Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action to convene a public hearing to hear from citizens on the FY 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application for FY 2023 CDBG Regional Account funding in the amount of $150,107; approve the CDBG Application; and adopt Resolution Nos. 23-10-02, 23-10-03, and 23-10-04 related to the CDBG Application. (Kayle Lathrop)   3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the Gila County Finance Department to accept an appropriation disbursement from the State of Arizona for Deputy & Detention Retention funds and disburse to eligible Gila County Sheriff's Office employees in the amount of $5,000 (before taxes) as defined by Arizona Department of Administration Agreement No. DBFFY23L22CH31304 with Gila County. (Maryn Belling)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval to submit a Social Investment Application to Resolution Copper Mining LLC (Resolution Copper) in the amount of $2,000 on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc.; accept the award of $2,000 from Resolution Copper on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc.; approve a Funding Agreement between Gila County and Resolution Copper; and approve Economic Development Agreement No. 10172023 in the amount of $2,000 between Gila County and Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc., all of which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (James Menlove)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval to submit a Grant Application to Arizona Public Service (APS) Corporate Giving in the amount of $4,500 on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc.; accept the award of $4,500 from APS Corporate Giving on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc.; and approve Economic Development Agreement No. 10182023 in the amount of $4,500 between Gila County and Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc., all of which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (James Menlove)
D. Information/Discussion regarding properties owned or held by Gila County. (Michael O'Driscoll)
E. Information/Discussion regarding status updates on the Facilities and Land Management Department's capital projects. (Joseph Dickison)
F. Information/Discussion to review the draft Vacation Rental and Short-Term Rental Ordinance for Gila County. (Randy Pluimer)
G. Information/Discussion regarding an update on the Recycling and Landfill Division's revenues and expenditures, including projected costs for future capital expansion for the landfill operations. (Homero Vela)
4. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:  A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
5. At any time during this meeting pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K), members of the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager may present a brief summary of current events.  No action may be taken on the information presented.
6. EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS:   A. Information/Discussion/Action to vote to go into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) for discussion and consultation for legal advice regarding a potential educational services Intergovernmental Agreement; and, after the special meeting has been reconvened, move to direct the Board's attorney(s) to proceed as directed in the executive session regarding this agenda item. (James Menlove)     IF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE RECEPTIONIST AT (928) 425-3231 AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO ARRANGE THE ACCOMMODATIONS. FOR TTY, PLEASE DIAL 7-1-1 TO REACH THE ARIZONA RELAY SERVICE AND ASK THE OPERATOR TO CONNECT YOU TO (928) 425-3231. THE BOARD MAY VOTE TO HOLD AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY ON ANY MATTER LISTED ON THE AGENDA PURSUANT TO A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3). THE ORDER OR DELETION OF ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION AT THE MEETING.
Good morning, Joseph. Are we ready and Payson? 00:00:06
One more time. 00:00:10
Joseph We Ready and Payson. 00:00:12
Is that all? 00:00:16
Ohh, it's mine. Hang on. 00:00:19
I'm having a problem here. 00:00:23
Joseph, did I hear from you? 00:00:25
Hear me. 00:00:29
Yeah. OK. Good. Thank you. 00:00:29
Ohh dear. 00:00:34
Good morning, everyone. 00:00:37
Let me try and find the right piece of paperwork. 00:00:41
Time to begin. 00:00:44
Uh. 00:00:46
Today, October 24th, it's the 1001 probably I'd like to call to order our special meeting. 00:00:47
And. 00:00:55
Before we start, we'll have the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:58
Melissa, are you in the room? 00:01:03
No. 00:01:05
She knew I was gonna call her. 00:01:07
Sherry. 00:01:08
Share it with Julius and the Pledge, please. 00:01:10
To the flag of the United States of America. 00:01:16
Thank you very much. 00:01:19
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:01:22
Thank you. 00:01:29
So before we get started with our items, I want to congratulate Micah Wheeler, who's with us here today. Stand up, so everybody 00:01:31
knows you. 00:01:35
Recently appointed Chief Deputy Assessor. 00:01:40
We needed to have that position filled and we're excited for you and. 00:01:44
Yeah, hopefully we can help you accomplish what needs to be done there, so. 00:01:49
Congratulations on that. 00:01:53
OK, so. 00:01:56
Item #2A is a public hearing information discussion action to convene a public hearing. 00:02:00
To hear from Citizens on the Fiscal Year 2023 Community Development Block Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2023. 00:02:06
And this CDBG regional account funding in the amount of $150,107.00. 00:02:14
Approve that application and adopt resolution #23-10-0223-10-0323-10-04 related to the CDBG application. And always a pleasure. 00:02:21
Kaylee Lathrop is with us. 00:02:30
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, this is just to vote on anything we've previously talked about in the first 00:02:40
public hearing, which was only housing rehabilitation to be the use of the funding for the CDBG grant. 00:02:46
Um, And then the attached resolutions have not changed from the last time they were adopted, with the exception of changing the 00:02:54
years. 00:02:57
And contract numbers. 00:03:01
Thank you, Kaylee. Any questions, Supervisor Humphrey? 00:03:05
I have no questions. Supervisor, client, I'm good as well. Thank you, Katie. And so am I. So with that then I'll close. 00:03:10
The discussion and open it up to public hearing. 00:03:17
Joseph, is anyone in pace and wish to speak on this item? 00:03:21
OK, Cassandra. 00:03:26
You know, and is there anyone here locally that would like to speak on it? 00:03:28
I'll say no. So I'll close the public hearing and I will entertain a motion. 00:03:33
Mr. Chair, I moved to. 00:03:41
Um, go forward with the physical year 2023? 00:03:44
CBDG Regional. 00:03:48
Account funding in the amount of $150,107.00. 00:03:51
And approve the CDB application. 00:03:57
And adopt Resolution Nos. 00:04:00
23-10 dash. 00:04:03
0223 Dash. 00:04:06
10-03 and 23-1 Dash. 00:04:08
04 related to the CDBG application, Mr. Chair. I'll second that. So we have a motion in a second to approve all those in favor, 00:04:13
say aye. 00:04:19
Motion unanimous. Thank you, Kaylee. 00:04:25
Item 3A. 00:04:27
Information and Discussion Action to authorize the Heela County Finance Department to accept an appropriation disbursement from 00:04:30
the State of Arizona for deputy and detention retention Funds and disperse. 00:04:36
To eligible Helix County Sheriff's officers employees in the amount of 5000 before taxes as defined by Arizona Department of 00:04:43
Administration agreement number. 00:04:48
That one. Yeah. DB FY23L22CH3130 four. 00:04:54
With Hella County Baron. 00:05:01
Good morning, Mr. Chair. Good morning, Supervisor Klein, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:05:04
This is the final installment of. 00:05:08
Retention and recruitment bonuses as designated by the Arizona Legislature, distributed through the Arizona Department of 00:05:12
Administration. 00:05:16
For a total of $10,000 for line level deputies and detention officers. 00:05:21
Ohh, that's the retention amount. The recruitment amount is. 00:05:26
Our 5000. 00:05:30
The 1st 3750 was included on the January 20th, 2023 payroll. 00:05:31
The next disbursement of 1250 was included on the May 12th payroll. 00:05:37
And if today's agenda item is approved? 00:05:43
Then the final disbursement will be in Friday's payroll, which will be in advance of the 1031. 00:05:46
Statutory deadline that the Legislature enacted this year. 00:05:54
We have a list of the eligible individuals and with your approval, we'll get that done for Friday. 00:05:59
OK, any questions for Mayor and Supervisor Humphrey? 00:06:07
I have no questions. 00:06:10
Supervisor Klein. Thank you, Mayor. This is good. 00:06:11
Yeah. Thank you, Mayor. 00:06:14
So I have no questions either, so I'll take a motion. 00:06:16
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize HeLa County Finance Department to accept the appropriation disbursement of $5000. 00:06:20
For the Healing County Sheriff's Office employees. 00:06:27
Now second that, OK, we have a motion and a second to approve all those in favor, say aye, aye, aye. 00:06:32
Motion carries. Thank you. Thank you, Mayor. 00:06:39
Item 3B. Information Discussion Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors Approval to submit a social investment application. 00:06:43
To Resolution Copper Mining, LLC. 00:06:51
In the amount of $2000 on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc. 00:06:54
Except the award of 2000 from Resolution Copper on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat and approve a funding agreement 00:06:59
between Hill County and Resolution Copper and approve Economic Development Agreement number 10172023 and the amount of $2000 00:07:05
between Hill County and Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat Inc, all of which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the 00:07:12
public. Mr. Menlough. 00:07:18
Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, thank you for the opportunity to present this item to you. 00:07:25
This is um. 00:07:30
A contribution or it's a contribution to the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat? 00:07:32
Through the. 00:07:37
All the workings that we have to do. 00:07:38
Not found that it was easiest and best for resolution and for us to have that come to the county. 00:07:41
A contribution of $2000 come to the county and then we pass it through to Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat. 00:07:47
To do that it it is. 00:07:53
By statute and by our policy, a economic development grant to Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat. 00:07:55
So we ask you to ratify that. 00:08:02
These are from ball caps that we sold at the. 00:08:03
Gala that is happening on November 4th. 00:08:07
The end goal, I believe, is to use this to outfit a. 00:08:10
Our game room. 00:08:15
For veterans at the admin site. 00:08:16
With the Admin building at the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat. 00:08:19
So I would ask for your approval of this Economic development grant that is for public purpose. Thank you, Mr. Manlove, Supervisor 00:08:22
Humphrey. 00:08:26
I have no question. Neither do I, and neither do I. So I'll entertain a motion. 00:08:30
Thank you, Chair. I make a motion to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval to submit a social investment application to. 00:08:36
Resolution Copper Mine, LLC Resolution Copper, in the amount of $2000 on behalf of the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, 00:08:44
