Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action regarding the neglect of duty by the Gila County Assessor, in accordance with A.R.S. §11-664, the Gila County Board of Supervisors may: Take no action regarding the Gila County Assessor; or,Suspend Joseph Williams as the Gila County Assessor for neglect of duty for a period not to exceed 120 days and appoint a person to fill the office to serve as the Gila County Assessor for the suspension period. (Rick Husk/James Menlove)
3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC: A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
OK, bring everyone. 00:00:02
How are we? Impatient. You hear us? All right. 00:00:03
Yep, we can hear you fine. OK, Joseph, how many do we have on YouTube this morning? 00:00:06
15. 00:00:12
OK, Welcome everybody to our special meeting. 00:00:14
It is Friday. 00:00:18
January 30th. 00:00:21
23 Is 10 o'clock straight up, and if y'all would follow me in the Pledge of Allegiance, we'll get this started. 00:00:23
Dave, you just stay there. 00:00:29
Pledge allegiance. 00:00:32
Of you. 00:00:34
And computer. 00:00:36
One page. 00:00:39
Individual with liberty and. 00:00:41
Yay. 00:00:47
OK, we'll get started #2A, regular agenda item. 00:00:50
Information Discussion Action regarding the neglect of duty by the Hennepin County Assessor. 00:00:55
In accordance with ARS11-664, the HeLa County Board of Supervisors may. 00:01:01
Take no action regarding the HeLa County Assessor or suspend Joseph Williams as the HeLa County Assessor for neglected duty. 00:01:08
For a period not to exceed 120 days and appoint a person to fill the office to serve. 00:01:17
As the Healer County Assessor for the suspension period and with this this morning where Rick ask. 00:01:24
And James, so Rick, you want to start this or or James? 00:01:29
OK. 00:01:36
Can I ask you? 00:01:39
Chairman if we could. 00:01:41
Maybe I don't know that he'd be present there, but at least. 00:01:44
Make a call to see if Joe Williams is President to address this. You may as Joseph there and in Payson this morning. 00:01:47
He's not, no, he's not there and we don't know if he's on YouTube or not, so. 00:01:56
So with that, we'll continue on. Thank you, Rick. Thank you, Sir. 00:02:02
Different. 00:02:06
Chairman members of the board, thank you. 00:02:09
Umm. 00:02:12
As I've provided you all a copy of a letter that was provided by patient staff that they would like to read to you. 00:02:14
So make sure you have that. 00:02:26
Umm. 00:02:28
As you are aware of. 00:02:40
Mr. Williams was provided. Assessor Joseph Williams was provided. 00:02:43
A notice of today's hearing outlining. 00:02:47
Concerns. 00:02:50
As to his neglect of duty. 00:02:53
And just to review what those concerns are, that the assessor's office has two unfilled positions. 00:02:57
Title examiner and Chief deputy. 00:03:03
Applications have been submitted for the previously posted position of Title Examiner. 00:03:05
However, no action has been taken to higher. 00:03:10
Without the assessors input because he would make the final call on on who is to be hired. 00:03:13
The remaining management staff are overworked and we're all in. The office is low, extremely low, according to staff. 00:03:18
And. 00:03:27
On ployees to abandon as. 00:03:29
You know, some of the staff would like to share. 00:03:32
An appraiser authorized a reduced valuation and they had a chief deputy, so a lot of this information came to light after that 00:03:36
chief deputy. 00:03:41
Resign Kimbrel and that was on March 29th. So we've been, we've been aware of situations with the assessors office particularly 00:03:46
from the chief Deputy Ken Burrell. 00:03:51
But more has percolated and come to light as a result of. 00:03:56
Umm. 00:04:00
Kimbrell's leaving. 00:04:01
Part of the reason Kimbrel left, and an appraiser authorized a reduction in the. 00:04:06
Valuation for one resident and his appraised value. 00:04:13
And. 00:04:16
The chief deputy indicated that no, you have to maintain what? 00:04:18
Values are set by the state, et cetera. 00:04:22
And this particular. 00:04:25
Appraiser went to. 00:04:28
Ohh. 00:04:30
Joseph Williams. 00:04:31
Directly. 00:04:33
Who? 00:04:34
Supported her and said to go ahead and reduce the valuation. 00:04:35
So that. 00:04:39
Reduce the amount of taxes obviously collected by this individual and it wasn't across the board. It wasn't at the standards that 00:04:40
the county tries to meet and be consistent with throughout the the county. 00:04:46
This led to temporal saying. 00:04:53
Good morning. I would like your guidance on a scenario if an employee does not like a directive that is given by us and goes 00:04:57
directly to the elected official who we are unable to reach. 00:05:02
And the elected. 00:05:07
Official countermands are directive. 00:05:08
Without discussing it with us, how should we handle that? 00:05:11
Umm. 00:05:14
Not liking the response. 00:05:15
Not to be. 00:05:18
Not as a surprise. 00:05:19
He submitted his resignation on the same day. 00:05:21
That was March 29th. 00:05:24
Your sister's office utilizes. 00:05:33
The camera system with the eagle. 00:05:35
Assessor and assessed poorly. Required If something goes wrong, someone needs to be able to sign off on requisitions and repairs. 00:05:38
This is a. 00:05:43
Statutory requirement to send out notice evaluations on property. 00:05:48
And there's a requirement for printing and mailings and so forth to go out postage and so forth. So there's always a concern for 00:05:54
somebody to have signature authorization. 00:05:58
In the assessors office and we've had to work very hard and and it's been difficult to get Joseph Williams to. 00:06:03
Authorized. 00:06:11
Appropriate people to sign both in patient and in globe as is required. 00:06:13
Taxpayers are adamant, adamant that they want to speak with the assessor. 00:06:20
Mr. Williams. 00:06:24
On. 00:06:26
There was. 00:06:28
The last. 00:06:30
Response Taxpayer received from Mr. Williams was in February when he responded to Chief Lockhart of the. 00:06:32
Christopher's Coles Fire District. 00:06:40
We've heard complaints come into the county where individuals are saying this is impeding their ability to do business in the 00:06:42
county, acquire property, get get the information they need to run their business. So we have had significant issues and 00:06:47
complaints from. 00:06:53
Residents not being able to address their elected official. 00:06:59
Issues have arisen in the office concerning payroll and travel authorizations, as previously mentioned. 00:07:04
Members of the assessor staff need to attend to assess assessors. 00:07:13
Association tax conference later this summer. 00:07:17
And without Joseph Williams there to designate. 00:07:19
Who in his management team need to be there? Staff were left to make that decision without having anybody that. 00:07:24
Is firmly in charge of making that decision. 00:07:31
And deciding who needs to be there and who doesn't. But those conferences provide the state or the assessors office that's put on 00:07:33
also by the Department of Revenue, and so they buy them a lot of legal information as to how to keep. 00:07:40
Doing the job the legal requirements of the assessors office so. 00:07:47
We need to be represented there and we need somebody there to designate who needs to be there and to get the job done. 00:07:51
Umm. 00:07:57
Currently Christina, Hecks in Globe, any Bond House and Payson have. 00:08:01
Separate signature authorizations which the county has recognized to make sure that the functions of the office. 00:08:05
Are able to be done. 00:08:12
As employees may not sign their own payroll authorizations, we are honoring both those payroll authors the ability of 1 to approve 00:08:15
the others payroll authorizations or timesheets for instance so. 00:08:21
Um. 00:08:28
And. 00:08:32
There's no one in the office currently to handle staffing issues. There has been an issue that before Ken Burrell left, he 00:08:34
indicated that it. 00:08:38
An employee. 00:08:42
Was followed and harassed by a resident and there was some concern of her safety. 00:08:43
And she was going around, you know, doing her job as a as an appraiser, I believe, and in any event. 00:08:50
Somebody off the street just saw her and decided to follow her around and she didn't know. 00:08:58
Um, what this person's intent was? 00:09:03
And the assessor was not there to voice this complaint to or to hear how he would like it handled. 00:09:05
Since that time can and prior to his leaving, temporal did assign two people to go out at a time at a time so that this issue did 00:09:11
not arise in the future. But again, that's the directive that should have come from the elected official, Mr. Williams. 00:09:17
Ken Burrell was elected as president of the. 00:09:48
State Executive Committee. 00:09:54
For assessors. 00:09:58
The acronym acronym it's a. 00:10:01
A O. 00:10:03
Executive Committee. 00:10:05
Arizona Association of Assessing Officers. 00:10:08
Uh. 00:10:11
And he was the president of that association. 00:10:12
He failed to show up to meetings, planned meetings and meetings or what was late to attend meetings and didn't have the agenda 00:10:16
plan. So on April 3rd 2023 was provided a letter and I have a copy of that letter through Mr. Dear Sister Williams. This letter is 00:10:22
written on behalf of the AAO Executive Committee. 00:10:28
It is essential for all members of the AAO. 00:10:35
Leadership. Be available and engaged. 00:10:39
When we conduct and discuss AO business matters furthermore in accordance with the AOAO bylaws. 00:10:41
Article 5. 00:10:49
Duties section One states, The President shall preside at all meetings, and shall be. 00:10:51
And ex officio member of all committees. 00:10:56
As a team, we have attempted to reach you to discuss the circumstances surrounding your absence without notice to the last monthly 00:11:00
meeting held March 16th, 2023. 00:11:04
We attempted to call you March 16, 2020. 00:11:09
3. 00:11:12
Just before the meeting started, to which we did not receive any response from you, In addition, we attempted to reach you. 00:11:13
On March 20th, 2023 to follow up on your absence and schedule. 00:11:20
A meeting to discuss how executive committee could assist you. 00:11:24
In your role as president of the organization. 00:11:27
Prior to March 16th, we tried to engage you and schedule an executive session and discuss agenda items. However, he did not 00:11:30
respond. 00:11:34
As of this date, As of the date of this letter, no one in leadership team. 00:11:38
Of this association has received any contact from you as an elected assessor of HeLa County. 00:11:43
Your continued participation in this organization is essential, however, as president. 00:11:48
