Start Position
A. Information/Discussion regarding an update on the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District's sewer project. (Robert Jacques/Mike Krebs)
B. Information/Discussion regarding the Facilities and Land Management Department's Strategic Plan. (Joseph Dickison)
C. Information/Discussion regarding status updates on the Information Technology Department's cyber security. (Carrie Bartling)
D. Information/Discussion regarding status updates on digitization projects. (Carrie Bartling/Michael O'Driscoll)
3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:  A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Right. You can hear me. 00:00:04
OK. 00:00:07
And we're good on YouTube, Joseph. 00:00:11
OK, so welcome to this morning. So work session Tuesday, June 27th. It's a little after 10. 00:00:13
Now call this to order. And Kerry, you want to lead us in the pledge? 00:00:21
Applied. 00:00:29
Of the United States of America. 00:00:32
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:34
Thank you. 00:00:43
Alright, we'll move on to #2 regular agenda items 2A. 00:00:48
Information discussion regarding an update on the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District sewer project and we have Robert Duque and 00:00:53
Mike Cripps, so. 00:00:58
But you're one of these gonna take the lead. Mike, good morning. Thank you. Hi, good morning. 00:01:03
Umm. And I first like to just say thank you for the opportunity to give you an update. I think that the timing is has been good 00:01:08
and thank you Michael for reaching out to us. 00:01:13
Umm. 00:01:19
So I have up here, I don't really have a big presentation presentation. I am going to spend some time walking through where we are 00:01:20
in different parts and pieces of the project. 00:01:26
And the map is the map of the phasing of the project, just to as a reminder. 00:01:31
And um, I guess first what I'd like to do is give you a little bit of an update. 00:01:39
On uh, phases 2 and three. 00:01:45
But before I do that, I just want to say that as I'm going through this. 00:01:48
If this is a work session and I think how it works, questions please ask us. We're going through it. Interactive always makes it. 00:01:53
More productive for for everyone, I think. 00:02:00
So I would welcome that. 00:02:04
And um. 00:02:06
And again, thank you. I just want to say thank you to the county for your support of the project. 00:02:08
And your staff has just been fabulous working with. 00:02:14
And um, you know, doing everything they can to help us with, with the project. So and we've had many, many. 00:02:17
Many challenges, so they'll continue for a little bit I'm sure, but we're getting close, so. 00:02:27
So on phases 2 and three I I want to just update. 00:02:32
You on the status and where we are with phase two and three, the application and the reports that are needed, the environmental as 00:02:37
well as the engineering report has been submitted to USDA. 00:02:43
And approved. 00:02:50
And then the next step for them is the underwriting. 00:02:51
For the funding, That's the purpose of. 00:02:55
Going to your stairs? Get the funding. 00:02:58
And that underwriting has been completed at least locally at the state level? 00:03:00
And all the information right now is at national office in DC. 00:03:05
Or the funding and I would anticipate. 00:03:10
You know their their year. 00:03:13
Uh, ends in. 00:03:16
August starts September 1st. 00:03:19
And umm, I think I have that right Or is it October 1st? But. 00:03:22
So I would anticipate sometime between now and October, hopefully sooner that we would hear something from USDA on that funding. 00:03:26
So and just so you know that we were asking approximately. 00:03:35
The documentation was 35 million for both phases. 00:03:41
The cost had gone up dramatically since we originally did some preliminary estimates in 1819. 00:03:45
And on that pricing, so you know too we work really closely with the USDA to to. 00:03:53
Used year pricing that they have been seeing on projects and things like that. And so that was one of the reasons again that it 00:03:59
got escalated as much as it did. 00:04:03
So any questions on that Mr. Chair for me and also to the map I it's a it's a good thing that we have it and and show the 00:04:08
different phases. 00:04:13
But also to in in the map that could change some as you start developing the plant. 00:04:18
Because the the the town of Miami has customers. 00:04:25
In their demographics that they can't. 00:04:31
Furnished Sewer 2 as well as the City of Globe has people in their demographics that they can't furnish sewer to. 00:04:35
So when you start into phase two and three. 00:04:42
You can also be able to perhaps incorporate some of those. 00:04:45
Of customers in both the City of Globe and town of Miami, yes, furnish them with sewer that that that their sewer systems are not 00:04:51
furnishing them correct at this point in time and and probably can't or they would have. So the way that you're designing this, it 00:04:58
will enable them to be able. 00:05:05
To have. 00:05:13
That was like this, the people inside this city limits of Globe. 00:05:14
Or Miami or the demographics of you will be able to pick up a lot of those people that they have not been able to furnish. Is that 00:05:19
correct? Yes, it is and we've actually shown. 00:05:24
For example, globe if you if you can see where US 60 and 188. 00:05:30
Come together and. 00:05:36
And on the east side of 188? 00:05:38
Those. 00:05:41
1/4 quadrants are actually. 00:05:43
In the city of Globe, I mean, I could. 00:05:46
I guess I could point to it, but no one else is going to be able to see it anywhere else. That's OK. OK. So, so there are some 00:05:49
that are in the district that are currently in the city as well that we are planning on. 00:05:55
On serving. 00:06:02
And that hence is kind of as we mentioned. 00:06:04
We're working with Globe to develop an IGA to be able to serve in their. 00:06:09
DNA, right? 00:06:14
OK. So thank you. So there's so. 00:06:15
There's so many things kind of in progress and sometimes I feel like a juggler and I drop something once in a while, but sure it 00:06:19
happens. So then on phase one, I I want to talk about phase one kind of in two and two. 00:06:25
Two pieces. 00:06:33
The first part is the collection system to talk about that. The second part will be the treatment facility and one of the reasons 00:06:34
I'm breaking that out is because in our discussions with USDA. 00:06:40
Um, and we're meeting with them constantly about the project to keep them up to date where we are and getting feedback and things 00:06:47
like that, but. 00:06:50
It's their suggestion to break the project up when we go to bid into parts and one is the collection system and the residential 00:06:55
connections. 00:07:00
The second one is the treatment facility. 00:07:06
So those are those will be and actually it works out really well as we go through this, we'll kind of see how that. 00:07:08
How that comes together? 00:07:16
But the. 00:07:18
The collection system, currently the gravity system. 00:07:19
The location of the treatment plant has no impact on. 00:07:25
The collection system, everything that drains. 00:07:28
Down the hills. 00:07:32
Across the tracks and collects on the list station that's located. 00:07:33
Uh. 00:07:38
On the southeast corner of the ball fields. Outside of the ball fields. 00:07:39
Um, none of that changes based off of the. 00:07:45
Um. 00:07:49
Location of the treatment plant, except for maybe the size of the pumps. 00:07:50
Right the size of the lift station, so everything else. 00:07:55
And all of that is. 00:07:59
At about 90% completion as far as design is concerned. 00:08:01
And we're in a place where we could get that to USDA to have them start reviewing that and we're and we're we're getting that 00:08:06
preparing that for them. 00:08:10
Um, and so the? 00:08:14
The biggest thing that we're working with at that point are all the easements, so. 00:08:17
We're working closely with the county on certain easements for the county and you all have stepped up to the plate and and. 00:08:23
Purchase some parcels from the state and. 00:08:30
Incorporated that into the county and. 00:08:33
You know things like that, and I know Romero's working on that. 00:08:36
Possibly to get those finished out, we're also working with. 00:08:41
Arizona Eastern. So there's about 8 crossings under the tracks, and there's some parallel lines. 00:08:46
And that UH, we've had great conversations with them and we're probably 8090% completed with with that, so. 00:08:52
Very closely and the railroads are always a challenge, as you know. 00:09:00
We're also working with the mining companies and on some different easements throughout. 00:09:06
Item South of US 60 in phase one. 00:09:12
And if they own a lot of the parcels in there and then there's just like little places where. 00:09:16
You know there's a road or a driveway or something that accesses the house, the two houses or something like that. 00:09:22
And so we're working with them to to chip through those and get all of those done so. 00:09:29
Where? 00:09:34
You know, maybe 50% complete with all of those. 00:09:35
So, and then there's about a dozen private easements to access a single home. There might be a parcel in front of it. 00:09:39
You know that we need to get to another home and so those were just we're starting to. 00:09:45
We've identified them, we know where they are and we're working through all of those. 00:09:51
Um, you know, kind of chipping away. 00:09:56
On that getting those resolved. 00:09:59
Ultimately, what has to be provided is a map. 00:10:02
Four USD for the District Attorney to submit, the USDA to say. 00:10:06
Here's all of our easements. Here's what the map looks like. 00:10:11
And that we've got everything covered. 00:10:14
So and then once we get to the the plant, they'll be the force main that we're going to work with to get those easements. 00:10:17
That are needed to get that force main to the plant at its location. 00:10:25
So the other piece then with the collection system is the resident. 00:10:30
I guess I would I would like to add first before I go to the residential is. 00:10:34
Umm. 00:10:40
I think the. 00:10:41
The challenges of, you know, all of the easements. 00:10:43
Has been maybe more than what we anticipated. 00:10:48
Umm. 00:10:51
And we're grateful. Well, again, with the county helping us with that, but at the end of the day, and I've even talked with Scott 00:10:52
about this is Scott Warren. 00:10:57
That. 00:11:03
Things that we're finding that's in the parcel viewer. 00:11:04
That need need correcting. We're keeping track of that list and I will sit down with Scott you know in in a partnering effort to 00:11:08
say here's some things we found that really need to be updated if you want to get your system up to date, which I know he does. 00:11:15
So those are some things that we will work with with the county to get to get those squared away. 00:11:23
I'd also like to maybe start some of the conversations about phase two and three because of the length of time that. 00:11:30
It seems to take to get these done of. 00:11:36
You know, maybe identifying some areas that. 00:11:39
We may need some help with the county in in order to stay ahead of the curve on phases 2 and three, or to get jump on that as soon 00:11:42
as possible. 00:11:46
So it'll be something else. 00:11:50
So, uh, so then with the residential connections, there's the remind you there's approximately 720. 00:11:52
Residential connections. 00:11:59
And um. 00:12:01
As part of that we will have the contractor have a right of entry to get into the house that not in the house but get on the 00:12:05
property to make that connection work with the homeowner. 00:12:10
And so, uh, one of the things that we want to continue, we've started some conversations with staff. 00:12:15
About. 00:12:21
Putting together the package that we that the county wants to see for those permits. 00:12:23
And I need to do. 00:12:28
You know, kind of back up and do my homework again and look at the look at the forms and everything that's involved with. 00:12:30
That abandonment and and you know replacement of that line. 00:12:39
So that we make sure that we put the package together that's appropriate for the contractor to do for each one of these homes. 00:12:43
So that's something that will just take a little time and we'll work with Michael and and Randy and Jake to get, you know, to get 00:12:52
through that. 00:12:56
So. 00:13:00
There was something that. 00:13:03
Came to me just a second ago and I and I I wanted to mention and I lost it. So, so with all of that being said and working with 00:13:04
the residents and the collection system. 00:13:10
Our goal is to have a bid package to USDA. 00:13:17
This fall. 00:13:21
So that then they will take their process of going through all of that and then. 00:13:23
They will need all the easements in place. 00:13:29
And before they would get award, not award but give approval to bid the project. 00:13:32
And so our hope would be that we would bid it. 00:13:38
For, you know, the end of the year, towards the end of the year, I'm not exactly sure how long the USD will take, but if you said, 00:13:41
I don't know, 2-3 months, maybe he's not out of line for them. 00:13:46
That we would then. 00:13:51
That it. 00:13:54
And then award early 24 and construction. 00:13:55
Construction could start at that point. So that's our. 00:14:00
Current schedule and where we're trying to get on the project. 00:14:03
So then with all of that then I want to just move unless there's any questions with any of that. 00:14:08
Umm. 00:14:14
Yes, Sir. 00:14:15
The only question I have for you Mike is you're going to get all these miss in placements and secured and before you start the 00:14:17
project, right or the process the easements, yeah, yes, so. 00:14:22
Part of the letter conditions that USDA has submitted to. 00:14:28
The district and the district had signed is that the east was need to be in place. 00:14:33
Before before the project is aware. 00:14:38
