Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt an Order to cancel the November 7, 2023, Tonto Basin Unified School District #33 election and appoint the individuals as shown on Schedule A of the Order for the term of office ending on December 31, 2024. (Roy Sandoval)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Invitation for Bids No. 120422-Stagecoach Trail Improvements.(Homero Vela)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to approve a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Love Where You Live for a special event to be held on August 2, 2023, at the Cobre Valley Recreation Center. (Fernando Shipley)   3. WORK SESSION ITEMS:
A. Information/Discussion regarding the County Supervisors Association's (CSA) 2024 legislative proposals that will be considered at the October 11-13, 2023 CSA Legislative Summit. (James Menlove)
B. Information/Discussion regarding the Finance Department's opportunities to improve services for Gila County departments and elected offices to include information accessibility. (Maryn Belling)
C. Information/Discussion regarding Gila County ordinance restrictions to include zoning, building, grading and drainage, deeds, etc. (Randy Pluimer)
D. Information/Discussion regarding recreational vehicles in Gila County as outlined in the Gila County Zoning Ordinance for Unincorporated Areas of Gila County. (Randy Pluimer)
E. Information/Discussion regarding status updates on Facilities and Land Management Department capital projects. (Joseph Dickison/Dub Brittain)
4. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:  A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Testing. 00:00:02
Nice. 00:00:04
Yes. 00:00:07
Yeah. 00:00:14
Yeah. All right. So whether it seems nice up here, you can hear me. 00:00:17
All right. 00:00:23
This. 00:00:25
How we doing in patient Joseph? We're good. 00:00:31
That's clear. 00:00:35
We get on YouTube. 00:00:37
Good deal. What's in my glasses on? So don't read the wrong lines. 00:00:39
OK, welcome everyone to the special meeting Tuesday, July 25th. It is probably about 10:02. 00:00:45
And we'll start with the edge of the allegiance. 00:00:51
Tim, you want to lead us in the fridge? I'd be happy to. 00:00:56
I pledge allegiance to the flag. 00:01:01
Of the United States. 00:01:04
And to the Republic for which it stands. 00:01:06
One day. 00:01:09
Monica. 00:01:10
Indivisible with liberty. 00:01:11
OK, on the regular agenda items #2A, information discussion action to adopt an order to cancel the November 7th, 23 Tunnel basin. 00:01:19
Unified School District #33 election. 00:01:29
And the point to individuals as shown on Schedule A of the order for the term term of office ending on December 34th, 31st, 24. 00:01:32
Good morning, Roy. Good morning. How are you? 00:01:38
Um. 00:01:45
A little explanation behind this. 00:01:46
The Toronto board. 00:01:49
5. 00:01:52
Elected officials on the town of Ward. 00:01:53
Two of them resigned. 00:01:56
Again. 00:01:58
Early May. 00:01:59
I went through a process to. 00:02:01
Point those two. 00:02:03
I appointed them in June, took about a month to go through all the candidates, that type of thing. 00:02:05
Once I appointed them. 00:02:13
Two more. 00:02:15
Board members from Toronto. 00:02:17
Resign. 00:02:18
So that left. 00:02:20
Basically. 00:02:22
Uh. 00:02:24
3. 00:02:25
And they have a quorum. 00:02:26
For me though, the. 00:02:28
The statutes give me authority to appoint board members. 00:02:30
I don't think that it is ethical. 00:02:35
For me to make a decision. 00:02:38
To end up appointing all five board members, all five elected officials. 00:02:40
To a school board and so consequently. 00:02:46
I and and that's what would have happened because of that. 00:02:49
So I called a special election. 00:02:53
Because in my mind, it's the people. 00:02:55
That need to. 00:02:57
Elect those folks. 00:02:59
So. 00:03:01
Ohh, we got the election ready. 00:03:01
And lo and behold, only two applicants filed. 00:03:04
For those so. 00:03:08
They would have to pay for that election to the tune of about $7000. 00:03:10
And so I am canceling the election and I will appoint those board members. 00:03:15
Appointed as elected. 00:03:19
Which I'm OK with. 00:03:22
Because. 00:03:24
Appointed as elected is very different than me just appointing they are appointed as elected. In other words, they will do their 00:03:25
entire term. 00:03:30
And it's the people. 00:03:35
From Tanner Basin. 00:03:37
That applied for the election and went through the paperwork and got the signatures. It's not me. 00:03:38
Finding somebody and appointing them. So I'm I'm OK with that because it's the people that have spoken in that case. 00:03:44
So consequently I can I can. 00:03:50
Go ahead and. 00:03:54
Undo their selection if you will, which is, which is fine. 00:03:56
Can I answer questions for you? 00:04:00
Thank you really Supervisor Humphrey. 00:04:02
I I I guess the question that comes to mind is. 00:04:05
Why the turnover at, you know, it seems like. 00:04:09
Wow. 00:04:13
It it it that that's the question that just comes off the topic. Sure, you know why? Why all of a sudden the major turnover, but 00:04:14
but I guess that's not something that I really need an answer to, because that's not anything I can deal with anyway. 00:04:21
The good question, Mr. Humphries, and a good answer to. 00:04:29
Um. 00:04:34
With with small districts or no with any districts districts certainly the the statutes give a great deal of authority and 00:04:34
autonomy to the local school district, the local governing board who are elected by their people. 00:04:41
Ohh, Just like the statutes give authority. 00:04:49
To me. 00:04:54
And to you. 00:04:55
Those are in separate. 00:04:57
Silos. So what happens sometimes? 00:04:59
And and it seems to be with small districts, they. 00:05:03
Controversies arise and the whole community. 00:05:07
Gets involved in these controversies. 00:05:12
And um. 00:05:14
It causes. 00:05:17
Occurrences like this to happen? 00:05:20
Do I wish I could step in the middle of it and say? 00:05:23
Let me help you. 00:05:26
You know. 00:05:28
I do. 00:05:29
But I have to be mindful of where the statutes, where my authority ends. 00:05:30
Right where it begins and and what I'm actually. 00:05:36
Authorized to do so do I do step in and say? 00:05:39
In terms of the. 00:05:45
Interim Superintendent and How can I help you? 00:05:48
How can I help with your finances? 00:05:51
Are there questions I can answer? Are there experiences that are there questions you have with the operations that you don't have 00:05:54
an expertise on? Can I lend a hand? 00:05:59
But I can't go in and. 00:06:06
Understand. Does that make sense? It does. I'm trying to be discreet here and I just hope what we do help. 00:06:09
What's that? I said. I understand which I support what you're doing and I understand. I just hope that what we do helps. 00:06:15
It it, what you do does help and and none of us like to see a. 00:06:22
A school board goes through this because, I mean, my experience is. 00:06:28
Once a board starts. 00:06:32
I call it kind of the Tippy Canoe. 00:06:35
It starts taking on water and it just takes on more and more and then it takes. 00:06:38
Seven or eight years to really get things squared away, so. 00:06:43
The best we can do is give help. 00:06:47
As much as possible until such time as that happens. That's the best I can. Thank you Supervisor Christensen. Thank you, Chairman. 00:06:50
Thank you, Roy. I understand your rationalization. 00:06:55
I just would refer to our legal opinion about whether or not you can actually appoint as elected versus just a point and and how 00:07:01
that works. 00:07:06
OK, the applicable statute here, it's a Rs 16410. Basically it's giving the board the power to eliminate the elections and 00:07:19
outpoint upon petitions being submitted, not a petition and application for candidacy. 00:07:28
So the board would have the ability to eliminate the elections and appoint in that regard not. 00:07:37
The Superintendent. 00:07:43
OK. 00:07:45
Thank you. You good? Yeah. 00:07:47
Roy, I'm good. So with that I'll entertain a motion. 00:07:49
Well, Mr. Chairman, I'll make a motion that. 00:07:55
We canceled the November 7th, 2023. 00:07:59
Tonal Basin Unified School District #33 Election Appoint The individual is shown on Schedule A. 00:08:04
Of the order for the term of office ending December 31st, 2024. 00:08:10
Mr. Chair, I'll second that having a motion, and second, all in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. 00:08:16
Thank you, Rory. Thank you. Hopefully that helps. 00:08:24
Onto to be information discussion action to authorize the advertisement of invitation. 00:08:27
Forbids number 120422. 00:08:33
Stagecoach trail improvements Homer Ohh. 00:08:36
Got you this morning. Good morning, Sir. How are you? Good morning. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Board members. 00:08:40
This is a request. 00:08:46
To advertise Invitation for bids number 120. 00:08:48
422 Stagecoach Trail Improvements Project. 00:08:52
The proposed work is in the Roosevelt Lake Resort community on Stagecoach Trail. 00:08:57
From Spur Trail to Antelope Trail. 00:09:03
The improvements consist of constructing new pavement. 00:09:07
Any concrete valley gutter for the two lane roadway with Side Street. 00:09:11
Credibly charged. 00:09:15
The project funding uses a transportation excise tax fund. 00:09:17
And is currently funded at $500,000. 00:09:22
Dibble Engineering has prepared planned specifications and a project estimate. 00:09:26
For advertisement. 00:09:31
The This community lies at the foothills of a nearby Mesa. 00:09:35
And is located on the east Bank of Pinole Creek. 00:09:39
During Storm advance the community. 00:09:43
Experiences inundation ranging in severity from nuisance ponding. 00:09:46
To St. and parcel inundation. 00:09:51
The primary objective of the project is to improve drainage. 00:09:55
And mitigate existing flooding potential. 00:09:59
And to reduce storm water related. 00:10:03
Maintenance for both residents and. 00:10:05
County staff. 00:10:09
The project is designed to collect and convey. 00:10:11
Water from a 10 year six hour storm event. 00:10:14
In conclusion, it is in the best interest of Heather County to solicit bids. 00:10:19
Or the Roosevelt Lake Resort Stagecoach Trail Improvements Project. 00:10:24
Again, the project is funded in the FY24 Transportation Excise Tax Fund for $500,000. 00:10:30
And this project will improve drainage. 00:10:38
And reduce the potential for flooding due to storm events. 00:10:41
And as a recommendation. 00:10:46
Is the recommendation of our public works department. 00:10:48
Director. 00:10:51
That the Board of Supervisors advertise this construction project. 00:10:53
To solicit bids for drainage improvements. 00:10:57
In the Roosevelt Lake resort community. 00:11:02
And I'll be happy to answer any questions. Alright, thank you. Supervisor Humphrey questions, comments. I don't have any 00:11:05
questions. This is when I've been riding for like 6 years. It's a drainage that I feel is is extremely necessary. 00:11:11
Because we've had work sessions on this before and and and we've displayed pictures and things that show. 00:11:19
Completely. You know neighborhoods that are underwater if we get storms and so to for this drainage to be coming up is. 00:11:26
Is. 00:11:35
Important. 00:11:36
To the residents there and and so I'm I'm glad to see it. 00:11:37
Come before us and I I have no questions because. 00:11:42
I've stayed with this project and get well informed as as we've gone forward with this. 00:11:46
Supervisor Christiansen, thank you. Thank you, Tom. 00:11:54
If I remember right, wasn't there a component here about? 00:11:57
The water company and water lines that went underneath and who's going to pay for what and and and so that's all been worked out. 00:12:00
It's it's still in the works as it stands right now in the plans and specifications. 00:12:06
We're going to encase any water mains that are in the way. We're going to encase them in cement slurry mix. 00:12:12
OK. However, the water company was recently sold. The new owners have come to us and expressed an interest. 00:12:20