Your availability and engagement with the rest of the team is critical and necessary to continue the pursuit and maintaining 00:11:53
momentum with this. 00:11:57
With our initiatives. 00:12:02
Respectfully. 00:12:04
If you intend to continue your role as President, we ask that you continue that you contact the executive committee. 00:12:05
And it gave the names. If you are not available to meet the needs of this role, we request that you surrender your resignation as 00:12:13
President, but continue to maintain your position as the member of AO. 00:12:19
If we do not hear from you by April 14th, we will be forced to for a motion to remove removal of the Executive Committee. 00:12:26
Respectfully, the director. 00:12:34
Of. 00:12:37
Executive committee meeting. 00:12:38
And it is. 00:12:40
Also noted that an import April 20th. 00:12:42
The meeting of this association. 00:12:46
Determined to remove the Williams. 00:12:49
As president. 00:12:52
It was seconded and action was taken to remove him as president of that organization. 00:12:53
Since February 14th, 2023, the assessor has not utilized his hard access to any of the county buildings. 00:13:10
From what we received today. 00:13:19
Those two group 14. 00:13:21
You access this card three times in February. 00:13:23
Three times in January. 00:13:29
Because we. 00:13:33
Four trains in December 22. 00:13:35
Sporadically prior to that. So this is not a a reference. 00:13:39
Issue. 00:13:43
My phone records which I'll show also show in general limited contact. 00:13:45
With anybody. 00:13:51
In the county or. 00:13:53
Anyone else with that number? 00:13:56
Related. 00:13:58
On his work phone. 00:13:59
Who? 00:14:02
Beyond that, I'm available for any questions you may have. 00:14:07
Rick, thank you. But before we go into questions, I'd like to hear from the ladies down patient. Would one of you ladies up there 00:14:11
step up there and read the letter that you've presented? 00:14:16
Just state your name and. 00:14:21
And uh, we'll get you set up there. 00:14:24
Good morning, Chairman, Supervisor Christensen. 00:14:30
Different. 00:14:33
Speaking on behalf of those of us who are present. 00:14:37
We work in the Pace and Assessor's office. 00:14:43
We have known Joe for a long time. 00:14:46
We voted for him. 00:14:49
Stood by him and supported him. 00:14:51
However. 00:14:54
He has let down his employees. 00:14:55
By not being available. 00:14:58
And to those who have voted and elected him in office. 00:15:00
It is unfair for the ones who have done much of the work in his absence. 00:15:05
Without any acknowledgement. 00:15:11
Or decision making on his part. 00:15:13
As a leader. 00:15:18
Supporting employees is a top priority. 00:15:19
It plays an important part in employee morale. 00:15:23
Confidence. 00:15:27
And it helps facilitate employee growth. 00:15:28
As an elected official. 00:15:32
She needs to be available to serve our taxpayers of HEAL Accounting. 00:15:35
Thank you. Thank you. 00:15:41
And so with that. 00:15:44
Jeff, I'd like to ask you to kind of. 00:15:46
Go over the statute that we're going to have to follow on this. 00:15:50
This procedure and. 00:15:53
The Inns and outs of it. 00:15:55
The suspension is with or without pay, whatever you can tell us on it and then we'll proceed after that with comments and 00:15:57
questions. 00:16:00
We're dealing with statute #11-664. 00:16:08
Which is a specific statute for. 00:16:13
The possible suspension of the county treasurer or. 00:16:16
County assessor, in this case county assessor. 00:16:21
And paragraph A describes this meeting. 00:16:25
And provides that the Board of Supervisors may suspend. 00:16:29
The county assessor for. 00:16:33
Neglect of duty. 00:16:36
So it would be this board's. 00:16:38
Responsibility to decide whether there has been neglected duty. 00:16:41
And the Statute does not. 00:16:46
Say what the level of proof should be. 00:16:47
There are three levels of proof. See beyond a reasonable doubt by clearing convincing evidence. 00:16:51
Or by a preponderance of the evidence, and since it doesn't. 00:16:56
Say which one it is. The normal standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence. 00:16:59
So the board finds it is more likely than not. 00:17:06
And he's neglected his duties, and that would be a sufficient burden for the board to find it. 00:17:09
The board shall give notice to the affected officer. 00:17:16
At least five days before the meeting. 00:17:20
5 calendar days and so Mr. Husky. 00:17:23
Umm. 00:17:26
Could tell us what day that Mister. 00:17:27
Williams was served with the notice. 00:17:30
That I don't have a copy of, but I can't say it was last Thursday. 00:17:37
Is that? 00:17:41
Yeah. 00:17:42
So last Thursday, so I don't know the exact date, but it was it was more than five days, OK? 00:17:42
So that that's that's the requirements been. 00:17:49
Fulfilled. 00:17:52
Many of this meeting the board takes action. If the if the action of the board is unanimous the entire board, then the suspension 00:17:55
is immediate. 00:18:00
If not. 00:18:06
Then that's a little more complicated at the suspension is. 00:18:07
Effective at a later date and we can discuss that if now, or we can discuss it after the board takes a vote. 00:18:11
I believe that later date it would be 10 days from today, correct? It's by majority. Well, it's one of two things. 00:18:19
OK, look, there's ten days after the action of the board, which would be a majority vote. 00:18:25
Or if there's no hearing requested. 00:18:31
Then at the conclusion of a hearing of 1. 00:18:35
It's 10 days if there's no hearing requested, but if there is a hearing requested, then it's effective at the end of that hearing 00:18:39
if the board upholds its prior decision. 00:18:43
OK, so in this meeting we don't have Mr. Williams present. 00:18:48
So. 00:18:55
We don't need to get into the question of whether there would be. 00:18:57
Umm. 00:19:01
The ability on his part to. 00:19:02
Have witnesses called to speak on his behalf and that sort of thing since? 00:19:04
He's not here to ask for that, so. 00:19:09
Alright, I won't go into that. 00:19:12
OK. Or the other question about? 00:19:14
Whether. 00:19:18
The suspension would be. 00:19:19
With pay or without pay? 00:19:21
Is one that is. 00:19:24
I'm still. 00:19:26
Still trying to figure out? The statute doesn't say either way. It just says that the board. 00:19:29
And suspend the. 00:19:36
Assessor. 00:19:38
And so when it's not clearly spelled out, many takes, of course. 00:19:39
More work. 00:19:45
Umm. 00:19:46
There is apparently a statute. 00:19:51
That permits the board. 00:19:56
To suspend. 00:19:59
The. 00:20:03
Constable. 00:20:05
Without pay. 00:20:10
But I'm not sure what that taste is is. 00:20:14
That means that. 00:20:17
The legislature clearly knows how to tell you. 00:20:19
When you can do it without pay and didn't, so that must mean they didn't want it to be without pay or. 00:20:22
You could go the other way So, well, since we can do it with constables, we can do it here too. 00:20:29
Well. 00:20:33
You you get into this position where you're trying to figure out what a court might say. 00:20:35
If you just suspend him without pay and then he you get sued for it. 00:20:40
And. 00:20:45
No one knows the answer to that question until you get the answer from a court. 00:20:45
From a lawsuit. 00:20:50
But generally speaking. 00:20:52
Counties have the authority that the legislature has specifically granted the county. 00:20:55
Or. 00:21:02
If it has been expressly granted, it's necessarily implied that the courts have interpreted those words. 00:21:03
Necessarily imply very strictly. 00:21:10
So it can't be. 00:21:12
Just in general, ohh, we have a need. 00:21:13
But it has to be a very. 00:21:16
Absoluteness necessity. 00:21:19
To be able to do it, so I can't give you an answer to that question. 00:21:22
We'll just see taking your risk. If you're sending out pay, you're taking a risk because there's no specific law. 00:21:25
On that question, that's really up to you. I can give you more on that later, but right now that's about all I have. 00:21:31
OK. 00:21:37
So I think we've heard a lot of the INS and outs. So now I'll open it up for questions and James, you were willing to chime in 00:21:39
there many. 00:21:42
Well, Mr. Chairman, Sir Christian, since Roger Humphrey, I know that you as a board you. 00:21:47
Take this very seriously and the reason that the assessor and the treasurer are the two that are identified. 00:21:54
As the Board, being able to take action for in this case is because of the financial implications that could come from neglect of 00:22:01
duties. 00:22:05
And you you as the board, you have the. 00:22:10
Responsibility for everything, All the financial affairs of Ella County. 00:22:14
And so that's why you're giving us authority here. Typically in, I know you don't even respect the the voters in HeLa County have 00:22:21
been elected. 00:22:26
Elected Joe Williams as the heater county assessor that you respect that choice. 00:22:31
And there's been comments or questions that I've heard that ohh, why haven't this? 00:22:38
We take an action. Why? Why is this been going on for several months? 00:22:42
It's it's really the responsibility of if somebody is not and if somebody's in office. 00:22:47
And not fulfilling their responsibility. It's up to the board voters. 00:22:54
Of the county. 00:22:58
Those that elected that person. 00:23:00
To recall the individual or or do whatever. 00:23:02
Part of due process through election process to. 00:23:06
Make the change that the electors did in the first place. 00:23:10
But as I was saying that because this can in financially. 00:23:13
Impact accounting. That's why you have this probability. That's why you're here today. 00:23:17
Is because. 00:23:22
Continued neglect in the assessors office can have a negative financial. 00:23:23
Impact on the county. 00:23:29
And so thank you for the. 00:23:31
It's courage. 00:23:35
To be able to address this and and take a look at it to ensure the financial viability and health of HeLa County. 00:23:36
Umm. 00:23:46
I will say that as Rick noted that this has been an ongoing for a number of months. Actually I went to Mr. Williams. 00:23:49
Home last fall. 00:23:58
And there was finances that Mister Williams has were not responding to staff to. 00:24:00
Again as the chief deputy appraiser assessor. 00:24:06
And so I went to his home now with him and and talked to him. So it's been quite a amount of time that this has actually been 00:24:11
ongoing and very little reaction. 00:24:17
There. 00:24:23
There are good staff in the assessors office, they are able to do their jobs, they have been trained, they've been. 00:24:24
Able to do what they. 00:24:30
Need to do. 00:24:33
They need to be able to have somebody that can. 00:24:34
