Start Position
A. Presentation of Gila County General Fund financial data as it compares to the fiscal year 2024 Gila County Budget and fiscal years 2023, 2022, 2021, & 2020 year-to-date performance. (Maryn Belling)
B. Public recognition of six employees through the County's Spotlight on Employees Program, as follows: Nicole Archibald, Thor Nudson, Lori Lombardo, Wendy Boyse, Randy Warstler, and Daniel Gayle. (Erica Raymond)   3. PUBLIC HEARINGS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-01, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for Unincorporated Areas of Gila County, Arizona by changing the zoning for Assessor's parcel number 205-03-010A described as Parcel 1 of Record of Survey No. 5730, Globe, Arizona to Industrial Three District (M3). (Randy Pluimer)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Ordinance No. 2024-02, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for Unincorporated Areas of Gila County, Arizona by changing the zoning for Assessor's parcel number 301-69-193B located at 4421 N. Arizona Highway 87, Pine, Arizona, to Residential One District Density Thirty Five (R1-D35). (Randy Pluimer)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 24-02-01 to name South Hounds Trail and South Eddie Conway Drive in the Tonto Basin area. (Tom Homan)   4. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the distribution of Secure Rural Schools and Communities Funds (Forest Fees) of Gila County's share of the Federal Year 2024 Secure Rural Schools Act funds as authorized through section 24 of P.L. 114-10 for FY 2023-2024 using the same percentage splits as last year: Roads (2.15%), Schools (77.93%), and Gila County Education Service Agency (19.92%). (Roy Sandoval/Nick Montague)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to receive a presentation by the Globe-Miami Chamber of Commerce (Chamber), and to approve or not approve paying the invoice submitted by the Chamber for 2024 in the amount of $10,250, which is $250 over the amount budgeted by the Board of Supervisors for FY 2024. (Maryn Belling)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to appoint Mickie Nye and Marvin Mull to the Board of Directors of The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Gila, Arizona for the term of office that expires on December 31, 2024. (Tim Humphrey/Woody Cline)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 10 to an Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. DI20-002263) between the Arizona Department of Economic Security and Gila County Community Services Department to add the itemized service budget in the amount of $463,780.93 for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, of which the funds will be used as rent and utility assistance. (Joshua Beck)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the submission of a Site Investment Project application to Freeport-McMoRan in the amount of $9,500 for the period of March 1, 2024, to March 1, 2025, to provide additional oral healthcare to underserved Gila County elementary students. (Joshua Beck)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 2 to an Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. CTR060267) with the Arizona Department of Health Services which extends the contract to June 30, 2025, and provides additional Bridge Access Program funding not to exceed $199,342 to be used until December 31, 2024, for the continued provision of COVID-19 vaccination services to uninsured adults. (Joshua Beck)
G. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Independent Contractor Agreement (Contract No. 07012023-24) between the Arizona Community Action Association d/b/a Wildfire and the Gila County Public Health & Community Services Department, whereby Wildfire will administer an additional $80,000 of funding for a total contract amount of $205,800 which will be used to provide weatherization services, utility repair, and replacement, utility deposits and bill assistance to eligible citizens residing in Gila County for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. (Joshua Beck)
H. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 2 to Funding Agreement No. 100-23 with the Arizona Department of Housing to extend the Agreement for one year to December 1, 2024, for G.I.L.A. House Inc. Transitional Shelter Facility Acquisition. (Joshua Beck)
I. Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval for the submittal of a Grant Application to the Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) for the Gila County Emergency Management Redundant and Interoperable North/South EOC Communications project; and approve AZDOHS Subgrantee Agreement No. 21-AZDOHS-HSGP-210307-01 to accept the related grant award in the amount of $25,000 for the performance period of January 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024. (Carl Melford)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No. 08192023 between Gila County and the Payson Elks Club #2154 in the amount of $15,000 for the construction of the Rally Around the Flags Project on the Tonto Apache Reservation in Payson, Arizona, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)
K. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No. 010524 between Gila County and Brownsville Western Heritage Inc. in the amount of $5,000 to support Brownsville Western Heritage Inc., which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Tim Humphrey)
L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the use of State Contract Agreement No. CTR059323 with San Tan Ford Partners, LLC in the amount of $122,707.96 for the purchase of two, new 2024 Ford Expedition 4 door, 4X4, SSVs as outlined in the specifications. (Homero Vela)
M. Information/Discussion/Action to review the bid submitted for Invitation for Bids No. 092523-Two (2) New Class 8, 10-Wheel Dump Trucks; and award Contract No. 092523 to Empire Truck and Trailer in the total amount of $415,417.14 for the purchase of two trucks. (Homero Vela)
N. Information/Discussion/Action to review the bid submitted for Request for Proposal No. 110623 -On-Call Heavy Truck and Equipment Services; and award Contract No. 110623 to RDO Equipment Company in a not to exceed amount of $150,000 for a period of one year with three one-year renewal options. (Homero Vela)
O. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Request for Qualifications No. 011224 - On-Call Professional Training. (Homero Vela)
P. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Service Agreement No. 011124 with Hartstra Manufacturing, LLC in an amount not to exceed $51,229 for the purchase and installation of an animal control box as outlined in the specifications. (David LaForge)
Q. Information/Discussion/Action to present the results of a Public Surplus online auction conducted on behalf of the Board of Supervisors (BOS) in December 2023, for properties that were deeded to the State of Arizona c/o BOS in 2023; and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the related Quit Claim Deeds for the sale of 14 properties. (Samantha Trimble)
5. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A. Approval to appoint the following Democratic Party Precinct Committeemen in Gila County: Rebecca Dellenback - Payson # 2 Precinct, Alec Ben Ferreira - San Carlos Precinct and Patricia Hamrick - Globe # 6 Precinct.   B. Approval to appoint Ms. Christa DalMolin-East to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) local Board of Directors for the term which ends on December 31, 2027.   C. Approval to appoint Ms. Christa DalMolin-East to the Correctional Officers Retirement Plan (CORP) for Detention Officers and Non-Uniformed Officers local Board of Directors for the term of office which ends on December 31, 2027.   D. Approval to appoint Ms. Christa DalMolin-East to the Correctional Officers Retirement Plan (CORP) for Dispatchers local Board of Directors for the term of office than ends on December 31, 2027.   E. Approval of the Application for an Extension of Premises/Patio Permit submitted by Camila Alarcon to temporarily extend the premises on various dates throughout 2024, where liquor is permitted to be served at the Old County Inn located in Pine.   F. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court's Office.   G. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Recorder's Office.  H. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   I. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Constable's Office.   J. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Constables’ Office.   K. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly report for the County Manager approved contracts under $50,000.   L. Approval of the Board of Supervisors' January 16, 2024, meeting minutes.
6. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
7. At any time during this meeting pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K), members of the Board of Supervisors and the County Manager may present a brief summary of current events.  No action may be taken on the information presented.   8. EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS:
Samantha, we're all ready to go on your end. 00:00:02
And. 00:00:05
Payson she. 00:00:08
Already. OK. And Cassandra, we're ready. Oh, we're ready. Oh, we're ready to go. OK, then I'd like to call this meeting to order. 00:00:11
It is Tuesday, February 6th at 10:00 AM. 00:00:15
In the year 2024, if you've been traveling through. 00:00:21
And I'd like to ask James if he would lead us in the pledge. If you don't stand, please. 00:00:26
United States of America. 00:00:34
And to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:39
And Nick Montague. 00:00:48
For our prayer. 00:00:50
Dear Heavenly Father, we are thankful for this day and we are thankful for the Board of Supervisors that they are able to meet and 00:00:56
hear information and to help decide what is best for the county. And please give them my spirit. 00:01:01
Inspire them that they will know what is best to do for us, and we say these things in the name. Jesus Christ, damn it. 00:01:07
Thank you. 00:01:13
OK. We have a bit of a schedule today, so we'll get started right away. We have a couple presentations. 00:01:20
Item 2A is a presentation of Gila County General Fund financial data as it compares to the fiscal year 2024 Gila County budget and 00:01:27
the fiscal years 23/22/21 and 20 year to date performance. 00:01:34
And is mar. 00:01:41
That's an entrance. 00:01:49
Very nice. 00:01:53
Sorry. 00:01:55
No, don't be sorry that. 00:01:57
We should, we should make that a standard deal that was better than my last one, where I jumped up too early, right? 00:01:59
OK. We look forward to your presentation. 00:02:06
Good morning, Mr. Chair, Supervisor, Klein, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:02:09
We just have our update through the end of December for you today. 00:02:13
As standard with this chart, the blue line on the left shows 100% of the budget. 00:02:18
And then the green line. 00:02:26
That which is the third one in. 00:02:28
Shows where we should be at six months, which is 50%. 00:02:31
And then your red line shows where you are for 2024. 00:02:35
The other lines show where you were in 20/21/22 and 23. 00:02:39
As you can see. 00:02:46
We are. 00:02:49
47% year to date expenses for salaries and ER. 00:02:51
30% for operating expenses. 00:02:56
And when we add in encumbrances. 00:02:59
It's not the reason. ERE is an operating expenses. We are at 48.7% of the budget year to date compared to a 50% target. 00:03:01
Revenue is at 46. 00:03:10
And is 2 1/2 million more than the same time last year? 00:03:14
If we hadn't gotten. 00:03:19
Grant from the state Department of Veterans Services Year to date, revenues would be about 500,000 less than they were a year ago, 00:03:22
and that's just due to the timing of the state shared sales tax. 00:03:27
And the annual York circuit breaker funding, which we have not received yet, but in the past two years we've received in November. 00:03:34
Any questions? Thank you. Marin Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Thank you. 00:03:42
Thank you. Supervisor. Client. I'm good too, man. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. I'm fine. Thank you for your presentation. We'll be 00:03:48
back in a month. OK. 00:03:52
Our second presentation. 00:03:59
To be public recognition of six employees through the county Spotlight on Employees program as follows Nicole Archibald, Thor 00:04:01
Knudsen, Laurie Lombardo, Wendy Boyce, Randy. 00:04:08
Worsler and. 00:04:16
GAIL, I hope, my God. Thank you Erica. Thank you. Good morning, chair, members of the board, again, thank you for letting us be 00:04:19
here today. 00:04:23
As mentioned, we do have six employees that were nominated. 00:04:28
We do have four of them up in pace in today as well. 00:04:33
But First off, what we're going to recogn? 00:04:36
Is Nicole Archibald her Spotlight nomination? 00:04:40
The recent accomplishment that Marisa's death spotlight is the partnership Nikki arranged with Borderlands. 00:04:44
Produce Rescue in Mogalis based organization that works closely with the. 00:04:50
Fresh produce track trucking industry to divert surplus veggies, fruits and produce from landfills, preventing food waste and 00:04:55
distributing. 00:04:59
Healthy, fresh food to communities around Arizona. Nikki read about Borderlands Produce Rescue made contact and arrange for a 00:05:03
truckload of healthy veggies, fruits and produce delivery to Globe on November 15th. 00:05:09
Once the deal was segmented, Nikki also coordinated a social media campaign, announcing this first truckload and corralling 00:05:15
pre-order sign ups. Then, a few days, Facebook posts were shared more than 100 times. 00:05:21
And generated dozens of comments and likes, which amplified the reach of the campaign recruiting signups. 00:05:27
So Nikki is employed with Health Community Services, and she's been employed with the county almost 6 1/2 years. And sneaky, I 00:05:34
don't know if you want to come up. 00:05:38
If you'd like to say anything. 00:05:47
Thank you. It's a really fun program. So thank you, thank you. 00:05:51
Next we have Thor Nutson, His nomination red. 00:06:00
We want to thank Sergeant Medicine for rescuing us at the end of the Lake Pass schoolhouse landing and pulling us in our boat back 00:06:04
to Indian Point. 00:06:07
Seeing those blue lights, what Where our saving grace, Sergeant Nutson, went above and beyond what we ever expected, making sure 00:06:12
that our boat and ourselves were safe the entire time. 00:06:16
When we finally got back to Indian Point about 3 hours later, he made sure that we were off the boat and safe Before he left he 00:06:21
also. 00:06:24
He was told initially that my phone pinged off a tower when I had calls 911, but he had called dispatch and found that I had said 00:06:28
we had passed the schoolhouse landing. So he searched for us there and found us. 00:06:33
We were so thankful that he went above and beyond. Thank you so much, Sergeant Knudsen. We appreciate you so very much. 00:06:39
This was an e-mail from a member of the public affairs Thor has been with the Sheriff's Office. 00:06:46
For almost 16 years. 00:06:52
Come on. 00:06:56
Thank you. 00:07:00
Thank you, Board of Supervisors in Gila County for keeping lake patrol. 00:07:04
And letting us buy the gear we need and keeping us funded. 00:07:08
Thank you for your service. 00:07:13
Next, we have a group nomination. 00:07:19
For our Public Works staff, Laurie, Wendy, Randy and Daniel. 00:07:22
Their Spotlight nomination. I want to take a moment and rightfully to recognize these four employees for their Teamwork, customer 00:07:27
service, Initiative, and integrity. 00:07:31
Upon driving out to the Buckhead Buckhead Mesa landfill in a drizzly, wet, cold day right before Christmas, it was observed that 00:07:36