Incorporated, accept the award of $2000. 00:08:50
From Resolution Copper on behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Incorporated. 00:08:58
Approve the funding agreement. 00:09:03
Between Healy County and Resolution Copper and approve economic development. 00:09:05
Agreement number 10172023. 00:09:10
In the amount of $2000 between Healey County. 00:09:14
And Pleasant Valley Veterans St. Incorporated, all of which the board has determined to be. 00:09:18
For the benefit of the public. 00:09:24
Thank you for that motion. 00:09:27
Do we have a second? I'll second it. 00:09:30
OK, we have a motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye, Aye. 00:09:32
Very good. 00:09:38
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members Board. Thank you and OK, next item is yours as well. Item 3C, information discussion action to 00:09:39
ratify the Board of Supervisor approval to submit. 00:09:44
A grant application to APS. 00:09:50
Corporate. 00:09:53
Giving in the amount of $4500 on behalf of Pleasant Valley. 00:09:54
Veterans Retreat Inc. 00:09:58
And word. 00:10:00
Of $4500 from APS Corporate Giving on behalf of the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc and Approved Economic Development 00:10:02
Agreement number 10182023 in the amount of $4500 between you, the county, and Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc, all of which 00:10:08
the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 00:10:15
Mr. Manlove. 00:10:22
Mr. Chairman, Members for the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat applied for funding from APS Corporate Giving to sponsor the PVR 00:10:23
fundraiser Violin November 4th. This course is the gala dinner that will be known for Ember 4th, held in pace and promising to be 00:10:29
the the event of the season. 00:10:35
And uh. 00:10:41
It'll be a great time for everybody. 00:10:43
The sponsorship includes audio, visual equipment and personnel to operate the equipment. 00:10:46
PVR has not been a nonprofit for three years and therefore Healey County applied for the funding. 00:10:51
The request today is to ratify the application to APS to accept the award in the amount of $4500 through funding agreement from 00:10:57
APS Corporate Giving and to approve an economic development agreement with PBR PVR to transfer funds. 00:11:04
To the nonprofit PVR. 00:11:11
I would. 00:11:15
Ask for your approval. Yeah. Thank you. Mr. Ben Larva, Supervisor Humphrey. Comments or questions? I have no questions. Hey 00:11:17
Supervisor Klein. 00:11:21
No, I'm good and I. 00:11:25
You know, it's really great. APS step on that which. 00:11:27
At our last meeting, I believe it was this. This was in the works they were trying. So I'm really glad to see they were able to do 00:11:30
it. Thank you. OK. Thank you, Supervisor. Thank you, Mr. Manlove. I have no questions, so I'll call for a motion. 00:11:36
Ohh, Mr. Chair, I'd make the motion to approve. 00:11:43
The submittal of grant application to Arizona Public Service Corporate giving the amount of $4500. 00:11:47
On behalf of Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat, Inc and accept the award of $4500 from APS Corporate. 00:11:53
Giving on behalf of Pleasant Valley veterans. 00:12:00
Ink. 00:12:03
And approve the Economic Development Agreement number 10182023 in the. 00:12:04
Amount of $4500, which the board is determined to be for the benefit of the public. 00:12:10
Mr. Chair, I'll second that so we have a motion to approve and a second all those in favor say aye, aye, aye. 00:12:16
Thank you Mr. Chair Members Board put a plug in for this event. It again will be a fabulous event. 00:12:24
Tickets are $100 and it's a very nice dinner that will be. 00:12:30
Ohh very. 00:12:35
It's worth our time and effort to. 00:12:38
Do this major fundraiser for Pleasant Valley Veterans chief so that services. 00:12:40
And deliverables can be made to the veterans of Arizona and throughout the country. 00:12:45
So I hope that you can go to the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat website. 00:12:50
To buy tickets, there's a link to go through there and get your tickets, so please sign up and. 00:12:54
Was also each other at the event, Yeah, and that's coming up. So, James, do you know how many tickets are still available? 00:13:01
There's probably. 00:13:07
60 or 70? 00:13:09
OK. The total of 168 tickets, I believe there will be sold. 00:13:11
And so there's somewhere in that neighborhood of tickets that are so there's a few available. 00:13:16
Yeah, good. And let's get everyone of them sold. 00:13:21
About a week and a half away. Yes, on Saturday evening. 00:13:24
All right. 00:13:27
And thank you Mr. Chair Members Board for allowing us to have these routine, not, I guess not routine, but these. 00:13:27
Issues on our work session today this is these are time sensitive as you can see with all of them, so appreciate it. Yes, you 00:13:34
indulge in staff to be able to have these. 00:13:39
Hear these things to supervise the client. Did you have something to add? 00:13:44
Not with James, but Sherry won't you scoot over about two chairs so that light of buggy doesn't fall out? 00:13:47
That really could cause a problem today. 00:13:55
That would. 00:13:57
Well, that's good. We have facilities sitting in the crowd so they know where to go when they get done with this meeting. 00:14:00
OK, I'm good. 00:14:09
Ohh yeah Christina, you might wanna move too. 00:14:11
Ohh, that thing could fly around a little bit, so OK. 00:14:15
Alright, thank you for that. 00:14:18
So we're going to move on to. 00:14:20
Item 3D Information and discussion regarding properties owned or held by Heela County. 00:14:23
Mr. O'Driscoll, Morning Chairman, Members of the Board. 00:14:30
If you recall, several months ago, the board directed staff to come up with a list of. 00:14:33
The properties that Heela County owns. 00:14:38
And so that's what we're here to present to the board. We've done a comprehensive. 00:14:41
Study of where they're, where they're at the location. 00:14:48
The assessed value. 00:14:53
And pictures of all these properties. So I want to give a shout out to Tom Holman and Selena Kates. 00:14:55
Who did most of the legwork and other staff actually went out to these properties to get eyes on the property. 00:15:01
So we can give you a very comprehensive view of where these properties are and what type of properties, in other words. 00:15:07
You'll see during the presentation we have some properties that are just drainage areas. 00:15:14
Really aren't worth much, but but we also own properties that have structures on them as well, so. 00:15:18
I'd like to invite Tom Holman up to begin the presentation. 00:15:25
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board. Hey, morning. Hopefully we don't turn this into four hours, but you know with 00:15:31
103 separate properties it may. 00:15:35
May go that way depending on your questions. 00:15:40
Um. 00:15:42
You know as as earlier looked at. 00:15:43
You know, we went through and identified all the properties that were owned by the county, 103 of them. 00:15:47
And um, this presentation, I believe, breaks down by district, so we'll be working. 00:15:52
Through each district. 00:15:58
And you know, as Mr. Driscoll mentioned, there are. 00:15:59
A number of options, some of them. 00:16:05
OK, we're just going to accept them. 00:16:07
Others may. 00:16:09
You know, we may need to research for taking action, like it may might make sense to split properties or something so we retain 00:16:11
the roadway. 00:16:15
And travel ways but. 00:16:19
Sell off additional land, but those will be. 00:16:21
You know, a separate. 00:16:24
Individual item. 00:16:25
So. 00:16:28
Let's see how this goes. 00:16:28
We we see them. 00:16:32
Through. 00:16:34
Various um. 00:16:35
So starting out in District 1. 00:16:38
These these are kind of hard to see. This is the. 00:16:44
Property adjacent. 00:16:49
To the. 00:16:50
Community College district. It's on a hill. 00:16:52
I know there are various things that have been. 00:16:55
Asked for about it. 00:16:57
Of. 00:17:00
I don't know if there's any consideration that it could be sold. 00:17:02
So sorry, I'm trying to stay. 00:17:07
My notes are organized by the parcel number. 00:17:11
So any notes you provide to me, I wanted to be able to. 00:17:14
Write down. 00:17:18
Three or 401369 D There it is. 00:17:21
I know there's been discussion to have further development on that. 00:17:27
But don't know if you have any guidance. 00:17:31
Or if you can eat for Nanzer questions on that. 00:17:35
OK, the supervisor, Humphrey, any questions on this parcel? 00:17:39
I I I have a lot of questions but I'm I'm gonna hold them OK you know we could get into this one property for an hour. It's tough 00:17:44
that's do it but I you know it's it's just sitting there so so maybe at some point in time we need to just pick out particular 00:17:50
properties and have a work session. 00:17:55
On those particular properties. 00:18:01
We've got a long agenda today. Just just. 00:18:03
Just me thinking, you know, we we've got a lot on our plate today. 00:18:06
And we we could get into this for. 00:18:10
Half a day by itself. So if I was to, I'm gonna, I'm gonna leave it, Mr. Chair. So. 00:18:13
OK, if I was to make a wild guess, this is probably the top of the list of this 103 properties is this particular property. 00:18:18
My guess is we're going to see a lot of little wedge shape hillside steep stuff that is going to be kind of whatever, but. 00:18:26
But this 20 acres has been a center of my thoughts for quite a while. It's been sitting there. 00:18:35
And you know and I know we've in the past years that we've been on the board, we've it's come across our. 00:18:42
Our deal couple times, but to really sit down and and and look into this is something I think we need to do. 00:18:50
And really discuss where we're going ahead with this particular piece. 00:18:57
A property. My thoughts are that if we had. 00:19:01
Had any inkling of selling it? We kind of missed our boat about two years ago. 00:19:04
Because property prices. 00:19:09
Or just sworn. 00:19:11
Has not that they still aren't, but since then I know James, you've come up with an idea, a different idea or two on this. 00:19:12
Particular. 00:19:20
A piece of property, so. 00:19:21
I'm afraid to talk about it. I'm just saying. 00:19:25
That's all good. I you know that that's that's the neat thing about these meetings and. 00:19:29
Advisors and excuse me, Michael, we can talk in generalities about it. I think we all understand where it is, how much it is, 00:19:35
what, what this is a property that's on the top of all of our minds. 00:19:40
And it probably has the most options as far as what we do. And I know the town of Payson has some plans. 00:19:45
That they want to build a pool and rec center. They want to talk to us about part of this property. So I know that's a potential 00:19:53
they town of Payson actually owns about an acre right in the center of it. 00:19:59
I don't know why, but they do. 00:20:06
And. 00:20:08
There's discussions about workforce housing. 00:20:10
And all of those things. So there's a lot of options with this property and maybe Supervisor Humphrey is correct, we can identify 00:20:13
this. 00:20:16
Particular discussion to a wider, larger meeting going forward if we want to so. 00:20:20
But I also respect supervisor client. I don't know that we're gonna be able to. 00:20:28
Hammer it all out in one. 00:20:31
Meeting this meeting. 00:20:34
Yeah, Chairman, members of the board, I recognize that this property is a large topic conversation. 00:20:37
And if I may recommend for this particular property, I talked with County Manager Mr. Men Love and bring this at some point time 00:20:43
in the future just this property. 00:20:47
