it and then that goes to residential is that pink. 01:17:36
But on the one lots. 01:17:44
Just. 01:17:47
To the side of our in front of these lots are also residential, but they were placed in there before. 01:17:48
We had Sony. 01:17:55
So those were back in the 60s and 70s. 01:17:57
That those were went in. 01:18:00
Um. 01:18:03
So at this point, I'll be more than happy to answer any specials. I believe Mr. Luciano is in the patient. 01:18:04
Office or the color, Martin. 01:18:11
Office and I'd be more happy to answer any questions. 01:18:14
Thank you, Randy. Supervisor Humphrey, questions or comments? 01:18:18
Being this is out of my district, I'm going to, I'm going to pass. 01:18:22
Supervisor Christian, thank you. Chairman, thank you. Randy, I I don't see any questions that I need to ask. I. 01:18:26
Pretty straightforward. Thank you, Sir. And I don't have any either right now, Randy. So I'm good. So with that, I'll open up a 01:18:34
public meeting. 01:18:37
And patient we have a gentleman wants. Do you want to speak to this? 01:18:41
He says he's good. 01:18:51
He He's OK. 01:18:52
Yep. 01:18:54
OK. 01:18:55
It's nothing on YouTube is there and there's no one here. So with that I'll close the. 01:18:56
Public hearing and entertain a motion. 01:19:01
Mr. Chairman, I'll move to adopt Ordinance #2023-06. 01:19:03
With no complaints. I'll second that. Having a motion in a second. All in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye. 01:19:11
Aye, aye, motion carries. 01:19:17
On to B3B. 01:19:19
Public Hearing Information Discussion Action to Adopt Ordinance #2023-07. 01:19:21
Which authorizes an amendment to the HeLa County zoning map for unincorporated areas for Helix County. 01:19:29
By changing the zoning for assessors parcel #301-10-010G. 01:19:35
Located at 7925 W Summit Dr. Sunbury, Arizona to Residential One District density 10. 01:19:42
RR 1 to D10 Brandy. 01:19:52
My love to say Ditto. 01:19:56
You can say, look, we can. The only thing I forgot to bring up was that the Planning and Zoning Board did vote on these two and 01:19:57
both were passed unanimously. 01:20:03
For approval, OK. So other than that, it is exact. 01:20:09
Next door lot. There is a slight change in dates, but other than that same thing happened. 01:20:13
Thank you. Andy, any questions or comments? 01:20:19
Supervisor Humphrey Questions Comment, no questions Comments Supervisor Christian No Sir and neither do I. So with that I'll open 01:20:25
up the public hearing. 01:20:29
We're good and patient. 01:20:34
Feel good. OK. Thank you. We're good here as well. I'll close the public hearing and entertain a motion. 01:20:39
With that information and no complaints, Mr. Chair, I will move to adopt Ordinance #2023-07. I will second that having a motion 01:20:47
and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. Randy. Thank you. Thank you. 01:20:55
OK, on the SEA information discussion, action to consider a liquor license application. 01:21:04
County number L-23-11. 01:21:10
Submitted by Jodie Harwood for a new Series 007 Beer and Wine bar Liquor license at The Lodge at 5600 located in Pine. 01:21:14
And issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. And Sam 01:21:25
this one, George. 01:21:29
Good morning, Chairman and Board Members. As stated, this is a Series 7 beer and wine bar liquor license application located at 01:21:34
The Lodge at 5600 and Pine. The County does have an internal review process whereby the Treasurer reviews the application and 01:21:41
ensures the applicant is current on property tax payments for all properties owned in new accounting. 01:21:47
The Health and Building Building permitting department both revealed application. 01:21:54
And to date, there have been no issues or oppositions reported for the Lodge at 5600. The Clerk of the Board's office recommends 01:21:58
to proceed with the public hearing and I can take any questions. 01:22:03
Thank you, Sam. Any questions? Supervisor Humphrey? I have no questions. Supervisor Christiansen, Thank you. Thank you, Sam. I'm 01:22:09
very familiar with the property. I don't see any issues. So thank you. 01:22:14
And I don't have any questions either, so. 01:22:20
That I'll open it up to public meeting. Is there anyone in patient? 01:22:23
OK. We're good here as well. I'll close the public meeting or hearing and. 01:22:28
Entertain a motion, Mr. Chair. I'll move to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control approved the 01:22:33
liquor license application submitted by Billie Harwood. 01:22:38
For the large at 5600. 01:22:44
Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion. And second, all in favor distilled by saying aye, Aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank 01:22:48
you, Sam. 01:22:51
Under four regular agenda items 4A, I'll need a motion to adjourn as the HeLa County Board of Supervisors and convene as the HeLa 01:22:56
County Library District Board of Directors. 01:23:01
Some who Mr. Chairman, I will second any motion in a second. All in favor do so by saying aye, aye, aye aye motion carries 01:23:06
information, discussion, action to adopt the fiscal year 2324. 01:23:13
Kennedy budget for the Henry County Library District. And we have Elaine. Good morning, Elaine. 01:23:20
Good morning. Thank you, Chairman, Klein, Supervisors. 01:23:26
Every year, the Library District comes before the Library District Board of Directors to adopt A tentative budget for our next 01:23:29
fiscal year. 01:23:32
This budget is used to support the 8 libraries in HeLa County, which include funds for day-to-day operations, IT, connectivity and 01:23:36
equipment, just to name a few. 01:23:40
After reviewing this budget for fiscal year 2324, I would happily answer any questions and ask that you adopt the tentative 01:23:45
budget. 01:23:49
Thank you. Elevate right. Three questions. Your comments, Elaine, are you happy with this budget? 01:23:53
I am OK. 01:23:58
John, well, I'll always take more, but. 01:24:00
So there's certainly made. 01:24:03
Professor Christensen, thank you. I have no questions. I don't either. So with that I would entertain a motion. 01:24:06
Mr. Chairman, I'll move to adopt the fiscal year 2023-2024 tentative budget for the HeLa County Library District in the amount of 01:24:13
$2,485,285 as presented. 01:24:21
I will second that any motion. Second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye, Motion carries. Thank you. 01:24:29
I'll need a motion to adjourn as the HeLa County Library District Board of Directors and convene as a HeLa County Flood Control 01:24:36
District Board of Directors. So move, Mr. Chair. I'll second have a motion. Second. All in favor, please stop by saying aye aye. 01:24:42
