Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Service Agreement State of Arizona Contract No. CTR056088 with American Guard Services in the amount of $411,250 to provide armed security services at the Gila County Courthouses in Payson and Globe, and the Gila County Tommie Cline Martin Complex for the period of October 4, 2023, through October 3, 2024. (Joseph Dickison)
B. Information/Discussion regarding state and federal election laws, rules, processes, and procedures in Gila County. (Sadie Jo Bingham/Eric Mariscal)
3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:  A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Look at me. 00:00:02
Testing test. 00:00:04
Testing test. 00:00:06
And one more time. 00:00:07
One more time. Testing, testing, 1-2. Three. 00:00:08
Don't forget. 00:00:12
The clock just be good and pacing. 00:00:13
We can't hear you up there, Joseph. 00:00:21
We can hear you. 00:00:27
OK, good deal. 00:00:28
And Cassie, we're good on YouTube. 00:00:30
OK. We have a super long meeting today, so we're going to get started with this. I'll call to order Tuesday, September 26. It's 00:00:33
10:00. 00:00:37
And say, do you want to lead us in the pledge? 00:00:42
Hi. 00:00:48
Of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and 00:00:50
justice for all. 00:00:56
OK. 00:01:06
So we're going to start with the regular agenda items, 2A information, discussion, action to approve. 00:01:09
Service Agreement State of Arizona Contract number Ctr. 056088 American Guard Services. 00:01:16
In the amount of 411,000. 00:01:25
$250 to provide armed security services at the Hila County Courthouse. 00:01:28
In Patient and Globe and the HeLa County Tomic Cline Martin Complex for the period of October 4th. 00:01:34
23 through October 3rd, 24 Good morning, Joseph Morning, Chairman, Board of Supervisors. 00:01:41
As previously mentioned, we have a straightforward contract service continuation for security at Globe, Pace and Courthouse. 00:01:47
However, there are some important details to note firstly. 00:01:53
There is a cost increase and we have a change in security contractors to ensure that our security needs are met. 00:01:56
We have chosen a contractor that we believe will be able to provide sufficient support off the state contract listing. 00:02:03
We were able to interview a total of five contractors. 00:02:10
Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of hiring an extra security guard to assist. 00:02:14
With the TCM complex. 00:02:19
And here shortly, I'd be happy to hear any kind of feedback. 00:02:21
Um, with the cost and difference. 00:02:26
We are looking at a. 00:02:29
Cost. 00:02:33
For the contract as mentioned is a form 11K. 00:02:34
Security contract without the TCM is 300. 00:02:38
In 29,000. So there is a big difference there with that. 00:02:42
I'd like to step in a little bit into our assessment and review. 00:02:46
Of why we're going to be recommending security for the TCM. 00:02:51
Working with courts in the recorders office and with others. 00:02:56
Based on our thorough review and assessment of the security measures at the TCM. 00:02:59
We confidently recommend the addition of another security guard. Our recommendation is founded on the potential risk and the 00:03:04
inadequacies. 00:03:07
Of an as needed security solution and increased utilization by the courts. 00:03:11
As needed security has proven to be unreliable strategy. 00:03:16
As security contractors, typically staff were full time employees and lack of resources to dispatch security. 00:03:20
On an as needed basis. 00:03:26
Given the rapidly changing. 00:03:28
Threat environment. It is crucial to handle security issues efficiently. 00:03:31
Reports of contraband and threats against personnel at the facility, particularly related to elections, have been received over 00:03:35
the past year and security issues. 00:03:40
Have also arisen during the BOS meetings. 00:03:44
Instances of contraband have been reported. 00:03:47
Highlighting the pressing need for any additional security. 00:03:50
With that, I'd be happy to take any questions. 00:03:54
Thank you, Joseph Supervisor Humphrey. 00:03:58
Yeah, I'm, I'm wondering like going with one. 00:04:01
One contractor. 00:04:05
With multiple buildings too. 00:04:07
Secure. 00:04:10
I was wondering, in the future, might it be necessary to break up those contracts? 00:04:11
To maybe get a more affordable and things and I know everybody's having a hard time getting employees. 00:04:17
And so, you know, I mean people that. 00:04:22
Live in peace and and. 00:04:25
You know things of that nature and that live here, I know that. I'm just a question that in the future would it be possible to 00:04:26
break up those contracts and maybe see how they bid out separately? 00:04:31
Supervisor Humphrey Yeah, we can take that under advisement and take a look at it. 00:04:38
Over this next year of service contract and see what we can. 00:04:43
We can assess and evaluate for the next contract. 00:04:47
Thank you. No further questions Mr. Supervisor Christian. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you, Joseph. So. 00:04:49
I remember when we talked about this before and I didn't feel necessarily that we needed to have a guard at TCM. 00:04:56
Every day. 00:05:03
All day long. 00:05:04
Umm. 00:05:06
You feel is this input from? 00:05:08
The different offices that are in that building, that they are fearful of not having that. 00:05:12
That this is not just something. 00:05:19
I don't even know how to say it. It's just like, well, let's just up our security. 00:05:24
Or is this something that you really feel is worth the 83,000 that we're going to be paying? 00:05:28
In addition. 00:05:33
Under that Chairman, Supervisor Christensen and that's a great question that that's one of the first things that we look at is. 00:05:34
Umm. 00:05:41
Not the validity of the concern, but trying to identify if there truly is a concern. 00:05:42
So. 00:05:48
In my opinion and our staffing, there is a legitimate concern. 00:05:49
Force security and. 00:05:55
It is our recommendation to have that security. 00:05:57
OK. I understand that. Thank you. 00:05:59
So that's the question that I had. Right now the security at the TCM building is just during court days, right. What it is or 00:06:03
that's one of the challenges we run into Chairman is? 00:06:08
Um, the idea was to have security when they have courts in. 00:06:13
Yeah, is the need basis. Unfortunately we weren't able to fulfill that. 00:06:18
Umm. 00:06:22
Consistently. So sometimes there was security and other times there were not. And then there were other times that we were taking 00:06:23
resource from the other courts to try and backfill. 00:06:28
And also. 00:06:33
At times. 00:06:35
Other staff have been trying to step in. 00:06:36
Which are obviously not qualified, so there was definitely gaps identified. 00:06:38
OK. 00:06:44
Thank you, Joseph. 00:06:45
Ohh, let me ask this then so. 00:06:49
Would it be prudent or cheaper to actually employ an additional? 00:06:52
Sheriff, deputy or two for this purpose instead of private security. 00:06:58
We didn't update that assessment for this year. 00:07:04
Going off of assessments that were done in the past. 00:07:07
Um. 00:07:10
There was a. 00:07:11
Higher cost to have that resource put into there, but one of the other parts of that assessment was. 00:07:13
The Sheriff's Office having challenges meeting their current needs. 00:07:20
Much less trying to hire another to be able to support that. They did note some challenges, also the prioritization of the office 00:07:24
there. 00:07:28
There would be challenges if they left that deputy there or if they saw fit to use that deputy in other location. OK, Thank you. 00:07:33
James. 00:07:41
Christian, I just wanted to add that my discussions with the. 00:07:43
Elected officials and officers that. 00:07:47
Utilize the TCM building that. 00:07:49
There are concerns for security and safety and my recommendation to. 00:07:53
Extend this or include this as part of the contract for the TCM. 00:07:58
Including the the court dates, I've attended the court. 00:08:01
The trial in patient and. 00:08:05
It is becoming more common so. 00:08:07
OK, my recommendation to include this in the contract. 00:08:10
Why not? Today's time. It's kind of hard not to air on the side of safety right now and for $80,000. 00:08:14
Like I my opinion is, is we just go ahead and do it and see how it goes and then. 00:08:22
Go from there. But yeah, world's crazy. 00:08:27
Supervisor Humphrey, did you have anything else you did? I'm. I'm good. 00:08:31
That any kind of motion, Mr. Chairman, I make a motion to approve the service agreement State of Arizona contract number. 00:08:34
Ctr. 056088 with American Guard Services in the amount of. 00:08:41
$411,250. 00:08:47
As presented. 00:08:51
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Having a motion in a second. All in favor, do so by saying aye, aye, aye. Motion carries. Thank you, 00:08:53
Joseph. Thank you. If we just scoop that podium over. 00:08:58
And then the. 00:09:05
They want to have and I think we probably need to take that deal off to the top of and put it on. Ohh, there's one on the table 00:09:07
already. Is that enough? 00:09:10
No. 00:09:14
He's better, huh? We never know in this room from one day to another. So. 00:09:17
Anyway, I'm gonna read this next one it's and then I got some things to say about is 2B. 00:09:23
Information Discussion. 00:09:29
Regarding state and federal election laws, rules, processes and procedures in Hilla County. 00:09:31
This is going to be a long discussion today, and it's quite possible it'll go past noon. 00:09:37
And if so, depending on where we are in the middle of the presentation and all that was as to whether or not I'm gonna call for a 00:09:43
break for lunch. 00:09:46
The one thing that I asked because there's a lot of emotions on elections right now. I've been in a lot of meetings. I've heard 00:09:51
it. 00:09:54
And I will ask everybody I don't you don't. Nobody has to agree, obviously. 00:09:57
But we do have to be respectful today. If you are not respectful, you will be escorted out of the meeting and that's all there is 00:10:03
going to be about it. 00:10:08
I I encourage everyone to to think of questions and you'll have an opportunity to ask questions. 00:10:13
As we go through this. 00:10:20
And it's broken up into different pieces. 00:10:22
And so as we get to a point and in this in this presentation. 00:10:24
I'll give people a chance to ask questions. I would really ask that you don't just keep asking the same question, though, because 00:10:29
if you do, we're not gonna. I'm gonna shut you up. 00:10:33
And so. 00:10:38
We, and the reason being we have, I think, the saddest part of this fight, 80 some slides. 00:10:39
Presentation. So it's very long. 00:10:44
And there's a lot to it, but I do want people to be able to get the information that they're looking for. 00:10:47
Voiced their concerns and everything about it that there's is out there and hopefully it'll help a lot of folks understand 00:10:53
processes that HeLa County has been going through all these prior years. 00:10:58
And with that, Sadie, who's starting, you or Eric? 00:11:04
OK, Sadie, come on up. 00:11:08
Since I'm not. 00:11:22
Alright, anyway. 00:11:27
Move down. 00:11:31
Hmm. 00:11:38
Thank you. 00:11:40
All right, members of the board, thanks for having us. First, I want to read a quote that I. 00:11:42
Right yesterday at election certification and it really stuck out to me. It says seek first to understand. 00:11:49
And then? 00:11:56
So. 00:11:58
I think we all need to just try to understand this and. 00:11:59
Learn the process before with them. But this is the wrong one. That's the orange one. That's OK. 00:12:03
But I like that. That's by Stephen Covey. The first to understand and then you understand. 00:12:09
Alright. 00:12:14
I feel bad. I feel like I'm standing. 00:12:21
My name is Sandy, reporter for almost 16 years. 00:12:24
I've been in the Reporters office 22 years total. 00:12:27
Um, Charlotte Astronomy is my chief deputy. She's been my chief 57 years and in the office. 00:12:31
Almost 13 years so. 00:12:37
That is that and we do have two employees and patient and we have three in globe to serve everybody. 00:12:40
Hi. 00:12:47
A little bit about the recorders office and the elections department because we are two different. 00:12:49
We get a lot of phone calls. 00:12:55
Saying Why isn't recorders doing this or whatever, But basically, in a short little paragraph, the county recorders in charge of 00:12:56
voter registration and early voting. 00:13:01
They're counter quarter. 00:13:06
Requires office processes and maintains all the voter registration records mailed out early ballots. Verifies early ballot 00:13:07
affidavits and the voter signature. 00:13:11
The counter counter recorder reviews and verifies every male ballot to confirm the identity of the voter prior to the ballot being 00:13:16
counted. 00:13:20
That's in a nutshell what the recorders office does. 00:13:24
Um. 00:13:27
In a nutshell, for Eric, the county election director responsible for the conduct of elections on Election Day and ballot 00:13:28
tabulation. 00:13:31
The election director overseas the securing of polling places, hires and trains all poll workers, conducts logic and accuracy 00:13:35
testing on equipment and tabulates the votes. 00:13:40
Alright. 00:13:47
This slide, I'm not going to go over it all, but these are the statutes and resources that we use. 00:13:49