In front of the board for further discussion. 00:20:51
Because this has been talked about for several years now. 00:20:54
There's a lot of different. 00:20:57
People that are talking to other people about this. So we sort of need a little bit of time to get everybody in the same room and 00:20:58
have a discussion about it. So I don't. 00:21:03
I for one don't have a issue with doing that. 00:21:09
But things around here seem to get kicked down the road quite a ways and that road needs to be shortened up a whole lot. So I'm 00:21:12
thinking that if if we want to do that, then we need to set something up very soon and maybe pull like. 00:21:19
Whoever from the town that may be interested in talking about it with us and whoever else. 00:21:26
Umm. 00:21:32
But we discussed this piece of property. 00:21:33
Because all it is doing is sitting there. 00:21:35
Watching traffic go by SO. 00:21:38
I don't have a problem with that. I don't have a problem with doing it today in this work session. More or less it's a work 00:21:41
session, even though it's special meeting too. 00:21:45
So however you guys wanna do it, but I do not want to go another year with that property not being addressed. That's my opinion. 00:21:49
Supervisor guarantee it won't be nothing. You know me. 00:21:53
So I have faith in you, Michael, and this is purified. 00:21:58
If I might bring one thing up to public works. 00:22:03
We're always looking for Rd. material, and so are other people. 00:22:06
And that's Granite, correct? 00:22:10
And so I'm wondering, why? Why don't we start leveling that and use some of the material until we decide what we're gonna do with 00:22:13
it? Because it'd be worth more flat than it would be the way it is, and there's an awful lot of Rd. material there. 00:22:19
That uh. 00:22:25
We're we're always looking for material and we own 20 acres of granite, so. 00:22:27
Anyway. 00:22:32
Just something to bring up to public works while we're trying to decide. 00:22:33
Let's use some of our dirt. 00:22:37
Thank you, Mr. Chair. You're welcome. Thank you. 00:22:40
So is that enough of a direction right now or do we wanna talk some more about this property? 00:22:43
Chairman, Supervisors. That's up. 00:22:49
To you. 00:22:51
But you've given me clear directions on how to proceed with this particular property in a very. 00:22:52
Our quick manner. Let's reach out to the town and see if we can pull together a meeting in the near future. 00:22:58
To discuss this particular property. 00:23:03
Absolutely. And what we want to do with it? Great. Thank you. 00:23:06
OK, go ahead. 00:23:09
Alright. 00:23:10
So open with a. 00:23:11
Bombshell. 00:23:13
Good one. 00:23:15
Umm. 00:23:16
This property is um. 00:23:17
Again. 00:23:21
Another one of our vacant ones. 00:23:23
It's down. 00:23:26
Trying to think this this is more a drainage. It's very close to Tunnel Creek. 00:23:29
It's actually down in Garcia. 00:23:34
So District 2 this should be. 00:23:37
Go see Liz District 2 if that's OK. 00:23:41
Right. 00:23:47
OK. That may be in two. 00:23:49
All right. There were that, Tom, that's actually Tunnel Creek, that stretch of green tree, Yeah, that you can see in the upper 00:23:52
right image, basically the. 00:23:57
Copes of trees. 00:24:02
You know it's a water feature. 00:24:04
That has. 00:24:07
Ohh. 00:24:09
Drainage implications? 00:24:10
I am 1240. Who? 00:24:12
Tim, do you know who would or be neighbors to that property? 00:24:14
Well, I I don't know who would be neighbors to that property, but that was one of my suggestions. Down the road is a lot of these 00:24:19
are corner pieces, a lot of these are hills. A lot of these are part of a Creek. 00:24:25
But they do have adjacent property owners. 00:24:30
And so, you know, just a question down the road is talking to some of these adjacent property owners. 00:24:33
To see if they would be willing to add some of this to their property. And yeah, it's in a drainage, but I mean, if you've got a 00:24:40
few cows and goats on it, why not fence it? 00:24:45
And and and use it. I mean it it it does have a purpose so. 00:24:50
That you know for a lot of these hillsides and a lot of these properties that you can't put a structure on. 00:24:54
I I know if I was in an adjacent property and and they wanted to give me a little more property for a reasonable cost, I I would 00:25:00
take that because they're not making any more dirt and if you're in a real place like this. 00:25:06
You ought to have an animal. There's pretty good and that just gives them more runs. So, Mr. Chair, let me ask Jessica question 00:25:13
and make sure I got my figures right. Jeff sitting there too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but. 00:25:17
To take it like a piece of this, of this property right here and sell it to a neighbor, it has to be at 90% of its value. Is that 00:25:23
correct? 00:25:27
Assessed Value? Assessed Value, Yes. 00:25:33
Well. 00:25:36
Fair market, it's going to be the fair market value, OK, But you're in the road, OK. 00:25:37
Selling property. 00:25:43
Which when you look at something like this, though I would think that this cannot be worth much sitting in the middle of Tunnel 00:25:47
Creek. 00:25:50
I I would think that would be up to the appraiser, but I agree with you, yeah. 00:25:54
And and just for context, I got on the right page on my notes. We acquired this in 1991 for flood control purposes. 00:25:59
We we acquired it. We acquired it via quick claim in 1991. 00:26:07
And we've never because it's in. It's in a flood. 00:26:12
And and and we we got that probably because it went to a tax lien sale and didn't sell quite post so we bought it for a dollar. I 00:26:17
I didn't look deeper into the actual yeah so I mean a property like that we buy for like a dollar. 00:26:23
Yeah, and it and so to me that would be the appraised value of it. But yeah, but that would be up to the appraiser, which would 00:26:29
make it reasonable for someone to. 00:26:33
To have so. 00:26:38
But this is another one of those crazy things to me, Mr. Chair. Is that. 00:26:41
We're looking at .32. 00:26:45
1/3 of an acre basically on this. 00:26:47
It has no value to us for flood control or anything else. I mean that is it right or is there other properties adjacent to this 00:26:50
we're not seeing yet? 00:26:54
Mr. Chair, members of the board, you'll see during the presentation. 00:27:00
There are several properties that we've acquired through FEMA grants for flood mitigation. 00:27:03
And those properties are specifically we purchased from homeowners that had had had repeated. 00:27:09
Floods onto their homes. 00:27:15
So we've acquired that through a grant property and those have to be kept as far as vacant basically those properties since it was 00:27:17
purchased with federal grant money. 00:27:21
And for the purpose of making sure that nobody ever builds there since the the home that was. 00:27:27
On that property was repeatedly flooded out and damaged. So like this piece of property and then Michael you're saying we have to 00:27:32
keep it? No, there's there's two different classifications. We've purchased properties for flood mitigation purposes. 00:27:39
And then we've also purchased land through FEMA grants for flood mitigation purposes. 00:27:46
I believe this is not one that purchased through FEMA, correct? 00:27:51
So. 00:27:55
So we can't. So the board can decide. 00:27:56
To choose to get this appraised and sell it if they so choose the FEMA properties. 00:27:59
Those have to stay vacant and we cannot sell those. 00:28:05
Are they going to be on this list? Are we gonna see and you guys know which ones are what? Correct. OK. 00:28:08
Mr. Chair, just real quick, if if, if we have properties for flood mitigation that we have to keep. 00:28:14
As flood mitigation. 00:28:22
And we can't do anything with them. 00:28:25
Could do we know the difference today so that we don't have to discuss those properties, they're just. 00:28:27
They're just something that we have to keep. We can't do anything with and can spend more time with the properties that we can do 00:28:33
something with. 00:28:37
Chairman Members of the board, yes, we do know those properties that are FEMA owned. I mean it it. Yeah, I. 00:28:42
I personally, Mr. Chair, I'm interested in properties that that we can do something with to help an adjoining property or or or 00:28:48
someone that wants to invest in the property rather than go through properties that that we have like in some of my district where 00:28:54
we bought, you know. 00:28:59
FEMA, where we bought money, property from people. 00:29:05
We can't do anything with it, so I just sent. 00:29:10
Leave it as it is. Yeah, I think we can do that, right? 00:29:13
Yeah, we we can. That'll skip a few. 00:29:16
OK. 00:29:20
So. 00:29:21
So. 00:29:22
Do we have a any direction for Tom on this particular piece of property? 00:29:23
It sounds like we're able to sell this one, but we don't need it for flood mitigation. 00:29:30
Should we have it appraised? 00:29:35
And. 00:29:39
Move forward with this property for sale. 00:29:41
Mr. Chair, while you're thinking on your thoughts and I throw something out here real quick because we're just getting started, So 00:29:45
I think there's gonna be, I would expect to see a lot of properties here we may have the option of. 00:29:49
Of selling. So maybe by the end of our meeting when it's over with we can talk about someone we can get to do the the market 00:29:55
values of these. 00:30:00
Well, one thing. I was Mr. Chair, if I may, one thing I was thinking is. 00:30:05
Once we've identified the properties that can be sold, I think to have them all appraised would be quite, quite expensive, but if 00:30:10
we knew the ones that could be for sale. 00:30:15
And and and notified the public that these are for. 00:30:22
Then we could have them appraised as we have interested parties. 00:30:26
For a value. 00:30:31
Because if we if we appraise all of these appraisals is only good for like 6 months or a year or something. 00:30:32
So if they do an appraisal that it's not gonna be good point ever. 00:30:37
So I would think if we knew the ones that were for sale, we need to let everyone know that we have these properties that that they 00:30:41
can obtain. 00:30:45
And then go forward with an appraisal for for cost. 00:30:50
Mr. Chair, members of the Board, may I make a suggestion that during this presentation just let Tom and myself know which 00:30:55
properties you'd like further investigation. 00:31:00
And what I'll do is I'll send staff out there. 00:31:05
And do a walk through the property to see what's around each property. 00:31:08
And make it determine and come back to the board and make a determination whether this property. 00:31:13
Possibly could be sold or whether this property is, you know is right directly in the flood zone floodplain and may not be a good 00:31:18
idea to sell that or consider selling that because there are properties on here that are ditches and things like that. So those 00:31:23
will go fairly quickly. We wouldn't be able to. 00:31:29
I mean sell those and things like that, but if if you want to proceed with that in mind, we could do that absolutely. 00:31:34
OK, let's pin this property as possible for that. 00:31:42
OK, further investigation and yeah. And then, if I may, Mr. Chair. 00:31:44
As we go through properties with with neighbors, I would think would be. 00:31:49
Important properties. 00:31:55
Because then we can contact their neighbors and say hey. 00:31:57
You know you've got. 00:32:00
Something right next to you that that you can have. 00:32:02
If you if you wish. 00:32:06
And so I would say if if there's no, if there, if it's in a, if it's in the middle of a Creek and there's no neighbors by. 00:32:08