Administratively. 00:24:39
Take care of the functions now so that they can continue and they can go forward on things, that they get to a Stonewall without 00:24:41
having somebody there that can make decisions and. 00:24:45
Do certain authorizations for things. 00:24:50
Such as hiring employees. 00:24:53
That they they're they're stuck right now in being able to fill positions. They're stuck with being able to administrative even to 00:24:55
approve timesheets. 00:25:00
That they're they're stuck in administrative matters that impacts them, as has been mentioned. 00:25:05
Low morale and inability to accomplish things. 00:25:11
Having to fill in. 00:25:14
Along the way. 00:25:17
So um. 00:25:19
I I did wanna knowledge that there are good staff in their social office. They are doing their jobs. 00:25:25
Um, to the greatest extent they can and so. 00:25:30
I guess that that's good enough for now. 00:25:36
Thank you, James. 00:25:39
Yes, Sir. Press forward one more time to confirm that Joseph Williams was served by Constable Tony McDaniel on June 22nd. Last 00:25:40
Thursday, he was served with a letter that outlined the the same material that I've provided for today. I could go over that 00:25:47
letter verbatim if you'd like. 00:25:54
No, I think that's enough and that's. 00:26:01
Some of those questions, thank you, Rick. Thank you. So with that, with all the information we've heard Supervisor Humphrey 00:26:04
questions or comments for anyone. 00:26:08
Well, I I I guess my my first question is if it's. 00:26:13
If it's, all we have to do is prove neglect. 00:26:18
And and there's not a a day number or something. At one point I heard that you you gotta be 90 days with no contact or something 00:26:21
of that nature. Is that true or or you just have to prove neglect? 00:26:26
Yeah, yes, just just prove neglect. 00:26:32
Didn't. 00:26:36
If this has been going on for quite a few months, what Why wasn't it brought to the board before? We're losing employees out of 00:26:37
the assessors office and and they're crippled to the point that they are. I I guess my question is why hasn't it come to the board 00:26:42
sooner? 00:26:46
Well, James, Mr. Chairman, Roger Humphrey. When Ken Burrell was in the office, he was administratively authorized and able to 00:26:53
carry on. 00:26:57
It's been the last three months that Ken resigned and left employment that things have come to a. 00:27:01
A stumbling block to a dead end. 00:27:08
And so in the three months that we've been looking at it that it's, it takes a little time for. 00:27:12
Is there neglect and? 00:27:18
How to respect to? 00:27:20
Being an elected official. 00:27:22
And not wanting to ever overstep our bounds. 00:27:24
Produce comes to the point that it needed to be addressed. 00:27:27
Yeah, I'm. I'm not going to beat on that anymore because, you know, I mean, my deal is maybe we would have reacted sooner. He he 00:27:37
would. 00:27:40
Still be a valued employee with the county instead of having to refill his position. 00:27:44
But. 00:27:49
Other than that I have no questions It's it's pretty apparent that of the neglect that's been going on it's it's pretty apparent 00:27:51
of of what the counties having to deal with with his presence not being available with him for some reason which we don't know and 00:27:58
and I guess at this point it doesn't matter of of his neglect of the office. 00:28:06
And to the constituents that he would county. 00:28:13
And. 00:28:16
I I I I think. 00:28:18
That it it's it's responsibility of me. 00:28:22
To make decisions so that the constituents don't suffer and the employees don't suffer anymore than they already have. 00:28:26
You know that's that's just kind of where my take is with it I. 00:28:35
I I I really don't have at this point any sympathy or empathy for somebody that had just. 00:28:39
Neglected the people that as he has. 00:28:46
So, Mr. Chair, that's pretty much my comment. 00:28:50
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Supervisor Christensen. Thank you Chairman. 00:28:54
I think. 00:28:59
The. 00:29:01
Presentation that Mister Galton gave with regard to the statutes. 00:29:02
Please um some discretion for this board with regard to. 00:29:08
A suspension. 00:29:13
And so my question is to. 00:29:16
The chairman. 00:29:20
If that's OK. 00:29:22
That if he calls for a motion, I'd like to make that motion, but can I include in this motion? 00:29:25
The suggested replacement? Or would you like to have that as a separate, separate item? 00:29:31
Jeff, how do you want to work that? You want to work with it two different motions or combine it all? 00:29:37
Right under the Statute 1164 E. 00:29:43
See. 00:29:53
And I've read it this morning. I don't think it. 00:29:55
I don't think it makes a difference. You can do it all in one motion or you can do separate motions. OK, Mr. Children. Yes, Sir. 00:29:59
Could I also ask if you get when you get to asking for a motion that? 00:30:05
Included in the model as to whether you want this to be with pay or without. 00:30:12
Yeah. 00:30:17
Yeah, I would like to have that included in the motion. 00:30:18
Yeah. 00:30:21
So, Mr. Chairman, would you like 1 motion or two? 00:30:24
One, OK. 00:30:27
When we get there. 00:30:29
So you got more questions? No, thank you. You're good. Yep. 00:30:30
So I think we're all sending here to to correct a pretty tough situation and we're willing to do that. I I'm I'm kind of like Tim 00:30:35
I wish we would have tackled the earlier but now knowing the ropes and everything the only thing that that. 00:30:41
That bothers me is is the 120 day suspension. We could be doing that again before next election. 00:30:49
This could happen over and over and over again until next election. 00:30:57
So if there's any legislators out there when they hear this audio, maybe they could go back in there and correct that to where we 00:31:01
could make one suspension until the next election on on an issue like this. 00:31:07
Hopefully it never comes up anywhere again, but. 00:31:12
To have that in front of us is gonna be something we're gonna have to deal with, but. 00:31:15
With that, is there any other questions or yeah, Jeff, I found the language so. 00:31:20
Upon the earlier of a unanimous vote of the entire Board of Supervisors. 00:31:25
Expiration of the time to request a hearing after an affirmative vote of a majority of the board. 00:31:31
Or the affirmation of the suspension at the conclusion of the hearing. 00:31:38
The board shall immediately appoint a person to fill. 00:31:42
The office. So it's like doing 2 parts if if the board votes unanimously. 00:31:46
For suspension. 00:31:51
Then the board can immediately. 00:31:53
Take a take action on a replacement. So does that mean we have to do it in two different motions? OK, because if you didn't have a 00:31:55
unanimous vote, but it was a majority vote. 00:32:00
Then you wouldn't. 00:32:04
Do that right yet. 00:32:05
Right. So we're gonna split those. 00:32:07
OK, motions probably. 00:32:10
You know something else, I don't know, just one one question, which would, would there be anybody from that office that would 00:32:13
care? 00:32:17
To be appointed before we make an A motion to appoint. 00:32:21
So the information that I received is not. 00:32:26
OK. 00:32:30
And so. 00:32:31
On that now, Jeff, I have one more question for you. 00:32:32
If you would. 00:32:36
The person that would be. 00:32:38
Put in that position has to be the same political party as Mr. Williams or no, This statute doesn't speak to that. OK, well, there 00:32:40
is a statute for another. 00:32:45
Situation where there's a vacancy that has to be the same political party but. 00:32:51
A suspension is not the same thing as a vacancy. It's OK, Mr. Chairman just recently pointed out. We could be doing this again. 00:32:55
Because he couldn't this one last 120 days, right? 00:33:02
OK, I understand that. 00:33:06
So. 00:33:09
With that, I'm I'm ready for a motion. 00:33:10
And Mr. Chairman. 00:33:13
I move to suspend without compensation Joseph Williams as the HeLa County Assessor for neglect of duty for period not. 00:33:15
For a period of 120 days. 00:33:25
And a point of person to fill the office to serve as the Heela County assessor for the suspension period. 00:33:28
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion having a motion and a second. All in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries 00:33:36
unanimously. 00:33:41
Now. 00:33:46
Do you have a motion or do we want if you want to make for a? 00:33:49
Yeah, Miss Person. 00:33:55
Mr. Chair Yeah. 00:33:57
I'll make a motion that or do we want to discuss it or or we good to go. I'm I'm I'm good to go. 00:33:59
I'm good. I I just had one question and it was asked and answered. So from that point on I don't have a question. 00:34:06
And so beings that we will need to appoint someone, which will pretty much be. 00:34:13
Probably being sure that applications are are out for to fill vacancies. 00:34:20
And administrative as payroll and things of that such. 00:34:27
Mr. Mendler, like you have been out ill repairing, but I see you back and and so I I would make the motion that. 00:34:31
Of the. 00:34:42
County manager take that position on it at this point. 00:34:43
I will second. 00:34:47
Having a motion and second all in favor, please. So by saying aye, aye, aye, aye, motion carries unanimously. 00:34:49
So with that. 00:34:56
James. 00:34:59
Mr. Chairman, with that appointment I. 00:35:01
Take it seriously, but I will work with the assessors office that their staff. I'll reach out to Mr. Williams and and try to get 00:35:05
some interaction. 00:35:09
To see if we can't get some of these things pulled together so that they can operate more efficiently. 00:35:13
But I promise that I will reach out to Mr. Williams and try to get his input as much as we possibly can. 00:35:19
OK. Well, thank you. 00:35:26
So that's effective now. 00:35:28
35 immediately. 00:35:31
OK, alright. If we're all set with that, I'd go to call to the public. Do we have somebody wants to call the public or are we 00:35:33
good, are we good in pacing? 00:35:37
Ladies are all giving a thumbs up, so we're getting patient. I guess we're good here. 00:35:45
Do you want? Do you need to fill out a form? 00:35:52
Is that blue form right there on the? 00:35:57
On the deal there. 00:36:00
We'll give him a minute to get that filled out and then we'll go on. 00:36:06
Come on up to the podium and state your name and I'm gonna give you 3 minutes and I'm almost sure you're gonna have assessor 00:36:35
questions. 00:36:38
And so. 00:36:42
Soon after this meeting is over, you know who to get with right there, so go ahead and state your name and. 00:36:44
My name's David Berry. I'm kind of new to the area and been trying to get myself established and. 00:36:49