This is just some of them. 00:13:56
The title. 00:13:58
Because we need to go through those but. 00:13:59
I will be referencing them throughout the whole entire. 00:14:02
Think so. 00:14:05
Alright. 00:14:07
Voter registration. 00:14:09
So when registration, a lot of people get confused because there are different ways that you can register to vote and the forms 00:14:10
that you can use. 00:14:14
Arizona has five voter registration forms that are approved through the state and through the federal government. The first one is 00:14:20
the state voter registration form. The next one is the federal form, which is the national mail voter registration form. Then the 00:14:26
registrations electronic electronically received from the Motor vehicle department. 00:14:33
The federal postcard application, You'll hear me say FPC, a card. That is what I'm referring to. The other one is a federal right 00:14:40
and absentee ballot. 00:14:44
We'll refer that to as quad. 00:14:49
So those are the five registration forms. 00:14:51
The state voter registration form. 00:14:54
All the counties use this form. It's also on the Secretary of State's website. 00:14:57
The minimum requirements for. 00:15:01
As. 00:15:05
Person to register using this form would be the name. 00:15:05
The address. 00:15:09
The date of birth. 00:15:10
Supposed to be at first. I apologize about that. I saw that afterwards. 00:15:14
Signature or statements that indicates. 00:15:17
That the registrar. 00:15:21
Sorry. 00:15:22
I lost my thought Spot completed the registration so if you have someone fill out this form for you because some people are unable 00:15:23
to fill it out. 00:15:27
The very bottom box has to be signed. 00:15:31
By that person that assisted you. 00:15:34
Then you have to have proof of citizenship or an Arizona drivers license, so we can run that through the havocs which. 00:15:36
We'll explain later on. 00:15:43
Um, or another proof of citizenship? 00:15:45
And then your signature. 00:15:48
Yes, this form has been used for how long? 00:15:51
It has been upgraded because it depends on the statute that's changed. So we used to not have to ask for the Arizona drivers 00:15:54
license. 00:15:57
And then we didn't have to ask if they were on people or wanted to be unable. 00:16:01
Um, that was changed. 00:16:05
Few years back, but it's basically the same form from the beginning of time. 00:16:07
You can hear me alright though, OK? 00:16:15
Alright. 00:16:18
So the next one are federal forms. Federal forms are different than the state forms. 00:16:19
Arizona was sued. It's called the LULAC case. If anybody wants to research that, it is a lot of pages long documents. 00:16:24
Basically, Arizona was sued saying that we cannot make someone show proof of citizenship if they mark the box that they are a 00:16:32
citizen. We have to take their word for it. 00:16:37
And. 00:16:44
I have that paperwork. 00:16:45
Right here. 00:16:49
So that was. 00:16:52
And 2013, June 19th, 2020 or I'm sorry, 2013? 00:16:54
Ken Bennett sent a letter. 00:16:58
To the US Election Assistance Commission saying, hey, this, it's not in there. I didn't put it in there, but if you guys want 00:17:00
that, I can send it to you guys. 00:17:04
Basically just saying. 00:17:10
We want to add this on the voter registration form. 00:17:11
4 to January 17, 2014. 00:17:17
They said. 00:17:20
It's not approved. 00:17:22
So if the market we have to take it. 00:17:24
As face value. 00:17:27
These letters, Mr. Chairman, go ahead. Do you, do you believe that that may cause a problem in the? 00:17:29
Ohh citizenship. 00:17:36
Of a person voting. 00:17:38
So I'm going to go over all the citizenship and what we have to do to check that. So I will answer that. OK, when we go over. 00:17:40
Alright. Thank you. Thank you. 00:17:43
If you want these, I can make copies. Have some make copies for you. 00:17:47
Yeah. Thank you. 00:17:52
So the federal forum. 00:17:57
One back you go, One back. Sorry. 00:17:59
The federal form is. 00:18:01
Put out by the AC, it is. 00:18:04
Basic information. 00:18:07
The next one is the federal postcard of the FCA. 00:18:09
I'll go over who can use the FPCA card and then. 00:18:12
Excuse me, on the next slide is the fog. 00:18:16
And. 00:18:19
I'll explain that to you, but on the minimum required. 00:18:20
Requirement is the name, the address, date of birth, signature or statement saying why they can't sign. 00:18:24
And then yes, you are a citizen. 00:18:30
That's all you have to have on there. I don't have to have drivers license, Social Security number, nothing else. That's all I 00:18:33
have to have. Next slide please. So the people. 00:18:37
You can use BLOB or the FCA card, or that you will cover the uniform and overseas citizens. 00:18:41
African Voting Act. 00:18:47
They can. This is for mostly the military. There are a few that. 00:18:49
Citizens, overseas and all that. 00:18:53
But I'm not gonna go through all this unless you guys want to. 00:18:56
Learn more about the military and what we have to do. 00:18:59
It is a federal law. It's under the if the F BAP. 00:19:03
Dot If you guys want to read all of that, it will explain. 00:19:09
The military procedures. 00:19:14
But that's who usually uses those two ballots or those two voter registration styles. So very few, just normal people would use 00:19:16
this, huh? 00:19:21
Yeah, very few. We only have. 00:19:25
Five maybe overseas. 00:19:28
Voters who are not on military. 00:19:31
I wouldn't say that I would. 00:19:33
Very, very few military. 00:19:34
Alright, thanks Sadie. 00:19:37
Alright. 00:19:39
Alright, So what are the requirements to register to vote? 00:19:41
And does anybody? Basically, yes, but you have to make a few things. 00:19:43
You have to be U.S. citizen. 00:19:48
You have to be 18 years of age by the next general election. We get a lot of questions about this because we go and register a lot 00:19:50
of the seniors at the schools. We go and do a whole presentation and register them. 00:19:55
They can register as long as they will be 18 by the upcoming general federal election. 00:20:01
And so we'll get onto the status. Sometimes the status will say. 00:20:07
Too young it says that because they will be 18 by the next federal election, but we have to still keep them in the system so. 00:20:11
The next thing is we'll have been at least an Arizona resident for 29 days prior to the election. 00:20:19
Can write the residents name. 00:20:25
Unless prevented from doing so has has not been convicted or treason. 00:20:26
Or extent of any treason or felony. 00:20:31
Unless you're a civil rights have been restored. 00:20:33
And you haven't been deemed incapacitated person by a court. 00:20:37
Revoking their rights. 00:20:41
Go ahead. 00:20:44
City. So are all these requirements state statutes for these just policies? 00:20:45
No, these are state statutes. OK. Thank you. You're welcome. Alright, so valid forms of Deepak, you'll hear us say Deepak is 00:20:50
spacious. Basically, document documentary proof of citizenship. 00:20:55
A restaurant must be used citizen to vote this is. 00:21:02
From the Arizona Constitution. 00:21:05
From the state code. 00:21:07
Everything is in there and also in Arizona revised statute that you have to be a citizen. 00:21:08
So when we were sued and saying that we can't require that, what they did was they. 00:21:15
Basically said. 00:21:20
When you register on that form. 00:21:21
These are the lists or the proof of citizenship that you can prove or give to us. And #1 the number one is the Arizona drivers 00:21:23
license. 00:21:27
He's just one. We run it through a database, we make sure that it's that person. Everybody's good. That's the easiest one. The 00:21:33
next one is the birth certificate. The birth certificate gets a little. 00:21:37
Hard for people because if you're so for me. 00:21:42
My birth certificate named Sadie Joe. 00:21:45
If I didn't have my driver's license and I was registering for the first time. 00:21:48
I would have to have my birth certificate and my marriage license showing Sadie Joe Tomerlin and Sadie Joe Venom so they don't get 00:21:51
too many of those. 00:21:55
The US passport, the pertinent pages in there. We need to see that or copies of those Citizenship and Immigration documents. 00:22:00
Tribal identification numbers and. 00:22:08
Number and documents, we're gonna go over this. 00:22:11
Alright. 00:22:16
Voter registration ohh I guess. 00:22:19
Anybody have questions about the forms? 00:22:21
Guys good. I'm good. 00:22:24
Alright, I think we're good. 00:22:27
So voter registration processing. 00:22:29
All processing personally need everyone to understand this. 00:22:32
All of the voter registration processes. 00:22:34
For HeLa County are done in HeLa County. They are not done at a state level or a federal level. Everything is done in my office, 00:22:37
in globe or in patients, OK. 00:22:42
So the next one. 00:22:48
Abbott What is Abbott Access Voter Information database. 00:22:51
Avid is basically in the cell, our voter registration system. We are connected to 13 other counties. 00:22:55
With Maricopa and Pima being an interface. 00:23:01
I like Alvin. 00:23:06
Because. 00:23:08
If someone is registering here for the first or not for the first time, they're moving from Maricopa County to Hill County. 00:23:09
It automatically cancels that person in Maricopa County. 00:23:14
It's in Maricopa notification saying hey. 00:23:17
This person registered in Keilah County and it's better that way. Instead of do. It's for duplicate checking. 00:23:20
But not only is it. 00:23:26
Mandated. 00:23:28
For us right now, it's in statute. National Voter Registration Act says that the states must have a statewide voter registration 00:23:30
system. 00:23:33
And that's the NRA Act of 1993. the United States Code says it. Help America Vote Act also says that we have to have a statewide 00:23:37
vote registration system. 00:23:42
When you get down to the voter registration statewide system, though. 00:23:48
In those statutes, it says it has to be housed. 00:23:52
At the Secretary of State's office. 00:23:56
That's where a lot of confusion is because they maintain their contracts. 00:23:58
And a house. 00:24:02
The system. 00:24:04
But we are the ones that have access to it. 00:24:05
So a lot of people get confused on that, but. 00:24:09
It is in statute that they have to do that. 00:24:11
So, Sadie, this this is, this is what Arizona uses in is what you're saying OK. 00:24:14
And there's 13 counties. 00:24:20
OK. 00:24:22
And then the interface with Maricopa and Chemo. 00:24:23
Pima Maricopa County will get the information whenever we register or when they register, it's sent to us. 00:24:26
They're too big. They can't, I mean. 00:24:33
OK, they have a custom system, so. 00:24:35
Customize all to their needs. 00:24:37
Special yes. 00:24:40
All right. 00:24:42
OK, status and reason codes. 00:24:45
I get a lot of questions whenever they call and we say, ohh, I'm sorry, you're inactive or? 00:24:48
You're fed ID or whatever, so this is going to explain to you whenever you call in and ask if if you're registered to vote. If I 00:24:53
say yeah, you're if you're good or I'm sorry, you're inactive, I'm going to explain right now, so. 00:24:59
Active valid registration. That means that you have met every requirement. 00:25:05
You have showed criticism, citizenship, we have your signature, date of birth, all that stuff. 00:25:10
Is good. Your address is good. I was able to pinpoint it all that. 00:25:15
Active infra confirmation response needed. 00:25:19
This means that we mailed you a voter ID card or some type of an official election mail. 00:25:23
This isn't just somebody saying hey. 00:25:30
I know this to this person is not back. It has to be unofficial election now. It was returned to us as undeliverable. We are 00:25:34
starting the NRA process. 00:25:37
Don't understand every process that's going to be on a couple slides later, but that's what that means is in very. 00:25:42
And the next one is dollar registration, Federal no ID. 00:25:49
This goes back to the LULAC case. 00:25:54
These are the people that use the federal forms or do not or do not show proof of citizenship. 00:25:56
So the no ID. 00:26:02
That means that they failed. 00:26:04
Yeah. 00:26:06
Watch these two fell to provide depot and we were unable to prove identity. 00:26:07
Through Social Security. 00:26:14
And MVD. 00:26:16
Through all the habitat. 00:26:18
So that means that we cannot actually say. 00:26:19
Somebody's a real person. We can't find them anywhere in any of the systems that we cross check. 00:26:24
The next one is the all registration federal ID only delts approve or provide depot but we were able. 00:26:30
To provide identity through Social Security. 00:26:37
So when we ran our hobby checks through Social Security Administration, it said. 00:26:40
This date of birth and this person are a real person. 00:26:45
But they never show proof of citizenship to us. 00:26:49
So that is why it's ID only. 00:26:51
Yes. 00:26:55
You have a question. 00:26:55
Rather confused. No I no, I don't have a question at this time. Thanks. Alright so the next status reasons inactive Ivra in active 00:26:57
address. 00:27:03
So if we go back to that active NVRA. 00:27:10
What happens is after 35 days if these people do not respond to our letter that we sent to them. 00:27:14
Say, hey, we have the wrong mailing address, you need to update your voter registration form. 00:27:20
They don't respond, they go inactive. 00:27:25
These voters can still vote. 00:27:27