Are they selling? That's pretty pretty slim. 00:32:14
I I don't. I don't know, Mr. Chair. I would imagine. I think that's a good point, Tim. And I would imagine there's gonna be some 00:32:18
people that would look at that being a neighbor and say, yeah, I could turn my goats out in there or whatever. And some people are 00:32:23
pregnant and say, no, I don't want the extra land that I'm going to be paying taxes on that I can't use. So I think we're gonna 00:32:28
have a mixed bag. But I think that's a I think that's a good way going. 00:32:33
OK. 00:32:39
You know, so Tom. 00:32:40
I think what I'm hearing is if we can filter the list. So what we asked you to do several months ago was identify all county 00:32:42
properties. 00:32:46
But for today's purposes, it sounds like what we want to do is only identify properties that we really have any discussion on at 00:32:50
all. If it's a female property, we can't sell it, or it's a property we own that must be kept. 00:32:57
For various reasons then, there's really no discussion there, so we only want to look at the ones where we would have. 00:33:04
Options. 00:33:13
OK. That sounds good. 00:33:14
We will see what we can do, OK? 00:33:16
Another one. 00:33:19
116 eight. 00:33:22
Sorry, I'm going to have to bounce back and forth between my notes here. 00:33:25
And of course, they're not. 00:33:30
In order. 00:33:31
I didn't try to memorize 103, but the status of 103 properties, sorry. 00:33:34
3/02/14 OK, back at one page. There it is. 00:33:41
This is a portion of Muncie Drive we are currently evaluating it for. 00:33:46
Right away Access. That's what it's currently being used for. 00:33:52
The original Rd. was. 00:33:55
You can see on the original Rd. 00:33:58
The decline right away with fear, but probably due to a hill. 00:34:00
The actual Rd. 00:34:06
Is slightly off from that. 00:34:08
OK. 00:34:10
Again, a right away. 00:34:13
Um. 00:34:16
Issue on. 00:34:17
16. 00:34:18
This is in whispering Pines. 00:34:19
For that's a long Houston Mesa Rd. 00:34:22
So part of the parcel was sticking out into defined right away, so we acquired it. 00:34:25
Sometime previous. 00:34:31
In again in 91. 00:34:33
To perfect the right of way for public road right and and. 00:34:35
Mr. Chair, if I may, I would say right away. 00:34:39
Would be. 00:34:43
Some of those that we don't need to worry about because we're probably not going to do anything with them because people are using 00:34:44
them to drive on. Yeah, we if if if we sold them to that corner property right there, we fence it in and we we'd really. 00:34:50
Get you and agree with you, but I've got to go back to my notes. So yeah, I end up stalling for each one. I would say going 00:34:58
forward that's probably not one we're going to do anything without or any that are roadway. 00:35:04
Right, right. Again, more Houston Mesa Rd. right away. OK. 00:35:09
Right. 00:35:13
This one again. You can see there Neil Drive in Whispering Pines. 00:35:15
The road was defined one way by the subdivision, but reality became a a slightly different route. 00:35:21
OK. 00:35:29
So let me ask you something on on that. So when you take these little pieces like we're looking at it for right of ways and I 00:35:30
agree with with Supervisor Humphrey. 00:35:34
So eventually we're going to work our way through those to where they just become part of the right of way. Is that is that 00:35:38
correct? 00:35:41
Or the existing right away is going through that property. Again, this was one of another one of those properties that was 00:35:44
acquired in. 00:35:48
1991. 00:35:52
1040. 00:35:54
Sorry, this was most acquired last year in 22. 00:35:56
It's a portion of Neil Drive and. 00:36:01
Scott Drive. 00:36:03
Again to perfect the right away. 00:36:04
I I saw I I've just. 00:36:07
In my mind, what I'm really thinking is there's a way we can clean up this huge list eventually. 00:36:09
And get it off the county plate. So when it comes to little bits and pieces of this, this dirt like this. 00:36:14
Is there a way of just just? 00:36:22
Somehow adding it to the right way and saying this is it and taking it off our plate and and erase it or is it against? 00:36:24
Is that something that future county supervisors are going to deal with as we are? 00:36:31
Probably a little bit of both. OK, How can we make it to where they don't deal with it? 00:36:36
I would have to check with. 00:36:41
Scott Warren Uh-huh. To to understand fully. 00:36:43
What the mechanism is, I'm not sure the. 00:36:47
I know it can be done, but I'm not sure of the legal mechanism, so I don't want to speak out of turn ohh start speaking if it's 00:36:50
wrong. Jessica holler so. 00:36:53
Thank you, Mr. Chair. 00:36:57
So apparently we can't use the right way that was originally. 00:36:59
A portion for that. 00:37:04
For it. 00:37:06
It's just too steep, or it's a ditch, or it's a whatever it is, it's so odd to me. 00:37:06
That. 00:37:12
Well, no, it's not really that odd, but. 00:37:13
Back in the day, they just said, well, let's just cut across this property and do it there. 00:37:16
Right. And if we purchase that for? 00:37:21
Purposes right away. 00:37:23
Could we take that existing right away? 00:37:25
Abandon it for sale. 00:37:28
Don't know, dude, the property owner. 00:37:32
To to the adjacent that's using it, yeah. 00:37:34
Yeah, it looks like there's a vehicle parked there to me. Yeah, looks like he's using it. 00:37:37
OK. Thank you, Tom. 00:37:42
Moving on 2261. 00:37:50
This is a portion of Mountain View Terrace that we currently maintained. It was quick claim to the county in 74. 00:37:56
So. 00:38:03
Um. 00:38:04
It's. 00:38:07
A road that we maintain. 00:38:08
So again, that may qualify to convert it to a fee or something else. 00:38:10
But we would have to look at that. 00:38:15
Uh. 00:38:18
I always have a problem pronouncing this. 00:38:21
Again, it's a right away perfection in Mesa del Caballo. 00:38:23
There's. 00:38:31
A whole bunch of this this is happens to be on Stallion Road. 00:38:32
This 1F. 00:38:37
Is. 00:38:38
Again. 00:38:41
Right away 36 that's the. 00:38:42
Forest Service Rd. between Jakes Corner and Rye. 00:38:47
Uh, currently going through um. 00:38:51
The number of parcels. 00:38:55
If I could get on my right page, I'd be happy. 00:38:58
And what kind of acres are we talking about there, Tom? That one is 2.1 acres basically for service 184. 00:39:01
Uh. 00:39:10
It was stuff that was abandoned after the. 00:39:11
Minor land division. 00:39:13
Stuff that was remaining. 00:39:16
The actual Rd. itself. 00:39:17
I. 00:39:19
Mr. Chair, I don't, I'm not understanding when you're throwing in Forced Service Road 184 either. I mean is is this? 00:39:20
This is actually a part of the Forest Service Road 184, yes? 00:39:27
Is it that green strip that it's that skinny green strip that goes through the private? 00:39:33
Forest Service 184. 00:39:39
Goes N out of Jake's corner and connects at the Guy Stealer Road, right? 00:39:41
Yeah, I'm familiar with the road. 00:39:46
And so. 00:39:49
The Forest Service Rd. is separate from the property that we own, yes, in through the Minor Land Division process. 00:39:50
Um. 00:39:58
That was the chunk that was leftover. 00:39:59
Um. 00:40:02
3 or 436? 00:40:04
1/2 and we. 00:40:07
Actually acquired it in 2022. 00:40:10
That's right away. 00:40:16
So. 00:40:17
Mr. Chair Tom this. 00:40:18
This two point whatever acres is strung out for how long along that road I I don't have a linear. 00:40:20
Measurement also gave us the acres on here. 00:40:27
I know that road is used quite a bit. Sure, yeah. 00:40:32
And and so. 00:40:37
I don't know how we own a Forest Service Rd. but if they do. 00:40:40
Well, it may be that we maintain that, I know that. 00:40:45
That I would have to get back to you on. 00:40:53
Maybe we could work the government and trade. What do you think? 00:40:55
Jessica. 00:41:00
Sure, sure. 00:41:02
So Tom, you said this property is separate from the road. People travel on the road. 00:41:05
Is this property that we own being used for anything? 00:41:10
It's being used for. 00:41:14
Travel away. 00:41:16
So it is part of the road. Yeah, it is part of the road. OK. 00:41:17
Alright. 00:41:20
And McLean Rd. This is this is actually the sheriff's posse. 00:41:26
Building inside the town of Payson. 00:41:32
It is ohh well. 00:41:35
It was owned by the county. 00:41:38
This one's kind of old. It's kind of interesting, 3 or 406. 00:41:40
We actually acquired the deed in 1934. 00:41:44
And it was a broadcast in. 00:41:47
1995 It was given via IGA to the Sheriff's Office for their posse use. 00:41:50
Umm. 00:41:59
Potentially saleable. 00:42:01
Sure. 00:42:02
If you would like further research, we can endeavor to do that. 00:42:03
They're still using it today, It's it's under active use by the possible. I don't. 00:42:08
Mr. Terry, my opinion was we. 00:42:14
Keep it and keep it used for what it is. But that's my opinion. Yeah, I'm just wondering. It seems like it's. 00:42:16
Part of that other property and I'm just wondering if the person of that other property. 00:42:22
Is part of the posse. 00:42:27
Thought I couldn't tell if not. It's kind of a pain in the neck having it's part of the property, but if it's working. 00:42:29
You know. 00:42:36
Let sleeping dogs lie, I guess. I don't know. I guess they've been doing that, keeping everything on the building all these years. 00:42:37
Just would that be right? 00:42:40
Don't know. 00:42:44
We have, yeah. They. 00:42:46
So I have some more information. He's here. I've met with Melvin Palmer. 00:42:49
Who is? 00:42:54
Head of the party. 00:42:55
At and went on a tour. That's the oldest county building we have in the north. 00:42:57
And it's kind of historic in a sense. So I've tasked Michael this morning. 00:43:02
To look more into this building. 00:43:07
And so there will be further. 00:43:09
Discussion about this particular building and its use. 00:43:11
Going forward? 00:43:15
So I would say at this point it sounds like we're not interested in selling this, but we are going to try and determine more 00:43:16
definitively how it's used. 00:43:20
OK. 00:43:26
Is that fair enough? It is for me, OK? 00:43:27
Alright. 00:43:30
And then we had. 00:43:33
A whole. 00:43:35
Well, this was the summary of the the right away perfections. 00:43:37
Umm. 00:43:40
In District 1. 00:43:43
Rather than drop into each individual one. 00:43:46
Current full cash value per the assessor $550,000. 00:43:50
Ohh. 00:43:59
These were the two the McLean and the highway 6020 Acre. 00:44:02
Thing that's going to be come up on another. 00:44:07
Presentation. 00:44:09
Current assessed Value Current full cash value at 425,000. 00:44:10
And this one was a possible sale on the Veronica. 00:44:17
If I'm pronouncing that right and they said Del Caballo. 00:44:21
Potentially could be done. Uh, it's. 00:44:26
Currently. 00:44:29
Between the road and the private property, I don't know. 00:44:30
How much are they? 00:44:33
Shoulder we have there. 00:44:35
So further research. 00:44:38
You know, it end up getting split up into a whole bunch of little pieces. 00:44:41
About six or eight of them, actually. 00:44:45
So moving on into pine. 00:44:49
301-3034. 00:44:54
3. 00:44:56
256. 00:45:00
This is one of those ones where we need to do some further research. 00:45:02
Umm. 00:45:07
Fuller Drive. 00:45:08
In Pine goes through the eastern edge of those properties. 00:45:10
Over here on the right. 00:45:14
And same way with this other property that we'll get to a little bit later. 00:45:16
Potentially we could. 00:45:21
Trim off and make a portion of that sale US. 00:45:22
So what do you think size wise would be sellable because we're only talking 1/3 of an acre again? 00:45:28
Yeah, maybe looking at it visually, I would say maybe half of that. 00:45:35