this team was working together and even working outside. 00:07:41
When I approached the landfill, not only were these team members working out in the cold, but I was also greeted in a friendly and 00:07:46
welcoming way. 00:07:50
This team could have decided that since no one was coming to the landfill and since it was too cold to be outside. 00:07:54
You could just stay in the office until they had to do something, but they did not. 00:08:00
This team exemplifies the type of quality employees we should all strive to be, and I'm proud to call them teammates and Gila 00:08:04
County employees. 00:08:07
And this was recognized by Supervisor Christensen. 00:08:11
So first up we have Lori, who has been employed with the county five months and Laurie down in. 00:08:15
David from that. 00:08:22
And Lori, I don't know if you want to say anything. 00:08:25
I don't know what to say. I say thank you very much. I enjoy working at the landfill and we do work hard. 00:08:30
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:40
Thank you, Laurie. Yeah, thank you. 00:08:43
Next we have Wendy Boyce, who's been with the county a little over two months. 00:08:49
Wendy. 00:08:54
And Wendy, if you'd like to say anything. 00:09:03
I just want to say thank. 00:09:07
Hiring me on, I mean, I'm relatively new, but we do have a good team and family out there and that's appreciated. Thank you. Thank 00:09:10
you. 00:09:14
Randy Worsler has been with the county for five months. Randy. 00:09:24
And if you want to say anything, Randy, if not, that's fine too. 00:09:39
It's really hard to hear you guys. 00:09:43
Would you like to say anything? 00:09:47
Oh, sure. 00:09:49
Yeah, So far it's been a pleasure working out there. We have a really good team. 00:09:52
We have fun together and. 00:09:57
OK. It's a pleasure. I'm glad. 00:09:59
Make some people happy. Try to make everybody happy. 00:10:02
Thank you. 00:10:05
And next we have Daniel Dale, who's been with the county over 5 1/2 years. Daniel. 00:10:10
Thank you. 00:10:24
Great. Thank you. 00:10:25
And of course, that does conclude this month. Nomination. 00:10:30
Thank you, Erica. 00:10:34
Thank you. Have a good day. 00:10:36
OK, so let's go to item 3, which is our public hearing, Section 3. 00:10:40
Information Discussion Action to Adopt Ordinance #2024-01, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for 00:10:44
unincorporated areas of Gila County. 00:10:50
Arizona by changing the zoning for assessors Parcel #205-03-0108 described as Parcel 1. 00:10:56
A record of survey number 5730 Globe, AZ to Industrial. 00:11:07
M3 District Rand. 00:11:14
Morning Chairman, Supervisors. So this is the. 00:11:17
That Tri. 00:11:21
Sanitation is wanting to put their. 00:11:23
This is off the 188. 00:11:28
They're seeking to change it from the TRD to T to the M3, which would allow for that use. 00:11:31
Currently around that parcel there is some C3, some other. 00:11:39
D2 T's an R1. 00:11:45
M3C3 and another TR. So it just depends on which way to go. 00:11:48
All the notifications were sent out as the fire through zoning. 00:11:54
And we have received no comments back for or against. 00:11:59
Legal ads were sent out on 116 or 24. 00:12:05
And 117 of 20. 00:12:09
And umm. 00:12:12
Staff recommends approval for this. 00:12:15
I know you guys have heard a lot about Tri-City. I know there's a couple representatives here that want to talk, so I'll open that 00:12:17
up for them. 00:12:21
OK. Thank. 00:12:26
So who do we have from Tri-City? 00:12:28
Good morning, supervisors. My name is Mike Krebs. I'm the engineer for Tri-City. 00:12:37
Also, Robert Jacques, who's a President of the Board, is here with us today also. 00:12:42
We appreciate this opportunity and. 00:12:49
We're getting through the project and it seems like it's one step at a time, but. 00:12:54
We're making progress, so hope you could go to the next slide. OK, so. 00:12:59
What I wanted to do here was just kind of give you a little quick overview of how we got to this site and then. 00:13:05
Also we. 00:13:13
A video of kind of a fly over that we put together might help. 00:13:15
See what it would look like when we get get the package. 00:13:20
So and we had a site in 2018 when we submitted the preliminary engineering report to US. 00:13:25
And that was in 2018 and 2019. 00:13:33
BHP came to us and said that tailings dam, we need to do a bunch of work on it, so you can't have that site because we were just 00:13:38
at the top. 00:13:43
Pretty close to the toe of that. 00:13:47
That set us to search for another site. We looked at a number of different ones, and and. 00:13:50
Really kind of at the last moment this site became available and it's a little hard to see on the drawings, but it's at the very 00:13:57
North End. 00:14:01
You can see it may be better on this one, the Green square. 00:14:05
Up at the top with the blue above the district. 00:14:09
And it'll be brought into the district, brought into the DM. 00:14:12
And. 00:14:17
It'll it'll make phase three a little bit easier with costs and things like that because of. 00:14:19
Because of the location. 00:14:24
So thanks. 00:14:26
So here's a little better view of the site. It is ordered. It's in that big curve. 00:14:29
As you as you go and you Bixby, Rd. is on the right and then you cross the tracks and so it's ordered on the east by State Route 00:14:35
188. 00:14:40
And on the West by the railroad, Arizona. 00:14:46
And then the Cattlemen's association is just on the West side of that, which is an M3. 00:14:51
Site. And so the sites 8 acres. 00:14:57
It's a portion of, it's outside of the floodplain and we actually just recently we've been working with your staff to get the. 00:15:04
Use permits, floodplain use permit, and we received that just last week. 00:15:14
So, you know, let's go and then that's going in the right direction. 00:15:18
And so then we're just trying to get the the county zoning. 00:15:22
Two and M3 that will match what the Cattlemen's Association is. 00:15:28
And then? And then what's? The other nice thing about it is it's good access. It's all downhill from the project. 00:15:33
And there's power, communications and. 00:15:41
Pretty much. 00:15:44
So, and I don't know if there's any questions as I'm going through this. 00:15:46
Please. 00:15:51
Let's let's talk. 00:15:53
If not, I'll I think the next is. 00:15:55
Video if you could start. 00:15:58
OK. So it's as if you're on 188 traveling N is the way that it's set up? 00:16:07
What you see on the left there, What the tanks could represent? 00:16:14
And and I, you know, I think there's a lot more vegetation in there than what we're showing. 00:16:18
We just kind of restricted with that because it makes the file sass so big. 00:16:24
But again, you're traveling on 188 heading north towards the railroad Bixby Rd. 00:16:29
Wheat fields. 00:16:36
So I think it pretty much speaks for itself. 00:16:40
See the? 00:16:45
And I actually believe that they'll end up being a little bit lower than what we're showing on the on the site there. And there's 00:16:50
a big Ridge right there on the edge. 00:16:54
Of the north part of the parcel. 00:16:58
That's just to give you an idea of, you know, what it could look like as as you're driving along. 00:17:04
188. 00:17:10
That's pretty much all I have for our presentation. 00:17:12
I don't know if there's open to questions or anything. 00:17:16
Thank you, Mr. Craig Cribs. 00:17:19
Supervisor Humphrey I have no questions. I've kind of been following this for the seven years that I've been a supervisor. 00:17:21
And and I think it's a great thing that they now have this. 00:17:28
So that they can finish their engineering and and perhaps get started on phase one. 00:17:35
To help us with infrastructure between Globe and Miami as well as helping protect our water tables and things of that nature. So I 00:17:42
I'm, I'm very happy to see. 00:17:48
It getting done and. 00:17:55
State obtaining proper. 00:17:59
And so that's all I have. 00:18:02
OK. Thank you, supervisor. 00:18:06
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I really don't have any questions. I think it's it's a good, good site you know and like you said it's 00:18:08
downhill from everywhere so so that's going to help you. 00:18:13
Good luck. Absolutely, absolutely. Thank you. I have no question. So at this time open it up. 00:18:18
To the public. Is that the appropriate time, Randy? Did you have more to present? 00:18:25
OK. All right. I'll open it up to the public. Is there anyone here in Globe that wishes to speak to this item? 00:18:30
I see no one. And how about Payson? 00:18:37
OK. And YouTube, nobody's on there. OK. All right. So I'll close the public hearing portion. 00:18:41
And we'll entertain a motion. 00:18:51
Mr. Chair, I happen to move to adopt Ordinance #2024-01, and I'll second that motion and a second approve all those in favor. Say 00:18:53
aye, aye, aye. 00:18:59
Unanimous. Thank you, Randy. And we'll go to Item 3, Information Discussion action to adopt Ordinance #2024-02, which authorizes 00:19:05
an amendment. 00:19:11
After the Gila County zoning map for unincorporated areas. 00:19:17
By changing the zoning. 00:19:22
I just wanted to say thank you to to yourselves and to the county. There's your staff and everyone. 00:19:26
Has been. 00:19:31
Helping us get through this project. 00:19:33
It's not possible without your all support and. 00:19:36
And it's the old adage that takes a village. So thank you. I appreciate that those comments and I and I would concur that we have 00:19:40
a great staff and and it's really helpful to hear that you have that same impression. 00:19:47
So thank you and good luck. 00:19:54
OK, I'll start with 3B again. We're going to be talking about information, discussion and action to adopt an ordinance #2024-02, 00:19:56
which authorizes an amendment to the Hill County zoning map for unincorporated areas in Heel County, Arizona by changing the 00:20:03
zoning of assessors parcel #301-69 Dash. 00:20:10
193 be located at 4421 N Highway 87. That's in Pine, AZ, the residential one district density 35-R1-D35. 00:20:18
OK, Randy, so we're basically talking that whole upper left triangle. 00:20:31
Currently. 00:20:39
The owner, David Lofano, owns all of that. 00:20:42
And if you'll notice, currently the far left corner is the R1D35, the rest is C2. 00:20:46
Basically, he's so it's already dual. 00:20:55
Basically, he's lessening the C2 use and opening up the R1 use. He wants to build this house on this property. 00:20:59
He's been using this property for bow tie roofing. 00:21:07
In his words, he's slowing down and and doing less work so he doesn't need the room. 00:21:13
The roofing company as much that he really likes the parcel and he wants to. 00:21:21
Build this dream home. On this he will have a from the upper right hand corner. He'll have a driveway easement. 00:21:26
Going. 00:21:35
But the red area he's opening, he's wanting to make that all R1D35 area and just have the C2 on the right hand side. 00:21:36
Around him currently is national fore. 00:21:48
And there's are there areas that are R1D35? There's one area to the east, it's R1L. 00:21:53
10 And then to the West is R1D35. 00:22:02
He's been through the process. 00:22:07
We've notified all. 00:22:09
Citizens in the area, there was no comments for or against this project. 00:22:12
The board met and gave unanimous approval for. 00:22:19
The ads went out on January 16th and 17th. 00:22:25
Respectively, between the patient Roundup and the Silver. 00:22:30
And I believe Mr. Lofano might be in Pine. 00:22:34
Is Mr. Lofano. 00:22:41
Wanting. 00:22:44
I think. 00:22:48
Consideration on this? 00:22:50
And Randy's been very helpful and he's been helpful and. 00:22:52
Just appreciate your consideration on this. 00:22:58
OK. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey, any questions? I have no question. Supervisor Klein. OK, I'll open it up to the public. 00:23:01
Is A1 here in Globe? Wish to speak to this item? 00:23:11
I see no one. Anyone in pay? 00:23:15
That wishes to speak to this. No. OK and Cassandra OK. I'll close the public hearing and call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make 00:23:18
the motion to adopt ordinance #2024-O2. 00:23:24
I'll second that motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 00:23:31
Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Randy. Good luck. 00:23:38
All right. Item 3C, we have information, discussion, action to adopt resolution #24-02-01 to name S Hounds Trail and South Eddy 00:23:42
Conway Drive and Tunnel Basin area we have taught with us today. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board as land 00:23:50
development continues and splitting lots we've come across. 00:23:58
I need to name 2. 00:24:07
And this is the efforts, the names were provided via the constituents. We have no concerns. So we're coming to you for approval of 00:24:09
the. 00:24:15
Thank you, Tom Supervisor Humphrey. 00:24:21
I have no questions and supervisor, I'm good as well. Thank you. 00:24:24
So at this time I'll open up for public. 00:24:28
Anyone in global we should speak to? 00:24:31
I see no one. How about Payson? Anyone wish to speak to this item? 00:24:35
No. And Cassandra? No. I'll close the public hearing and call for motion. 00:24:39
Mr. I moved to adopt resolution #24-02-01, and Mr. Charles second motion second, to approve all those in favor. Say aye. 00:24:45
Thank you, Tom. 00:24:56
OK. Moving right along, then we'll go to item 4. 00:24:58
Information, Discussion, Action to approve the distribution of Secure Rural Schools and Communities Funds Forced Fees of Gila 00:25:03
County Share of the federal. 00:25:08
2024 Secure Rural Schools Act Fund as authorized through section 24 of PL114-10 for Fiscal Year 23 and 24, using the same 00:25:14
percentage split as last year, which is Roads 2.15, Schools 77.93 and Gila County Educational Services. 00:25:25
Agency 19.92%. 00:25:37
We have Nick with us today. 00:25:41
Good morning, board. Before I get too far, Rory wants to send his apologies. He had volunteered to run the scoreboard at a 00:25:43
wrestling tournament, so he's currently doing that. 00:25:47
So Supervisor Christensen. 00:25:54
Chairman officials and surprising Humphrey and Supervisor Klein. This is just us coming to do the distribution so when we do 00:25:56
receive the money, we can get it out to the schools and roads as quickly as possible. 00:26:01
And if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them supervisor. 00:26:06
I have no question. Supervisor, client, no, I'm good. Yeah, I have no questions, Nick. So I'll call for a motion. 00:26:10
Oh, Mr. 00:26:17
I'll make the motion to approve the distribution of Secure Rural Schools and Communities funds force fees of Hena County share of 00:26:20
the federal Year 24 Secure Rural Schools Act funds as authorized through. 00:26:27
Section 24 of Place 11410 for fiscal year 2324 using the same percentage splits as last year. Roads 2.15%. 00:26:34
School 77.93% and Heena County Education Service. 00:26:47
Agency 19.92. 00:26:51
Mr. Gerald. 00:26:55
OK, we have a motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:26:57
Thank you back, Mr. Chair. One point making this is I just realized this too, and a lot of people may not realize. 00:27:02
The Gila County Education Service Agency, is your adult program, correct? Yes. The adult program is in the Yuba County Education 00:27:10
Service Agency and that provides adult education to all of Hila County. Good. Thank you for saying that because I know there's 00:27:17
people that don't understand that and don't understand that this money does go to help fund that as well. So. 00:27:23
Very underfunded program in general. Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Thank you. Thank you, Nick. 00:27:30