In working with our contractor during our project, they would like for us to dig trenches at each intersection. 00:12:30
And also along Stagecoach Trail there's another section. 00:12:37
They would, then we would. 00:12:42
Our contractor would take a slight pause. They would come in. 00:12:43
Install the water mains. 00:12:47
Pressure test and chlorinate them. 00:12:49
Flush them out. 00:12:53
And get it. Get them operational. 00:12:54
Our role would be to dig the trenches. 00:12:57
Fine. Grade the trenches, Place the bedding material, backfill. 00:13:00
This is still in the works. Nothing's been finalized. It's not in the current plans that we're advertising. So this would be an 00:13:05
addendum to the project. 00:13:09
Our benefit would be that we would not have to use the cement slurry mix to encase the water mains. 00:13:14
That are in the way we would, the contractor would. 00:13:20
The water company would cut and plug those. 00:13:24
Those water mains and we would just remove them. 00:13:26
But again, this is all it's this is all. 00:13:29
In the works right now. OK. Thanks Tom. 00:13:32
So Tom with that there's change like that is you see a any big difference in the cost of the project or there could be some, but I 00:13:35
I kind of so they won't have to do the cement slurry. 00:13:40
If they won't have to take the time to gently expose these water mains, which are my understanding, they're pretty old and they 00:13:46
could break, so they've got to be pretty gentle with them. 00:13:51
So that will speed the contractor up in some. 00:13:56
Aspects in other aspects digging the trenches. 00:13:59
And then waiting for the water company to install the the water mains, that's going to slow us down. So hopefully it'll be a wash 00:14:02
as well I think. 00:14:06
OK. 00:14:10
Alright, thank you. With that again, a motion. 00:14:11
Mr. Chua. 00:14:15
I make a motion to authorize the advertisement of the invitation for bid number 120422, Stagecoach Trail Improvements. I will 00:14:16
second that. 00:14:21
Having a motion and second all in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tom. 00:14:26
On to see 2C information discussion action to approve a special event liquor license. 00:14:32
Application submitted by Love Where You live for a special event to be held on August 2nd, 23 at the Cooper Valley Recreation 00:14:38
Center. Fernando Shipley, good morning, How are you? Good morning, Chairman, supervisors and staff. Thank you for accommodating me 00:14:44
on such short notice. 00:14:49
Apparently I tried to annex the Country Club into the city of Globe and you know, I thought it was in a city of Globe. I got 00:14:55
permission for the special event and got approved, Got it issued. 00:15:01
And then it turned out the Fire Chief informed me that it has actually in the county. 00:15:07
Um, so Michael Driscoll was kind enough to help me figure out what we could do. 00:15:13
So I called the Department of Liquor. 00:15:17
They cancelled that special event and are waiting for me to show up. 00:15:20
Hopefully with an approved special event through the county authorizing the special event it is for. 00:15:25
The Rural Policy Forum is going to be here in the Globe area for next week. 00:15:32
And so it'll be a special dinner, presentations, and we'll be running the bar for the Lions Club. 00:15:37
And Love where You Live is still Wilshire. She has a nonprofit that they're doing all the beautification around the area. So. 00:15:44
If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Thank you Fernando, Supervisor Humphrey and questions comments. I have 00:15:52
no questions other than I'm glad we're able to get you in front of us with a with a week to go before the event. So, well, thank 00:15:57
you for helping me. Appreciate that. Not a problem. 00:16:02
Thanks. I'm good too, Fernando. So good luck with your project. Thank you very. Ohh. I got it. I got a question coming. 00:16:09
Just of motion, it's not to approve the special special liquor license application, it's to submit. 00:16:18
A recommendation to the liquor board, but guys would approve it, OK? 00:16:25
You got that? 00:16:30
Supervising Christians getting there. 00:16:32
Recommend that recommendation to the board. 00:16:35
Chairman member supervisors are submitting a recommendation for approval. 00:16:41
To the liquor board. 00:16:45
OK. 00:16:48
I think I got all that down. Are you calling for a motion? Yep. OK, Mr. Chairman. 00:16:53
I will move to submit a recommendation for approval of the Special Event liquor license. 00:17:00
Submitted by The Love Where You Live. 00:17:07
For special event which will occur August 2nd, 2023 at the Cobra Valley Recreational Center. 00:17:10
I got a nod, so I'll second it. You are nod every motion in a second. All in favor. Do so by saying aye. Aye, aye, aye. Motion 00:17:19
carries. Thank you, Fernando. Good seeing you. 00:17:23
Have a good day. 00:17:34
On the #3 work session items 3A Information Discussion regarding the County Supervisors Associations, CSA 24 legislative 00:17:35
proposals. 00:17:40
That will be considered at the October 11th through the 13th CSA. 00:17:46
Legislative Summit James, Mr. Chairman and Members of Board of Social. 00:17:51
Remain seated here. 00:17:56
From this presentation. 00:17:58
Want to thank you Andy Jacobs for coming to join us here for this discussion from the Policy Development Group. 00:17:59
In the state of Arizona. 00:18:06
And representing Hannah County at the state legislature. 00:18:07
I wanted to and I put this on a copy of this on your. 00:18:11
On the counter there. 00:18:14
Of just kind of a summary of what we did with last year's legislatives. 00:18:16
CSA Legislative Summit. 00:18:22
And this one will be in October in Flagstaff. 00:18:24
That. 00:18:28
They'll have, we'll have that discussion of what we as as counties in Arizona are going to take to the Arizona State legislature. 00:18:30
The second session. 00:18:39
That they will have in January. 00:18:41
These are, first of all, the ones that we had just as CSA legislative coalition priorities. 00:18:44
One supporting the state county partnership. 00:18:50
Increased transportation investment. 00:18:53
And these are things that Craig when he came and reported to us that that he. 00:18:55
Went through with these once again show these, these are where the legislative priorities that we that were established as a part 00:19:00
of the summit. 00:19:04
The thing that that was there were positive result was there was a 12.5 million deposit state match advantage for rural 00:19:08
transportation program meaning that when there are matching requirements for certain grants. 00:19:14
That there are certain monies set aside the state level. 00:19:20
I also wanted to note that there was 500 something million that was set aside. 00:19:23
Because of there was a cash balance. 00:19:29
That. 00:19:31
If you travel N out of. 00:19:32
Globe. 00:19:35
You'll notice that down in the Canyon that the road was just warm, complete big huge pothole. 00:19:36
They have the the A dot has. 00:19:41
Paved on the southern portion of the road into Silver Canyon. 00:19:44
As completely repaid put on new service with asphalt. And so that was one thing that the state legislature did approve. 00:19:49
That 500 + 1,000,000 or specialized projects to get some new asphalt down. 00:19:55
And that's there are other ones in Healy County, but that was one. 00:20:02
Very specific that is made, made a big difference. 00:20:06
Expand access to broadband that There's new Rural Broadband Accelerated Match Point 3.6 million that is eligible for counties. 00:20:10
There's also about 100. 00:20:19
Billion I believe that it's set aside for. 00:20:22
Broadband throughout. 00:20:26
Arizona and. 00:20:27
This the Arizona Commerce Authority is having specific meetings. 00:20:30
Of how to determine? 00:20:33
Whether. 00:20:35
What is really underserved and not served areas of Arizona and so we're having those discussions and and we'll we'll have input to 00:20:38
the state the ACA. 00:20:42
To what is underserved, underserved and that. So that's something they'll be heavily discussed as part of the. 00:20:48
Summit this year. 00:20:55
Protect investments in public safety pensions. As you know, we as a county went through and. 00:20:58
And really addressed. 00:21:03
The issues of public safety pensions for Heela County. 00:21:06
The danger is, is that the state legislature will look at and say, Oh well, here the county. 00:21:09
We we did a bond and and sold those and and got caught up as far as PSPRS concerned. 00:21:14
Concern is, is they'll look at that and say we're fully funded or we're over 100% funded now. 00:21:20
But so we can grant a whole bunch of new. 00:21:25
Incentives to retract. 00:21:28
Firefighters and policemen and. 00:21:31
Deputies in that. 00:21:33
And so it's a continuous education process or state legislatures. No, we still have that debt on our books. We're managing. We're 00:21:34
doing it very wisely as a county. 00:21:39
But through. 00:21:44
We can't get out of line of what is a healthy retirement system. And so the state Legislatures County Supervisors Association. 00:21:46
Commits significant resources to that education and making sure that we don't get in a bad way again with our retirement plans. 00:21:54
As far as the, the, the. 00:22:04
The unions that are trying to. 00:22:09
Talent for better benefits for public safety people. 00:22:12
I I think that there is just a personal opinion, but I believe that they are off base saying that we need to have all these new 00:22:16
benefits because in my opinion of what's attracting. 00:22:21
Individuals to come and work in jobs for the county. 00:22:26
Across the counties and across in government, regardless of what they are, including public safety, is the the bottom line. 00:22:29
Salaries. The wages. 00:22:33
And the more money you put into a benefit that a new recruit? 00:22:37
Doesn't see for. 00:22:41
30-40 fifty years. 00:22:43
They could really care less about that. They want to get that money in their pocket now. 00:22:46
And so. 00:22:50
Enhancing benefits takes away from our ability. 00:22:51
To put money in the pockets of our. 00:22:54
Detention officers are detectives and. 00:22:57
And others in the Sheriff's Office, so. 00:23:00
Ohh. 00:23:03
Very important in my opinion, that we always that CSA and all of us address that. 00:23:04
UH addresses challenges in probation funding. As you know the the state legislature has wanted to pass on more. 00:23:10
Costs for probationers. 00:23:17
Two counties and if we give a raise then the county then the state legislature will sit wants to say well that's on the counties 00:23:21
and the counties has to. 00:23:25
Because in probation, there's. 00:23:29
About half of the probation officers are funded by the state of Arizona. 00:23:32
And about half of them are funded by the county. But we can't say, OK, well, we're going to give a raise to. 00:23:36
Just the probation officers that are. 00:23:41
Paid for through the county general fund. 00:23:44
And so we give an across the board. 00:23:47
And that's why a year ago when we talked about raises, there was a. 00:23:49
Pretty good discussion about that here with you as a board. 00:23:53
But the state legislature, they wanted to. 00:23:57
They they had it in their bills up to the very end of. 00:24:00
Of saying yeah, the counties you've gotta absorb whatever there is, but. 00:24:02
CSA was able to get that pulled out and then also appropriated 6.75 million to cover those salary increases. So we're good for the 00:24:06
coming year in probation funding and they can get all the raises that you have approved. 00:24:13
For all county employees. 00:24:20
Juvenile corrections. There was a time, shortly after the Great Recession, that all counties had to kick in to pay for a state 00:24:24
department. 00:24:28
They are the juvenile corrections. 00:24:32
Overtime, the counties got away from that, except there has been for the last several years. 00:24:35
Mark Probably and Pima counties had to continue to pay for a state department. 00:24:40
This last year, Pima County was taken away from that, eliminated from that. 00:24:45
Payment of a state. 00:24:50
Department of 1.7 million savings for Pima County. 00:24:52
Mercer County is still paying 6.7 million to that state. 00:24:55