Approved to bid so. 00:14:43
The other thing that that maybe I spaced it and didn't hear you, but where's the treatment facility gonna actually be at? OK, so 00:14:47
that was my next item was to talk about the treatment plan and the site location. 00:14:54
Is not been finalized and because of a non disclosure, I can't really even tell you where we're looking at it. 00:15:02
So I apologize for that. 00:15:09
Uh. 00:15:11
But with that, there's a lot going on around with that site. 00:15:12
There's. 00:15:17
To eat the environmental report, the engineering report, both both have to be amended and submitted to USDA. 00:15:19
Survey. 00:15:26
The MLD Minor Land Division zoning has to be updated with a particular site that we're focusing on at the moment. 00:15:29
Geotech has to be done. 00:15:37
Uh, and then, as I mentioned, the force main that gets from the lift station to the treatment plant. 00:15:39
And we're working through a layout for that with the mining company. 00:15:46
And I was out here meeting them on the ground, who's on the ground yesterday to walk potential routes for that. And so I think 00:15:51
this week we'll hear hopefully hear a lot of good news and we can we can move forward and as soon as. 00:15:59
We know where that site is. 00:16:06
We're going to shout it from the rooftops because I know everyone is anxious to know where that is. 00:16:09
We've also completed a flood study and we've been working with the floodplain administrator of the county to. 00:16:15
To review that, look at that and um. 00:16:22
And then last but not least. 00:16:25
We need with the survey information and and moving forward with that site, we need to design the site. 00:16:27
So. 00:16:34
That's a lot. 00:16:35
A lot to get done, but um. 00:16:36
It's not that large of a site and you know, it's not that terribly complicated. 00:16:39
Part of what makes this easy is our approach on how that we're how we're working through this. 00:16:44
And. 00:16:51
What we have? 00:16:53
The the approach that we're taking is we've actually put out a request for proposals. 00:16:56
From different manufacturers. 00:17:01
Of treatment facilities. 00:17:04
To purchase that treatment facility. 00:17:06
And so an RFP was published in early. 00:17:08
May. 00:17:13
And proposals were received in early June. 00:17:14
And so we are going through the technical and administrative evaluation of those proposals. 00:17:18
And uh, we've established a selection committee for that review. 00:17:25
And. 00:17:29
The selection committee will meet in early June. 00:17:30
Uh, July, Sorry. 00:17:34
And and then we'll also present those findings and all of that to USDA to get them on board with. 00:17:36
With the process of that. 00:17:43
And hopefully for a ward of a manufacturer to. 00:17:45
Um. 00:17:50
Start any. 00:17:51
Well, to put the shop drawings together and start manufacturing. Once the shop drawings are approved and you like, why are we 00:17:53
doing all that well? 00:17:57
The lead times that. 00:18:01
Are on a piece of equipment like that or just crazy now? 00:18:02
And you know, it's it's ten months or maybe it used to be six months. 00:18:06
And so that really dovetails in well. 00:18:11
With the rest of the project because the collection system will be moving forward. 00:18:15
And getting done. There's a lot of work there on the main line and getting getting through the tracks. 00:18:20
And and going up. 00:18:26
You know all of the different basins that were going up. 00:18:28
And the treatment plant? 00:18:31
The contractor that um. 00:18:34
Gets that and we're looking at presenting a bid package in early. 00:18:37
24 to USDA. 00:18:42
For approval to bid. 00:18:45
And that collect that treatment plant package will be part of that bid. 00:18:47
So the remaining dollars that are on that will be part of the contractors and so they'll have to coordinate delivery. 00:18:51
And all of that. And hopefully he has enough time to get all of his site work done. Concrete forward, pipe Slade so that when he. 00:18:59
When that thing is celebrity, sets it in place. 00:19:07
Connects. 00:19:10
And they're ready to go. 00:19:11
So, so and that's how you know that's how we're looking at it and schedules we've laid out, they've really ducktail well with. 00:19:14
Deliveries and and that type of thing. The the only other thing that has really kind of been brought up is. 00:19:22
A long lead times for electrical components. Big, you know, control panels. 00:19:30
SS's, service center inspections and things like that. So it's one of the things that we're also just kind of. 00:19:36
Talking about to say, is that something that we need to? 00:19:44
Go out ahead of time because they're saying it's 50. 00:19:47
5053 weeks for delivery of that stuff. 00:19:50
So it really can hamper. We have projects now that they're basically going to get done and stop. 00:19:54
And wait two months till the electrical stuff comes in. 00:20:01
So alright, so we're seeing that. 00:20:04
So. 00:20:07
Ah. 00:20:10
That's pretty much. 00:20:12
At least kind of in a nutshell of. 00:20:15
The work we've completed and where we are with everything and this, the work that's still ahead of us. 00:20:18
And and the majority of the work still ahead of us is. 00:20:24
Hopefully getting the site nailed down very soon. 00:20:28
And getting that design and getting that move forward with the collection system in good shape, at least at this point. 00:20:31
So sounds good, Mike. 00:20:38
Supervisor Humphrey questions. I have no questions because I I speak with you frequently and I speak with Mr. Drug frequently. And 00:20:41
so this is something that I'm in great favor of because I think it's great for the community to not be putting all of that sewer 00:20:48
into the ground and also with the water storage to be able to have a water collection. 00:20:55
As well as an infrastructure because there's a lot of those places that. 00:21:02
People don't live in anymore because their system has failed and if you drive around that area you can see a lot of older homes. 00:21:08
So if their system hasn't failed. 00:21:17
Uh, that it's possible that it will in the future. And speaking with the health department, I I realize that there's a lot of 00:21:20
people that are kind of limping right now. We're allowing systems to be pumped and things of that nature. 00:21:26
Knowing that this is coming. 00:21:32
Or or or wishing that it it it it sooner than later. And so it's. 00:21:35
It's a great project. Thank you for all the work you do with it and and Robert, thank you very much for for volunteering your time 00:21:42
to be on the board to help with this. So thank you all very much. I'm looking forward to it. This will. 00:21:49
Telling Jessica and Jeff that. 00:21:58
Early next month, it'll be 11 years. 00:22:01
I've been working on the project, so I'm really looking forward to breaking ground at that point, yeah, and I know where the gold 00:22:05
shovels are. Yeah, I've I've been pushing for six myself. 00:22:10
Lazy Christians and you having comments. Yeah. Thank you chairman. Thank you Mike and Robert for coming. So I'm not real familiar 00:22:16
with the project but just maybe to clarify it's all on septics now but up in Payson I remember when the sanitary District 102 00:22:20
expand and. 00:22:25
The entire town needed to be off of septics. They assessed each property a certain amount of money is Is that part of your 00:22:31
program? 00:22:35
Yes, toward each property will have a lien put on it. Yes, OK. 00:22:41
It's still the debt will be paid through the assessment. 00:22:46
OK. The other thing I just to clarify, so you so you know even of this area. 00:22:50
We work closely with the Health Department, Jake Garrett and. 00:22:56
It won't. And Jim Berry actually was part of that as well at the time, but 70% of the people. 00:23:01
The homes and. 00:23:09
In the in the district. 00:23:10
Still use cesspools, so. 00:23:13
Another 20% have. 00:23:16
Septic tanks that don't meet today's standards, right? Obviously it needs to be done, but right? 00:23:18
700 plus residents. 00:23:25
And 35 million. So you just do the math. Is there any other money that comes from the federal government or USPS? 00:23:28
So through that assessment process limited to the amount of loan. 00:23:36
Can be. 00:23:42
Assessed to the people and it's not just the residents you have the businesses and right and. 00:23:44
Even vacant property because of increased values and and it's all is a title. 00:23:50
48. 00:23:56
Yes, you know Title 48, which is where the district is formed under. 00:23:57
It it lays out how all of that has to happen, OK? And not an attorney, I don't know the details. 00:24:02
Well, that's helpful. Now I know a lot more about it. Thank you, Mr. Chair, if I may. Well, we came up with, you know, while that 00:24:09
came up it, it stirred something in my mind too that also too once once the mains are are established. 00:24:16
Then the hookups to the individuals don't cost anything because we're in a colonial, so, so the so the people that this will be 00:24:24
serving. 00:24:28
If they agree to hook up, it cost them nothing and the the. 00:24:33
A project will come in. 00:24:38
And and delete whatever system they have, whether it's a septic, tank, cesspool or whatever. They will delete that and hook them 00:24:40
up to sewer with no cost to the property owner. 00:24:46
So yeah, that's a great deal because we're alone, because otherwise it could cost a lot. 200 and Salute. 00:24:53
Very good. So that would bring up a question to me. 00:25:01
Supervise Humphrey or Mike that when you delete those old systems that they're on, set the current settings are you are they 00:25:05
talking about actually physically removing the tanks and. 00:25:10
He's like that or what? Well, we'll follow the county guidelines on that which is abandonment place where it's gonna be 00:25:15
challenging as we have sent out letters to all the residents in the in the in phase one. 00:25:23
And we received not quite half of them back, maybe 45% of them. 00:25:31
But there are several of them where their cesspools under their house or they built a room over. 00:25:35
There. 00:25:42
You know, septic tank or you know, so there's going to be some fun things like that. There's even one or two of them where they 00:25:43
have four or six cesspools on their property. 00:25:48
So there's going to be some, you know, additional challenges for things like that, but it is what it is. And you know, we just 00:25:53
need to get in and. 00:25:57
Look at the ones that are. 00:26:02
Type one, Type 2, Type 3 if you will, and. 00:26:04
Say here's what we do, here's what we do, here's what we do, and and again that's what we work we will work closely with your 00:26:07
staff to. 00:26:10
To, you know, get that done. 00:26:14
Mike, thank you guys. Yeah. Robert, thank you so much. Did you you have something part of this? 00:26:17
Thank you. He is a tough act to follow. So I'm Robert Jock is Tim knows, I'm President of the Board of Directors and I just want 00:26:28
to say a few things on behalf of the Board. 00:26:33
If you'll bear with me, tell me. 00:26:39
So first of all, we want to thank Michael Driscoll for inviting terrorists to become make this presentation. 00:26:41
It's very important to us that you know about the project and its importance. We thank you supervisors. 00:26:48
For your active support, that is much appreciated and I especially want to single out. 00:26:54
Supervisor Humphrey for his open door policy. 00:27:00
He's let he's let me know that if I have any questions concerns. 00:27:04
I should come knock on his door and. 00:27:08
I'm gonna wear out his door. 00:27:12
But it's uh, it's great to have him as a mentor, if you will. 00:27:14
For this project and then we as the board want to thank the work at the staff. 00:27:18
With Heliconia led by Michael O'Driscoll, former Baylor and Jay Garrett. 00:27:24
For your untiring support and efforts to make some really thorny problems. 00:27:30
Disappear or at least alleviate them. 00:27:36
So thanks to everybody involved. 00:27:39
We wouldn't get this done without your support. 00:27:42
Uh, questions come up all the time. Why do we need this project? 00:27:46
It's critical to the health and safety, health and safety of both our District residents. 00:27:51
And to the environment. Firstly, I don't know whether you gentlemen are aware, but we are. 00:27:57
According to Charlene Fernandez, state director of rural development. 00:28:03
The largest project of this type in the state of Arizona. 00:28:07
And one of the largest projects in the US. 00:28:11
And that's really quite something when you think about the fact. 00:28:15
That we will probably approach or slightly exceed the total investment of $100 million for this project. 00:28:19
That this whole project is led by a board of five members. 00:28:27
And it's advisory team of five individuals. 00:28:31
And I thank you Today's day and age for this small category of group of people to lead this project is incredible. 00:28:35
And again, we couldn't do it without supporting you individuals. 00:28:43
We also understand, I think, very clearly, the burden that is placed on us because without the successful completion of this 00:28:47
project. 00:28:52
The redevelopment. 00:28:58
And further development. 00:29:00
Of that non incorporated area between the city of Globe. 00:29:02
And Town of Miami. 00:29:05
Is very problematic. 00:29:07
So again, we understand the burden to successfully completing this. 00:29:10
And we also know very clearly. 00:29:14
From all the work that's been done on this project here heretofore. 00:29:17
That one our residents. 00:29:22
We'll see a safer. 00:29:24
Condition of living. 00:29:26
And also a cleaner and healthier environment. 00:29:28
When you think about the fact that we will generate. 00:29:32
At full build out at least. 00:29:36
In the near future, 350,000 gallons of effluent today. 00:29:38
A day. 00:29:43
That's what's going in the ground right now. 00:29:45
Either from cesspools directly or as elite shape. 00:29:48
From septic tanks. 00:29:52