Our next item 4B Mayor and I understand we're going to be tabling this item. 00:27:37
And I will call for a motion to do just that. 00:27:41
Mr. Chair, I move to. 00:27:44
The item. 00:27:48
4B And I'll second that. Hey, all those in favor of tabling item 4B, say aye, aye. 00:27:51
Moving on to Item 4C, information discussion action to appoint Mickey Nye and Marvin Moe to the Board of Directors of the 00:27:58
Industrial Development Authority of the County of El. 00:28:04
Arizona for the term of office that expires on December 31st, 2024 and we have both Tim and Woody. 00:28:10
Sponsoring. 00:28:17
Yes, Mr. Chair, I had. 00:28:21
An individual on the industrial development. 00:28:23
Wish to to step. 00:28:28
And and so I have reached out and asked Nikki Nai to fill that position as to which making I said he would. 00:28:30
And so I look forward having him on the Industrial Development Authority. 00:28:39
As we pursued to move forward with the new ID. 00:28:44
Thank you and supervisor. 00:28:50
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Marvin Mull is the Director of the Public Works Transportation on San Carlos. 00:28:52
Super smart guy and I really appreciate the fact he's willing to do this. 00:28:58
And so I too had that opportunity to put him on that board. And he'll be, he'll be a good, good person there. 00:29:03
Great. And I and I, I don't know the two people, but I really appreciate everyone that's a member of the public that volunteers 00:29:10
for these kind of things. It's very necessary to have people that are smart and capable. 00:29:17
Helping us with the some of the boards and the things that we do. So with that I will call for a motion. 00:29:24
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to appoint Mickey, Nye and Marvin mold to the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development 00:29:30
Authority of County of Inlet, Arizona. 00:29:35
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Have a motion in a second to approve the appointments. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:29:41
OK, motion passes, so for D. 00:29:49
Information Discussion Action to approve Amendment #10 to an intergovernmental agreement. It is contract #DI20-0022 SIX Three 00:29:54
between the Arizona Department of Economic Security and Gila County Community Services Department to add the itemized service 00:30:02
budget in the amount of $463,780.93 for a period. 00:30:10
Of July 1st, 2023 through June 30, 2024, of which the funds will be used as rent and utility assistance and we have Joshua. 00:30:19
Back Chairman Christensen members aboard. So this funding is primarily it's kind of split with our Temporary Assistance for Needy 00:30:30
Families money. It pays for our person in the North and in the South and facing the globe that administer these programs and 00:30:37
administers the funds for the housing assistance based on meeting income qualifications. 00:30:44
We do have numerous vendors that help us out with some of these programs. 00:30:52
Fair If Supervisor Humphrey would like to get into those today, we can get them this item further item if you want to know the 00:30:57
list I did compared with everything we would need for those items, or if you would like to, we can present that in a work session. 00:31:03
And discuss them there. But as far as this item, pretty straightforward. Like I said, it's two people, their salaries and directs 00:31:10
phones. 00:31:13
Office space North and South and then the ability to provide these programs for. 00:31:17
Thank you Joshua supervisor. Hopefully, hopefully. 00:31:22
Yeah. Maybe a work session at some point would be would be a great thing. We have a long agenda today and so it's a great program. 00:31:25
I'd just like to understand. 00:31:30
And so I other than that, I have no question. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. I'm good. Thank you, Josh and I'm good as well. I'll 00:31:35
call for a motion as chair. I move to approve Amendment #10 to the Arizona Department of Economic Security. 00:31:42
Intergovernmental agreement contract number B. 00:31:49
I 200022. 00:31:53
63 as presented. 00:31:56
And I'll second that Mr. Chair second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 00:32:00
Thank you, Joshua. Item 4 E information discussion action to approve the submission of a site investment project application to 00:32:06
Freeport Mcmoran in the amount of $9500 for the period of March 1st, 2024 to March 1st, 2025 to provide additional oral healthcare 00:32:14
to underserved Gila County elementary students. 00:32:22
I'm sure you have. 00:32:30
Well, I brought Trish up here, OK? She is our wonderful skill from the Sheriff's Department. 00:32:32
So we've come up with this oil health program. It's working wonderfully, but most of the money that we get from the Arizona 00:33:10
Department Health Services pays for one person. And we've done a great job of getting into the schools. Last year, if you 00:33:14
remember, we had a Delta dental contract and one of the great things about getting that extra money was it allows Trish when she 00:33:19
goes into the schools. 00:33:24
To actually assist, students aren't just in that small category of what there's an apartment. Health Services, which is usually 00:33:29
access, allows us to work with. 00:33:33
Now that Delta Dental contract has gone away, so we're kind of swimming to try to find other small funding sources. 00:33:38
So that the good thing is, is we already have the, you know, the foundation and everything in place and we're already going to the 00:33:44
school. So it's not a lot of money that we need, but we're trying to reach out to a bunch of different in any institutions we can 00:33:49
to find extra money. Because when we're in a school, you know, it's a shame to turn away those children that need help as well 00:33:54
that aren't accessed but maybe don't necessarily have insurance or something. 00:33:59
I don't know if Trish wants to spend on any of that, but that's kind of where we're at. So you might see this application a few 00:34:05
more because we're trying to do our best to fill those gaps to make sure that she can get to his many students as she can. 00:34:10
Good morning. Yes, this would enable us to provide services for the children who do not qualify under our Cavity Free Arizona. 00:34:18
They actually only provide services for kindergarten, 2nd grade and 6th grade. 00:34:27
They go by kind of the standards of when permanent teeth erupt the molars. 00:34:32
But kids are so different. We've seen children in kindergarten who need sea Lance. We've seen first graders. 00:34:38
We see some children who do not you rub their teeth until 3rd or 4th grade, so that is where this program comes in. It has been 00:34:44
extremely successful and helpful. 00:34:50
Mainly being that we only have one access provider and all of Gila County. 00:34:56
And it is in northern Gila County and they do not accept all the plans. So going into the schools, a lot of these children that we 00:35:01
have seen have never been to a dentist. 00:35:05
And we've placed a lot of. 00:35:11
Fluoride varnish screenings. We do screening, so if we see an emergency we're able to. 00:35:14
Refer their parents to a dentist. So it's just been a great program all around and we hope to grow it. 00:35:20
Thank you. Thank you, Chris. 00:35:27
Supervisor Hope. 00:35:30
You know, thank you for all you do because it's a great program and anything we can do to help. 00:35:32
Help. 00:35:37
Have a better start. I think it's a great thing so. 00:35:38
Thank you. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. So gosh, and Fish is. 00:35:42
With $9500 like. 00:35:49
How many kids is that going to help you cover? 00:35:51
We are planning on 750 children. 00:35:54
It's not always sealant, which obviously takes more time and money, but a screening fluoride varnish? 00:35:59
We have been. 00:36:07
Pretty much every school in Gila County with the exception of Pine. 00:36:09
And continually. 00:36:13
Growing the program. 00:36:17
Since I first started, we hired a dental program specialist. 00:36:19
Who has? She's just creative and passionate. 00:36:23
And she is to Scrum the program that's about. 00:36:28
So with this additional 9500, do you anticipate having to turn anybody back? 00:36:31
Good. Not for this year, but we do continue to search for funding for. 00:36:38
Next year. 00:36:43
Well, I'm sure whatever we can do to help with that, we will. So thank you for what you've done. 00:36:45
It wants to be like you're getting a lot of bang for the buck. 00:36:52
700 students for 9005. 00:36:56
That's great. So I have no questions. So with that, I'll call for a motion. 00:37:00
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the submission of a site investment project application to Freeport, Mac Brand has 00:37:05
prevented. 00:37:09
I'll second that have a motion to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 00:37:13
Thank you. And we have another. 00:37:19
Joshua. 00:37:23
My show today, so let me read it first, OK? 00:37:25
Four or F Information Discussion Action to approve Amendment #2. 00:37:29
Tune into Governmental Agreement Contract Center 060267 with the Arizona Department of Health Services extends the contract of 00:37:35
June 3025 and provides additional Bridge Access Program funding not to exceed 199,342 dollars. 00:37:45
To be used until December 30. 00:37:55
24 for the continuing provision of COVID-19 vaccination services to uninsured adults. 00:37:58
So this item is we're still extending further on the covic expanded lab capacity grants that we had way back at the beginning in 00:38:08
2020 for COVAD. What this is for is they're extending the amount of money to try to help us with nursing and immunization 00:38:14
coordinators. 00:38:19
I believe we're paying for a nurse and two parts of two immunization coordinators out of it. So and it's honestly it protects our 00:38:55
general fund. We've really been able to do almost all of our COVAD still to this point with general with grants that we've 00:38:59
received so. 00:39:04
Hasn't been with the county cost because we keep in able to use these programs to work with the population. 00:39:09
Thank you, Josh. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no question. Supervisor. 00:39:15
Josh is this about the end of the Covic? 00:39:22
So it could go on for a while. Yes. OK. Thank you, Josh. 00:39:58
Yeah. Thank you, Josh, for what you do. So with that, I will call for a motion, Mr. I move to approve Amendment #2 to the Arizona 00:40:01
Department of Health Services Intergovernmental Agreement contract number Ctr. 060267, as presented. 00:40:09
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Yeah. Motion in a second to approve item 4F. All those in favor say aye, aye, Aye. 00:40:17
Nikki Joshua got another one here for G Information Discussion Action to approve Amendment #1 to the independent contractor 00:40:24
agreement number 07012023 Dash 24, between the Arizona Community Action Association doing business as the wildfire in Eva County 00:40:31
Public Health and Community Services Department, whereby wildfire. 00:40:39
Administer an additional $80,000 of funding for a total contract amount of $205,800, which will be used to provide weatherization 00:40:47
services, utility repair and replacement utility deposits, bill assistance, and to eligible citizens residing in Heeler County for 00:40:55
the period of July 123 through June 3024. 00:41:04
So this funding is extra kind of like the last with COVID funding, there's extra funding. We look at mid year, how the, how the 00:41:14
spinning is going into state and these pots of money, the counties that are more efficient would be able to utilize their money 00:41:19
and get it out. 00:41:23
Usually have an opportunity to at the midpoint when they look at the budgets for all the counties to reapply for money. So there's 00:41:28
an extra $80,000 in. 00:41:32
This lace rip and in this puzzle, I've always done a really good job of getting these weatherization contracts out. We have quite 00:41:36
a few contractors on the books and they're pretty efficient in using it. So typically here you'll see somewhere midway through the 00:41:42
year we always take that opportunity to ask for more money and typically are able to receive it. So this $80,000 is primarily all 00:41:48
for those weatherization projects often times. 00:41:53
New appliances, energy efficient appliances, these usually the big picture like AC units and stuff like that. It's more of those 00:42:00
little smaller projects. 00:42:04
Thank you. Gosh, we're supervisor. 00:42:09
Looking forward to that work session. Other than that, no other questions. Thank you. 00:42:12
Super Dec. 00:42:18
I'm glad you guys are reaching out to get this extra money. 00:42:20
Rush, 'cause it you know, we don't. We don't cover all the people that need help as it is so, so this is really so. Thanks. 00:42:24
Yes, thanks. And you said Kaylee was part of thank her also. With that I will entertain. 00:42:33
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve Amendment #1 to the independent contractor agreement contract number. 00:42:41
070120 two 3-24 with Arizona Community Action Association. 00:42:47
DBA welfare. 00:42:54
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, motion. And a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye, Aye. 00:42:57
One more. 00:43:03
Item 4H Information Discussion Action to Approve Amendment #2. 00:43:07
A funding agreement #123 with Arizona Department of Housing to extend the agreement for one year to December 1st, 24 for Gila 00:43:11
House Incorporated transition shelter facility acquisition. 00:43:18
So this funding was originally, remember, for a house on Maple Street and they were working with the. 00:43:27
I can't remember the property of someone help me remember, I'm just taking it with resources. But we are doing the wiping of the 00:43:34
property, the budget motel, and we change that. That's right, right? 00:43:39
This is the Maple property. This was a 2 unit housing on Maple Street. 00:43:48
Had purchased it for temporary housing. 00:43:54
And. 00:43:57
There were some issues with the contracts and things, so just asking for an extension of that contract. 00:43:59
So we have about an extra 200 and a little over 230 + 1000. 00:44:05
He the house could purchase another transitional. 00:44:10
One of the things we're working on is they have to be able to show five years. 00:44:13
Of ability to do this on their own once with the county funding, unless this funding is no longer there, that they can continue to 00:44:17
operate these transitional houses. 00:44:21
That's really been my goal since I've come on is the grants are kind of something that I'm more attuned to. And I've been working 00:44:56
with their board and with their their present and stuff to kind of say here's the kind of things you need to do, here's you know 00:45:01
where you need to go so that we can get this, so that we can focus another property. So they have an extra year now to work on 00:45:06
that and I think hope this will be the last time we have to extend it. 00:45:10
OK, great. Supervisor Humphrey. Yeah, I think it's a great program. I'll give him a face. You're feeding per day. 00:45:16
Hate you, man. Fish you. 00:45:24
For life. So I think it's a great program and I I wish you all the luck in the world with it. 00:45:25
Supervisor. 00:45:31
Yeah, I agree with Supervisor Humphrey. It's a needed program. And so hopefully it'll all iron out and we'll be good. So thank 00:45:33
you, Josh. 00:45:37
Thank you, Josh. I have no questions. So with that, I'll call for a motion, Mr. Move to approve Amendment #2 for the funding 00:45:42
agreement #100-23 with the Arizona Department of Housing as free. 00:45:48
I'll second that Mr. Chair motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank you, Josh. 00:45:56
