Start Position
A. (Motion to recess as the Gila County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Board of Directors of the Gila County Flood Control District.) Information/Discussion/Action to approve or deny a request submitted by Mr. Steve Medina for a variance from the requirements of the Gila County Floodplain Management Ordinance for a room addition to a manufactured home at 107 S. Cottonwood in Gisela, which was built without a permit and is not in compliance with the Ordinance. (Darde de Roulhac) (Motion to adjourn as the Board of Directors of the Gila County Flood Control District and reconvene as the Board of Supervisors.)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize payment of maintenance fees to Motorola Solutions, Inc. for two quarters of 2023 in the amount of $62,261.36 and for four quarters of 2024 ($33,309.82 per quarter) for a total cost of $133,239.28 per year for a grand total of $195,500.64, which will allow Motorola Solutions, Inc. to continue providing maintenance and updates to the Spillman software program utilized by the Gila County Sheriff's Office for its Records Management System. (Sarah White)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the use of Arizona State Contract No. CTR063770 with Iron Mountain Information Management LLC in the amount of $114,172.95 through June 30, 2024, for the digitization of the Assessor’s parcel records. (Micah Wheeler)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Contract No. 081723 with Elections Systems & Software in the amount of $52,520.66, which extends the term of the contract for one additional year, from April 18, 2024, through April 17, 2025. (Eric Mariscal)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No. 24-03-01 accepting two drainage easements: one from Dean A. and Ruth A. Jasinski, and one from Steven Gladhill. (Alexander Kendrick)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to review the bids submitted for Invitation for Bids No. 112023 - Walnut Springs Blvd. Culvert Replacement; award to the lowest, most responsive, responsible, and qualified bidder; and authorize the Chairman's signature on the award contract. (Alexander Kendrick)
G. Information/Discussion/Action to consider and select one of the following three proposed projects to support, in partnership with Salt River Project:  Pico Pino Fuels Reduction Project, Haigler Creek Phase 1 Mastication Project, or South Payson Phase 1 Mastication Project. (Carl Melford)
H. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the Arizona Mutual Aid Compact as recommended by the Arizona Department of Emergency Management.  (Carl Melford)
I.  Information/Discussion/Action to review the bids submitted for Invitation for Bids (IFB) No. 113023 - Thirteen Various Models of New Ford Vehicles; award to the lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder; and authorize the Chairman's signature on the award contract. (David LaForge)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the Public Health & Community Services Department to submit a Grant Application to the Arizona Department of Housing for Housing Insecurity Flex Funding in the amount of $240,000. (Joshua Beck)
K. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Funding Agreement No. 216-24 between the Arizona Department of Housing and the Gila County Community Services Division, Housing Services, to provide Southwest Gas Corporation and Arizona Public Service Weatherization Assistance Program funding in the amount of $266,400 for the period of January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. (Joshua Beck)
L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No. 02022024 between Gila County and the Hayden-Winkelman Little League District #11 in the amount of $500, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)
M. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Intergovernmental Agreement No. 02032024, an economic development grant, between Gila County and the Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District #41 in the amount of $1,500, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)
N. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Intergovernmental Agreement No. 020012024, an economic development grant, between Gila County and the Town of Winkelman in the amount of $11,000, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Woody Cline)
3. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A. Acknowledgment of the January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by the Recorder's Office.    B. Acknowledgment of the January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court's Office.   C. Acknowledgment of January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by Globe Regional Constable's Office.   D. Acknowledgment of the January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Constable's Office.   E. Acknowledge of the January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   F. Acknowledgment of the November 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   G. Acknowledgment of the December 2023 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   H. Acknowledgment of the January 2024 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   I.  Approval of the Board of Supervisors' January 30, 2024, meeting minutes.
4. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 38-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Can't believe it? 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United. 00:00:05
Let's pray. 00:00:32
Father, thank you so much for your goodness. 00:00:34
Thank you. 00:00:37
The ability to live here in beautiful Gila County. 00:00:39
We thank you, God, that you've given us this beautiful place, and we pray. 00:00:42
The right ability and choices to steward it correctly. 00:00:47
Today I just pray for the Board of Supervisors that you would give each one of them wisdom as they walk through decisions and 00:00:52
choices that in no way can make everyone happy. But I pray God today that you give them the ability to balance justice and and 00:00:58
mercy together and come to decisions that will help our county. 00:01:05
We pray for every business owner and we ask you, Father, to bless economically every single person that is working together to 00:01:12
make this county a great county. 00:01:17
And we pray, Father, that there would be a revival of the. 00:01:23
So that the crime rate would go down and that people's hearts would be turned towards you. 00:01:27
But we thank you and we praise you for your help at this very moment and during this time. 00:01:32
And we give you the glory in Jesus name. Amen. 00:01:37
Thank you for that prayer. 00:01:42
Please be seated. 00:01:44
I already have a couple of calls to the public papers, which are the blue ones. 00:01:47
And if you're here today or in Payson and wish to speak, that'll be called at the end of the meeting, so if. 00:01:52
If more than the two, then please fill one out. Bring it up. 00:02:00
To the clerk. And so let's start with item 2A on our regular agenda. 00:02:06
I'm going to call for a motion to recess as the helicon of Board of Supervisors and convene as the Board of Directors of the Heel 00:02:12
of. 00:02:16
County Flood Control District. 00:02:19
I'll second it. We have a motion in the second. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. And so we. 00:02:23
Are the Hill County Flood Control District. We have information, discussion and action to approve or deny a request submitted by 00:02:30
Steve Mr. Steve Medina for a variance from the requirements of the Gila County Floodplain Management Ordinance for a room addition 00:02:38
to a manufactured home, 107 S Cottonwood in Visila, Arizona. 00:02:46
Which was built without a permit and is not in compliance with the ordinance and we have with us Darv today. 00:02:54
Mr. Chairman, members of the board, I'm glad to be here. 00:03:05
Present this information to you. 00:03:09
This is a request received from Mr. Steve Medina. 00:03:17
For Image Elite Services, LLC, which. 00:03:21
Deals with manufactured housing. 00:03:25
Is requesting A variance from the requirements of the Gila County Floodplain Management Ordinance. 00:03:31
For the parcel at 107 S Cottonwood Lane, Guy. 00:03:37
And this? 00:03:42
This information is going to supplement the agenda item with some additional detail regarding this variance request. 00:03:44
For background in August 20. 00:03:53
The County Community Development Code enforce. 00:03:57
Opened a case for this. 00:04:01
Property for building an addition onto the manufactured home without permits. 00:04:03
In September 2022, code enforcement notified Mr. Medina of floodplain requirements, among other requirements. 00:04:09
On September 20. 00:04:18
2020. 00:04:21
Mr. Medina was sent a formal notice that his room addition was in violation of floor plan requirements. 00:04:23
And stated what was required to bring it into compliance. 00:04:30
Specifically mentioned where the required minimum floor ele. 00:04:35
Flood damage resistant materials below the regulatory flood elevation. 00:04:40
And flood vents in the walls around the crawl space below the room addition. 00:04:45
Notwithstanding the notices of violation of his request. 00:04:51
Work continued on the project without addressing the most critical issue, the floor elevation. 00:04:55
I'm sorry, Doctor. You said the most critical. What the most critical issue? The floor elevation. 00:05:07
And now the the flood vents were installed in the crawl space but the floor was not raised. 00:05:13
The materials were the same. 00:05:20
Blood resistant materials to. 00:05:22
To my knowledge. 00:05:24
Then in October. 00:05:28
31st 2023 Mr. Medina. 00:05:30
About the procedure to get a floodplain. 00:05:34
And then on November. 00:05:39
He requested a floodplain variance. 00:05:41
Subsequently, staff reviewed his request and suggested that it might be to his advantage to provide more detail and justification. 00:05:45
For the brilliance request. 00:05:54
And a copy of the ordinance was sent and that the sections were noted that were relevant to the various procedures. 00:05:57
Which would be advisable for him to consider and? 00:06:03
How a variance? 00:06:07
Justifiable for this project? 00:06:09
This information was not included in the latest variance request. 00:06:13
So then on January 20, January? 00:06:21
This request was submitted with. 00:06:24
And the information that you're given. 00:06:29
Normally a request for would be for a variance to specific requirements of the ordinance. 00:06:34
And. 00:06:42
In fact. 00:06:45
Federal Law, Section 44 CFR 60.6. 00:06:50
It is required that the variances to be the minimum action necessary to afford relief. 00:06:55
And. 00:07:03
The absence of. 00:07:05
Specific information. 00:07:07
Implies. 00:07:11
This request is for a variance from all floodplain requirements. 00:07:13
For this entire time entire parcel without time limitations, that's how. 00:07:17
I would interpret. 00:07:25
And clarification might be. 00:07:27
The attorneys. 00:07:30
Feel free to. 00:07:33
Mr. Medina provided an elevation certificate. 00:07:37
Which? 00:07:41
Flood vents were added to the wall around the crawl space. 00:07:43
But that the floor elevation of the room addition was constructed 2.2 feet. 00:07:47
Below the required floor elevation. 00:07:53
Now the required floor elevation is 1 foot above. 00:07:58
100 year water level level. 00:08:01
So he's. 00:08:07
1.2 feet below the actual water level. 00:08:09
And two 2.2 feet below the required elevation. 00:08:13
This elevation certificate also provided numbers to show that the depth of water in 100 year flood. 00:08:18
Would be 2.9 to 5.3 feet above the ground adjacent to the home. 00:08:24
There must be a mound or a hole there somewhere, but that gives you. 00:08:31
Feel. 00:08:36
To the flood there. 00:08:40
And as floodwaters could inundate the floors of the building more than a foot deep. 00:08:44
There is a risk of significant damage. 00:08:49
For the structure and personal. 00:08:52
There's also risk to health and safety. 00:08:54
For the occupants from contaminated flood water. 00:08:58
Debris and silt entering the home and MO. 00:09:02
Growth in the building after the floodwaters received. 00:09:05
Floodwaters are also expected to be about four feet deep at the driveway. 00:09:10
So ingress and egress. 00:09:16
Difficult either on foot or by. 00:09:19
Since residents are not safe inside the home because it's in. 00:09:24
There is not a Safeway to leave. 00:09:28
And emergency responders would be at risk. 00:09:31
Occupants to. 00:09:34
This creates a potential hazard to the health and safety of occupants and respond. 00:09:37
This situation could be. 00:09:43
By complying with the floodplain regulations. 00:09:46
And as you know, deep flooding from Tunnel Creek. 00:09:51
Could last for a fairly long duration. 00:09:54
Depending on the storm. 00:09:57
I see nothing unique about this parcel compared to the neighborhood. 00:10:01
Which would warrant a variance to waive off floodplain requirements. 00:10:06
There is a statement on the variance request letter. 00:10:12
That the addition needs to be low to match the floor of the manufactured home. 00:10:15
This manufactured home was set prior to the regulations being in effect. 00:10:20
So it would not have to be. 00:10:25
'Cause it's that grandfather. 00:10:28
But steps into the addition, while not desirable, could be possible. 00:10:31
Alternatively, the manufactured. 00:10:36
Could be reset to the required flood elevation. 00:10:39
To match the. 00:10:42
The addition if it were raised up. 00:10:46
That non compliant. 00:10:53
Could also be removed in. 00:10:55
And meet the requirements of the regulations. 00:10:58
And although there would be costs, neither of these alternatives would require a variance. 00:11:02
In the ordinance, the definition of exceptional hardship which might justify our variance. 00:11:10
Specifically excludes cost as an exceptional hardship. 00:11:16
Therefore, a decision by the board to deny a variance would not result in an exceptional hardship for the ordinance. 00:11:23