Motion carries. 01:24:47
Marin. 01:24:53
Good morning, Mr. Chair. Good morning, Supervisor Crushington, Supervisor Humphrey. 01:24:54
As you can see on the board, we are presenting the Flood Control District. 01:24:58
Budget today in the amount of $248,162. 01:25:02
Happy to answer any questions that you have. Thank you, Madam Supervisor Humphrey. 01:25:07
I have no question. 01:25:11
Supervisor Christiansen, no questions. Thank you. 01:25:13
We, we we do this every year and this is what it just kills me is. 01:25:19
Are we just going to keep? 01:25:25
Doing this with the flood district. I mean, tell me again what the main purpose of a flood district this man. So we have to 01:25:28
present this to you as it's separate, as a separate item, because the county does have the authority to levy attacks. 01:25:35
For the flip control district, historically we haven't chosen to Historically we have funded this. 01:25:42
Without levying attacks on the residents. 01:25:49
But we have to bring it to you as a separate item. 01:25:53
So that you can be the flood control district Board of Directors and adopt this. 01:25:55
And it's just an annual. 01:26:00
Exercise so that you're aware that if you ever chose to, you could levy such a tax. 01:26:05
So. 01:26:12
Michael, I got a question for you. 01:26:14
Since the only reason we have a flood control district is in case we want to put a tax. 01:26:18
Is there anything in statute made that's a Jessica question of whether that we have a flood? 01:26:23
Controlled district do we have to have but controlled districts? No chairman. 01:26:28
You have the ability to implement the tax levy for a flood control district, but you don't have to. It's not required. Then do you 01:26:33
know how? Or maybe, Michael, do you know how long this flood control district has been in existence? 01:26:39
I do not put that in. I'm sure we'd be able to go back and check on these words. I'd be curious to know because. 01:26:47
I know it's been, but before our time it's been there all these years we've been sitting here and it, you know we we addressed 01:26:54
this every year. I don't know. 01:26:59
I guess I'm just curious on why we still have it. I guess so yeah. I work with Marin and Mister man Lovin and get an answer for 01:27:04
the board and and let you know. 01:27:09
Thank you, Michael. Supervisor Humphrey, you got anything you want to throw in there? 01:27:14
No, other than there could be some areas like Sheila that doesn't have a lot of what our roads are there. Are there flood control 01:27:20
because they're they're. 01:27:26
Their HOA was abandoned. 01:27:33
And so at one point I was talking to them to see if they were willing to put together a tax district to control their flooding. 01:27:36
And and and they weren't. 01:27:41
But but by having this open door, it made it possible if that's something that that particular area would care to do. 01:27:47
Yeah, I guess it's just, I know we have a little bit of money. We've always had just a little bit of money into this district and 01:27:56
I believe there may be one or two people that's funded out of this pot of money. 01:28:01
But overall I've just in the back of my mind I'm thinking if we're never gonna do anything at this but. 01:28:06
District. 01:28:12
Jessica, Chairman, Member, Supervisor, So I misunderstood your question. So yes, it is required by statute to have the Flood 01:28:13
Control District. That way you do have the ability to address certain issues like flooding, perhaps needing to take on properties 01:28:21
through eminent domain so that you can control that. You've had situations like that in the past and however the tax levy that. 01:28:29
That is up to your discretion. OK, so by statute, we have to have this district. 01:28:38
OK. We'll do it again next year. Thank you, Mayor. 01:28:47
I didn't take a motion. 01:28:50
Mr. Chairman, I'll move to adopt the fiscal year 2023-2024 tentative budget for the Healing County Flood Control District. 01:28:52
In the amount of $248,162.00 as presented. 01:29:02
I'll second that Mr. Chair having a motion. Second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye, aye. Motion carries. 01:29:08
And thank you very much and have a motion to adjourn the Tablet County Flood Control District Board of Directors and convene as 01:29:15
the HeLa County St. Lighting. 01:29:20
Improvement Districts Board of Directors shall move. Mr. Chair, I will second. 01:29:25
Any motion and second all in favor do so by saying aye, aye, aye. Motion carries C Information Discussion, Action. 01:29:30
To adopt the fiscal year 23/24/20 budgets for the HeLa County St. Lighting improvement Districts. 01:29:38
For the fiscal year 24 budget schedules entitled St. Lighting Improvement Districts when we hear it again. 01:29:46
Mr. Chair, Supervisor Christensen, Supervisor Humphrey. 01:29:54
Today we have for you the Seven St. Lighting Improvement Districts. 01:29:58
These are taxes that are collected by the Hula County Treasurer and are then used to pay the APS bills to provide St. lighting in 01:30:03
these districts. 01:30:09
Thank you, Mayor Supervisor Humphrey. 01:30:17
I have. I have no questions. 01:30:21
The only thing is is also to and and some of my public meetings, people have talked about some of these lights being out. 01:30:24
And so if so or anybody sees any of these lights out? 01:30:34
Um, the power companies real responsive about putting them, fixing them, you know what they have out. So I know you guys don't 01:30:38
like to run around in the dark Sheriff. So if if you notice some out if you'll let me know or let the power company know. They've 01:30:44
been really great about getting some of these lights repaired or or lights placed. 01:30:51
And the power company has added on their website that you can just report that number. It's a yellow strip with black digits on 01:30:57
it. You can go on their website and enter that number and they will address it. You don't even have to call them anymore. 01:31:04
And yeah, they're they're real responsive and helping keeping that lip. 01:31:11
Good Supervisor Christensen. Thanks. No, I have nothing. Another device, I entertain a motion. 01:31:15
Mr. Chairman, I moved to adopt the fiscal year 2023-2024 tentative budget for the following Heela County. 01:31:22
Street Lighting Improvement Districts, also known as SLID. 01:31:30
Heinz Ward 2075 dollars. Apache Hills slid 3750 dollars. Upper Glendale slash Central Heights. 01:31:35
$3220 E Birdie Park slid 5221 dollars. Miami Gardens slid 3407 dollars Midland slash Central Heights slid $16,378 Claypool Lower 01:31:45
Miami slid 25,487 dollars. 01:31:56
As predicted, Mr. Chair, I'll second them. 01:32:09