We will turn that environmental concern. 00:29:54
Into a commodity. And Tim, you've touched on this. 00:29:58
Because of water stewardship water shortage. 00:30:02
That 350,000 gallons will be put to good reuse. 00:30:05
And we're also having more than casual conversations. 00:30:11
With potential users in this area. 00:30:15
So we understand our burdens. We also understand the benefits that we can bring to this community, will bring to this community. 00:30:19
The project is not without its difficulties. 00:30:24
The first one and foremost one is the location. 00:30:31
Of the reclamation facility. 00:30:34
If you all have ever read Homers Odyssey. 00:30:37
He wrote that about this project. 00:30:40
We have had four locations. 00:30:43
Beginning in. 00:30:46
Free 2018. 00:30:48
The location on the westerly flank of Solitude. 00:30:50
Which unfortunately was removed from consideration. 00:30:54
Because of the work that's taking place on Solitude. 00:30:59
We had two other locations we looked at. 00:31:02
One was difficult because of its. 00:31:06
Logistical location within the community. 00:31:09
The second one or the third one? 00:31:13
Great site. 00:31:15
We cannot use that site because it failed the cultural resource assessment. 00:31:17
I have 4000 peoples in this district. 00:31:24
Who are living on cesspools and septic tanks? 00:31:27
And we could not use a prime site. 00:31:31
Because of something that happened 1002 thousand years ago. 00:31:34
I'm not being negative. 00:31:39
But I consider that to be not a fair trade. 00:31:41
That's my personal opinion. 00:31:44
So that's one of the concerns. We're very close to resolving that. 00:31:46
The matter of increasing cost, Mike has talked about that is the concern. 00:31:49
The good news is the loan. 00:31:54
Portion. 00:31:57
Of this overall capital cost is fixed. 00:31:58
Cannot be increased. 00:32:01
That means we rely on additional grant monies. 00:32:03
And we're very comfortable working with USDA ARB. 00:32:07
In making that happen. 00:32:11
Umm. 00:32:14
The last issue is not a concern, but something that comes up frequently. 00:32:16
I get a little bit tired of it, but I want you supervisor state know this. 00:32:21
People ask me, how much have you paid? Pace, They haven't done anything. There's nothing to see. 00:32:26
Well, to date. 00:32:31
From 2012. 00:32:33
To date through 13 Saw 13 June. 00:32:35
Pace has been reimbursed $3.5 million. 00:32:40
$1.1 million of that. 00:32:44
Is related to the pre design studies. 00:32:47
In war, that took place before we could ever retain an engineering firm. 00:32:52
To begin, design. 00:32:58
Of the $2.3 million that remains. 00:33:00
Just under a half million dollars has been paid out to. 00:33:05
Engineering consultants. 00:33:08
For things like geotechnical investigations, environmental investigations, aerial design and surveys. 00:33:11
In the underground utility investigations. 00:33:18
So over a period of time, PACE is probably been reimbursed maybe $3 million over a period of 12 years. 00:33:21
For a project that is not easy. Tom o'halleran when we. 00:33:32
When I first took. 00:33:37
Former Congressman O'halloran to show him the project he and his staff were here for. 00:33:39
Let's get together meeting. Let's find out where you are. I was shocked when Tom was middle Heller and said this is an easy 00:33:45
project. 00:33:49
You're not building a skyscraper. 00:33:53
If you look at the variety of this project from east to West, north to South, it is very much not an easy project. 00:33:56
So. 00:34:04
I'm pleased to be able to talk to you this morning. Gentlemen, I'm thankful for your support every day. I thank him because we 00:34:06
have good people supporting us. 00:34:10
And we have a good project team. 00:34:15
We have 5 board members. 00:34:20
We have a. 00:34:23
Born attorney Michael Harper, who you may know. 00:34:24
We have a financial advisor, Leo Valdez. We have a bond council, Tim Stratton. 00:34:27
And we have a an account and we brought on board a year and a half ago when we were we. We have gone through two audits now. 00:34:36
But Enfield Niche County is familiar with Infield Mitch. 00:34:43
They've done an audit in 2021. It was a baseline. We had received no funding. 00:34:47
They've done a full. 00:34:53
Audit. 00:34:56
Single audit because we're now getting funding. 00:34:57
Ohh, we did that in 2022. 00:35:00
We have come out looking very good. 00:35:03
Both those audits, you have the 21 already in your files. We will provide you the 2022 fiscal year 22 audit within the next two to 00:35:06
three weeks. 00:35:12
We have come out looking very good on that. 00:35:17
No trips to Paris. 00:35:20
The only finding they have had is we have. 00:35:23
Not implemented certain financial policies. 00:35:26
And we have just completed and have been and they have been approved. 00:35:30
By the Board at our June 20 meeting. 00:35:35
We now have those financial policies in place lastly. 00:35:37
And belatedly. 00:35:42
This project could be nowhere. 00:35:44
Without pieces, Project manager Mike Cripps. 00:35:47
Y'all may think he lives and dies on this project. 00:35:50
But that young guy works on projects in Yuma and boughs in Jerome. 00:35:54
Up and well, I don't know what they're doing anything in Flagstaff. 00:35:59
Over in Seoul, Pinetop, Lakeside. 00:36:03
How he sleeps I have no idea. 00:36:05
He spends half his career here on this project, in this community. 00:36:08
I thank you, gentlemen, for listening to me. 00:36:13
It's pleasure to speak with you. Look forward to your cooperation. If there's anything I can add, probably not, but I'd be glad 00:36:16
to. Thank you, Robert. Supervisor Humphrey comments. I'm good. I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm because this is a, this is, 00:36:25
as you say, a project. And so I very much appreciate your enthusiasm and interest, very much so. 00:36:33
Supervisor Christensen. Yeah, I I have nothing. Thank you for coming. Great presentation. 00:36:44
Yeah. 00:36:49
Thank you, gentlemen. Good project. So we'll move on to the next 1-2 B information. 00:36:50
Discussion regarding the facilities and Land Management department strategy and inmate throw something in nature real quick. Yeah, 00:36:56
if if you notice that what's coming up behind you, it is a new facility, then Land Management. 00:37:02
So they've kind of put facilities and Land Management together and this is the gentleman that will be overseeing a lot of the land 00:37:09
for HeLa County. 00:37:13
So made a new gentleman that will become a part of your life as this project goes forward. And that's all, Mr. Chair. Thank you. 00:37:17
Go ahead, Joseph. 00:37:27
Roger that. 00:37:29
Good morning, Chairman, Board of Supervisors. So today as we're getting this slide put up. 00:37:32
It's it's a pretty dense uh, strategic plan, five year plan. 00:37:38
And that has been developed by our facilities team. 00:37:42
Um, so with it being pretty pretty long, I'm going to dive in where we need to get a couple of highlights with it. 00:37:46
At anytime, if you have any questions or if there's a slide that you find interest in, I'd be happy to dive deeper into it. 00:37:54
So throughout the past several years, Hill County Facilities and Land Management Department has experienced tremendous growth 00:38:03
since 2019. 00:38:06
A multitude of capital projects took place almost every year to accommodate county initiatives and further community opportunities 00:38:10
for constituents. 00:38:15
Utilizing heel accounting services. 00:38:20
I'm proud to share Facility Managements 20. 00:38:22
23 Strategic Plan encompassing the input, time, passion and energy of more than. 00:38:25
90% of our staff. 00:38:33
Across the past six months, this is truly a collaborative strategy, the development of. 00:38:36
A new strategy plan started with an organization assessment. 00:38:43
And with that assessment, we dove into our operation from our technicians. 00:38:51
To our staff or admin staff and then we also reached out to the county as a whole. 00:38:58
So this. 00:39:03
To ensure this plan becomes reality, facilities and Land Management will begin to live. 00:39:06
Our values. 00:39:11
Engage staff and implementation of our strategic priorities. Take action in ways that support our entire team. 00:39:12
And measure and celebrate our successes. Each year we will critically reflect on this plan. 00:39:21
And make updates adapt to change. 00:39:27
Changing needs. 00:39:30
And create new goals. 00:39:31
Our strategic plan can and will guide us to achieve our vision to be collaborative, innovative. 00:39:33
An inclusive partner that delivers exceptional service to Hill County. 00:39:40
So just as I mentioned before, powered by people. 00:39:49
Um. 00:39:52
This is truly a, like I mentioned earlier, a collaborative effort. 00:39:53
There's three key points that we're going to hit on this is. 00:39:58
A degree of where we're coming from, where we're at, and where we're going to be going into the future. 00:40:02
And that's going to be about US executive summary overview of the department's core services. 00:40:08
And then we're gonna be stepping into our process, strategic plan overview, organizational assessment. 00:40:14
And of course, our future mission vision and values strategic priorities. 00:40:20
Plan, implementation and maintenance. 00:40:25
The Facilities Management department is relatively new with the organizational structure of Hill County government. We are 00:40:31
responsible for the maintenance and all buildings owned by Hill County. 00:40:35
Currently we're staffing 27 employees. 00:40:40
100 and we're working on 104 buildings. 00:40:43
And half a million total square footage of active. 00:40:45
Square footage. 00:40:49
700 plus acres of active acreage, meaning we're doing something to it for maintenance, whether that's groundskeeping. 00:40:52
Or landscaping and maintenance. 00:41:00
If if I could Mr. Chair if I could ask a question. Yes please and and it and it says the properties and the square footage. 00:41:03
That includes the, the, the buildings that are. 00:41:11
Are are inhabited by county employees at this time, not necessarily the buildings that we own that we. 00:41:15
Don't have employees in that number. Actually includes both. 00:41:23
So, OK, Yeah, because we've got properties in Hayden Winkleman in places like that. So that's included in, in these numbers. Yes, 00:41:29
Sir. OK. 00:41:33
Thank you, Mr. Chair. 00:41:39
Thank you. 00:41:42
Currently our organizational structure with the lion share of technicians here in the globe operation having out of here and then 00:41:43
also our patient operation, a couple of additional changes we've added staffing to support young veterans retreat. 00:41:51
And also have created a project coordinator position. 00:41:59
Which has been filled and is starting here soon, and that is going to be without a doubt a huge. 00:42:02
Support. 00:42:10
Position. 00:42:11
For all of our capital projects. 00:42:12
Something here that we're working on. I really dives into it deeper into the the strategic plan, but I do want to highlight here. 00:42:17
We are looking at how our senior techs and our junior techs, what that criteria is and trying to find a way to be able to. 00:42:24
Create a pathway for whether it's a. 00:42:34
Our junior techs into a senior tech. 00:42:37
And some of the other criteria with that. 00:42:40
Our core services, operations, maintenance and utilities, planning and construction, building and landscaping maintenance. 00:42:45
And custodial. 00:42:51
There's a few things on here that. 00:42:54
Isn't. 00:42:56
Quite covered that we do support with, whether that's support at the ball fields, cleaning up the cemetery events out at the 00:42:57
fairgrounds. 00:43:00
In any other operational support for events, whether it's a grand opening or a shuffle kickoff. 00:43:04
Here's an overview of our process. 00:43:11
With the strategic planning cycle. 00:43:17
The strategic plan overview, the development of the strategic plan starting with the department and countrywide assessment of our 00:43:24
services performance and workforce engagement. 00:43:28
So sequentially we developed our mission, vision and values to establish the foundation to define our departments purpose to 00:43:33
inspire departmental growth and sustainability and established guiding principles for our employees to reflect. 00:43:40
Our overall commitment to our customers. 00:43:47
So as we start getting in a little bit further into the strategic plan you're seeing kind of pushed through a couple of these 00:43:50
slides, just keep note that's how in dense, dense this strategic plan is. 00:43:55
And that's important because it gives us a map. 00:44:00
And for not just our our admin side of it, but also our employees. 00:44:03
To guide us on this five year. 00:44:08
Some of the things that we looked at were from our SWAT analysis was internal and external opportunities for strengths. 00:44:12
Weaknesses. Opportunities. 00:44:19
And of course it sounds like. 00:44:21
Threats, but we don't view on this threats that we obviously change that a little bit to challenges and some of the other things 00:44:23
that might be. 00:44:27
Opportunities for process improvement. 00:44:32
Some of the things that we've implemented over the, yes, last year was the technology solutions. 00:44:39
Work order system. 00:44:46
We wanted a facilities and Land Management department that expands across the county. This required a more robust work order 00:44:48
system. 00:44:52
This system we kicked off about a year ago and this is how we're extracting a lot of our data points. 00:44:57
Um for resource management. 00:45:04
So trying to focus on the the time, the money. 00:45:07
And the resources such as the technicians in the right place. 00:45:11
Another technology solution is Project Management system. 00:45:18
We just kicked that off about six months ago and this is a very streamlined approach. 00:45:22
Before we were using Excel spreadsheets which. 00:45:28
Isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there is limitations to that. So we looked at a system that was outside of that and a very 00:45:30
robust system that that. 00:45:34
The customer analysis and maintenance. 00:45:41
A couple of months ago, we went over some of the the findings of our customer service. 00:45:44
Survey, and it's important that we're tying that survey into how we're making some of our decisions here. 00:45:50
And you're going to see that throughout. 00:45:57
So here are just a highlight of 95% overall satisfaction. 00:45:59
Which is a really great place to be able to start, but we also outlined a few locations. 00:46:03
4. 00:46:08
Opportunities within our system. 00:46:09
In personnel for improvement and some of that was through the custodian. 00:46:12
Services. 00:46:17
Mr. Chairman Joseph So when you say customer, does that mean the county internal county employees are satisfied? 00:46:19
Right. That's what you mean. Yes, Sir. OK, thanks. Yes. 00:46:29
Here you're going to see a couple of breakdowns of our financial analysis, breaking it down all the way from the operating 00:46:34
supplies, repair and maintenance supplies, utilities. 00:46:38
This really helps us. 00:46:43
Start taking the direction that we need with our resources. 00:46:45
So we start looking at some of our initiatives. We know immediately with utilities 83% of that's going to be electricity. So we're 00:46:48
going to be looking at over the next five years how do we draw that into our predictive. 00:46:54
Maintenance and. 00:47:00
Preventative maintenance. 00:47:02
What are some of the solutions we can look at and some of them are as simple as changing out. 00:47:04
Light switches making a motion. 00:47:08
Versus on, off. 00:47:11
So there's just a lot of options out there that we're going to be running through over the next five years to see what we can do 00:47:12
to start reducing that footprint. So it's not just a number to us, it gives us the ability to make some of our decisions. 00:47:18
Operational analysis. This is ensuring that we're driving the the initiative for preventative maintenance. 00:47:26
But also gives us an understanding of where our resources once again need to go or not going, so it allows us to be able to adjust 00:47:32
to it. 00:47:37
What's important about this whole strategic plan? 00:47:41
And you're going to find that we're diving into the numbers on a weekly, monthly basis so that we can stay in tune with it. We 00:47:44
don't wait for a one year, A5 year before we start to try and understand our situation. 00:47:49
So Joseph, there's one thing I'm going to point out on this slide, yes. 00:47:55
And that is that non PM. 00:47:59
For. 00:48:01
Hmm. 00:48:02
And that's non preventative maintenance, Roger that and so. 00:48:03
I've had discussions with Josephson and whatnot, but. 00:48:08
What it what it boils down to is we have so much going on with not a very big. 00:48:13
Set of folks to do it, a lot of the non preventive maintenance gets pushed aside. Am I correct? That is correct or skip for 00:48:18
whatever reason because you guys are swamped. But that leads into is if we skip some of this non preventive maintenance, all that 00:48:24
does is bite us in the hip pockets later on because it's going to break, things are going to come up. 00:48:31
And then it's really going to cause more issues. So I really want you guys to point that or point that out. So you've seen that. 00:48:38
And and think about that this is this is something that I think that's really important to us as a county. Is that part of this? 00:48:47
Absolutely, Chairman, supervisor claimed. 00:48:54
It's extremely important that we start transitioning as. 00:48:58
Fast as we can into a preventative maintenance. 00:49:02
Lightly puts We've had critical infrastructure such as the electrical and some of the others. 00:49:04
That have already reached a state of. 00:49:09
Disarray. 00:49:13
So those are some of the things we're addressing now. 00:49:14
And the great thing is, is we're we're getting a lot of support with resources and funding to be able to start driving through 00:49:17
those initiatives to try and turn this ship around. 00:49:21
This this is one that does need turned around. It really does and so. 00:49:26
Ohh no. 00:49:32
I have more discussions on this part. It's going back to something else in your presentation, So go ahead. Thank you. Excuse me, 00:49:33
Mr. Chairman. So Joseph, what is the reason for that? Is it because you don't have enough staff? 00:49:40
You don't have enough resources to. 00:49:49
To do that. So we're still crunching the numbers, so I don't want to leave too far into One Direction until we have some of the 00:49:51
numbers we pulled back. But. 00:49:55
Umm. 00:50:00
It comes down to efficiency. 00:50:03
And how we do that within our house before we start looking at pulling in more resources. OK. So that's what we've been smashing 00:50:05
the past probably 6 to 8 months, working extremely hard to start streamlining some of the processes, trying to get productivity 00:50:11
increased. 00:50:16
Um, follow up on some of the work, Just look at the quality of it. 00:50:22
So there's quite a bit that goes into it. Before I could just say, hey, we just need a couple of guys, but yeah, we're moving our 00:50:26
people up to a senior position because then they're trained more. 00:50:32
For the different things. So we have a higher trained person now that. 00:50:38
Can take care of something that prior they weren't able to. 00:50:43
So yeah, all of it. 00:50:46
Works together and I was going to mention some. I'll do it now, but back on the utilities, so just real quick. 00:50:47
I'm in the building that TCM all the time and it seems like the the big multipurpose room has the lights on all the time. There's 00:50:54
no one in there. 00:50:58
So I I don't know. 00:51:03
That's not burning. 00:51:05
That much electricity but still you know the lights still on. I don't think a wire the lights on me all the time. No ones in 00:51:07
there. Yes Sir Chris that's a good point and that kind of goes to. 00:51:12
Um. 00:51:17
A perfect example, but then you start looking at county wide. So yeah, there's a lot of locations like that and that'll be part of 00:51:18
our electrical initiative. 00:51:22
Over the next five years is to. 00:51:26
Find something. It seems like a little thing, but accumulatively you can see it's 80%. 00:51:28
Yeah. 00:51:36
Right. Yes, thanks. So I'm gonna chime in. Thank you. Can't help it so. 00:51:36
Back to your question of why that is. 00:51:42
There's there's I, Joseph, right. There's different variables of this and and the issues. 00:51:46
But one of the issues is, is us as a board, we don't slow down on our projects, we keep. 00:51:51
In there, we keep adding things, we keep buying buildings, we keep trying to help people, we keep trying to. 00:51:58
Upgrade something or rebuild a jail facility or whatever it is. I mean we're we've been a board that's been very, very active when 00:52:04
it comes to facilities. 00:52:08
And if you don't believe that, just look back seven years ago. What? Or eight years ago? What happened then, right? Not much. 00:52:14
I remember wasn't anything so. So we've come a long ways and we keep, we continue to stack these projects on. I for one have no 00:52:21
intentions to slowing down. 00:52:25
The. 00:52:30
The staffing part is very, very important. 00:52:32
It's not just a matter of having seen their technicians. 00:52:37
I mean, we do need that career path for these folks. There's no doubt. I would never want somebody to think we didn't just. 00:52:41
Because we need that. They need that. 00:52:48
But the but The thing is, is if you're running with just a just a marginal crew. 00:52:51
Those folks don't have a lot of opportunities to get training to get to that next step. They can't. We can't send them off for a 00:52:59
day or five days for some kind of certification that they need. 00:53:04
To to to advance because when you need them on the job that week. 00:53:10
And also, you know, I was talking to some of Joseph folks one day and I talked to everybody but. 00:53:15
But they they're packing their cell phones around. 00:53:20
And I asked one of them. 00:53:24
About and they said, well, that's where our work orders come through. 00:53:25
We we get our work orders all day, so the phone one of them said. Today I've had 22 work orders. 00:53:28
That was for one day. 00:53:34
The other one said and they said. 00:53:37
You know, two days ago I had 36. 00:53:38
Work orders. That can be worth anything from changing a light bulb to fixing a door knob to open. Then somebody's locked up. 00:53:41
Office. You know so. 00:53:49
It just kind of sets you back in your seat thinking about this and what? 00:53:51
A handful of our folks are are are doing. 00:53:56
To keep this up, this ship afloat, and I think it's a it's time for some real serious conversations on it. 00:54:00
Roger that. 00:54:08
No. I Ohh. 00:54:09
Someone. I don't know what you guys think, but that's my opinion. 00:54:11
On it. 00:54:16
Yeah, we can. 00:54:17
It's a county wide problem. 00:54:18
With trying to retain, keep and pay. 00:54:20
In a fair way. So I spoke to you about that this morning. We're. 00:54:25
We're trying to move some of. 00:54:30
Our guys up to senior positions so they can make a decent living and are more trained, but when do they do that training? 00:54:32
And how do we hire more people if? 00:54:39
They can work at McDonald's through the same amount and. 00:54:42
Have no training. 00:54:45
Ohh yeah it's it's tough and I know. 00:54:46
We have a limited amount of money. 00:54:50
Right. Our people are the strongest part of the county. 00:54:52
I agree, yeah. 00:54:57
I yeah, I I just, I think we need to work on efficiency. 00:54:59
I've because efficiency in the long run gets. 00:55:05
Gets gets products done, gets products finished, gets gets things going forward. 00:55:08
And you know I mean we look at at the at the numbers that 75% and 57%. 00:55:14
If you were in the private sector, could you make a living at that? No. 00:55:22
Couldn't. 00:55:25
You'd lose your tail. 00:55:26
If 25% of your customer didn't pay you because they weren't happy, you couldn't make it in that world. And and understand this 00:55:28
isn't the private sector but. 00:55:32
Efficiency in in my opinion, just. 00:55:37
Would make for more satisfaction and and and better project. 00:55:40
Productivity. 00:55:44
And and I understand what you say. We, you know, we'll start working in house before we try to grow. 00:55:46
I have a great appreciation for that. 00:55:52
And you know, just for instance, I showed up at one of the buildings and there was 3 trucks, three guys and one light taken apart. 00:55:55
Two guys were on their phone. 00:56:04
And I said, Joe, you're doing electrical today and it says, yeah, we we didn't have the part to fix it. So we wired it direct. 00:56:06
And the guy with the screw to put it back together has gone to lunch, so when he gets back we'll put it back together. 00:56:13
And me as a general contractor thinking. 00:56:19
Wow. 00:56:22
I couldn't pay for three grades to wait for a screw for somebody to come back for lunch. 00:56:23
And and I'm not saying that to throw rocks, I'm saying that because I understand. 00:56:28
The efficiency part and and working for it and and education and and performance education and. 00:56:33
And I I think you get what you expect. 00:56:41
And if that's expected, then that's the product you're going to get. 00:56:45
And if that is not. 00:56:50
If that's not what you expect. 00:56:53
And then you'll get different. 00:56:56
And so. 00:56:58
You know, I, I, I appreciate you saying that you know we we need to work in house before we can grow because. 00:56:59
Um. 00:57:06
I I have a great appreciation for that, so. 00:57:07
Mr. Chair, that's all I have. 00:57:09
I really appreciate the the input and the good news. I'm working with with Michael he's tasked me with. 00:57:14
Trying to gather some of the information that's needed for us to kind of step forward and it really solves some of all of those 00:57:20
points to include trying to solve some of these, this expectation or some of our processes and how we do things in house also. 00:57:28
So with that being said, once we get that data collected, I think we're going to be able to know not only if we need more 00:57:36
manpower, more efficiencies. 00:57:40
But we're also gonna need to know where and how. 00:57:45
And the quantity if we need to add more personnel to the to the team. 00:57:49
We can legitimately put a recommendation together saying that quantity matches the Key Performance Indicators. 00:57:55
And that would leave us confident with. 00:58:02
You know our next five years to be operational. 00:58:04
Not having to come back again and again because we under resourced again or lost productivity because we over resourced. 00:58:07
So hopefully over the next couple of weeks we'll have some of that data put together. 00:58:15
And be able to share it. 00:58:18
Thank you. 00:58:22
Go ahead for now, Joseph. 00:58:25
All right. 00:58:28
So we kind of briefly went over where, where we've been and where where we're currently at. 00:58:30
With our Our future, we're committed to making sure our mission, vision and values are true. Embodiment of our day-to-day culture 00:58:37
represent the principles that will guide our future growth. 00:58:44
And this kind of goes back to your point, Supervisor Humphrey is where are we taking it? 00:58:50
So we are always going to have challenges whether it's dwell time in between work orders or sometimes inefficiencies in manpower. 00:58:55
You'll never get rid of that 100%. 00:59:06
But with our mission, vision and values, it's going to allow us to start changing that mindset. 00:59:09
And we're also. 00:59:14
Looking at our strategic priorities that we're going to cut through real quick here in a minute. 00:59:16
And that's going to allow us to start making sure that tire is hitting the ground when it comes to some of our operations. 00:59:21
Where if we do have a deficiency, it's not. 00:59:27
It's not a pattern. 00:59:31