Managed department. 00:24:58
And then the flexibility, language, flexibility language I have through the county Management Association have argued. 00:25:00
Repeatedly. 00:25:07
And I probably. 00:25:08
Irritated few counties. 00:25:10
That utilizes flexibility and language and what that is is that. 00:25:13
It allows for if you have a special district. 00:25:17
In. 00:25:21
You're counting like. 00:25:22
We have several special districts in the county, but one that we utilize is the Library district. 00:25:24
And if we use this flexibility, flexibility language, we could take up to $1.25 million from. 00:25:30
Taxes that are intended for the library district and put that into the general fund. 00:25:37
So there's two counties that utilize this now. Now all county did for a number of years. I believe that they have discontinued the 00:25:41
use of it, but they will pause county. 00:25:46
And. 00:25:52
There are certain reasons there and also Apache County. 00:25:53
That those two utilize like they have a. 00:25:56
Juvenile corrections. 00:25:59
Jail district in. 00:26:00
Apache County that they're taking that money and putting it into their general fund. 00:26:02
To help subsidize general county expenditures. 00:26:06
So that's what this flexibility language is allows is taking. 00:26:10
Tax dollars that are intended for a special district Special district that was approved by the voters. 00:26:14
Taking it out of that intended purpose. 00:26:20
That was approved by the voters and put it into the general fund. 00:26:22
And I've argued that those things need to be cleaned up because they were. This was originally implemented instituted during. 00:26:26
The Great Recession. 00:26:32
Allowed flexibility that when the state was. 00:26:34
Not only reducing county revenues, but also passing expenses on the county. It was pretty essential. 00:26:37
In a lot of ways. 00:26:42
But we've been long since past the regular session. 00:26:45
And they're still utilizing this and so my. 00:26:49
My philosophy or my challenge to counties that use it, is what happens when the economy turns sour again. What turn, what happens 00:26:53
when we go South And you've got to have that and you're already utilizing it and taking all that out. 00:26:59
Then there's no. 00:27:06
Ability. 00:27:08
To manage through a downturn in the economy. 00:27:10
So those are the the. 00:27:14
State the counties overall what the County Supervisors Association has addressed with the state legislature. 00:27:16
The ones that we brought to the. 00:27:23
Legislative Summit. There were 15 proposals that were made. 00:27:25
To and they are listed here one through. 00:27:29
One through 15. 00:27:32
Of those 15 that we had discussions spent. 00:27:34
A good 5-6 hours discussing these items. 00:27:38
With all the other counties. 00:27:41
And and in the end. 00:27:43
Of those 15, there were only. 00:27:45
I believe. 00:27:47
Four or five that actually got approved for the county supervisor association. 00:27:49
To carry forward. 00:27:55
Um. 00:27:57
You're right, there's 12345. 00:28:01
6:00 and 7:00. 00:28:05
Several of them. So half of them, less than half got taken to as part of the. 00:28:06
Platform. 00:28:12
Of the County Supervisors Association. 00:28:13
Of those seven that actually made it to. 00:28:16
CSA and taking to the state legislature, there were four that actually. 00:28:20
Were put into bills. 00:28:24
And they're indicated in green that one that was mental health evaluation modifications. 00:28:26
And what this was is that they. 00:28:31
Required in rural counties. Required two doctors to do a mental health and evaluation. 00:28:33
And that's just really hard because we don't have the available resources, so they've changed. So you have to have one doctor and 00:28:38
one. 00:28:41
Umm. 00:28:45
Nurse practitioner or something like that. So have. 00:28:47
Able to address that. 00:28:50
School district legal representation. 00:28:52
That was where the county. 00:28:55
Attorney's office was having to represent school districts and the. 00:28:57
College community, College districts required to. 00:29:02
There's new flexible language that the county attorneys office can. 00:29:05
Say yeah we were able to do that or no we're not that they're they're not mandated that they have to that they can. 00:29:09
Take a consideration in their workload and also sometimes there's a conflict of interest and they're required to represent. 00:29:15
The county board supervisors. 00:29:22
But so they don't have to represent both sides or this conflict of interest. 00:29:25
Taxpayer protection. 00:29:30
And that's just reducing the amount of. 00:29:32
Things that have to be. 00:29:35
Advertised. 00:29:36
Which sometimes gets extensive. 00:29:38
And finally, biosolid restrictions for Yuma County. 00:29:41
And they have a big deal on the West Coast of Arizona. 00:29:45
Of taking garbage out of California and. 00:29:49
Putting it onto Arizona property and so there's some issues with that. 00:29:52
So as we. 00:29:56
It takes a lot to actually have a discussion about what we want to do as as our legislative platform wanted to have the discussion 00:29:59
with you here today. 00:30:04
Any issues that you might? 00:30:09
Have thought about or considered? 00:30:10
And to we've got Andy, as I mentioned here with us today, that we can put this together as a package to bring it to the 00:30:13
Legislative Summit. 00:30:17
These any issues that we want to bring to CSA or required? 00:30:21
By a week from Friday. 00:30:25
On August. 00:30:27
Which Monday? 00:30:29
This coming Monday, August 7th. 00:30:30
And so we need to have this discussion that if there there's anything we want to to have. 00:30:33
Want to present a couple. I know there's one for Steve, Roger Humphrey and I'm going to let you see Roger Humphrey present that 00:30:38
and discuss that as you want about the. 00:30:43
Payment of taxes by cash in that if you wouldn't mind. 00:30:48
But one is 1 is the. 00:30:52
Different money that we received based on our. 00:30:55
Our. 00:30:59
The fires, wildland fires that we've had here in HeLa County that for two years on the road, the state legislature saw how 00:31:01
devastated Helen County and Coconino counties, whereby. 00:31:06
Qualifiers. 00:31:11
And appropriated. 00:31:12
Significant amounts of money. 00:31:14
And of that money? 00:31:16
We have been able to utilize to get equipment that we need. 00:31:18
And to get sandbags and other things that help us. 00:31:21
To mitigate the circumstances of flooding that we received. 00:31:24
As you know for this. 00:31:28
In this year's budget. 00:31:30
That money was not appropriated to. 00:31:32
Through the through them. 00:31:35
And so through Coconino County. 00:31:38
And I've talked to. 00:31:41
Cooking County soup. 00:31:43
Coconino County Manager Steve Peru. 00:31:45
About. 00:31:49
Putting forward a proposal that there would be $35 million included in the state budget annually. 00:31:52
And this $35 million would be intended specifically for counties because you know the money that was originally allocated up to 00:31:57
140 something million. 00:32:01
That was originally allocated went partly to counties and partly to the state. Not different things. 00:32:06
This is a request to have $35 million appropriated. 00:32:11
To the Department of Forestry and Fire Management. 00:32:14
Annually so that there can be money available not just for. 00:32:17
Repairing damage done by floods, but in. 00:32:22
Thinning and other projects that will help to deal with. 00:32:26
Forest fires and help to reduce the magnitude of forest fires as they come on so. 00:32:30
I have indicated that we would definitely be as a county as far as I was concerned. 00:32:35
Interested in supporting this? Maybe even Co sponsoring this with? 00:32:40
Coconino County. 00:32:44
And. 00:32:46
Would put this forward for any discussion and that there might be a. 00:32:49
Of requesting. 00:32:54
Through County Square Association, the 35 million for. 00:32:55
Are to be countered different for use by counties in. 00:32:59
Fighting for forest fires and. 00:33:04
Mitigating damage that comes from that, from fighting post fire and also. 00:33:07
Helping to deal with. 00:33:12
Forced and reduce the magnitude of forest fires. 00:33:14
It's done. 00:33:18
James, I was able to have a little bit of discussion with him in in Texas about this as well and I I think it's a I think it's a 00:33:20
good plan. I think the I think there needs to be some kind of. 00:33:26
Parameter set. 00:33:33
By just how much would you be willing to put in? 00:33:34
Into project based. 00:33:38
On 1st or and hold. 00:33:41
How much in reserves for emergency circumstances? 00:33:45
Because we never know when that big rain's gonna hit us and roads are gonna flood and things like that, so. 00:33:49
I mean. 00:33:54
I I think I don't know how you would do that, I guess is what I'm saying. 00:33:55
But I think the the proposal, not the. 00:34:00
The whole idea of this is good. You know it's. 00:34:03
With any luck, we wouldn't spend any of it on the emergency side of it, you know, and be able to spend someone on projects. But so 00:34:07
with that, I I don't know if you guys thought about how that would be. 00:34:12
Handled or or percentage wise what that 35 million you can look at for project based. 00:34:18
Um. 00:34:25
Solutions or or whatever. 00:34:26
Mr. Chairman, haven't had that discussion at this point in time. 00:34:28
But certainly that is under consideration and as you know, Governor. 00:34:33
The governor. 00:34:37
There was some money left in the account that had originally been appropriated. 00:34:39
And the governor stopped any. 00:34:44
Projects ahead of time. 00:34:46
So that there would be money available for any emergencies, just like you're talking about that during the monsoon season, if 00:34:47
there were any emergencies that they're ensure that there's money left side, so that would. 00:34:53
Definitely mean. 00:34:58
Something that would need to be addressed, but as far as I know. 00:34:59
That's not been discussed. 00:35:02
OK. 00:35:04
Alright that that would be my main question. Other otherwise I think the thought behind it is good and I do and. 00:35:05
And I think right now we might have like. 00:35:11
Around $6,000,000 committed in projects that still get wrapped up and finished, but. 00:35:14
So. 00:35:20
That's my thoughts. How about you guys? 00:35:23
Yeah, I'm all for for money, for prevention and things, but we also need. 00:35:26
Some for rebuilding infrastructure that we lost during some of these floods we have. 00:35:30
You know in in my district we've got the hospital that's not protected. We got, you know Russell roads washed out and and that 00:35:35
power station. 00:35:39
Is right there by the landfill it it's still unprotected. 00:35:43
And Roosevelt we got. 00:35:47
You know. 00:35:49
A wash that floods out and we've got water and homes, so you know, after these. 00:35:50
Fires. 00:35:56
I I think money for prevention and and money to. 00:35:58
Help keep some of these floods from being as damaging. 00:36:01
But, but once they've damaged I, I I think, well, it's it's apparent that we need infrastructure money because we haven't had 00:36:05
those fires and since those fires we haven't been able to rebuild anything. 00:36:10
We've got a lot of engineering done and we've got we've spent some money on on what we can do. 00:36:16
But we don't have any money to do anything other than sit and watch. 00:36:22
Some of these things fall apart the next rain we get, so. 00:36:26
Yeah, on, on that particular deal. 00:36:30
I I would like to see some. 00:36:33
You know some infrastructure for after. 00:36:35
After these damaging effects. 00:36:38
Steve again, anything you want? Yeah, about that. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you, James, for that. Yeah, I look forward to the October. 00:36:42
Time we're gonna have in Flagstaff. 00:36:49
The. 00:36:51
I wanted to clarify though on this flexibility language of the CSA is recommending that we keep that. 00:36:52
And you are as well. 00:36:59
I I kind of got a little lost in there. 00:37:02
Sorry. 00:37:04
I I believe that the two counties that can that continue to use that are going to request that would be a part of the CSA 00:37:05