Due to the fact that there's been just a blank. 00:36:56
In. 00:36:59
Uh. 00:37:01
People being able to. 00:37:01
Give me solid answers on things. It's been nothing but enough build battle. 00:37:03
You know, it's been very discouraging. It's led to a massive amount of loss and profit and potential. 00:37:07
Just opportunities and I'm on my behalf and. 00:37:15
Hearing that, it's on the side of the public, how are we supposed to know when somebody doesn't show up for work? You know how? 00:37:21
How are we supposed to know and be so inquisitive on that? 00:37:25
You know it's. 00:37:30
It's hard to be a private citizen, maintain you know, an income, do a job and then keep track of officials that. 00:37:31
Get to have the benefit of just being Mia and getting paid. You know, I I have to separate from when I was doing this. Just come 00:37:40
and speak because I think the public needs to have a. 00:37:44
Their voice heard. You know, it's been hard on the staff that's been in there. I've been in there multiple times and running the 00:37:49
same brick walls. I can't get an honest answer about anything. It's not because the staff is not trying. They've been very 00:37:53
helpful. They've been very kind. But when they run into a brick wall, you can just tell it on their faces that they're 00:37:58
discouraged. 00:38:02
You know, and then the quality of the service drops in the area and then I can't recommend people to go and invest in the area. 00:38:07
You know, I've had other people that have tried to spend money in the area and they're still held up on. 00:38:13
On issues of. 00:38:19
It's the same thing. 00:38:20
But I just want to know how the public is supposed to keep oversight over its elected officials if everything's. 00:38:21
You know, a request for records. Everything's so hard to get this information and keep track of on tabs on people because I'm sure 00:38:28
the public would love to, you know, but they knew he was only checking in three times a month and sure they wouldn't be too happy 00:38:33
about it. And you, who do you ask? Who do I ask? Who's messing up here? You know, like nobody at their staff, they just give you 00:38:38
this look like where do I get an answer And they just couldn't give it to me and. 00:38:44
It's just very frustrating to see that and. 00:38:50
It what you know, you're worried about his paycheck, you know, and the the potential losses for that, there's that's just a small 00:38:53
drop in the bucket for how much ripple effect this is causing not just me, but other people. 00:38:59
You know when you're going to end all be all, and you get the voice of authority and you won't get it. It's just. 00:39:04
It's. 00:39:11
Nothing but scourging. 00:39:12
So thank you and I hope that we can have more information on this in the future to prevent this from happening again. 00:39:14
Mr. Barry. Thank you, James. 00:39:22
Miss Chairman, I'll just offer we we can't comment. 00:39:24
And this part necessarily, but I will offer that if you want to hang around. 00:39:27
Little bit after, I'm glad to visit with you. 00:39:31
I'm fine so. 00:39:34
Thank you, James. 00:39:35
And we can respond to criticism correct. 00:39:37
Yeah, we can. 00:39:40
And and. 00:39:42
We we did make that decision today. 00:39:44
We can't make it as an individual. Ohh, you're Microsoft Sam. 00:39:46
Your your mic. There you go. Yeah, we, we did make that decision today and we can't make a decision as an individual. We have to 00:39:51
be as a board. It has to be brought to the board and it was brought to the board and the board did make a decision. 00:39:58
The only thing I'd just throw out there for everybody is, you know, as elected it's, it's a whole nother ball game. It's a whole 00:40:10
different program. It's tough. 00:40:14
Even, you know, a lot of people look at us as border supervisors that were the ones for everything. 00:40:18
But when it comes to other electives, that's not necessarily the case. And so there's the statutes and and policies and everything 00:40:25
like that that we have to follow and. 00:40:29
And I I would say I like to deal with a long time ago, but you know. 00:40:35
So we we've got it done, it's done and so with that. 00:40:41
I'm gonna move on to updates. 00:40:45
To Frozen Humphrey Anything for updates. 00:40:47
I'm. I'm good today, Mr. Chair. Thank you. Supervisor questions. Thank you Chairman. I'm good as well and James, welcome back. 00:40:50
Thank you. Good to be here. I I do want to say that. 00:40:55
May 13th I was moving from an apartment downtown. Globe here down a flight of stairs. 00:41:01
A little help from behind got pushed. 00:41:07
And fell down a flight stairs broke my hip. 00:41:10
And um. 00:41:13
Had surgery that was on a Saturday. Had surgery on the Thursday. Put pins and screws in my my hip to hold it all together. 00:41:14
I'm healing. I'm glad to be back, but that's been. 00:41:21
Why I've been? 00:41:26
Absence from being here physically, Hmm. 00:41:28
So I'm grateful to Mr. O'Driscoll. 00:41:31
During that time, he was able to manage things well. 00:41:35
And we stayed in continuous contact. And I just really appreciate, Michael. 00:41:39
And all he's done for the past 6-7 weeks. 00:41:45
Thank you, Michael. I did want to point out that I have given you. 00:41:49
God, we're going to be adopting the budget and we've done the tentative adoption of the budget. 00:41:53
And I don't know if employees out in around the county, if they are concerned. Well, we haven't heard anything about a pay plan. 00:41:58
What are we going to do for raises? 00:42:03
So I've given you today kind of an outline of what is going to be proposed as. 00:42:08
Salary adjustments for employees and if it's OK, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to just give some highlights. 00:42:15
What that might include, sure. 00:42:21
Will come to you on the 11th, hopefully to have it approved on the 11th. That's just whatever pay pen you adopt would go into 00:42:24
effect. 00:42:27
Ohh for the first full package which I believe the parade starts on July 3rd so. 00:42:31
Uh. 00:42:37
Later in second paycheck in July is when we employees would see an adjustment to their. 00:42:39
To their paychecks they for 2022 the US Department of Labor Statistics. 00:42:45
Had designated. 00:42:51
A. 00:42:54
Possible or cost of living? 00:42:56
The. 00:42:58
CPI inflation factor of 6.5%. 00:42:59
And so it's been our goal to. 00:43:03
Give a minimum of 6.5%. 00:43:06
To employees for fiscal year 2324. 00:43:09
And what that will begin with and what the pay adjustment that's going to be proposed, can be adjusted, can be changed according 00:43:13
to your recommendations, what you thought. 00:43:17
Is that all employees would get a minimum of 4.9%. 00:43:22
Increase and that's every employee from. 00:43:27
Throughout all the pay grades. 00:43:31
With the caveat that. 00:43:34
As we've had discussions in the past about inflation and how it impacts somebody that may be paid. 00:43:36
Umm. 00:43:42
On the lower, that's a little bit less than other positions. 00:43:44
Don't we have a minimum of what each employee? 00:43:49
Would get. 00:43:52
Could be $3000. 00:43:53
So last year we just did across the board for for $2.00 increase which is $4160.00 for annual increase for all. 00:43:56
Proposing to have a minimum of 3000 strong ploys, which means that employees will get. 00:44:05
Would get raises from anywhere from 4.9%. 00:44:12
Run up to 9.75, so almost 10%. 00:44:15
Salary increase. 00:44:19
For employee that is the minimum that they would get. 00:44:22
Also asking to include 1.6% so 4.9 + 1.6 gives us 6.5%. 00:44:28
That we can use in January. We've got some compression issues where. 00:44:35
Because of the 4160 that employed has been here for. 00:44:40
Six months might be making the same as an important spend here for three years. 00:44:44
And so it's an opportunity to be able to address depression issues. 00:44:48
And then also there, we haven't moved employees along in their pay grades at all that we could use. 00:44:54
That 1.6% for pay for performance or not opportunity to? 00:45:01
Move along in the pay grade. 00:45:06
To dance and closing the pay grade. 00:45:08
So those are essentially the. 00:45:11
Parameters that have been put together and will be available for discussion. 00:45:15
On the 11th, when another opportunity to vote on what's PayPal is, it is and will be. 00:45:20
Did want to point out that we have reworked the. 00:45:26
Pay grades. 00:45:31
And it's it's sheet that looks like this. 00:45:32
You know what this is, is is for fiscal year. This fiscal year 2223, the minimum that any employee would be paid was. 00:45:36
Of $13.80. 00:45:44
And. 00:45:47
With inflation from a year ago, the state minimum went up from 1280 to $13.85. 00:45:49
So it was over. It was $1.05. 00:45:56
Salary or minimum wage pay increase for those. 00:46:00
So what is proposed here is that the minimum for pay grade 170, which is our lowest pay grade that we use is $31,200. 00:46:05
And what that equates to is $15.00 an hour. 00:46:12
Gives us, uh, hopefully that we can. 00:46:17
Be competitive with. 00:46:20
Fast food industry and others that are. 00:46:23
That are offering in that range and in patients 15, sixteen, $17.00 an hour for somebody that works with Donald. 00:46:26
So, but with the benefits, the $15 plus benefits is. 00:46:33
Feel comfortable and equitable. 00:46:38
And where we can offer that, so that's. 00:46:40
That would be part of the the pay grades that we're offering minimum of $15. 00:46:43
And then it systematically goes through all the pay grades that we have at Ella County. 00:46:46
So I will leave it at that. I wanted to give you a heads up for that and we can have discussions with you over the next couple of 00:46:52
weeks answering questions you might have. Let's read the details. I don't think we can ask questions, but right now on the agenda 00:46:57
right now I'm just so. 00:47:02
What? Yeah, we can't ask questions. 00:47:08
It's not on the agenda. 00:47:10
Yes, absolutely. We can't, we can't discuss it here. 00:47:12
But I we can certainly. 00:47:16
If you have questions later on for the next week and half. 00:47:18
So the only question I'd have are you back in the office now or are you gonna still? 00:47:22
OK. I'm. I'm going to be back in the office, OK. 00:47:27
OK. 00:47:31
So I think with that, do you have anymore? Yeah, no, that I just wanted to introduce it to you. 00:47:32
Not intending to have questions or answer questions here, right, But then we can have a discussion over the next couple of weeks. 00:47:39
Later on, not in this meeting. 00:47:46
And that we can. 00:47:48
So that you're prepared and have a knowledge of what it is, what it entails when it comes to a discussion, and. 00:47:51
Decision on July 11th. 00:47:58