It's an outlier. Somebody needed some help or some other circumstance, so. 00:59:32
Again, five year plan, it's going to take some time to change the way we think the way we operate. 00:59:39
So there's a lot of challenges that are going to be laid in front of us, that is for sure. 00:59:45
But. 00:59:49
We welcome them. 00:59:50
And some of the areas of focus are going to be the customer service, investing in our employees, strategic management practices, 00:59:52
asset inventory management, strengthening, project delivery, workplace safety and emergency preparedness. 00:59:58
These next slides outline some of those priorities. 01:00:05
I'm going to cut through them pretty quick here because it really again creates a map for our department and for stakeholders to 01:00:08
understand. 01:00:12
Are we on track? Are we going in the same direction that we laid out in five, five years ago, four years ago? And is, is that what 01:00:16
it's supposed to be? 01:00:20
So I won't dive in too far unless there's questions. Party number one is create a culture of customer service and excellence and 01:00:24
continuous improvement and some of the adjectives to go with it. 01:00:29
And then again, priorities and goals and initiatives and metrics that we use to. 01:00:35
Do UPS checks if we're on track. 01:00:40
Priority #2 Investing in our people. The priority will focus on creating an environment that enables all employees to succeed in 01:00:46
their positions and promoting a culture of engagement, diversity, communication and accountability. 01:00:52
Some of the priorities and go with some of the goals with priority two and objectives. 01:01:03
And some of the initiatives and metrics. 01:01:09
Priority three, building strategic management practices. This priority will focus on enhancing strategic planning, budgeting, 01:01:12
funding and performance management process to better align resources and priorities countrywide and approved monitoring of our 01:01:16
progress. 01:01:20
And some of that's going to be some whether we're we're doing little spot checks on some of the repairs. 01:01:25
Or doing a site visits for maintenance. 01:01:31
Priority four improved workplace safety and emergency preparedness. This priority will focus on improving safety and security. 01:01:36
Measures in all County Buildings Enhancing Workplace Safety Program. Development of an Emergency Preparedness and response 01:01:43
program. 01:01:46
Again, the objectives, they're going to go along with that. 01:01:51
And some of the goals and metrics. 01:01:55
To track it along. 01:01:57
Priority #5 Strengthening Project delivery. This project will examine project delivery approaches and implement changes that 01:02:00
improve outcomes. 01:02:03
And stakeholder satisfaction. 01:02:07
Again, the objectives and some of the goals that are underneath the priority five. 01:02:10
Priority number six, improved asset and inventory management is priority with focus on improving our internal facility management 01:02:15
processes, enhance our preventative maintenance program, lower maintenance costs and improve access to tools, equipment and spare 01:02:20
parts inventory. 01:02:25
So. 01:02:32
With all of those goals. 01:02:33
And objectives. 01:02:35
If you notice, it was centered around a lot of our people. 01:02:37
Not only how do we? 01:02:41
Support them. 01:02:43
And hold them accountable. But how do we? 01:02:44
Start to progress in where we are going in the next 30 years. 01:02:46
Whether it's education, the tools or some of the other ways that we're trying to support. 01:02:51
Our employees. 01:02:58
We're sitting, we're that's the center of where we're going with everything. So if we're looking at equipment, we're looking at 01:03:00
the metrics, we're looking at the numbers, but we're also looking at the people, are they qualified? Are they going to be safe 01:03:03
about it? 01:03:07
In a few. 01:03:11
Other metrics that we're looking at. 01:03:13
Here is the plan implementation. Again, this just kind of captures how we're going to move forward with this. 01:03:18
I'm sure you've seen many times where there's a plan, but how do we measure if we're on that pathway? How do we know we're going 01:03:25
to meet our end goal? 01:03:28
The reason this is so robust is because we are putting those waypoints along our way so that we can be able to know, are we on 01:03:33
track, do we need to do the 8 from it or are we behind. So we need to change that. 01:03:40
And again, this is a working document, so anytime we identify some deficiencies or something that needs to get us back on track or 01:03:48
maybe we need to change the approach slightly. 01:03:53
Umm. 01:03:57
This is a working document and we have planned maintenance gone go along with them. 01:03:58
This is conclusion of the slide. I'm sure there's a few questions that were hanging out there. I'd be happy to answer them. 01:04:03
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:04:09
No, I I have no questions. It's just like. 01:04:12
You know, being self-employed in my whole life, I I'm gonna, I can don't don't tell me why I can't. 01:04:16
I mean, I'll figure out a way. 01:04:21
And and so that that's just how I'm geared and so I appreciate very much that you have put together. 01:04:23
A5 year plan. 01:04:29
To realize that there are issues and and and to work with those issues. 01:04:31
And you have 100% of my support. If if they need training, if, if, if we need to do something, you have my support. Because I very 01:04:36
much appreciate if everybody says, well, everything's perfect, well, you lie. And so, so by by creating a strategic plan and 01:04:44
realizing that there's issues and being willing to work on those issues. 01:04:51
I appreciate it very much so, so thank you and and anything I can do to help I would be happy. And and and you know I I threw in a 01:04:59
little negative comment and that's not for apologies that's just for for an example of improvement and and you know that's just 01:05:06
kind of how I look at myself every day. And so I like I say I appreciate you putting the plan together and being willing to to 01:05:14
admit that there's issues and let's work with the issues and as I say you have. 01:05:21
Sports. I appreciate it. 01:05:29
I appreciate the support and I also appreciate any kind of constructive criticism always. 01:05:32
Supervisor Christensen, thank you. Chairman Joseph, thanks for the. 01:05:38
Presentation so. 01:05:43
Umm. 01:05:45
Miley. 01:05:47
Saying is this all looks great. It's a good plan. You have a plan. 01:05:48
You have ways of measuring your success. 01:05:53
And all of that. But the five year thing to me seems more like it should be 5 months. 01:05:57
You should get. 01:06:03
After this, sooner rather than later. 01:06:05
And it needs to be, and it's achievable. I realize there's going to be some things that take longer. 01:06:08
But when it comes to solving some of the issues we've already discussed. 01:06:14
Those are your priorities. Just get that done. Get, get our employee where they need to be. Get as many as we need and. 01:06:18
We need to pay for it. We need to do whatever. We need to know from you what is needed to succeed at this plan. 01:06:26
And. 01:06:33
I for one don't want this to be a five year project. It needs to be done. 01:06:34
Like now? 01:06:39
You're identifying problems that have existed for five years, 10 years, 20 years, so. 01:06:41
I don't want them to exist in long and I think we're in a position, the board is and the county is in a position to say. 01:06:47
OK. We have a momentum of improvement. So ride that wave, ride that momentum and we'll support you in it for I will Roger that 01:06:54
greatly appreciate the input and the support so much, Chris. Thanks. Thank you. 01:07:01
I don't disagree with you with what you just said. 01:07:09
I I don't, and I think as a board. 01:07:12
I think. 01:07:15
And some of this could be pointed at us too. 01:07:17
For the fact that we, you know, we we fight for and push for higher wages and we do some things but. 01:07:20
I don't know if we really just sit up there and said how much we support you guys. 01:07:26
And I think, I don't know, hopefully I see it from today's meeting that you know, you have a lot of support sitting right here and 01:07:32
I really don't see any reason to dilly dally around with anything. 01:07:37
Um, you know, we have. We have. 01:07:42
Maybe a few kinks to work out. 01:07:45
But overall, everything that you discussed in this PowerPoint to me. 01:07:48
Evolves around your people. 01:07:53
And if we're not supporting those people and helping them do whatever they need done. 01:07:56
And I think we're failing and so that's what I'm I I see. 01:08:01
I think, yeah, I think if, if. 01:08:06
If we get you where you need to be with your team. 01:08:08
The rest of us can go away. 01:08:12
You know, and when I look at customer satisfaction, this is one thing that I look at from my standpoint. 01:08:14
I look at it, you know, in different ways. There's some people you just think, sure can't satisfy. I don't care what you do. 01:08:20
You know, there's other reasons for somebody to be dissatisfied. Maybe it's a timing matter, you weren't there quick enough or 01:08:26
whatever it is. So you know, you can look at statistics, you can look at numbers and you can kind of. 01:08:33
You know, feel your way through that. 01:08:39
But what I really see is, is your your team as a whole is what? 01:08:42
I feel like is as in my position on this board. 01:08:48
I would really support you building that up and and and getting that going because. 01:08:51
Right, wrong or indifferent? There's 70 you guys on this crew right now and somebody mentioned. 01:08:58
You know the fairgrounds. 01:09:04
Well, we've had the fairgrounds forever, but it's sit there, it's sit there for seven years and we didn't do a damn thing with it. 01:09:06
And now we've got it. It's almost like a whole new project. You know, we've added the vet center up there. We have tons of stuff 01:09:13
going on in patients. 01:09:17
And so there's there's a lot to this, but overall just if you guys need to understand, also support you from whatever angle I can. 01:09:21
When it comes to you and your your team, so. 01:09:29
Thank you for this. Roger that. Thank you. 01:09:32
Again, I appreciate the input and. 01:09:36
In the support, you're welcome. 01:09:38
I'll, I'll, I'll give you a longer list after the meeting. Roger that. 01:09:41
Alright, thank you. 01:09:47
All right. Moving on to 2C. 01:09:48
Information discussion regarding status updates on the Information Technology Department Cyber Security, Kerry. 01:09:52
Good morning. 01:09:59
Good morning, Sherman. For supervisors, Darrell and I are honored to share. Our team is working to encourage to encourage secure 01:10:00
Internet practices and protect the cyber landscape over Healy County. We do a lot within our department trying to keep this county 01:10:06
secure. 01:10:11
And umm, we're doing as much training as we can, you know personnel as we're sending emails out and we're doing quite a bit. And I 01:10:16
have Darrell with us and he's going to kind of go over a slide show we have with you and kind of explain what we're doing as far 01:10:22
as to try and keep the county as secure as we can, so. 01:10:28
Good. 01:10:34
Good morning, Mr. Chairman. This is the board. 01:10:37
I think some people thought I never worked here, but actually here is a hard going joke that actually had pants on. 01:10:41
So. 01:10:49
No, good morning. 01:10:52
Just one. 01:10:54
Is it is it hard to hear? OK. 01:10:56
You can just move that to the side or something. That little deal up on the top is just, yeah. 01:10:59
Can you guys hear me OK? Is that better, Joseph? 01:11:05
You good? 01:11:08
OK, alright, alright. 01:11:10
Yeah. So you probably noticed there was some Swedish fish on your desk this morning. Yeah, we don't, we don't click on fish, we 01:11:12
eat them. So that's just a nice little reminder of a with a delicious treat. So. 01:11:20
Anyways, getting started, Joseph. 01:11:28
Cybersecurity. Currently we're doing awareness and training. 01:11:32
But in 2022, cyber attacks rose 38% over the previous year so. 01:11:38
They're on the rise and currently even in quarter one. 01:11:45
Of 2023, there's already been a 7% increase, so it's a it's a real problem. 01:11:49
According to Forbes, over 700,000 unfulfilled cyber security positions. 01:11:55
Um, are currently unfulfilled. 01:12:01
In the United States alone. 01:12:04
Which leads me to. 01:12:07
It takes everyone to be cyber aware. We all need to just be you know, vigilant and and aware of what's out there and think before 01:12:10
we click. Never trust, always verify is my model. 01:12:17
Water. Garbage out there. Next slide, please. 01:12:25
Ohh. 01:12:29
Yeah, so just just in 3rd a 30 day period you could see some of the stuff that we've we've protected. 01:12:31
Our users, our end users from. 01:12:40
Um, from a technical perspective, OK. 01:12:43
You could see there was 14 viruses. Nobody ever seen saw those, they they never got through, OK. 01:12:47
125 malicious URLs that. 01:12:55
That could cause you know. 01:12:58
Us to get breached and and hacked. 01:13:01
So there's a lot going on on the back end protecting our users and our network. 01:13:04
But it's nothing's 100%. 01:13:11
They're they're getting smarter. 01:13:13
Um, they're using a lot of different resources and tools to. 01:13:16
Penetrate and to. 01:13:20
Uh, basically uh, get in, infiltrate our network? 01:13:23
And and cause a lot of problems cost us a lot of money so it's just it's just good that. 01:13:27
You guys are aware of of what we're doing and the users are being trained. 01:13:34
And we're we're really focusing on on end user training and awareness. 01:13:40
Study from Stanford revealed that 88% of data breaches. 01:13:48
Um, were caused by employee mistakes, so. 01:13:52
88%. 01:13:56
Um, aligning all employees around awareness practices and processes to keep the original organization safe. 01:13:58
It's not just a technical problem, it's also an organizational. 01:14:06