platform. OK, I do not support it. You don't support it. 00:37:10
And. 00:37:16
I'm glad to hear that. I just, I understand. So yeah, I think it's gets to a dangerous point where we can sort of take. 00:37:17
Monies out of. 00:37:24
Pockets that the voters have. 00:37:26
Voted that that's for that project, not for some other project. So yeah, OK. Thank you for that clarification. 00:37:29
That's all I am. So James, back to that $35 million. 00:37:37
Why? Why was it $35 million? Do you know? 00:37:41
Mr. will leave that to an approximate amount of what was from those original appropriations to appropriations. 00:37:45
That was what was committed to counties. 00:37:51
We have. 00:37:55
To date, there's been spent almost 65 million, so about 70 million that was appropriated from 35 million each year that was 00:37:59
appropriated to counties. 00:38:03
And about 60. 00:38:08
64.6 million, so there's like we said about 6 million that's remaining. 00:38:10
That can be spent, that the governor put on hold. 00:38:15
So I believe that that was the amount that would. 00:38:18
Appropriated fork county use. 00:38:22
The 35 million. 00:38:24
Approximately. 00:38:26
Everyone say that we have as a county, Mr. Chairman, members of board $13.6 million of money that was has. 00:38:28
Through that money, 13.6 million that has come to heal a county. 00:38:36
And using Healer County. 00:38:39
For all the different things that we have. 00:38:41
The big user, of course, is cooking up kind of 41. 00:38:43
$42 million. 00:38:47
That they've used. 00:38:48
That, and a lot of that was their water line come off the peaks. 00:38:49
There. 00:38:53
That's where the big. 00:38:53
Expenditure for Coconino was. 00:38:55
Other you know as far as project wise I think because of the. 00:38:58
Wide areas that we had, we had way more projects. 00:39:02
But it was money I were thankful we had, thankful we had it to spin where we did so. 00:39:07
But I'm just curious on how that's gonna be. 00:39:13
Deep. 00:39:17
Determine where, how much goes where and stuff like that I. 00:39:17
That's that's my biggest curiosity I guess I I need to research that. 00:39:21
Forcefully and look into that if if if there will be parameters limitations on what it can be used for, what should be. 00:39:27
Q Score. 00:39:33
And have that specification. 00:39:34
In the legislature, should they appropriate the money? 00:39:36
And then I see right Humphrey, as you said. 00:39:40
There's still a great, great need. 00:39:44
And here the county, Absolutely. You know, and and and I'm glad Tim brought it up, but Russell Rd. 00:39:46
And maybe this is a time because this is fire related and part of. 00:39:52
Need to be that money. But where are we with Russell Rd. What's what's really the? 00:39:56
As chairman, if that's OK, we'll have Homer. We've had several discussions on that. Homer is looking into that and. 00:40:02
Continuing to pursue what we do as Russell Rhodes, So did did you, Homer. 00:40:08
Chairman. Yeah, Chairman and board members and county manager hold it. 00:40:12
That discussion is not on the on the agenda, even though it's part of the fire and the washouts and our projects and everything we 00:40:16
tried to get approved. It's a trust. 00:40:20
Yeah, Chairman, it's a stretch. 00:40:24
You're saved by the Bell, Homer. 00:40:27
Mr. Chairman, I'll let me just say that that is continuing to be pursued actively. 00:40:30
And Homer and his team are. 00:40:35
Looking at. 00:40:38
It's an expensive project, probably $25 million. 00:40:39
The cost of building Tunnel Creek Bridge to repair Russell. 00:40:43
Road and so. 00:40:47
That's the challenge all on the go. 00:40:50
She can watch me. 00:40:55
Yes, Sir. 00:40:58
So the savior of bruised game, baby. We'll move on. Yes, thank you. That'd be great. 00:41:01
Mr. Chair, back to just one question and and then we'll we'll move on, but back to that flexible flexibility language on counties 00:41:08
using funds. 00:41:12
You know, I wonder where that fits in with the state. 00:41:17
State auditors. 00:41:19
Because it would seem that that would be more of an issue of support or not support, if the auditors are fine with it. 00:41:21
I'm not going to go against Tyler County surviving or what they're doing with their funds. 00:41:27
But I I I would like some input before I supported or didn't support something on how. 00:41:32
How the state auditors felt about how they were. 00:41:38
Dealing with their funding and that's that's just my two cents worth and I don't need an answer. 00:41:41
And that's just that's just my $0.02 worth. 00:41:46
Some point in time, we can move on to what we'd like to have out of for the for the next. 00:41:50
Legislative summits. But yeah, that's that's Chairman Roger Roger on free. 00:41:57
Good question. 00:42:03
Really, the state auditors has no say in it if the state legislature passes a law. 00:42:05
That says you can use Flood Control District money. 00:42:11
To pay for. 00:42:15
Detention officer salaries and the general fund. Then the state legislature said it's OK. 00:42:20
And so. 00:42:25
Well, the state auditor can't say it's an appropriate use of funds or not because it's been approved by law. 00:42:27
OK. 00:42:35
Second one, Mr. Chairman, there's your permission. 00:42:38
One wanted to talk about is. 00:42:41
The. 00:42:44
The lands out here out by the Fairgrounds. 00:42:45
And we had put in the head of discussion in a work session and actually had taken some. 00:42:49
An item to the Board of Supervisors to approve pursuing. 00:42:55
Purchase of state lands out by the fairgrounds. Parcel of 120 acres to the West, the fairgrounds of 160 acres to the South. 00:42:59
For the for grounds total of 100 and 280 acres. 00:43:07
State the state. 00:43:11
Land department came back to the county and said. 00:43:15
Umm. 00:43:18
We're not sure if we want to allow the county to continue to pursue acquisition of that land because we feel like that in 10 years 00:43:20
time that it's going to. 00:43:25
I'd be worth more. It's only just going to let it sit for 10 years and then maybe, maybe the state land department can sell it for 00:43:32
more money than we than they could currently. 00:43:36
And in speaking with Representative Cook. 00:43:42
He said that there's potentially be some legislative things and. 00:43:45
I won't say what else he mentioned about it, but that. 00:43:50
So I want to take a look at and potentially put in. 00:43:54
A proposal? 00:43:58
That would differentiate in state statute. 00:44:00
The difference between what a developer goes to the state land department about acquiring, purchasing state lands that they're 00:44:03
going to develop turn into homes or businesses, whatever it might be. 00:44:09
That's a poor profit. 00:44:15
Business enterprise are utilizing those state lands of course that is at a premium, a premium cost to the revenues or sales price. 00:44:19
Form back to the State Land Department. Now these state land departments, they're they're supposed to be used for education and 00:44:29
different things. 00:44:32
And so they do want to make sure they get the maximum dollars and reinvest those dollars back into. 00:44:35
The state of around going through education and other things. 00:44:41
But. 00:44:44
There's an equally important purpose of. 00:44:46
Giving back to the community community that we have, why we have a fairgrounds or a park or recreation activity or are things that 00:44:50
we have. 00:44:54
That the counties purpose is not necessarily. 00:44:58
To. 00:45:03
Make a profit. 00:45:04
On acquiring a 280 acres. 00:45:06
Four models. 00:45:10
North of globe that our intent is to benefit the citizens, benefit the public. 00:45:11
Through different things of. 00:45:18
Being able to recreate in Heela County, being able to have open spaces or parks and and trails and different things of that 00:45:21
nature. 00:45:25
I wouldn't with Supervisor Humphrey. 00:45:29
Last week. 00:45:32
Toward the fairgrounds and to look and see where we're at with that property and things that we could potentially do in there. 00:45:33
There's a lot. There's a a list of things that bring benefit to the public. 00:45:38
So I want to have into your consideration and. 00:45:43
Umm. 00:45:47
Paid by the Senate to have a. 00:45:49
Unless you say no, we're we're we just follow whatever the laws are to see if there's something we can do that with Jeffrey and 00:45:51
you between a government. 00:45:55
Trying to acquire state land. 00:45:59
And a developer. 00:46:01
Trying to. 00:46:03
I am to. 00:46:04
Acquire state land that there's two separate purposes and there's a that a different value. 00:46:06
Part of the problem with. 00:46:12
With the county and going through to. 00:46:13
Go through this whole process. We have to invest money to go through this process to acquire state land. 00:46:17
But then at the end of the day, after we've invested, well, maybe several 1000 dollars, $10,000, whatever it might be. 00:46:24
That the the property goes up for auction. 00:46:31
And that goes to the highest bidder. 00:46:36
So here we are, a government that's investing to look to not gain. 00:46:38
From it to give a quality of life investment for the citizens of Heela County. 00:46:44
And somebody can come in that wants to develop it and will make Per Turner profit. 00:46:50
And if they did $1.00 more than Healey County can. 00:46:55
That property would go to the developer. 00:46:59
After Gonna County has done all you have to do. 00:47:02
Research on you know you know, is it? 00:47:05
All the different things, not as much as the environmental statement, but we have to go through a lot of that same process to look 00:47:08
at the property and. 00:47:12
And see what impacts it would have by. 00:47:15
The state selling that property. 00:47:18
So want to see if we need to clarify some of that in state statute. 00:47:21
Mr. Chairman. 00:47:26
James. 00:47:28
Thank you, James. 00:47:29
So. 00:47:32
I see what you're saying. 00:47:35
Umm. 00:47:38
I I. 00:47:41
I'm not sure how that will work. 00:47:42
You know and and in theory it's already there. It's already the same, just because of the fact that it goes to an auction. 00:47:46
After it gets in the process. 00:47:52
So. 00:47:55
It. 00:47:56
So with that being the case. 00:47:57
You know, if if we were bidding against two or three other developers or whatever, it's just however much money we would want to. 00:48:00
Bit on the property. 00:48:08
It still has. They still have the opportunities. 00:48:09
To make as much money. 00:48:12
Is that properties gonna make? 00:48:14
Should there should there be a differentiation in state statute between a government? 00:48:19
And a developer. 00:48:25
A for profit. 00:48:26
Enterprise. 00:48:28
Part of me says yes and part of me says no. 00:48:30
You know, because I look at it too, for you're absolutely right, you know, for us to acquire it, we can use it for different 00:48:33
reasons that benefits the public. 00:48:37
But also there's a housing need in a lot of our areas. 00:48:42
That. 00:48:46
The developer would. 00:48:47
You know, contribute to that. 00:48:50
Probably at a. 00:48:52
A higher price, let's say if we did affordable housing, a developer may do high end housing, whatever. 00:48:55
The other thing over there is is. 00:49:01
Is if a developer buys it. 00:49:03
The City of Globe has it annexed. It's in Globe. 00:49:06
And then they they make more off of it see, than what they're gonna make off of us, what we would provide. So, so there's 00:49:10
different. 00:49:14
Kind of different ways of looking at this I. 00:49:18
You know, so for us to have a. 00:49:21
A preference over a developer or whatever, I don't, I don't know. 00:49:25
Ohh. 00:49:29
What do you guys think? 00:49:30
Well. 00:49:34
I I think that could be something to take to the legislature. 00:49:35
To see if they differentiate between a government reaching for a piece of property or private developer reaching for a piece of 00:49:39
property and the reason I say that. 00:49:43
Is because as Mr. Minoff said. 00:49:48
If if we pursue this, then we have to do all the studies, we have to pay for all the studies. 00:49:52
Before this section will even be set aside for bid. 00:49:57
And then once it's set aside 4 bit. 00:50:02