Thank you, James. 00:48:00
And with that, I think we've covered all bases, so. 00:48:02
I'm gonna join this meeting. Thank you all for being here. Appreciate you all. And Payson, talk to you soon. 00:48:07
Have a good day. 00:48:12
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OK, bring everyone. 00:00:02
How are we? Impatient. You hear us? All right. 00:00:03
Yep, we can hear you fine. OK, Joseph, how many do we have on YouTube this morning? 00:00:06
15. 00:00:12
OK, Welcome everybody to our special meeting. 00:00:14
It is Friday. 00:00:18
January 30th. 00:00:21
23 Is 10 o'clock straight up, and if y'all would follow me in the Pledge of Allegiance, we'll get this started. 00:00:23
Dave, you just stay there. 00:00:29
Pledge allegiance. 00:00:32
Of you. 00:00:34
And computer. 00:00:36
One page. 00:00:39
Individual with liberty and. 00:00:41
Yay. 00:00:47
OK, we'll get started #2A, regular agenda item. 00:00:50
Information Discussion Action regarding the neglect of duty by the Hennepin County Assessor. 00:00:55
In accordance with ARS11-664, the HeLa County Board of Supervisors may. 00:01:01
Take no action regarding the HeLa County Assessor or suspend Joseph Williams as the HeLa County Assessor for neglected duty. 00:01:08
For a period not to exceed 120 days and appoint a person to fill the office to serve. 00:01:17
As the Healer County Assessor for the suspension period and with this this morning where Rick ask. 00:01:24
And James, so Rick, you want to start this or or James? 00:01:29
OK. 00:01:36
Can I ask you? 00:01:39
Chairman if we could. 00:01:41
Maybe I don't know that he'd be present there, but at least. 00:01:44
Make a call to see if Joe Williams is President to address this. You may as Joseph there and in Payson this morning. 00:01:47
He's not, no, he's not there and we don't know if he's on YouTube or not, so. 00:01:56
So with that, we'll continue on. Thank you, Rick. Thank you, Sir. 00:02:02
Different. 00:02:06
Chairman members of the board, thank you. 00:02:09
Umm. 00:02:12
As I've provided you all a copy of a letter that was provided by patient staff that they would like to read to you. 00:02:14
So make sure you have that. 00:02:26
Umm. 00:02:28
As you are aware of. 00:02:40
Mr. Williams was provided. Assessor Joseph Williams was provided. 00:02:43
A notice of today's hearing outlining. 00:02:47
Concerns. 00:02:50
As to his neglect of duty. 00:02:53
And just to review what those concerns are, that the assessor's office has two unfilled positions. 00:02:57
Title examiner and Chief deputy. 00:03:03
Applications have been submitted for the previously posted position of Title Examiner. 00:03:05
However, no action has been taken to higher. 00:03:10
Without the assessors input because he would make the final call on on who is to be hired. 00:03:13
The remaining management staff are overworked and we're all in. The office is low, extremely low, according to staff. 00:03:18
And. 00:03:27
On ployees to abandon as. 00:03:29
You know, some of the staff would like to share. 00:03:32
An appraiser authorized a reduced valuation and they had a chief deputy, so a lot of this information came to light after that 00:03:36
chief deputy. 00:03:41
Resign Kimbrel and that was on March 29th. So we've been, we've been aware of situations with the assessors office particularly 00:03:46
from the chief Deputy Ken Burrell. 00:03:51
But more has percolated and come to light as a result of. 00:03:56
Umm. 00:04:00
Kimbrell's leaving. 00:04:01
Part of the reason Kimbrel left, and an appraiser authorized a reduction in the. 00:04:06
Valuation for one resident and his appraised value. 00:04:13
And. 00:04:16
The chief deputy indicated that no, you have to maintain what? 00:04:18
Values are set by the state, et cetera. 00:04:22
And this particular. 00:04:25
Appraiser went to. 00:04:28
Ohh. 00:04:30
Joseph Williams. 00:04:31
Directly. 00:04:33
Who? 00:04:34
Supported her and said to go ahead and reduce the valuation. 00:04:35
So that. 00:04:39
Reduce the amount of taxes obviously collected by this individual and it wasn't across the board. It wasn't at the standards that 00:04:40
the county tries to meet and be consistent with throughout the the county. 00:04:46
This led to temporal saying. 00:04:53
Good morning. I would like your guidance on a scenario if an employee does not like a directive that is given by us and goes 00:04:57
directly to the elected official who we are unable to reach. 00:05:02
And the elected. 00:05:07
Official countermands are directive. 00:05:08
Without discussing it with us, how should we handle that? 00:05:11
Umm. 00:05:14
Not liking the response. 00:05:15
Not to be. 00:05:18
Not as a surprise. 00:05:19
He submitted his resignation on the same day. 00:05:21
That was March 29th. 00:05:24
Your sister's office utilizes. 00:05:33
The camera system with the eagle. 00:05:35
Assessor and assessed poorly. Required If something goes wrong, someone needs to be able to sign off on requisitions and repairs. 00:05:38
This is a. 00:05:43
Statutory requirement to send out notice evaluations on property. 00:05:48
And there's a requirement for printing and mailings and so forth to go out postage and so forth. So there's always a concern for 00:05:54
somebody to have signature authorization. 00:05:58
In the assessors office and we've had to work very hard and and it's been difficult to get Joseph Williams to. 00:06:03
Authorized. 00:06:11
Appropriate people to sign both in patient and in globe as is required. 00:06:13
Taxpayers are adamant, adamant that they want to speak with the assessor. 00:06:20
Mr. Williams. 00:06:24
On. 00:06:26
There was. 00:06:28
The last. 00:06:30
Response Taxpayer received from Mr. Williams was in February when he responded to Chief Lockhart of the. 00:06:32
Christopher's Coles Fire District. 00:06:40
We've heard complaints come into the county where individuals are saying this is impeding their ability to do business in the 00:06:42
county, acquire property, get get the information they need to run their business. So we have had significant issues and 00:06:47
complaints from. 00:06:53
Residents not being able to address their elected official. 00:06:59
Issues have arisen in the office concerning payroll and travel authorizations, as previously mentioned. 00:07:04
Members of the assessor staff need to attend to assess assessors. 00:07:13
Association tax conference later this summer. 00:07:17
And without Joseph Williams there to designate. 00:07:19
Who in his management team need to be there? Staff were left to make that decision without having anybody that. 00:07:24
Is firmly in charge of making that decision. 00:07:31
And deciding who needs to be there and who doesn't. But those conferences provide the state or the assessors office that's put on 00:07:33
also by the Department of Revenue, and so they buy them a lot of legal information as to how to keep. 00:07:40
Doing the job the legal requirements of the assessors office so. 00:07:47
We need to be represented there and we need somebody there to designate who needs to be there and to get the job done. 00:07:51
Umm. 00:07:57
Currently Christina, Hecks in Globe, any Bond House and Payson have. 00:08:01
Separate signature authorizations which the county has recognized to make sure that the functions of the office. 00:08:05
Are able to be done. 00:08:12
As employees may not sign their own payroll authorizations, we are honoring both those payroll authors the ability of 1 to approve 00:08:15
the others payroll authorizations or timesheets for instance so. 00:08:21
Um. 00:08:28
And. 00:08:32
There's no one in the office currently to handle staffing issues. There has been an issue that before Ken Burrell left, he 00:08:34
indicated that it. 00:08:38
An employee. 00:08:42
Was followed and harassed by a resident and there was some concern of her safety. 00:08:43
And she was going around, you know, doing her job as a as an appraiser, I believe, and in any event. 00:08:50
Somebody off the street just saw her and decided to follow her around and she didn't know. 00:08:58
Um, what this person's intent was? 00:09:03
And the assessor was not there to voice this complaint to or to hear how he would like it handled. 00:09:05
Since that time can and prior to his leaving, temporal did assign two people to go out at a time at a time so that this issue did 00:09:11
not arise in the future. But again, that's the directive that should have come from the elected official, Mr. Williams. 00:09:17
Ken Burrell was elected as president of the. 00:09:48
State Executive Committee. 00:09:54
For assessors. 00:09:58
The acronym acronym it's a. 00:10:01
A O. 00:10:03
Executive Committee. 00:10:05
Arizona Association of Assessing Officers. 00:10:08
Uh. 00:10:11
And he was the president of that association. 00:10:12
He failed to show up to meetings, planned meetings and meetings or what was late to attend meetings and didn't have the agenda 00:10:16
plan. So on April 3rd 2023 was provided a letter and I have a copy of that letter through Mr. Dear Sister Williams. This letter is 00:10:22
written on behalf of the AAO Executive Committee. 00:10:28
It is essential for all members of the AAO. 00:10:35
Leadership. Be available and engaged. 00:10:39
When we conduct and discuss AO business matters furthermore in accordance with the AOAO bylaws. 00:10:41
Article 5. 00:10:49
Duties section One states, The President shall preside at all meetings, and shall be. 00:10:51
And ex officio member of all committees. 00:10:56
As a team, we have attempted to reach you to discuss the circumstances surrounding your absence without notice to the last monthly 00:11:00
meeting held March 16th, 2023. 00:11:04
We attempted to call you March 16, 2020. 00:11:09
3. 00:11:12
Just before the meeting started, to which we did not receive any response from you, In addition, we attempted to reach you. 00:11:13
On March 20th, 2023 to follow up on your absence and schedule. 00:11:20
A meeting to discuss how executive committee could assist you. 00:11:24
In your role as president of the organization. 00:11:27
Prior to March 16th, we tried to engage you and schedule an executive session and discuss agenda items. However, he did not 00:11:30
respond. 00:11:34
As of this date, As of the date of this letter, no one in leadership team. 00:11:38
Of this association has received any contact from you as an elected assessor of HeLa County. 00:11:43
Your continued participation in this organization is essential, however, as president. 00:11:48
Your availability and engagement with the rest of the team is critical and necessary to continue the pursuit and maintaining 00:11:53
momentum with this. 00:11:57
With our initiatives. 00:12:02
Respectfully. 00:12:04
If you intend to continue your role as President, we ask that you continue that you contact the executive committee. 00:12:05