So we need to keep that in mind. Cyber security requires. 01:14:10
Awareness and action from all members of the organization to recognize these anomalies. 01:14:14
And alert us of of those threats and so we can mitigate those threats. 01:14:20
Touch. 01:14:27
Cybersecurity culture, its beliefs and values which motivate? 01:14:29
Behaviors. Cybersecurity behaviors. 01:14:34
Employees not only follow their job requirements, but also consistently act. 01:14:37
To protect the organization's assets. 01:14:43
Is this is vital? 01:14:47
So it doesn't mean that everyone's going to be a cyber security expert. We're not asking people to do that. We're not punishing 01:14:50
people if they do click on a link. We're just trying to bring awareness. 01:14:55
To the county and to the end users that this stuff is out there and it could cost us a lot of money. 01:15:02
And and problems so. 01:15:08
Next slide please. 01:15:11
What can we do to combat this? 01:15:14
Next slide. 01:15:16
Again, we spoke about internal training. 01:15:19
Um, we've. 01:15:22
New employees are automatically enrolled in training and awareness and since March we've done over 30 different campaigns. 01:15:24
Um, to different departments and offices. 01:15:31
If you've been caught, just know it's it's a tool to teach. It's it's not to you know. 01:15:35
Humiliates its truly gestation. 01:15:41
OK. Well, next time I could look, you know, look a little closer, you know? 01:15:44
So we're we're, we're truly doing it just to. 01:15:49
Bring training and awareness to our end users. We don't go and oh, did you see who clicked? I mean, it's it's nothing like that. 01:15:53
It has nothing to do with that. It just truly is awareness. 01:15:59
And you know so and pretty, pretty down low on the back end, I don't. 01:16:05
I don't share that information. 01:16:11
We don't share that information. It's just. 01:16:13
OK. 01:16:16
Well, now we've learned something. You know, that's all it is. 01:16:17
And we've, we've put out some difficult campaigns. So, you know, I mean, they're not always easy. You know, we're doing that 01:16:22
intentionally, you know, the hackers aren't going to be nice about it, you know? 01:16:26
They really, truly their job is to make money. 01:16:31
And if they could get you to click on that link. 01:16:35
And the other protections you don't have in place, you have in place, don't stop that threat. 01:16:38
Then we have a problem on our hands. So next slide please. 01:16:45
Um, pamphlets. We've we've Cassie created a trifle. 01:16:50
Um, she's up in Payson. 01:16:56
And and that trifle basically just gives us new employees, you know, hey. 01:16:58
Here's some tips, tools you know, something to think about. Just gives them an idea. When they come on on board through the 01:17:02
onboarding process, they get this pamphlet. They can read through it. 01:17:07
It just, it really is just kind of, hey, introducing them to. 01:17:13
What's out there and and what to look for and and of course the contact information for the cybersecurity. 01:17:17
Great. 01:17:24
Next slide please, Joseph. 01:17:26
Yeah, we have layered defenses our. 01:17:29
Teamwork. We're actively threat hunting. You know, running vulnerability scans. 01:17:32
Um, monitoring different resources we were. 01:17:37
We're tied to. I won't mention names, but. 01:17:41
Some. Some very. 01:17:46
Very important agencies that provide that information for us to, to keep us on our toes and so we know what's out there kind of 01:17:49
that zero day. 01:17:54
You know, just notifications. 01:18:00
We we also send every morning the daily security report to our team. 01:18:03
Our team reads through it. 01:18:09
They know what's out there and we might identify something that could potentially be a risk to. 01:18:11
Our organization, so. 01:18:18
We're very proactive. We we try to mitigate any threats before they become. 01:18:21
You know an attack, so. 01:18:29
We see indicators of attacks and we will block them. 01:18:32
And that is. 01:18:37
Basically all I have as far as the layered. 01:18:40
Protective measures. 01:18:43
That we have in place. I won't be detailed on what we're using, what products we're using. 01:18:45
How we're layering that particularly, but to give you guys an idea, it's it's kind of like a. 01:18:52
A multilayered approach it's it's referred to maybe sometimes as the Castle approach. 01:18:58
Because it mirrors the layered defenses of a like a medieval castle. 01:19:04
Um to avoid external attacks. 01:19:09
So those are some of the things we're doing without putting too much information out there for the public. 01:19:12
But we we we have done a lot, we've gotten better and we still have a long ways to go, but. 01:19:19
I welcome any questions, concerns, comments from any of y'all. 01:19:26
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:19:31
I have no comments. I appreciate all the hard work and keeping the county and its. 01:19:33
System safe. 01:19:42
And it is probably the worst thing in my life. I don't know much about it. You know, like I I can build houses, I can Weld, I can 01:19:44
do taxidermy, I do everything except use cell phone. So I appreciate you helping defend me from the things that I'm completely 01:19:51
unaware of. 01:19:57
Thank you very much. Yes, Sir. Supervisor Christensen, thank you. Thanks for the presentation and you guys have a hard job. 01:20:04
And like Supervisor Humphrey, I don't understand all of that and that's why we have you guys. 01:20:11
But one thing that I did notice when the state Auditor General was here, that most counties are behind what they view. 01:20:16
As the standard that they're after. And so there's a finding that you need to improve this, improve that. So how are we ranking in 01:20:24
that at that level to achieve what the Auditor General would be happy with? 01:20:31
How close are we to that? 01:20:39
I. 01:20:41
I would probably say, you know, it changes every year, right? It's, it's always a moving target, kind of a moving target, yeah. 01:20:43
You know, if I were to put a percentage on it, I'd say, you know. 01:20:51
Or 85% do I see? Do I see discrepancies? Do I see holes? Maybe things that they haven't even seen? 01:20:55
You know that that I could construe as a potential risk, right? 01:21:02
And and so. 01:21:08
You know, every year it's something different and some of the questions and some of the the findings would be different than the 01:21:10
following year. 01:21:14
Um, I think working with. 01:21:19
Carrie and and getting some of our policies. 01:21:23
Kind of in line in tune is going to help us as well. 01:21:26
But I'd say about, you know right now probably about 85%, OK. So if we have this much to go. 01:21:31
Umm. 01:21:38
Do you need more money or staff? More planning? More. You know what? Why aren't we closing? Are we closing that gap? How are we 01:21:40
doing it? What's the plan? Yeah, we've been closing that gap, OK, the last 3 1/2 years and. 01:21:47
Certainly, Umm, we've we've even been recognized that where we were from the auditors to where we are now has been. 01:21:55
Glad to hear that, yeah. 01:22:04
Thank you. You're welcome. 01:22:06
So I don't think we'll ever really totally close that gap even from their own words standing right there where you are they they 01:22:08
mentioned you know that's just such a moving target from year after year that. 01:22:13
My interpretation of what they were saying was nobody's gonna get there. 01:22:19
We just do the best that we can, stay on top of it as much as we can. 01:22:23
And cross our fingers because we've all lived through those days and. 01:22:29
It wasn't fun so. 01:22:33
Thank you both for what you do. You guys have very have a very important role in. 01:22:35
Keeping us up and going so. 01:22:41
Appreciate your support. Thank you guys. I just want to make sure that you all know please at anytime call us. I don't care if 01:22:43
it's after hours, if you have a question about an e-mail or anything with your computer, anything we are you know we're available 01:22:49
24/7. We want to make sure that you know if you have a concern. 01:22:54
Don't wait. Don't you know, feel that you can't call us because we are always open to calls. 01:23:00
You want to make sure that everybody feels comfortable calling us at any time, so. 01:23:05
Thanks you guys and thank Mr. Chair Anna. And she means that because I do. 01:23:10
I I have a lot of issues and I don't hesitate in picking up with my garry's on speed. 01:23:16
And Michael, yes, that that's real that that is 100% right, correct. 01:23:24
Go ahead Michael, Good morning, Chairman, members of the Board. One of the issues that was brought up in this discussion was is 01:23:30
the Auditor General and some of their findings and the last couple of years they have given a list of recommendations to our IT 01:23:35
department for internal. 01:23:41
Policies, procedures to follow. And so I want this board to know that Kerry and and Darrell and their staff have created and 01:23:47
finalized those policies and are implementing them this week. 01:23:54
So starting July 1st, we'll have those implemented. So hopefully we won't have those findings next year on the audit. 01:24:01
Nice. That's good. I'm glad. Thank you. Thanks to both of you and your whole crew. So. 01:24:08
Appreciate it. 01:24:14
All right, Kerry, stay right where you're at. 2D information discussion regarding status updates on digitization projects. And 01:24:15
Kerry, you're it. 01:24:19
Along with Michael, I think. 01:24:25
I appreciate your dedication and discussing the advantage of visitation and Henry County and their protection of our important 01:24:32
records. 01:24:35
So digitation means. 01:24:41
Means turning information into digital form. It helps organizations become more efficient and save money and quickly access 01:24:43
information. So it's pretty much taking your physical documents and turning them into digital so. 01:24:50
There's been a bit of benefits of digitizing, but how exactly can it help with us? 01:24:59
Well, it can increase efficiency and productivity and make it makes it easier to search records instead of having to go through 01:25:05
files. 01:25:08
And has transparency and accountability through digital records and keeping. 01:25:12
And improved accessibility. So being able for you know and hopefully eventually being able for the public to be able to search 01:25:17
these records, you know, it doesn't take up the time of your employees to be able to have to go through and search files and 01:25:22
stuff, so. 01:25:27
Um, it reduces the need for physical storage space. This means no more record filing shelves, overflowing filing cabinets, or 01:25:33
heavy boxes that occupy office spaces. 01:25:38
It increases employee efficiency. Instead of digging through paper documents, searching searchable digital. 01:25:44
Images can be retrieved in mere moments. Digital files stored in a cloud environment may collaboration, remote work and backup. 01:25:50
Possible digitizing records also help boost the security of those files, especially if they contain sensitive information. 01:25:58
Password protected files reduce the chance of documents being released, hacked or stolen. It can also help or to help to decrease 01:26:06
our environmental footprint. Paper impacts environment and managing documents digitally reduces the paper waste as is more 01:26:12
environmentally friendly. 01:26:17
Digitizing records? Um, currently we have a few departments that are. 01:26:25
They're working on digitation. UM Community development is one of our major ones right now. They're in the process of finalizing, 01:26:30
getting the quotes and everything to be able to submit to you guys. 01:26:36
Um, the assessors office is also working on that. Sheriff's Office is working on digitization. They're digitizing a lot of their 01:26:42
stuff into Spillman. 01:26:47
That way everything is accessible. 01:26:51
You know, even when the. 01:26:53
The deputies are out on the road and stuff. They can pull up the information they need. Health department has been working on 01:26:55
digitation for years now. Actually. They've been digitizing a lot of their health records and stuff so. 01:27:01
Um, scanners. We've been deploying scanners throughout the county, throughout the county with our funds. 01:27:10
UM Community Development, the Assessors Office and the Sheriff's Office. 01:27:16
Um, we've also um. 01:27:21
Um, given scanners to the clerk of the court. 01:27:25
And then another department that I can't remember right now. 01:27:30
Yeah. 01:27:35
I'll think of that one. Sorry about that. 01:27:36
Ohh, here we go. The Sheriff's Office, Community Development Clerk of the court and the assessors and constables office. 01:27:42
So. 01:27:48
And virtual vaccine. We have implemented virtual vaccine in the county. 01:27:52
Um. Virtual faxing eliminates the analog line, so it'll eliminate the cost of those lines. 01:27:56
And then it also makes it where you have all your documents searchable. So if you send a fax and then six months later you come to 01:28:02
me and say can you pull up the fax that I sent six months ago? Absolutely. And another thing, those are backed up within our 01:28:08
backups also. So whereas on your physical fax machines you don't have that capability, you know, so going digital with vaccine is 01:28:14
a lot easier and it's a lot cheaper too, so. 01:28:20
And so. 01:28:31
So, aside from a few adjustments and additions, 90 percent, 95% of needles. 01:28:35
Departments have been transitioned to the virtual vaccine with astounding success rate. Everybody seems very happy with the 01:28:40
virtual vaccines. So we have a few departments that we still have to get into the virtual faxing, but. 01:28:46
Thank you for a journey on this journey to explore the world of visitation. We hope we found it important, informative and 01:28:55
inspiring. And if you have any questions or comments for it, thank you Carrie. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:29:00
Only comment and thank you very much. I think we're we're we're late on doing this. I mean I've seen filing cabinets with Rats 01:29:08