And probably go to the adjacent property owners first dibs or however that works. 00:45:43
Um, that's one where we identified that. Yeah, there, there is a potential opportunity there to trim off a bit. 00:45:51
We need. 00:45:57
Whatever the you know the full amount for fuller drive. 00:45:58
For right away management purposes. 00:46:01
About 36 feet, minimum. 00:46:03
Between the 24 foot travel way and then shoulders and. 00:46:06
Um. 00:46:09
Drainage stitch. 00:46:10
Mr. Chair, if I may, yes, on on places like this where we're not sure what we need to do for the roadway. 00:46:12
And then there's a little piece between the roadway and other private property. 00:46:19
Where, Where? 00:46:23
Where I. 00:46:25
Get concerned is is is it worth the squeeze to? 00:46:26
Contact these property owners to see if they want that and and the reason being is because a lot of these little pieces I get 00:46:30
complaints on for blight. 00:46:34
Or or weeds. 00:46:39
And and it's really it's it's our property, but it's not part of our Rd. easement, but yet it's not a part of the property owners 00:46:40
either. 00:46:44
Show on on issues like this. 00:46:49
I I would like to offer to those property owners. 00:46:51
Because then they can take care of it and it's not just a. 00:46:55
Sore thumbs sitting between the road and their property. 00:46:59
That I get complaints on because nobody's taking care of the weeds. 00:47:02
But anyway, that's just. 00:47:06
My two cents work on some of these deals. 00:47:09
That might. 00:47:12
Might get it back to someone who will maintain it. 00:47:13
Some. 00:47:16
Mr. Chair, maybe this is a question for. 00:47:17
You, Jessica Or even Jeff, but. 00:47:21
You know when we have right of ways. 00:47:24
Out there. 00:47:26
That's coming from this property. That property so and so. OK, I get that. 00:47:27
But now in a lot of these these circumstances, we actually have just a sliver of county owned property. 00:47:31
That's a part of these, right? Always correct. 00:47:39
And so my question is when it? 00:47:43
Is there any liability to us as a county to have that actually? 00:47:46
A chunk of. 00:47:51
Property in or adjacent or or part of these right of ways I mean. 00:47:53
From our standpoint, is there, is there an issue there? 00:47:58
Mr. Chair and board members. It would have to be analyzed for each property. 00:48:04
But if you're thinking some sort of liability concerns, then the proper process for that right away specifically is to put it out 00:48:11
for publication. 00:48:16
To see who would want to submit an offer now, preference could be given to the budding owner, but you could just not offer it to 00:48:21
the abutting owner. It would have to be out there for the public to make an offer. 00:48:27
The statute would allow you to give preference to the budding owner, but only specifically for that right away, not for. 00:48:33
Property. 00:48:42
Gotcha. 00:48:43
Mr. Chairman and Board, if I could just offer a few comments. 00:48:46
If it's not this property, it's something identical in Pine Strawberry. We have an owner wanting to buy part of the property at 00:48:50
the top property. 00:48:55
When we mentioned to them 90% of the assessed value. 00:49:00
And and we offered it at 90% of the assessed value while we work with a county attorneys. 00:49:04
On whether that whole parcel was a road was a part of a roadway when it was adopted by the board to buy that property. 00:49:10
That property was bought to allow a roadway that had not been built by the developer to come across that subdivision. OK. 00:49:18
And there is a 50 foot right of way on top of this property. 00:49:26
And intersecting and running alongside of this property. 00:49:30
So we were working under the assumption that if we allowed a 50 foot right away to continue. 00:49:34
That no harm is done with the future use of that roadway. It's in a subdivision. 00:49:41
However, there is a drainage in that property. 00:49:46
And the property owner saying, well I don't want to buy the drainage. 00:49:49
And so I just wanted to share with you a couple of things. 00:49:52
Uh. 00:49:55
We. 00:49:57
We will determine whether or not that parcel was purchased by the board at the time. 00:49:58
For the purpose of a roadway, and if that's the case, it's likely we can proceed with that as a road abandonment. 00:50:04
If it's not, then it will be 90% of the appraised value instead of 90% of the assessed value. 00:50:09
Umm. 00:50:16
But everyone of these parcels that is alongside of a road and I had another very similar issue in Pine. 00:50:18
Where an owner wanted to buy a parcel that gets frontage, the B line highway, a little sliver triangle. 00:50:25
And he wanted to extend his parking lot. 00:50:32
And so if you look at it from the pictures, it says why shouldn't we be doing that? 00:50:35
But when you go outside, you say wait a minute, there's a bar damage that starts very little at the B line. 00:50:40
And it grows very quickly. And that whole, unlike sliver, is nothing but a ditch that allows drainage off of B line. 00:50:46
And off of that road. 00:50:53
And to sell it for somebody that would put a parking lot in there would be. 00:50:54
Uh, not in the benefit of the community. 00:50:58
And and so I think when we think about selling these parcels, I was reading up on what Miracle for County does for something like 00:51:01
this and they actually pass out this like like this parcel. We weren't if the county were interested in selling this, they routed 00:51:07
through the various departments facilities. Do you think we could use this in the future Roads, what's the issue with roads, 00:51:12
flood, what's the issue with drainage? 00:51:18
Community development What's the issue with setback? 00:51:23
And then everybody signs off. Yes, Sal, Sal, Sal, Sal. 00:51:26
And and we could proceed with that, but everyone of these I think. 00:51:30
If more than just looking at a picture. 00:51:33
OK. It's actually going out to the site and evaluating what's the purpose? 00:51:36
And and if I could say something about roads, it's. 00:51:40
If we own 60 feet instead of 50 feet and and that shoulder and that allows us to make a U-turn or whatever. 00:51:43
I I I will always, uh, when I see that form come across. 00:51:50
Favor keeping properties that is adjacent to a road where it does serve some Rd. purpose. 00:51:53
And we'll we'll staff will be on public works. 00:51:58
Are struggling with the question of how much right away is sufficient for the future. 00:52:02
OK. 00:52:08
If so, I just wanted to share those thoughts with you. 00:52:08
Thank you, Mario. 00:52:11
I'm Mr. Chair. Yeah, Make someone. When and what a great idea because. 00:52:13
Then this 103 properties once it goes through staff. 00:52:17
On looking at these then I think our sellable properties are gonna. 00:52:22
Go down considerably. 00:52:27
But at least we'll know the reason why we have these properties once we go through this process. 00:52:29
For future supervisors, it's like why don't we own all these properties well here because we've gone there and it's either a 00:52:35
drainage or it's part of a road and that's why we own them, which is the question that we we don't have answered. So great 00:52:40
suggestion on Merrill and I I think it's a good idea. 00:52:46
Supervisor claim. 00:52:53
I like it. It's good. You know what I mean? If we have a a need for some of these in house, then we should by no way sell them or 00:52:55
get rid of them. But I mean, these have been sitting on our plate for a long time. It's just time we addressed it and cleaned it 00:52:59
up. 00:53:03
Alright. No, look at that. The next slide is the parcel at the top. 00:53:10
Same discussion. 00:53:13
Living on a Hard Scrabble Mesa Rd. Here's another one that is perfection right away. 00:53:15
Umm. 00:53:21
So. 00:53:22
Kind of a non issue. You can see the road traveling through the parcel. 00:53:24
Cemetery Rd. In Pine. 00:53:30
No. 00:53:32
We we acquired that specifically for access to the cemetery. 00:53:33
Again. 00:53:39
Another portion of the cemetery Rd. 00:53:39
Huh. This one is 3/01/19. 00:53:44
1918 A That's a portion of South Road in Pine. 00:53:52
Again perfecting right away. 00:53:57
Another portion, 301-2644. 00:54:02
Again of portion of South Rd. 00:54:08
You can see the road traveling right through the middle of parcel. 00:54:09
Again, another little piece. 00:54:14
These these particular pieces were acquired in 1987. 00:54:17
3/01/27. 00:54:22
Wish my notes were in the same order as the slides. Sorry. 00:54:26
This is a portion of Old County Road, I believe the county yard. 00:54:30
Is just to the northeast. 00:54:37
Just off the frame. 00:54:39
Again, right away. Perfection. 00:54:41
Hummingbird Dr. 00:54:44
59-B. 00:54:46
That one's got a little questions, um. 00:54:48
We don't. 00:54:51
We own it, but we haven't done maintenance on it. 00:54:52
It was not a. 00:54:57
Define subdivision so it was something that was created. 00:54:59
More out of the Minor Land Division process. 00:55:03
And so probably it was a leftover piece that we ended up acquiring. 00:55:06
And according to my notes, we acquired that. 00:55:12
Back in 1990. 00:55:15
Uh 31341 D. 00:55:20
We're up again right away. 00:55:28
That's a portion of Bradshaw Drive at Pine Creek. 00:55:33
Again, we've got the right of way going through there. 00:55:37
34 HH Mr. Chair, I got a question. Yes Sir. 00:55:41
So when I, Tom, when I'm hearing you talk about leftover from a subdivision, things like that. 00:55:45
Do we have to accept that? 00:55:51
It's variable. 00:55:54
I thought it was yes or no. 00:55:57
Well, OK. 00:55:59
So. 00:56:01
When the new subdivision comes into play. 00:56:02
There is a dedication to the public. 00:56:05
And my understanding is the board. 00:56:08
Has to accept that dedication. So it's a two step process. It is an automatic. 00:56:12
Hey, baby. 00:56:20
Close to. 00:56:21
Correct. 00:56:23
OK. 00:56:26
I missed one. You better come to my cup. 00:56:26
Yeah. 00:56:30
So for the for a road to become a public Rd. 00:56:39
Either it's one way, it's Tom just explained the board makes a formal acceptance of the. 00:56:42
Road by Board action and A. 00:56:48
Public meeting. 00:56:51
The 2nd way is if. 00:56:53
The. 00:56:55
There's a Subdivision form and it's accepted. 00:56:57
Or it's not accepted but it's been platted? 00:57:00
And. 00:57:04
A piece of property is sold. 00:57:05
Out of that subdivision. 00:57:08
Then the subdivision becomes public roads. 00:57:10
And the third way is by use. 00:57:14
The road is used as a public Rd. over a certain period of time. 00:57:17
It can be a public Rd. although. 00:57:21
That's a. 00:57:24
A weak way to do it. I've seen one case out of Pinellas County where it was done that way. 00:57:25
With normally either formally acceptance. 00:57:31
Or by sale from a subdivision. 00:57:33
Hmm. 00:57:41
Well, it gives me some think about for a while, so couple of things, yeah. 00:57:42
Thank you. 00:57:46
Again, summary of the evaluation. 00:57:48
That we were talking about. 00:57:52
The unsalable, currently full cash value is about $370,000. 00:57:54
The. 00:58:00
Conditional stuff. 00:58:01
In Pine is about $284,000 for current full cash value. 00:58:04
But. 00:58:09
Probably not worth. 00:58:11
Chasing it too far. 00:58:13
Um, so moving on to Strawberry. 00:58:15
This is a drainage. 00:58:20
One 11133 it's the drainage lung Parkinson drive so. 00:58:24
Really couldn't do much with it. 00:58:30
Mr. Chair, I got a quick question on those drainages that we own. Are we liable for the maintenance of those? 00:58:33
I mean, because with those houses and stuff around it, there's a lot of weeds and trash and stuff in those drainages. 00:58:40
And we get complaints on it. It's like, well. 00:58:45
Yeah, we own it, but. 00:58:48