We can bid on it, but there's no differentiation between. 00:50:05
Us and anyone else. 00:50:09
So I I would think that if someone went through. 00:50:11
A government entity I that would be up to the state of whether they felt. 00:50:17
That. 00:50:22
Because we we reached to try to. 00:50:23
For that property because it's adjoining some property that we recreate in. 00:50:27
That there should be some kind of. 00:50:34
Safety net that we are not doing spending all of our taxpayers money. 00:50:36
To clear a portion of property. 00:50:42
To create more recreation that goes up for bid. 00:50:45
To the world. So I would think that would be for the state legislation to say OK, if if they want to add a little bit more to the 00:50:49
recreational area, then that should be separate from just. 00:50:54
A private developer going through all the process to put it up and then it goes for bid. So I would say if if something we could 00:51:00
take to them but but you never know how the state legislature is going to go but I would like to see some kind of safety net. 00:51:07
If we're going to reach out and spend money for all testing. 00:51:15
And all the. 00:51:19
Jump through all the hoops to to take that portion of property out. 00:51:20
That there should be some kind of safety net and and. 00:51:24
In going forward with the property so. 00:51:28
That that is where I'm at. But that would be up to state legislators say ohh that's that's that sounds good or or it doesn't. 00:51:30
But like any of these that we take to them. 00:51:37
I think say sure we'll work on it or or no, it it doesn't reach the bar. So and if it doesn't reach the bar then it's up to us on 00:51:42
whether we want to step in. 00:51:48
And and spend the the money needed. 00:51:53
To make this property available to whoever so. 00:51:57
It wouldn't hurt to put it before them, but I'm not sure how they would vote on it. So in this process though James, I maybe I 00:52:01
misunderstood but. 00:52:06
I thought even though we put the money up to get the the project rolling and started. 00:52:11
Somewhere later on when that project sold or whatever it is, we get the money back if we didn't get it. 00:52:17
Is that the case or am I just dreaming? 00:52:23
Mr. Chairman, we have a $2000 application fee that we paid to State Land Department to start the application. 00:52:26
The rest of the fees I don't. 00:52:33
I'm not certain that we get refunded for them. 00:52:36
Yeah. 00:52:39
That's something I agree with Tim on. Is that any other money that we do put in there to start a project like that, no matter 00:52:42
what, whether we win it or we don't. 00:52:46
If we're the contributing agency in this, then. 00:52:51
That had to pay this in order for them to sell it. We should have a chance to recoup that money at the end if we don't get it. 00:52:55
Or be taken off the. 00:53:01
Total of the project and we pay the balance or whatever it is. 00:53:03
Chairman, one of the original things that I proposed and and also for our property up on. 00:53:08
260 and pace of across across from the University way. 00:53:14
That. 00:53:18
One of the things that. 00:53:20
Again, bandwidth to get these done, but. 00:53:23
A work looking at for workforce housing. 00:53:25
And that's what was A proposal was given to the state land department of a potential use for this is workforce housing. 00:53:28
You know, private developer and they're going to get best use, best financial return. 00:53:34
Umm. 00:53:39
Both areas of health county have great need for workforce housing. 00:53:40
Housing in general. 00:53:45
Um. 00:53:47
And would like to. 00:53:48
Look as a county as we go forward. 00:53:50
In that vein, and to. 00:53:52
Try to help our workforce out. 00:53:55
As much as we can. 00:53:57
So I think I'm in line by talking about this, Jessica. But you'll tell me if I'm not, I'm sure so. 00:54:00
Not very long ago I had discussion actually. It was when we were a pioneer, past visiting with the kids up there on Project. 00:54:06
A gentleman works for the forest services named Devin Quintana. 00:54:13
Is up higher in the supervisors office and it did him and the district Ranger from the Globe district here were both there that 00:54:17
day. And so we were talking about different things and projects and kids and what was going on. 00:54:23
But it came up that the four services is wanting out of this station down here, they want to do away with this station. 00:54:29
And they want to relocate. 00:54:37
So one of the things I asked them was because they brought it up. 00:54:39
Was that they were interested in moving out towards the fairgrounds right there. And so one of the questions I asked him was, 00:54:43
would you guys be willing to set it on the table and talk about that? Because we also have an interest in some property around the 00:54:49
around the fairgrounds and maybe there's a way we can go in with the joint venture that would. 00:54:55
Would satisfy them. You know their need about 1020 acres or whatever it is to to relocate. 00:55:02
And I said, and I know that the county is kicking around different ideas on some property out there, so. 00:55:08
That that may be something that. 00:55:13
That will work out and build a better case for us to do something like that with the state. 00:55:16
Convert. 00:55:23
Mr. Chair, I think that would still fall in in a government agency. 00:55:24
Having some kind of differential. 00:55:28
Preference on the properties rather than just open them up to bid. 00:55:31
And so I think it's worth looking at myself. 00:55:36
To see if. 00:55:40
Like to add to our recreational or for affordable housing or things that we want to work with? 00:55:41
That it wouldn't just be a potluck deal. 00:55:47
If the legislature would have, would allow. 00:55:50
Umm. 00:55:53
Looking at something to see if we couldn't get some kind of. 00:55:54
Perform action from the state board. 00:55:57
Rural counties. 00:56:00
And I told that would that would vote that would all work in the same bowl of soup. And I hear what you're saying the difference 00:56:01
would be is we're rolling in a federal agency that wants out of where they're at. 00:56:06
And I think it might give us a little higher standing in the state. 00:56:11
To be work. 00:56:15
Cooperating with another. 00:56:16
Agency like that. Not just the you know hey Heela County, we want it for. 00:56:18
Or, you know, whatever it is. But there's actually a another need that would go along with ours. 00:56:24
And all other candidate kind of warm area, I believe the original fairgrounds. 00:56:31
And I don't think we'll have that option this at this point, but. 00:56:36
Do not believe that the original fairgrounds went to auction. 00:56:41
That it was a an arrangement with the state Land Department. 00:56:44
And it was headed over for fair market value and appraised value, but that there were deed restrictions that had to be used for. 00:56:49
For the fairgrounds, essentially, and government purposes like that. 00:56:57
So I don't know that we can rely on that but that. 00:57:02
You know, maybe that's something we push through the state legislature and just get a specific saying, say land department, you're 00:57:06
gonna sell the Hill County. 00:57:09
This this property for this amount of money. 00:57:13
That may be a way to get through the state legislature, which you've turned to Andy Ford. 00:57:16
And he can work his magic through any work his marriage and get that property deeded to us. 00:57:21
For for fair market value. 00:57:27
Mm-hmm. 00:57:29
Well, I made it through that conversation without Jessica getting after me. 00:57:31
She was quite with. 00:57:35
Stevie Yeah, just listening. It seems a little silly in a way, but. 00:57:38
To to make it so confusing. So either the state. 00:57:44
Is willing to sell it or it's not. So if they say, well go ahead and fill out all the paperwork, apply through all that and go 00:57:48
through all the motions and then. 00:57:52
Well, no, we're not going to sell it now. 00:57:58
And. 00:58:00
Either is for stair or it's not for sale. Either it's available or it's not available. So it's like going in and getting an 00:58:03
appraisal on a home and then saying would you sell your house? 00:58:07
It's it's out of order. You they need to have some kind of a. 00:58:13
Things said, Well, if you go through all these motions then the property will be available. 00:58:16
Umm. 00:58:21
It's not like it's the only property within 100 miles. 00:58:23
To me it's just like a place where scorpions live, so. 00:58:28
I I just don't understand why. 00:58:32
They're using it as some kind of a. 00:58:34
You know, super. 00:58:38
Valuable thing they have to protect or something and then look at it in 10 years. 00:58:39
This job was willing to sell it to us Or not. Either way. 00:58:44
Allstate Land is up for sale, supposedly, Yeah. It's a matter of whether they want to work it or not. It's just a matter of 00:58:47
internal. 00:58:51
What do they feel like today? 00:58:56
They told us we're gonna wait for 10 years, but then I've had subsequent conversations with them over the last two or three 00:58:59
months. 00:59:02
And that we are pushing forward. 00:59:05
On that to have that continue to have those discussion discussions with the State Land Department to continue looking at that and 00:59:09
we're continuing to push forward that we're going to. 00:59:13
Acquire the land and that's our our intent. 00:59:18
Good. On the last direction we've had from you as a board, it, it should be pretty obvious to somebody that where all the 00:59:21
fairgrounds is there, this is adjacent, they're gonna develop, it's the positive, positive, positive. So I don't know, it just 00:59:27
seems like an easy decision to make. 00:59:32
Ohh Government, Mr. Chair, if I may. Just just to clarify. 00:59:37
Yeah, it's, it's not the sale or sale, it's, it is if we open that can of worms, we pay all of the costs. 00:59:41
When you get that property up for sale. 00:59:47
And and then it's up for bid to the highest bidder. 00:59:50
So the question is, is is could we as a government get? 00:59:54
A special preference from the state that if we put all that money in, that we get. 00:59:59
Some kind of benefit? 01:00:05
For that. 01:00:07
Rather than we go through all the meta studies, for instance or whatever for this property, yeah. 01:00:09
And I don't know what the extent of those costs will be. 01:00:15
But then they say OK, it's up for sale and all the all the expenses have been paid. 01:00:18
Now it's up to bid to the highest bidder, whether it's a private individual or a government entity. 01:00:23
And so. 01:00:29
Yeah, I I think that that's kind of what. 01:00:30
Where Mr. Miller is going is, should we try to reach to the State? 01:00:33
That if we're going to put forth all the money. 01:00:38
And and jump through all the hoops. 01:00:42
That it's not just open. 01:00:44
To potluck after we hit those expenses, right? 01:00:47
Mr. Chair, thank you. Mr. Chairman, thank you. 01:00:50
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 01:00:53
Um, third one I I'm gonna we're going to continue to take a look at this. 01:00:55
I will communicate with you and put together documentation by August 7th for both the first time the the. 01:01:00
Different money. 01:01:07
This one. 01:01:08
And. 01:01:09
Potentially have that so it's submitted to. 01:01:11
The state legislature will have continuing conversations. 01:01:14
Of. 01:01:17
Whether we actually go forward or not, because this is just so we can potentially have something on. 01:01:18
August 7. 01:01:24
And the last one that I wanted to bring up was. 01:01:26
Unless there are others that you for the board want to discuss is. 01:01:29
Property taxes and having cash payments. 01:01:32
And no record of who's making cash payments for property tax. 01:01:35
Well, a lot of that is not just to keep track of who's paying property taxes. 01:01:39
But where I am is, is blight is one of my big things and. 01:01:46
And as I have been sitting here and investigating blight. 01:01:50
It seems that a lot of these really, really bad places and I've got lots of pictures and I can obtain a lot more. 01:01:53
Is is that the property owners have have passed away. 01:02:01