But we have to have an updated voter registration form. 00:27:31
Prior to voting. 00:27:35
Yeah, they fill it out at the polling place where they come into our office. 00:27:36
Hertz staff and team is really good about making sure. 00:27:39
They thought about a registration form so we can get them updated. 00:27:43
Yes. 00:27:46
So if they don't update, they go inactive. The next one is suspense or not eligible. 00:27:47
The first status would be registrant waiting for verification. 00:27:52
This doesn't happen too often, but it does sometimes. If people are trying to build a house or whatever and we're trying to 00:27:55
pinpoint their address and we have to have the specific location so that they get presented correctly and in the correct checks. 00:28:01
Taxing districts, all that good stuff, supervisor, congressional, all that. So we're usually waiting on the voter to verify some 00:28:07
type of information. 00:28:13
The next one is registrant to registrant. Registrant is too young. Once again, they will be. 00:28:19
18 by the next general election, but we have to keep them in this status until they officially turn 18. 00:28:26
So that if they do sign a petition, it shows that they're too young to sign a petition or whatever the case might be. 00:28:31
Cancel. 00:28:38
We're going to go over all of these reason codes later on about the deceased felon, incapacitated your NRA voter request request, 00:28:39
or moved out of jurisdiction. 00:28:44
Not registered. We had a few questions on not registered. Why would we have that? What happens is when someone goes to the polling 00:28:50
place and they actually live in Coconino County. 00:28:54
Hey Cortana, see the polling place and the demands on voting. 00:28:58
We have to, by law, let them vote, but they vote a provisional ballot. 00:29:02
Since they're not registered here in Heela County, their ballot is not counted, so that is why we still have to enter it into the 00:29:06
system. So we have a tracking system. 00:29:10
To show that they tried to vote. 00:29:14
But it's not registered provisional, not counted. 00:29:16
Where is the chairman? 00:29:20
Ohh city. Yeah, this is interesting. So is anyone on this page that you're just talking about right now? Would would any of these 00:29:22
people receive a ballot in the mail? 00:29:26
They will not. 00:29:32
OK. 00:29:32
Thanks. Sorry. 00:29:36
See, there's been a lot of questions over this particular part right there. 00:29:38
Are you willing to answer a question or two if anybody on the audience has it? 00:29:42
Does anybody have a question on this? 00:29:46
Orientation. 00:29:49
We're willing to take a couple of your. 00:29:50
But if you do, apparently there's going to be more on this in there in a couple of slides as well. 00:29:53
All right. 00:29:59
Political parties, she's just quick question. Were you asking if patient would like to ask questions? I can take a couple Joseph, 00:30:01
if they have a question or two. 00:30:05
OK. That's the presentation. 00:30:11
Good morning. I just a really quick question. I might have misunderstood Recorder Sadie, thank you for being here first of all 00:30:16
and. 00:30:20
So did I understand correctly that? 00:30:27
The NRA's inactive status. 00:30:29
Still allows people to vote. 00:30:32
Yes, you would have to fill out any voter registration form to vote. 00:30:35
It's just saying that we have the wrong mailing address, so when they come into. 00:30:40
Vote. We would see that it's inactive in BRA and we have them fill out a new voter registration form and we would have to precinct 00:30:44
them at the new address wherever they moved to before they can get their correct ballot if it is from out of town. If there are 00:30:51
new mailing address, I'm sorry, physical address is out of town, we cannot let them vote. 00:30:57
OK, perfect. Thank you so much. You're welcome. 00:31:05
Thank you. 00:31:07
That was perfect. Nowhere. 00:31:09
Alright. 00:31:13
Alright. 00:31:14
We have tomorrow. 00:31:15
OK. We'll take one more and then we're moving on. 00:31:18
Alright, hi, my name is Steve Miller in Payson, AZ. I couldn't quite hear everything but recently had a half a million Venezuelan 00:31:21
people come into the United States and they got work permits and Social Security numbers and I presume drivers license. Can they 00:31:27
vote? 00:31:33
But if they don't show proof of citizenship, they would. So if they don't show proof of citizenship, they will not be able to vote 00:31:41
a full ballot. 00:31:44
If they do not show proof of citizenship, they would have to vote a Fed ID only ballot, which would be only the federal elections. 00:31:48
Or federal candidates. 00:31:56
So they can vote in the federal election, not local, if they receive if they get a drivers license. 00:31:58
And they show that they are illegal, that they are from somewhere else. It will pop up in our system with a certain code saying 00:32:04
that this person is not a citizen. And that means that they will not be registered at all. 00:32:10
Alright, is there a code show up on the voter registration? 00:32:17
Play down to you guys have. 00:32:22
No it does not. 00:32:24
It is a confidential code from the drivers license, but it's also through the MVPD. 00:32:25
That if it'll show if there are citizen or not, and if it comes back that they're not a citizen, they can't register. 00:32:31
OK, so basically what the Fed ID and fed only. 00:32:37
It. 00:32:41
It's just because they haven't shown us proof of citizenship. It's not that they're necessarily illegal, it's just that they 00:32:42
haven't shown us because we ran it through the Social Security Administration. 00:32:46
And this is a real person. 00:32:51
From America. 00:32:53
And so it's a driver's license. 00:32:56
Whenever we get the driver's license back, it'll give us these codes and like I said, if it has a certain code. 00:32:57
And it will say this person is not a citizen of the United States. They have a temporary work ID or something like a visa or 00:33:03
whatever. Yes. Yeah, So that comes back. 00:33:08
OK. Thank you. Thank you. 00:33:13
OK, we're good. We're good to go on, alright. 00:33:17
It's like political parties. So there are four recognized parties in the state of Arizona. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and 00:33:20
the new party is no labels. 00:33:24
You can still register as an independent other party. We get Mickey Mouse club, we get all these wonderful clubs. You can register 00:33:29
but they're gonna be under the other or independent or party not designated if you leave. 00:33:34
The. 00:33:40
On the form. 00:33:42
Where it says political party, if you leave it blank, we will register you as a party not designated. 00:33:43
Unless you were registered as a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or No Labels before that, then it's automatically carried over. 00:33:48
Whenever you register or update, you can use Republican or RP or GOP to register as Republicans and Democrat, Democratic, 00:33:56
Democrat. Same thing all the way down. 00:34:01
Just because these political parties are recognized at the state level does not mean that they are recognized here in HeLa County. 00:34:07
Currently, we only have three recognized political parties in Health County and that is the Republican Democrats and Libertarians. 00:34:13
Whose discretion is that? 00:34:21
To recognize the party, they have to petition us. So they would follow it with Eric. Eric would give it to us and we'd have to 00:34:24
verify those signatures and they come in front of the Board of Supervisors to actually do the final deal or what? 00:34:29
That's an OK, We'll ask him later down the road. 00:34:35
I believe that they meet the minimum requirement. It is what it is, right? Yeah. Ohh, OK. I believe it doesn't have to be. So they 00:34:39
just petition, go through the requirements and if it's good, they're they're in, Yes. OK. 00:34:44
Alright, here's the electronic verification procedures. 00:34:50
As we were saying with the MVP and having all that. 00:34:54
Here is the procedures on how we do it. I'm not going to go over every single one because all we do is enter it. 00:34:57
And I'll go on the next slide, I'll show you but. 00:35:03
Once again, I want everyone to understand that if you register through the motor vehicle department, it is not. 00:35:06
Automatically uploaded into our system. 00:35:13
It is not. 00:35:17
I have someone at in my office every morning go through the motor vehicle list and we have to manually upload those and approve 00:35:19
those. Nothing is done at the state level. 00:35:25
All of those through the motor vehicle department. 00:35:32
Or electronically are done in house? 00:35:34
Alright. 00:35:38
Section. 00:35:40
All right, next one, this next slide, I just took a little snippet of my voter registration. I've walked out some of the 00:35:42
information. 00:35:46
So whenever I was to update it would show my information. This is what our screen looks like on the next slide. 00:35:50
Whenever we run hobby checks up there at the top you'll see Run Hobbit checks. 00:35:57
This is the MD record. This is saying that it is a hard match in the third column on that in the blue on the bottom it says it's a 00:36:01
hard match because my Social Security number, my driver's license, my name, my address, and my date of birth. 00:36:07
All matched. 00:36:14
So then I would push match. 00:36:16
Next slide. 00:36:18
And everything's good. It auto filled all that and then you say update registrar. 00:36:20
And your you update that registration. 00:36:26
Same thing if it's a new registration. 00:36:29
Same process. 00:36:31
We enter all that, we click run, hollow, check, it run through Social Security and B. 00:36:32
Keeps on going. 00:36:38
OK. 00:36:40
Any questions on answering? 00:36:42
I don't think so, Sadie, alright. 00:36:47
Help America Vote Act Which we? 00:36:49
Always say hubba. 00:36:51
It's a long act. This is just kind of summarizing it. 00:36:54
Basically it just says it requires A voter to prove identity. 00:36:59
It's not saying. 00:37:02
Prove citizenship is same. Prove identity. We have to prove that you are a person. That's why we run The Hobbit checks to run 00:37:04
through Social Security Administration and MD to make sure that you are a real person. 00:37:09
Yeah, the verification through our system is for the Arizona drivers license or the ID number, Social Security number and see what 00:37:14
else. I can't leave that up there. 00:37:19
That's about it and it to prove ID like I said most, I would say 99% of people were drivers license but you can also show like a 00:37:27
utility bill and a bunch of other stuff to us so that we can show prove who you are. 00:37:33
Save save is a system that we use if we receive a. 00:37:43
Naturalization Certificate. 00:37:49
Whenever someone becomes a citizen. 00:37:52
What we do, we are only allowed to have one login Charlotte overseas to save program. What she does is she enters that into the 00:37:54
system and it comes back and says yes this person. 00:37:59
Became a citizen on such and such date. 00:38:04
And we can register them. 00:38:06
We don't receive too many of those, but that is one thing that we lose. 00:38:08
ID cards. 00:38:14
By state statute, everyone has to receive an ID card 30 at least within 30 days of registering to vote. Sometimes it's a little 00:38:15
tricky and so we have a little bit of a leeway during the election, because books are closed, we can't update anything, so 00:38:20
sometimes it takes us a little bit longer, but. 00:38:26
That's because of the election on the ID card. All these things are required on there. 00:38:31
And everything is on there. We can go to the next slide and I can. 00:38:37
Here is my voter registration card. This is basically what it looks like. All these things are required by statutes. The only 00:38:40
thing that we can change are the districts besides congressional and legislative. Those are the two districts that have to be on 00:38:44
there. 00:38:48
When we first went to power profile, which is way back when I'm aging myself probably 15 years ago, we met with the the Board of 00:38:54
Supervisors and what they wanted on there is the Board of Supervisor district and also their city district. That's the only other 00:38:59
two things that they wanted on there. So those are the four districts on there. But you do have other districts, you do have water 00:39:05
districts, lighting districts. 00:39:10
Lots of other stuff, so. 00:39:17
Everything else is done by statute at the bar bottom of it, it is a card. If you want to be on the table, you can fill that card 00:39:18
out and mail it back to us. 00:39:23
I thought this is funny. 00:39:33
High maintenance. 00:39:35
And unapologetic because it is a lot of work. Voter registration, list maintenance. 00:39:36
But it is worth it to clean up our voter registration rolls. 00:39:41
The first one is deceased. 00:39:45
How do we clean up these voter registration rolls? 00:39:47
The first one, the first thing that happens is the Arizona Department of Health Services runs a file. We send a file, they send a 00:39:49
file. 00:39:53
Get it all together. Not us, but the Secretary of States. The Secretary of State sends us a Excel spreadsheet that says, hey, this 00:39:57
person passed away in Maricopa County on such and such date. 00:40:02
Or where they have to wait and then it is done manually by my staff. 00:40:08
OK. 00:40:14
These other three are not required by state statute. 00:40:15