But uh. 00:58:51
But I guess we're not responsible for it. I you know that's a fine line and I I my question is, is. 00:58:52
Is, yeah, drainages are gonna have growth in them. 00:58:58
I'm going to. 00:59:01
Get garbage and stuff in them and I just want to know where our liability is and keeping them. 00:59:02
From being a fire hazard in neighborhoods such as this. 00:59:09
But after defer to my leadership on that question and so this too good but still a question Mr. Chair going forward and I I hear 00:59:14
what you're saying Tim and I. 00:59:19
If you want my opinion, I would say we're liable for them. We make everybody else liable for their property. 00:59:24
We should be liable for ours. 00:59:29
Well, I have to agree, but then we're gonna have to need three more crews, I think. 00:59:32
Alright. 00:59:40
Moving on, 3/01/04, this is a if I remember right, this is a big retention pond. 00:59:41
Um. 00:59:49
So not really salable there. Again, our retention pond is going to have growth and we we own a lake if it looks, if it looks 00:59:51
really bad, it's a seasonal you know. 00:59:56
Yes. 01:00:05
Yeah, with weeds 4 foot tall, yeah. 01:00:06
Umm. 01:00:10
This one again right away implications. 01:00:13
You've got the intersection of two roads, so you really don't want to triangle stick it into the road. 01:00:16
So better just to keep it. 01:00:21
Good. 01:00:23
Uh, these three are. 01:00:24
Umm. 01:00:27
310322 01:00:31
part of Fossil Creek Rd. 01:00:34
Um. 01:00:37
301-0320 N. 01:00:39
Right away for Fossil Creek. 01:00:42
Again, these are all fossil portions. Fossil Creek Rd. 01:00:45
Again, here's UH. 01:00:49
This may be the exact parcel Homero was. 01:00:51
Referring to. 01:00:54
The intersection of Strawberry. 01:00:56
I think it's Lucianne An 87. 01:00:59
Not really. Conducive you've got. 01:01:02
With the. 01:01:04
Coming down off the hill. 01:01:06
On 87, so not really conducive to. 01:01:07
Umm. 01:01:11
Altering. 01:01:11
And we need it for right away geometry in the future. 01:01:12
Ohh 301-1017. 01:01:17
Sorry, I'm trying to move quickly and appreciate people's time. 01:01:22
You're doing great portion of Parkinson drive. 01:01:26
Right away. 01:01:30
Uh-huh. 01:01:30
Again, another. 01:01:32
Piece uh, we got the Parcel Creek Rd. and I can't quite read what's to the north, the road going to. 01:01:34
But we still have right away concerns. 01:01:39
301054 L. 01:01:43
Ohh Diane Circle. 01:01:49
In strawberry. 01:01:51
In 22, there was a treasurer's deed and the county took it over. 01:01:53
UH, for transportation purposes. 01:01:57
Again one of the common little slivers, Fossil Creek Rd. and Walnut Dr. and Strawberry. 01:02:01
Ohh 30108140. 01:02:09
Ohh this is um. 01:02:14
Being used actively used by the county when we did the rework on Fossil Creek. There's a large MU mailbox collection there, and 01:02:17
when we're doing maintenance, the roads department uses it for staging equipment. 01:02:24
So that's fair. I know where that is. 01:02:33
Yeah. 01:02:36
Yeah. 01:02:37
So for Strawberry on the summary, um. 01:02:40
You know the. 01:02:44
Probable not salable. 01:02:46
Approximate full cash value $100,000. 01:02:48
And then you can see the other. 01:02:51
Um. 01:02:53
Right away 32,000 vacant land 60 but that's that MU. 01:02:55
Cluster. 01:03:00
So moving on to District 2. 01:03:03
Any further? 01:03:06
So I wanna present a a thought so. 01:03:08
You're doing a great job, Tom, and I appreciate how thorough all this is. 01:03:12
Do the other supervisors want to continue with this presentation or should we direct staff to try and narrow this? 01:03:17
I need a I need to know if we want to keep going. 01:03:25
The way we are, or whether we want to instruct them to narrow and represent. 01:03:29
Properties that may. 01:03:35
Health options. 01:03:38
Other than those that are really no option. 01:03:40
May 1st go ahead. 01:03:44
Yeah, let's keep going because there's some of these that's going to bring up some questions. It's not that we have to dwell on 01:03:46
each of these for a long time now. 01:03:49
I think we can go through them fairly quickly, but there's going to be some some of these properties that's going to bring up some 01:03:53
questions, I'm almost sure. 01:03:56
OK, let's keep going. I mean, surprise or Humphrey? 01:04:00
Well, I'm trying to with you because we're here and and I know that staff is going to look through these and it's going to narrow 01:04:04
our list a lot. But like the questions of liability of some of these drainages and things like that, that's an important question 01:04:09
and to be asked. 01:04:14
And so, Mr. Chair, you have someone from the audience and so. 01:04:19
But anyway, I I'd like to go forward just because as as we have things some of it might not be interesting but but it's going to 01:04:24
create questions that we've already come up with. 01:04:29
That's going to help staff when they go look at some of these properties, some of these questions on maintenance and maintaining 01:04:35
and. 01:04:38
Things of this nature. 01:04:42
But anyway. 01:04:43
OK, we'll proceed. And so Jessica let me know. We do have a request from the audience who Mr. Vince Hudson who has. 01:04:45
A question or two? 01:04:53
On this topic, is this the appropriate time to ask him to ask those? 01:04:55
Chairman, Member, Supervisors, If it's in regard to this topic, it would be at your discretion, yes. You wouldn't be allowed to do 01:05:02
so. OK, so Mr. Hudson, do you wanna ask a question or two to this? Please come up to the mic and introduce yourself if you would, 01:05:07
please. 01:05:11
OK. Thank you folks for letting me speak. My name is Vince Hudson. I sell commercial real estate. I've done it for. 01:05:17
Since the 70s. 01:05:23
This problem that you guys have here. 01:05:25
Is major, but it can be addressed and solved pretty simply. 01:05:28
First thing we need to do is have title reports pulled on all these properties and. 01:05:33
I guarantee you probably don't have entire report on one. 01:05:38
It's common because I deal on this stuff all the time. 01:05:41
I'm not the guy for you to do this. 01:05:44
But you may want to talk contact someone like Rory or someone out of patient. 01:05:47
That works for ERA. 01:05:52
Have him go through these parcels. 01:05:54
Put a value on them, but a preliminary title report will tell you. 01:05:56
What you need to know and what you can do, but as someone was in here talking about. 01:06:01
Right aways. 01:06:07
If you own the property and I cross it. 01:06:08
And I hit this man right here and I kill him. 01:06:12
Yours liable as I am because you own the property, so that's something that the county needs to. 01:06:15
What's not good and savvy properties for your guys? 01:06:22
Developments and for your. 01:06:25
Engineering, road work and stuff. 01:06:27
Best thing to do is get rid of it. 01:06:30
But. 01:06:33
Please pull a title report on these because. 01:06:33
If not, you're going to have problems. 01:06:37
And that's I came down here because. 01:06:39
It's what I do, and I'm in a Rep with you guys right now. I'll again here know who I am over the property that's behind me in 01:06:41
flooding. 01:06:45
And This is why No title report was ever pulled. 01:06:49
When you pull the title report on that property behind us that the Randles quick claim to you guys. 01:06:53
They're gonna find out the Rams hitting on the right to do it. 01:06:58
So. 01:07:01
I mean, I'm just, I'm trying to help everybody. 01:07:02
And if. 01:07:04
If you need me for school and help you try to find someone. I'm more than willing to do that. 01:07:06
But if you take these apms. 01:07:12
To pioneer title Any of the other title companies. 01:07:15
As many as you got to probably going to charge you. 01:07:19
But. 01:07:23
That's where you need to start because. 01:07:24
At the end of the day. 01:07:26
You gotta have clean, marketable title to sell it to somebody. 01:07:28
But your neighbors? 01:07:31
Every day is always your Best Buy. 01:07:32
OK. Thank you, Mr. Hudson. Thank you. 01:07:35
Ohh. 01:07:37
Go ahead, Tom. 01:07:38
All right. 01:07:40
Moving on to District 2. 01:07:41
Small piece of property in Healing County. 01:07:46
Uh, in Claypool. 01:07:50
2/06/06. 01:07:54
I think I know what the answer is on this one, but I want to make sure. 01:07:58
6195 DMD did, yeah. 01:08:04
These are on Long St. and those are involved with Troy City, aren't they? 01:08:08
So right now, it's right away. 01:08:17
Umm. 01:08:19
2/06/09. 01:08:21
Umm. 01:08:24
This one. 01:08:29
90. 01:08:30
Uh. 01:08:31
It's. 01:08:33
It's a demand and it would certainly be worth salable. 01:08:34
The. 01:08:39
Adjacent properties are actually owned by the state of Arizona. 01:08:40
So I believe that's. 01:08:44
A different. 01:08:47
Maybe a tax thing, I don't know. 01:08:50
Incurred the county, right, Tom? 01:08:53
I believe so. 01:08:55
But then when I went and had a quick peek at. 01:08:58
Said. 01:09:02
State of Arizona like the the ones to the North and South. 01:09:02
Um. 01:09:09
These are more. 01:09:11
Vacant land. 01:09:12
1076. 01:09:14
That one was actually sold. 01:09:17
Um. 01:09:19
Earlier this year. 01:09:20
79. 01:09:23
Again, this area has multiple State of Arizona parcels. 01:09:26
Adjacent and all these are vacant lots, so. 01:09:29
We probably acquired them through. 01:09:33
Treasurers, deeds, or. 01:09:36
Some fashion. 01:09:39
Mr. Chair for many. 01:09:40
So these pink. 01:09:42
Colored. 01:09:45
Blocks right there. Those are all state land. 01:09:46
Arizona. 01:09:49
Those are, yes, I believe they are. 01:09:50
And all these we acquired in. 01:09:56
Various years the 79 and 82 was back in. 01:10:01
1977. 01:10:05
So a lot of these have been sitting around for quite some time. 01:10:07
Mr. Chair, if I may, Yeah, It'll be interesting once staff looks at some of these because it looks like there's it's in a 01:10:12
residential area, there's. 01:10:16
Properties attached to them. 01:10:20
So it would seem that they might have value to their neighbors. 01:10:22
Yeah, Kaito Loma comes down. 01:10:27
To the South here. 01:10:30
Its way around. Like you said, it's hard to tell by a picture, but it'll be. 01:10:32
Interesting. On some of these properties, after staff takes a look at them, it's. 01:10:36
So. 01:10:43
Through that area. 01:10:45
Approximate $45,000 full cash value currently. 01:10:46
Um, again? 01:10:51
That looks where the partial numbers. 01:10:54
Pretty much duplicated. 01:10:58
Play. 01:10:59
Moving into Globe, this is one of the drainage ditches along Down 6 Shooter Canyon. 01:11:00
Not really much that can be done with that. 01:11:08
So. 01:11:12
Mr. Chairman may on on something like that, that's in the middle of globe. 01:11:13
Use it for a good example. 01:11:17
Is there? 01:11:19
Well, but is there an interest for Globe having it, I mean. 01:11:23
Mr. Supervisor, we're outside the globe city limits on this one. Ohh OK, never mind. 01:11:27
OK, that that took care of that one that that's all us. 01:11:33
Cold sway again, It's a right away. 01:11:38
That was. 01:11:43
13. 01:11:46
It was an easement. 01:11:51
Out of our record survey that created all that private property so people are traversing it actively. 01:11:53
Prickly PEAR 2/05/18. This one actually might circle back to your question supervisor Klein. 01:12:01
That's inside the city world. 01:12:09
Um, quickly pair weight. So would it be worthwhile to? 01:12:13
Look to transfer it to the City of Globe. 01:12:18
Master Chief and I I I would say yes, because as we look further into our liabilities and stuff with some of these properties, it 01:12:21
would be best if if it is in the city of globe that the Mayor and Council be responsible for it, not the Board of Supervisors. 01:12:29