And it gave the names. If you are not available to meet the needs of this role, we request that you surrender your resignation as 00:12:13
President, but continue to maintain your position as the member of AO. 00:12:19
If we do not hear from you by April 14th, we will be forced to for a motion to remove removal of the Executive Committee. 00:12:26
Respectfully, the director. 00:12:34
Of. 00:12:37
Executive committee meeting. 00:12:38
And it is. 00:12:40
Also noted that an import April 20th. 00:12:42
The meeting of this association. 00:12:46
Determined to remove the Williams. 00:12:49
As president. 00:12:52
It was seconded and action was taken to remove him as president of that organization. 00:12:53
Since February 14th, 2023, the assessor has not utilized his hard access to any of the county buildings. 00:13:10
From what we received today. 00:13:19
Those two group 14. 00:13:21
You access this card three times in February. 00:13:23
Three times in January. 00:13:29
Because we. 00:13:33
Four trains in December 22. 00:13:35
Sporadically prior to that. So this is not a a reference. 00:13:39
Issue. 00:13:43
My phone records which I'll show also show in general limited contact. 00:13:45
With anybody. 00:13:51
In the county or. 00:13:53
Anyone else with that number? 00:13:56
Related. 00:13:58
On his work phone. 00:13:59
Who? 00:14:02
Beyond that, I'm available for any questions you may have. 00:14:07
Rick, thank you. But before we go into questions, I'd like to hear from the ladies down patient. Would one of you ladies up there 00:14:11
step up there and read the letter that you've presented? 00:14:16
Just state your name and. 00:14:21
And uh, we'll get you set up there. 00:14:24
Good morning, Chairman, Supervisor Christensen. 00:14:30
Different. 00:14:33
Speaking on behalf of those of us who are present. 00:14:37
We work in the Pace and Assessor's office. 00:14:43
We have known Joe for a long time. 00:14:46
We voted for him. 00:14:49
Stood by him and supported him. 00:14:51
However. 00:14:54
He has let down his employees. 00:14:55
By not being available. 00:14:58
And to those who have voted and elected him in office. 00:15:00
It is unfair for the ones who have done much of the work in his absence. 00:15:05
Without any acknowledgement. 00:15:11
Or decision making on his part. 00:15:13
As a leader. 00:15:18
Supporting employees is a top priority. 00:15:19
It plays an important part in employee morale. 00:15:23
Confidence. 00:15:27
And it helps facilitate employee growth. 00:15:28
As an elected official. 00:15:32
She needs to be available to serve our taxpayers of HEAL Accounting. 00:15:35
Thank you. Thank you. 00:15:41
And so with that. 00:15:44
Jeff, I'd like to ask you to kind of. 00:15:46
Go over the statute that we're going to have to follow on this. 00:15:50
This procedure and. 00:15:53
The Inns and outs of it. 00:15:55
The suspension is with or without pay, whatever you can tell us on it and then we'll proceed after that with comments and 00:15:57
questions. 00:16:00
We're dealing with statute #11-664. 00:16:08
Which is a specific statute for. 00:16:13
The possible suspension of the county treasurer or. 00:16:16
County assessor, in this case county assessor. 00:16:21
And paragraph A describes this meeting. 00:16:25
And provides that the Board of Supervisors may suspend. 00:16:29
The county assessor for. 00:16:33
Neglect of duty. 00:16:36
So it would be this board's. 00:16:38
Responsibility to decide whether there has been neglected duty. 00:16:41
And the Statute does not. 00:16:46
Say what the level of proof should be. 00:16:47
There are three levels of proof. See beyond a reasonable doubt by clearing convincing evidence. 00:16:51
Or by a preponderance of the evidence, and since it doesn't. 00:16:56
Say which one it is. The normal standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence. 00:16:59
So the board finds it is more likely than not. 00:17:06
And he's neglected his duties, and that would be a sufficient burden for the board to find it. 00:17:09
The board shall give notice to the affected officer. 00:17:16
At least five days before the meeting. 00:17:20
5 calendar days and so Mr. Husky. 00:17:23
Umm. 00:17:26
Could tell us what day that Mister. 00:17:27
Williams was served with the notice. 00:17:30
That I don't have a copy of, but I can't say it was last Thursday. 00:17:37
Is that? 00:17:41
Yeah. 00:17:42
So last Thursday, so I don't know the exact date, but it was it was more than five days, OK? 00:17:42
So that that's that's the requirements been. 00:17:49
Fulfilled. 00:17:52
Many of this meeting the board takes action. If the if the action of the board is unanimous the entire board, then the suspension 00:17:55
is immediate. 00:18:00
If not. 00:18:06
Then that's a little more complicated at the suspension is. 00:18:07
Effective at a later date and we can discuss that if now, or we can discuss it after the board takes a vote. 00:18:11
I believe that later date it would be 10 days from today, correct? It's by majority. Well, it's one of two things. 00:18:19
OK, look, there's ten days after the action of the board, which would be a majority vote. 00:18:25
Or if there's no hearing requested. 00:18:31
Then at the conclusion of a hearing of 1. 00:18:35
It's 10 days if there's no hearing requested, but if there is a hearing requested, then it's effective at the end of that hearing 00:18:39
if the board upholds its prior decision. 00:18:43
OK, so in this meeting we don't have Mr. Williams present. 00:18:48
So. 00:18:55
We don't need to get into the question of whether there would be. 00:18:57
Umm. 00:19:01
The ability on his part to. 00:19:02
Have witnesses called to speak on his behalf and that sort of thing since? 00:19:04
He's not here to ask for that, so. 00:19:09
Alright, I won't go into that. 00:19:12
OK. Or the other question about? 00:19:14
Whether. 00:19:18
The suspension would be. 00:19:19
With pay or without pay? 00:19:21
Is one that is. 00:19:24
I'm still. 00:19:26
Still trying to figure out? The statute doesn't say either way. It just says that the board. 00:19:29
And suspend the. 00:19:36
Assessor. 00:19:38
And so when it's not clearly spelled out, many takes, of course. 00:19:39
More work. 00:19:45
Umm. 00:19:46
There is apparently a statute. 00:19:51
That permits the board. 00:19:56
To suspend. 00:19:59
The. 00:20:03
Constable. 00:20:05
Without pay. 00:20:10
But I'm not sure what that taste is is. 00:20:14
That means that. 00:20:17
The legislature clearly knows how to tell you. 00:20:19
When you can do it without pay and didn't, so that must mean they didn't want it to be without pay or. 00:20:22
You could go the other way So, well, since we can do it with constables, we can do it here too. 00:20:29
Well. 00:20:33
You you get into this position where you're trying to figure out what a court might say. 00:20:35
If you just suspend him without pay and then he you get sued for it. 00:20:40
And. 00:20:45
No one knows the answer to that question until you get the answer from a court. 00:20:45
From a lawsuit. 00:20:50
But generally speaking. 00:20:52
Counties have the authority that the legislature has specifically granted the county. 00:20:55
Or. 00:21:02
If it has been expressly granted, it's necessarily implied that the courts have interpreted those words. 00:21:03
Necessarily imply very strictly. 00:21:10
So it can't be. 00:21:12
Just in general, ohh, we have a need. 00:21:13
But it has to be a very. 00:21:16
Absoluteness necessity. 00:21:19
To be able to do it, so I can't give you an answer to that question. 00:21:22
We'll just see taking your risk. If you're sending out pay, you're taking a risk because there's no specific law. 00:21:25
On that question, that's really up to you. I can give you more on that later, but right now that's about all I have. 00:21:31
OK. 00:21:37
So I think we've heard a lot of the INS and outs. So now I'll open it up for questions and James, you were willing to chime in 00:21:39
there many. 00:21:42
Well, Mr. Chairman, Sir Christian, since Roger Humphrey, I know that you as a board you. 00:21:47
Take this very seriously and the reason that the assessor and the treasurer are the two that are identified. 00:21:54
As the Board, being able to take action for in this case is because of the financial implications that could come from neglect of 00:22:01
duties. 00:22:05
And you you as the board, you have the. 00:22:10
Responsibility for everything, All the financial affairs of Ella County. 00:22:14
And so that's why you're giving us authority here. Typically in, I know you don't even respect the the voters in HeLa County have 00:22:21
been elected. 00:22:26
Elected Joe Williams as the heater county assessor that you respect that choice. 00:22:31
And there's been comments or questions that I've heard that ohh, why haven't this? 00:22:38
We take an action. Why? Why is this been going on for several months? 00:22:42
It's it's really the responsibility of if somebody is not and if somebody's in office. 00:22:47
And not fulfilling their responsibility. It's up to the board voters. 00:22:54
Of the county. 00:22:58
Those that elected that person. 00:23:00
To recall the individual or or do whatever. 00:23:02
Part of due process through election process to. 00:23:06
Make the change that the electors did in the first place. 00:23:10
But as I was saying that because this can in financially. 00:23:13
Impact accounting. That's why you have this probability. That's why you're here today. 00:23:17
Is because. 00:23:22
Continued neglect in the assessors office can have a negative financial. 00:23:23
Impact on the county. 00:23:29
And so thank you for the. 00:23:31
It's courage. 00:23:35
To be able to address this and and take a look at it to ensure the financial viability and health of HeLa County. 00:23:36
Umm. 00:23:46
I will say that as Rick noted that this has been an ongoing for a number of months. Actually I went to Mr. Williams. 00:23:49
Home last fall. 00:23:58
And there was finances that Mister Williams has were not responding to staff to. 00:24:00
Again as the chief deputy appraiser assessor. 00:24:06
And so I went to his home now with him and and talked to him. So it's been quite a amount of time that this has actually been 00:24:11
ongoing and very little reaction. 00:24:17
There. 00:24:23
There are good staff in the assessors office, they are able to do their jobs, they have been trained, they've been. 00:24:24
Able to do what they. 00:24:30
Need to do. 00:24:33
They need to be able to have somebody that can. 00:24:34
Administratively. 00:24:39
Take care of the functions now so that they can continue and they can go forward on things, that they get to a Stonewall without 00:24:41
having somebody there that can make decisions and. 00:24:45
Do certain authorizations for things. 00:24:50
Such as hiring employees. 00:24:53