Having a motion and second all in favor do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye motion carries. 01:32:13
Thank you, Mayor. And I'll need a motion to adjourn as Emma County St. Lighting Improvement Districts, Board of Directors and 01:32:19
reconvene as HeLa County Board of Supervisor. Don't move, Mr. Chair. We'll second have a motion. Second, all in favor. Do so by 01:32:26
saying aye. All right, aye. Motion carries on to D Information discussion action. 01:32:33
To adopt the fiscal year 2324 Helix County Kennedy budget. 01:32:41
Or authorize the publication of the summary budget and set the public hearing for July 18th. 01:32:47
2023 to adopt the final 2324 Helen County budget. 01:32:54
Good morning, Mr. Chair, Supervisor, Christian Science Advisor, Humphrey. 01:33:01
We've provided a PowerPoint for you here. 01:33:05
But we also recognize that you've been sitting here for. 01:33:08
Over an hour and a half, so I will do my best to keep this brief today. 01:33:11
The PowerPoint is available to our constituents on our website, which is part of the reason why there are repeat slides from when 01:33:19
we initially discussed the budget. 01:33:24
Earlier this year, we just wanted to make sure that everyone's aware of our economic considerations, including our expenditure 01:33:30
limitation, the competitive marketplace and supply chain and procurement issues. 01:33:35
The 2024 investment priorities that have come to us from the Board of Supervisors and HeLa County Department heads. 01:33:43
And other elected officials include our employees, technology, infrastructure and buildings. 01:33:50
Vehicles and public safety. 01:33:56
We also have our priorities, including public service levels, maintaining the property tax rate at $4.19. 01:34:00
And delivering A balanced budget in addition to the expenditure limitation. 01:34:09
This resources and limitation side is just a repeat from earlier. 01:34:14
Earlier conversation, we did update this number here for the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat. I think I could. It doesn't show up 01:34:19
as well on the television. It shows better on the screen. That number was $1,000,000. The last time we met it did increase to 01:34:25
3,000,000. 01:34:30
Based on the state appropriation. 01:34:35
Then. 01:34:40
The fiscal 2024, we have net assessed values of properties at $636,720,730. 01:34:42
Which with your $4.19 tax rate will render a primary property tax levy of $26,678,599. 01:34:53
Earlier you heard from the auditor general's office, they talked to you about our 2022 financial statements. 01:35:05
Of an area that we in finance look at that the auditor doesn't necessarily reflect and and their reporting is how you're. 01:35:12
Budgeted priorities appear in the financial statement. So when you look at the fiscal year 2022 financial statement priorities, 01:35:20
you can see that just over half of your total expenditures are for public safety and courts. 01:35:28
At 29% are for health, welfare, education, constituent services, culture and recreation. 01:35:36
11% goes to Sanitation, Hwy. Streets and landfill, 3% goes to debt service and about 7% goes to administration. 01:35:42
By comparison, if you were running like a nonprofit organization, having a 7% administrative cost would be a really excellent 01:35:54
ratio for you to be able to refer to. 01:36:00
So in our 2024 budget, we have a variety of revenue sources. 01:36:07
25% of the revenue sources are made-up of the primary property tax levy. 01:36:13
17% come from grants, 27% from special revenue. 01:36:19
With 4% from PILT. 01:36:25
Which is federal payments in lieu of taxes because of the amount of federal land in our county. 01:36:27
We have about 4% in state shared sales tax, another 4% in county excise tax. 01:36:34
2% in vehicle license tax. 01:36:40
And all other sources combined make up the remaining 8% of your revenue. 01:36:43
You saw the 2022 priorities based on expenditure areas. 01:36:51
For 2024 we do have about 42% going to general fund, 22% for grants and restricted funds. 01:36:56
8% is for LTCF. That is the Local Area and Tribal Consistency Fund. 01:37:06
It was previously part of PILT, and then Congress changed it around a little bit, 2% from the American Rescue Plan Act. 01:37:13
14% for capital projects. 01:37:21
1% for debt service and then 11% for future year reserves. 01:37:24
And then we look a little more closely at the general fund to see where your expenditures line out. 01:37:31
And we do have courts and public safety in two separate. 01:37:37
Sectors here, but they are still. 01:37:41
A little over 50% of the total budget. 01:37:43
For the general fund, health and Emergency Management comes in at 3%, general government at 22 facilities and fleet. 01:37:47
Were restructured slightly for 2024 to be part of general fund that makes up about 3% of the total budget, as does debt service. 01:37:55
Access and Altex are your indigent care costs. Those are state mandated and are about 6% of total general fund. 01:38:05
Capital is about 10% of total general fund. 01:38:13
And community development is about 2%. 01:38:17
So 4/20/24 the proposed upper limit of expenditures, which is the purpose of today's. 01:38:23
Meeting. 01:38:30
Is 151,622, I'm sorry, 151,622,946 dollars? 01:38:31
Which compares to prior years as listed here last year's. 01:38:40
Proposed upper limit of expenditures was $124,423,067. 01:38:45
So. 01:38:53
That shows you. 01:38:54
About a $27 million increase. 01:38:55
So we provided some information here that's easier to see if you're just looking at your own screen, but this does show where 01:38:59
those new. 01:39:04
Expenditures are so you can see where the $27 million additions came from. 01:39:10
Starting in the upper left. 01:39:17
That 2.78 million is for federal earmarks that we've applied for, so we have to include them in the budget. We will know in 01:39:20
September or October whether those funds will be truly available to us. 01:39:26
Your next sector in the upper right is for ARPA projects. 01:39:34
Which is the remaining $3.4 million, that's ARPA funds that we are working on projects for and that does include. 01:39:38
$325,000 for the. 01:39:47
Restrooms at the fairgrounds that may happen in 23 or may happen in 24, so we've budgeted it there. So either way you are covered. 01:39:50
We have in the lower right infrastructure projects of 11.6 million. 01:40:00
That includes $5.5 million in roads projects. 01:40:06
The ongoing landfill expansion, the ongoing Tonto bridge project with our cost share. 01:40:09
And then? 01:40:16
There is a cost share related to the 512 road if we receive the federal earmark for that project. 01:40:17