Take a break. 00:46:03
Item 4. 00:46:06
Information Discussion. Action to ratify the Board Supervisors Approval for the submittal of a grant application to the Arizona 00:46:07
Department of Homeland Security for the Gila County Emergency Management Redundant and Interoperable NS EOC Communications Project 00:46:14
and approve. 00:46:20
The Arizona Department of Homeland Security Sub Grantee Agreement #21-A ZDO HS-H S GP-2 One 0307-01 to accept the related grant 00:46:28
award in the amount of 25,000 for the performance period of January 124 to July 3124. Carl, good to see you. 00:46:41
Good morning, Chairman, members of the board. I can't compete with Mr. Beck as far as the dollar amounts he brings to the table, 00:46:54
but I'm sure going to track. So this was a grant application to replace some of the communication equipment. 00:47:00
That allows us to communicate with our Emergency Management staff between the north and the South. It's a redundant communication 00:47:06
system, so. 00:47:10
Other reason that this exists is of other communication options fail. We have access to the system. We also do have an amateur 00:47:14
radio volunteer group that helps us with communicating throughout the county if other communication means fail. 00:47:20
Initially upon application. 00:47:27
We were not going to get funded because public safety is kind of going towards an 800 megahertz system and this is VHF and UHF. 00:47:30
Umm, once we explained that we do need to maintain these systems, one for our civil defense repeater, another for our emergency 00:47:39
alert system that depend on VHFUHF. So we do still plan on going towards 800 megahertz with public safety, but also maintaining 00:47:46
this capability as a redundant communication. The current equipment that we have is at least 15 years old minus the bits and 00:47:54
pieces that we've had to put together to keep the system running up until this point. 00:48:01
We were funded for. We requested $43,000 and this was for the repeater equipment. 00:48:10
An additional repeater for our mobile communications vehicle and some other handheld radio and other equipment to go with it. We 00:48:17
were initially awarded $14,000 and then an additional $11,000. So we're looking at a total award of $25,000 which will at least 00:48:24
replace the repeaters in the North and South and re establish that line of communication. 00:48:32
Thank you, Carl, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:48:41
Yeah. No, it's great with all, with all that you do and all that you've been responsible for in helping us do all that we've been 00:48:44
through. 00:48:48
It's a great thing and I and I wish there was more grant money out there to help you more. 00:48:53
Thank you for reaching out for what you do get to be able to do what you do. Thank you and I'll be looking for more. 00:48:58
Thank you, Supervisor Cline. Carl, thanks for keeping that older system up until you're ready to switch over because that that 00:49:06
wouldn't work if everybody went to the 800. 00:49:10
Real quick. So thanks for doing that. Appreciate it. Thank you. We plan on keeping it going because if something happens to 1 00:49:14
system, we have another and it can very easily be utilized by our public safety partners as well and be able to mention that. So 00:49:20
if something with their system goes wrong, we can allow them over onto ours and re establish communications. 00:49:26
Thank you. Thank you, Carl. I have no questions. I'll call for a motion. 00:49:32
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval for the submittal of a grant application to Arizona 00:49:36
Department of Homeland Security. 00:49:40
AZDOHS for the Hila County Emergency Management Redundant and Interoperable North and South EOC. 00:49:45
Communications Project and Approve Arizona Dohs Subgrantee agreement #21-A ZDOHS. 00:49:52
HSGP DASH 21030701 as presented. 00:50:02
Mr. Gerald second, thank you and. 00:50:08
All those in favor say aye, aye, that's one of the longest numbers. Thank you, gentlemen. I will make sure to request a shorter 00:50:13
grant award number on the next one. 00:50:18
OK. Thank you, Carl. Item 4 J Information Discussion action to approve an economic development agreement number 08192023 between 00:50:25
Hill County and the Payson Elks Club number 2154 in the amount of 15,000 for the construction of the. 00:50:33
Rally around the flag's project on the Tunnel Apache reservation in Payson, AZ, which the board is determined to be for the 00:50:42
benefit of the public. 00:50:47
And what do you have this idea and if you want to share it on this, by all means do so. So this is a project that the Tom Apache 00:50:52
started a couple of years ago, I believe it was. It made great leaps and bounds in it. They raised a lot of money. They got a 00:50:58
really awesome plan to to put these flags down the hill of. 00:51:05
It's it's gonna, it's good. It's a really cool project and of course, just like it says there, it's to honor our veterans and. 00:51:12
And everyone as well. And so they've worked really hard and I'm glad to be able to help. 00:51:19
Support it. 00:51:25
Thank you supervisor, client, supervisor Humphrey. 00:51:27
I have no quest. 00:51:29
Now this is a project which they've been working on and Asian you know is known as the flag capital of Arizona Right now 00:51:31
correction to that is us as a border supporting this, all three of us. 00:51:37
So. 00:51:42
So I really appreciate it, right. So this comes out of our discretionary funds. 00:51:44
Sure, yes. 00:51:50
OK, with that I would offer a motion. 00:51:53
Mr. Chair, I move to approve Economic development grant number 08192023. 00:51:56
With a patient Elks Club #2154AS presented, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public and Mr. Chair, I'll 00:52:02
second that motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 00:52:10
Thank you and item 4K Information Discussion Action to approve an Economic development Agreement number 010524 between Hema County 00:52:18
and the Brownsville Western Heritage Incorporated in the amount of 5000 to support Brownsville Western Heritage Incorporated, 00:52:25
which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Supervisor Humphrey. 00:52:33
Yeah, they do. They do a great job every year with with the kids on on getting them out and letting them know about ranching and 00:52:41
and heritage and things of that nature. 00:52:46
It's just they they bus kids out and it's really a great thing for for. 00:52:53
For Gila County to be able to have people that care like they do and so. 00:52:59
If we'll vote for this, not only did we vote for it, but all three of us contributed to this as well. 00:53:04
Thank you, Supervisor, Supervisor Klein. 00:53:12
So absolutely they are Brownsville's in Tunnel Basin and. 00:53:15
They've grown that. 00:53:21
A lot for participants. I I'm not sure exactly how many kids they have now that participate, but it's a lot. 00:53:23
And I know also that NRCD supports it as well and they've done an awesome job and they're they're taking a lot of it into the 00:53:30
schools and classrooms as well. So, so it's good. 00:53:36
Thank you supervisor and I I agree it's a great program and it's rare. 00:53:42
That programs like this exist and. 00:53:48
Through the Browns a lot. And so they volunteer a lot of their own time and money to do this. 00:53:52
If anyone from the paper is listening, we should do an article on what they do down there. 00:53:57
At Brownsville. So with that I will entertain a motion. 00:54:03
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve Economic Development Agreement number 010524. 00:54:07
With Brownsville Western Heritage Incorporated as presented, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 00:54:14
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion, and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye, aye. 00:54:22
Moving on to 4 L information discussion action to approve the use of State contract agreement number Ctr. 059323 with Santan Ford 00:54:29
Partners LLC in the amount of $122,707.96 for the purchase of two 2024 Ford Expedition 4 door 4 by 4 SSDs as outlined in the 00:54:38
specifications. 00:54:46
And we have Romero and Mr. Laforge as well. 00:54:55
Good morning. 00:55:01
And for the supervisors, Dave is going to present the item the next two items L&M, Dave Laforge. 00:55:02
I'll be back for NNO and then Dave will come back for item number B if it's OK with the board. Thank you, Romero. 00:55:09
Mr. Laforge, good morning. 00:55:16
Chairman Members of the board, as stated in the agenda item, probation would like to take advantage of some grant funding that was 00:55:19
set aside. 00:55:23
And that or that's set to expire at the end of June, I'm sorry. 00:55:27
David, hang on. We're having a connectivity problem down here. 00:55:33
Can't hear? 00:55:38
OK, just hold on. 00:55:41
All right. 00:55:44
It's going along very well. 00:55:51
What you do? 00:55:58
Can you test your microphone? 00:56:23
Yeah. Can you hear me? 00:56:25
No. 00:56:28
Yeah. 00:56:58
OK, give it another test. 00:57:12
Yeah. Can you hear me now? 00:57:15
Anything. 00:57:20
Keep talking. 00:57:23
I'm here. I'm ready. 00:57:24
Chairman with information and Dave, with your permission, if it's OK I can make the presentation. Please do suggest me as needed. 00:57:34
Sorry about that. 00:57:45
I apologize for not having Dave on these two items and and perhaps introducing. 00:57:47
A little problem here. 00:57:53
The item that we're talking about is item 4L and it is requesting the board to approve a state contract for the purchase of two 00:57:55
new Ford expeditions with Santan Ford Partners and as David started to talk about this, these are two vehicles for probation. 00:58:02
Probation has a grant they would like to utilize. 00:58:09
They have $109,000 available. 00:58:17
They're going to take approximately $13,000 from their from their division funding to complement that so that they can buy these 00:58:21
two expeditions. They in turn will return two vehicles, older vehicles. 00:58:27
That are on our replacement list. 00:58:34
Those vehicles will then be auctioned And so we're not adding vehicles, we're merely replacing grant vehicles with grant money. 00:58:36
And and with that I would like to request the board to approve the Arizona State contract with San Tan Ford Partners for the 00:58:42
purchase of two new Ford expeditions. 00:58:47
Thank you, Humira. Supervisor, Hump. 00:58:54
Yeah, I I the only question I have is at some point I would like to maybe have a work session on why we just like Ford's, but 00:58:58
other than that I don't have any questions. 00:59:03
Supervisor CL. 00:59:10
I like Fords. Yeah. Well, yeah. Why? Why is that the only vehicle that we have? I just put things out for bed. 00:59:12
No, I'm good. I'm good. Thank you, Homero. Thank you, Homero. I'm good as well. I will entertain a motion. 00:59:22
Mr. Chair, I move to approve Amendment #2. 00:59:29
The funding agreement number 10023 with the Arizona Department of Housing as presented. 00:59:33
Oh, that's not it. Sorry, I forgot to turn my page. Hold on. I moved to because we were on the Ford deal. I moved to approve 00:59:41
agreement number Ctr. 059323 with Santan. 00:59:48
Partners LLC as. 00:59:56
Then I will second that OK motion in a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 01:00:00
OK motion carries So for M information discussion action to review the bid submitted for invitation for bids number zero 9253-2, 01:00:06
New class 810 wheel dump trucks and award contract number 092523 to Empire Truck and trailer in the total amount of. 01:00:16
Or $115,417.14 for the purchase of two trucks. 01:00:27
Thank you, Chairman. This item is asking the Board to award a contract in response to an invitation for bids. 01:00:35
For two new Class 810 wheel dump trucks. 01:00:42
We did receive one bit. 01:00:47
This was, this was published in the paper. We followed all the state and county procurement requirements. We were hoping for more 01:00:48
than one. We received one competitive bid pretty very close to what we had budgeted. We look up Internet pricing and IT and it 01:00:54
appears to be a valid competitive bid. 01:00:59
And it is by Empire Truck and Trailer. They met all the specifications and offered a total bid price of $415,417.14 for two units. 01:01:06
With that, I would like to ask the board to approve this awarding this contract. 01:01:16
Any questions? Yeah, thank you. Romero Supervisor Humphrey. I have no question. Pleasure. 01:01:22
I really don't either other than just one simple one. I guess we we we pick up two new dump trucks or are we still needing more? 01:01:29
We will continue. Yes we can. We continue to meet vehicle as time goes on. I wouldn't, I don't know if A10 wheel truck is the next 01:01:39
priority. 01:01:45
I know they were interested in buying the compactors that we that we attached to to to a 10 Wheeler to a motor grader. 01:01:51
We purchased through. They're working very successfully. The Council Basin would like to have one as well as the Globe Rd. yard. 01:02:01
Those are actually $25,000 each approximately, so it's not a major purchase. 01:02:09
But we will every budget year this is this ends the capital equipment purchases that we had scheduled for this year. So we're 01:02:14
looking at next year and setting up priority and sometime in March hopefully we come to the board and share with you some of the 01:02:20
capital equipment requirements we need going forward. Good. Thank you, Homer. 01:02:27
Yes, thank you, Omar. I will call for a bit. I mean motion. 01:02:35
Mr. Chair, I'll make a motion to award contract number 092523. 01:02:39
To Empire truck and trailer as presented. 01:02:44
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, Motion and 2nd to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 01:02:48
Thank you Humero, item four and information, discussion and action. 01:02:54
To review the bid submitted for request for proposal number 110623 on Call Heavy Truck and Equipment Services and award contract 01:02:58
number 1106232 RDO Equipment Company and not to exceed amount of 150,000 for a period of one year with three one year renewal 01:03:05
options. 01:03:12
Thank you, Chairman. 01:03:20
This on December 5th we we came to the board and we talked about the reason for doing this and the need to do this. We rely on one 01:03:22
vendor heavily and we were looking for other vendors so that if we needed something done next week we at least have somebody else 01:03:28
we can go through if that vendor was was busy. 01:03:35
And we've run into cases where they are. 01:03:42
And so this was an effort to expand available vendors to us for repair of equipment. 01:03:45
We had at one time had three compactors down at the landfill out of four and that really puts a burden on on on the entire team 01:03:51
trying to use different type of equipment instead of what is the most efficient equipment. And so we were looking for vendors. We 01:03:58
actually talked to vendors in the valley to try to understand what what they would be interested in in in in submitting a an 01:04:05
interest in this request for proposal. 01:04:11
And we incorporated the idea. 01:04:18
We will assign you some routine maintenance or when you come to Young, you're not only coming to repair something that broke down, 01:04:21
but you would do some maintenance. 01:04:26
Work as well. We have that in the request for proposal for them. 01:04:31
So we're going with what is the one valid bit that we have RDO equipment company and we'll we'll be asking the board to to approve 01:05:10
this, this submittal. 01:05:16
For. 01:05:24
For the request for proposal and on call heavy truck and equipment services and award the contract to RVO Equipment Company for a 01:05:26