If a variance is granted. 00:11:33
The ordinance requires that a notification signed by the chairman of the board. 00:11:36
Be recorded so that it appears in the chain of title of the. 00:11:41
The required wording is summarized as follows. 00:11:46
A variance to construct a structure below the flood level could increase flood insurance premiums. 00:11:50
Increases the risk to life and. 00:11:55
And that the land would be ineligible for exchange of land pursuant to any flood relocation and land exchange program. 00:11:58
And as a precautionary note. 00:12:10
A history of variances. 00:12:13
Jeopardize Gila County standing in the National Flood Insurance Program. 00:12:15
Which could cause flood insurance premiums to rise for all county residents. 00:12:20
Forget the county suspended from the National Flood Insurance Program. 00:12:26
Which would make federal blood insurance unavailable. 00:12:30
Those are not automatic with this variance, but. 00:12:34
If it is granted that those are possibilities, that the trend persists. 00:12:39
So in conclusion, there are health and safety issues for future building occupants. 00:12:46
And emergency respond. 00:12:51
If a variance is issued to allow the building addition floor. 00:12:54
To remain below the regulatory flood elevation. 00:12:58
Are also flood insurance premium disadvantages? 00:13:03
The advantage of the variance appears to be purely economic, at the expense of the health and safety of occupants. 00:13:08
And future owners and occupants. 00:13:15
The ordinance allows a variance to be granted for an exceptional hardship that would result from failure to grant the ordinance. 00:13:21
It further states that the required it is required that the except that the variance be exceptional unusual. 00:13:30
And peculiar to the property involved. 00:13:37
Economic or financial hardship alone is not exceptional. That's out of the ordinance. 00:13:40
And staff recommends that this variance request be denied for the. 00:13:48
I just. 00:13:54
General Manager decision is yours. 00:13:56
Thank you, darling supervisor. 00:13:59
I I have no questions. I mean if you. 00:14:03
Pretty. 00:14:07
Examination of the building and of the home. 00:14:09
And the reason that the home is in the floodplain is because it was. 00:14:13
Set prior to. 00:14:16
Or it would be in violation as well. So I have no questions. 00:14:19
Supervisor Klein, this is what I don't like about floodplain stuff. Or does this right here. And the reason is, is we have so many 00:14:24
of these situations in Hemet County. 00:14:30
And So what you're saying is, is if we deny the variance, he's going to have to tear that down and live without an addition on 00:14:35
that modular. Which case the modular is already in the floodplain. 00:14:41
Per today's standards, that the whole house is in the floodplain from the driveway on in. 00:14:47
Whether we allow or not allow this addition on this trailer, that trailer could wash away next year anyway, right? 00:14:54
And so if if it does, if that was to happen. 00:15:03
Who's gonna replace that? It's not he the county, right? It's the. 00:15:06
And so all we are doing on something like this, in my opinion is saying to this individual. 00:15:12
No, you can't have this addition which. 00:15:18
To me, the whole situation is is is out of place as far as our floodplain. 00:15:22
Standards go anyway. 00:15:30
Is still going to. 00:15:32
Whether that additions on that house or not, that whole thing could go down the Creek. 00:15:34
Right possibility. 00:15:40
Well, you said, you know, from the driveway going in, you're 4 feet inside the floodplain. 00:15:43
So to me it's like and we have so many of these situations. 00:15:49
That's, that's where I'm coming from. It's like you look at Gila County as a whole. 00:15:53
My. 00:15:59
Which is more than half the heel accounting. I've got a number of these things there. 00:16:01
Now the question I would ask you if this variance was granted, would this individual be able to get a building permit to go ahead 00:16:05
and continue? 00:16:09
And finish this edition? Or how would that work if the variance is granted? 00:16:14
And he takes care of all. 00:16:19
Building code. 00:16:22
And zoning issues, whatever other requirements. 00:16:25
He could be. 00:16:29
Well, we don't in floodplain the ordinance doesn't allow us to. 00:16:32
Issue a floodplain. 00:16:36
But we. 00:16:39
The notice of violation is. 00:16:43
Is resolved by a variance. 00:16:47
OK, so there wouldn't be floodplain requirements. 00:16:51
Now. 00:16:56
Speak to the issue. 00:16:57
There being a hazard, yes, there was still a hazard from. 00:17:02
Manufactured home unless they raise that also. 00:17:06
And we're. 00:17:10
They either remove or raise the. 00:17:13
Right now in the time that I've been working here. 00:17:17
I do take some satisfaction that. 00:17:23
During. After. 00:17:26
The houses that. 00:17:28
Have been built with. 00:17:33
Are not usually the ones with significant flood damage, it's those that are. 00:17:35
Were built before. 00:17:41
The regulations. 00:17:43
So as. 00:17:45
As building progress. 00:17:48
And they meet these requirements, We're building a more flood resistant community. 00:17:51
And I think that's the benefit. 00:17:57
Everybody in the county. 00:18:01
Unfortunately. 00:18:03
You know, we don't. Well, I guess. 00:18:05
Fortunately, we don't have the authority to make. 00:18:08
Retroactively. 00:18:12
Bring things into compliance, but from a safety standpoint, I know we still have a lot of those. 00:18:16
Buildings. 00:18:22
But over. 00:18:24
As they add to them. 00:18:26
Or replace them. We are building a more flood resistant community. 00:18:29
So Dar, I've lived in Henry County all my life. I was born here. I've seen these creeps flood. 00:18:35
And I've seen the damage they do. We've dealt with some of the situations on Panel Creek over there and campaign Creek and 00:18:42
whatnot. I see that and and you can build whatever you want in some of these areas and it ain't gonna matter. On some of these 00:18:48
floods, someone we're gonna wash away and some of them aren't. There's and sometimes there's no rhyme. 00:18:54
But what I am saying is in my. 00:19:00
Mine only is that. 00:19:04
This property owner is. 00:19:08
Has lived there. I don't know how long. 00:19:12
You know, and he wants to build this. It isn't up to me to worry about what his flood insurance is going to cost and not going to 00:19:14
cost. 00:19:18
He's the one that's doing this. 00:19:23
And he's already in the floodplain with his whole house, basically. 00:19:25
And all's we would do if we denied this variance is making teardown as addition. 00:19:30
But he's still going to live there, he or she, whoever it is. 00:19:36
Is still gonna live there. 00:19:39
And they're still going to be the ones that's going to have to deal with it if that ever happens to wash away. 00:19:41
Not helicopter. 00:19:46
And so that's all I'm saying and that's why I've had these discussions when we talked about this ordinance to start with. 00:19:48
Floodplain issues are. 00:19:55
Or they come to us from every. 00:19:58
Because Gila County has so much property in what is now considered flood plains, we can't get away from it. And as a lot of these 00:20:00
areas develop, the more sought after areas, more people are pushed off into what would be considered floodplains now. 00:20:08
And so, I mean, I get it. We're going to deal with it and we're going to have to address it going on in the future. But we have a 00:20:16
number of these situations sitting out there in Gila County. 00:20:21
And and if we make that gentleman tear down his addition? 00:20:26
We're not. We're not doing anything but. 00:20:29
Causing him problems right there in my opinion. 00:20:32
So that's all I have to say about it and I'll let you have it. Mr. Chair. Thank you supervisor. Thank you Card for. 00:20:35
Your presentation and your point of view. 00:20:43
I'm inclined to say that the reason we have the opportunity for variances is because there's unique situations that arise. This is 00:20:48
certainly one where the home is below the flood level and now an addition that's going to be 2 1/2 feet or two feet higher than 00:20:54
the than the home existing is. 00:21:01
Does not seem to make logical sense other than it complies with. 00:21:10
The floodplain issues, so umm. 00:21:14
Did. Is Mr. Medina here today? I don't think he is. 00:21:18
But do you know if Mr. Medina built this add on or whether he purchased the house with the add on started? 00:21:23
That's not really clear. 00:21:32
OK. 00:21:35
We know that. 00:21:37
There was something there. 00:21:39
It was removed and reconstructed or whether it. 00:21:41
Added. 00:21:46
I couldn't say for sure. I'd say that a lot of our rural communities have similar things that have been done over the years. 00:21:48
Because they're isolated and people have a tendency to do that, which is never recommended. 00:21:56
We need to go through the permit process and this is the problem that we need to resolve. But today we're talking about the flood 00:22:02
issue, the variance. 00:22:05
And I printed out a map and gave to you and it seems like there's properties all around this house that are even closer to the 00:22:09
river. So I can imagine that there's a number of people in the neighborhood that would be within the floodplain non compliant 00:22:15
already. So what we're really doing is we're saying there's an addition onto a non compliant property. Do we allow the addition 00:22:20
or? 00:22:26
Not and so that to me is the question. 00:22:31
I don't think it's going to put our flood insurance program at risk doing this one variance. I think if we were reckless with it, 00:22:36
yeah, maybe it would. 00:22:39
That's all I have to say about that anymore. Supervisor Humphrey? Yeah, Mr. Chair, I'll make a comment now. I had no questions, 00:22:45
but now I have a comment. 00:22:49
Decisions we make are going to set precedence as things go forward. 00:22:54
And if we have places that are grandfathered in, then we can't change the grandfather. 00:22:59
Of those that are. 00:23:04
But going forward, we can set precedence of building without a permit. 00:23:07
And not building to flood elevations. 00:23:12
And so if. 00:23:15
If like you say with the map with other homes in this area that are closer to the Creek. 00:23:17
That may or may not be in the flood. 00:23:22
But if they are, they're grandfathered in and so be. 00:23:25
But if we. 00:23:30
Allow for a non permitted N floodplain structure. 00:23:32
Then we're setting precedence, so get ready. 00:23:40
For anybody that lives by a Greek grandfathered. 00:23:43
That wants to build a. 00:23:47
However they. 00:23:49
Because we have the ability to change it. 00:23:52
And we did it. 00:23:55
So we're going to be expected. 00:23:57
To have individual variances come up. 00:23:59
In the future. 00:24:03
And that's my comment, Mr. Chair. So thank you. 00:24:06
What Dart, I did ask you this, this, these folks would have to go back and and and get it permitted, right? That that would be the 00:24:12
deal. 00:24:16
I mean, the floodplain is one thing, the permit is another. And and it's not that I don't disagree with Mr. Humphrey on this. 00:24:22
But if if they were made to go ahead and permit this, build it per. 00:24:30
The building permit owed whatever standards. 00:24:35
Then all we're talking about. 00:24:39
The variance for the floodplain. 00:24:42
Correct. OK. 00:24:46
The thing with me is we have a project that's already started. I don't know if Mr. Medina started. 00:24:53
And I know that doesn't meet the hardship thing at all. So with is there any other comments? 00:24:58
Jessica, do you have anything that we should be aware of? 00:25:06
If you're deliberating. 00:25:18
The thought crossed my mind that this. 00:25:21
National Flood Insurance program. 00:25:25
That we have. 00:25:29
Exists because there's really no market for. 00:25:31
Flood insurance without it. So if you didn't have a National Flood Insurance program. 00:25:36
That means that no one who's. 00:25:40
Certain flood areas could ever get any insurance. 00:25:43
People would not be build. 00:25:46
Where? 00:25:48
Because they couldn't get any ins. 00:25:50
And the market would take care of this situation you? 00:25:52
We wouldn't. 00:25:55
People asking for variances because they just wouldn't be able to get insurance period over to ask for. 00:25:56
So the government stepped in. 00:26:02
With no market and created. 00:26:05
By establishing the flood insurance program and enabling. 00:26:09
People to build within certain areas and flood areas. 00:26:14
Notwithstanding the fact they are in those areas, they can still get ins. 00:26:18
If the counties have an Ord. 00:26:23
That they It's an ordinance that passes muster with federal government and the county is enforcing. 00:26:26
Basically, then, the county qualifies for a reduced rate in the flight insurance program. 00:26:35
So what's happening today, for example, is somebody's asking for a variance. 00:26:42
And all the people who are potentially affected, which is lots of other people whose insurance rates may go up. 00:26:48
Aren't here, don't know about it, have no idea that their interests are at stake. 00:26:55
I don't even know this is going. 00:26:59
And so this one action they have no effect. 00:27:02
But at some point in time. 00:27:07
You know the county takes allows enough variances. 00:27:10
Then it could trigger an increased rate for everybody. 00:27:15
And it's been that whole situation has been set up. 00:27:18
Sequence of variances that have occurred and now the federal government's decided the people in charge of this I hope. 00:27:23
The county is not complying sufficiently with the. 00:27:30
What a plan management ordinance and. 00:27:34
Not Subsid. 00:27:37
Give them these benefits of rates anymore, Now everybody gets affect. 00:27:39
So it's a it's one of those government things where? 00:27:43
The people who may let it be. 00:27:47
Don't know about it, as I said. 00:27:50