Finally, in the lower left quadrant, we have our additional capital needs. 01:40:27
Which are primarily for 2024, made-up of public safety requests. 01:40:31
And the vehicle replacement plan and that primarily has to do with the way. 01:40:37
The supply chain currently works and the ability for our various departments and organizations to actually get the things that 01:40:43
they need. We are anticipating A dramatic improvement in that in 2024 and have budgeted accordingly. 01:40:50
So this slide is the summary schedule that will be published for the public. 01:41:00
It shows. 01:41:06
In very small print, your total budget for last year where we are in comparison to that? 01:41:08
Your total budget and upper expenditure limitation for 2024 and the economic estimates Commission expenditure limitation which for 01:41:16
2024 is $50,068,759 compared to 2023 expenditure limitation. 01:41:25
Of $46,330,256. 01:41:35
We have budgeted for the entire that entire increase. 01:41:43
So with that, that is our total presentation today about. 01:41:49
The upper expenditure limitation for. 01:41:54
2024 and we do anticipate. 01:41:57
Being back before you on July 11th to talk about salaries for 2024. So that that will be a separate agenda item that we bring to 01:42:02
you in just a couple of weeks. 01:42:07
Erin, thank you Supervisor Humphrey. 01:42:15
Thank you very much for the presentation. 01:42:20
I I thank you for that. 01:42:22
And all the listeners, I just like them to know that although our our budget keeps going up that the Board of Supervisors have not 01:42:24
raised the property taxes. I mean if the taxes are still 4.19 and it has been and it. 01:42:32
And so if your taxes have gone up, it's because of the assessor has assessed your property more or? 01:42:41
Something of that nature and a lot of the increase in our budget is. 01:42:47
For infrastructure as to which we've received grants for, which is benefiting the people. 01:42:53
Um, a lot like like the bridge and some of the things that we've been able to do with some of our grant money now that now that 01:42:59
we're caught up on our audits, we're able to put in for a lot of those grants, whereas before we couldn't. 01:43:05
And so all that has to be accounted for. So that's a large increase. 01:43:12
In, in our, in our budget and so. 01:43:16
Thank you very much. 01:43:20
You're welcome. My pleasure. Supervisor Christensen, Thank you. Chairman, Thank the Mayor. And I have a good conversation with you 01:43:22
yesterday. 01:43:25
Answered all my questions. I really don't have anymore questions. I'm glad we're going to talk about. 01:43:29
Employees and raises and stuff coming up soon, so. 01:43:35
I have no questions. Thank you. It's great. 01:43:40
Good job man. 01:43:42
But I just wanna tag on to something Supervisor Humphrey said is. 01:43:44
In the last well. 01:43:49
We're towards the end of our second term, but in all this time we've done a lot. From a country standpoint, we've done an awful 01:43:51
lot and I'm pretty proud of the fact we've been able to hold to that 4.1 since so. 01:43:57
And thank you for everything you do. 01:44:04
And thank you to all the department heads and all the elected officials who participated in the budget process. It's. 01:44:06
It's really amazing to see how that teamwork makes this process better and better every year. 01:44:12
Southern antenna motion. 01:44:18
Mr. Chairman, I'll move to adopt the fiscal year 2023 Dash 2024 Ella County tentative budget in the amount of 151,622,946 dollars. 01:44:20
Authorized the publication of the summary budget and set the public hearing date for July 18th, 2023 to adopt the Final Fiscal 01:44:33
Year 2023 Dash 2024 Hila County Budget. 01:44:40
Mr. Carroll second that having a motion in a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. 01:44:48
Onto each information, discussion, action. 01:44:55
To authorize the Healer County Finance Department to accept an appropriation disbursement from the State of Arizona for deputy and 01:44:58
detention retention funds. 01:45:03
And disperse to eligible HeLa County Sheriff's Office employees. 01:45:09
In the amount of $1250 before taxes as defined by Arizona Department of Administration agreement number. 01:45:13
DBFS Y23L22CH3130 Four with HeLa County. 01:45:23
Mayor, you heard it again. 01:45:31
So this is the next installation from. 01:45:34
The Department of Administration. These are funds that were reallocated at the state level from Homeland Security. 01:45:38
Our staff. 01:45:46
Eligible staff in the Sheriff's Department, which are line level deputies and detention officers. 01:45:48
Received $3750 on their January 20th, 2023. 01:45:53
Paycheck. They received an additional 1250 on May 12th. 01:45:58
And. 01:46:03
Esteeming this item gets approved today, we will be able to put this no paychecks on Friday. 01:46:05
Thank you, Mayor Supervisor Humphrey. 01:46:12
No questions. Mr. Chair, Supervisor Efficiency, no questions. Thanks. 01:46:14
I don't have any either. So put that in and take a motion Mr. Moved to authorize the acceptance and this first month of a State of 01:46:19
Arizona deputy and detention retention funds in the amount of $1250 as presented. I will second having a motion and second all in 01:46:26
favor do so by saying aye aye. Motion carries. 01:46:33
Onto F information discussion action. 01:46:41
To authorize the advertisement of requests for sealed bid. Proposals number 060623 Annual Newspaper Publishing and printing 01:46:44
Contract. 01:46:49
To solicit bids from a qualified firm for an annual contract for all advertising publications. 01:46:55
And printing required to be done or made by all departments and elected offices of HeLa County government. 01:47:02
For the period of July 1st, 23 through June 30th, 24th, Marian, this is your last one. 01:47:09
Mr. Chair to the Right, requesting consideration. Humphrey. This is our annual newspaper contract. 01:47:16
We. 01:47:23
Go out to bid each year for this. 01:47:23
And we look forward to being able to take this one out. 01:47:26
We are really thankful to the clerk of the Board's office for their assistance with this their. 01:47:29
Instrumental in this and the other items we presented today, making sure that that all of our eyes are dotted and our teams are 01:47:34
crossed that we appreciate that teamwork. 01:47:39
Thank you man Supervisor Humphrey. 01:47:44
I I have no questions other than it's it's it's OK to go back to bed, but even some of the things have to be done in a local 01:47:48
paper, no matter who gets the best. 01:47:53
And so anyway I just. 01:47:59
That's that's the only comment I have. 01:48:01