not to exceed amount of 150,000 in a contract that's renewable for three years. 01:05:33
With that, I'll take any questions the Board may have. Chairman. 01:05:41
Yes, Jessica, members of the board, just due to the comments that Homero made, I just want to note that you do have the option, if 01:05:46
time is not of the essence, to deny all the bids and then put it out for bidding it. 01:05:52
Thank you, Jessica. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:06:00
Yeah, I I don't, I mean to me that's not necessary because we have equipment breakdown all the time I think as soon as we can get. 01:06:06
Some. 01:06:14
In line, I think it's a good thing and and so there's always time in the future to put things out for for rebuilds. 01:06:15
Anyway, so that gives us two vendors that we can call at this point in time. 01:06:26
If we need serv. 01:06:30
Which is important if we have equipment broke down at our landfills and have to compact and things of that nature. So I I have no 01:06:32
further questions. Thank you supervisor. 01:06:37
RDO home. Are they coming out of the valley? 01:06:45
They're out of Flagstaff. 01:06:49
OK and. 01:06:53
And is time of essence to us. 01:06:55
Yes, time is of essence. 01:07:03
All right. I don't have anything else. 01:07:06
OK. Thank you, supervisor. 01:07:09
Yeah, I agree. I think we should vote. 01:07:12
Pudding is in at as far as local contractors. We would love to see more of that if they're not willing to submit a bid though. 01:07:15
There's not much we can do for that, so I will entertain a motion. 01:07:23
Mr. Chair, I move toward contract the 110623 to RDO Equipment Company as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion and 2nd to 01:07:28
approve item 4. 01:07:34
All those in favor say aye, aye. 01:07:41
Thank you, Homero. And we have item 4. 01:07:44
Information Discussion Action to authorize the advertisement for Requests for Qualifications number 011224 on Call Professional 01:07:48
Training. 01:07:52
Thank you, Chairman. This request, this item is a request for qualification for on call professional training. 01:07:58
The training is spelled out in the board. Item has to do with hydraulics and hydrology. 01:08:06
And we're not trying to necessarily the team that is going to be invited to this on site training. In other words, the training is 01:08:11
going to happen either here or inpatient. 01:08:16
And it targets our engineering. 01:08:21
Tom Goodman and Alex and our project management team today is Steve Williams, but we're looking for another project manager as we 01:08:23
speak. 01:08:27
And our our Rd. yards, especially the road yard. 01:08:32
And so there there is like a simple they call it a normal graph. It's a it's a device that you use on a piece of paper to project 01:08:37
how much flow would flow through a culvert. You have to understand how to read it. It's something that that the entire team can 01:08:42
learn how to use. 01:08:46
There's an understanding of how the erosion setbacks and and and and that and the and the width of a floodplain. Some of those 01:08:52
calculations on a very conservative level are are basically algebra and simple. And so the we're asking for this this engineering 01:08:59
firm, an engineer to come to come down and and offer some training that utilizes some of the state standards that Arizona 01:09:07
Department of Water Resources has put together. 01:09:14
So that we get our team to understand what I call the basics and the fundamentals of hydrology and hydraulics. 01:09:23
And it envisions envisions are like a two day training period, one day today and then 2-3 weeks later another day of training and 01:09:29
inviting at least the thing that I just talked about. It would be such that we will work with that engineering firm to determine 01:09:35
that the level of complexity. 01:09:41
This is not meant necessarily for engineers, even though I think our engineering team will benefit from this. 01:09:47
It is meant for the project managers and the road yard managers. 01:09:53
And it's an opportunity to learn. It's an opportunity to do it here locally instead of traveling. It's an opportunity for the team 01:09:57
to come together. 01:10:02
An opportunity for us to interact with the person that is presenting the training and to kind of custom the the training almost on 01:10:07
the spot. We're going to try to do it ahead of time, but if somebody asked a question that wants it needs to be answered to have 01:10:12
that person be able to answer that that question. 01:10:18
It's just trying, I think, to grow. 01:10:24
In something that we that we. 01:10:28
And with that, we ask for the board to approve this request for qualification. 01:10:32
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:10:38
I I have no questions. 01:10:41
Supervisor Klein, I don't have any questions, I just have a comment. I really like the idea of doing doing more of this too. 01:10:43
And we're getting those folks over here to train our people in Henry County. So I'm all for anything like this. It's good. So 01:10:50
thank you for bringing this up. Yeah. Thank you, Humira. I totally agree. I think that it'll be funny over time if our if our own 01:10:56
people can make these calculations without having to hire. 01:11:01
All that out every time though. 01:11:07
With that, I will call for a motion, Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize the advertisement of requests for qualifications 01:11:10
number 011224. 01:11:14
I'll second that Mr. Chair Motion, and 2nd to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 01:11:20
And I presume we'll marry you'll also do 4. 01:11:26
Information Discussion Action to approve Service Agreement number 011124 with. 01:11:30
Heartstruck Manufacturing LLC in an amount not to exceed $51,229 for the purchase and installation of an animal control box as 01:11:36
outlined in the specifications. 01:11:42
Thank you, Chairman. 01:11:50
We have been before the board on this item and at that time we talked about the uses of. 01:11:52
Vehicles that we have that have poor utilization and in fact we incorporated that idea into. 01:11:59
This this vehicle for animal control and and this is an agreement, it would provide for the purchase and installation of a custom 01:12:06
fiberglass animal control box on an already county owned 2021 Ford F-350 Chassis Club. 01:12:14
Tab and it would be vehicle number C-111-A. 01:12:22
From Heartstrap Manufacturing. 01:12:27
LLC. 01:12:31
The custom Animal Dog box is built with six separate compartments that are time control and will allow Animal Control the ability 01:12:32
to safely and humanely transport multiple animals in all weather conditions, as well as properly store and and and and provide 01:12:39
security to the equipment that they use for during their duties. 01:12:46
And that's what we're trying to accomplish with this, utilizing a vehicle that we already have that wasn't being utilized 01:12:54
properly. 01:12:58
And putting a animal. 01:13:03
Control box on top of this vehicle that is a something that is allow us to transport them in all types of weather and with that we 01:13:05
ask for the board to approve. 01:13:11
Service agreement number. 01:13:18
01/11/24 with heartstroke manufacturing in an amount not 50 C $51,229 for the purchase and installation of this animal control 01:13:20
box. 01:13:25
Thank you, mayoral supervisor. 01:13:31
I have no question, Supervisor Klein. Yeah, I'm good. Thank you, ****. So Homero, is this going to be installed in Gila County or 01:13:35
are we having to move the truck somewhere else? We're having to haul the truck. OK is it a? 01:13:41
Yes, it is. OK. All right. Because I remember this discussion, so it sounds good. So item 4P I'll call for motion. 01:13:50
Make sure I move to approve service agreement number 011124 with Heartstrings Manufacturing, LLC as presented. And Mr. Chair, I'll 01:13:57
second that motion. And a second to approve those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you, David. 01:14:03
Sorry we didn't have that. 01:14:09
We'll have to look into what's going on up there. 01:14:17
So we're down to item 4, Q information discussion action to present the results of a public surplus online auction conducted on 01:14:20
behalf of the Board of Supervisors in December 2023 for properties that were deeded to the State of Arizona in care of the Board 01:14:29
Supervisors in 2023 and authorized the Chairman's signature on the related claim deeds for the sale of 14 properties. 01:14:39
Samantha's still a sin on that. 01:14:48
Thank you Chairman and Board members. 01:14:51
On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, Public Surplus and the Clerk of the Boards Office held an online option to sell the 15 01:14:54
properties. 01:14:57
That were deeded to the state of Arizona in care of the Board of Supervisors in 2023. 01:15:00
The option began on December 15th, 2023 and ended on January 2nd, 2024. Of the 15 properties listed, 14 were sold. 01:15:04
A total of $71,522.01 was collected and deposited with the County treasurer on January 18th, 2024. 01:15:15
This resulted in a net profit of $54,525.50 over the lien amount, and the 14 properties are once again on the tax rolls. If you 01:15:23
have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. 01:15:28
Thank you, Samantha Supervisor Humphrey. 01:15:34
No, just just provided that it's advertised well, I think this online auction is a great thing. I think it's a good way to go. 01:15:37
I remember doing a couple of these auctions and it wasn't as much fun as you would think it would be. So yeah, I think I think 01:15:44
it's great and like I said, providing that it's well advertised, I think that's a good way to go with that property. Thank you for 01:15:49
all your work and. 01:15:54
Thank you. And Supervisor Klein, Thank you, Sam. Good job. 01:16:01
Yeah. Thank you for that. And so with that, I'll call for a motion. 01:16:05
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize the chairman's signature on 14 Quit Claim deeds for property sold at the public 01:16:10
surplus surplus online auction in December 22. 01:16:15
I'll second that Mr. Chair motion and a second to approve item 4. Q. All those in favor say aye, Aye. 01:16:21
Hey, moving on to consent agenda item, item 5A through L. 01:16:29
With any of the supervisors wish to remove one or more of the items in the consent agenda. 01:16:36
List supervisor Humphrey I I don't care to remove anything or comment on anything. Supervisor I think I'm good. Mr. Chair. Thank 01:16:43
you. I'm good as well. I'll call for a motion. 01:16:48
Mr. Chair, I move to approve consent agenda items by A through 5. 01:16:55
And Mr. Chair, I'll. 01:17:04
A promotion and. 01:17:06
To approve the consent agenda items, All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. 01:17:08
Very good. Moving right along here. So our next item is called to the public item 6. 01:17:13
So this is the time and I do have. 01:17:19
Call to the public. 01:17:25
Forms it looks like. 01:17:26
Here on these lists are from Young. 01:17:29
So I will call for. Is it Danette K? 01:17:32
OK. Would you like to come forward please? Did I pronounce your name correctly? 01:17:40
I'm sorry. And so go ahead please. If you could just remind them the statute for the call of the public and then the time limit of 01:17:48
three minutes, OK. The the statute is Arizona Revised Statute 38, Dash 431.018 and. 01:17:57
This is key we. 01:18:08
Trying to limit it to 3 minutes. OK, Is there a clock somewhere that I'm supposed to look at? Oh, you'll get buzzed. Yeah, you'll 01:18:11
get you'll get buzzed. So I'm under 3 minutes. Sounds good. Thank you so much for this morning. My name is Danette Key. I live at 01:18:18
295 S Rolling Hills Rd. I retired to young about seven years ago where I helped. I would have a supplement income to help me 01:18:26
through my retirement Years. A year ago, after deciding what we we were going to do, we finally put down a $7000 septic system. 01:18:33
For our planned short term rental after that was done we ordered a 16 by 40 square foot 20,000 house shell and had put in the 01:18:40
first half of our two acre land of acres of land. Then after that was completed we spent $26,000 removing and replacing an old 01:18:49
dilapidated fence surrounding the proposed short term rental as to increase the beauty of it facing potato views. 01:18:58
And it has a really cute little deck right in front of it and make it look even nicer. I live with my husband on our two acre and 01:19:07
the back of our two acres, which most short term rental owners do in young. 01:19:13
So we were hoping to have it done by spring, but now with all those new with this new ordinance, we're really worried that this is 01:19:19
not going to happen. One of the items in the ordinance I would like to see removed is this background check. 01:19:25
It is requiring short term rental owner to do more than a hotel or a motel is required to do and I don't think that seems right 01:19:31
and it feels like a penalty for doing business as a short term rental. I don't mind posting the items and warnings that was 01:19:39
indicated in this ordinance, but am I posting it in my house or am I posting it outside of my rental? I'm at to say rental on both 01:19:47
of those including my name and address and phone number for any transient or criminal to walk by and copy. 01:19:54
The ordinance doesn't really address this specifically. Also, the item that addresses the occupancy is very confusing to me. I'm 01:20:02
assuming that part in the ordinance was to limit people from having a large crazy party on the property, but it won't solve that 01:20:09
problem. For example, if I invited 20 people over to my rental for a party and let's say they're not staying the night. 01:20:17
Therefore, they're not occupying the rental. They all go home by 10:00, but let's say four people decide that to crash on my couch 01:20:25
because I'm not going to let them drive through my town intoxicated. Does the sheriff come the next day and count the four 01:20:32
crashers on the couch as occupants? Does the owner get a fine for agreeing that they shouldn't Dr. intoxicated through the town? 01:20:39
It seems very ridiculous to me because the problem is still there. 01:20:45
Now I am here representing several owners of Short Term Rentals and Young and I'm hoping soon to see a scheduled work meeting with 01:20:52
all three of our county supervisors addressing this ordinance and hopefully making some changes that makes sense. 01:21:00
I'm not completely opposed to it, but I think that a lot of it is redundant and some of it is unnecessary and will in the long run 01:21:07
hurt us all financially. I'll look forward to that meeting. Would like to know if you could tell us today when that meeting is 01:21:14
scheduled and I will be following up so that we all or we'll all be following up to see if we can be more involved. Thank you. 01:21:21
Great timing. 01:21:28
Thank you for that. 01:21:31
That meeting has not yet been scheduled, but it will be at some point. OK And next we we have Mr. 01:21:33
Is it how it is? 01:21:44
Thank. 01:21:48
My name is Hal Key. I live at 295 S Rolling Hills Rd. 01:21:50
I'm retired from the Mesa Fire Department as a Fire Protection engineer, and I'm also a licensed mechanical engineer. 01:21:54
I have served on multiple national committees, both with the International Building Congress, which writes the International 01:22:02
Building Code, International Residential Code, International Fire Code, and I have submitted numerous changes to those documents. 01:22:09
So codes are what I lived with during my professional career. 01:22:17
I've studied this ordinance of the First off I want to apologize for. 01:22:23
Knowing that this ordinance was on the agenda in December. 01:22:28