But I feel that if we can clean up the rolls of the deceased voters anyway possible let's do it in statute. It says other any 00:40:19
other way that the recordings necessary so. 00:40:23
What I do is I my staff go through all of the recorded death certificates. 00:40:28
In the reporters office, because if you need to take someone's name off of a title if it's. 00:40:33
You know correctly. 00:40:37
They can record a death certificate to remove their deceased spouse off of there and so we pull those from the recorder system and 00:40:39
council, the voter that way. The other thing is that we contact all the mortuaries. 00:40:45
And they mail us a letter stating these are the people that we. 00:40:52
Have helped or that have passed away. 00:40:56
How often does that take place, Sadie? 00:40:59
Which one? 00:41:02
The. 00:41:03
The deceased. 00:41:03
I mean, how often do you daily, every day. You guys are going through this. Yes, I got you. OK, the other thing is that the 00:41:05
obituaries. 00:41:09
I'm having a hard time with the pace and roundup. They want to charge me a huge service fee to get the obituaries. 00:41:13
From them. 00:41:19
I'm not sure if we want to pay that cost or not yet. I gotta figure that out on but they're still Rebel is really good. We have 00:41:20
unlimited access to the obituaries in there to run them, but the only way that we can cancel them is if it is a hard match is it 00:41:26
gives their date of birth or something identifying that person so we don't cancel someone. 00:41:32
So if it's not a hard match. 00:41:40
Then what do you do? Send a letter. 00:41:43
And see if you're getting in return, yeah? 00:41:45
And if it's returned to us a lot of times, the surviving spouse will write disease such and such date and we can verify that. 00:41:48
OK. 00:41:56
The next one, Felony or incompetent? Incapacitated. The Secretary of State is responsible for this part and also and so they work 00:41:57
with all of the clerk of the courts throughout the state. 00:42:02
Once again, they run a file. 00:42:08
They sent us an excel spreadsheet sheet saying this person has a felony or this person is capacitated. It is done manually in the 00:42:11
office. 00:42:15
Eric. 00:42:20
Everybody loves Eric. Arizona is a member of the Electronic Registration Information System. 00:42:21
We get a lot of grief about this and I understand why. 00:42:28
But it does help. It helps us a lot. It does clean up our rules. It does catch voters who voted twice in other states. It does 00:42:31
provide that information to us. 00:42:36
Um. 00:42:41
We're going to go over and Eric's slide later on which with more details so. 00:42:42
We'll go on to the next. 00:42:46
Juror disclosure of felony conviction. 00:42:51
A lot of people don't understand whatever, you get that jury. 00:42:54
Thanks. 00:42:58
It comes to us too. 00:42:59
So if you mark that, you're a felony or if you're a felon. 00:43:01
And it's a true match in our system that this is the person that marks that their felon. We counsel you. 00:43:04
The next one is the non citizen. 00:43:10
We cannot automatically cancel you for just marking that on the jury list or on the jury thing, but. 00:43:12
What we do is we have to make sure. 00:43:18
That you did show proof of citizenship when you registered to vote if they did not send you. 00:43:20
Then or not cancel, you have to send a letter. If they don't respond within 35 days, then they're cancelled. 00:43:26
The next one is out of county residence we. 00:43:31
Have to send a letter to them. 00:43:35
Yes, we send a letter to them verifying that they are out of state or out of town. 00:43:38
Questions on that. 00:43:43
Alright, the NVRA process, the cancellation through the IVR process due to an address change, we kind of went over this. 00:43:47
In a couple of slides before. 00:43:53
But it is in the United States Code. 00:43:55
That we have to do this and we have to. 00:43:57
Check their addresses. We can't just say ohh this person moves your canceled. There is a process. A lot of people come to us and 00:44:00
say my son moved to. 00:44:05
Wherever. Why is it cancelled? Well, because we haven't received anything back in the mail or nobody has notified us we have to 00:44:11
have. 00:44:14
Something back? 00:44:17
Um, we do receive on all election mail. If it's returned to us as undeliverable, we received the little yellow. 00:44:19
Thing on the bottom that says they're forwarding address and all that. 00:44:26
We are not part of in cocoa, the national change of address, whatever. 00:44:29
Nicola, Nicola, I think the call or something like that. It is really expensive to join that. 00:44:34
And I think that yellow little tabs serve just as good as that. 00:44:40
Let's see ohh one piece. I'm a return official. Now alone is not sufficient to cancel a registrar. So what happens is I mail. 00:44:47
Charlotte voter registration form is returned to me as undeliverable. 00:44:55
I get it back in my office. I put it in the system. 00:44:59
I mailed her a letter. She does not. 00:45:02
After that letter, within 35 days she's changed it in active Mr. status. 00:45:05
Four years passed, 2 consecutive general elections pass. 00:45:11
I can cancel this person if they are inactive and did not vote. 00:45:15
In two consecutive general elections. 00:45:20
I cannot cancel them. 00:45:22
If they voted in one of them, that would have updated their registration anyways. 00:45:25
So. 00:45:28
It has to be inactive. 00:45:29
And two consecutive general elections. 00:45:31
Inside. 00:45:35
What is the NRA? It's a National Voter Registration Act of 1993. We fall under section five, 6-7 and eight. 00:45:38
These are long sections if you guys want to read about the National Voter Registration Act. 00:45:45
Basically, it's what I just told you how we have to run this stuff. 00:45:51
Initiating the MRA process, this is what I. 00:45:58
Went over. We have to send those notices and all that, but it has to be official election mail. We get a lot of questions and we 00:46:02
are going to go out to the voters and campus or talk to them or whatever. Can we bring something back to, you know, it has to be 00:46:08
official election mail by federal and state law. 00:46:13
We have to have that back to initiate the process. 00:46:20
So the registration may be cancelled through the R process. With this stuff right here, Account reporter must document all final 00:46:29
notices. So every time we generate a notice or something to a voter, it is documented in the system. It says final notice sent. 00:46:36
90 day notice sent early ballots. Whatever it is, everything is documented in that in Avid. 00:46:44
Any questions about the NRA? 00:46:53
I don't think so. Is this a good time to ask for questions outside If you want to or you can wait till Eric. Let's go through 00:46:56
Eric, There's probably gonna be some there. All right, Eric, we're going to play a little video for the Eric. 00:47:01
Really. 00:47:10
Ohh, go back to this. Yep, and then it should play. 00:47:11
No. 00:47:16
Click on the website and. 00:47:22
I can go over it real fast too. 00:48:51
So Eric got it. 00:48:53
Rolls up to date is a challenge. 00:48:58
Mainly because Americans move so much. 00:49:00
In any given year, 10s of millions of Americans move. 00:49:03
2 million die and other life changes occur. 00:49:06
As a result, one in every eight registration records is inaccurate. 00:49:12
To fix this, several innovative states have joined with the Pew Charitable Trusts to build the Electronic Registration Information 00:49:19
Center, or Eric. Eric is a cost saving data center that helps each participating state improve the accuracy of their voter list 00:49:25
play, intelligently comparing their voter data to lots of other information like those from the DMV, the US Postal Service, the 00:49:32
Social Security Administration, and other lists. 00:49:38
Eric can help states in many ways. They can compare data from many sources simultaneously. 00:49:46
So a state can learn when a voter on their list has died or moved to another state. 00:49:53
Then the voters all stake can contact the voter to confirm the move and update the voter list, while their new state can reach out 00:49:58
and encourage them to register to vote in the most efficient way, usually through online voter registration. And just as 00:50:04
importantly, privacy of data is protected by Eric at the source. 00:50:11
Any personal information like dates of birth or drivers license numbers is anonymized. 00:50:17
And the whole program is run and owned by the participating states. 00:50:23
Ensuring the integrity and efficiency of the voter lists should be simpler. With Eric, it is. Take the first step at 00:50:28 00:50:33
Alright, so that kind of sums it up, but what happens if you put it? 00:50:43
To explain, So what happens is we send a file. 00:50:47
To search your state structure, thought state receives all the files from the county. 00:50:51
They don't have any of the pertinent information. They don't Social Security, drivers license all that stuff. 00:50:55
They. 00:51:01
Cross check it through 26 other states. 00:51:01
Yes, there has been a few states that have dropped off. Originally there was 31 states, there was down 26 states. 00:51:05
I understand that people are. 00:51:12
Scared because this information, they just went to a third party and they can get into our system. Eric has no access to anything 00:51:14
of Heela County. Nothing. 00:51:19
Because we send them an Excel file, it is just like anybody that is running. 00:51:25
A campaign can come into my office. 00:51:30
And request a list of all the registered voters here in public county. 00:51:33
By state statute, I have to provide that to that person. 00:51:37
I do not give out the drivers license. I don't give out the Social Security, mothers, maiden mothers maiden name. All that 00:51:41
information is protected. 00:51:45
So what happens when Eric receives our data? They get all the other states data. 00:51:50
They do an Excel spreadsheet. 00:51:55
They sent it to the state of Arizona. The state of Arizona then sends it to the counties. 00:51:58
That it needs to go to We pull these excel files. 00:52:02
Sometimes they're diseased, sometimes they're moved, sometimes they voted in other places. What we do is we compare that data if 00:52:06
it is a soft match, which means that a lot of the information matches the full name. 00:52:12
And the last only the year of birth is anybody's allowed to get the year of birth if that matches. 00:52:18
We send them a letter. 00:52:23
And say did you move? 00:52:26
That will start the India PNR process. 00:52:29
So if they never return that. 00:52:33
They're inactive for four consecutive years. They're canceled. 00:52:35
If they return it to us on the bottom of that letter, it states. 00:52:40
Are you still at Hill County resident or did you move out of state? If you moved out of state, please fill out this portion and 00:52:43
sign it and send it back in the postage paid envelope we provided to you. 00:52:48
So Eric is not cancelling anybody in the system. 00:52:54
Eric is not registering anybody in our system. 00:53:00
Eric is not doing any of that. It is an Excel file that we receive from this company. 00:53:03
Like they said, the states own this company. We had to pay a portion. I believe it was 2000. 00:53:09
This year I went on the board. I think it was $2000 I paid. I believe it's 25,000 throughout the whole state that we have to pay 00:53:16
anyways. The county cannot. 00:53:20
Withdraw cannot cancel their contract. There's a lot of rumors saying that we are allowed to cancel. 00:53:26
We cannot. The state has to cancel. 00:53:33
If we cancel. 00:53:38
It cancels the whole state of Arizona and we're in breach of that contract or whatever it is. I'd be a legal term for Jeff. I 00:53:39
don't know the terminology, but. 00:53:43
We can't do that. 00:53:47
Unless we want to upset every other state, other sorry, every other count. 00:53:49
So, so basically what you're saying is they compile all this data on this individual or whatever, then it just comes to you in an 00:53:56
Excel spreadsheet and then you guys physically go through that and determine? 00:54:02
Whether they're active, inactive, whatever it is, that is it, that is it. 00:54:09
Mr. Chairman. 00:54:15
Uh. 00:54:17
Society I want. 00:54:18
Want to make sure I understand and everyone that's listening and I thank everyone for being here. There's a lot of patient too. 00:54:20
And that shows interest and I like that. So Eric, I hear about Eric, not this Eric. 00:54:27
Eric the system. So let's say that Eric was broken into. 00:54:33
All the information that you receive is nefarious and incorrect. 00:54:39
You still are protecting the county vote. 00:54:45
Because you don't assume any of that to be correct. 00:54:49
You send letters to confirm the correctness of it. 00:54:54
And if you don't receive anything back, the canceled if you receive something back. 00:54:58
Then you work with that. 00:55:02
So the information that Eric supplies, whether it's correct or not. 00:55:04
Will not. 00:55:09
Hurt the vote in Hilla County. 00:55:11
That is correct, OK, I just need it. 00:55:13
Any other questions? 00:55:17
Kind of open it up because this one's gonna be, yeah, I I think it'd be a good time because I do know that there's a lot of 00:55:19
concern about this program. OK. So let's do something and let's start with Pace and then I, I take a couple questions from Pace 00:55:23
and if there are any. 00:55:27