Protect their interests. 00:27:54
So it's the nature of this program. 00:27:56
Created artificial. 00:28:01
Markets allowing people to get insurance and building certain. 00:28:03
I didn't get that ordered that but my insurance program right now you can fix that for me, but that's the way I understand it 00:28:09
works. 00:28:12
Thank you, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Menlo. 00:28:17
Mr. Chairman Members. 00:28:20
From your comments, it brought a question to my mind. 00:28:22
Of a Jessica reject me to answer that is could a motion be made that the? 00:28:26
Can be. 00:28:31
Conditional on a building. 00:28:33
Being obtained and that the addition is built according to building codes. 00:28:36
Got a possibility? 00:28:42
Six point. 00:28:48
2 East says, upon consideration of the factors. 00:28:50
Of section 6.2 D and the purposes of this ordinance. 00:28:56
Floodplain board may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary. 00:29:00
Further the purposes of this ordinance. 00:29:06
So that answered, yes, the board can attach cond. 00:29:08
OK. Thank you. 00:29:15
Does this require a unanimous vote if we vote to? 00:29:17
Not that I'm aware of, OK. 00:29:23
If there's no further discussion, then I'll call for a motion. 00:29:25
If I'm making a motion, Mr. Chair. 00:29:33
I make a motion to deny a request submitted by Mr. Steve Medina for your variance from the requirements of Heila County Flood. 00:29:35
Or management ordinance for the room addition to the manufactured home at One O 7 S Cottonwood in Visalia, which was built without 00:29:45
a permit and is not in compliance with the ordinance. 00:29:51
Mr. Chair, I'll second that and then we'll go with the vote. Thank you, Supervisor. We have a motion and a second to deny. 00:30:00
The variance, all those in favor of that say. 00:30:08
Aye, aye. All those opposed, aye. 00:30:12
Thank you. Thank you, Doug. 00:30:18
Thank you, Jonathan. Does not pass, our variance doesn't. I will make a motion now need a motion to adjourn as the Board of 00:30:20
Directors of the Hill County Flood Control District reconvene as the Board of Supervisors. I'll make some move, Mr. Chair. 00:30:27
I'll second all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 00:30:34
Thank you, Item 2A, Information Discussion Action to authorize payment of maintenance fees to Motorola Solutions Incorporated for 00:30:38
two quar. 00:30:42
Of 2023 in the amount of $62,261.36 and for four quarters of 2020 four $33,309.82 per quarter for a total cost of $133,239.28 per 00:30:47
year for a grant total of $195,500.64, which will allow Motorola Solutions, Inc to continue providing maintenance and updates to 00:30:57
the Spillman software program utilized. 00:31:08
Are the Gila County Sheriff's Office for its records and management system. Good morning, Sarah. Good morning, chairman, members 00:31:19
of the board. 00:31:22
This is our Spillman system. That's what we've known it for for years. It was purchased a few years back by Motorola, and that's 00:31:27
when the name change happened. This runs pretty much every aspect of the record system in the Sheriff's Office. 00:31:35
And this is for maintenance fees to continue. 00:31:43
On with them and servicing and giving us updates and patching and that type of thing. 00:31:49
Umm you are approving two quarters for 2023 that need to be paid to them and then all four quarters for 2024? 00:31:55
With that, I'll take any questions. Thank you, Sarah. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question, Mr. Chair. 00:32:04
So, Sarah, you guys have had this since 9999? Yeah. OK. 00:32:11
Cool. Thanks. You're welcome. We had a catastrophic records failure back then and that's when the board approved for us to go to a 00:32:16
records management system. And so that was in 99 and we have not had any issues since then. 00:32:24
Great. Thanks, Sarah with our call for motion. 00:32:34
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize a payment of the maintenance fees to Motorola Motorola Solutions Incorporated as 00:32:37
presented. 00:32:41
I'll second that motion in a second to approve those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank you, Sarah. 00:32:45
Item 2C. Information Discussion and action to approve the Use of Arizona State contract number Ctr. 063770 with Iron Mountain 00:32:52
Information Management, LLC in the amount of $114,172.95 through June 30th, 2024 for the digitization of the assessors parcel 00:33:00
records Micah. 00:33:07
Good morning, Chairman, Christensen Supervisors. 00:33:15
The Assessors office currently maintains parcel records, maps, and the historical value information and paper format. While the 00:33:19
system has served well served us well for over over the years, it poses a significant risk due to the lack of a backup. Our paper 00:33:26
records contain valuable historical title chain information, maps and property valuation data. However, without digitization, 00:33:34
there is no safeguard against potential potential losses due to fire, accidents or other unforeseen events. 00:33:42
Staff in the Payson office often need to access this information. Currently, they must contact the Globe office and request 00:33:49
specific partial records, causing delays and inefficiencies. 00:33:55
The solution would be the digitization, which we propose digitizing all accessories office records. This would involve scanning 00:34:01
and organizing the existing paper files into a secure digital database. Benefits would include digitization that ensures our 00:34:09
valuable historical information is backed up electronically, reducing the risk of permanent loss staffing. Both the Globe and 00:34:17
Payson Office can directly access the records without unnecessary delays. 00:34:24
And in the event of a fire or another emergency, the digital copies will remain. 00:34:32
There is a second contract that will be forthcoming that is for the. 00:34:39
Packaging, prep, transportation and destruction of those files once they've been digitally. 00:34:44
Digitized. So there will be another contract that is forthcoming, but it's I believe its value is 7141 thousand $7142 and it's not 00:34:51
finalized yet, but that will be part of the same digitization project. I just want to make you aware that there will be another 00:34:59
coming contract related to this. 00:35:06
I can take any questions you may. 00:35:15
Thank you, Mike. Supervisor Humphrey, hi. I have no questions. I just think it's great that we're getting digitized to help. 00:35:17
Access the files that we have. 00:35:25
Ever. And for public access as well. 00:35:28
Other than that, I have no comment. Thank you. I'll supervise the client. Micah, thanks. I agree with super supervisor Humphrey 00:35:32
this, this is good and make life a lot easier for a lot of people. Absolutely. It's sort of like we're entering the. 00:35:38
20th century and maybe even more. 00:35:45
So is this ARPA money? Yes. OK, great. Chairman. Yes, yes. I just wanted to notate for the record that there is a document on the 00:35:48
attachments. It's a single source justification. Now that is for the 2nd portion that he's mentioning, it is not relevant to this 00:35:56
agenda item, So just to be presented at a later date, correct. OK. So we're not, we're only approving this 114,000. Yes, this is a 00:36:04
rising out of a state contract. So we don't need a single source justification for a procurement purposes. 00:36:12
Thank you, Jessica. 00:36:21
OK, with that, I'll entertain a motion. 00:36:23
Mr. Move to approve the use of Arizona State contract number Ctr. 063770 with Iron Mountain information. 00:36:26
Management LLC as presented. And I'll second that Mr. Chair. Thank you. Motion to accept and seconded. All those in favor. Say 00:36:35
aye. Aye. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Carrie. 00:36:41
Item 2D Information Discussion Action to approve amendment number one to Professional services Contract number 081723 with. 00:36:50
Elections systems and software in the amount of $52,520.66 which extends the term of the contract for one additional year from 00:36:59
year from April. 00:37:05
2024 through April 17, 2020. 00:37:12
Mr. 00:37:16
Mr. Chairman, sorry for. 00:37:18
Mr. Mariscal is busy. 00:37:21
Preparing for the president presidential preference election which is coming up real quick And there's he's working to ensure. 00:37:24
That all the poll workers are trained and Adequate asked if he could be excused. 00:37:33
And asked if I would present this item to you. 00:37:38
On October 3rd, 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved Professional Services Contract number 081723 with Elections Systems. 00:37:43
And software for election service. 00:37:51
And maintenance for the period beginning April 18, 2023 through April 17, 2024 with three one year renewal options. 00:37:53
The original contract was executed for not to exceed amount without written authorization amount of $52,520.66. 00:38:03
Elections systems and software partners with the. 00:38:13
With the Department of Homeland. 00:38:17
And is certified with the US Election System Commission. 00:38:20
Election systems and software is the provider of our existing equipment. Ongoing maintenance and service are necessary. 00:38:25
To remain in compliance with relevant regulations. 00:38:33
He, the county elections department director, recommends the approval of Amendment #1 to the professional services contract number 00:38:38
081723. 00:38:42
With election systems and software to extend the term contract for the additional year. 00:38:46
From April 18, 2024 through April 17, 2020, 2025. 00:38:52
For a total contract amount not to exceed $52,520.66. 00:38:58
This is. 00:39:06
Ensures that helps to ensure the integrity of our elections and would ask. 00:39:08
For your approval of this contract extension. 00:39:13
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Supervisor. 00:39:16
I have no questions, Supervisor Klein. I'm good. 00:39:19
I'm good as well. We're not changing vendors. We're not changing machines. We're not changing our profit. 00:39:23
You know, I'm saying that because we've discussed heavily the process and all that's involved. This is one of those components, 00:39:29
right? There's many concerned about it. So OK, with that, I will entertain a motion. 00:39:35
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve Amendment number one to Professional Services Contract number 081723 with election 00:39:41
Systems and software as presented. 00:39:46
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Hey, we have a motion or a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:39:52
Thank you, James. Item 2. 00:39:59
Information Discussion Action to adopt Resolution #24-03-01 Accepting 2 drainage easements. 00:40:02
One from Dean A and Ruth A Jasinski and one from Steven Aladhill. Alex, good morning. Good morning Mr. Chairman Board as you know 00:40:10
when engineering project comes up the engine. 00:40:18
Determines what kind of easements are required to complete the project. 00:40:26
This is the acceptance or acceptance of this. 00:40:30
Adoption of this resolution the acceptance of the two drainage easements that would be required for the Walnut Springs Cold 00:40:35
replacement project. 00:40:38
And so as you know, it took us quite a while to get these easements. And so now we're bringing them before the board for your 00:40:44
acceptance. Thank you, Alex. Supervisor Humphrey. 00:40:48
Yeah, no, it's great to have it here. We've been working on this project for a long, long time. 00:40:53
And the easement is what has jeopardized us from routing water that we have very much needed to. 00:40:58
So thank you very much for your persistence and for obtaining these easements for us. 00:41:05
Advisor Klein. I'm good. Thank you, Alex. Yeah, thank you, Alex. Without our call for motion, I moved to adopt Resolution 00:41:12
#24-O3-01. 00:41:16
I'll second that. 00:41:23
Of a motion and a second to approve those in favor, say aye, aye. 00:41:24
Thank you, Alex. Number 2F information discussion action to review the bids submitted for invitation for bid number 112023, the 00:41:29
Walnut Springs Blvd. Covert Replacement Award to the lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder and authorized the 00:41:35
Chairman signature on the award contract. 00:41:41
Thank you. So as we just accepted the drainage easements, the next thing would be to bring before you the request to award the bid 00:41:48
for the project itself. As you know, last month we presented this and you guys gave us the permission to advertise. We received 5 00:41:56
bids. When they came back, we reviewed the bids. 00:42:05
And this bid came in at. 00:42:14
$384,093.84 which exceeds the engineer's estimate of 3600 and. 00:42:17
300 Three $167,805.82 By roughly 17,000 However, we felt that this bid, while it was within the range of the engineer's estimate, 00:42:25
was the most capable and met all of the requirements needed for a construction project in County. 00:42:34
OK. Thank you, Alex. Supervisor Humphrey. No, I'm, I'm all good. Thank you. Supervisor Klein, I'm good as well. Yeah, I only have 00:42:45
one comment I guess the low bid 384,000 and. 00:42:51
In the high bid 1.14 million. 00:42:58
It's like 3. 00:43:01
That that's astonishing to me, that. 00:43:03
Then the other three bids were writing between. So it yeah, we. 00:43:07
A variety of bits, yes. OK with that I will accept a motion. 00:43:12
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to award contract number 112023. 00:43:17
To HT form an amount of $384,093.84. 00:43:23
In response to imitation for bids number 11202. 00:43:29
Mr. Carroll, second that thank you. Motion to approve and seconded those in favor. Say aye, aye. Thank you, Alex. Thank you. 00:43:34
Item 2G Information Discussion Action to Consider Select one of the following three proposed projects to support in partnership 00:43:44
with SRP Picopino Fuels Reduction Project, Egler Creek Phase One Mastication Project or South Pace in Phase One Mastication 00:43:51
Project Carl Milford. 00:43:58