Surgical, Simpson. Thanks, Mary. No questions. I I don't have any either. So that would entertain a motion. Mr. Chair, I move to 01:48:04
authorize the advertisement of request. 01:48:09
UH advertisement of request for sealed bid proposals number 060623. 01:48:15
Mr. Chair, I'll second having a motion in a second. All in favor. Do so by saying aye. Aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you, Mayor. 01:48:21
Thank you. 01:48:26
On the G Information Discussion Action authorizing the Board Chairman to electronically sign the Drug, Gang and Violent Crime 01:48:30
Control Grant Agreement. 01:48:35
24 Award grant number DC. 01:48:41
Dash 24-004. 01:48:44
Between the Healey County Sheriff's Office and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission. 01:48:48
And the amount of. 01:48:53
$331,654. 01:48:54
To provide continued funding for the period of July 1st, 23 to June 30th, 24 and authorize the signature on the certificates and 01:48:58
assurances. Travis, good morning. Barely, but it's still good morning. 01:49:05
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, on behalf of Sheriff Shepherd, the Sheriff's Office submitted this grant earlier 01:49:13
in the year, and in May we we were rewarded. 01:49:19
$331,654 is part of our ongoing. 01:49:25
Of Grant with the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission. 01:49:31
It's extremely important that we apply and get this grant because that helps fund gives us funding to cover salaries and benefits 01:49:34
for our detectives. 01:49:39
Throughout the county to go out here and enforce the laws dealing with guards, gang and violent crimes, which we've seen a huge 01:49:45
increase in. 01:49:49
So. 01:49:54
Conclusion to that we're on behalf of the sheriff. 01:49:56
We're recommending that the board approve the grant agreement between the Sheriff's Office and the Arizona Criminal Justice 01:50:00
Commission in the amount of $331,654 for the fiscal year 2024. 01:50:07
Thank you, Travis. Supervisor Humphrey. No questions. No supervisor, Christians, no questions. Thanks. How many folks you got on 01:50:14
there now? What's your number? 01:50:18
3. 01:50:23
Yeah, So all this time I watch what these guys do and and their seizures and they would work and everything. And it's amazing. 01:50:24
With three people, it's just. 01:50:29
Absolutely amazing. 01:50:34
So one of these days, Michael Mann, you need to have a discussion. 01:50:35
Anytime, Sir. OK, thank you. And with that, I'd entertain a motion. 01:50:41
That's true. I move to approve the FY20 24 Gonna Criminal Justice, Drug Gang and Violent Crime Control grant. 01:50:46
Agreement number DC-24-004 in the amount of $331,654 and authorize the chairman signature on the certifications and. 01:50:55
Assurances as presented. And I will second that having a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye. Aye, aye, aye. 01:51:10
Motion carries. Thank you, Travis. Be careful. Thank you very much. Thank you. Be safe out there. 01:51:17
Information Discussion Action to Approve a Fiscal Year 24 Arizona 911 Program Grant Agreement #AD0A-AZ911-24-04 between the 01:51:25
Arizona Department of Administration and the HeLa County Sheriff's Office in the amount of $198,807.00 for the performance period 01:51:35
of July 1st, 23 through June 30th 24th Sarah. 01:51:45
There are some stuff and she's at training. Good morning. Good morning, Chairman, members of the Board. We're here to ask for 01:51:55
approval of the 911 grant program that we have with the Arizona Department of Administration for this next fiscal year. The grant 01:52:03
amount given to the county is 198,008 O 7. And with that, I'll take any questions. Thank you, Sir. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no 01:52:10
questions. Supervisor Chris, no questions. Thank you, Sarah, and neither do I. 01:52:17
Diane, Tina Motion I'll move to approve the fiscal year 2024 is only 911 Program grant agreement a D0. 01:52:25
Or, I'm sorry, a DOA-AZ911-24 dash? 01:52:34
04 in the amount of $198,807.00 as presented, Mr. Carroll second having a motion, and second all in favor. Do so by saying aye aye 01:52:40
motion carries. 01:52:47
Onto eye, information, discussion, action. 01:52:54
To approve the Fiscal Year 24 Intergovernmental agreement between the Town of Payson and HeLa County for centralized management of 01:52:57
911 grant funds for the performance period of July 1st, 23 and June 30th. 24 Sarah. 01:53:05
Yeah, Chairman, members of the board. So this is a follow up to the grant agreement you guys just approved and the Department of 01:53:13
Administration wants one point of contact. We have two piece action Healey County and the Haley County Sheriff's Office in Peace 01:53:20
and PD. So this intergovernmental agreement allows us to take in the funds from the Department of Administration and then get them 01:53:26
to the Town of Peace and for their 911 system. 01:53:32
Like that, I'll take any questions. 01:53:39
Thank you, Sir. Supervisor Humphrey, no questions. Supervisor Christensen, no questions. Thanks, Sarah. Thank you. That entertain 01:53:42
a motion. 01:53:47
Mr. Move trip proved the physical year 2024 involving agreement with the Town of Patient for centralized management of 911 grant 01:53:52
Fund as presented. Second, having a motion in a second. All in favor do so by saying aye aye Motion carries. Thank you on to Jay 01:53:59
Information discussion. Action to approve Amendment #1 to a memorandum of understanding between the Arizona Community Action 01:54:07
Association. 01:54:14
DBA Wildfire and HeLa County to increase the funding by $105,000 for a total funding amount of $233,400 and extend the termination 01:54:21
date to May 31st 24th Kaylee. 01:54:29
Mr. Chairman, Members of the board. 01:54:38
This is just a request that we put in for an additional funding and an extension of our contract in order to continue to provide 01:54:39
dental services in conjunction with the health department, so our. 01:54:45
Folks like qualified incomes. 01:54:51
Thank you, Supervisor. Help supervise, Humphrey. Thank you. Supervisor Christianson. Thank you. Is it Kylie or Kylie? Kaylee. 01:54:54
Kaylee, yeah. Congratulations on your new position. Thank you. I have no questions and neither do I. Thank you so much. I might 01:55:01
entertain a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll move to approve amendment number one to the memorandum of understanding with the Arizona 01:55:09
Community Action Program doing business as the wildfire in the amount of $105,000 as presented. 01:55:16
I'll second the motion. Second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye. Motion carries on to Kay. 01:55:26