And it hasn't gone through any process. 01:02:05
And and so a nephew or niece or grandson, somebody is paying the property taxes. 01:02:09
On that particular property. 01:02:15
To prevent it from going into a tax lien sale. 01:02:18
So therefore when when our code enforcement agents go? 01:02:21
To that particular property. 01:02:26
And find violations. There's no one to assign those violations to. 01:02:29
Because the property owner has deceased. 01:02:34
Show. 01:02:37
Whoever's living there, unless it's through the health department, isn't necessarily responsible. 01:02:38
And depending on whether the County Attorney will back us in that or not, then our hands are pretty much tied so. 01:02:46
Where where I'm at and and I'll continue further is is also to end the blight research. 01:02:53
I have gone to the to the treasurer's office and I have found. 01:03:01
Because I have had complaints on properties. 01:03:06
And some of these properties have gone into a tax lien sale. 01:03:09
So these huge corporations have been paying the taxes on this property. 01:03:15
And it has reached the maturity date that they can foreclose on this property and own the property. 01:03:20
But they're not. 01:03:28
They have. They're continuing to pay taxes on these properties. 01:03:30
But they are not owning them. 01:03:34
Because they're not foreclosing on them what you steal binding this property. 01:03:36
With no one responsible for that property. 01:03:42
So as I found these where where I'm at is to simplify it is to go to the state. 01:03:47
And if you are paying taxes on a property. 01:03:52
Everybody here that owns the property, if you're paying taxes on it, you're liable. 01:03:56
That's just the rule of thumb. 01:04:00
So I don't, I don't care if you're somebody's nephew that has deceased. 01:04:02
When you go, pay the property taxes. 01:04:07
Your name and address and phone number. Your information is taken there and you become liable for that property because you're 01:04:09
paying taxes on it. 01:04:13
And also too, if you're a huge corporation and you're and you're gobbling up these properties through tax lien sales. 01:04:18
And you're not foreclosing on this property to get someone in that property or that property to be sold for someone who cares 01:04:26
about the property to take care of it. Because in these neighborhoods we have. 01:04:32
Properties that are just horrid. 01:04:39
That are owned by these corporate or or tied up by these corporations. 01:04:41
Who have paid taxes on them, gone through that, but not foreclosed on the property after the. 01:04:46
After the date of maturity. 01:04:52
And so where we're at is where I'm at. It just be easy if state legislature said I don't care if you're a huge corporation. 01:04:56
I don't care if you're the deceased person's grandson. 01:05:03
If you're paying. 01:05:06
Taxes. 01:05:08
On a property in the state of Arizona. 01:05:09
You're liable for that property. 01:05:12
Because we have an awful lot of blighted properties. 01:05:14
That are tied up. That my hands are tied. 01:05:17
Because I can't stop these fire hazards in the in the middle of neighborhoods, I can't stop these blighted properties in these 01:05:20
neighborhoods. 01:05:24
Because of. 01:05:28
Greediness or lack of ownership. 01:05:30
And so. 01:05:33
That's all. No. So I don't. I guess I don't understand this. I thought if if you pick up a piece of property taxes, you pay the 01:05:35
taxes until. 01:05:40
Whatever time it is. 01:05:45
That at the end of that time it automatically is yours, I I didn't know you before closed on that property, OK. And if you do not 01:05:47
you continue you just you continue paying the tax that property held up to where somebody else can't have that property. 01:05:54
But from my understanding, if you don't foreclose on that property. 01:06:02
It just doesn't automatically become yours. You have to foreclose upon it in order for it to become yours. 01:06:06
I guess I have a hard time seeing. 01:06:13
By somebody would do that, pay taxes like that, and then just continue to pay taxes I without foreclosing and. 01:06:16
Taking it I I don't understand that I guess. 01:06:22
But. 01:06:25
You know, it's it's beyond me, but like I said when I went to find out who owned the property. 01:06:26
At the treasurer's office. 01:06:32
There's huge corporations that have multiple multiple properties. 01:06:34
That they can foreclose upon and have not. 01:06:39
My question is why would we have people buying all the properties Downtown Globe, downtown Miami? 01:06:45
And. 01:06:51
Use them for storage warehouses. 01:06:52
Hi. 01:06:55
Well, I don't care as long as they're liable for their. 01:06:57
I don't. I don't care who owns it or what they're using it for, as as long as it's not becoming a blighted property, as long as 01:07:01
there's an owner that I can go to and write them a citation for violation. 01:07:07
I don't. I don't care who owns them or what they do with them. It's it's the blighted properties that my hands are tied. 01:07:14
Um, in in my neighborhood that I I can't. 01:07:22
I can't. I gotta call the neighbor and say, you know, I'm I'm, I'm real sorry, but there's a huge corporation that hasn't 01:07:25
foreclosed on the property, so there's nothing I can do. 01:07:30
Other than. 01:07:35
You know, call me and I'll call the fire department when it when it starts on fire and you know, that's my hands are tied and 01:07:36
that's that's horrible for me. 01:07:41
To try to help people and can't. 01:07:46
Because there's no owner to write a violation citation 2. 01:07:48
So, so I guess. 01:07:54
What you're wanting to do is is push it to where. 01:07:56
One if they're, if they're if they are paying the taxes on a piece of property where the. 01:07:59
Only where it shows the owners is deceased. 01:08:05
And we have records of who's paying those taxes. 01:08:07
And and then secondly that when it's all said and done that it is. 01:08:10
Closed on and they are the owners. They are the ones responsible for it. That's what you're. 01:08:15
That's what I'm hearing from you, yes, as well as if you're paying taxes on a tax lien sale, you're liable for that. 01:08:19
What do you foreclose upon it or not? Whether it takes three years to get through it or not, if you're paying taxes on a property 01:08:27
and state Arizona, you're liable for it. 01:08:31
I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just wondering how this is gonna work. Yeah, well. 01:08:42
Like I said, it it. 01:08:46
If you're paying taxes on a property in state Arizona, you're liable for it. 01:08:48
I don't you know that to me that's how it how it would work. 01:08:53
I mean you own property. 01:08:58
You're liable. Hmm. Every you know. Everybody owns properties liable. So. 01:09:00
If you're paying property taxes on something, you're liable. Why should they be any different than any other property? 01:09:05
That's just where I'm at with that. 01:09:12
That one could get really interesting. 01:09:21
OK. 01:09:23
Both these last ones could get really interesting that those were the three items I wanted to discuss. Unless there's others that 01:09:26
you as a board individually or. 01:09:30
I don't know if you necessarily have had an opportunity to discuss. 01:09:35
Things collectively but other any other issues that you would like to see taken. 01:09:38
To the. 01:09:42
County Supervisors Association. 01:09:44
Or individually through. 01:09:47
Andy. 01:09:49
And Todd. 01:09:50
I don't have any right now, James. You know, I'm kind of sitting on the sidelines watching and see what the OHV. 01:09:56
Proposals are going to be what comes out of that but. 01:10:02
And and there again on now and in particular, I know there's. 01:10:09
I know there's other counties that have same issues, we do but also like Game and Fish, but so I don't know what's going to come 01:10:13
up with that one. 01:10:16
Again. 01:10:25
I'll explore OHP and see what's going on with that. I know we always have. 01:10:26
There's been a discussion in the last few years about short term rentals. 01:10:32
And taxation of short term rental rentals, which have not gone anywhere. 01:10:36
With the state Legislature I. 01:10:40
Not sure why, but perhaps it's considered it's a new tax. 01:10:44
And. 01:10:48
The Any. 01:10:49
Tax anything that's considered? 01:10:51
However, remotely as a new tax is not going anywhere with this state legislature. 01:10:53
The town. 01:10:58
OK. Thank you. 01:11:01
Thank you. So is that wrap it up for your? 01:11:03
Proposals legislate, proposals unless you have to. We get. 01:11:06
Steve, are you good? 01:11:10
I am, yeah. I I can't think of anything else to ask about. 01:11:12
But because there there's hundreds, there's that there's over 1000 bills that come. 01:11:17
Through, so this is just a synopsis of. 01:11:22
CSA And so it's. 01:11:26
Some of them seem to have a good idea. Someone. 01:11:29
And then some of them are. 01:11:32
We'll have. 01:11:35
Of a more of a benefit in that county than this county. 01:11:36
And so it it's required. Quite a bit of juggling so. 01:11:39
Appreciate. 01:11:43
Andy and Todd for what they do though, really do. 01:11:44
Absolutely, yeah. 01:11:47
Alright, if that's the case, we'll move on to #3B information discussion regarding the finance departments opportunities. 01:11:49
To improve services for healing county departments and elected offices to include information accessibility. 01:11:57
Good morning, Mayor. Good morning, Mr. Chair. Good morning, Supervisors. 01:12:03
I would request that we table this. 01:12:07
It was. 01:12:10
I meant to table it before it got to the agenda and it didn't. So OK, possible if we could push this out to. 01:12:11
Probably the September or October work session would be best. 01:12:18
I was wanting you to, Mr. 01:12:22
Mr. Chair, I'll make a motion to table. 01:12:25
3C on our agenda. 01:12:29
3B3B shaft three be on our agenda and I will second that having a motion and second all in favor do so by saying aye, aye aye 01:12:32
motion carries see in September, October on that. Thank you man. 01:12:38
On to 3C information discussion regarding HeLa County ordinance restrictions. 01:12:45
To include zoning, building, grading, drainage deeds, etcetera. 01:12:51
Randy, did you bring dinner for all of us? 01:12:55
Uh-huh. 01:13:00
10 seconds ago I just got a text that. 01:13:02
My house and Dewey is on the go. 01:13:05
Status So. 01:13:08
From the Grapevine fires. 01:13:10
So they're gathering the chickens and the. 01:13:13
Dogs as we speak in. 01:13:16
Trying to get them moved. 01:13:18
So. 01:13:22
As you know, we're looking at. 01:13:24
New. 01:13:27
Ordinance or planning, zoning and. 01:13:29
I'll probably be with in front of you each month going forward in these work sessions on a on some topics. 01:13:32
First one was restrictions and it was just people asking. 01:13:39
Where all this stuff comes from from and all this stuff that goes along with it. 01:13:43
So the the first part there is different types. 01:13:48
Restrictions is basically all the ordinances that. 01:13:52
Board of Supervisors have approved. 01:13:56
Through the years that they had not been changed. 01:13:59
And that include zoning, building, flood, granian drainage. 01:14:02
There's also state, federal and other local A dot things that come into play. 01:14:07
And then there's private, where there's deed restrictions, CC and R's and stuff that go along with. 01:14:14
Of parcels of land. 01:14:20
And it will. Some of the questions is who who can enforce? 01:14:23
Restrictions. 01:14:27
Um. 01:14:29
The Healey County departments that are supervisors authorized code enforcement. 01:14:30
Umm. 01:14:35
Building. 01:14:37
Fluoride grading and drainage. 01:14:39
They can enforce their ordinances. 01:14:41
And um. 01:14:44
State federal can also come out and enforce theirs, and that gets into sometimes there's crossover, sometimes there's not. 01:14:47
You know right aways and. 01:14:55
Everything that come into play, sometimes they. 01:14:56
Parcel has a right of way for a dot so. 01:14:59
We're enforcing parts of our ordinance on the. 01:15:02
Property, but then the right away becomes a dots. We have to work together and come up with a solution there. 01:15:07
Then there's the private HOA's that enforce their own restrictions and deal with all that. 01:15:14