Good morning, Chairman, Members of the Board, happy to be here so. 00:44:06
On February 7th of 2023, Gila County went into an Mou with the Salt River Project. 00:44:11
To support these fields. 00:44:18
Fuels reduction projects here he would county committed $5000 and that Mou. It also says that we will provide input on which of 00:44:20
the projects to. 00:44:25
And that is why we're here today. So I have three projects to show to you guys. The first one is the Pico Pinot Fuels Reductions 00:44:31
project. 00:44:35
This is a floor spinning project that covers 718 acres of Ponderosa pine forest. 00:44:40
This will be removing an overabundance of small diameter Ponderosa pine, Emery oak, Arizona white oak, and alligator Jupiter 00:44:48
Jupiter Juniper Words are hard. Sorry. 00:44:54
So the estimated cost of this project is $574,000, keeping in mind that we have committed $5000, so the estimated. 00:45:00
Cost is not a direct cost to heal the county. Our commitment was the $5000. 00:45:11
The next project is the Hagler Creek Phase One Mastication Project. 00:45:17
This project is located 20 miles east of Payson. It covers 1687 acres of ponderosa pine and juniper woodland. 00:45:22
Estimated cost of this project is about $1.3 million. 00:45:33
And this is. 00:45:38
Significantly larger project than the last one. 00:45:42
Again, this project is mastication instead of thinning, so it's obviously the much higher price point and it's taking a lot more 00:45:46
of that vegetation out. 00:45:50
And the final project to choose from. 00:45:55
Is the South Pace and Phase One Mastication project? 00:45:58
This project covers 2229 acres of ponderosa pine and juniper woodland. 00:46:02
This is just South of Payson UM. 00:46:10
7 miles South of patient would be exact. The estimated cost on this project is $1.9 million. 00:46:16
I wrote in there that. 00:46:23
Our preference, and I'll explain to you why in a recent visit with. 00:46:26
Our State Emergency Management. 00:46:30
He ended the visit by asking what is the emergency? 00:46:33
Keeps you from sleeping at night. 00:46:36
And I told him that the majority of our wildfire starts or roadside starts and you're driven by southwest prevailing winds into 00:46:38
the northeast. 00:46:41
And Hwy. 87 presents a huge risk to patient being that it is a northeast climb. 00:46:45
Increases in. 00:46:52
And a lot of those areas have not burned in a very long time. This is a huge mitigation project towards. 00:46:54
Taking care of that. 00:47:01
So that is why this is the. 00:47:04
Project from the Emergency Management perspective. Of course this is a board decision, not mine. I just wanted to provide my 00:47:08
input. 00:47:11
Also it is the highest dollar amount, so the highest return on investment for dealer counties portion of the investment. 00:47:16
Just to give kind of a perspective of what these projects look like size wise, you can see all three here, the Hagler project. 00:47:23
On the far right. 00:47:33
South Pace and Phase one just there below patient and up in the top left corner, the Poco Pinot project. 00:47:35
Mr. Harbors from SRP have anything else to add. I think that pretty much covers it. So we have three projects to choose from. 00:47:42
Thank you, Carl, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:47:50
I respect your professionalism and for your experience. 00:47:54
Fires. And so I have to agree with your bang for buck. 00:47:59
Thank you. Surprise. 00:48:06
Actually, most of these are in your district. 00:48:09
Rooms in mine, and I'd be interested to hear what you have to say between those two projects in your district. 00:48:12
Oh, OK. Well, so Carl, these are all fully funded projects, right? So they're in the process of being funded. So and we're talking 00:48:19
specific. 00:48:24
Pico pinot. 00:48:32
And. 00:48:34
South facing right so pic. 00:48:35
The estimated cost is 574,000. They're currently sitting at 498,000 towards that project. Some other partners involved in that I 00:48:38
believe. 00:48:42
But this one is DF FM and for service, right? Yeah, So the FM Forest Service also has stake in that, so they'll be contributing as 00:48:50
well. 00:48:54
With the South Area S payment area phase. 00:48:59
Estimated cost is 1.9 million and the funding received is 1.6, so there's a larger price margin there towards making enough money 00:49:03
to to complete that project but percentage wise. 00:49:10
300,000 away from fully funded. 00:49:16
It looks to me I I can't tell on the smaller map that I'm looking at here where everything is, but on that one I can sort of see 00:49:20
it sort of in what I call the Cypress thicket area from lie over to the matter South. 00:49:26
If if I, you know it looks like it's. 00:49:35
Waste of. 00:49:38
On West of Hwy. 87. 00:49:41
So it's SE. So coming up into Payson. 00:49:44
Pretty much on the left hand side of 87 when you're coming in. 00:49:49
Oh, I'm sorry. Southwest. Yes. OK, I'll get you a compass for Chris. I need more caffeine, is what it is. 00:49:53
OK. So that the confusion there was the wind, the prevailing winds out of the southwest, Yes. OK, right. Yeah and correct. So 00:50:05
that's an ideal spot. 00:50:09
My thoughts on it would be that. 00:50:13
I would prioritize that because. 00:50:16
It also would then protect the most people within. 00:50:19
Of the three projects, although Poco Pino would be my second. 00:50:24
But I think all the products are going to get done. 00:50:29
That that would be my. 00:50:34
Anything else, Supervisor Humphrey? 00:50:36
Fine, so is. 00:50:38
Right. All these projects are going to go, I mean. 00:50:41
We're just looking to partner with one, but all three of them are gonna go. 00:50:44
Good morning. Who are you? I'm Levi. Pardon, I am the Water and Forces Females Building Manager for Salt River Project. Thank you 00:50:50
for having us today. Yes, all three projects. We are committed to working on today's discussion really. 00:50:57
Just which 1K county is interested in partnering with us? 00:51:04
Thank you. Thank you. Are all three of you from SRP. Well, thanks for coming today. 00:51:08
Thanks so much for doing. 00:51:14
5000 doesn't seem like much. I guess that's what we've budgeted for this, but. 00:51:17
OK. Anything else? 00:51:22
No. OK, then with that, I'll call. 00:51:23
Mr. Chair, I want to support this outpatient phase one mastication project and partnership with Salt River Project. Mr. Chair, 00:51:26
I'll 2nd that I have a motion and a second to approve all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 00:51:33
Motion passes. Thank you, Carl. Thank you. Is that another 1-2 H information discussion? Action to adopt the Arizona Mutual Aid 00:51:41
Compact is recommended by the Arizona Department of Emergency Management. 00:51:47
Thank you ladies for. 00:51:54
Appreciate it. So the Arizona Mutual Aid Compact is an agreement that he would County signed on to about five years ago. 00:51:56
This has been rewritten so the Mutual Aid Compact is kind of a way for Emergency Management departments and government 00:52:04
organizations to help each other out throughout the state of Arizona without individual MO us between governmental organizations. 00:52:10
And I think the best way to explain this is to give a couple case of examples of when this was used. 00:52:17
When I first started with. 00:52:24
Mutual Aid Compact was in place and I was able to gain some experience by deploying to EOC's throughout the state. 00:52:26
To play a role and support their emergency operations centers on multiple occasions, including the Penal Fire and the Telegraph 00:52:32
Fire, we've actually used the feature a compact to bring in other Emergency Management employees from outside of Gila County into 00:52:37
REOC. 00:52:42
A prime example of that is during the Telegraph Fire was a backbone fire kicked off and we had. 00:52:47
A much larger area of concern for the emergency operations. 00:52:53
I brought in Katrina Jenkins, who is the Navajo County Emergency manager. 00:52:58
We split our operations into half. We had southern operations in northern operations, Justin was our southern operations Chief and 00:53:02
Katrina was our northern operations chief. 00:53:06
And we can do this without. So it's it's basically a way that I can call them without a cost of. 00:53:12
Each deployed personnel, their organization covers the cost of their travel unless indicated otherwise by that. 00:53:19
We have seen situations where other counties would, you know, purchase bulk hotels or something for staff that are coming in, but 00:53:27
it kind of cuts through a lot of that red tape and allows us to help each other out. Another good example from the Telegraph Fire. 00:53:34
We were able to secure. 00:53:41
Borrow. 00:53:44
A sandbagger prior to our sandbagger arriving. So that's how the vast majority of the sandbags got built in preparation for the 00:53:47
post fire flooding was to borrowed equipment using the Arizona Mutual Aid contact. 00:53:53
So this is just a revised version of that. This goes out to all of the counties in Arizona as well as the tribal nations and the 00:53:59
municipalities. So signing on to this mutual aid compact allows us that ability to work with our partner organizations and share 00:54:05
resources. 00:54:10
Thank you. Call Supervisor Humphrey. 00:54:17
I have no questions, supervisor. 00:54:19
I like it, Carl. So thank you. 00:54:22
I don't like it anything that reduces our risk and improves our emergency response. So I made it through without confusing my 00:54:25
directions this time, which is. 00:54:29
I forget she accomplished. 00:54:33
I'll take it right. Thanks, Carl. With that, I'll. 00:54:36
Entertain a motion, Mr. Chair. I'll make the motion to adopt Arizona Mutual Aid Compact. 00:54:40
Mr. Farrell second motion in the second to approve those in favor say aye aye aye aye motion passes item Thank you Carl item two I 00:54:46
Information discussion action to review the bids submitted for invitation for bids I have be number 11302313. Various models of 00:54:54
new Ford vehicles award to the lowest most respons. 00:55:02
Responsible and qualified getter and authorized the chairman signature on the award contract. Mr. Laforge, Chairman, Members of 00:55:11
the board. 00:55:16
So today I'm here to seek approval to award the contract to purchase these 13 new vehicles for Gila County fleet. 00:55:21
This is in response to the invitation for bids we conducted in early January. 00:55:28
Where we advertised and went out to bid for these 13 vehicles. 00:55:32
Two bids were received and reviewed, with Santan Ford meeting all the bid specifications and offering the lowest bid. 00:55:36
Of these 13 vehicles that we're requesting, seven of them will be used for motor pool usage, five in the TCM complex. 00:55:44
Up and pasting one at Central Heights here in Globe and one at the Copper Building here in Globe. 00:55:53
And then four of the vehicles will be for BOS administrative services. 00:55:59
And two for facilities. 00:56:03
Out of these 13 vehicles we're requesting. 00:56:06
Out of the vehicles we're replacing with these 13, some of them will be turned in and prepped for auction. 00:56:10
And in some cases, some of them will be trickled down into other departments to replace older, aging vehicles. 00:56:16
To which they will turn in theirs and will be kept for. 00:56:24
So for each vehicle we're purchasing one and in some cases two vehicles will be turned in and added to future auction as to 00:56:29
prevent increasing the size of the fleet. 00:56:33
In total we have 15 vehicles that we'd like to turn in in exchange for these 13. 00:56:38
If there's any questions, I'll take any questions. 00:56:45
Thank you, David Supervisor Humphrey. 00:56:49
Yeah. One, you said you're trading in some vehicles. 00:56:52
We're just turning them into the fleet and then we'll prep them and send them to auction. That's what I meant. 00:56:56
OK. And and another question that sometime at some point in time, I would maybe like to know the difference if we're going to buy 00:57:02
13 vehicles with bid specifications. 00:57:08
I was just wondering if perhaps Dodge, Chevy, GMC or whomever? 00:57:14
What the price difference would be? Because it seems we always go out for Fords and I'm I'm not against Fords, I drive one, but I 00:57:20
also drive a dodge. But I'm just wondering, beings, we are overseers of tax monies. 00:57:26
What different bid we could get with the same specification? Yeah, no problem. I've actually already started working on getting 00:57:33
numbers like that so. 00:57:38
Whenever we can have a workshop meeting, yeah, I'd be good for that. That's fine. I appreciate. 00:57:42
Supervisor Klein David, thank you for putting this together. So San Tan Ford is the one that looks like it's going to get it. But 00:57:50
did did our local outfits here come anywhere close? I have only received two beds, one from San Tan and the other one I've never 00:57:57
even heard of. I don't even know where they came from, and they were kind of wildly overpriced. 00:58:03
As far as I understand we sent it out to 10 different. 00:58:12
Dealership, right? So sometimes they don't get back in a timely manner or they choose not to even submit a bid, so I'm not sure. 00:58:15
OK. But our, our local dealerships did get, they should have been. 00:58:24
Because I always always include a list of, you know, these are the ones we've done business with the past, sure. And they should 00:58:29
be included. And I always include the local dealerships. Yeah. Thank you, David. 00:58:33
Mr. Romero, did you move forward for? 00:58:40
Just to support a little bit about what Dave is doing with the vehicles, this was actually going for this. This was not a state 00:58:43
contract. So we opened it up to anybody and everybody and actually we've got our bid from. 00:58:48
Like an international firm. So next time we're going to structure who can bid and where the vehicles can come from etcetera. Turns 00:58:54
out Cantan with low cost anyway. So we didn't have to consider that international firm Also Dave is already working on making us a 00:59:00