Right. So Mr. Chair from May also and Jeff here because we've been going back and forth with Jeff over a little piece of property 01:12:37
in Winkleman. 01:12:41
That we have that actually the town of Winkelman is actually using for like storage. 01:12:46
Um. 01:12:53
But the way I understand and Jeff, correct me again if I'm wrong because it's been a while, but we're back to that 90%. 01:12:56
For sale type deal on that. 01:13:02
Market value. 01:13:07
I don't know to have another government entity. 01:13:08
So. 01:13:12
So where we going? 01:13:14
Sell to another government entity. 01:13:17
You are. 01:13:20
Relieved of these public auction requirements? 01:13:21
But you still have to comply with the. 01:13:25
90% of Fair market value requirement. 01:13:27
Yeah. 01:13:32
This, this and I. 01:13:33
This supervisor is something I dropped the ball on this year for our legislative conference. 01:13:35
This is something that we could absolutely take to the legislative conference to look at to get that changed because in my mind, 01:13:40
it does not make any sense to me. 01:13:45
Why we would have to sell that to the City of Globe? 01:13:50
Or. 01:13:53
A lot to a city of Winkelman. 01:13:54
For another governmental use, to me it just seems like it obvious simple transfer. 01:13:57
But under the current status, right Jeff, right now this is what sent status. 01:14:02
And I know exactly what you're talking about for that Winkleman. 01:14:10
It's their maintenance yard, yet we own the property in the middle of it. 01:14:13
So. 01:14:18
Thank you, Jeff. Yeah, I agree cause like I say going forward with this questions are coming up that that need to be pursued 01:14:19
further because if it's a state property, we can buy it for a dollar if we're using it for drainage or for a road. Is that not 01:14:23
correct? 01:14:28
If the state is selling it to you, no. If it if it's state property. 01:14:35
Then we can obtain it for a dollar. 01:14:40
If we're using it for. 01:14:43
Drainage or roads? 01:14:46
Like if it's a tax lien sale properly ohh you're somebody bought the state you tax property date. 01:14:49
Then we can take it from the state for a dollar. 01:14:54
If we're using it for roads or for drainage. 01:14:57
So that's government entity to government entity, and I don't know why that wouldn't be the same. 01:15:01
With county to county if it's state to county. 01:15:06
Yeah, there's a lot of legal fictions going on there. 01:15:11
Because when that property is sold. 01:15:14
For taxes. 01:15:16
It's sold to the state. 01:15:17
But that's the name only. There's no department down in Phoenix. 01:15:20
That houses all these properties and there's a lot of people down there talking about them. It doesn't exist. It's amazing. 01:15:24
His soul to the state. 01:15:29
And the counties? The one that takes care of it. 01:15:31
And sells it and so forth. 01:15:34
No. 01:15:37
That actually hung us up in in Hayden with that parking lot down there. 01:15:37
You know, because it was, it was, it was, you know, they quit paying taxes on it. It goes back to the state and care of HeLa 01:15:42
County and you're exactly right. There's nobody down there that deals with the plan, right. 01:15:47
But then it goes back to Tim, like you were saying for drainage or transportation. 01:15:53
That's why it's turned into a parking lot, so the semis could park there. 01:15:58
And and Old Town, because I don't have any place to park so. 01:16:02
That was a that was a hurdle. We had to. 01:16:04
Get over, too. 01:16:06
That that's the only way it works. 01:16:09
Yeah. All right. This is part of Sanders drive. 01:16:12
Again, right away use. 01:16:17
1. 01:16:19
That's that's Blvd. This is. 01:16:20
Where they're building the roundabout in front of the hospital. 01:16:25
So are we in the process of? 01:16:28
Doing something with that. 01:16:31
Other caregivers. 01:16:36
3rd. 01:16:39
Ohh again right away issue. 01:16:43
And if if we could back up one. 01:16:45
And and. 01:16:48
How many people use that right away? 01:16:50
1234 I'm counting 5, OK? 01:16:53
Alright, just based on the simple line work in the area. 01:16:58
OK. 01:17:01
Thank you. Yeah, it looks like there's some driveways. There could be more. 01:17:03
Public Library and the. 01:17:07
This is again right away. Inspiration terrace up. 01:17:10
If you go up Inspiration drive past the water tanks that you can see on the north side the road. 01:17:14
Goes over the side and there's more. 01:17:19
Property access up there. 01:17:20
Arizona 85539. 01:17:23
Uh, this is the. 01:17:26
Ohh, this is where the posse building used to be in front of APS. 01:17:30
On one 8188 is against the left edge there. 01:17:34
Umm. 01:17:38
The intersection of 60 is down off the bottom and while it's on the trails, up top. 01:17:38
APS is the building you can see on the right edge of the picture. 01:17:43
So that one would be. 01:17:47
Certainly worthwhile. He's moved to Posse building off that. 01:17:48
Facility. 01:17:52
So. 01:17:55
Mr. Chair, for me. So it makes sense that APS picked that up when it. 01:17:56
One option. 01:18:01
But. 01:18:05
We're no longer actively using it for the posse. 01:18:06
Do you know Michael? 01:18:10
I don't believe so. 01:18:11
Because. 01:18:12
Yeah. 01:18:14
So that would be certainly worthwhile one that could be explored for. 01:18:15
Disposal. 01:18:20
Glendale Ave. 01:18:25
2/07/09. 01:18:27
This I believe is. 01:18:30
Drainage, yeah. 01:18:32
So those those properties on the top. 01:18:35
They're up on a hill and that's a drainage flow. 01:18:38
So hang on a minute, Mr. Chair. Yeah, So right there, Tom and me. This question for you Jeff, if that is nothing but drainage 01:18:43
right there. 01:18:48
I mean, there again, is this in the city limits? No, it's in the county, never mind. But if it was in the city limits, couldn't we 01:18:53
make a deal with Globe to take it? I mean, they may want it for. 01:18:58
Maintenance or whatever. 01:19:03
Not unless they want to pay 90%. 01:19:05
Well, I think if it's for drainage or transportation, we can do different things with it. 01:19:07
Alright, thank you. The statue don't need it? No. 01:19:13
Some of the stuff I've worked with on and off the top of my head. 01:19:17
Other things I'm gonna read first, they'd have to incorporate to take it in. Yeah, but if we're we may come across one here in a 01:19:20
minute. That other one could have been It's a Rd. 01:19:25
Yeah, for Rd. 01:19:30
207231 Q. 01:19:34
All this is all part of Hope Lane. 01:19:37
You can see it coming through. This is going on to the Russell Gulch landfill. 01:19:42
This is just various county property. You know how Russell Gold's landfill is up. 01:19:47
Is in a bowl. 01:19:53
These are all the sides of the hills. 01:19:54
As you head into the landfill. 01:19:56
So I would imagine those will remain counties from now on. 01:20:00
If we did want to sell it. 01:20:03
But there there's some. 01:20:05
Maneuverability in some of them, but yeah. 01:20:07
Umm. 01:20:10
But for the most part, yeah, it'll be used for long term. 01:20:11
Or acquired for long term purposes. 01:20:15
And you can also see the drainage coming down. 01:20:20
Through the through the southern portion of that property right there. 01:20:23
Those properties up in the top left, those little cluster of five, they're actually accessed off a different Rd. so potentially 01:20:28
they could be looked at as disposal. 01:20:32
Yeah, Mr. Chair, if I might. 01:20:39
Umm. 01:20:41
If we could look into the transfer of property from government entity to government entity for roads, parks or drainages. 01:20:42
Umm. 01:20:51
That would that would be interesting to know the legal. 01:20:53
Part of that because some of these that. 01:20:57
That we have in other places if they're if they were going to use it for a park or a road or a drainage. 01:20:59
Then perhaps they wouldn't have to pay the 90% of the appraised value. 01:21:05
OK. 01:21:11
Maybe. 01:21:13
So again more. 01:21:16
Umm. 01:21:19
Landfill This goes down into the. 01:21:20
The Little Acres Spectral Tracked area S on Russell Rd. 01:21:24
These two properties. 01:21:29
You can see. 01:21:31
Russell Gulch right there off the east edge of the. 01:21:34
Left edge of the. 01:21:38
Rd. 01:21:39
These were purchased for flood purposes. 01:21:41
Way back when, 2/7/29. 01:21:45
These were purchased back in 1977 by the county. 01:21:51
I I don't. I mean, I've been there and I don't understand what they do for flood. 01:21:55
If if the Creek. 01:22:00
Raises way up. 01:22:02
You know, maybe Russell Rd. got repaved. 01:22:04
Since 1977 then? 01:22:08
Don't know. 01:22:10
But OK, yeah, because I mean the. 01:22:12
Yeah, OK. This was purchased. This was a sort of interesting. 01:22:14
There was a cluster of them purchased in 77. 01:22:20
Back then. 01:22:24
OK, well maybe now that it's been so long the needs not there anymore. 01:22:26
Perhaps be something look into I guess. 01:22:32
Look, looking at the top level deed, I didn't go any deeper than the last deed. It didn't show any of the FEMA restrictions that 01:22:35
we've talked about. We'll we'll see those when we get into Roosevelt. 01:22:41
So I looked at, yeah, like I said, going forward after staff looks at these, maybe those will be something that would be 01:22:47
beneficial to the neighbor right there next next to them. Absolutely, when you look at that. 01:22:53
Right there. I mean you got other places right right there below that's coming right to the highway. 01:23:00
Yeah, I mean, I there's there's no rhyme or reason why we would have bought those two to me, neither was in 77 for for Flood. 01:23:05
Yeah, but. 01:23:13
I mean it it would be different to me if there's a whole line or long Russell Rd. like that, you know? 01:23:15
Well, yeah, I could say we're, we're trying to make sense of it. Well, it's time we get in. So that's good. Yeah. Yeah. Thank. 01:23:21
Currently it's a parking lot of convenience. 01:23:25
OK. 01:23:32
This is over just east of the Central Heights School. 01:23:33
Uh where? 01:23:38
Health and Emergency Management. 01:23:39
Are at um. 01:23:42
This one. 01:23:44
2073010 A. 01:23:46
Where is it? 01:23:48
Uh. 01:23:50
It's actually owned. 01:23:52
The note I have in here that it's actually owned by the Miami school district and the county is. 01:23:55
Under a 20 year lease that expired. 01:24:00
Some time ago, somewhere in current automatic five year extensions. 01:24:07
So. 01:24:13
Explain that whole So the Miami school district actually owns. 01:24:14
The Central Heights property. 01:24:19
We are in a leasing. 01:24:21
Scenario for the property. 01:24:24
And this? 01:24:26
This is one part of that. 01:24:27
So everything, all of our buildings in there is leased. 01:24:30
That's that's. 01:24:34
Yeah. 01:24:35
It's the school district. I think we lease it for $1.00 a year. 01:24:36
Well, that makes me feel better about all the money we put into that. That's always going through my head right now. 01:24:43
Part of the lease is full maintenance. You pay your own checkbook. 01:24:50
OK. And so is that part of the parking lot over there or no, it it's actually that all that's behind and it's done, it's unusable 01:24:55
property, yeah. 01:25:00
OK. 01:25:05
A lot of that's just hillside. If I remember right, it is. Yeah, but. 01:25:06
OK, so that brings up another question. 01:25:10
Michael is. 01:25:13
Can can we just go through whatever process and own it, I mean. 01:25:16
We certainly could take a look at that. Absolutely. It doesn't make any sense to me to have a lease and then another. 01:25:21
Government agency involved with something we're not going to give up or change ever. 01:25:26
That I could foresee right now. So why we don't own it? I kind of beyond me. I thought we did own it actually. 01:25:31