Joseph, are there anybody up there wants to ask a couple questions or a couple people? 00:55:33
Please state your name and and so we'll have it for the records. 00:55:40
Yes, Sir. 00:55:43
My name is Glenn Galster and I'm one of your constituents and citizens here in Payson, AZ and the Eric system. When we were 00:55:44
watching that little infomercial about Eric, it said that it is formed and owned by the states. 00:55:52
And yet, when I look at what Eric is, Eric is a nonprofit organization, 501C3 nonprofit, that is funded primarily by. 00:56:00
Non governmental organizations such as the Pew Foundation. 00:56:09
So, which is a very liberal organization by any stretch. 00:56:13
So my question is why do we need to be in Eric if we have the other databases that will give us the information we need and 00:56:18
secondly? 00:56:22
Ohh. 00:56:27
Where can we get a copy of that contract that we can opt out as a county? Because I I was told and informed that we have that 00:56:29
ability on a county wide basis. 00:56:34
That we don't have to go along with the entire state doing this. 00:56:41
Thank you. So I did check because I have received a phone call regarding opting out. I did check with Secretary of State and also 00:56:44
Janine Petty with Maricopa County, who. 00:56:48
Actually was with Michelle Reagan. 00:56:53
Um. 00:56:55
Secretary of State. 00:56:55
Who started the Eric thing? 00:56:57
Um, so we cannot opt out. You're more than welcome to ask the Secretary of State for the official. 00:56:59
Contract. 00:57:06
And go from there. 00:57:08
So say. 00:57:11
Then basically this goes almost back to state statute that we have to stay in this with this system or not state statute. 00:57:13
This is the contract, OK? We don't have to be part of it. The state doesn't have to be part of it. We have opted in. 00:57:21
What was it 8 years ago when, however long it's been actually 12 years ago? 00:57:28
Believe us 12 years ago when Michelle Reagan was here, that is when the first contract was signed. 00:57:32
So as a county, you cannot opt out. I understand that people are like. 00:57:37
This doesn't look good, but we're not. 00:57:41
They're not changing our system. They're not doing anything in our system. We're getting this database. They say that the Pew 00:57:43
Foundation is liberal. 00:57:47
OK. 00:57:51
So it is just like the Republican Party, and I'm not throwing stones at any political party here, but I'm going to give you an 00:57:52
example. It is just like the Republican Party. 00:57:57
And they send their information. 00:58:02
To a third party party organization, it is just like the Democratic Party that sends theirs to their third party organization that 00:58:04
compiles all these lists. 00:58:09
That all these people that are coming and speaking are getting. 00:58:14
It's the same exact stuff. So why is it OK for a political party? 00:58:17
To compare all this data and do this research. 00:58:24
You see where I'm going with this, it's, I think the bottom line is, is it comes back to us as a county you as a recorder to 00:58:27
verify or go through this information I mean. 00:58:32
If they send somebody, that's just a made-up. 00:58:37
Feel back through this spreadsheet. 00:58:41
You send out your letters and then obviously you're not going to get anything back. There's no way of verifying that back, right? 00:58:44
Correct. And then. 00:58:47
For the next so many days or 35 days, OK. 00:58:51
They are. 00:58:55
OK, so first I guess for this guy. 00:58:56
The contract would be through the Secretary of State's office. That's who holds the contract. 00:58:59
And they accept that for all of us counties in Arizona, yes, we have. 00:59:04
MU or MO, Memorandum of understanding or whatever in agreement. 00:59:11
And that was signed. What did you guys say 12 years ago? 00:59:15
The original one, But we come back every year, OK, fine, Every year, OK. 00:59:19
OK, so I want to give an example of what Eric does too is. 00:59:24
In the 2020 election there was a lady that voted or says that she did not vote but. 00:59:28
Florida received her ballots back in the mail. We also received her ballot back in the mail. 00:59:35
Eric is the one that caught this person trying to vote once in Florida and once in Heel County. 00:59:40
We were able to do that. Florida is prosecuting the lady because that is where it originated from. We had to provide all those 00:59:47
documents and everything. 00:59:51
To them. 00:59:56
So Eric has his good qualities. It did catch. 00:59:57
A voter that was trying to vote twice. 01:00:00
Have. 01:00:02
Have we ever had that happen here where we had to prosecute from Hilo County? 01:00:03
OK. 01:00:08
Temp. I have a question if if this contract is is. 01:00:09
Is due every year or up every year? Who signs the contract for supervisors? 01:00:13
Board supervisor signed the contract every year. 01:00:18
And when is that contract gonna be up? 01:00:21
Month ago? Two months ago. 01:00:24
Umm. 01:00:27
OK. 01:00:29
Gotcha. 01:00:30
Go ahead, Did did we vote on that? 01:00:32
Contract, yeah. 01:00:34
Play through the consent agenda. 01:00:36
Oh, Oh no. No, it wasn't. No. 01:00:38
OK. 01:00:41
I just don't have a memory of it. 01:00:42
The thing that I want to say is about two months. So because I have heard a lot of things about this this program and this, these 01:00:45
processes and things. 01:00:50
Make it very plain that. 01:00:56
You get the spreadsheet and that your department that goes back and verifies all of this. So let me ask you this, Sadie I'm. 01:00:58
Comma. 01:01:07
If you're learning question, I know it hi you. No it's not bad. Anyway is there in your mind? Is there any way possible somebody 01:01:08
come back to that? 01:01:13
Process or through that spreadsheet That isn't valid. 01:01:18
That we could miss it or not catch it. 01:01:22
What? 01:01:24
I mean. 01:01:25
If there's no matches, if there's whatever, there's no matches, nothing comes back to us. OK? They only send us back what matches. 01:01:26
If there's a deceased or moved out of out of state or voted twice, that's the only time it comes back to us. 01:01:34
OK, I understand. A lot of people say, well, why don't you go to go and do something else? Why can't you have another system? 01:01:41
There is no other system. There is no other program that we know of. 01:01:45
If someone has that. 01:01:50
Let's look at it. Let's bring it up to the Secretary of State. But right now. 01:01:52
Eric is working for us. Eric is finding these double voters. Eric is finding that the deceased people from New York, Florida, 01:01:56
Texas, all these other places, Yes, Texas is dropping out the end of this year. 01:02:01
So. 01:02:07
Without this this particular program. 01:02:08
Then there's no way of having those checks for other states who's voting where across the country, I mean. 01:02:11
How else could you possibly get? Is there a way I mean. 01:02:17
There's got to be somebody that takes and compiles all that information. 01:02:21
So what we also do is if you say that you are current or you are registered in Kentucky, we make a copy of that voter registration 01:02:26
form and send it to the Kentucky Secretary of State office and they send, they send it to the correct. 01:02:32
County that they need to cancel but. 01:02:39
It's a lot easier through Eric and I mean. 01:02:43
I get why people have questions, but if you really dig deep down into it. 01:02:47
They're not touching our system. 01:02:51
The Secretary of State's office does not do anything Our system, it is the counties that sends the file that has the file. They 01:02:53
send us an Excel spreadsheet back. We get the excel spreadsheet. 01:02:57
When you look at it in our system, send out the letter and start that process. OK. So I think we have one more question for 01:03:02
Payson. 01:03:06
Or two, we'll take one and then we're going to have two down here and then I I have OK. 01:03:11
OK, so at one point. 01:03:18
Umm. 01:03:22
Miss Sadie. 01:03:24
Or informal and pace and right Sorry about that. 01:03:26
You said that Eric does not have access to the Healy County voter rolls. 01:03:30
And then I got the impression that you said you only send down to Eric the suspected voters where you have people their their 01:03:36
letters. 01:03:43
And the two different letters that you send out. 01:03:50
And they come back, and then you send that down to Eric to find out if there's someplace else. 01:03:56
That these people live. 01:04:03
But then you said. 01:04:05
We send down our voter rolls. 01:04:07
And then they match up and send it back. 01:04:10
With do they send it back with stars that say these people have a problem or whatever? So how does it work out that you know? 01:04:14
What they have removed or what they have not removed. 01:04:24
That's my question. First of all, I'm confused on the whole first part of the question because I don't recall saying any of that, 01:04:29
but the next part is. 01:04:33
What happens is we send a file to the Secretary of State's office. The Secretary of State compiles all 15 counties information. 01:04:38
The voter registration data. 01:04:45
All everything's out of there, the. 01:04:48
Like I said, the driver's license, Social Security number, the month and day of birth is all out of there. They send that file. 01:04:50
To Eric. Eric. 01:04:57
Compares our file to the other 26 states. 01:04:59
And then they will send us an Excel spreadsheet that says, say I moved to Texas, they would say Sadie Joe being a 1983 Texas and 01:05:04
my address in Texas. What we would do is then we would take that information and put it into our system as. 01:05:11
We received this information and mailed that letter. 01:05:19
To that to me in Texas, if I lived in Texas, if that was returned to us as undeliverable, they're inactive for their 35 days or 01:05:22
they're active for 35 days and then it starts inactive process. 01:05:28
Does that make sense? Does yeah. 01:05:34
I think, Shirley stepped back. So. 01:05:37
OK. 01:05:39
Then she gets so. 01:05:39
Ohh. Let's take a couple questions here. Did you guys, Jim? 01:05:41
Yeah. 01:05:45
Just can you hear me alright within the Eric system? 01:05:47
My understanding I just kind of looked up. There's 24. 01:05:54
States that are part of that. 01:05:58
So. 01:06:01
Yeah, someone that's voting here in Arizona is also voting. 01:06:02
And Kansas and Kansas is not up. We wouldn't know that that is correct. We would not know that. So we only know what you know 01:06:06
states are part of the Eric system. That is correct And my understanding there was 33. 01:06:12
You know, initially and the Eric system states. 01:06:19
And it's down to 24 now. 01:06:23
And and I'm wondering, you know, yeah. 01:06:25
Nine states that thought that you know it's. 01:06:28
Not good as I'm just wondering why they opted out and the other thing that. 01:06:32
Eric does it. It does things beyond. 01:06:39
Just sharing information. 01:06:43
I mean, my understanding they'll come into the motor vehicle division. 01:06:46
And say ohh here's someone that's. 01:06:50
21 years old that just. 01:06:53
Got the drivers license and they're they didn't register and then they'll send, they'll try to prop these people. 01:06:55
Than to register to vote, and to me that takes longer. 01:07:02
A very partisan role. 01:07:05
And and the. 01:07:07
Electric. 01:07:10
And I see where you're coming and that's why I said that Eric is a very touchy subject because you can look at it that way or you 01:07:11
can look at it in a different way. It just depends on which way you want to look at it because we've received a lot of compliments 01:07:14
because. 01:07:18
When we first joined Eric, which like I said was about 12 years ago, we had to do an initial mailing. 01:07:22
And what it did was it basically scan the whole county about people who were not registered, that were over the age of 18 and they 01:07:29
sent postcards, We sent account or I'm sorry, the state sent postcards out. 01:07:34
So. 01:07:40
I see where you're coming from, but then a lot of times, if you look at those people that registered office, that postcard, there 01:07:42
was a lot of them. 01:07:45
And a lot of people say, well, that's scary. 01:07:49
Because people are initiating these voter registration drives and stuff like that. 01:07:51
But if you go back to the voter registration process and how we have to do it. 01:07:55
We have to go through the motor vehicle and verify that they have a driver's license, that they have a Social Security, that they 01:08:00
have shown purpose, citizenship. And so there's so many different checks and balances. The good thing about Eric is that it is not 01:08:05
connected to our system. 01:08:09
So they can never. 01:08:14
Mess with anybody that's registered here. It would take myself, Charlotte or one of my staff members. How are they connected to 01:08:16
those Secretary of State? They are not. They're not so. 01:08:21
That information that the Secretary of State gets and it's raw form. 01:08:28
What they weed out those that have. 01:08:33
Addresses and he'll call me that and send those on. Does the Secretary of State ever upload? 01:08:36
Like the older motor or? 01:08:44
Folder folder. 01:08:47
Uh. 01:08:48
Registrars, do they get put into our system? Is there any registrations that get put in to help counties data system? 01:08:49
That. 01:08:58
Worse. 01:09:01
What that stop you know by? 01:09:01
County. 01:09:04
Employees here and then put it in. 01:09:05
Is there anything that goes automatically into our database? No Sir, there is not. Everything has to be done manually by my staff. 01:09:08