Information Discussion Action to Approve Amendment #1 to Funding Agreement #204-23. 01:55:33
Between the Arizona Department of Housing and the Healer County Community Services Department. 01:55:41
Housing Services to provide Southwest Gas Cooperation Weatherization Assistance Program funding in the amount of $43,900 that will 01:55:47
be used to provide weatherization services to eligible citizens residing in HeLa County for the period of January 1st, 23 to 01:55:54
December 31st, 23. 01:56:01
Mr. Chairman, Members of the board about this was. 01:56:09
Facebook to extend the contract and this should provide weatherization services in conjunction with the Department of Housing and 01:56:13
Southwest Gas will proximately 19 more citizens. 01:56:19
Thank you. I have no questions. Thank you. Supervisor, Christians, no questions. Thank you. 01:56:26
I'm good. Good job that antenna motion. This chair. I move to approve Amendment #1. 01:56:32
To funding agreement #204-23 with the Arizona Department of Housing in the amount of $43,900 as presented. I'll second that having 01:56:38
a motion and a second all in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye aye. Motion carries. Thank you so much. On to al Information 01:56:48
discussion Action to approve amendment number one to contract number 121922 with Northstar Transport LLC in the amount of 350,000. 01:56:58
Dollars for a total contract amount of 700,000 and to extend the contract to August 31st, 2023 and we have Melanie still Homer. 01:57:08
Mr. Chairman and members of the Board, Recycling and Landfill Management Request to amend North Shore contract. 01:57:20
Originally approved on March 7th, 2023 to transport transport ways from Russell Gulch Landfill and Globe to the Bucking Missile 01:57:25
Landfill and Peace, and during construction of landfill cell 3A at the Russellville Landfill. 01:57:32
At the time of initial contract, the construction of landfill cell 3A was anticipated to be completed by May 1st, 2023. During the 01:57:39
excavation of the new cell, the department of counter two significant delays that required a redesign. One was a lighter tie in to 01:57:46
what was thought the limit of waste. So we found some waste outside of what was thought to be the limit of waste and the 2nd 01:57:53
redesign was needed when we found some water. 01:58:00
In the excavation area and a perched water table, so um. 01:58:09
Both redesigns. 01:58:13
Required 82 approval which we did receive on June 8th and construction for the new cell is currently underway. 01:58:15
The new estimated completion date for this project is July 31st to 2023. 01:58:23
However, the department would like to extend N to his contract to the end of August to ensure all invoices are able to be paid 01:58:29
even after that 31st date. One important thing I'd like to stress is that recycling and landfill management is an enterprise fund 01:58:35
and the tenant fees that we're collecting at the gate is enough to cover the Holocaust of the kidneys. 01:58:41
No funding for this contract will come out of the general fund and. 01:58:48
Or something that management is requesting to amend N 1st contract for additional 350,000. 01:58:55
And extend the contract through August 31st, 2023. 01:59:01
With that, any questions? Thank you, Melanie. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:59:05
I have no questions. 01:59:11
Mr. Chair, Supervisor Christian, thank you, Chairman, Thank you. I have no questions. 01:59:12
Good job, Melanie. I'm good. So sad to entertain a motion Chairman. I'll move to approve Amendment #1, the contact number 121922 01:59:17
with Northstar Transportation, LLC in the amount of $350,000 as presented. 01:59:25
Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion in a second. All in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye, Motion carries. Thanks, Norman. 01:59:32
OK. Under 5 consent action, consent agenda action items, Does either of you have anything you want to discuss? 01:59:40
I have nothing I want to pull up. Mr. I'm fine, thank you. 01:59:49
So I have one that I have. I'm quite. I'm looking at and. 01:59:55
I don't know if I want to pull it off or just talk about it is a very first. 01:59:59
Jessica, you pull it off. 02:00:05
Discussion OK, let's pull out a because I I'm I'm confused here on on a. 02:00:09
So I'll have a motion to to pull a off. 02:00:17
Mr. Chair, I will. 02:00:20
Make a motion to pull consent agenda, item 5A. 02:00:23
Our second motion, second all in favor, just so by saying aye, aye, aye motion carries and I guess this one is yours. 02:00:29
So explain this to me because I'm looking at 550,000 and so. 02:00:37
Good morning, Chairman and members of the board. So we received an extra year extension on some of our health disparity. 02:00:43
So this is good grants to take and keep using our share to help out. OK. Thank you so much for that. 02:01:50
So the motion to approve. 02:01:57
OK. 02:02:00
Umm. 02:02:02
Do you want me to read it? 02:02:03
I got a lot of your ******** on their head so you don't have to read. The person making the motion should be OK. 02:02:05
OK. 02:02:11
I think it's my turn. 02:02:13
Thank you. 02:02:15
I move, Mr. Chairman, I'll move to approve consent, a guide agenda item A, which has been moved to the regular agenda. 02:02:18
Approving an amendment number one to contract number 072721. 02:02:27
Sub guarantee for project management with WWZALC to extend the contract term from July 1/23/2023. 02:02:33
To June 30th, 2024 in an amount not to exceed 550,000. 02:02:44
And add required contract language regarding certification of no forced labor. 02:02:50
Mr. Chair, I will second that having a motion. And second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, Aye, motion carries. Thank you so 02:02:58
much. 02:03:02
Now I entertain a motion to to accept B through. 02:03:07
L Mr. Chair, I move to approve consent agenda items 5B through 5LI. Will second having a motion, and second all in favor do so by 02:03:12
saying aye, aye aye Motion carries all to the public. Do we have any in Payson? 02:03:20
We do not. 02:03:30
In nothing on YouTube. How many is on YouTube today? 02:03:32
35 Cool. And we don't have any hearing loss, so. 02:03:36
Moving on to Seven at anytime during this meeting. 02:03:40
Pursuant to ARS 38, DASH 431.02 K, members of the Board of Supervisors and the county manager may present a brief summary of 02:03:45
current events. No action may be taken on the information presented. 02:03:52
Michael, you wanna go first? 02:03:59
Chairman Members of the Board, I have nothing today to share. Thank you, Michael. Supervisor Humphrey. 02:04:02
Tunnel bridge is about 50%. 02:04:10
Umm. 02:04:14