Nest gentlemen that information is no longer. 01:29:13
Ohh, it's it's gone forever and so this is a great way to to preserve the information that we have and need. 01:29:19
And and going into the future then that need all the storage space and facilities. 01:29:28
That that you can't maintain anyway as far as temperature control and things of that so. 01:29:34
Thank you very much and that and that's an uphill battle and but I but I appreciate you helping us get better. 01:29:39
At what we do. 01:29:48
Ohh, absolutely. Thank you. 01:29:49
Supervisor Christiansen. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you, Kerry. So. 01:29:51
Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. It's moving along at the pace. It's moving, yes, Sir. And. 01:29:56
It's it's so necessary, and it's not only going to just make things convenient for us, it's going to make things convenient for 01:30:02
the public too. And they're going to be able to access things through community development and all that without having to walk in 01:30:07
and find where the big roll of paper is. 01:30:13
And so that's really neat. 01:30:19
So and then you're also working on trying to keep all this information safe. 01:30:21
At the same time, correct, correct. With the dictation, umm, we it will be in the cloud. A lot of it is going into the cloud, but 01:30:26
we will be also backing, they have backups of it. We will also be backing that data up also. So we have multiple backups of the 01:30:33
data and recoverability of it. So now I know it's ongoing, there's always going to be ongoing, but where do you think you're going 01:30:40
to reach? How long before you reach the tipping point of getting all the past digitized? 01:30:46
And then just. 01:30:53
You know where you're just maintaining. 01:30:54
Another year, another, I'd say it's probably another couple years. It's gonna take a while for the company. So the company that 01:30:58
like Com Dev is working with is they're saving it. I'm saying it's probably going to be about a year out before they're able to 01:31:03
digitize all of those records, so. 01:31:09
Terry, thank you for your information and appreciate it. So good job. 01:31:17
Thanks so much to both of you. Thank you. 01:31:23
All right. Moving on to #3 call to the public. We haven't called with the public in patient. 01:31:25
No, Sir. OK And anybody on YouTube, Joseph? 01:31:31
And how many did we have today? 01:31:36
22. 01:31:39
Ohh good. And we have none here. So moving on to #4 updates. Michael, you wanna start with? 01:31:40
Managers updates. 01:31:47
Alright, just Chairman members of the board, just add on to what Terry was saying is I believe next month we're going to have in 01:31:49
front of the Board to consider the. 01:31:54
Contract with the state contractor for digitizing. 01:31:59
On the on site wastewater department files as well as community development files, these are the ARPA funds. So we're going to 01:32:03
move forward with that. Several millions of you know individual papers have to be scanned and digitized. So in order for IT and 01:32:10
our staff to get prepared for this as Carrie mentioned, we have to provide cloud services, we have to provide storage space and we 01:32:18
also have to logistically. 01:32:25
Work with the company to come on up and, you know, gather the files, deliver the files to Phoenix where they're at so they could 01:32:33
scan it. 01:32:37
Also work with the state. 01:32:41
Records department to find out what? 01:32:43
Particular documents we we have to keep and how many years we have to keep it. So if we have some documents that are required by 01:32:46
law to people still have to store those. 01:32:51
But the goal here is. 01:32:57
As Supervisor Christensen mentioned, with the system that that's going to be uploaded to into what's called tracking. 01:33:00
We're going to be allowing public to access their own files, so if you're a homeowner and you want to know what permits have been 01:33:06
issued on your property, you'll be able to get those emailed to you through this system. 01:33:13
So you'll no longer have to come in to the office and have our staff go and try to find these files, make copies for you and give 01:33:20
them to you. And that could take several hours, sometimes even a couple days to get those those documents. So efficiency wise, 01:33:27
this is going to be a really good project to move forward with. So I just wanted to give that information out. 01:33:33
Thank you, Michael Supervisor Humphrey. 01:33:41
No, I'm good. I attended the town of Miami's mayor and council meeting last night. 01:33:44
And so, and then what? Last week I attended the City of Globe Mayor and Council meeting. So. 01:33:50
Just staying in touch with what's going on and still have my public meeting, so just trying to. 01:33:57
To get in front of his, many of the constituents and things going on in my district as I can. 01:34:03
It's a good deal, supervisor. Christians, thank you, don't have a lot. Yesterday was the monthly Republican luncheon. Bradley 01:34:09
Beauchamp was the speaker. 01:34:14
Usually the luncheon lasts an hour, so two hours later he was finally done presenting it So. But very interesting talk about a lot 01:34:19
of different things so and then. 01:34:25
This is a ways out, but I'm planning on having another town hall meeting in Pine, August 8th so. 01:34:32
We're going to try and have a lot of different representation there for. 01:34:40
For that. So we're starting to plan that right now. That's all I have. Thanks. 01:34:44
Ohh, good. Thank you, Steve. I don't have a whole lot. We've had local brush pit up there that was shut down. 01:34:49
Here, hold back because people are trashing out there. I go with a group of locals yesterday and they they're gonna resurrect that 01:34:56
and monitor that. 01:35:00
Trash out of it. They can keep the trash out of it. 01:35:04
So that's going to open up this coming Saturday and then I haven't they'll give an RCD update for you guys the. 01:35:07
Family in RCD is in the middle of. 01:35:16
Applying for a grant through DIFM for some invasive species management. And so they're working on that real hard right now trying 01:35:20
to get that up and running. 01:35:25
The seed harvester. 01:35:30
Was purchased and delivered. It's setting in young right now. 01:35:32
Really cool piece of equipment and as far as I know the only one in Arizona, so. 01:35:36
Looking forward to playing with that. That's going to be really cool. I see good things coming there. 01:35:41
And other than that, I think that's all I had. Anything else? 01:35:47
You guys. 01:35:53
I'm good. You're good there. Thank you. So with that, I think we're all good every set. So we'll adjourn the meeting. Thank you. 01:35:54
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Right. You can hear me. 00:00:04
OK. 00:00:07
And we're good on YouTube, Joseph. 00:00:11
OK, so welcome to this morning. So work session Tuesday, June 27th. It's a little after 10. 00:00:13
Now call this to order. And Kerry, you want to lead us in the pledge? 00:00:21
Applied. 00:00:29
Of the United States of America. 00:00:32
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:34
Thank you. 00:00:43
Alright, we'll move on to #2 regular agenda items 2A. 00:00:48
Information discussion regarding an update on the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District sewer project and we have Robert Duque and 00:00:53
Mike Cripps, so. 00:00:58
But you're one of these gonna take the lead. Mike, good morning. Thank you. Hi, good morning. 00:01:03
Umm. And I first like to just say thank you for the opportunity to give you an update. I think that the timing is has been good 00:01:08
and thank you Michael for reaching out to us. 00:01:13
Umm. 00:01:19
So I have up here, I don't really have a big presentation presentation. I am going to spend some time walking through where we are 00:01:20
in different parts and pieces of the project. 00:01:26
And the map is the map of the phasing of the project, just to as a reminder. 00:01:31
And um, I guess first what I'd like to do is give you a little bit of an update. 00:01:39
On uh, phases 2 and three. 00:01:45
But before I do that, I just want to say that as I'm going through this. 00:01:48
If this is a work session and I think how it works, questions please ask us. We're going through it. Interactive always makes it. 00:01:53
More productive for for everyone, I think. 00:02:00
So I would welcome that. 00:02:04
And um. 00:02:06
And again, thank you. I just want to say thank you to the county for your support of the project. 00:02:08
And your staff has just been fabulous working with. 00:02:14
And um, you know, doing everything they can to help us with, with the project. So and we've had many, many. 00:02:17
Many challenges, so they'll continue for a little bit I'm sure, but we're getting close, so. 00:02:27
So on phases 2 and three I I want to just update. 00:02:32
You on the status and where we are with phase two and three, the application and the reports that are needed, the environmental as 00:02:37
well as the engineering report has been submitted to USDA. 00:02:43
And approved. 00:02:50
And then the next step for them is the underwriting. 00:02:51
For the funding, That's the purpose of. 00:02:55
Going to your stairs? Get the funding. 00:02:58
And that underwriting has been completed at least locally at the state level? 00:03:00
And all the information right now is at national office in DC. 00:03:05
Or the funding and I would anticipate. 00:03:10
You know their their year. 00:03:13
Uh, ends in. 00:03:16
August starts September 1st. 00:03:19
And umm, I think I have that right Or is it October 1st? But. 00:03:22
So I would anticipate sometime between now and October, hopefully sooner that we would hear something from USDA on that funding. 00:03:26
So and just so you know that we were asking approximately. 00:03:35
The documentation was 35 million for both phases. 00:03:41
The cost had gone up dramatically since we originally did some preliminary estimates in 1819. 00:03:45
And on that pricing, so you know too we work really closely with the USDA to to. 00:03:53
Used year pricing that they have been seeing on projects and things like that. And so that was one of the reasons again that it 00:03:59
got escalated as much as it did. 00:04:03
So any questions on that Mr. Chair for me and also to the map I it's a it's a good thing that we have it and and show the 00:04:08
different phases. 00:04:13
But also to in in the map that could change some as you start developing the plant. 00:04:18
Because the the the town of Miami has customers. 00:04:25
In their demographics that they can't. 00:04:31
Furnished Sewer 2 as well as the City of Globe has people in their demographics that they can't furnish sewer to. 00:04:35
So when you start into phase two and three. 00:04:42
You can also be able to perhaps incorporate some of those. 00:04:45
Of customers in both the City of Globe and town of Miami, yes, furnish them with sewer that that that their sewer systems are not 00:04:51
furnishing them correct at this point in time and and probably can't or they would have. So the way that you're designing this, it 00:04:58
will enable them to be able. 00:05:05
To have. 00:05:13
That was like this, the people inside this city limits of Globe. 00:05:14
Or Miami or the demographics of you will be able to pick up a lot of those people that they have not been able to furnish. Is that 00:05:19
correct? Yes, it is and we've actually shown. 00:05:24
For example, globe if you if you can see where US 60 and 188. 00:05:30
Come together and. 00:05:36
And on the east side of 188? 00:05:38
Those. 00:05:41
1/4 quadrants are actually. 00:05:43
In the city of Globe, I mean, I could. 00:05:46
I guess I could point to it, but no one else is going to be able to see it anywhere else. That's OK. OK. So, so there are some 00:05:49
that are in the district that are currently in the city as well that we are planning on. 00:05:55
On serving. 00:06:02
And that hence is kind of as we mentioned. 00:06:04
We're working with Globe to develop an IGA to be able to serve in their. 00:06:09
DNA, right? 00:06:14
OK. So thank you. So there's so. 00:06:15
There's so many things kind of in progress and sometimes I feel like a juggler and I drop something once in a while, but sure it 00:06:19
happens. So then on phase one, I I want to talk about phase one kind of in two and two. 00:06:25
Two pieces. 00:06:33
The first part is the collection system to talk about that. The second part will be the treatment facility and one of the reasons 00:06:34
I'm breaking that out is because in our discussions with USDA. 00:06:40
Um, and we're meeting with them constantly about the project to keep them up to date where we are and getting feedback and things 00:06:47
like that, but. 00:06:50
It's their suggestion to break the project up when we go to bid into parts and one is the collection system and the residential 00:06:55
connections. 00:07:00
The second one is the treatment facility. 00:07:06
So those are those will be and actually it works out really well as we go through this, we'll kind of see how that. 00:07:08
How that comes together? 00:07:16
But the. 00:07:18
The collection system, currently the gravity system. 00:07:19
The location of the treatment plant has no impact on. 00:07:25
The collection system, everything that drains. 00:07:28
Down the hills. 00:07:32
Across the tracks and collects on the list station that's located. 00:07:33
Uh. 00:07:38
On the southeast corner of the ball fields. Outside of the ball fields. 00:07:39
Um, none of that changes based off of the. 00:07:45
Um. 00:07:49
Location of the treatment plant, except for maybe the size of the pumps. 00:07:50
Right the size of the lift station, so everything else. 00:07:55
And all of that is. 00:07:59
At about 90% completion as far as design is concerned. 00:08:01
And we're in a place where we could get that to USDA to have them start reviewing that and we're and we're we're getting that 00:08:06
preparing that for them. 00:08:10
Um, and so the? 00:08:14