preferred vendor. 00:59:06
A fleet, A fleet vendor with with with Chevrolet. 00:59:14
And we're going to follow up on that process so that we make sure that if if we want to use a single. 00:59:18
Type of manufacturer like Ford that it is within the realm of cost competitive versus the others. So that that's that work is 00:59:25
ongoing. 00:59:30
OK. Thank you. So just one for my own information. So we do buy a lot of Fords and I'm a Ford guy, I like Ford. 00:59:35
And there is the idea that, OK, the value is 1 brand as valuable as the other and why is the price different? But in focusing on 00:59:44
one brand, is it more advantageous for us as Gila County to maintain one brand over? 00:59:52
Say multiple brands, I believe so. I have done some fleet management training. I've been to some fleet management conferences. 00:59:59
And it's typical and it's kind of. 01:00:08
You know, widely used where you standardize your fleet. The fewer makes and models you have reduces the amount of stock you have 01:00:12
to have, the amount of specialized tools you need. 01:00:18
Amount of specialized training you need. So kind of by standardizing your fleet and having. 01:00:24
Fewer makes and models. It does help. 01:00:30
Cutting down the cost of training tools and like I said and you don't have as big of an overhead of stock. So that's one reason 01:00:33
why we've kind of. 01:00:38
Gone this direction. 01:00:42
OK. Thank you, David. With that, I'll call for motion. 01:00:44
Next year I'm out to award contract number 113023 to Santan Fork in the amount of $626,356.49 in response. 01:00:48
Invitation for bit number 113023, Mr. Chair. I'll second that motion to prove. And second, all those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank 01:01:03
you, David. Thank you. 01:01:09
Item 2 J Information Discussion Action to authorize the Public Health and Community Services Department. 01:01:16
To submit a grant application to the Arizona Department of Housing for housing insecurity flex funding in the amount of $240,000. 01:01:23
We have Joshua Good Morning, Chairman, members of the board. So a lot of grants come across our desk, especially as I'm starting 01:01:29
to get to know community services. One of the things we're looking for with the lower admin pieces, grants that help us do more of 01:01:35
what we're already doing. 01:01:41
So we came across this grant, Mister Man Love Sent it to us is from the Arizona Department of Housing. And it really allows us a 01:01:48
lot of flexibility around things that we're already doing with our staff. And that is like rental assistance, paying deposits, 01:01:53
getting help people transfer from one location to another, start up costs for jobs, job relocation, those kind of things. So there 01:01:59
are things that we're already kind of doing, which means we can do this without extra staffing so we can kind of put all of this 01:02:05
money into. 01:02:11
Haley County and the residents and do it without needing to have additional staff or those type of things. 01:02:18
For your approval. 01:02:54
Thank you, Joshua supervisor. 01:02:55
I have no questions. I just appreciate all the all the reaching that you do for the grant and the help. 01:02:58
Surprise the client. Thank you, Mr. Chair Josh. So this is a good deal, but you said it would help like 20 people roughly. 01:03:06
For two years or 20 people a month for two years, so we can. 01:03:14
What kind of a demand do you guys have? 01:03:18
For helping people, I mean, what kind of numbers do you guys deal with? You know, and I don't know, but. 01:03:22
What I've talked to from our finance division is that we were really sitting really well all through the COVID time when the 01:03:30
funding was a little larger and now what's happened is a lot of those funding programs and things for the people with lower 01:03:35
socioeconomic income. 01:03:40
Has kind of gone away and dried up and starting this January, we've seen like a two 300% increase. 01:03:46
And people coming to us for services. So I guess the amounts changed a lot lately, but when we see hundreds of clients. 01:03:51
OK. So these kind of funds and I think that's where it helps, is one thing we've talked about in the work session where we really 01:03:59
community service is really piece meal, lots of little grants to go together that where you use a little bit from this box to help 01:04:04
a person, you'll use a little bit from a couple other pots to help a person. So you're really looking for these type of grants or 01:04:09
just more money that you can add on to those other funds that aren't coming, but you know they're allowed to be added to those 01:04:14
other funds. 01:04:19
So what you're saying you kind of look for the demand to kind of increase then as we go along here since COVID is shut, shut down. 01:04:25
OK, Thank you, Josh. 01:04:30
Yes, thank you, Josh. The more grants we received, the better we can. 01:04:35
So with that, I will ask for motion, Mr. Chair. I'll make the motion to authorize the Public Health and Community Services 01:04:40
Department to submit a grant application to the Arizona Department of Housing as presented. 01:04:46
Mr. Chair, I'll second the motion, and a second to approve those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank you, Josh. And we have another one. 01:04:53
Item 2K Information Discussion Action to Approve Funding Agreement Number. 01:05:02
216-24 Between the Arizona Department of Housing and the Hilo County Community Services Division. Housing services to provide 01:05:06
Southwest Gas Corporation and A. 01:05:12
Weatherization Assistance Program funding the amount of $266,400. 01:05:19
For the period of January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. 01:05:26
Chairman, Members of the board. 01:05:32
For a lot of these services that are capped off especially with like Section 8 housing, things like that. But even some of the 01:06:48
other programs and they have multiple lists where hundreds long and they close the list just because we can't get more people on 01:06:53
this. So I mean obviously the need is the need is more than what we have for funding right now. 01:06:58
So I think those. 01:07:07
Keep going. 01:07:10
I don't know if we'll ever get ahead of them. 01:07:12
Never so. 01:07:14
OK. Thank you. Thank you, Josh. With that, I'll call for a motion. 01:07:17
Mr. Chair, I would make the motion to approve Arizona Department of Housing Funding Agreement #216-24AS presented. 01:07:22
I'll second have motion and a second to approve those in favor. Say aye, aye. 01:07:31
Thank you, Joshua. 01:07:37
Item 2L Information Discussion and Action to Approve. 01:07:40
Economic Development Agreement at 02022024 between Gila County, the Hayden Winkelman Little League District #11 in the amount of 01:07:43
$500 which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 01:07:50
Mr. Klein, Thank you, Mr. Chair. So this is something I've helped these kids out with all through the two terms I've been on 01:07:58
board, and it's a good thing it it really means a lot to them down there in our corner. 01:08:04
And so I just continued on with it. 01:08:10
Any questions, Supervisor? Hopefully no, I have no questions. Anything for the kids I. 01:08:13
Yes, thank you, Mr. Klein. And with that, I will ask for a motion. 01:08:19
Mr. Chair, I move to approve economic develop. 01:08:27
Agreement number 0222024, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Cheryl, second that we have a 01:08:31
motion and a second to approve those in favor say aye. 01:08:38
Motion passes 2M. 01:08:46
Information, discussion and action to approve intergovernmental agreement number. 01:08:48
02032024 and Economic development grant between Hill County and Hayden Winkleman Unified School District 41 in the amount of $1500 01:08:53
which supported determined to be for the benefit of the public supervisor client. 01:09:01
Same same basis is helping the kids right there in Winkelman and Hayden. 01:09:09
The scholarship opportunity. 01:09:14
And there's something I've been doing for the last eight years. 01:09:18
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:09:22
I have no questions, neither do I. So with that, I'll call for motion. 01:09:24
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve intergovernmental agreement. 01:09:29
02/03 2:02. 01:09:33
Which the board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 01:09:37
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion, and a second to approve those in favor. Say Aye, Aye, Aye, Aye. And last item 2 N Information 01:09:41
Discussion Action approved an IGA number 2020012024, an Economic Development grant between Hila County and the Town of Winkleman. 01:09:52
In the amount, $11,000 were supported to Germany for the benefit of the public. 01:10:02
Mr. Chair, this is a little bit different. This is in request for a dipper to help the count of Hayden and Winkelman right there. 01:10:07
They're going through a bunch of properties down there and cleaning things up and trying to firewise a bunch. I worked with Homero 01:10:15
on this and we went through and and looked at different sizes, different. 01:10:21
Different makes models everything else and this seems to be the one. 01:10:28
They can use and and be able to use it without any difficulties fairly. 01:10:33
No, like ours. We have one at the landfill. It's a big thing. 01:10:39
Big Chipper. 01:10:42
This isn't that big. It's a lot smaller. 01:10:43
And anyway, I'll take questions and also this will be coming out of constituent fund. 01:10:46
Correct. Mr. Klein, I was going to say that the last three items here that we're discussing. 01:10:54
Are prepared and submitted by each individual supervisor for funds that they have at their discretion. So even though we are all 01:10:59
approving that, it is initiated in this case by Supervisor Klein and on occasion you will also see where we share in those. 01:11:07
Correct project. 01:11:15
With that I will call. 01:11:18
Mr. I moved to approving the government agreement number 020012024. 01:11:20
Which aborted determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Second to approve those in favor. Say 01:11:27
aye aye. 01:11:31
Thank you very much. And we have consent agenda items 3A. 01:11:37
Through three. 01:11:43
Would Supervisor Humphrey, do you wish to remove one or more of those items to discuss separately? No, Sir. And I'm good today. 01:11:45
Supervisor Client, same question. I'm good as well. I will then call for a motion for the consent agenda. 01:11:53
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve consent agenda items. 3823 I'll second that OK motion and seconded to approve consent. 01:12:00
All those in favor say aye, aye. 01:12:11
Aye, motion passes. And now we come to portion item number 4, which is a call to the public. Call to the public is held for the 01:12:14
public benefit to allow individuals to address the board of Supervis. 01:12:20
On any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. 01:12:28
The board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda, therefore pursuing ARS 3840. 01:12:31
431.01 At the conclusion of the open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism 01:12:42
made by those who have addressed the Board. 01:12:47
And they may ask staff to review a matter, or may ask that they matter be put on a future agenda for future discussion. 01:12:53
And decision at a future date. Cassandra, do we have anyone on YouTube? 01:13:01
Thank you. And Lisa, do we have anyone present in Payson? 01:13:08
No, Sir. 01:13:12
OK and. 01:13:14
We have two individuals that have submitted here today. 01:13:16
In Globe and our first one is Cindy Hudson, who resides in Pine, wishes to speak on the Vacation Rental Short Term Rental 01:13:20
Ordinance. 01:13:25
I'd like to Cindy if you would please limit your comments to 3 minutes or less. 01:13:30
Thank you. Good morning. 01:13:37
Surprise Humphrey, Supervisor Klein and Chairman Christensen I. 01:13:39
Samantha placed one of these brochures at each year. 01:13:45
Right. Yeah, everyone's got one, right. OK, so everybody knows. I need to say I'm Sydney Hudson and I reside in Pine and I own and 01:13:49
manage the Beeline guest house with my husband Vince. 01:13:54
The Beeline Guest House is in the center of Pine in the retail corridor Hwy. 87. So I'm pretty much here today to represent the 01:14:00
businesses that are along the retail court. There are 65 of them. 01:14:07
And you can see if you open your research to the center. It lists all of our businesses from antique shops to. 01:14:14
Neighborhood markets to ancillary service providers here. 01:14:22
The effect of the ordinance on short term rentals 2023-08 will be to kill every business in time. 01:14:27
The majority of these businesses depend on recreational visitors. 01:14:35
They depend on people coming to. 01:14:40
A lot of times people come up to enjoy our our environment because we have that beautiful corner. 01:14:43
With pine, Rosa, Pines and everything. People come up to go to an art show. People come up to visit relatives and they say this is 01:14:50
great up here, I want to stay here. 01:14:55
We can't lose those because when they're here, when they're staying here, when they're short term rentals, they're going to our 01:15:01
shops, they're eating in our restaurants, they're using our services. 01:15:06
So this ordinance. 01:15:11
Will have the effect of killing short term rentals, which will have the secondary effect of killing businesses in time. 01:15:13
If you look at your brochure, the very front talks about time being a gateway to the Arizona Trail. 01:15:22
And I'm sure a lot of you know about the Arizona Trail. 01:15:30
Piney is basically halfway on the Arizona thrill and so most of the through hikers stay in Pine in our short term rentals. 01:15:34
When they're there, they eat in our restaurants, They buy, they buy supplies at the hardware store, they buy supplies at the local 01:15:41
market. 01:15:45
So they are. 01:15:49
Time. So hotel rentals are supporting pine and I say pine, it's Pine and strawberry. 01:15:51