Complete as far as I understand, and it looks like we'll have all the columns in. 02:04:15
Hopefully before monsoon starts, so that'll be a good thing. 02:04:21
And. 02:04:28
No, it was on the radio Monday night, had a couple call-ins that was that was that was a good thing because I haven't had any call 02:04:29
in shows and I have a couple people call in. So you two out there on YouTube if you want to call in on some of those radio 02:04:34
stations. 02:04:38
Feel free and ask questions or or give comments appreciated. 02:04:43
And that's all I have. 02:04:48
Thank you Supervisor Humphrey. Supervisor Christensen. Thank you Chairman last Friday the 9th. 02:04:50
If that was last Friday. 02:04:58
No, it's more than that. But anyway, we had the Game and Fish Commission meeting that was in the ECM building. 02:05:00
And it did an outstanding job of preparing that place for them and they came in. It's literally like the landing of the Marines 02:05:07
when they set that up, they had. 02:05:13
More than half a dozen people just. 02:05:20
Putting in all of their equipment, all of their cameras, all of their computers, hookups and it turned out to be a really great 02:05:22
meeting. They were very comfortable there and it just shows that that room is not just for one purpose if it's a multi-purpose 02:05:29
room and it serves really well. In that case. They were very happy last Tuesday morning went to the Veterans coffee time, always a 02:05:36
good deal and. 02:05:42
Flag Day was the 14th. 02:05:49
So I attended A5 day ceremony at. 02:05:51
The Veterans Memorial at Green Valley Park and then also. 02:05:55
There's been a. 02:06:00
Considerable amount of discussion about a particular flag pole in Payson at the Western Village that was Rusty and Reagan, so a 02:06:02
lot of people got together and cleaned that up and we had a brand new. 02:06:09
20 by 30 foot flag. 02:06:18
Put up It's really impressive. It's the biggest flag in the highest pole in town right now. Yesterday was on KPMG and as always 02:06:21
that went very well. Thank you. 02:06:26
Thank you, Supervisor Christensen. I'm short and sweet. I had a meeting with the Payson Mayor and Starbound Valley Mayor about a 02:06:33
week or so ago, went really well. Good discussions. It's cut short because I had other another deal to be in. But. So I look 02:06:39
forward to picking that up and going again. But basically they're wanting to. 02:06:46
To work on the pool for pace and and and whatnot. So did that jog anything else for you guys? 02:06:53
We're good with Mr. Chair. Alright, so with that, we'll move on to 8 executive session items. 02:07:00
88 Information Discussion Action to vote to go into Executive session pursuant to ARS38-431 point 03A3 To engage in discussions or 02:07:10
consultation for legal advice with the Board of Supervisors Attorneys. 02:07:18
Regarding the legal course of action available to the Board for the possible discipline of an elected official. 02:07:27
And I need a motion to go into executive session. Michael to chairman. I've been advised by County Attorney to make that motion 02:07:34
for the board, if I may. 02:07:40
That's right. 02:07:46
Did the right, Yeah, the recommendation. 02:07:47
OK, go ahead. Put a record out. County administration would recommend the board go into executive session to engage in discussions 02:07:50
or council to for legal advice with the Board of Supervisors Attorney regarding the legal courses of action available to the board 02:07:56
but a possible discipline of an elected official. 02:08:02
Thank you, Michael. Do you have a motion? 02:08:09
I I will make the motion that the Board of Supervisors adjourn to executive session. 02:08:12
I'll second that having a motion. Second all in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. We'll see you guys all 02:08:18
back here in after bit. 02:08:22
Alright, so we'll pull this back in order and. 02:08:34
Nothing to discuss on the executive session so at this time. 02:08:43
I'll adjourn this meeting. 02:08:48
Thank you all. 02:08:50
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Testing, testing sound good. 00:00:03
Welcome to our Tuesday, June 20th meeting. Is 10 o'clock straight up? 00:00:07
Pacing. How you guys doing once you give us a sound test real quick so Sam can. 00:00:12
And so she can hear you OK. 00:00:17
Try it again. 00:00:21
OK, try it once again. 00:00:28
OK. 00:00:35
Still muffled. 00:00:36
Hi, thank Cassie. 00:00:40
Is that any better sound? 00:00:51
Is it? 00:00:55
OK, we'll give it a try. So if if something happens, tell me. 00:00:59
All right. So we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance. And since we have. 00:01:03
Jason Whining here now Will County supervisor. He'll lead us in the pledge, and Pastor Richie is impatient. He'll give the 00:01:07
invocation. Thank you, Jason. 00:01:11
Yes. 00:01:22
Stay. 00:01:24
And. 00:01:26
Pants. 00:01:28
What nation? 00:01:29
Indivisible with never seen and justice for all. 00:01:31
OK. 00:01:37
Are we see yet? 00:01:42
There we go. 00:01:45
Good morning, Pastor Ritchie. 00:01:47
Good morning. 00:01:51
In all the fields. 00:01:54
I can't hear. I can't hear what's being said. 00:01:57
Ohh, you're good if you want to go ahead and the invocation. 00:02:01
Alright, let's pray together. 00:02:05
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we humbly bow before you today. 00:02:08
We seek your presence and your leading. 00:02:13
And your wisdom. 00:02:16
In this meeting today. 00:02:17
We pray that you will bless our county supervisors with your wisdom and grace. 00:02:19
We pray that you'll watch over them. 00:02:25
Guide them, protect them, bless their families. 00:02:28
We pray for all of our county. 00:02:31
Workers or Sheriff's Office or sheriff's deputies or sheriff and. 00:02:35
And county workers in the jail systems. 00:02:40
For all the county workers who work for on the road systems or in the offices. 00:02:43
We just pray that you will watch over them and bless them. 00:02:47
Provide for their needs, Lord. 00:02:51
Continue to make this county one of the best counties to live in a place where families can dwell in safety and in peace. 00:02:53
Once again, we pray for your wisdom and guidance on this meeting today. 00:03:01
In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen. 00:03:05
Amen. Thank you, Sir. 00:03:08
OK, so we'll get on with #2 presentations 2A. 00:03:18
Presentation by the Arizona Auditor General's Office regarding HeLa County's Fiscal Year 2022 financial. 00:03:23
And single audit results and findings. And we have Melanie Chesney. 00:03:30
Don Bohart and Daniel Hunt. Good morning, you guys. 00:03:35