It cannot be done by Secretary of State. It can't be done by Eric or a third party or Secretary of State or Secretary of State 01:09:15
cannot. 01:09:18
Do we have somebody else for question? Go ahead. 01:09:23
Back up just a little bit. OK, get off here for a second. 01:09:26
When you're. 01:09:30
I can't hear you very well. I feel about Apple, so I apologize for that. 01:09:32
But when you were talking about some people could have Social Security numbers and. 01:09:37
Drivers license that some states give, especially liberal states. 01:09:45
Counties that are blue oriented. 01:09:50
Yep. 01:09:54
Does that mean that they, did you say that they could still vote in a federal election for president? Did you say that minister? 01:09:55
So here in Arizona we were sued because we were asking for purpose citizenship, that you had to show documentary proof of 01:10:00
citizenship. 01:10:05
LULAC students and also the AC which is the election of. 01:10:11
Commission. 01:10:17
Hey Saudis and basically said that we cannot make someone show us their drivers license or birth certificates. 01:10:18
If they mark on their voter registration form that they are a citizen, I have to take that as face value. 01:10:26
But. 01:10:32
What they allowed the state of Arizona to do is to have that voter registration form that asks for your drivers license and all 01:10:33
that stuff. 01:10:37
So once we receive your proof of citizenship, you are allowed to vote a full balance. So that means every. 01:10:41
Office in Heela County that you qualify for. Water districts, county, city, all that. 01:10:49
If you did not show proof of citizenship, that falls under the LULAC case and you can only vote for federal offices. 01:10:54
I paid $7000 for my wife here from the Philippines. It's kind of unfair to some people. 01:11:03
I I can't get into political stuff, but I understand what I hit that only two, Bernard. You'll get the next round. We got two and 01:11:09
two. What was your first name again? Your name. 01:11:14
Greg. 01:11:20
I didn't see him. 01:11:21
OK, right on we're going on alright. 01:11:23
Voter registration from patient, please. 01:11:26
From pace and what? 01:11:30
We're having problems understanding the audio because of the acoustics in the room. 01:11:32
In the interest of time. 01:11:38
Is there a way we can contact each speaker and submit our questions offline so that we can get a full discussion? Because we're 01:11:39
having trouble understanding. Every time you drop your voice, we the the words become garbled. So if you could speak closer to the 01:11:46
microphone, enunciate clearly, it would be a lot easier to understand. You know what we'll do is I know we let these guys speak 01:11:52
from the crowd, but we might not do next time we have questions. 01:11:59
We'll go ahead and set up the podium where they have to speak in the mic. How's that? 01:12:05
Just like you guys would in Payson and Doug, I think that would help you guys up there a lot. 01:12:10
OK, Sandy. All right. The next after this, This is the current voter registration staff. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Before we go 01:12:16
forward. Yeah, go ahead. OK. Yeah. Because I asked a question earlier and I wanted to follow up question. 01:12:23
So I I'm just asking say with your years of experience. 01:12:30
Were more accurate with Eric than we would be without it. 01:12:34
OK. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you, Tim. Go ahead, Sadie. Alright, so the stats, these are the stats as of 9/19 when I had 01:12:38
to turn in the slideshow. 01:12:43
Republicans in the County 15,900, Democrats 8189, Libertarians 221, The No Label Party 89, and all other 9517. 01:12:48
The next one is. 01:13:04
Um. 01:13:05
Congressional districts, Next slide, Sorry. 01:13:07
Congressional districts, all Aquila counties and Congressional District 2. 01:13:11
So 3709? 01:13:15
There's two legislative districts in Heela County, six and seven. Six covers most of the reservation or all the reservations, 01:13:17
which is 3376 and Legislative 7 is 30,333. 01:13:23
By Supervisor district. 01:13:30
You guys need to read all these and you guys are good. I think we're good, alright. 01:13:32
Able The active early voting list 24,022, which means there are almost 72%. 01:13:36
People that are on the active early voting list. 01:13:44
On their active early voting list, there's 72%. 01:13:47
71.26 or something like that, but yeah. 01:13:52
It's going up every day. 01:13:55
The next one are the election totals. I pulled this from the canvas and then I broke it down by the drop boxes for Heela County. 01:13:57
This is the primary election of 2022 and also the general election of 2022. 01:14:03
We will probably reference this here in a little bit. 01:14:10
But those are the totals. 01:14:13
All right. 01:14:15
So every county recorder has to report to the Secretary of State every quarter. 01:14:17
The election totals. 01:14:22
These are the days and even numbered years. I'm odd numbers of years that we have to report the active and inactive to the 01:14:24
Secretary of State's office. 01:14:28
These lists are provided to the state and county political party chairs through a secure FTP site. 01:14:33
They have to use an FTP site. So what is that? An FTP site? 01:14:41
Well, that's a good question because it's some kind of. 01:14:45
It's gonna take somebody like Cassie to explain it or? 01:14:49
An encryption. Ohh it's an encryption. Encryption data OK. 01:14:53
No one can get it and they have a password and all that other stuff to get that data, OK? 01:14:58
Alright, Federal only registrations must be reported to the Secretary of State and they are posted on our website, but they are 01:15:02
only updated every quarter. We do not update those every day and all that one thing I do want to run. 01:15:08
Real quick, go backwards on the federal only because a lot of people are asking questions about that. But what we also do is run 01:15:14
that before the election through the hoba process. We run those to see if anybody has recently got a driver's license or anything 01:15:20
so that we can get those people to show proof of citizenship. 01:15:26
Alright, next slide. 01:15:32
Political party request by third parties so. 01:15:36
If you're running a campaign or. 01:15:40
Anything you can request, request a list. But what we have to do is they have to, it has to be on 16-168 statute requirements. 01:15:43
When we receive these, we send them to Jessica and Jeff and they verify that these are for political purposes only. So we don't 01:15:53
give this just to anybody off the street. It has to meet those requirements and once they say that it meets those requirements. 01:15:59
We will give them the list of the voters. 01:16:06
And part of that is redacted or yes? 01:16:10
OK, yeah, they do not get like any pertinent information. They don't get your drivers license, Social Security number. 01:16:13
Month and Day of birth, Mother, father's name. 01:16:19
Source codes, different things like that. 01:16:23
There's a list of them. I think it's actually on the next slide now that I said that it is. 01:16:25
So those are the things that they cannot get. Month and day of birth, Social Security number, Drivers license, Indian census, 01:16:29
Father's name, Mother, Brittany. 01:16:32
First signature e-mail address. 01:16:36
Um, signature signatures are a little bit different. I cannot give those just out to anybody, but if you have any petition or 01:16:39
anything like that, you can come into the office physically and check the signatures. 01:16:44
On your petitions. 01:16:51
It does say in statute I personal organization and possession of the precinct list. They're not supposed to be given out all 01:16:57
those. 01:16:59
All the list. 01:17:03
Unless that meets those requirements under 16-168F. 01:17:04
Alright. 01:17:11
Before we start early voting, yeah, we can. Bernard, I cut you off. Do you have a question on any of this right now? 01:17:14
Bernard, won't you come up here because the folks in facing her. 01:17:22
Having a hard time hearing us just through the room. 01:17:26
Can you hear me? 01:17:43
Uh, according to this. 01:17:45
Eric. System. Sadie. 01:17:47
I was I was wondering is this is all a computer system right that? 01:17:50
They are interphase with all these other States and stuff, right? 01:17:55
They're not interfaced each state. 01:17:59
You're good. Each state has to provide. 01:18:02
Yes, yes, yes. 01:18:06
All combined. 01:18:09
Well, it seemed like on that picture they were all interconnected. 01:18:10
Data from Kansas or from Texas and Arizona. And they have babies that they run them and check them but. 01:18:14
Arizona information is not connected to county. That's what you're asking. 01:18:23
I was thinking they were interconnected, so they're not interconnected. 01:18:28
But they still can read each other, I mean if something changes or. 01:18:32
And I know that. 01:18:38
That they get the data from. 01:18:41
You're good. You're good, January. 01:18:45
2016 and then April of 2016 and they merged those two, registered who did it and all that and see if someone should look parties 01:18:48
and all that. That's basically what they're doing is they're going to sell fires files matching them up. 01:18:55
OK. 01:19:03
OK, but it's still run by a computer and my my question is. 01:19:05
If this computer is hacked into. 01:19:09
Or, you know, the different computers they're using. 01:19:12
Could it be used for the furious reasons? 01:19:15
And who is holding this nonprofit organization that runs this? 01:19:19
Accountable. 01:19:24
So first of all. 01:19:25
If it is hacked. 01:19:27
There's other security measures because they would have to send that Excel file to us. 01:19:28
And we compare it to our data and then we would know you a letter whoever owns letter off of that list. 01:19:33
So it can come back and say that I moved to New York and then my staff is going to send me a letter and if I respond and say no, I 01:19:39
never moved to New York. 01:19:44
So you're really not happy Heel County voter registration system because you're not inserting anything into our instruction 01:19:50
system. 01:19:53
We're doing it outside the voter registration system. I know you are, but I'm talking about. 01:19:57
The company the company that is doing this so the company can does not. 01:20:03
Have access to our system. 01:20:07
Alright. 01:20:09
And what's your next question? That was it? That was all. And who holds this nonprofit accountable? 01:20:11
So. 01:20:16
Think about it. I'm not sure who holds them accountable, but there is a board, so we have a representative. Her name is Colleen 01:20:17
O'Connor, Connor, Connor, Connor. 01:20:22
Sorry, she is from Arizona. She is now at the Secretary of State office. She was on the legal council for Yavapai County, Maricopa 01:20:27
County, numerous other counties. She's very, very knowledgeable. 01:20:33
And. 01:20:38
Elections and election laws. And she is on that board. It is. 01:20:40
It says on the website who's on that board and they meet regularly. 01:20:44
Mr. Petty, that was at the Secretary of State's office. Great person. She's been in elections. 01:20:49
She used to run Yampi County. She's great, so there is a board. 01:20:55
Alright, thank you, Bernard. 01:21:01
Patient, do you guys have somebody with a question up to this point? 01:21:03
Just step on up there and just tell us again who you are, please. 01:21:10
Issue. Woody, this is Glenn Gelster in Payson and the question I have again you just mentioned. 01:21:14
The structure. 01:21:22
Of of the Eric system, Eric system, it's it is a 501C3 and they have to be in compliance with the number of laws the last. 01:21:23
Annual report. That's on their website. They only list one annual report. It's 2017. They're not even in compliance with federal 01:21:35
law for 501C threes. There's a lack of transparency here. There's issues with this organization I would really like. 01:21:43
Our county out of it. 01:21:50
Thanks for your comments, Sadie. We're good. 01:21:52
Alright. 01:21:55
So the next one is. 01:21:57
Early voting. 01:21:59
Alright, so there are different ways to vote early. 01:22:03
The first one is ballot by mail. 01:22:05
Instead of reading all of this, I'm just going to kind of summarize it basically about my mouth. A one time request. A voter can 01:22:08
call us 93 days before the election. 01:22:13
And ask for a ballot to be mailed to them. 01:22:18
They have up until 11 days before the election. I believe it's two weeks before the Election Day, 11 days, whatever it is. 01:22:21
To request that ballot to be mailed to them after that 11th day. It there's no guarantee that the post office will deliver that 01:22:28
ballot to you on time. They can request it orally in writing, in person, online phone or e-mail or fax. 01:22:35
Or even by now a lot of the political parties smell out forms and shirt. Every single person in this room that is registered vote 01:22:42
has received one from the parties that say do you want to receive your vote by mail? Fill out this form, They have to return that 01:22:47
to our office and then we will send you a ballot. 01:22:52
So let's go into about by mail for the presidential preference election. A lot of people are confused on what a presidential 01:22:59
preference election is. It is not a primary election. 01:23:04
Different. 01:23:09
The presidential preference only has. 01:23:10
The president on there, and it falls in March. 01:23:13