So it's imperative that we keep what we have. 01:15:56
And not kill the short term rental bus. 01:16:01
For the sake of a few problem bad actors, we understand we need regulation. But they need to be reasonable regulations, not 01:16:04
regulations that will kill our business. 01:16:09
The way this ordinance is. 01:16:14
I couldn't house a single trail. 01:16:17
Because they walk in. 01:16:19
That day I'm arriving in Pine. Today I need a price of state. I'm arriving in Pine tomorrow morning. I need a place to stay. 01:16:22
If I have to background check them 24 hours before, according to this ordinance, I can't host them. I can't let them stay. 01:16:30
That's that's 30% of my business of the window. 01:16:38
So as a short term rent. 01:16:42
We lose. 01:16:44
I know that's my timer, but I will be real quick. But also don't forget on the back of this brochure. 01:16:47
All the festivals. 01:16:54
That occur in time. Every weekend there's something going. 01:16:56
Those those vendors stay in our search room rentals. 01:17:00
Those people that come up from the valley to attend the festival stay in our short term rentals. 01:17:04
So that ordinance has an effect not just on short term rent. 01:17:09
But the entire town of Pine and Strawberry and Young I'm hearing as well. 01:17:13
I don't know that much about Young, but I know about Tiny Strawberry. 01:17:18
Basically, we need to revamp this ordinance. This was This was taken from Scottsdale and Coconino. 01:17:23
We are not Scottsdale. We are not helping, you know, County. We do not have the economic diversity that Scottsdale has. 01:17:30
Or Copenhagen. 01:17:37
So let me just say quickly, this ordinance needs to be revised. 01:17:39
We are have to have a work session scheduled for April 30th to have this discussion. 01:17:44
We certainly are planning to have further discussions on the. 01:17:50
Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Menlov, and thank you Mrs. Hudson. Any any comments that the supervisors would like to make? 01:17:55
Can't. Well, I didn't know if that was criticism or something. Need to defend myself. 01:18:05
Oh. 01:18:11
I don't have any comments. I just look forward to the work. Yes, so. 01:18:14
April 30th, we will be having a work session and have discussions. 01:18:19
On many of the things brought up just here by Mrs. Hudson and I also have another one, and I'm sorry, I can't. 01:18:24
Clearly it's. 01:18:32
Halor. 01:18:35
And you have a Mesa address and you also wish to speak on the short term rental ordinance, please. 3 minutes, please. Yes, thank 01:18:37
you. Thank you so much. Good morning, Chairman and Steam Board members. 01:18:43
Just echoing a lot of the comments that Cindy already made and in support of the short term rentals, my husband and I Bradley 01:18:51
reside primarily in the Mesa area, but do have been blessed with the opportunity to have a second home. 01:19:00
Strawberry Arizona which we purchased in 2019. In 2021 we decided to list it as a short term rental for those times in which we do 01:19:08
not have the opportunity to be up in that area. For folks that Cindy describes, you know that love an opportunity to have a 01:19:18
getaway from the the heat of the of the of the valley or you know enjoy the festivals and and just the the community of the pine. 01:19:28
Strawberry area. 01:19:38
And our short term rentals, not only to do they have they provided the economic benefits that you know, Cindy described in detail, 01:19:39
but also provide me a demand that is not there with the other establishment, you know, lodging and and and whatnot. And while I, I 01:19:47
also understand that there there's always going to be you know bad actors in the mix and being a also a public citizen, I work for 01:19:56
a state agency and have done so for over 28 years. 01:20:04
In a regulatory setting, I understand the need for regulation. I understand the need to evaluate and and and and come to a 01:20:13
consensus and I'm pleased to hear about the work session that is going to be taking place and and so I'm here not only 01:20:20
representing you know Serenity Cabinet as as we athlete unnamed our cabin but the the short term rentals in the area and and hope 01:20:28
to be able to engage in meaningful dialogue and come to some agreement. 01:20:35
Understanding there is a need for regulation, but where can we meet somewhere in the middle and address the the valid and serious 01:20:43
concerns that need to be addressed and and and and and work? 01:20:50
To address the other regulations that perhaps. 01:20:57
Again, we're putting in writing you know, because it was may have been copied from some other ordinances and do not necessarily 01:21:02
apply to the Pine Strawberry districts and and come to some consensus. So again I thank you for the opportunity you know to speak 01:21:09
to you and. 01:21:15
Get to meet you and I did. My husband and I did already send an e-mail on February 25th with the specific regulations that we have 01:21:23
concerns with and also some suggestions, You know, one of the things that I learned being in the regulatory environment. 01:21:31
Won't just come and complain, come with some suggestions and possible solutions that we can have meaningful dialogue. So thank you 01:21:40
so much. Thank you, Mrs. 01:21:44
And I look for a very lively April 30th. 01:21:49
I've been keeping track of all of my emails. 01:21:53
I have yours. 01:21:57
And with that, I will ask if there's anyone. 01:22:00
In Globe in this room now for a call to the public remaining. 01:22:05
OK. Then I will close our call to the public and we'll go to item number 5, which is the Board of Supervisors and the County 01:22:10
Manager. 01:22:14
I may present a brief summary of current events that they're encountering. So Mr. Menlov. 01:22:19
Mr. Chairman last week attended. 01:22:25
A meeting for Discovery County that was held at Bullion Plaza. 01:22:28
And it was looking for input. Where are we standing on cover? Hilla County. 01:22:33
And really great meeting. 01:22:41
We are also there's also a meeting scheduled for patient to get the same input from the public on Discovery Hill County. What 01:22:43
we're doing right, we can prove on that'll be Wednesday, next Wednesday morning at 10 at the Payson Public Library. 01:22:50
Also on Wednesday because because of that meeting that we're having in Payson looking to schedule. 01:22:58
The first meeting of the Beulah County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority. 01:23:08
On Wednesday, March 13th at 1:30, from 1:30 to 3:00. 01:23:13
We'll be sending out information to those that are on the board, which is the mayors for. 01:23:21
The six incorporated communities in Gila. 01:23:28
And Supervisor Humphrey is our designated tag representative. 01:23:31
And also all of us, it's on transportation. 01:23:36
Committee for Gila County, so we'll have Supervisor Humphrey chair that meeting. 01:23:40
At 1130 next Wednesday afternoon, but this is to talk about our transportation transit systems in Gila County, the two existing 01:23:44
that we have which are managed by the Town of Miami and the Town of Payson. 01:23:51
To see how we how that is all working and and. 01:24:00
Get the. 01:24:06
TPA going forward. So that's my report, Mr. 01:24:08
Thank you, Jim. See, I look forward to that. 01:24:13
Proceeding Supervisor Humphrey. 01:24:16
Oh yeah, I was on Kiko Open. 01:24:19
On the 4th attended Discover Gila County presentation at the William Plaza. 01:24:24
Attended a District 2 project review. 01:24:31
Attended a Tri-City Sanitation District meeting. 01:24:35
Will hold the Tunnel Basin community meeting this evening at 5:00. 01:24:39
Was that a meeting? 01:24:44
With staff on working on a ribbon cutting for the tunnel bridge, which is. 01:24:46
A great thing that that's getting really close to being finished. 01:24:53
And I just would like to say I have had a lot of emails on. 01:24:57
The short term rentals. 01:25:02
A lot of them say that it's a bad ordinance, but recommendations on. 01:25:05
What could be changed in that ordinance would be beneficial going forward? 01:25:10
That's all I have. Thank you supervisors brother. 01:25:16
So I really don't have anything from last week. 01:25:21
But I too have received a lot of emails and from some of you as well and so. So I really look forward to that work session that's 01:25:24
coming up in April. I pushed for it. 01:25:30
When we voted in the ordinance. So I'm really glad it's going to happen now because there's been a lot of. 01:25:35
Interest. 01:25:43
And so I I do look forward to a lot of clarification and maybe some changes. So anyway. 01:25:46
Other than that, I'm leaving for DC. We're flying out tonight. 01:25:53
I'll be in DC in the morning. We have meetings tomorrow, I think, with Senator Kelly. 01:25:57
And some others. And then Thursday I have a meeting with Senator Congressman Crane. 01:26:04
And I think cinema. 01:26:11
No, OK, trained but. 01:26:14
Thursday night I'll be in the State of the Union address with with Congressman Crane. 01:26:17
And then we'll be coming back Friday, so. 01:26:22
And go from there. 01:26:26
Have fun with. 01:26:28
Thank you. Yeah. I look forward to this state of the Union. 01:26:29
Watch it on the. 01:26:35
Yeah, I normally did have two for 60 years or whatever. 01:26:37
Stay safe back there. So yes, I've been receiving just on the. 01:26:41
I call them the SRT's short now that St. 01:26:46
And I've received a lot of the emails. I'm keeping track of everyone of them. 01:26:51
Copying everyone? 01:26:55
Melissa, my assistant, volunteered to make some kind of a graph chart spreadsheet. 01:26:59
And so she's done that, and that'll be helpful. Make sure everybody gets that when we get closer to the time. 01:27:05
So I think what people should understand is that the Board of Supervisors is interested in hearing from the public. We have those 01:27:11
in support and those that have issues and we want to look at all of that and we are willing to listen to that and respond 01:27:18
appropriately, I hope. And with that, I will say that met with Joseph Dickerson recently updated me on a few of the building 01:27:26
projects. We had a really great conversation. He's a good guy. 01:27:33
Really. One of? 01:27:41
Best people in the county. 01:27:42
We have so many. 01:27:44
And he was on Kmoji yesterday and I was kind of happened to be in the area at the time and so he invited me in and I was there for 01:27:46
maybe 20 or 25 minutes on the program and so it worked out really well. 01:27:52
Hard working, man. Got a lot to do maintaining all of our facilities. 01:28:00
Also had LPC meeting the legislature here in the state has produced quite a number of bills. 01:28:05
And only one is. 01:28:14
Over 1600 bills have been presented, so it's it's it's kind of a battleground all the time. 01:28:17
And so there's nothing really new to report there, but there are bills that are always present that seem to be. 01:28:23
Involving elections or involving. 01:28:30
Water issues, watershed, drainage, all of that stuff. 01:28:34
The one-size-fits-all at the state level will not be compatible with all the variations that we have in this state, so hopefully 01:28:40
we're not going to have A1 size fits. 01:28:45
Ruling at some point when it comes to water or management or resources and all those kind of things. So there's always that 01:28:51
discussion. 01:28:55
And with that I don't have anything else though if there's nothing. 01:28:59
Yeah, I just do a couple of supervisor client. Thank you for representing us in Washington. Appreciate that. You're welcome. 01:29:04
And the Tri-City sanitation needs funding. So you can, I've already heard about it very much and also to most of my emails on 01:29:11
short term rentals have been from the owners of a short term rental, not the residents that live in the community. So also I would 01:29:18
like to hear from the residents and the communities because we have to make decisions and so the more information from both sides 01:29:26
that we can get, the better decisions we're able to make. 01:29:34
Thank you. 01:29:42
Mr. 01:29:44
So I'm sorry that that brought up one thing since you're going to Washington. 01:29:46
The Four Force Restoration Initiative and the Eastern Arizona Counties Organization. 01:29:51
Are concerned about the funding for forest restoration that they're working on with that. So appreciate you to our decline 01:29:57
carrying that message back to Washington of support for pork. Ryan, I know you're very well aware of you attended the meetings and 01:30:05
all that. No, I appreciate that, James. Yeah, it is a concern and so it is 1/4 fries is a project we can't afford to lose And so 01:30:13
it's really important and I I understand that Tri-City sanitation district issues as well so. 01:30:20
So there's some messages we're going to be busy, we've we definitely have the rounds to make, but I know the people back there. 01:30:28
Discussion. 01:30:38
I did have a couple of more things circuit. 01:30:41
One is here here a while back, you know, we our last work session, we were discussing the proposal of different fees and whatnot 01:30:44
for the Veterans Center in Young. 01:30:50
And I have a bad habit of getting on my soapbox, but I did that day as well and I pushed that, You know, as far as veterans are 01:30:57
concerned, I don't want to see adult any money coming from them. 01:31:02
That should be something that they've already paid their price. 01:31:08
But after that conversation, I've had other people call me. 01:31:12
As well concerned over the. 01:31:17
One of them was Representative Marshall. 01:31:20
And and representing Marshall is a veteran himself. 01:31:23
I'll tell you what I passed on to him from my standpoint. 01:31:27
The gifting clause is something that we have to address. It's by statute. We have to live by that. But I pushed on to him that I 01:31:32
would like to see a state legislature push a bill that would exempt the veterans from the gifting clause. 01:31:40
That would give us some rel. 01:31:48
So that we can help these people with without being afraid. 01:31:50