Good morning, Chairman, Klein and members of the board. I am Melanie Chesney, the Deputy Auditor General and Acting Financial 00:03:47
Audit Division Director. 00:03:51
Thank you for inviting our office to join your regular meeting today to present our audit results and findings for HeLa County. 00:03:56
Joining me from our office are gone bohart. 00:04:04
One of my financial audit managers and Dan Hunt. 00:04:07
Our financial audit senior for this audit. 00:04:11
Before we discuss the county's audits, I think it's helpful to provide a little background on the Arizona Auditor General. 00:04:17
The office is a legislative agency made-up of nonpartisan staff. 00:04:24
Although we are accountable to all 90 legislative members, we report directly to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, which is a 00:04:29
bipartisan group of 10 members. 00:04:34
5 Appointed by the Senate President and five members appointed by the Speaker of the House. 00:04:40
We are an independent source. 00:04:46
Of impartial information. 00:04:48
Concerning state and local government entities and programs. 00:04:50
We provide specific recommendations to improve the operations and programs with state and local governments. 00:04:55
Including Heela County. 00:05:01
We are well versed in and follows several standards, including governmental auditing standards. 00:05:03
These standards were created by the United States Comptroller General and outlined several requirements for things like audit 00:05:10
reports. 00:05:14
Professional qualifications for auditors. 00:05:18
Auditor, Ethics. Independence. 00:05:22
Objectivity. 00:05:25
Professional judgment. 00:05:26
Audit evidence. 00:05:29
And an audit organization's quality control. 00:05:30
All auditors of federal, state and local governments use these same standards. 00:05:34
To perform audits. 00:05:40
And produce reports. 00:05:41
Our presentation today. 00:05:46
Is there an accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes 11-661-D? 00:05:48
Which directs the county board. 00:05:54
To require its auditors. 00:05:56
The office. 00:05:59
To present audit results. 00:06:00
And any findings to the board? 00:06:02
In a regular meeting without the use of a consent agenda. 00:06:05
Within 90 days of the audits completion. 00:06:08
This is a great opportunity for us, your auditors. 00:06:12
To be in front of you to provide information about our work. 00:06:16
Nancy, answer any questions you have. 00:06:19
Today we will be discussing our work on three required annual reports. 00:06:25
The county's annual financial report. 00:06:30
Report on internal control and on compliance. 00:06:33
And the federal single audit report. 00:06:37
As we have done in the past, we sent you an e-mail when your annual reports were completed. 00:06:40
We sent each of you links to these reports and emails dated March 31st, 2023. 00:06:45
For the annual financial report. 00:06:51
And May 18th, 2023 for the report on internal control and on compliance. 00:06:53
And federal single audit report which were issued together. 00:07:00
The first report, the county's annual financial report, presents the counties into annual financial statements. 00:07:04
And our opinion as to whether the county's financial statements are presented fairly. 00:07:10
And all material respects and conformity with US Generally Accepted Accounting principles. 00:07:15
It's wonderful to report that for fiscal year 2022. 00:07:21
We reported an unmodified or clean opinion, which means the county's financial statements are reliable. 00:07:25
The second report the report on internal control and on compliance. 00:07:34
Which is included in the Single Audit report, is where we report any findings and recommendations resulting from our audit of the 00:07:39
County's financial statements. 00:07:43
The report on internal control and non compliance is where we reported 5 findings we found during our financial statement audit. 00:07:48
That Don will be discussing in a little bit. 00:07:55
Finally, the 3rd and final reports, the federal single audit report. 00:07:58
Includes our assessment of the County's compliance with federal program requirements over each federal program we are required to 00:08:03
audit. 00:08:06
Our report on internal control over compliance with federal programs. 00:08:11
And the counties federal schedule of of federal expenditures and our opinion on it. 00:08:14
The single audit report is where we recorded 4 findings. 00:08:21
We found during our federal compliance audit that Dan will be discussing in a little bit. 00:08:24
I will now turn it over to Don, who will be discussing the County's Fiscal Year 2022 financial highlights and the audit findings 00:08:30
we reported in the County's Fiscal Year 22 report on internal control and on concerns. 00:08:37
Thank you, Melanie. Thank you board for having us here today. Appreciate it. 00:08:53
Because we know these reports can be detailed and complex. 00:08:57
We also prepare audit report highlights A2 page summary that you received with the single audit report. 00:09:01
The highlights include the counties largest primary revenue sources and how the county used those monies over the last 10 years. 00:09:08
The highlights also provide brief information. 00:09:16
About our key findings and recommendations, if any. 00:09:19
And and contain links to certain current and prior audit reports and user guides that may be helpful in understanding the 00:09:24
important information that's presented in the reports. 00:09:30
I would like to take an opportunity to present to you. 00:09:37
Some key financial information presented for the county over the last five years. 00:09:41
The county's 4 main sources of revenues consist of federal and state grants and programs, county property taxes. 00:09:47
Shared state sales taxes. 00:09:54
And county the county sales taxes. 00:09:57
As you can see from the graph, the county's revenues for county property taxes, shared state sales tax, and property taxes have 00:10:00
been relatively consistent. 00:10:05
Over the last five years. 00:10:10
However, federal and state grants have increased over the last three years. 00:10:12
Primarily because of increased federal grant revenues received and directed towards COVID-19. 00:10:17
As you can see from this graph, the county's four primary expense purposes consist of general government, public safety, health 00:10:31
and welfare, and highways and streets. 00:10:36
While highways and streets expenditures remained relatively constant over the last five years, general government expenses 00:10:41
expenses were back down to free 21 levels after increasing by $9.1 million in fiscal year 21 due to expenditures related to 00:10:48
various capital improvements. 00:10:54