The biggest thing that we're working with at that point are all the easements, so. 00:08:17
We're working closely with the county on certain easements for the county and you all have stepped up to the plate and and. 00:08:23
Purchase some parcels from the state and. 00:08:30
Incorporated that into the county and. 00:08:33
You know things like that, and I know Romero's working on that. 00:08:36
Possibly to get those finished out, we're also working with. 00:08:41
Arizona Eastern. So there's about 8 crossings under the tracks, and there's some parallel lines. 00:08:46
And that UH, we've had great conversations with them and we're probably 8090% completed with with that, so. 00:08:52
Very closely and the railroads are always a challenge, as you know. 00:09:00
We're also working with the mining companies and on some different easements throughout. 00:09:06
Item South of US 60 in phase one. 00:09:12
And if they own a lot of the parcels in there and then there's just like little places where. 00:09:16
You know there's a road or a driveway or something that accesses the house, the two houses or something like that. 00:09:22
And so we're working with them to to chip through those and get all of those done so. 00:09:29
Where? 00:09:34
You know, maybe 50% complete with all of those. 00:09:35
So, and then there's about a dozen private easements to access a single home. There might be a parcel in front of it. 00:09:39
You know that we need to get to another home and so those were just we're starting to. 00:09:45
We've identified them, we know where they are and we're working through all of those. 00:09:51
Um, you know, kind of chipping away. 00:09:56
On that getting those resolved. 00:09:59
Ultimately, what has to be provided is a map. 00:10:02
Four USD for the District Attorney to submit, the USDA to say. 00:10:06
Here's all of our easements. Here's what the map looks like. 00:10:11
And that we've got everything covered. 00:10:14
So and then once we get to the the plant, they'll be the force main that we're going to work with to get those easements. 00:10:17
That are needed to get that force main to the plant at its location. 00:10:25
So the other piece then with the collection system is the resident. 00:10:30
I guess I would I would like to add first before I go to the residential is. 00:10:34
Umm. 00:10:40
I think the. 00:10:41
The challenges of, you know, all of the easements. 00:10:43
Has been maybe more than what we anticipated. 00:10:48
Umm. 00:10:51
And we're grateful. Well, again, with the county helping us with that, but at the end of the day, and I've even talked with Scott 00:10:52
about this is Scott Warren. 00:10:57
That. 00:11:03
Things that we're finding that's in the parcel viewer. 00:11:04
That need need correcting. We're keeping track of that list and I will sit down with Scott you know in in a partnering effort to 00:11:08
say here's some things we found that really need to be updated if you want to get your system up to date, which I know he does. 00:11:15
So those are some things that we will work with with the county to get to get those squared away. 00:11:23
I'd also like to maybe start some of the conversations about phase two and three because of the length of time that. 00:11:30
It seems to take to get these done of. 00:11:36
You know, maybe identifying some areas that. 00:11:39
We may need some help with the county in in order to stay ahead of the curve on phases 2 and three, or to get jump on that as soon 00:11:42
as possible. 00:11:46
So it'll be something else. 00:11:50
So, uh, so then with the residential connections, there's the remind you there's approximately 720. 00:11:52
Residential connections. 00:11:59
And um. 00:12:01
As part of that we will have the contractor have a right of entry to get into the house that not in the house but get on the 00:12:05
property to make that connection work with the homeowner. 00:12:10
And so, uh, one of the things that we want to continue, we've started some conversations with staff. 00:12:15
About. 00:12:21
Putting together the package that we that the county wants to see for those permits. 00:12:23
And I need to do. 00:12:28
You know, kind of back up and do my homework again and look at the look at the forms and everything that's involved with. 00:12:30
That abandonment and and you know replacement of that line. 00:12:39
So that we make sure that we put the package together that's appropriate for the contractor to do for each one of these homes. 00:12:43
So that's something that will just take a little time and we'll work with Michael and and Randy and Jake to get, you know, to get 00:12:52
through that. 00:12:56
So. 00:13:00
There was something that. 00:13:03
Came to me just a second ago and I and I I wanted to mention and I lost it. So, so with all of that being said and working with 00:13:04
the residents and the collection system. 00:13:10
Our goal is to have a bid package to USDA. 00:13:17
This fall. 00:13:21
So that then they will take their process of going through all of that and then. 00:13:23
They will need all the easements in place. 00:13:29
And before they would get award, not award but give approval to bid the project. 00:13:32
And so our hope would be that we would bid it. 00:13:38
For, you know, the end of the year, towards the end of the year, I'm not exactly sure how long the USD will take, but if you said, 00:13:41
I don't know, 2-3 months, maybe he's not out of line for them. 00:13:46
That we would then. 00:13:51
That it. 00:13:54
And then award early 24 and construction. 00:13:55
Construction could start at that point. So that's our. 00:14:00
Current schedule and where we're trying to get on the project. 00:14:03
So then with all of that then I want to just move unless there's any questions with any of that. 00:14:08
Umm. 00:14:14
Yes, Sir. 00:14:15
The only question I have for you Mike is you're going to get all these miss in placements and secured and before you start the 00:14:17
project, right or the process the easements, yeah, yes, so. 00:14:22
Part of the letter conditions that USDA has submitted to. 00:14:28
The district and the district had signed is that the east was need to be in place. 00:14:33
Before before the project is aware. 00:14:38
Approved to bid so. 00:14:43
The other thing that that maybe I spaced it and didn't hear you, but where's the treatment facility gonna actually be at? OK, so 00:14:47
that was my next item was to talk about the treatment plan and the site location. 00:14:54
Is not been finalized and because of a non disclosure, I can't really even tell you where we're looking at it. 00:15:02
So I apologize for that. 00:15:09
Uh. 00:15:11
But with that, there's a lot going on around with that site. 00:15:12
There's. 00:15:17
To eat the environmental report, the engineering report, both both have to be amended and submitted to USDA. 00:15:19
Survey. 00:15:26
The MLD Minor Land Division zoning has to be updated with a particular site that we're focusing on at the moment. 00:15:29
Geotech has to be done. 00:15:37
Uh, and then, as I mentioned, the force main that gets from the lift station to the treatment plant. 00:15:39
And we're working through a layout for that with the mining company. 00:15:46
And I was out here meeting them on the ground, who's on the ground yesterday to walk potential routes for that. And so I think 00:15:51
this week we'll hear hopefully hear a lot of good news and we can we can move forward and as soon as. 00:15:59
We know where that site is. 00:16:06
We're going to shout it from the rooftops because I know everyone is anxious to know where that is. 00:16:09
We've also completed a flood study and we've been working with the floodplain administrator of the county to. 00:16:15
To review that, look at that and um. 00:16:22
And then last but not least. 00:16:25
We need with the survey information and and moving forward with that site, we need to design the site. 00:16:27
So. 00:16:34
That's a lot. 00:16:35
A lot to get done, but um. 00:16:36
It's not that large of a site and you know, it's not that terribly complicated. 00:16:39
Part of what makes this easy is our approach on how that we're how we're working through this. 00:16:44
And. 00:16:51
What we have? 00:16:53
The the approach that we're taking is we've actually put out a request for proposals. 00:16:56
From different manufacturers. 00:17:01
Of treatment facilities. 00:17:04
To purchase that treatment facility. 00:17:06
And so an RFP was published in early. 00:17:08
May. 00:17:13
And proposals were received in early June. 00:17:14
And so we are going through the technical and administrative evaluation of those proposals. 00:17:18
And uh, we've established a selection committee for that review. 00:17:25
And. 00:17:29
The selection committee will meet in early June. 00:17:30
Uh, July, Sorry. 00:17:34
And and then we'll also present those findings and all of that to USDA to get them on board with. 00:17:36
With the process of that. 00:17:43
And hopefully for a ward of a manufacturer to. 00:17:45
Um. 00:17:50
Start any. 00:17:51
Well, to put the shop drawings together and start manufacturing. Once the shop drawings are approved and you like, why are we 00:17:53
doing all that well? 00:17:57
The lead times that. 00:18:01
Are on a piece of equipment like that or just crazy now? 00:18:02
And you know, it's it's ten months or maybe it used to be six months. 00:18:06
And so that really dovetails in well. 00:18:11
With the rest of the project because the collection system will be moving forward. 00:18:15
And getting done. There's a lot of work there on the main line and getting getting through the tracks. 00:18:20
And and going up. 00:18:26
You know all of the different basins that were going up. 00:18:28
And the treatment plant? 00:18:31
The contractor that um. 00:18:34
Gets that and we're looking at presenting a bid package in early. 00:18:37
24 to USDA. 00:18:42
For approval to bid. 00:18:45
And that collect that treatment plant package will be part of that bid. 00:18:47
So the remaining dollars that are on that will be part of the contractors and so they'll have to coordinate delivery. 00:18:51
And all of that. And hopefully he has enough time to get all of his site work done. Concrete forward, pipe Slade so that when he. 00:18:59
When that thing is celebrity, sets it in place. 00:19:07
Connects. 00:19:10
And they're ready to go. 00:19:11
So, so and that's how you know that's how we're looking at it and schedules we've laid out, they've really ducktail well with. 00:19:14
Deliveries and and that type of thing. The the only other thing that has really kind of been brought up is. 00:19:22
A long lead times for electrical components. Big, you know, control panels. 00:19:30
SS's, service center inspections and things like that. So it's one of the things that we're also just kind of. 00:19:36
Talking about to say, is that something that we need to? 00:19:44
Go out ahead of time because they're saying it's 50. 00:19:47
5053 weeks for delivery of that stuff. 00:19:50
So it really can hamper. We have projects now that they're basically going to get done and stop. 00:19:54
And wait two months till the electrical stuff comes in. 00:20:01
So alright, so we're seeing that. 00:20:04
So. 00:20:07
Ah. 00:20:10
That's pretty much. 00:20:12
At least kind of in a nutshell of. 00:20:15
The work we've completed and where we are with everything and this, the work that's still ahead of us. 00:20:18
And and the majority of the work still ahead of us is. 00:20:24
Hopefully getting the site nailed down very soon. 00:20:28
And getting that design and getting that move forward with the collection system in good shape, at least at this point. 00:20:31
So sounds good, Mike. 00:20:38
Supervisor Humphrey questions. I have no questions because I I speak with you frequently and I speak with Mr. Drug frequently. And 00:20:41
so this is something that I'm in great favor of because I think it's great for the community to not be putting all of that sewer 00:20:48
into the ground and also with the water storage to be able to have a water collection. 00:20:55
As well as an infrastructure because there's a lot of those places that. 00:21:02
People don't live in anymore because their system has failed and if you drive around that area you can see a lot of older homes. 00:21:08
So if their system hasn't failed. 00:21:17
Uh, that it's possible that it will in the future. And speaking with the health department, I I realize that there's a lot of 00:21:20
people that are kind of limping right now. We're allowing systems to be pumped and things of that nature. 00:21:26
Knowing that this is coming. 00:21:32
Or or or wishing that it it it it sooner than later. And so it's. 00:21:35
It's a great project. Thank you for all the work you do with it and and Robert, thank you very much for for volunteering your time 00:21:42
to be on the board to help with this. So thank you all very much. I'm looking forward to it. This will. 00:21:49
Telling Jessica and Jeff that. 00:21:58
Early next month, it'll be 11 years. 00:22:01
I've been working on the project, so I'm really looking forward to breaking ground at that point, yeah, and I know where the gold 00:22:05
shovels are. Yeah, I've I've been pushing for six myself. 00:22:10
Lazy Christians and you having comments. Yeah. Thank you chairman. Thank you Mike and Robert for coming. So I'm not real familiar 00:22:16
with the project but just maybe to clarify it's all on septics now but up in Payson I remember when the sanitary District 102 00:22:20
expand and. 00:22:25
The entire town needed to be off of septics. They assessed each property a certain amount of money is Is that part of your 00:22:31
program? 00:22:35
Yes, toward each property will have a lien put on it. Yes, OK. 00:22:41
It's still the debt will be paid through the assessment. 00:22:46
OK. The other thing I just to clarify, so you so you know even of this area. 00:22:50
We work closely with the Health Department, Jake Garrett and. 00:22:56
It won't. And Jim Berry actually was part of that as well at the time, but 70% of the people. 00:23:01
The homes and. 00:23:09
In the in the district. 00:23:10
Still use cesspools, so. 00:23:13