And even knowing that was being considered, that's my. 01:22:32
I've now been made aware of it and will pay closer attention to this issue. 01:22:36
I want. 01:22:43
One piece of the ordinance that you may not have thought about that will. 01:22:44
Maybe come into play. 01:22:50
And that's youth camps. 01:22:53
We have a number of youth camps within Gila. 01:22:55
Both Boy Scouts, which have two Girl Scouts, have one and their other youth camps within the county. 01:22:58
Those are short term rent. 01:23:05
Those troops, those scouts, they come in for a week. 01:23:08
And they're renting their. 01:23:12
And if they can't, if tents are excluded from? 01:23:14
Being a short term rental. 01:23:18
That limits what they can. 01:23:20
Cap Geronimo has approximately 20 buildings that are cabins. 01:23:22
That. 01:23:27
The Grand Canyon Council rents out at times. 01:23:29
Those that fall into that category. 01:23:34
And then when they are, the camp is in. 01:23:36
Which is about 7 weeks during the year. 01:23:40
The staff then lives in those camps. 01:23:44
Now they're paid room and board along with their weekly salary, but then that would be considered them paying for that cabin. 01:23:46
So my suggestion is that we address this particular piece. 01:23:54
Of that Ord. 01:24:00
Thank you. Thank you. 01:24:02
And next we have. And forgive me if I don't understand, That's Janine Nyman. 01:24:04
Janine Neiman. 01:24:12
Please come up and tell us what first for me. I've been in this room a few times, but thank you for having us supervisors. I live 01:24:14
in young AZ and I just started doing a short term rental in October. 01:24:20
I have. 01:24:27
It's massive. It's 26 foot teepee. It's it's luxury. It's beautiful. 01:24:29
It's not an ordinance. It wouldn't comply. 01:24:38
Because you it's. I've got one. 01:24:41
And. 01:24:44
It now that it's permitted, I have a permit on the deck, which is good. 01:24:47
But I need to make sure that I can still operate this. It does because it was a three-point 6.4 were RV's. 01:24:51
Being Airbnb. 01:24:59
And that being said, our friend Lauren Cathcart, who's not here and she's been hosting for five years, she's a super host. I just 01:25:02
got super host. Yay, yay. 01:25:06
And I. 01:25:12
But she has an Airstream RV now. There's no wheels on it. It's permanent. 01:25:14
So in that, it's saying that things are temporary. Well, my teepee. Yeah. Could I take it down tomorrow? Yeah, it's going to be a 01:25:19
pain because it took me about six months to get it up. 01:25:23
It's massive. It's not something that's temporary, but it's really enjoyable. 01:25:28
Families have come. 01:25:33
Have enjoyed it. First time camping experiences. I mean a mother and her two kids came up, our father and his two kids, they've 01:25:35
never camped the day in their life and like what a nice treat for them to do that. 01:25:41
So I just think we need to look at. 01:25:49
Ordinance. 01:25:51
Because I have a unique experience, but. 01:25:54
I'm not working. I had to retire from doing hair after 33 years. 01:25:57
So neck problems. 01:26:01
You know a lot of that. So this was my next thing. And then while I was on vacation, I get a thing and I'm like, are you kidding 01:26:03
me? I'm like, I finally start something and I'm finally like, getting out of my depression. And then this hits. So I would really 01:26:09
like you guys to consider. 01:26:14
Doing a meeting and let's kind of work it out because there are unique experiences. And my next thing that I'm building on my 2 01:26:20
acres, it's not even. 01:26:24
It's my property, but a Hobbit house. 01:26:28
Subterranean Hobbit house so that, you know, I look in the future if I have to live in it. 01:26:31
Someday. I can't. So I want it to be fun and it's exciting. 01:26:37
We do these. 01:26:42
Airbnb things because it's like, oh, it's fun. It's like, oh, I want to stay in The Hobbit house. We're seeing a TV and I've got 01:26:43
nothing but, you know, five star reviews and. 01:26:48
I'd hate to not be able to do this because my husband, 67, he's gonna need to retire in a few years, even though he doesn't think 01:26:53
so. But we're gonna need some extra income and I can't go back to doing here. 01:26:58
It's just not. 01:27:03
I was really good at it when my clients is in the back row, old client so you know she was. 01:27:05
Who is waiting? Real happy about that, But I had to retire. 01:27:11
But I just like to consider about. 01:27:16
Like, let's look at this ordinance, at least for young. You know, whatever you want to do with pine strawberry. Not my problem, 01:27:18
but our town is just so special. 01:27:21
And the businesses rely on. 01:27:25
Every single one. 01:27:28
And so without. 01:27:29
You got nowhere to stay except the hotel. 01:27:31
So thank you very much. Thank you, Miss Anaemon. 01:27:34
The supervisors can respond to any criticism as they perceive it, and they also direct staff. 01:27:40
To look into a matter, so I would. 01:27:48
Ask Supervisor Humphrey if he has anything. 01:27:53
I don't feel criticized. 01:27:56
Supervisor Klein. 01:28:01
No, I think it's once I'm not criticized either. So that's a good start. But no, I would just. 01:28:02
Say that you know for work session on this would be would be good. 01:28:09
Thank you for your presentations. I have made a little list of some of your concerns and. 01:28:15
Yes, Manager Menlov, Mr. Chairman. We are working to get the schedule. I just checked with Michael. It is not scheduled at this 01:28:22
time. 01:28:26
But we have anticipated and planned to have a work session. 01:28:31
Thank you for that and I did speak with manager Men Love this morning and so it. 01:28:36
Won't be any sooner than the month of March. 01:28:42
Just try to look for that as we move forward. So Mr. Fair, if I may. 01:28:46
As we direct staff, I would like staff to perhaps. 01:28:52
Reach out to all communities because if we do something, it's county wide can. 01:28:57
Break off parts of the county. 01:29:03
So that if we're going to have a work session, let's reach out. 01:29:05
The people that we know with short term rent. 01:29:10
To get as much input as we can at that meeting. 01:29:15
Instead of just had people from a particular area, when we're working with an ordinance that's county wide that we get as much 01:29:19
information in front of us. 01:29:24
To work with staff as we go forward. 01:29:29
Thank you, Supervisor. Hopefully, Supervisor Klein. Mr. Chair, I I agree with that as well. You know our ordinance will be 01:29:33
counting wide. 01:29:37
And so the the more input, participation, ideas, whatever we can get out folks, the better off we're all going to be. So. 01:29:41
Thank you. And so if I were to direct staff. 01:29:52
I'm sorry if I were to direct staff, the concerns listed today were background checks and whether or not that is something that we 01:29:56
should include in the ordinance or not, occupancy issues as far as was indicated, whether people were there that don't spend the 01:30:03
night or something that was concerned youth camps and. 01:30:10
This tee. 01:30:18
But that sounds intriguing, actually. 01:30:20
But it's that that is something that doesn't fit. 01:30:25
In the ordinance, well, and so I think management men love. 01:30:29
You know, let. 01:30:34
Pursue those so that when we do have a work session we can address. 01:30:37
Issues that we've already agreed to look at. Anything that needs to be bukered. 01:30:42
In this ordinance we don't want. 01:30:47
Concerning, we want it to work well. 01:30:50
OK. With that, I will ask if there's any more public here in. 01:30:53
Globe that wishes to speak. 01:31:00
How about Payson, Lisa? 01:31:03
No, Sir. Thank you. Did you hear her? 01:31:05
Loud and clear. 01:31:08
No, you didn't. OK, Cassandra, anybody on the Internet? 01:31:10
How many? 01:31:14
20 That's good. All right. 01:31:16
Thank you. And so I'll move to item 7 at this time. 01:31:20
We will allow the members of the board and the County Manager to prevent a brief summary of current events. So management love Mr. 01:31:23
Chairman members of the Board. Last week I wanted to have some discussion about it with our facilities discussion but. 01:31:30
Expansion. 01:31:37
Landfill in the northern part of the county went on a tour with Mr. Bella and his team. 01:31:40
They run a great operation as evidenced by the recognition that was given this morning. 01:31:47
But they looking at what the potential uses of that property. 01:31:53
I believe that we came, they came back with a estimate of $1700 per acre. 01:31:58
And may consider. 01:32:03
An acquisition. 01:32:06
500 to 600 acres in that area for future development. 01:32:07
County. 01:32:13
County programs and services. 01:32:17
So it's. 01:32:20
Some opportunities there to take advantage of this. The Town side act is what this acquisition would be through. 01:32:23
And town side act, the Forest Service is telling us this is a one time deal. That's whatever we need. 01:32:29
For any potential future uses by Gila County needs to be done at this time, so that is moving forward. It'll be coming to you for 01:32:35
consideration in the next several months. 01:32:40
Thank you. Thank you. That's an incredible price. 01:32:46
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:32:49
I have attended a CAG Regional Council meeting, attended a District 2 project meeting. 01:32:53
Tended an ankle transportation. 01:33:00
Steering meeting. I'll hold a Tunnel Basin community meeting tonight. 01:33:03
And we'll hold a Roosevelt community meeting on February the 12th. 01:33:10
I will be on KQSS on February the 12th at 5:30. 01:33:15
And then we'll attend the Miami Town Council meeting. 01:33:19
At 6:30 after that. So that's that's kind of my recent activities. Thanks Supervisor Klein. 01:33:24
Mr. Chair, last Friday I was I attended a breakfast round table with Governor Hobbs. 01:33:32
In Superior, there was probably 15 of us, Kathy. 01:33:38
Yeah, not just a perfect group. 01:33:44
Good. 01:33:47
And she was there to kind of focus on the copper corridor and resolution was given her some tours and. 01:33:49
Taking her down in this, the mine and everything like that. Yesterday I was on Kmog and Mr. Menlov was there with me. We had some 01:33:55
good questions, I believe good topics. Everything went good on that and. 01:34:03
This coming Friday, me and Mr. Menlov. 01:34:10
Kathy, we're all headed to DC to Naco, so. 01:34:14
Will be there till. You're not coming back to Wednesday though, are you? Yeah. Well, me and Kathy will be flying back on Tuesday. 01:34:19
Mr. Chairman, can I add on to that. 01:34:29
Of course our business to Washington DC or or to look for funding. 01:34:32
And different projects. 01:34:36
Just make sure you're aware and the public of what projects that we are submitting and taking forward public. 01:34:39
Are first of all the 512. 01:34:45
Looking to continue to get that asphalt on. 01:34:48
Whatever surface we get down there about to improve 512. 01:34:52
We have three roads that we want to do, but of course 512 was the number one priority. Second is a control Rd. in Northern Gila. 01:34:57
Whole section we continue to improve sections of that but still continue to seek for funding for the control. 01:35:05
And 3rd, 3rd is the Russell. 01:35:12
Access up into the can. 01:35:15
That's a third priority. We're not going to get funding this early, but we are getting as was stated. 01:35:17
A state smart grant to do the design and and do. 01:35:24
Preparation for that that. 01:35:27
In the future, take that road to the. 01:35:29
To the federal government for funding three other projects that we have. One is electrical out of the fairgrounds. 01:35:33
$1.5 million cost that was mentioned by. 01:35:42
Really there's no further development that can happen out there without that three phase electrical in that area. 01:35:47
Another one. 01:35:54
We had talked about doing composting last year, but we're going to refine our request for recycling that are both of our landfill. 01:35:56
That requires some machinery and equipment to be able to do proper recycling, so we're going to. 01:36:03
Expand our recycling programs that they are doing now. 01:36:11
But get some funding for new equipment to take care of that and then. 01:36:14
And Ada Compl. 01:36:20
Residents for the Veterans, Ret. 01:36:23
So those six projects are on our list of potential federal funding. 01:36:26
Thank you. Thank you. And I wish you the best to get all that done. So, yeah, Mr. Chair, if I may just back up a little bit there, 01:36:32
if I should have done to begin with what in that round table discussion with Governor Hobbs? 01:36:38
I focused on three. 01:36:45
Issues one was the Russell. 01:36:47
I spoke with Homero on. 01:36:50
Grant fund and what they're working and they are working with the governor's staff on that. So talk to a little bit about that. I 01:36:53
also talked to her about the water issues, the fact that she's trying to establish Arizona water policy. 01:37:01
In the state and that, you know, as a rural county, we are very much focused on water. 01:37:09
And where that's going to go Also I discussed our youth program to them as well and the way it's been going for the last several 01:37:14
years. 01:37:19
And mentioned that they had any anything they had in mind to help us by which. 01:37:25
Those were kind of three also in DC on Naco. Besides what? 01:37:31
Manager is talking about. I'm on the Public Lands Committee. 01:37:38
National. 01:37:42
To nickel and so our meetings are on Saturdays usually all day on that and that's that has to deal with a lot of different policy 01:37:43
and things like that from state to state and so it's a really good. 01:37:50
Good, good meeting to be on. So that clarify that thank you supervisor so. 01:37:58
A hash knife went through Payson last Wednesday, went to the dinner that evening for them. They very much appreciated he, the 01:38:04
county and what we have done to support that. And if you look at my Facebook page, you can see they gave us one of those posters 01:38:10
that they produce every year. So that's a special thing. 01:38:17
And also on the Legislative Policy Committee, there's over 1500 bills now that have gone. 01:38:25
Circulating around. Some of them are in committee, some of them are not. That's just an enormous amount. There's two bills, the 01:38:34
Senate Bill 1733 and House Bill 2785, very similar, talking about the potential automatic recount discussion. 01:38:43
Extending dates and deadlines so that. 01:38:52
If we did start doing an automatic recount of any sort, there would be time for that. I don't know if that will pass. 01:38:57
Because of the political. 01:39:05
Groundwater, like you mentioned, is a. 01:39:08
Concerning topic. 01:39:12
As the governor hints at potentially doing something through executive action, I really would rather see that go through the 01:39:15
legislature. 01:39:19
But I haven't seen a solution I really was fond of anyway. 01:39:24
We're going to be meeting with Senator Kelly. 01:39:29
Assistant Taylor and we're currently scheduling that right now and that'll be a discussion regarding the Fossil Creek recreation 01:39:36
area. 01:39:41
And so that's pretty much all I have right now. So if there's nothing else, yes. 01:39:47
Yes, I'm sorry. I should have written written these down. Sorry, be better. 01:39:53
Representative Crane is having staff come here. 01:39:58
North and South to have office time in the in the county and that's like once a month. 01:40:02
I don't really know what the details of when it's going to be, but Representative Crane is having representation here in the 01:40:10
county. 01:40:13
Trying to let the public know that that is taking place. 01:40:16
Perfect. Thank you. Is there anything else from? 01:40:21
Anybody here so? 01:40:25
Well, that brings us to. 01:40:27
Somewhere item. 01:40:33