Yeah, I I certainly will take a look at that. 01:25:37
Chairman, member and another. 01:25:40
Question is that property and I know we don't have enough parking over there. 01:25:42
If that's a hill. 01:25:46
It could that possibly add to. 01:25:48
Parking. 01:25:50
Area 4. 01:25:51
That facility possibly, however, if you. 01:25:54
If you go out there and you take a look at the very steep hill and it's narrow. 01:25:57
Ohh, currently right, Right at the top of that we have just two Conex boxes for a couple of the departments in central heights to 01:26:01
sort store some of the things in there. But it is a very narrow piece of property when you get up there, OK. 01:26:07
Michaelson Building. 01:26:20
Any questions? Yeah. 01:26:22
We're doing a good job with it, Yep. 01:26:26
This next one is is. 01:26:30
Was really interesting. 01:26:32
To me, the county acquired it. 01:26:34
We're we're talking about this? 01:26:38
Partial up here, that's on 60 and I believe it's. 01:26:41
Maybe 4th or 5th St. 01:26:47
The county owns it. 01:26:50
But there's a. 01:26:52
Permanent it. It's also inside the city limits, but there is a permanent a dot easement on it. 01:26:54
For what? I don't know. 01:27:01
Hmm. 01:27:04
We'll know more after staff looks, yeah. 01:27:07
But but that goes back to your question earlier if ADOT has a permanent easement there. 01:27:10
There's no reason for us to own it. State should own it. 01:27:16
Highways and drainages. 01:27:21
More research. 01:27:23
Yeah. 01:27:24
Yes. 01:27:26
I've I've. 01:27:26
Annotated that. 01:27:27
Appreciate it. 01:27:29
Uh. 01:27:30
So again coming here to the summary sheet of. 01:27:31
You know full cash value about $728,000. 01:27:35
And then a little more focus. 01:27:40
As a possibility, well, the a lot of these are in. 01:27:42
Ohh. 01:27:47
Related to the landfill, that's 317 full cash. 01:27:48
Christmas. 01:27:54
Hope Lane again. 01:27:56
More property. 01:27:58
Moving into Miami. 01:28:00
Tomorrow 6:00. 01:28:04
2603. 01:28:09
One more page. 01:28:12
This is a. 01:28:16
Drainage. Um, it is on. 01:28:19
Elam, but it is not. This is in the. 01:28:22
County portion that's. 01:28:26
It's drainage off the hill. 01:28:29
Miner. 01:28:31
More drainage. 01:28:34
On this one 19154. 01:28:38
2619. 01:28:44
There it is. 01:28:50
This one actually is inside the city limits of Miami or town limits Miami. So. 01:28:52
Would have potential for. 01:28:57
Ohh. 01:28:59
For training for the town of Miami, yeah. 01:29:01
And their liability? 01:29:05
More research. 01:29:08
1954. 01:29:10
Look at that. 01:29:12
So. 01:29:15
Not a whole lot. 01:29:16
Where's that place? No. Yeah, we on that. You'll be doing something with that. 01:29:19
Tell you what, I'll take you to lunch at the Marina and point it out as we go by. 01:29:27
Uh. 01:29:32
Roosevelt You know, there's been a lot of activity there. 01:29:33
2/04/03 Probably some of these you guys may have more. 01:29:37
Intimate knowledge than I do. This is part of Campaign Creek as it goes through. 01:29:43
The. 01:29:49
The states. 01:29:50
You know, so the previous buyout, yeah, this is, this is one of the FEMA 2004 property there for flood, yeah. 01:29:51
This was one of the specific 2004 FEMA buyouts. You can put up anything you want as long as it doesn't have walls. 01:30:00
Yes. 01:30:08
Umm. 01:30:10
So. 01:30:11
Yeah. 01:30:13
So Tim, is there any neighbors around there that? 01:30:13
I I don't think so. And the only neighbors around that area we're we're working on a grant to buy their homes. 01:30:18
Because they get water in them when Campaign Creek runs. So. So yeah, that's. 01:30:24
That area has that that Creek has taken out those homes. That's why the we went through a grant to buy those years ago. 01:30:32
And so now we're in the middle of a grant to buy some of those others. 01:30:41
That you're seeing up to the left a little bit. 01:30:46
Because. 01:30:50
That. 01:30:51
That's a dangerous Creek. And now that they've burned all that up above, it's a real dangerous Creek. We've dredged that many 01:30:52
times trying to control it. 01:30:56
And and and it just keeps filling up with sediment and it it's, it's, I don't see it ever getting much better. 01:31:00
OK. This one is the part that North End of Stagecoach, it's a drainage. 01:31:11
That the county recently purchased. 01:31:18
Two or four or six and we did that for the drainage down Stagecoach and it needs a. 01:31:20
Needs to be able to tie back into Pennell Creek. 01:31:28
And so that was purchased from the Tucker so that we can. 01:31:31
Go down Stagecoach where the where you can see the roadway. 01:31:35
And then it'll go left through that property back to Pennell Creek to drain. 01:31:39
That stage, coach area. 01:31:44
And again another portion of that. 01:31:47
That was purchased for drainage. 01:31:49
Yes. 01:31:51
Uh, this property is another one of the, I believe, another one of the FEMA buyouts. 01:31:54
437. 01:31:59
No. 01:32:02
But it was purchased in 1969. 01:32:03
Nominally for flood purposes, probably. 01:32:08
As their dwellings on that no the. 01:32:13
So we haven't gone in and done the survey work to. 01:32:16
Have a real tight. 01:32:21
Line control. 01:32:23
On. 01:32:25
Over here you can see the fences for the adjacent property. So this would be over here. Right now the this line working in the 01:32:27
online map is eyeball aligned. 01:32:33
Trolleys, so. 01:32:39
Again, some of these will be interesting once we get boots on the ground to look at them and get assessments from. 01:32:41
Staff departments. 01:32:48
Channel 12404 Thirty 7. 01:32:52
Roosevelt summary. 01:32:59
194,000 approximately. 01:33:00
Um, and. 01:33:04
You know potentially 20,000 cash value on. 01:33:08
Ohh, that's that. 01:33:11
We identified it as salable because we couldn't figure out why, but that's a more research. 01:33:12
Type scenario. 01:33:18
Tunnel basin. 01:33:20
Umm. 01:33:22
How to sell ranch? 01:33:23
2106. 01:33:28
39 E. 01:33:32
Uh. 01:33:35
We acquired that it went to Treasurers deed in 18 and we acquired it in 18-4 Floodway. 01:33:37
Purchase. 01:33:44
That's that. 01:33:47
Right in the middle of the Creek, Yeah. 01:33:48
OK. Yeah. Cause that black over to the right that's that's the private, that's private. 01:33:50
Again, Tunnel Creek. This is on the north side. 01:33:58
Umm. 01:34:03
1039 A. 01:34:05
And we acquired it in 2005. It it sticks in the Tunnel Creek. 01:34:10
Umm. 01:34:16
And. 01:34:19
Portion of that is where that **** is. 01:34:20
I think that's right. 01:34:23
Kind of at the starting point of that. 01:34:25
Uh, this is. 01:34:29
If on Tunnel Creek Trail, there's one Rd. that has a split down the middle of it and the drainage ditch. 01:34:30
Well, this is that ditch. 01:34:37
Ewing Trail right away issues. 01:34:41
Right away, perfection. 01:34:44
Again, this we just actually recently purchased, so we had sufficient right away for construction of the Tunnel Creek Bridge. 01:34:49
Yeah, that. 01:35:05
Ohh this one R. 01:35:09
2/01/14. 01:35:11
You are Desert Rose Drive. 01:35:15
Another one of the. 01:35:19
Uh. 01:35:21
Communities Growth by Minor Land Vision and. 01:35:23
Needed access. 01:35:27
And so that was the leftover piece, and somehow we ended up with it. 01:35:31
If you have any questions. 01:35:36
59 U2 106. 01:35:39
That's a female buyout in 2011. 01:35:43
No. 01:35:48
So real close to. 01:35:48
Tunnel Creek. 01:35:51
Westminster Abbey, The Tower. 01:35:55
No. 01:35:58
Moving on to Mr. Klein's section of the world. 01:36:00
Work. 01:36:05
It covers quite a bit of land. 01:36:06
Ian Hayden. 01:36:08
Umm. 01:36:10
1/01/07. 01:36:12
We acquired that in 2009. 01:36:14
I couldn't identify a specific purchase purpose for it. 01:36:20
There wasn't a Treasurer speed that we converted. 01:36:24
So somehow. 01:36:28
Umm. 01:36:31
We did a quick claim deed. 01:36:33
For the property. 01:36:35
Why? I don't know. 01:36:38
So we're going to get into some properties in Hayden that. 01:36:40
For whatever reason, Supervisor Dawson purchased them. 01:36:44
And I think if I'm not mistaken, there's gonna be about seven of them, so OK. 01:36:49
Well. 01:36:54
Was her term inclusive of 2009? 01:36:56
I don't know. 01:37:00
Yeah. 01:37:01
I I don't know if that my head. 01:37:02
But there there's a couple that were acquired. 01:37:04
Ohh so one 01/07/05. 01:37:10
Again, another 2009 quick claim, probably part of that cluster. 7 properties. 01:37:16
This was the. 01:37:22
Laundromat. 01:37:24
Mm-hmm. 01:37:28
So this sets on the corner right just up from the police. 01:37:30
Police departments on the other corner. 01:37:35
OK. 01:37:39
Ohh 1107162 again. 01:37:42
Part of that 2009. 01:37:46
Quickly. 01:37:48
963. 01:37:52
This one was moderately interesting. I could not find a single bead related to it. 01:37:55
The folder was empty in the assessor's office. 01:38:02
Well, that's where. 01:38:05
Or then say go back to title company and do a title search. Because there's gotta be one somewhere. Be one somewhere, yeah. 01:38:07
It it may go back to the original subdivision and. 01:38:13
Nothing ever happened. 01:38:16
Um. 01:38:18
Ohh 9125A. 01:38:23
Again, 2009. 01:38:25
Eight and Nine's were that. 01:38:29
Hotel. 01:38:34
Yeah, that got torn down. 01:38:35
Couldn't tell you what the counties intent was to do. We did it. 01:38:38
That was one of those owned by the state and care of us. So we turn into a parking lot Ramadas right there. 01:38:44
And that was tore down and everything cleaned up by a grant. 01:38:51
That Kathy worked really hard on to get that all that done, so. 01:38:54
Mr. Chairman, Sears clients, 200 Dawson served. 01:38:59
On the category scores from 2005 to 2012. Alright, so nine is it? Yep. 01:39:03
Again. 01:39:14
10110 oh 29 I have a feeling that's. 01:39:15
Same part of the time frame, probably more clean up. 01:39:20
So on those properties that Supervisor Dawson purchased back then? 01:39:26
Umm. 01:39:31
Try them if I'm wrong, Kathy, but I think they were all thinned up except for those two. 01:39:32
The one that doesn't that that you can't find title on. 01:39:38
I think. 01:39:41
And the laundromat. Everything else was cleaned up. 01:39:42
And the way I understand it is our people are the ones that cleaned it up, so. 01:39:46
So it's just basically vacant property. 01:39:51
And as you see in size wise not on very big, but they're all right there on streets and. 01:39:54
Yeah, there's no reason for us to own any of it. It's right there, to be honest with you. 01:39:59
And I don't know if the City of Hayden would be interested in in any of them or not. 01:40:05
I don't know. 01:40:10
Yeah, they're definitely inside their incorporated limits. 01:40:14
So moving on to Star Valley. 01:40:19
This is part of Right Away from Moonlight Drive. Sounds like a great candidate for transfer. 01:40:23
The town. 01:40:30
This one here, doesn't it also have some drainage with it as well? 01:40:39
They're going through part of it, Yes Sir. The Creek runs right along the left edge, so the. 01:40:43
Moonlight Drive runs across the right edge and the Creek runs through on the left edge. 01:40:50
Is it? In the past I've had conversations with some folks about that particular piece of property and what we were going to do 01:40:55
with it. 01:40:58
Not meaning they wanted they they were wanting us to do something that drainage was the issue. 01:41:02
Cleaned it out, brother. Yeah. 01:41:08
But umm. 01:41:11
We acquired it in 1982 and the town of Star Valley didn't incorporate till 2005 so. 01:41:12
They may be interested in it, I don't know. 01:41:18
At least for Rd. maintenance purposes. 01:41:22
Uh, here's Walters Lane that is. 01:41:27
Between the fire department and 260. 01:41:30
Same story. 01:41:34
KJ Radio AM 12 again. We inquired it in 95. 01:41:36
Probably 4 Walters Lane. 01:41:43