That they they're they're stuck right now in being able to fill positions. They're stuck with being able to administrative even to 00:24:55
approve timesheets. 00:25:00
That they're they're stuck in administrative matters that impacts them, as has been mentioned. 00:25:05
Low morale and inability to accomplish things. 00:25:11
Having to fill in. 00:25:14
Along the way. 00:25:17
So um. 00:25:19
I I did wanna knowledge that there are good staff in their social office. They are doing their jobs. 00:25:25
Um, to the greatest extent they can and so. 00:25:30
I guess that that's good enough for now. 00:25:36
Thank you, James. 00:25:39
Yes, Sir. Press forward one more time to confirm that Joseph Williams was served by Constable Tony McDaniel on June 22nd. Last 00:25:40
Thursday, he was served with a letter that outlined the the same material that I've provided for today. I could go over that 00:25:47
letter verbatim if you'd like. 00:25:54
No, I think that's enough and that's. 00:26:01
Some of those questions, thank you, Rick. Thank you. So with that, with all the information we've heard Supervisor Humphrey 00:26:04
questions or comments for anyone. 00:26:08
Well, I I I guess my my first question is if it's. 00:26:13
If it's, all we have to do is prove neglect. 00:26:18
And and there's not a a day number or something. At one point I heard that you you gotta be 90 days with no contact or something 00:26:21
of that nature. Is that true or or you just have to prove neglect? 00:26:26
Yeah, yes, just just prove neglect. 00:26:32
Didn't. 00:26:36
If this has been going on for quite a few months, what Why wasn't it brought to the board before? We're losing employees out of 00:26:37
the assessors office and and they're crippled to the point that they are. I I guess my question is why hasn't it come to the board 00:26:42
sooner? 00:26:46
Well, James, Mr. Chairman, Roger Humphrey. When Ken Burrell was in the office, he was administratively authorized and able to 00:26:53
carry on. 00:26:57
It's been the last three months that Ken resigned and left employment that things have come to a. 00:27:01
A stumbling block to a dead end. 00:27:08
And so in the three months that we've been looking at it that it's, it takes a little time for. 00:27:12
Is there neglect and? 00:27:18
How to respect to? 00:27:20
Being an elected official. 00:27:22
And not wanting to ever overstep our bounds. 00:27:24
Produce comes to the point that it needed to be addressed. 00:27:27
Yeah, I'm. I'm not going to beat on that anymore because, you know, I mean, my deal is maybe we would have reacted sooner. He he 00:27:37
would. 00:27:40
Still be a valued employee with the county instead of having to refill his position. 00:27:44
But. 00:27:49
Other than that I have no questions It's it's pretty apparent that of the neglect that's been going on it's it's pretty apparent 00:27:51
of of what the counties having to deal with with his presence not being available with him for some reason which we don't know and 00:27:58
and I guess at this point it doesn't matter of of his neglect of the office. 00:28:06
And to the constituents that he would county. 00:28:13
And. 00:28:16
I I I I think. 00:28:18
That it it's it's responsibility of me. 00:28:22
To make decisions so that the constituents don't suffer and the employees don't suffer anymore than they already have. 00:28:26
You know that's that's just kind of where my take is with it I. 00:28:35
I I I really don't have at this point any sympathy or empathy for somebody that had just. 00:28:39
Neglected the people that as he has. 00:28:46
So, Mr. Chair, that's pretty much my comment. 00:28:50
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Supervisor Christensen. Thank you Chairman. 00:28:54
I think. 00:28:59
The. 00:29:01
Presentation that Mister Galton gave with regard to the statutes. 00:29:02
Please um some discretion for this board with regard to. 00:29:08
A suspension. 00:29:13
And so my question is to. 00:29:16
The chairman. 00:29:20
If that's OK. 00:29:22
That if he calls for a motion, I'd like to make that motion, but can I include in this motion? 00:29:25
The suggested replacement? Or would you like to have that as a separate, separate item? 00:29:31
Jeff, how do you want to work that? You want to work with it two different motions or combine it all? 00:29:37
Right under the Statute 1164 E. 00:29:43
See. 00:29:53
And I've read it this morning. I don't think it. 00:29:55
I don't think it makes a difference. You can do it all in one motion or you can do separate motions. OK, Mr. Children. Yes, Sir. 00:29:59
Could I also ask if you get when you get to asking for a motion that? 00:30:05
Included in the model as to whether you want this to be with pay or without. 00:30:12
Yeah. 00:30:17
Yeah, I would like to have that included in the motion. 00:30:18
Yeah. 00:30:21
So, Mr. Chairman, would you like 1 motion or two? 00:30:24
One, OK. 00:30:27
When we get there. 00:30:29
So you got more questions? No, thank you. You're good. Yep. 00:30:30
So I think we're all sending here to to correct a pretty tough situation and we're willing to do that. I I'm I'm kind of like Tim 00:30:35
I wish we would have tackled the earlier but now knowing the ropes and everything the only thing that that. 00:30:41
That bothers me is is the 120 day suspension. We could be doing that again before next election. 00:30:49
This could happen over and over and over again until next election. 00:30:57
So if there's any legislators out there when they hear this audio, maybe they could go back in there and correct that to where we 00:31:01
could make one suspension until the next election on on an issue like this. 00:31:07
Hopefully it never comes up anywhere again, but. 00:31:12
To have that in front of us is gonna be something we're gonna have to deal with, but. 00:31:15
With that, is there any other questions or yeah, Jeff, I found the language so. 00:31:20
Upon the earlier of a unanimous vote of the entire Board of Supervisors. 00:31:25
Expiration of the time to request a hearing after an affirmative vote of a majority of the board. 00:31:31
Or the affirmation of the suspension at the conclusion of the hearing. 00:31:38
The board shall immediately appoint a person to fill. 00:31:42
The office. So it's like doing 2 parts if if the board votes unanimously. 00:31:46
For suspension. 00:31:51
Then the board can immediately. 00:31:53
Take a take action on a replacement. So does that mean we have to do it in two different motions? OK, because if you didn't have a 00:31:55
unanimous vote, but it was a majority vote. 00:32:00
Then you wouldn't. 00:32:04
Do that right yet. 00:32:05
Right. So we're gonna split those. 00:32:07
OK, motions probably. 00:32:10
You know something else, I don't know, just one one question, which would, would there be anybody from that office that would 00:32:13
care? 00:32:17
To be appointed before we make an A motion to appoint. 00:32:21
So the information that I received is not. 00:32:26
OK. 00:32:30
And so. 00:32:31
On that now, Jeff, I have one more question for you. 00:32:32
If you would. 00:32:36
The person that would be. 00:32:38
Put in that position has to be the same political party as Mr. Williams or no, This statute doesn't speak to that. OK, well, there 00:32:40
is a statute for another. 00:32:45
Situation where there's a vacancy that has to be the same political party but. 00:32:51
A suspension is not the same thing as a vacancy. It's OK, Mr. Chairman just recently pointed out. We could be doing this again. 00:32:55
Because he couldn't this one last 120 days, right? 00:33:02
OK, I understand that. 00:33:06
So. 00:33:09
With that, I'm I'm ready for a motion. 00:33:10
And Mr. Chairman. 00:33:13
I move to suspend without compensation Joseph Williams as the HeLa County Assessor for neglect of duty for period not. 00:33:15
For a period of 120 days. 00:33:25
And a point of person to fill the office to serve as the Heela County assessor for the suspension period. 00:33:28
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion having a motion and a second. All in favor. Do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries 00:33:36
unanimously. 00:33:41
Now. 00:33:46
Do you have a motion or do we want if you want to make for a? 00:33:49
Yeah, Miss Person. 00:33:55
Mr. Chair Yeah. 00:33:57
I'll make a motion that or do we want to discuss it or or we good to go. I'm I'm I'm good to go. 00:33:59
I'm good. I I just had one question and it was asked and answered. So from that point on I don't have a question. 00:34:06
And so beings that we will need to appoint someone, which will pretty much be. 00:34:13
Probably being sure that applications are are out for to fill vacancies. 00:34:20
And administrative as payroll and things of that such. 00:34:27
Mr. Mendler, like you have been out ill repairing, but I see you back and and so I I would make the motion that. 00:34:31
Of the. 00:34:42
County manager take that position on it at this point. 00:34:43
I will second. 00:34:47
Having a motion and second all in favor, please. So by saying aye, aye, aye, aye, motion carries unanimously. 00:34:49
So with that. 00:34:56
James. 00:34:59
Mr. Chairman, with that appointment I. 00:35:01
Take it seriously, but I will work with the assessors office that their staff. I'll reach out to Mr. Williams and and try to get 00:35:05
some interaction. 00:35:09
To see if we can't get some of these things pulled together so that they can operate more efficiently. 00:35:13
But I promise that I will reach out to Mr. Williams and try to get his input as much as we possibly can. 00:35:19
OK. Well, thank you. 00:35:26
So that's effective now. 00:35:28
35 immediately. 00:35:31
OK, alright. If we're all set with that, I'd go to call to the public. Do we have somebody wants to call the public or are we 00:35:33
good, are we good in pacing? 00:35:37
Ladies are all giving a thumbs up, so we're getting patient. I guess we're good here. 00:35:45
Do you want? Do you need to fill out a form? 00:35:52
Is that blue form right there on the? 00:35:57
On the deal there. 00:36:00
We'll give him a minute to get that filled out and then we'll go on. 00:36:06
Come on up to the podium and state your name and I'm gonna give you 3 minutes and I'm almost sure you're gonna have assessor 00:36:35
questions. 00:36:38
And so. 00:36:42
Soon after this meeting is over, you know who to get with right there, so go ahead and state your name and. 00:36:44
My name's David Berry. I'm kind of new to the area and been trying to get myself established and. 00:36:49
Due to the fact that there's been just a blank. 00:36:56
In. 00:36:59
Uh. 00:37:01
People being able to. 00:37:01
Give me solid answers on things. It's been nothing but enough build battle. 00:37:03
You know, it's been very discouraging. It's led to a massive amount of loss and profit and potential. 00:37:07