Jessica Really hollering loud. So. So I'm going to continue to push that. 01:31:55
I want to see that. 01:32:02
They're the ones who write the laws they need to fix this. 01:32:04
And in in that that sense. 01:32:08
The other one was is there's been, I guess behind the scenes. 01:32:11
A bunch of discussion on the different fees that are proposed for the fairgrounds. 01:32:17
And and I'm getting the calls now for the last two or three days on like the 4H clubs, things like that, that these kids, you know 01:32:22
we are huge supporters of kids in general. We always have been and I, I. 01:32:29
Totally expect that we always will be. 01:32:37
And so I'm getting those calls now, you know, 4H clubs, whatnot, they they just have a few dollars here and there and as you'll 01:32:40
see, we always try and support them. All three of us have. And so that's another one that that's going to be. 01:32:47
Have to be addressed as well. And so thank you Jessica, for all your advice and everything and hopefully we'll get worked around 01:32:55
that. But those are the phone calls I'm getting. I don't know if either one of you are getting those yet, but if you're not, I 01:33:00
would imagine you are here shortly, so. 01:33:05
Have been in those discussions and have talked to Jessica and Mr. O'Driscoll and. 01:33:12
Moving forward with solutions. 01:33:18
And I and I appreciate Jessica and her attitude to try. 01:33:22
And accommodate what we. 01:33:26
And balance that with the legal process and so as we discuss fees or. 01:33:30
Things that we need. 01:33:36
To know every option possible when it comes to the Veterans Center and some of these other. 01:33:38
Things and I don't want to get in trouble with any gifting clauses, but it certainly seems very subjective from one person to the 01:33:44
next what that actually needs. 01:33:48
Well, the thing of it is, felonies aren't fun, so I've never had one. I'll clarify that, but I don't want one. OK, anybody else 01:33:54
want to confess? 01:33:59
All right, with that, we are adjourned. 01:34:06
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Can't believe it? 00:00:02
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United. 00:00:05
Let's pray. 00:00:32
Father, thank you so much for your goodness. 00:00:34
Thank you. 00:00:37
The ability to live here in beautiful Gila County. 00:00:39
We thank you, God, that you've given us this beautiful place, and we pray. 00:00:42
The right ability and choices to steward it correctly. 00:00:47
Today I just pray for the Board of Supervisors that you would give each one of them wisdom as they walk through decisions and 00:00:52
choices that in no way can make everyone happy. But I pray God today that you give them the ability to balance justice and and 00:00:58
mercy together and come to decisions that will help our county. 00:01:05
We pray for every business owner and we ask you, Father, to bless economically every single person that is working together to 00:01:12
make this county a great county. 00:01:17
And we pray, Father, that there would be a revival of the. 00:01:23
So that the crime rate would go down and that people's hearts would be turned towards you. 00:01:27
But we thank you and we praise you for your help at this very moment and during this time. 00:01:32
And we give you the glory in Jesus name. Amen. 00:01:37
Thank you for that prayer. 00:01:42
Please be seated. 00:01:44
I already have a couple of calls to the public papers, which are the blue ones. 00:01:47
And if you're here today or in Payson and wish to speak, that'll be called at the end of the meeting, so if. 00:01:52
If more than the two, then please fill one out. Bring it up. 00:02:00
To the clerk. And so let's start with item 2A on our regular agenda. 00:02:06
I'm going to call for a motion to recess as the helicon of Board of Supervisors and convene as the Board of Directors of the Heel 00:02:12
of. 00:02:16
County Flood Control District. 00:02:19
I'll second it. We have a motion in the second. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. And so we. 00:02:23
Are the Hill County Flood Control District. We have information, discussion and action to approve or deny a request submitted by 00:02:30
Steve Mr. Steve Medina for a variance from the requirements of the Gila County Floodplain Management Ordinance for a room addition 00:02:38
to a manufactured home, 107 S Cottonwood in Visila, Arizona. 00:02:46
Which was built without a permit and is not in compliance with the ordinance and we have with us Darv today. 00:02:54
Mr. Chairman, members of the board, I'm glad to be here. 00:03:05
Present this information to you. 00:03:09
This is a request received from Mr. Steve Medina. 00:03:17
For Image Elite Services, LLC, which. 00:03:21
Deals with manufactured housing. 00:03:25
Is requesting A variance from the requirements of the Gila County Floodplain Management Ordinance. 00:03:31
For the parcel at 107 S Cottonwood Lane, Guy. 00:03:37
And this? 00:03:42
This information is going to supplement the agenda item with some additional detail regarding this variance request. 00:03:44
For background in August 20. 00:03:53
The County Community Development Code enforce. 00:03:57
Opened a case for this. 00:04:01
Property for building an addition onto the manufactured home without permits. 00:04:03
In September 2022, code enforcement notified Mr. Medina of floodplain requirements, among other requirements. 00:04:09
On September 20. 00:04:18
2020. 00:04:21
Mr. Medina was sent a formal notice that his room addition was in violation of floor plan requirements. 00:04:23
And stated what was required to bring it into compliance. 00:04:30
Specifically mentioned where the required minimum floor ele. 00:04:35
Flood damage resistant materials below the regulatory flood elevation. 00:04:40
And flood vents in the walls around the crawl space below the room addition. 00:04:45
Notwithstanding the notices of violation of his request. 00:04:51
Work continued on the project without addressing the most critical issue, the floor elevation. 00:04:55
I'm sorry, Doctor. You said the most critical. What the most critical issue? The floor elevation. 00:05:07
And now the the flood vents were installed in the crawl space but the floor was not raised. 00:05:13
The materials were the same. 00:05:20
Blood resistant materials to. 00:05:22
To my knowledge. 00:05:24
Then in October. 00:05:28
31st 2023 Mr. Medina. 00:05:30
About the procedure to get a floodplain. 00:05:34
And then on November. 00:05:39
He requested a floodplain variance. 00:05:41
Subsequently, staff reviewed his request and suggested that it might be to his advantage to provide more detail and justification. 00:05:45
For the brilliance request. 00:05:54
And a copy of the ordinance was sent and that the sections were noted that were relevant to the various procedures. 00:05:57
Which would be advisable for him to consider and? 00:06:03
How a variance? 00:06:07
Justifiable for this project? 00:06:09
This information was not included in the latest variance request. 00:06:13
So then on January 20, January? 00:06:21
This request was submitted with. 00:06:24
And the information that you're given. 00:06:29
Normally a request for would be for a variance to specific requirements of the ordinance. 00:06:34
And. 00:06:42
In fact. 00:06:45
Federal Law, Section 44 CFR 60.6. 00:06:50
It is required that the variances to be the minimum action necessary to afford relief. 00:06:55
And. 00:07:03
The absence of. 00:07:05
Specific information. 00:07:07
Implies. 00:07:11
This request is for a variance from all floodplain requirements. 00:07:13
For this entire time entire parcel without time limitations, that's how. 00:07:17
I would interpret. 00:07:25
And clarification might be. 00:07:27
The attorneys. 00:07:30
Feel free to. 00:07:33
Mr. Medina provided an elevation certificate. 00:07:37
Which? 00:07:41
Flood vents were added to the wall around the crawl space. 00:07:43
But that the floor elevation of the room addition was constructed 2.2 feet. 00:07:47
Below the required floor elevation. 00:07:53
Now the required floor elevation is 1 foot above. 00:07:58
100 year water level level. 00:08:01
So he's. 00:08:07
1.2 feet below the actual water level. 00:08:09
And two 2.2 feet below the required elevation. 00:08:13
This elevation certificate also provided numbers to show that the depth of water in 100 year flood. 00:08:18
Would be 2.9 to 5.3 feet above the ground adjacent to the home. 00:08:24
There must be a mound or a hole there somewhere, but that gives you. 00:08:31
Feel. 00:08:36
To the flood there. 00:08:40
And as floodwaters could inundate the floors of the building more than a foot deep. 00:08:44
There is a risk of significant damage. 00:08:49
For the structure and personal. 00:08:52
There's also risk to health and safety. 00:08:54
For the occupants from contaminated flood water. 00:08:58
Debris and silt entering the home and MO. 00:09:02
Growth in the building after the floodwaters received. 00:09:05
Floodwaters are also expected to be about four feet deep at the driveway. 00:09:10
So ingress and egress. 00:09:16
Difficult either on foot or by. 00:09:19
Since residents are not safe inside the home because it's in. 00:09:24
There is not a Safeway to leave. 00:09:28
And emergency responders would be at risk. 00:09:31
Occupants to. 00:09:34
This creates a potential hazard to the health and safety of occupants and respond. 00:09:37
This situation could be. 00:09:43
By complying with the floodplain regulations. 00:09:46
And as you know, deep flooding from Tunnel Creek. 00:09:51
Could last for a fairly long duration. 00:09:54
Depending on the storm. 00:09:57
I see nothing unique about this parcel compared to the neighborhood. 00:10:01
Which would warrant a variance to waive off floodplain requirements. 00:10:06
There is a statement on the variance request letter. 00:10:12
That the addition needs to be low to match the floor of the manufactured home. 00:10:15
This manufactured home was set prior to the regulations being in effect. 00:10:20
So it would not have to be. 00:10:25
'Cause it's that grandfather. 00:10:28
But steps into the addition, while not desirable, could be possible. 00:10:31
Alternatively, the manufactured. 00:10:36
Could be reset to the required flood elevation. 00:10:39
To match the. 00:10:42
The addition if it were raised up. 00:10:46
That non compliant. 00:10:53
Could also be removed in. 00:10:55
And meet the requirements of the regulations. 00:10:58
And although there would be costs, neither of these alternatives would require a variance. 00:11:02
In the ordinance, the definition of exceptional hardship which might justify our variance. 00:11:10
Specifically excludes cost as an exceptional hardship. 00:11:16
Therefore, a decision by the board to deny a variance would not result in an exceptional hardship for the ordinance. 00:11:23
If a variance is granted. 00:11:33
The ordinance requires that a notification signed by the chairman of the board. 00:11:36
Be recorded so that it appears in the chain of title of the. 00:11:41
The required wording is summarized as follows. 00:11:46
A variance to construct a structure below the flood level could increase flood insurance premiums. 00:11:50
Increases the risk to life and. 00:11:55
And that the land would be ineligible for exchange of land pursuant to any flood relocation and land exchange program. 00:11:58
And as a precautionary note. 00:12:10
A history of variances. 00:12:13
Jeopardize Gila County standing in the National Flood Insurance Program. 00:12:15
Which could cause flood insurance premiums to rise for all county residents. 00:12:20
Forget the county suspended from the National Flood Insurance Program. 00:12:26
Which would make federal blood insurance unavailable. 00:12:30
Those are not automatic with this variance, but. 00:12:34
If it is granted that those are possibilities, that the trend persists. 00:12:39
So in conclusion, there are health and safety issues for future building occupants. 00:12:46
And emergency respond. 00:12:51
If a variance is issued to allow the building addition floor. 00:12:54
To remain below the regulatory flood elevation. 00:12:58
Are also flood insurance premium disadvantages? 00:13:03
The advantage of the variance appears to be purely economic, at the expense of the health and safety of occupants. 00:13:08
And future owners and occupants. 00:13:15
The ordinance allows a variance to be granted for an exceptional hardship that would result from failure to grant the ordinance. 00:13:21
It further states that the required it is required that the except that the variance be exceptional unusual. 00:13:30
And peculiar to the property involved. 00:13:37
Economic or financial hardship alone is not exceptional. That's out of the ordinance. 00:13:40
And staff recommends that this variance request be denied for the. 00:13:48
I just. 00:13:54
General Manager decision is yours. 00:13:56
Thank you, darling supervisor. 00:13:59
I I have no questions. I mean if you. 00:14:03
Pretty. 00:14:07
Examination of the building and of the home. 00:14:09
And the reason that the home is in the floodplain is because it was. 00:14:13
Set prior to. 00:14:16
Or it would be in violation as well. So I have no questions. 00:14:19
Supervisor Klein, this is what I don't like about floodplain stuff. Or does this right here. And the reason is, is we have so many 00:14:24
of these situations in Hemet County. 00:14:30
And So what you're saying is, is if we deny the variance, he's going to have to tear that down and live without an addition on 00:14:35
that modular. Which case the modular is already in the floodplain. 00:14:41
Per today's standards, that the whole house is in the floodplain from the driveway on in. 00:14:47
Whether we allow or not allow this addition on this trailer, that trailer could wash away next year anyway, right? 00:14:54
And so if if it does, if that was to happen. 00:15:03
Who's gonna replace that? It's not he the county, right? It's the. 00:15:06
And so all we are doing on something like this, in my opinion is saying to this individual. 00:15:12
No, you can't have this addition which. 00:15:18