And it's an executive session. 01:40:37
So item 8A is information discussion action to vote to go into executive session under Arizona Revised statute 38-431 point 03A3 01:40:39
for legal advice regarding Below the rim needery and I will call for a motion to do just that. Some movement. 01:40:49
2nd that a motion to and 2nd to go into executive session. All those in favor say aye aye. Thank you. 01:41:00
Let me know when you're ready, Samantha. 01:41:18
Thank you. I'd like to call this meeting back to order and ask for a motion. 01:41:40
To instruct. 01:41:45
To proceed as directed. 01:41:48
So moved. 01:41:52
I'll second that all those in favor say aye. 01:41:55
OK. A correction on the motion that it would be the County Attorney. 01:42:02
As part. 01:42:09
To proceed as directed. 01:42:11
Can I get a second on? 01:42:13
Or second, OK, Motion second, all those approved say aye, aye. 01:42:15
Thank you. 01:42:22
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Samantha, we're all ready to go on your end. 00:00:02
And. 00:00:05
Payson she. 00:00:08
Already. OK. And Cassandra, we're ready. Oh, we're ready. Oh, we're ready to go. OK, then I'd like to call this meeting to order. 00:00:11
It is Tuesday, February 6th at 10:00 AM. 00:00:15
In the year 2024, if you've been traveling through. 00:00:21
And I'd like to ask James if he would lead us in the pledge. If you don't stand, please. 00:00:26
United States of America. 00:00:34
And to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:39
And Nick Montague. 00:00:48
For our prayer. 00:00:50
Dear Heavenly Father, we are thankful for this day and we are thankful for the Board of Supervisors that they are able to meet and 00:00:56
hear information and to help decide what is best for the county. And please give them my spirit. 00:01:01
Inspire them that they will know what is best to do for us, and we say these things in the name. Jesus Christ, damn it. 00:01:07
Thank you. 00:01:13
OK. We have a bit of a schedule today, so we'll get started right away. We have a couple presentations. 00:01:20
Item 2A is a presentation of Gila County General Fund financial data as it compares to the fiscal year 2024 Gila County budget and 00:01:27
the fiscal years 23/22/21 and 20 year to date performance. 00:01:34
And is mar. 00:01:41
That's an entrance. 00:01:49
Very nice. 00:01:53
Sorry. 00:01:55
No, don't be sorry that. 00:01:57
We should, we should make that a standard deal that was better than my last one, where I jumped up too early, right? 00:01:59
OK. We look forward to your presentation. 00:02:06
Good morning, Mr. Chair, Supervisor, Klein, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:02:09
We just have our update through the end of December for you today. 00:02:13
As standard with this chart, the blue line on the left shows 100% of the budget. 00:02:18
And then the green line. 00:02:26
That which is the third one in. 00:02:28
Shows where we should be at six months, which is 50%. 00:02:31
And then your red line shows where you are for 2024. 00:02:35
The other lines show where you were in 20/21/22 and 23. 00:02:39
As you can see. 00:02:46
We are. 00:02:49
47% year to date expenses for salaries and ER. 00:02:51
30% for operating expenses. 00:02:56
And when we add in encumbrances. 00:02:59
It's not the reason. ERE is an operating expenses. We are at 48.7% of the budget year to date compared to a 50% target. 00:03:01
Revenue is at 46. 00:03:10
And is 2 1/2 million more than the same time last year? 00:03:14
If we hadn't gotten. 00:03:19
Grant from the state Department of Veterans Services Year to date, revenues would be about 500,000 less than they were a year ago, 00:03:22
and that's just due to the timing of the state shared sales tax. 00:03:27
And the annual York circuit breaker funding, which we have not received yet, but in the past two years we've received in November. 00:03:34
Any questions? Thank you. Marin Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Thank you. 00:03:42
Thank you. Supervisor. Client. I'm good too, man. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. I'm fine. Thank you for your presentation. We'll be 00:03:48
back in a month. OK. 00:03:52
Our second presentation. 00:03:59
To be public recognition of six employees through the county Spotlight on Employees program as follows Nicole Archibald, Thor 00:04:01
Knudsen, Laurie Lombardo, Wendy Boyce, Randy. 00:04:08
Worsler and. 00:04:16
GAIL, I hope, my God. Thank you Erica. Thank you. Good morning, chair, members of the board, again, thank you for letting us be 00:04:19
here today. 00:04:23
As mentioned, we do have six employees that were nominated. 00:04:28
We do have four of them up in pace in today as well. 00:04:33
But First off, what we're going to recogn? 00:04:36
Is Nicole Archibald her Spotlight nomination? 00:04:40
The recent accomplishment that Marisa's death spotlight is the partnership Nikki arranged with Borderlands. 00:04:44
Produce Rescue in Mogalis based organization that works closely with the. 00:04:50
Fresh produce track trucking industry to divert surplus veggies, fruits and produce from landfills, preventing food waste and 00:04:55
distributing. 00:04:59
Healthy, fresh food to communities around Arizona. Nikki read about Borderlands Produce Rescue made contact and arrange for a 00:05:03
truckload of healthy veggies, fruits and produce delivery to Globe on November 15th. 00:05:09
Once the deal was segmented, Nikki also coordinated a social media campaign, announcing this first truckload and corralling 00:05:15
pre-order sign ups. Then, a few days, Facebook posts were shared more than 100 times. 00:05:21
And generated dozens of comments and likes, which amplified the reach of the campaign recruiting signups. 00:05:27
So Nikki is employed with Health Community Services, and she's been employed with the county almost 6 1/2 years. And sneaky, I 00:05:34
don't know if you want to come up. 00:05:38
If you'd like to say anything. 00:05:47
Thank you. It's a really fun program. So thank you, thank you. 00:05:51
Next we have Thor Nutson, His nomination red. 00:06:00
We want to thank Sergeant Medicine for rescuing us at the end of the Lake Pass schoolhouse landing and pulling us in our boat back 00:06:04
to Indian Point. 00:06:07
Seeing those blue lights, what Where our saving grace, Sergeant Nutson, went above and beyond what we ever expected, making sure 00:06:12
that our boat and ourselves were safe the entire time. 00:06:16
When we finally got back to Indian Point about 3 hours later, he made sure that we were off the boat and safe Before he left he 00:06:21
also. 00:06:24
He was told initially that my phone pinged off a tower when I had calls 911, but he had called dispatch and found that I had said 00:06:28
we had passed the schoolhouse landing. So he searched for us there and found us. 00:06:33
We were so thankful that he went above and beyond. Thank you so much, Sergeant Knudsen. We appreciate you so very much. 00:06:39
This was an e-mail from a member of the public affairs Thor has been with the Sheriff's Office. 00:06:46
For almost 16 years. 00:06:52
Come on. 00:06:56
Thank you. 00:07:00
Thank you, Board of Supervisors in Gila County for keeping lake patrol. 00:07:04
And letting us buy the gear we need and keeping us funded. 00:07:08
Thank you for your service. 00:07:13
Next, we have a group nomination. 00:07:19
For our Public Works staff, Laurie, Wendy, Randy and Daniel. 00:07:22
Their Spotlight nomination. I want to take a moment and rightfully to recognize these four employees for their Teamwork, customer 00:07:27
service, Initiative, and integrity. 00:07:31
Upon driving out to the Buckhead Buckhead Mesa landfill in a drizzly, wet, cold day right before Christmas, it was observed that 00:07:36
this team was working together and even working outside. 00:07:41
When I approached the landfill, not only were these team members working out in the cold, but I was also greeted in a friendly and 00:07:46
welcoming way. 00:07:50
This team could have decided that since no one was coming to the landfill and since it was too cold to be outside. 00:07:54
You could just stay in the office until they had to do something, but they did not. 00:08:00
This team exemplifies the type of quality employees we should all strive to be, and I'm proud to call them teammates and Gila 00:08:04
County employees. 00:08:07
And this was recognized by Supervisor Christensen. 00:08:11
So first up we have Lori, who has been employed with the county five months and Laurie down in. 00:08:15
David from that. 00:08:22
And Lori, I don't know if you want to say anything. 00:08:25
I don't know what to say. I say thank you very much. I enjoy working at the landfill and we do work hard. 00:08:30
Thank you. Thank you. 00:08:40
Thank you, Laurie. Yeah, thank you. 00:08:43
Next we have Wendy Boyce, who's been with the county a little over two months. 00:08:49
Wendy. 00:08:54
And Wendy, if you'd like to say anything. 00:09:03
I just want to say thank. 00:09:07
Hiring me on, I mean, I'm relatively new, but we do have a good team and family out there and that's appreciated. Thank you. Thank 00:09:10
you. 00:09:14
Randy Worsler has been with the county for five months. Randy. 00:09:24
And if you want to say anything, Randy, if not, that's fine too. 00:09:39
It's really hard to hear you guys. 00:09:43
Would you like to say anything? 00:09:47
Oh, sure. 00:09:49
Yeah, So far it's been a pleasure working out there. We have a really good team. 00:09:52
We have fun together and. 00:09:57
OK. It's a pleasure. I'm glad. 00:09:59
Make some people happy. Try to make everybody happy. 00:10:02
Thank you. 00:10:05
And next we have Daniel Dale, who's been with the county over 5 1/2 years. Daniel. 00:10:10
Thank you. 00:10:24
Great. Thank you. 00:10:25
And of course, that does conclude this month. Nomination. 00:10:30
Thank you, Erica. 00:10:34
Thank you. Have a good day. 00:10:36
OK, so let's go to item 3, which is our public hearing, Section 3. 00:10:40
Information Discussion Action to Adopt Ordinance #2024-01, which authorizes an amendment to the Gila County Zoning Map for 00:10:44
unincorporated areas of Gila County. 00:10:50
Arizona by changing the zoning for assessors Parcel #205-03-0108 described as Parcel 1. 00:10:56
A record of survey number 5730 Globe, AZ to Industrial. 00:11:07
M3 District Rand. 00:11:14
Morning Chairman, Supervisors. So this is the. 00:11:17
That Tri. 00:11:21
Sanitation is wanting to put their. 00:11:23
This is off the 188. 00:11:28
They're seeking to change it from the TRD to T to the M3, which would allow for that use. 00:11:31
Currently around that parcel there is some C3, some other. 00:11:39
D2 T's an R1. 00:11:45
M3C3 and another TR. So it just depends on which way to go. 00:11:48
All the notifications were sent out as the fire through zoning. 00:11:54
And we have received no comments back for or against. 00:11:59
Legal ads were sent out on 116 or 24. 00:12:05
And 117 of 20. 00:12:09
And umm. 00:12:12
Staff recommends approval for this. 00:12:15
I know you guys have heard a lot about Tri-City. I know there's a couple representatives here that want to talk, so I'll open that 00:12:17
up for them. 00:12:21
OK. Thank. 00:12:26
So who do we have from Tri-City? 00:12:28
Good morning, supervisors. My name is Mike Krebs. I'm the engineer for Tri-City. 00:12:37
Also, Robert Jacques, who's a President of the Board, is here with us today also. 00:12:42
We appreciate this opportunity and. 00:12:49
We're getting through the project and it seems like it's one step at a time, but. 00:12:54
We're making progress, so hope you could go to the next slide. OK, so. 00:12:59
What I wanted to do here was just kind of give you a little quick overview of how we got to this site and then. 00:13:05
Also we. 00:13:13
A video of kind of a fly over that we put together might help. 00:13:15
See what it would look like when we get get the package. 00:13:20
So and we had a site in 2018 when we submitted the preliminary engineering report to US. 00:13:25
And that was in 2018 and 2019. 00:13:33
BHP came to us and said that tailings dam, we need to do a bunch of work on it, so you can't have that site because we were just 00:13:38
at the top. 00:13:43
Pretty close to the toe of that. 00:13:47
That set us to search for another site. We looked at a number of different ones, and and. 00:13:50
Really kind of at the last moment this site became available and it's a little hard to see on the drawings, but it's at the very 00:13:57
North End. 00:14:01
You can see it may be better on this one, the Green square. 00:14:05
Up at the top with the blue above the district. 00:14:09
And it'll be brought into the district, brought into the DM. 00:14:12
And. 00:14:17
It'll it'll make phase three a little bit easier with costs and things like that because of. 00:14:19
Because of the location. 00:14:24
So thanks. 00:14:26
So here's a little better view of the site. It is ordered. It's in that big curve. 00:14:29
As you as you go and you Bixby, Rd. is on the right and then you cross the tracks and so it's ordered on the east by State Route 00:14:35
188. 00:14:40
And on the West by the railroad, Arizona. 00:14:46
And then the Cattlemen's association is just on the West side of that, which is an M3. 00:14:51
Site. And so the sites 8 acres. 00:14:57
It's a portion of, it's outside of the floodplain and we actually just recently we've been working with your staff to get the. 00:15:04
Use permits, floodplain use permit, and we received that just last week. 00:15:14
So, you know, let's go and then that's going in the right direction. 00:15:18
And so then we're just trying to get the the county zoning. 00:15:22
Two and M3 that will match what the Cattlemen's Association is. 00:15:28
And then? And then what's? The other nice thing about it is it's good access. It's all downhill from the project. 00:15:33
And there's power, communications and. 00:15:41
Pretty much. 00:15:44
So, and I don't know if there's any questions as I'm going through this. 00:15:46
Please. 00:15:51
Let's let's talk. 00:15:53
If not, I'll I think the next is. 00:15:55
Video if you could start. 00:15:58
OK. So it's as if you're on 188 traveling N is the way that it's set up? 00:16:07
What you see on the left there, What the tanks could represent? 00:16:14
And and I, you know, I think there's a lot more vegetation in there than what we're showing. 00:16:18
We just kind of restricted with that because it makes the file sass so big. 00:16:24
But again, you're traveling on 188 heading north towards the railroad Bixby Rd. 00:16:29
Wheat fields. 00:16:36
So I think it pretty much speaks for itself. 00:16:40
See the? 00:16:45
And I actually believe that they'll end up being a little bit lower than what we're showing on the on the site there. And there's 00:16:50
a big Ridge right there on the edge. 00:16:54
Of the north part of the parcel. 00:16:58
That's just to give you an idea of, you know, what it could look like as as you're driving along. 00:17:04
188. 00:17:10
That's pretty much all I have for our presentation. 00:17:12
I don't know if there's open to questions or anything. 00:17:16
Thank you, Mr. Craig Cribs. 00:17:19
Supervisor Humphrey I have no questions. I've kind of been following this for the seven years that I've been a supervisor. 00:17:21
And and I think it's a great thing that they now have this. 00:17:28
So that they can finish their engineering and and perhaps get started on phase one. 00:17:35
To help us with infrastructure between Globe and Miami as well as helping protect our water tables and things of that nature. So I 00:17:42
I'm, I'm very happy to see. 00:17:48
It getting done and. 00:17:55
State obtaining proper. 00:17:59
And so that's all I have. 00:18:02
OK. Thank you, supervisor. 00:18:06
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I really don't have any questions. I think it's it's a good, good site you know and like you said it's 00:18:08