When you. 01:23:16
I am sorry. I'm going off on presidential preference. I need to talk about the primary election. 01:23:17
You need to back up. I need a backup. So we're talking about the primary. The primary is not the presidential preference. 01:23:22
Primary election. 01:23:28
Does not have the president on the ballot. 01:23:30
So if you are an independent or party not, that's not recognized. 01:23:33
You have to specify which political ballot you want. 01:23:37
The Libertarians have a closed election. 01:23:43
So you cannot request their ballot. You can request a Democrat or a Republican ballot. What people get confused about is when you 01:23:45
request a ballot by mail. 01:23:50
You are not changing. 01:23:55
Pure political party preference. 01:23:57
If you're an independent. 01:24:00
You're just receiving that ballot style. 01:24:01
Arizona is an open primary, so that says that anybody can vote in the primary election. 01:24:06
OK. 01:24:11
Next one. 01:24:12
Active early voting list. This is the one that you're automatically you automatically receive a ballot by mail. 01:24:17
You sign up for it, but what we have to do is 90 days before an election, we have to mail you a letter stating. 01:24:23
Are you here? Do you still want to receive your ballot? 01:24:30
It'll say, would you like this ballot for these elections, Mark no. You can opt out, or yes, or if you need it, sent somewhere 01:24:32
else. 01:24:36
You have to put that information and it has to be signed and mailed back to us if it is not signed. 01:24:41
It is not going anywhere. 01:24:46
Can't get it. Can't afford that ballot, OK. 01:24:49
Chair. Excuse me, say so. 01:24:53
Is it possible unless you have this ballot by mail? Is it possible that ballots would and could be mailed? 01:24:55
To someone that did not request the ballot, no. 01:25:05
So I hear stories that that happens. I. 01:25:09
Are you? So there's different types of elections. OK, you need to, so you have the. 01:25:12
Primary and general. 01:25:18
Election that you have to request a ballot or you have to be on the active early voting list. OK, but there are jurisdictional 01:25:20
elections, such as the one that is coming up. 01:25:24
In a few weeks. 01:25:29
The Miami school district and the patient school district. 01:25:30
The four supervisors. 01:25:33
And the jurisdiction signed off to have a ballot by mail election. 01:25:34
So what that means is every single person in that jurisdiction will receive a ballot by mail. There is no polling places. 01:25:39
And are those people, they have to be registered to vote? Correct. OK, you are not registered and we're not. Yeah, I understand 01:25:48
those. I call them like special elections. Yeah. Yeah. 01:25:52
But there's no way someone's going to receive. 01:25:57
Or a piece of property is going to receive a mail in ballot where no one lives there. Or I mean that's just not. 01:26:00
Is is. Can someone cheat on this? Can someone request? 01:26:08
A mail by ballot that doesn't live there or. 01:26:12
You have to meet all that. 01:26:17
You have to move on, OK, to meet that. And then if they do both that, when it comes back we have to verify that signature and all 01:26:18
that information. 01:26:22
I see. Thank you. 01:26:26
Any other questions about? 01:26:29
And so I hear the same thing, Sadie. 01:26:32
I hear that, people. 01:26:34
People get them and not ask them for them whatever, but. 01:26:36
And then I hear the ones that, well, you know there's somebody requested a mail in ballot and goes back to a vacant lot, so. 01:26:39
Things of that nature. 01:26:47
You know so. 01:26:49
But. 01:26:50
You still? 01:26:52
I mean. 01:26:54
Could that possibly be I mean, or what? What would? 01:26:57
What could happen there that would create that? So there's a couple of different scenarios. So on the voter registration form, the 01:27:01
first question asks if you want to receive your ballot by mail. You know how many people mark that? 01:27:06
Or don't work. That and they say, ohh, I wanted to be on it or I didn't want to be on it. And you're like, well, I have to take 01:27:12
what's on the voter registration form. 01:27:15
A lot of times. 01:27:18
Certain people will say I didn't request this. Well, yes, you did. The last voter registration form we had for you. Do you want us 01:27:20
to be on the permanent early voting list? 01:27:24
So then it's. 01:27:28
Well, I didn't request it. Yes, you did. Because if you read the fine print on that voter registration form, it says that for 01:27:29
every election you qualify, we will mail that ballot to you. 01:27:33
They don't understand that I gotcha. So it's not just automatically like I'm not just ticking. 01:27:38
$1 million just because I want to. Umm, it doesn't work that way. The other thing that happens is that we have to start printing. 01:27:43
The balance. 01:27:50
Or the affidavits. 01:27:51
Before the closer registration. 01:27:53
Because we do everything in house. 01:27:55
And we're going to get you that too. So. 01:27:57
When you start printing about a week before the election or before the close of registration. 01:28:01
So there could be someone that registers. 01:28:05
In another county. 01:28:09
Saying the day the closer registration, but their ballot is already in movement. 01:28:10
But what we have done, and this is a nightmare, This is why I got your hair, is that. 01:28:15
Charlotte and I take. 01:28:20
A lot of times to make sure when we print these ballots. 01:28:23
They are printed alphabetically. 01:28:26
By Chrissy. 01:28:28
We keep a running list of everyone that has updated their registration. 01:28:30
Or cancelled. 01:28:35
Or a new registration. 01:28:36
And we make sure that if they are cancelled or removed, we pull those voter register those affidavits so we don't mail those 01:28:38
ballots. 01:28:42
Some counties do not go to that extent because they use a third party vendor. We do not. 01:28:46
So a lot of times the other counties. 01:28:51
Someone that moved to help kind of would be like whatever. 01:28:53
My Maricopa, disregard that. Throw it away. 01:28:56
You're not registered in Heela County. 01:28:59
So that would be OK. 01:29:02
OK, good. Tell me good. 01:29:05
I'm good alright. 01:29:07
See active early voting list. 01:29:10
Basically for your federal only. 01:29:14
You have to come in person to vote. I can't just automatically mail you a ballot. I have to physically see you. 01:29:16
Eric alphabetically. See. You should be able to vote. 01:29:22
Because you are on that federal only balance, OK. 01:29:26
OK. 01:29:30
OK. 01:29:36
They're saying it's hard to hear me. 01:29:39
Alright. 01:29:41
Active early voting list. 01:29:42
Ohh. 01:29:47
I have questions regarding. 01:29:48
The numbers. 01:29:50
Just could you pull up the slide that I gave to you, that picture? 01:29:53
But the numbers? 01:29:56
Hopefully everyone can see this. 01:30:02
And if you Scroll down a little bit. 01:30:04
Right down here at the bottom. 01:30:11
Yes. 01:30:13
Shows you the first blue line is the active registered voters. 01:30:13
The orange one is inactive. 01:30:17
And the bottom one is cancelled. 01:30:19
So people, there was something going on saying that a lot of people drop off and. 01:30:22
Spoke, spoke up, up and down. 01:30:27
This shows you heel counting from January of 2022 to July of 2023 and you can see. 01:30:31
Approximately April of 2022 our numbers dropped in registration. 01:30:37
But you see in inactive it's spiked. 01:30:43
The reason for that is because we did a mailing of the 90 day notice. 01:30:47
For the election. 01:30:53
Those people did not respond. 01:30:54
Within the 35 days. 01:30:56
So those people were changed to inactive. So you see the inactive number goes up. 01:30:59
The active drops. 01:31:05
And you can see it steadily. 01:31:06
Just like that. 01:31:08
You will see on in June of 2023 we had to mail out the. 01:31:09
Mail or I'm sorry, the 90 day notice for the All Mail election. 01:31:15
That's coming up. 01:31:19
And you see, I'm sorry, that council, we had to cancel them. 01:31:21
Hmm. 01:31:25
Because they were. 01:31:26
Numerous reasons, any of those reasons, but you'll see after this July of 23. Sorry. 01:31:28
If I continue to go on the next one, it's going to drop and go up because we did another mailing. So these spikes and drops are 01:31:34
every time we do a mailing and 35 days after them. 01:31:39
So that's where that comes in, so. 01:31:46
That was part of the 90 day notice. 01:31:50
If you do not respond to the 90 day notice for a primary election, you will not get a ballot. 01:31:55
If you're inactive or I'm sorry, independent. 01:32:01
So sadly I got a question for you. Yes, because and I think I showed you some of the graphs that. 01:32:05
People have pulled from different places or whatever that just really shows this all the way across and and really kind of. 01:32:10
Kind of odd. 01:32:18
This doesn't show that. 01:32:19
No. 01:32:21
This is pretty well straight across the board with a few bumps and. 01:32:22
And dropped in and whatever here and there, which makes sense with what you just explained. 01:32:25
Where in the world did people come up with these other graphs? 01:32:31
No clue. OK, no idea. I. 01:32:35
I'm not sure. Maybe other states are not doing the NRA process like they should. 01:32:38
But. 01:32:43
Our system to avoid system is on a timer. 01:32:44
It sends us a notice. It's been 30-5 days since you've now. 01:32:47
The first letter you must switch it. 01:32:51
And so it will send us reminders to do all that. Tim, Steve, you got any questions on this because this has been an answer going 01:32:54
around quite a bit. 01:32:58
Yes, thank you. So, yeah, I. 01:33:04
Personally, and I've discussed this with you. 01:33:09
Personally, I don't like the mail in part of voting. 01:33:12
Is that optional? 01:33:15
In our county. 01:33:17
It is optional unless it's a special election. 01:33:19
Other than the special elections, it's optional. The other time, I'm sorry to interrupt you. The other time is the presidential 01:33:22
preference. And I think Eric will probably go over this or I can go over real fast. The presidential preference statute basically 01:33:27
says if you have less than 300 people in a precinct. 01:33:31
That precinct can be an all mail out election for the presidential preference election. So come March. 01:33:36
I believe Eric will come to the board and say. 01:33:42
Hey, Roosevelt only has. 01:33:44
200 people registered OCR or whatever precinct is we're going to send these people. 01:33:46
By mail or about by mail instead of trying to having a polling place because it's such a small election. It is only for political 01:33:52
parties, it's not for independents. 01:33:56
So say to you very eloquently said that the system is very secure because of the checks and balances. 01:34:02
A lot of people I talked to don't believe that and so they're worried about that. We'd like to see that go away. 01:34:10
I realize we do it because you stated before that you feel it gives the opportunity. 01:34:18
A lot of people use it. 01:34:24
And so personally, my personal is that I'd like to see us do in person voting. 01:34:26
Whether it's earlier or same day, that's just my preference, I understand. 01:34:33
This because a lot of people feel that there is the availability for. 01:34:38
Corruption and so. 01:34:42
I'm happy that you're able to explain exactly the system that you have. 01:34:44
And the confidence you say? 01:34:50
That the Malians are. 01:34:53
Accurate because we have to have an accurate election. 01:34:56
With you, the melon. 01:35:00
I get where you're coming from. I get phone calls all the time. It seems like I get a few times a day. It is under state statute 01:35:03
and federal law that we have now in Dallas. There's no way around. 01:35:08
Getting rid of that, you would have to it's not the discretion of this board whether we have melon ballots or not exactly. It's 01:35:13
higher ups. 01:35:17
That's that Ohh. So when I asked before though if it was optional, you said it was ohh option. I thought you meant optional for 01:35:22
you to vote as. 01:35:27
I OK, thanks for that clarification. So it is optional for people to vote by mail. It is not optional for me to mail out ballots. 01:35:32
I have to under federal law, I see. 01:35:40
So I apologize for that. Yeah. Well, that, that, that helps make it much clearer. So thanks, Sadie. Percentage wise, how many 01:35:42
people use the million ballots? Do you have an idea off top your head? 01:35:48
Like. 01:35:55
I just, yeah. 01:35:59
Like. 01:36:01
2000. 01:36:02
The index. 01:36:04
Start off with. 01:36:06
To our last election that we had. 01:36:07
Here. 01:36:11
OK you guys in pacing here, alright? 01:36:12
There were 22,802. 01:36:15
Ballots that were tabulated of that in the early ballots were 17,835. 01:36:18
Which basically makes up 52.53% of that vote by mail in 2022. 01:36:24
OK. And it either continually goes? 01:36:30
Maintains that level. It continually seems to be going up when early voting first started to make it switch. 01:36:33
Was around 2008 when we started noticing that. 01:36:39
Balloting was becoming more and more prominent by mail as opposed to polling locations, and ever since then it's just continued to 01:36:43
inch up. 01:36:47
Slide here. 01:36:52
Folks over here say that they can't hear so well for Eric. 01:36:57
OK, I can go over the numbers right here. OK, so he's gonna go over these numbers again. Hang on. So in the primary election of 01:37:02