One of the things that people don't realize is neighbors. 01:15:21
Can't enforce these also. 01:15:24
So a neighbor can come and enforce a. 01:15:27
The restriction. 01:15:30
On a property forever, and that's. 01:15:33
And some. 01:15:36
Problems in the past and. 01:15:37
You know, one neighbor didn't care, but the next new owner does. And. 01:15:40
That's one of the things we've talked about several times with the attorneys. 01:15:44
Is how we deal with all that and and moving forward. 01:15:49
Um. 01:15:53
Just flip my page. 01:16:00
Joe, can I interrupt with one question real quick? Go ahead. So Randy, on the deed restrictions. 01:16:05
Where does the county play into that? He said. Well, we're kind of looking into that, whatever. So and I know we're dealing with 01:16:12
some of that right now up in the strawberry area that so there's a deed restriction on the property. At what level do we enforce 01:16:17
or adhere to? 01:16:23
Or. 01:16:29
Accommodate that very good question I've been brought up several times. 01:16:30
We don't enforce it. We can use it for our decision making process. 01:16:35
So in other words, when we go to planning zoning. 01:16:40
We go to Board of Adjustments or we come to you. 01:16:44
We're giving you all of that information. 01:16:47
It's the only time that we truly investigate. 01:16:50
Whether they're speed restrictions or not, because when they're asking to go outside of the ordinance. 01:16:55
So they're asking for you to approve. 01:17:00
A special ordinance just for that piece of property. 01:17:03
And that's when we look at everything, right, We look at these restrictions. 01:17:07
We look at. 01:17:12
Everything around them, which what land use, what the comprehensive plan use and you'll see we're going through all that, what all 01:17:14
of that entails. And it's this. 01:17:18
Fit those criterias. 01:17:24
Is so when we bring it to you, we present that to you in the CUP or other things that we're giving you all the information you 01:17:26
need to make your decision. 01:17:31
Now. 01:17:35
You're not going to enforce their deed restrictions. 01:17:37
But you can make your decision based on their deed restrictions. 01:17:40
Now in speaking with the attorney. 01:17:45
Um. 01:17:48
We can occur. 01:17:50
Jeff, obviously correct me if I'm wrong, we can encourage some liability. 01:17:52
By approving. 01:17:57
Someone that has deed restrictions. 01:17:59
That are against what we're approving, so in other words. 01:18:02
Your property says you are for residential only. 01:18:06
And you want to put a business there? 01:18:10
And they come to us and and. 01:18:13
Your name zoned to have a business there, but you're asking for that, so you're asking for a special. 01:18:16
Approval for your piece of property different than anyone else's. 01:18:22
And. 01:18:27
That's when we look at those speed restrictions. Now if the. 01:18:29
Person is making a decision based on our approval. 01:18:33
There can be some liability. 01:18:37
And we're kind of passing the buck. 01:18:40
That now we're forcing the neighbors to incur the cost. 01:18:42
To enforce the deed restrictions which the people who own the land have already agreed to when you sign. 01:18:46
Earth. 01:18:52
That you're buying this, you've already signed that you're going to follow those rules and. 01:18:53
As Jeff has told us, is that basically a private contract? 01:18:57
And now we're forcing your neighbors. 01:19:01
To incur that cost. 01:19:04
To enforce because they bought their land based on that there was not going to be a business next door to them. 01:19:06
And you're forcing them to. 01:19:12
Not forcing but. 01:19:16
The opportunity is that they're going to have to sue on their own. 01:19:17
To stop that guy's business, to make sure he follows what he said he would do. 01:19:22
We have had with the Board of Adjustments where we've gotten a judge's order. 01:19:27
That we've had to go back. 01:19:32
And reverse a variance. 01:19:34
Because we approved something that was against a deed restriction. 01:19:37
Now. 01:19:40
We may not be. 01:19:42
Liable financially. 01:19:44
I mean, I guess there there's always that chance, but. 01:19:46
Um. 01:19:49
The judge can order us to do a lot of things, and then the person could sue us. 01:19:52
And in in defending that if we want it. 01:19:56
You still have the legal team and and everyone else and staff time. 01:19:58
Cost and defending us? 01:20:03
To say well. 01:20:06
It's not really our responsibility but. 01:20:07
We ignored it and. 01:20:11
You went on SO. 01:20:12
On your specific case, there is deep restrictions that. 01:20:14
Umm. 01:20:18
Some neighbors. 01:20:20
Have already brought up that they're. 01:20:21
Looking for us to do the what? 01:20:26
They think we should do. 01:20:31
And they don't want to sue, but they're willing to. 01:20:33
And that's not good for the neighborhood. 01:20:36
And which means it's not good for Health County. 01:20:39
You don't want neighbors fighting nonstop. 01:20:42
Over stuff that. 01:20:45
Could have been stopped or slowed or or made certain stipulations to. 01:20:48
Protect everyone. 01:20:54
Not only the person who's wanting to do what they want to do. 01:20:55
But also the neighbors when they bought that land. 01:20:59
What they expected to be next to their neighbors and that's one of the things here that we talked about. 01:21:03
Is. 01:21:08
People buy land in areas. 01:21:09
Further zoning. 01:21:12
You know, not always. 01:21:14
Lot of people hate zoning and I understand that there's days I do. 01:21:16
Uh. 01:21:20
But when you buy a piece of property and you see the neighborhood, you're and you're buying into that neighborhood. 01:21:21
And now when we turn around and say. 01:21:27
We know you want to put a business there now. 01:21:32
And you caught in the middle of the neighborhood that's really not harmonious with that area and that's not really. 01:21:35
What the neighbors bought in for. 01:21:41
You know, if you want a business, put it on the road. 01:21:44
Put that on the highway. Go to a commercially zoned area. 01:21:47
The comprehensive plan shows all of those areas. 01:21:52
And it depends on which neighborhood you're in. It'll tell you exactly what you got. 01:21:55
All of our zoning time the. 01:22:00
Website. 01:22:03
So if anyone has questions, you know we deal with phone calls daily. 01:22:05
People ask, OK, here's what I want to do. So. 01:22:09
To get back to your question. 01:22:12
We're not responsible to enforce it. 01:22:14
But. 01:22:17
Staff feelings is that? 01:22:19
Which want to give you that information for you to make your decision and you make your decision. 01:22:21
All the stuff coming up until we come to you. 01:22:26
Is all recommendations. 01:22:28
The. 01:22:30
PNC Commission is only doing research and trying to find everything they can so that when we come to you. 01:22:31
We have given you all the information you can. 01:22:37
Find her that we can find. 01:22:40
For you to make your decision. 01:22:42
So it all comes down to the Board of Supervisors and you guys make your decisions one way or the other. 01:22:44
So did I answer your questions? Yes. 01:22:50
Very thoroughly. So, yeah. My point is though that we do have in process a way of changing the zoning or that the use of a 01:22:53
property through that, right? 01:22:58
Through that process. Otherwise you would just say ohh, you're zoned for this. 01:23:04
End of discussion. 01:23:08
Right. So we already have that process in place. I just wanted to know how much power the deed restriction had in that because if 01:23:09
we're notifying within 300 feet, then that would be the time to come forward and say, well. 01:23:15
You know that's a deed restriction, and it doesn't necessarily negate the process. 01:23:21
It just is a consideration, correct. OK, thanks. And the problem that we've. 01:23:28
Ran into. 01:23:34
As a neighborhood, everyone's extremely friendly. 01:23:36
Doesn't ever want to, you know, disturb their neighbors? 01:23:39
And so they don't have a problem. 01:23:42
You know, even though the deed restriction says no business. 01:23:43
They were OK with having a business there. 01:23:47
But because there's a deed restriction that's recorded on that land. 01:23:49
The next two owners might not have an issue, but that third owner does. 01:23:53
And my understanding liability wise. 01:23:58
That neighbor can come at that point. 01:24:01
You know, 10 years down the line. 01:24:04
And still enforce that. 01:24:07
That deed restriction. 01:24:09
Um, and. 01:24:11
From what I've seen so far, most of the judges. 01:24:13
That's a contract. Good, bad or indifferent, that was. 01:24:17
What that was designed for. 01:24:20
Now I will say I've seen some pain restrictions that are. 01:24:22
A little off. 01:24:27
One I just saw recently says if you're sick, you can't buy the land. 01:24:28
Alright. 01:24:33
OK. But you know, it's a little. 01:24:34
Off. I don't know if they're talking about a flu or. 01:24:36
Anything else? I mean there are some great restrictions that I think are. 01:24:39
Not useful. 01:24:46
But that wasn't my decision. That's just what? 01:24:48
Was on that property and that the people signed for it when they bought the property. 01:24:51
I will agree with you 1000% that. 01:24:55
Most. 01:24:59
I was guilty. 01:25:01
Most people don't look at these restrictions when they buy the land. 01:25:02
It was a good price, close to where they want it to be. 01:25:05
They have a plan in your head when you first buy it, and that's just what you. 01:25:09
Want to do? 01:25:13
Surprisingly enough for the amount of money people spend on. 01:25:15
These things, they don't do much investigation. 01:25:19
It's I can afford this and this area that I want to be. 01:25:22
And I want to do. 01:25:25
Blake. 01:25:27
And. 01:25:28
A little bit of of research can go a long way in saving a lot of headaches. 01:25:30
Umm. 01:25:36
So. 01:25:37
Umm. 01:25:38
We're going forward with with how the restrictions can help you a county. 01:25:39
Obviously there's. 01:25:43
Protect public health, safety, general welfare. Again, just neighbors having a. 01:25:46
Standard expectation of what's going to be their neighbor. You know they're not planning on a pig farm. 01:25:51
Next year. 01:25:56
Umm. 01:25:57
It also deals with first responders. 01:25:59
And make sure there's a proper exchange. Couple ways in and out so when there is a fire. 01:26:03
It's not dealt with and something's blocked. 01:26:09
Because the guy wanted to put something across the right away, which we would never plan on building, but now they've blocked an 01:26:13
action. 01:26:16
There are also certain developments that are used for infill right if we have things we. 01:26:22
When they come to you guys with I'm, I'm meeting tomorrow. 01:26:28
With the gentleman that wants to put 300 houses into a subdivision. 01:26:31
Out in. 01:26:36
Thompson draw. 01:26:38
Umm. 01:26:39
So um. 01:26:41
You know, there's you guys have a plan for that and that's in the master plan. 01:26:42
That's been voted on. 01:26:46
That you know. 01:26:48
That's that's a housing area that that this is. 01:26:49
Designed for. 01:26:53
It's not designed for a shopping center. 01:26:55
And the citizens of HeLa County have voted on our master plan, and that's what was decided. Obviously it goes through a long list 01:26:57
of things to get to that point. 01:27:02
But. 01:27:07
That's important. 01:27:08
Again, people invest. 01:27:11
In areas that they like. 01:27:13
And want and have a reasonable expectation that it's going to stay like that. 01:27:15
Hill County can encourage. 01:27:22
You know some of the options we can encourage workforce housing. 01:27:25
You know you don't want to put that in next to the $1,000,000 houses, but you want to put it in where there's maybe the smaller 01:27:28
houses. 01:27:32
I'm sure those kind of things where we can help. 01:27:36
Um. 01:27:39
Get everyone working harmoniously with with the direction and meeting the master plan. 01:27:41
Umm. 01:27:46
Again, we make them signing coming for a building permit. 01:27:48
They come in and sign that they don't have deed restrictions that stop them from doing what they want to do. 01:27:52