downhill from everywhere so so that's going to help you. 00:18:13
Good luck. Absolutely, absolutely. Thank you. I have no question. So at this time open it up. 00:18:18
To the public. Is that the appropriate time, Randy? Did you have more to present? 00:18:25
OK. All right. I'll open it up to the public. Is there anyone here in Globe that wishes to speak to this item? 00:18:30
I see no one. And how about Payson? 00:18:37
OK. And YouTube, nobody's on there. OK. All right. So I'll close the public hearing portion. 00:18:41
And we'll entertain a motion. 00:18:51
Mr. Chair, I happen to move to adopt Ordinance #2024-01, and I'll second that motion and a second approve all those in favor. Say 00:18:53
aye, aye, aye. 00:18:59
Unanimous. Thank you, Randy. And we'll go to Item 3, Information Discussion action to adopt Ordinance #2024-02, which authorizes 00:19:05
an amendment. 00:19:11
After the Gila County zoning map for unincorporated areas. 00:19:17
By changing the zoning. 00:19:22
I just wanted to say thank you to to yourselves and to the county. There's your staff and everyone. 00:19:26
Has been. 00:19:31
Helping us get through this project. 00:19:33
It's not possible without your all support and. 00:19:36
And it's the old adage that takes a village. So thank you. I appreciate that those comments and I and I would concur that we have 00:19:40
a great staff and and it's really helpful to hear that you have that same impression. 00:19:47
So thank you and good luck. 00:19:54
OK, I'll start with 3B again. We're going to be talking about information, discussion and action to adopt an ordinance #2024-02, 00:19:56
which authorizes an amendment to the Hill County zoning map for unincorporated areas in Heel County, Arizona by changing the 00:20:03
zoning of assessors parcel #301-69 Dash. 00:20:10
193 be located at 4421 N Highway 87. That's in Pine, AZ, the residential one district density 35-R1-D35. 00:20:18
OK, Randy, so we're basically talking that whole upper left triangle. 00:20:31
Currently. 00:20:39
The owner, David Lofano, owns all of that. 00:20:42
And if you'll notice, currently the far left corner is the R1D35, the rest is C2. 00:20:46
Basically, he's so it's already dual. 00:20:55
Basically, he's lessening the C2 use and opening up the R1 use. He wants to build this house on this property. 00:20:59
He's been using this property for bow tie roofing. 00:21:07
In his words, he's slowing down and and doing less work so he doesn't need the room. 00:21:13
The roofing company as much that he really likes the parcel and he wants to. 00:21:21
Build this dream home. On this he will have a from the upper right hand corner. He'll have a driveway easement. 00:21:26
Going. 00:21:35
But the red area he's opening, he's wanting to make that all R1D35 area and just have the C2 on the right hand side. 00:21:36
Around him currently is national fore. 00:21:48
And there's are there areas that are R1D35? There's one area to the east, it's R1L. 00:21:53
10 And then to the West is R1D35. 00:22:02
He's been through the process. 00:22:07
We've notified all. 00:22:09
Citizens in the area, there was no comments for or against this project. 00:22:12
The board met and gave unanimous approval for. 00:22:19
The ads went out on January 16th and 17th. 00:22:25
Respectively, between the patient Roundup and the Silver. 00:22:30
And I believe Mr. Lofano might be in Pine. 00:22:34
Is Mr. Lofano. 00:22:41
Wanting. 00:22:44
I think. 00:22:48
Consideration on this? 00:22:50
And Randy's been very helpful and he's been helpful and. 00:22:52
Just appreciate your consideration on this. 00:22:58
OK. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey, any questions? I have no question. Supervisor Klein. OK, I'll open it up to the public. 00:23:01
Is A1 here in Globe? Wish to speak to this item? 00:23:11
I see no one. Anyone in pay? 00:23:15
That wishes to speak to this. No. OK and Cassandra OK. I'll close the public hearing and call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make 00:23:18
the motion to adopt ordinance #2024-O2. 00:23:24
I'll second that motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 00:23:31
Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Randy. Good luck. 00:23:38
All right. Item 3C, we have information, discussion, action to adopt resolution #24-02-01 to name S Hounds Trail and South Eddy 00:23:42
Conway Drive and Tunnel Basin area we have taught with us today. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board as land 00:23:50
development continues and splitting lots we've come across. 00:23:58
I need to name 2. 00:24:07
And this is the efforts, the names were provided via the constituents. We have no concerns. So we're coming to you for approval of 00:24:09
the. 00:24:15
Thank you, Tom Supervisor Humphrey. 00:24:21
I have no questions and supervisor, I'm good as well. Thank you. 00:24:24
So at this time I'll open up for public. 00:24:28
Anyone in global we should speak to? 00:24:31
I see no one. How about Payson? Anyone wish to speak to this item? 00:24:35
No. And Cassandra? No. I'll close the public hearing and call for motion. 00:24:39
Mr. I moved to adopt resolution #24-02-01, and Mr. Charles second motion second, to approve all those in favor. Say aye. 00:24:45
Thank you, Tom. 00:24:56
OK. Moving right along, then we'll go to item 4. 00:24:58
Information, Discussion, Action to approve the distribution of Secure Rural Schools and Communities Funds Forced Fees of Gila 00:25:03
County Share of the federal. 00:25:08
2024 Secure Rural Schools Act Fund as authorized through section 24 of PL114-10 for Fiscal Year 23 and 24, using the same 00:25:14
percentage split as last year, which is Roads 2.15, Schools 77.93 and Gila County Educational Services. 00:25:25
Agency 19.92%. 00:25:37
We have Nick with us today. 00:25:41
Good morning, board. Before I get too far, Rory wants to send his apologies. He had volunteered to run the scoreboard at a 00:25:43
wrestling tournament, so he's currently doing that. 00:25:47
So Supervisor Christensen. 00:25:54
Chairman officials and surprising Humphrey and Supervisor Klein. This is just us coming to do the distribution so when we do 00:25:56
receive the money, we can get it out to the schools and roads as quickly as possible. 00:26:01
And if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them supervisor. 00:26:06
I have no question. Supervisor, client, no, I'm good. Yeah, I have no questions, Nick. So I'll call for a motion. 00:26:10
Oh, Mr. 00:26:17
I'll make the motion to approve the distribution of Secure Rural Schools and Communities funds force fees of Hena County share of 00:26:20
the federal Year 24 Secure Rural Schools Act funds as authorized through. 00:26:27
Section 24 of Place 11410 for fiscal year 2324 using the same percentage splits as last year. Roads 2.15%. 00:26:34
School 77.93% and Heena County Education Service. 00:26:47
Agency 19.92. 00:26:51
Mr. Gerald. 00:26:55
OK, we have a motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:26:57
Thank you back, Mr. Chair. One point making this is I just realized this too, and a lot of people may not realize. 00:27:02
The Gila County Education Service Agency, is your adult program, correct? Yes. The adult program is in the Yuba County Education 00:27:10
Service Agency and that provides adult education to all of Hila County. Good. Thank you for saying that because I know there's 00:27:17
people that don't understand that and don't understand that this money does go to help fund that as well. So. 00:27:23
Very underfunded program in general. Yes. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Thank you. Thank you, Nick. 00:27:30
Our next item 4B Mayor and I understand we're going to be tabling this item. 00:27:37
And I will call for a motion to do just that. 00:27:41
Mr. Chair, I move to. 00:27:44
The item. 00:27:48
4B And I'll second that. Hey, all those in favor of tabling item 4B, say aye, aye. 00:27:51
Moving on to Item 4C, information discussion action to appoint Mickey Nye and Marvin Moe to the Board of Directors of the 00:27:58
Industrial Development Authority of the County of El. 00:28:04
Arizona for the term of office that expires on December 31st, 2024 and we have both Tim and Woody. 00:28:10
Sponsoring. 00:28:17
Yes, Mr. Chair, I had. 00:28:21
An individual on the industrial development. 00:28:23
Wish to to step. 00:28:28
And and so I have reached out and asked Nikki Nai to fill that position as to which making I said he would. 00:28:30
And so I look forward having him on the Industrial Development Authority. 00:28:39
As we pursued to move forward with the new ID. 00:28:44
Thank you and supervisor. 00:28:50
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Marvin Mull is the Director of the Public Works Transportation on San Carlos. 00:28:52
Super smart guy and I really appreciate the fact he's willing to do this. 00:28:58
And so I too had that opportunity to put him on that board. And he'll be, he'll be a good, good person there. 00:29:03
Great. And I and I, I don't know the two people, but I really appreciate everyone that's a member of the public that volunteers 00:29:10
for these kind of things. It's very necessary to have people that are smart and capable. 00:29:17
Helping us with the some of the boards and the things that we do. So with that I will call for a motion. 00:29:24
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to appoint Mickey, Nye and Marvin mold to the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development 00:29:30
Authority of County of Inlet, Arizona. 00:29:35
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Have a motion in a second to approve the appointments. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:29:41
OK, motion passes, so for D. 00:29:49
Information Discussion Action to approve Amendment #10 to an intergovernmental agreement. It is contract #DI20-0022 SIX Three 00:29:54
between the Arizona Department of Economic Security and Gila County Community Services Department to add the itemized service 00:30:02
budget in the amount of $463,780.93 for a period. 00:30:10
Of July 1st, 2023 through June 30, 2024, of which the funds will be used as rent and utility assistance and we have Joshua. 00:30:19
Back Chairman Christensen members aboard. So this funding is primarily it's kind of split with our Temporary Assistance for Needy 00:30:30
Families money. It pays for our person in the North and in the South and facing the globe that administer these programs and 00:30:37
administers the funds for the housing assistance based on meeting income qualifications. 00:30:44
We do have numerous vendors that help us out with some of these programs. 00:30:52
Fair If Supervisor Humphrey would like to get into those today, we can get them this item further item if you want to know the 00:30:57
list I did compared with everything we would need for those items, or if you would like to, we can present that in a work session. 00:31:03
And discuss them there. But as far as this item, pretty straightforward. Like I said, it's two people, their salaries and directs 00:31:10
phones. 00:31:13
Office space North and South and then the ability to provide these programs for. 00:31:17
Thank you Joshua supervisor. Hopefully, hopefully. 00:31:22
Yeah. Maybe a work session at some point would be would be a great thing. We have a long agenda today and so it's a great program. 00:31:25
I'd just like to understand. 00:31:30
And so I other than that, I have no question. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. I'm good. Thank you, Josh and I'm good as well. I'll 00:31:35
call for a motion as chair. I move to approve Amendment #10 to the Arizona Department of Economic Security. 00:31:42
Intergovernmental agreement contract number B. 00:31:49
I 200022. 00:31:53
63 as presented. 00:31:56
And I'll second that Mr. Chair second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, Aye. 00:32:00
Thank you, Joshua. Item 4 E information discussion action to approve the submission of a site investment project application to 00:32:06
Freeport Mcmoran in the amount of $9500 for the period of March 1st, 2024 to March 1st, 2025 to provide additional oral healthcare 00:32:14
to underserved Gila County elementary students. 00:32:22
I'm sure you have. 00:32:30
Well, I brought Trish up here, OK? She is our wonderful skill from the Sheriff's Department. 00:32:32
So we've come up with this oil health program. It's working wonderfully, but most of the money that we get from the Arizona 00:33:10
Department Health Services pays for one person. And we've done a great job of getting into the schools. Last year, if you 00:33:14
remember, we had a Delta dental contract and one of the great things about getting that extra money was it allows Trish when she 00:33:19
goes into the schools. 00:33:24
To actually assist, students aren't just in that small category of what there's an apartment. Health Services, which is usually 00:33:29
access, allows us to work with. 00:33:33
Now that Delta Dental contract has gone away, so we're kind of swimming to try to find other small funding sources. 00:33:38
So that the good thing is, is we already have the, you know, the foundation and everything in place and we're already going to the 00:33:44
school. So it's not a lot of money that we need, but we're trying to reach out to a bunch of different in any institutions we can 00:33:49
to find extra money. Because when we're in a school, you know, it's a shame to turn away those children that need help as well 00:33:54
that aren't accessed but maybe don't necessarily have insurance or something. 00:33:59
I don't know if Trish wants to spend on any of that, but that's kind of where we're at. So you might see this application a few 00:34:05
more because we're trying to do our best to fill those gaps to make sure that she can get to his many students as she can. 00:34:10
Good morning. Yes, this would enable us to provide services for the children who do not qualify under our Cavity Free Arizona. 00:34:18
They actually only provide services for kindergarten, 2nd grade and 6th grade. 00:34:27
They go by kind of the standards of when permanent teeth erupt the molars. 00:34:32
But kids are so different. We've seen children in kindergarten who need sea Lance. We've seen first graders. 00:34:38
We see some children who do not you rub their teeth until 3rd or 4th grade, so that is where this program comes in. It has been 00:34:44
extremely successful and helpful. 00:34:50
Mainly being that we only have one access provider and all of Gila County. 00:34:56
And it is in northern Gila County and they do not accept all the plans. So going into the schools, a lot of these children that we 00:35:01
have seen have never been to a dentist. 00:35:05
And we've placed a lot of. 00:35:11
Fluoride varnish screenings. We do screening, so if we see an emergency we're able to. 00:35:14
Refer their parents to a dentist. So it's just been a great program all around and we hope to grow it. 00:35:20
Thank you. Thank you, Chris. 00:35:27
Supervisor Hope. 00:35:30
You know, thank you for all you do because it's a great program and anything we can do to help. 00:35:32
Help. 00:35:37
Have a better start. I think it's a great thing so. 00:35:38
Thank you. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. So gosh, and Fish is. 00:35:42
With $9500 like. 00:35:49
How many kids is that going to help you cover? 00:35:51
We are planning on 750 children. 00:35:54
It's not always sealant, which obviously takes more time and money, but a screening fluoride varnish? 00:35:59
We have been. 00:36:07
Pretty much every school in Gila County with the exception of Pine. 00:36:09
And continually. 00:36:13
Growing the program. 00:36:17
Since I first started, we hired a dental program specialist. 00:36:19
Who has? She's just creative and passionate. 00:36:23