2022, overall turnout was 47.17% Early ballots. 01:37:08
Was out of that 38.57% out of 44. Out of 47 percent, 38 was by. 01:37:14
Mail in ballots or early voting early. So we went ahead and broke it down. 01:37:21
Um people mail in ballots by drop boxes was 42.14% melanin there was 6652 so total would be 52% of. 01:37:26
All that voted by mail in person 3%. 01:37:36
So, so I hear the same thing Steve is you and I maybe TM too, but. 01:37:41
Also hear the people say I don't want to vote any other way but mail in ballot. 01:37:49
It's convenient. I like sitting on my kitchen table drinking coffee and vote. I I hear it all. 01:37:54
I I actually. 01:38:00
Hear more about the mail in ballot personally than I do the getting rid of them, not having them. 01:38:04
I don't disagree with these, uh, opinion on the voting. I I'm, I'm kind of the same way if it's up to me. 01:38:12
And I do it every year. I walk into a polling place and I use my. 01:38:19
ID and all that and I vote and I walk out and I get my nice little sticker that says I voted and I'm happy, you know, And to me 01:38:23
that's. 01:38:26
That's that's the way I would like to see it too, if I could. 01:38:30
Be keen for a day but. 01:38:34
Anyway, the. 01:38:35
I do hear. 01:38:37
About the The ballots, melon ballots and being corrupt or whatever. But I do hear a lot of people. Matter of fact, one group I 01:38:39
talked to was him or me on the mail in ballots and drop boxes. 01:38:45
Just to turn around and say that they used them as well. 01:38:52
And so sometimes I get a little confused. 01:38:55
You know but. 01:38:59
Umm, So I like to see the percentages, Sadie. That's why I asked you that on basically less than 10% go to the polling place. Yep, 01:39:01
I'm one of the 10th, less than 10% right here, you know, but. 01:39:06
Go ahead and continue on and then we'll unless you're. 01:39:13
And a place you wanna take a question or two. I can. Unless you want to finish the early balloting part. Let's finish the early 01:39:15
balloting part. Alright, so we have to mail that all early ballots and ballot by mail 27 days, 27 days before an election. 01:39:22
Go ahead and go to the next slide. 01:39:31
The creation and the layout of the early ballot. 01:39:34
I am not in charge of that. 01:39:38
That is Eric and the wonderful Board of Supervisors that we have. They are responsible for the layout of all the ballots, 01:39:39
including ballots by mail. 01:39:43
Early ballots, the ballots at the polling place, all that. But what people don't understand is it is exactly the same. 01:39:48
Besides, an early dot has early at the top. 01:39:54
That's the only thing that is different between the ballots. 01:39:57
So if you're going to come into the recorders office and vote early. 01:40:00
Any received a ballot by mail. 01:40:04
They're the same exact ballot. You're gonna get the same exact affidavit, everything. People think that I'll get a different 01:40:06
ballot if I go in person and vote. 01:40:11
Everything's the same on it. 01:40:16
So. 01:40:18
Um support supervisors can delegate, which they have to Eric to do the out or the layout of it. 01:40:19
We do not use a third party vendor. I've already went over this, but to reiterate this, a lot of people use run back. 01:40:28
To melt out their early ballots. 01:40:35
We are the largest county that. 01:40:37
Does everything in house. 01:40:39
We mail out over 25,000 early ballots and my staff stuff. 01:40:41
And does all that just to give you a little bit of an idea what we do is we have to spend we. 01:40:45
Compile it all in the system because we break it down by. 01:40:52
Election. And then it tells you who is on the able list and who wants to vote by mail. 01:40:56
We send that to the printer, it prints an affidavit with all that information on there. 01:41:01
No, not yet anyways. It'll have all the information on there. 01:41:08
Then it start. Then I go through that list, verify everybody that is supposed to get a list or get a ballot across their name off 01:41:13
this list. 01:41:16
I verify each one. The 25,000 of them I go through personally. 01:41:20
Charlotte then opens up the packages of ballots. She counts the packages. They come in bundles of 50. She counts to verify that 01:41:24
there is 50 in each package. 01:41:28
And what she does is count out 50 affidavits. She stepped up steps of ballots with those affidavits and just does another 50. And 01:41:33
we do that. After that, we have another person in our office to verify that that precinct on the ballot matches the precinct that 01:41:39
is on their affidavit that they're receiving the correct ballot. 01:41:45
After that, we have another person in our office that verifies everybody's work. 01:41:52
And then we steal it and we keep it in order alphabetically and by precinct. We do that for over 25,000 for every election. 01:41:57
It's done in house, it is not mailed out. 01:42:04
Or sent out to run back or any other company. We get a lot of questions. 01:42:07
Same third party vendors are involved. They are not. Everything is in house. 01:42:11
Good. Next slide. 01:42:16
Alright, so the components of the Vault by mail, mailing or the evil list. 01:42:20
The return envelope, everything is done by statute. It has to have all this. 01:42:25
Information on it. 01:42:29
Umm. 01:42:31
If a voter needs assistant, there has to be the name and signature and all that good stuff on there, the return envelope. Like I 01:42:33
don't think I need to read all that. 01:42:37
Ohh. 01:42:43
Something that I really want to tell everybody is if you do vote by mail when you sign your affidavit. 01:42:44
Please put your phone number on there. 01:42:51
That phone number will not be used. 01:42:54
Or will he put in that? Should they put in the system? 01:42:57
That phone number is only used by my staff if there is something wrong. 01:43:00
Such as you did not sign your affidavit or your signature does not match, we will use that phone number to call you. We do not put 01:43:05
that into the system. So then all the political parties do call you. You don't do that. We it's just for us internally use only. 01:43:13
Alright, next one. 01:43:22
Here is what the affidavit looks like. The white envelope is the affidavit. 01:43:24
Bye. 01:43:28
We haven't the secure parts, you can kind of see it on the top of the white how it kind of has a little shape right there that 01:43:29
covers your signature. Whenever these are returned, my staff has to fill that little cap off so we can see your signature 01:43:36
signature. We don't want your signature out to everybody in the world when you mail it back or drop it off. 01:43:42
So it is. 01:43:48
Still. 01:43:49
The outgoing envelope right here it says return service requested and then underneath it. 01:43:50
But it is by state statute. Basically it says that if the dressed person on here does not live there, you have to mark this box. 01:43:57
And send it back to the US Post office. There's lots of people saying that ballots are forwarded. 01:44:03
Ballots can not be forwarded. 01:44:08
Federal law state gets in the Procedures manual, page 59 of the procedures manual, it clearly states. 01:44:13
It cannot be forwarded. 01:44:19
If the post office is doing that, that's on them. That is not on us. But it is a law that you cannot forward election mail. So if 01:44:21
you are going to be out of state or out of town, whatever, for an election, we ask that you call us. 01:44:27
So that we can send your ballot to wherever you are. 01:44:32
When these cells are returned. 01:44:36
There's rumors that we send them all over the world. If it comes back that you're now living in Oregon, we mail these out to 01:44:38
Oregon. We do not do that. 01:44:42
We may call you and say, hey, are you temporarily in Oregon or do you still live in HEAL County? And we talked to the voters. We 01:44:47
are very. 01:44:51
We talked to and we communicate with the voters. We're not like the bigger counties that just. 01:44:55
Is going to go in a pile and wait till after the election. We try to make sure that every person can get their ballot. 01:45:00
And we contact those people. 01:45:06
Next slide. 01:45:08
Then, Sadie, if you can't contact them for whatever reason, then are they just put in a separate basket for yeah, they're just in 01:45:10
a separate thing we have in alphabetically as undeliverable and. 01:45:16
Whenever the voter calls us is heading get my ballot, we'll go back there and look in the tray and we'll say, hey, it was mailed 01:45:22
to such and such address. Good Steve. 01:45:26
For saving. So let's say someone receives this. Let's say I received this in the mail. Wrong person. 01:45:31
I open it up. 01:45:38
And I try and vote using it. 01:45:39
Is that possible? No. 01:45:42
You can if you want. Well, but it's gonna be. I don't want. No, I know. But if someone did do that, what's the safety check there? 01:45:43
So what We usually verify the signature. 01:45:48
A lot of people say that the signatures are not verified. I will guarantee you. 01:45:54
That Charlotte and I are the only ones in the Reporters office that goes through every single early ballot. 01:45:58
She sits in Globe, I sit in Payson and we compare signatures. It will pull all of your voter registration. 01:46:05
Signatures. 01:46:13
From the beginning of time. So if you originally registered in Maricopa County and you moved to Heela County this year and it's 01:46:14
your first year of voting, it's going to show me all your registration forms from Maricopa County. You lived in Pinal County, same 01:46:18
thing. It's going to show me every voter registration form and all your signatures. And we compare, there's a lot of, we take 01:46:23
classes on signature verification. 01:46:28
There's. 01:46:33
Certain things that we look for, some people are thought shoes writers. 01:46:34
Some people are probably some people you know, there's different. 01:46:39
Characteristics that we look for, for instance, online. 01:46:43
There's certain area that I start on the line every single time. 01:46:46
I don't know why, but it's just automatically. That's where my hand goes. My S is always the same. My JS is saying. 01:46:50
All that, but I got my eye in a certain area every single time. 01:46:56
So those are just different little characteristics that you compare. 01:47:02
Anywhere from 1:00 to. 01:47:05
30 images. 01:47:07
And you see? 01:47:09
OK. Thank you. Mr. again. Please wait. I'm just a quick question on on the mail out anywhere on the envelope or the ballot, is the 01:47:11
party on that envelope or ballot where anybody could see it? 01:47:17
That changed. 01:47:25
Two or four years ago, I can't remember the exact date, but it changed. It used to be that we had to have the political party now 01:47:28
at certain codes that nobody knows. 01:47:32
I can't remember those codes, what they say. They give you a bunch of numbers. 01:47:37
Letters and all these things and mix them all up and so. 01:47:41
It does not show anywhere. 01:47:44
You know. 01:47:45
Thank you. So the next one is the instructions to the voters. 01:47:46
I'm not going to read all the instructions. Whenever you receive it by mail, it will explain. 01:47:51
How to vote? 01:47:56
How to draw on the circle? The next page will show you a picture of our. 01:47:57
Instructions. 01:48:02
At the bottom if you need help or if you need something in Spanish, you call our number and then send that to. 01:48:04
The next one. 01:48:10
All right, $1,000,000 by mail method of transmission. 01:48:13
Trump inform. 01:48:17
Everything. Like I said, I smelled first class, non order portable mouse. 01:48:18
There's no possible way or whatever the post office does, but we cannot forward now. 01:48:25
In that envelope, you have to have that ballot updated about an instruction. 01:48:32
And also. 01:48:37
And those are all required by Law's time period. Once again, it's 27 days before the election we mail these out. 01:48:38
We have until 24, but we're. 01:48:47
Go getters. We want them out the first day they can go out. 01:48:49
Let's see time period for Yokohama. The Yokohama is the military ballots. We know those out 45 days before an election. 01:48:55
Or there's a special you can e-mail them, but it's an encrypted it's all this stuff and they have to upload it to a secure site 01:49:02
and then we can print those ballots off and send those to Eric. 01:49:07
Your cover letters are allowed to register and vote all the way up to Election Day at 7:00 PM. 01:49:14
So everyone else has to register 29 days before an election. A military does not. Military has all its Election Day at 7:00 PM. So 01:49:20
if we receive a swab or an FCA. 01:49:26
At 6:50 PM first time registration, we have to get that out before 7:00 PM to them to vote. 01:49:32
Ohh yeah. 01:49:39
About my mail with completed affidavit must be delivered to the counter quarter elections department official drop off site or any 01:49:42
other location in the county. 01:49:46
No later than 7:00 PM. 01:49:50
There's lots of questions. Can I drop mine off in another county? No, the statute clearly said. 01:49:52
In the. 01:49:58
You have to do it. 01:50:00
Next one. 01:50:02
Wait for questions. 01:50:05
Drop boxes first? No. 01:50:07
Alright you you raised your hand. If you got a question come on up to the podium please so the and state your name and for folks 01:50:09
and patient can hear you. 01:50:13
I thank you. 01:50:18
Hi, Shirley Dye here. Oh, hang on, Shirley. Hang on one minute. 01:50:22
I'll get to you. Go ahead, Sir. 01:50:25
Hi, my name's Charlie Bell. I'm from Payson.