Again, they may not know. 01:28:00
I will tell you, since planning I've been dealing with planning zoning now that. 01:28:03
About 40%. 01:28:08
Of stuff that people come in for. 01:28:11
Are actually outright against their deed restrictions. 01:28:14
And I've had people have come in and wrote in the deed restrictions. 01:28:19
I want gentleman up in Strawberry who wrote the deed restrictions for his neighborhood. He came in and asked to do something. We 01:28:22
said OK and. 01:28:26
Took the paperwork and did the restrictions. Called them up, says. 01:28:29
What do you wanna do? 01:28:33
You said you couldn't do. 01:28:35
You know, I forgot about that and withdrew his paperwork. 01:28:37
Because he wrote those and all the other neighbors had to comply with it. 01:28:41
So. 01:28:45
Not everyone knows. 01:28:46
And that's especially when they're asking for something outside of the norm. 01:28:48
Or our ordinances and laws that you guys have voted on. That's when we really do check just again to give. 01:28:54
Everyone. 01:29:00
The citizens, the the applicant. 01:29:02
PNG Commission. 01:29:05
And you all the information that we possibly can. 01:29:06
To ensure that you're making the decision, you know I don't want you to come back, say, I wish you would have told me this. 01:29:10
That is something I have heard. 01:29:16
No. 01:29:18
And other things happen and I don't want that to happen. 01:29:19
To me, I don't want you to say that to me, so I'm trying to give you all the information. I can't. 01:29:22
So. 01:29:28
Some of those bad things about deed restrictions are not deed restrictions, but just restrictions. 01:29:29
Is. 01:29:35
It may limit what someone wants to do. 01:29:35
Right, it may. 01:29:38
They built planned on building this Taj Mahal. 01:29:39
House. 01:29:44
Five stories tall. 01:29:45
It was just and and but the deed restrictions and we ran it. This is step two stories. 01:29:46
Yeah, and the neighbors, you know, all built the two stories. It's all on hills. It's also. 01:29:52
They don't want this guys looking down on him. They didn't build next to him planning on having some guy. 01:29:57
Looking down on them so. 01:30:03
Um, it can prohibit that? 01:30:05
Um, they complain. They can put those neighbors again. 01:30:08
Are you anymore? No. They argue enough Now. I will promise you that we really don't want to give them more reasons to to argue and 01:30:12
and. 01:30:16
Do it. 01:30:21
Umm. 01:30:22
Again, it can decrease so much property value. 01:30:22
You know, that's a hard thing to. 01:30:27
Say. 01:30:30
But you know if if you have these houses and you've invested in these properties and some guy comes next to you and starts 01:30:31
putting. 01:30:35
Jessica Reynolds. 01:30:41
In downtown strawberry. 01:30:43
That's not gonna help your value. 01:30:45
And can affect your pocketbook. 01:30:47
So we do look at those kind of things when we are taking anything. 01:30:50
Forward is. 01:30:55
Cannot be considered harmonious with the area, and I know that's just a. 01:30:57
A phrase word that a lot of people throw out there and yes and no. And how do you determine that? 01:31:00
And those are all very valid questions. 01:31:06
But we do look, Scott does look very hard. 01:31:10
At. 01:31:13
What we're bringing forward. 01:31:14
Their life can turn around and say. 01:31:17
When I come to you. 01:31:19
This is or. It isn't and. 01:31:20
Then again, that's only my reputation. Again, it's up to. 01:31:22
For supervisors to make those decisions. 01:31:26
Umm. 01:31:30
So as staff directions was in and that we were planning on continuing unless during this conversation you directed somewhere 01:31:32
different. 01:31:36
Staff wants to provide all the information to all the boards. 01:31:41
That are needed. 01:31:45
Again, Hill County is not responsible. We don't in. 01:31:47
CCR that's been brought up before too for HOH. 01:31:53
That is not a deep restriction. 01:31:57
That is. 01:31:58
A group of people got together and voted something. 01:32:01
We don't even get involved with those at all. 01:32:03
We will. 01:32:06
Right. 01:32:08
The board. 01:32:09
If it if you're asking for a variance or something outside the norm in an area, and it's in any joint, we'll write the board. Even 01:32:12
if they're not, even if they're outside of that 300 sheet, we'll still write them. 01:32:17
Um, and bring that their response back to to you? 01:32:23
But. 01:32:27
We don't know if the if the rules were brought together legally. 01:32:28
The deed restrictions are they're recorded, so we don't get involved with the CC and R's. 01:32:32
And people want us to. Sometimes they're they want us to. Depends on which side you're on. 01:32:38
They don't want us to have anything to do with us and and. 01:32:43
Staff has nothing to do with that and we don't plan on it. 01:32:46
Umm. 01:32:49
Again, staff is just planning to deal with this process. 01:32:51
As we have been unless. 01:32:54
We find you. You want to go in a different direction. 01:32:57
And my next slide is, do you have any questions for me? 01:33:01
On CC and ours, Randy, Some of those were put back in place long time ago and those boards are gone. 01:33:06
And then what do you do? 01:33:12
Again, we're unfortunately not even looking those up. 01:33:15
But you're right, there are some socializations that have been defunct. 01:33:18
Just makes it very hard because. 01:33:23
The deeds will tell you how you can change any of that stuff, or the CCR's will tell you how you can change any of that stuff. 01:33:27
And the hard part is. 01:33:33
Short term rentals. 01:33:36
Yep, there are a lot of out-of-state owners here. 01:33:38
And the only way you can usually change something is you got to get to that. 01:33:41
Magic number, whatever it is, 51% or 60% or whatever it is. 01:33:45
So you start sending out these letters to everyone trying to get them to sign. 01:33:50
They have to go get a notarized and if you're sending this to a guy and. 01:33:54
New York. 01:33:58
Whose? 01:34:00
Just getting rental money. 01:34:00
The odds of him really caring or? 01:34:03
Pretty small. 01:34:05
Umm. 01:34:07
So it it's an upper uphill battle. 01:34:08
But again, if you were researching that before you purchased your property, you would know that associated defunct. 01:34:12
And you would have to make that decision at that point whether you want to deal with that or not. 01:34:19
A lot of feed restrictions are old. 01:34:24
I mean, they were done when it was planted. 01:34:27
The current one that we've talked about, which started in 1960. 01:34:29
And then it expired in 1990 and it says if we don't change this, that automatically renews for 10 years at a time. 01:34:34
And I will see you tell you, I've seen a lot of those restrictions. That's what it says. 01:34:40
Because they want those. I mean they they unless you went through the process of changing them. 01:34:45
They don't want those to go off. 01:34:50
Um, so they keep renewing automatically and? 01:34:53
They're there. 01:34:57
And. 01:34:58
Ohh. 01:34:59
I will tell you in the last month I've had. 01:35:00
Two new things that I have ran into one. 01:35:04
Learning how to get rid of deed restrictions, and I have another area where they're trying to put these restrictions on after the 01:35:06
fact. 01:35:10
So I have been learning and educating and spending a lot of time with. 01:35:14
Mr. Dalton. 01:35:18
On the phone on. 01:35:20
What legally has to happen and and deal with all that stuff? 01:35:22
So it's been interesting. 01:35:26
So, so, so. 01:35:28
That's interesting to me because so if I if I buy a piece of property that doesn't have any deed restrictions on it. 01:35:30
There's actually been cases where. 01:35:36
After that, they've tried to come back and impose it deed restrictions over the top of you. The one I'm talking about had deed 01:35:39
restrictions in 1960. They expired in 1990, but they did not have the automatic renewal. 01:35:45
Clause on there. 01:35:51
And one of the things was you were not allowed to rent. 01:35:53
And there were neighbors trying to buy houses. 01:35:56
For short term rentals, and that's not what this neighborhood wanted. 01:36:01
So they were trying to figure out how to reinstate those. 01:36:04
After they've expired and and we're gone. 01:36:09
And. 01:36:12
I told him to go talk to a real estate lawyer. 01:36:13
And uh. 01:36:16
Pursue that through a legal system, because I don't. 01:36:17
We wouldn't be involved when the plat was approved, you guys. 01:36:21
Saw the deed restrictions, you saw they were going to expire and that was the decision that was made at that time. 01:36:25
Right. 01:36:30
Yeah, cause that you know. 01:36:31
You're absolutely right on a lot of these chunks of property back in the day, they they put the deed restrictions on them. 01:36:33
And in some cases those those. 01:36:40
Tigers structions. They're just. 01:36:43
Outdated. They're, you know for the times today, some of them and so. 01:36:46
It can get really sticky and not in. You're absolutely right. We're not everybody looks into it that far. 01:36:51
And not all real estate agents will tell you that either. That's the other side of that coin and so. 01:36:59
So, yeah, as as buyers, you do have to be. 01:37:04
Pretty, leery and. 01:37:08
Do your homework and where we ran into it, you know, everything's electronic now, so the one individual should have bought some 01:37:09
property that found out they couldn't do what they wanted to do. They went back to their. 01:37:15
Real estate. 01:37:22
It's Ohh yeah, we sent it to you in an e-mail. 01:37:23
And here's the link and here's what you said that you. 01:37:25
Read it. 01:37:28
And then they try to open the link two years later with that link. 01:37:29
Maker may not work anymore. 01:37:32
Um. And so they said they never saw it, and I would not disbelieve that. 01:37:34
But I will say the real estate guy had his signature and said they read all that. 01:37:40
Um, so you know, he kind of had to. 01:37:45
Live with them. But he didn't know what they were still because he couldn't open whatever link now through electronic means. 01:37:48
So we sent them the assessor. The assessor has all of that. 01:37:55
And that's who we go to. 01:37:58
Is to the assessor. 01:38:00
To get a list of any deed restrictions that there are. 01:38:02
Someone. There is none. That's great. 01:38:05
And we just say that and when I come to you or any other from my boards. 01:38:07
We found no deed restrictions. 01:38:12
And give them all the information that we can out there in that. 01:38:14
Cool. 01:38:20
Say it any any questions that I can answer at this phone supervisor Humphrey? 01:38:22
Well, I've had a lot of questions as if we've gone, but then it keeps going in so. 01:38:27
I. 01:38:32
I guess my first question is deed restrictions. You said you don't look at the deed restrictions. 01:38:34
Unless someone is wanting an overlay or something that comes to the board for a decision, is that correct? Correct. 01:38:39
OK. 01:38:47
We make them sign that that that that's OK, but that's the only time. 01:38:48
You, as planning and zoning, look at a deed restriction, correct? OK, my two cents worth is. 01:38:53
I. 01:39:01
Because as you throw a rock in a pond, it ripples. If anyone buys a piece of property, they're responsible for that piece of 01:39:03
property. 01:39:07
And all the permits, everything that was done before or not? 01:39:11
Once they purchase that property, they're responsible for it. So if at one point in time Heela County gave someone a permit, that 01:39:16
was against the deed restriction and they purchased that property as is. 01:39:22
Then. 01:39:30
Then they become liable for that. 01:39:31
Deed violation that they weren't aware of. 01:39:34
And and so where I'm where I'm at is if this is a discussion on where we go, I would like to see Heela County look at deed 01:39:38
restrictions before issuing any permit. 01:39:43
Whether we have a violation or not. 01:39:49
And then that's only fair because, like you say, people don't look at it. 01:39:52
Well, if we're giving them a permit to do something. 01:39:57
I I think. 01:40:01
In my opinion, it would be the responsible thing. 01:40:03
For us to look at the deed restrictions before we issue someone a permit. 01:40:06