Just opportunities and I'm on my behalf and. 00:37:15
Hearing that, it's on the side of the public, how are we supposed to know when somebody doesn't show up for work? You know how? 00:37:21
How are we supposed to know and be so inquisitive on that? 00:37:25
You know it's. 00:37:30
It's hard to be a private citizen, maintain you know, an income, do a job and then keep track of officials that. 00:37:31
Get to have the benefit of just being Mia and getting paid. You know, I I have to separate from when I was doing this. Just come 00:37:40
and speak because I think the public needs to have a. 00:37:44
Their voice heard. You know, it's been hard on the staff that's been in there. I've been in there multiple times and running the 00:37:49
same brick walls. I can't get an honest answer about anything. It's not because the staff is not trying. They've been very 00:37:53
helpful. They've been very kind. But when they run into a brick wall, you can just tell it on their faces that they're 00:37:58
discouraged. 00:38:02
You know, and then the quality of the service drops in the area and then I can't recommend people to go and invest in the area. 00:38:07
You know, I've had other people that have tried to spend money in the area and they're still held up on. 00:38:13
On issues of. 00:38:19
It's the same thing. 00:38:20
But I just want to know how the public is supposed to keep oversight over its elected officials if everything's. 00:38:21
You know, a request for records. Everything's so hard to get this information and keep track of on tabs on people because I'm sure 00:38:28
the public would love to, you know, but they knew he was only checking in three times a month and sure they wouldn't be too happy 00:38:33
about it. And you, who do you ask? Who do I ask? Who's messing up here? You know, like nobody at their staff, they just give you 00:38:38
this look like where do I get an answer And they just couldn't give it to me and. 00:38:44
It's just very frustrating to see that and. 00:38:50
It what you know, you're worried about his paycheck, you know, and the the potential losses for that, there's that's just a small 00:38:53
drop in the bucket for how much ripple effect this is causing not just me, but other people. 00:38:59
You know when you're going to end all be all, and you get the voice of authority and you won't get it. It's just. 00:39:04
It's. 00:39:11
Nothing but scourging. 00:39:12
So thank you and I hope that we can have more information on this in the future to prevent this from happening again. 00:39:14
Mr. Barry. Thank you, James. 00:39:22
Miss Chairman, I'll just offer we we can't comment. 00:39:24
And this part necessarily, but I will offer that if you want to hang around. 00:39:27
Little bit after, I'm glad to visit with you. 00:39:31
I'm fine so. 00:39:34
Thank you, James. 00:39:35
And we can respond to criticism correct. 00:39:37
Yeah, we can. 00:39:40
And and. 00:39:42
We we did make that decision today. 00:39:44
We can't make it as an individual. Ohh, you're Microsoft Sam. 00:39:46
Your your mic. There you go. Yeah, we, we did make that decision today and we can't make a decision as an individual. We have to 00:39:51
be as a board. It has to be brought to the board and it was brought to the board and the board did make a decision. 00:39:58
The only thing I'd just throw out there for everybody is, you know, as elected it's, it's a whole nother ball game. It's a whole 00:40:10
different program. It's tough. 00:40:14
Even, you know, a lot of people look at us as border supervisors that were the ones for everything. 00:40:18
But when it comes to other electives, that's not necessarily the case. And so there's the statutes and and policies and everything 00:40:25
like that that we have to follow and. 00:40:29
And I I would say I like to deal with a long time ago, but you know. 00:40:35
So we we've got it done, it's done and so with that. 00:40:41
I'm gonna move on to updates. 00:40:45
To Frozen Humphrey Anything for updates. 00:40:47
I'm. I'm good today, Mr. Chair. Thank you. Supervisor questions. Thank you Chairman. I'm good as well and James, welcome back. 00:40:50
Thank you. Good to be here. I I do want to say that. 00:40:55
May 13th I was moving from an apartment downtown. Globe here down a flight of stairs. 00:41:01
A little help from behind got pushed. 00:41:07
And fell down a flight stairs broke my hip. 00:41:10
And um. 00:41:13
Had surgery that was on a Saturday. Had surgery on the Thursday. Put pins and screws in my my hip to hold it all together. 00:41:14
I'm healing. I'm glad to be back, but that's been. 00:41:21
Why I've been? 00:41:26
Absence from being here physically, Hmm. 00:41:28
So I'm grateful to Mr. O'Driscoll. 00:41:31
During that time, he was able to manage things well. 00:41:35
And we stayed in continuous contact. And I just really appreciate, Michael. 00:41:39
And all he's done for the past 6-7 weeks. 00:41:45
Thank you, Michael. I did want to point out that I have given you. 00:41:49
God, we're going to be adopting the budget and we've done the tentative adoption of the budget. 00:41:53
And I don't know if employees out in around the county, if they are concerned. Well, we haven't heard anything about a pay plan. 00:41:58
What are we going to do for raises? 00:42:03
So I've given you today kind of an outline of what is going to be proposed as. 00:42:08
Salary adjustments for employees and if it's OK, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to just give some highlights. 00:42:15
What that might include, sure. 00:42:21
Will come to you on the 11th, hopefully to have it approved on the 11th. That's just whatever pay pen you adopt would go into 00:42:24
effect. 00:42:27
Ohh for the first full package which I believe the parade starts on July 3rd so. 00:42:31
Uh. 00:42:37
Later in second paycheck in July is when we employees would see an adjustment to their. 00:42:39
To their paychecks they for 2022 the US Department of Labor Statistics. 00:42:45
Had designated. 00:42:51
A. 00:42:54
Possible or cost of living? 00:42:56
The. 00:42:58
CPI inflation factor of 6.5%. 00:42:59
And so it's been our goal to. 00:43:03
Give a minimum of 6.5%. 00:43:06
To employees for fiscal year 2324. 00:43:09
And what that will begin with and what the pay adjustment that's going to be proposed, can be adjusted, can be changed according 00:43:13
to your recommendations, what you thought. 00:43:17
Is that all employees would get a minimum of 4.9%. 00:43:22
Increase and that's every employee from. 00:43:27
Throughout all the pay grades. 00:43:31
With the caveat that. 00:43:34
As we've had discussions in the past about inflation and how it impacts somebody that may be paid. 00:43:36
Umm. 00:43:42
On the lower, that's a little bit less than other positions. 00:43:44
Don't we have a minimum of what each employee? 00:43:49
Would get. 00:43:52
Could be $3000. 00:43:53
So last year we just did across the board for for $2.00 increase which is $4160.00 for annual increase for all. 00:43:56
Proposing to have a minimum of 3000 strong ploys, which means that employees will get. 00:44:05
Would get raises from anywhere from 4.9%. 00:44:12
Run up to 9.75, so almost 10%. 00:44:15
Salary increase. 00:44:19
For employee that is the minimum that they would get. 00:44:22
Also asking to include 1.6% so 4.9 + 1.6 gives us 6.5%. 00:44:28
That we can use in January. We've got some compression issues where. 00:44:35
Because of the 4160 that employed has been here for. 00:44:40
Six months might be making the same as an important spend here for three years. 00:44:44
And so it's an opportunity to be able to address depression issues. 00:44:48
And then also there, we haven't moved employees along in their pay grades at all that we could use. 00:44:54
That 1.6% for pay for performance or not opportunity to? 00:45:01
Move along in the pay grade. 00:45:06
To dance and closing the pay grade. 00:45:08
So those are essentially the. 00:45:11
Parameters that have been put together and will be available for discussion. 00:45:15
On the 11th, when another opportunity to vote on what's PayPal is, it is and will be. 00:45:20
Did want to point out that we have reworked the. 00:45:26
Pay grades. 00:45:31
And it's it's sheet that looks like this. 00:45:32
You know what this is, is is for fiscal year. This fiscal year 2223, the minimum that any employee would be paid was. 00:45:36
Of $13.80. 00:45:44
And. 00:45:47
With inflation from a year ago, the state minimum went up from 1280 to $13.85. 00:45:49
So it was over. It was $1.05. 00:45:56
Salary or minimum wage pay increase for those. 00:46:00
So what is proposed here is that the minimum for pay grade 170, which is our lowest pay grade that we use is $31,200. 00:46:05
And what that equates to is $15.00 an hour. 00:46:12
Gives us, uh, hopefully that we can. 00:46:17
Be competitive with. 00:46:20
Fast food industry and others that are. 00:46:23
That are offering in that range and in patients 15, sixteen, $17.00 an hour for somebody that works with Donald. 00:46:26
So, but with the benefits, the $15 plus benefits is. 00:46:33
Feel comfortable and equitable. 00:46:38
And where we can offer that, so that's. 00:46:40
That would be part of the the pay grades that we're offering minimum of $15. 00:46:43
And then it systematically goes through all the pay grades that we have at Ella County. 00:46:46
So I will leave it at that. I wanted to give you a heads up for that and we can have discussions with you over the next couple of 00:46:52
weeks answering questions you might have. Let's read the details. I don't think we can ask questions, but right now on the agenda 00:46:57
right now I'm just so. 00:47:02
What? Yeah, we can't ask questions. 00:47:08
It's not on the agenda. 00:47:10
Yes, absolutely. We can't, we can't discuss it here. 00:47:12
But I we can certainly. 00:47:16
If you have questions later on for the next week and half. 00:47:18
So the only question I'd have are you back in the office now or are you gonna still? 00:47:22
OK. I'm. I'm going to be back in the office, OK. 00:47:27
OK. 00:47:31
So I think with that, do you have anymore? Yeah, no, that I just wanted to introduce it to you. 00:47:32
Not intending to have questions or answer questions here, right, But then we can have a discussion over the next couple of weeks. 00:47:39
Later on, not in this meeting. 00:47:46
And that we can. 00:47:48
So that you're prepared and have a knowledge of what it is, what it entails when it comes to a discussion, and. 00:47:51
Decision on July 11th. 00:47:58
Thank you, James. 00:48:00
And with that, I think we've covered all bases, so. 00:48:02
I'm gonna join this meeting. Thank you all for being here. Appreciate you all. And Payson, talk to you soon. 00:48:07
Have a good day. 00:48:12
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