To me, the whole situation is is is out of place as far as our floodplain. 00:15:22
Standards go anyway. 00:15:30
Is still going to. 00:15:32
Whether that additions on that house or not, that whole thing could go down the Creek. 00:15:34
Right possibility. 00:15:40
Well, you said, you know, from the driveway going in, you're 4 feet inside the floodplain. 00:15:43
So to me it's like and we have so many of these situations. 00:15:49
That's, that's where I'm coming from. It's like you look at Gila County as a whole. 00:15:53
My. 00:15:59
Which is more than half the heel accounting. I've got a number of these things there. 00:16:01
Now the question I would ask you if this variance was granted, would this individual be able to get a building permit to go ahead 00:16:05
and continue? 00:16:09
And finish this edition? Or how would that work if the variance is granted? 00:16:14
And he takes care of all. 00:16:19
Building code. 00:16:22
And zoning issues, whatever other requirements. 00:16:25
He could be. 00:16:29
Well, we don't in floodplain the ordinance doesn't allow us to. 00:16:32
Issue a floodplain. 00:16:36
But we. 00:16:39
The notice of violation is. 00:16:43
Is resolved by a variance. 00:16:47
OK, so there wouldn't be floodplain requirements. 00:16:51
Now. 00:16:56
Speak to the issue. 00:16:57
There being a hazard, yes, there was still a hazard from. 00:17:02
Manufactured home unless they raise that also. 00:17:06
And we're. 00:17:10
They either remove or raise the. 00:17:13
Right now in the time that I've been working here. 00:17:17
I do take some satisfaction that. 00:17:23
During. After. 00:17:26
The houses that. 00:17:28
Have been built with. 00:17:33
Are not usually the ones with significant flood damage, it's those that are. 00:17:35
Were built before. 00:17:41
The regulations. 00:17:43
So as. 00:17:45
As building progress. 00:17:48
And they meet these requirements, We're building a more flood resistant community. 00:17:51
And I think that's the benefit. 00:17:57
Everybody in the county. 00:18:01
Unfortunately. 00:18:03
You know, we don't. Well, I guess. 00:18:05
Fortunately, we don't have the authority to make. 00:18:08
Retroactively. 00:18:12
Bring things into compliance, but from a safety standpoint, I know we still have a lot of those. 00:18:16
Buildings. 00:18:22
But over. 00:18:24
As they add to them. 00:18:26
Or replace them. We are building a more flood resistant community. 00:18:29
So Dar, I've lived in Henry County all my life. I was born here. I've seen these creeps flood. 00:18:35
And I've seen the damage they do. We've dealt with some of the situations on Panel Creek over there and campaign Creek and 00:18:42
whatnot. I see that and and you can build whatever you want in some of these areas and it ain't gonna matter. On some of these 00:18:48
floods, someone we're gonna wash away and some of them aren't. There's and sometimes there's no rhyme. 00:18:54
But what I am saying is in my. 00:19:00
Mine only is that. 00:19:04
This property owner is. 00:19:08
Has lived there. I don't know how long. 00:19:12
You know, and he wants to build this. It isn't up to me to worry about what his flood insurance is going to cost and not going to 00:19:14
cost. 00:19:18
He's the one that's doing this. 00:19:23
And he's already in the floodplain with his whole house, basically. 00:19:25
And all's we would do if we denied this variance is making teardown as addition. 00:19:30
But he's still going to live there, he or she, whoever it is. 00:19:36
Is still gonna live there. 00:19:39
And they're still going to be the ones that's going to have to deal with it if that ever happens to wash away. 00:19:41
Not helicopter. 00:19:46
And so that's all I'm saying and that's why I've had these discussions when we talked about this ordinance to start with. 00:19:48
Floodplain issues are. 00:19:55
Or they come to us from every. 00:19:58
Because Gila County has so much property in what is now considered flood plains, we can't get away from it. And as a lot of these 00:20:00
areas develop, the more sought after areas, more people are pushed off into what would be considered floodplains now. 00:20:08
And so, I mean, I get it. We're going to deal with it and we're going to have to address it going on in the future. But we have a 00:20:16
number of these situations sitting out there in Gila County. 00:20:21
And and if we make that gentleman tear down his addition? 00:20:26
We're not. We're not doing anything but. 00:20:29
Causing him problems right there in my opinion. 00:20:32
So that's all I have to say about it and I'll let you have it. Mr. Chair. Thank you supervisor. Thank you Card for. 00:20:35
Your presentation and your point of view. 00:20:43
I'm inclined to say that the reason we have the opportunity for variances is because there's unique situations that arise. This is 00:20:48
certainly one where the home is below the flood level and now an addition that's going to be 2 1/2 feet or two feet higher than 00:20:54
the than the home existing is. 00:21:01
Does not seem to make logical sense other than it complies with. 00:21:10
The floodplain issues, so umm. 00:21:14
Did. Is Mr. Medina here today? I don't think he is. 00:21:18
But do you know if Mr. Medina built this add on or whether he purchased the house with the add on started? 00:21:23
That's not really clear. 00:21:32
OK. 00:21:35
We know that. 00:21:37
There was something there. 00:21:39
It was removed and reconstructed or whether it. 00:21:41
Added. 00:21:46
I couldn't say for sure. I'd say that a lot of our rural communities have similar things that have been done over the years. 00:21:48
Because they're isolated and people have a tendency to do that, which is never recommended. 00:21:56
We need to go through the permit process and this is the problem that we need to resolve. But today we're talking about the flood 00:22:02
issue, the variance. 00:22:05
And I printed out a map and gave to you and it seems like there's properties all around this house that are even closer to the 00:22:09
river. So I can imagine that there's a number of people in the neighborhood that would be within the floodplain non compliant 00:22:15
already. So what we're really doing is we're saying there's an addition onto a non compliant property. Do we allow the addition 00:22:20
or? 00:22:26
Not and so that to me is the question. 00:22:31
I don't think it's going to put our flood insurance program at risk doing this one variance. I think if we were reckless with it, 00:22:36
yeah, maybe it would. 00:22:39
That's all I have to say about that anymore. Supervisor Humphrey? Yeah, Mr. Chair, I'll make a comment now. I had no questions, 00:22:45
but now I have a comment. 00:22:49
Decisions we make are going to set precedence as things go forward. 00:22:54
And if we have places that are grandfathered in, then we can't change the grandfather. 00:22:59
Of those that are. 00:23:04
But going forward, we can set precedence of building without a permit. 00:23:07
And not building to flood elevations. 00:23:12
And so if. 00:23:15
If like you say with the map with other homes in this area that are closer to the Creek. 00:23:17
That may or may not be in the flood. 00:23:22
But if they are, they're grandfathered in and so be. 00:23:25
But if we. 00:23:30
Allow for a non permitted N floodplain structure. 00:23:32
Then we're setting precedence, so get ready. 00:23:40
For anybody that lives by a Greek grandfathered. 00:23:43
That wants to build a. 00:23:47
However they. 00:23:49
Because we have the ability to change it. 00:23:52
And we did it. 00:23:55
So we're going to be expected. 00:23:57
To have individual variances come up. 00:23:59
In the future. 00:24:03
And that's my comment, Mr. Chair. So thank you. 00:24:06
What Dart, I did ask you this, this, these folks would have to go back and and and get it permitted, right? That that would be the 00:24:12
deal. 00:24:16
I mean, the floodplain is one thing, the permit is another. And and it's not that I don't disagree with Mr. Humphrey on this. 00:24:22
But if if they were made to go ahead and permit this, build it per. 00:24:30
The building permit owed whatever standards. 00:24:35
Then all we're talking about. 00:24:39
The variance for the floodplain. 00:24:42
Correct. OK. 00:24:46
The thing with me is we have a project that's already started. I don't know if Mr. Medina started. 00:24:53
And I know that doesn't meet the hardship thing at all. So with is there any other comments? 00:24:58
Jessica, do you have anything that we should be aware of? 00:25:06
If you're deliberating. 00:25:18
The thought crossed my mind that this. 00:25:21
National Flood Insurance program. 00:25:25
That we have. 00:25:29
Exists because there's really no market for. 00:25:31
Flood insurance without it. So if you didn't have a National Flood Insurance program. 00:25:36
That means that no one who's. 00:25:40
Certain flood areas could ever get any insurance. 00:25:43
People would not be build. 00:25:46
Where? 00:25:48
Because they couldn't get any ins. 00:25:50
And the market would take care of this situation you? 00:25:52
We wouldn't. 00:25:55
People asking for variances because they just wouldn't be able to get insurance period over to ask for. 00:25:56
So the government stepped in. 00:26:02
With no market and created. 00:26:05
By establishing the flood insurance program and enabling. 00:26:09
People to build within certain areas and flood areas. 00:26:14
Notwithstanding the fact they are in those areas, they can still get ins. 00:26:18
If the counties have an Ord. 00:26:23
That they It's an ordinance that passes muster with federal government and the county is enforcing. 00:26:26
Basically, then, the county qualifies for a reduced rate in the flight insurance program. 00:26:35
So what's happening today, for example, is somebody's asking for a variance. 00:26:42
And all the people who are potentially affected, which is lots of other people whose insurance rates may go up. 00:26:48
Aren't here, don't know about it, have no idea that their interests are at stake. 00:26:55
I don't even know this is going. 00:26:59
And so this one action they have no effect. 00:27:02
But at some point in time. 00:27:07
You know the county takes allows enough variances. 00:27:10
Then it could trigger an increased rate for everybody. 00:27:15
And it's been that whole situation has been set up. 00:27:18
Sequence of variances that have occurred and now the federal government's decided the people in charge of this I hope. 00:27:23
The county is not complying sufficiently with the. 00:27:30
What a plan management ordinance and. 00:27:34
Not Subsid. 00:27:37
Give them these benefits of rates anymore, Now everybody gets affect. 00:27:39
So it's a it's one of those government things where? 00:27:43
The people who may let it be. 00:27:47
Don't know about it, as I said. 00:27:50
Protect their interests. 00:27:54
So it's the nature of this program. 00:27:56
Created artificial. 00:28:01
Markets allowing people to get insurance and building certain. 00:28:03
I didn't get that ordered that but my insurance program right now you can fix that for me, but that's the way I understand it 00:28:09
works. 00:28:12
Thank you, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Menlo. 00:28:17
Mr. Chairman Members. 00:28:20
From your comments, it brought a question to my mind. 00:28:22
Of a Jessica reject me to answer that is could a motion be made that the? 00:28:26
Can be. 00:28:31
Conditional on a building. 00:28:33
Being obtained and that the addition is built according to building codes. 00:28:36
Got a possibility? 00:28:42
Six point. 00:28:48
2 East says, upon consideration of the factors. 00:28:50
Of section 6.2 D and the purposes of this ordinance. 00:28:56
Floodplain board may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary. 00:29:00
Further the purposes of this ordinance. 00:29:06
So that answered, yes, the board can attach cond. 00:29:08
OK. Thank you. 00:29:15
Does this require a unanimous vote if we vote to? 00:29:17
Not that I'm aware of, OK. 00:29:23
If there's no further discussion, then I'll call for a motion. 00:29:25
If I'm making a motion, Mr. Chair. 00:29:33
I make a motion to deny a request submitted by Mr. Steve Medina for your variance from the requirements of Heila County Flood. 00:29:35
Or management ordinance for the room addition to the manufactured home at One O 7 S Cottonwood in Visalia, which was built without 00:29:45
a permit and is not in compliance with the ordinance. 00:29:51
Mr. Chair, I'll second that and then we'll go with the vote. Thank you, Supervisor. We have a motion and a second to deny. 00:30:00
The variance, all those in favor of that say. 00:30:08
Aye, aye. All those opposed, aye. 00:30:12
Thank you. Thank you, Doug. 00:30:18
Thank you, Jonathan. Does not pass, our variance doesn't. I will make a motion now need a motion to adjourn as the Board of 00:30:20
Directors of the Hill County Flood Control District reconvene as the Board of Supervisors. I'll make some move, Mr. Chair. 00:30:27
I'll second all those in favor. Say aye, aye. 00:30:34
Thank you, Item 2A, Information Discussion Action to authorize payment of maintenance fees to Motorola Solutions Incorporated for 00:30:38
two quar. 00:30:42
Of 2023 in the amount of $62,261.36 and for four quarters of 2020 four $33,309.82 per quarter for a total cost of $133,239.28 per 00:30:47
year for a grant total of $195,500.64, which will allow Motorola Solutions, Inc to continue providing maintenance and updates to 00:30:57
the Spillman software program utilized. 00:31:08
Are the Gila County Sheriff's Office for its records and management system. Good morning, Sarah. Good morning, chairman, members 00:31:19
of the board. 00:31:22
This is our Spillman system. That's what we've known it for for years. It was purchased a few years back by Motorola, and that's 00:31:27
when the name change happened. This runs pretty much every aspect of the record system in the Sheriff's Office. 00:31:35
And this is for maintenance fees to continue. 00:31:43
On with them and servicing and giving us updates and patching and that type of thing. 00:31:49
Umm you are approving two quarters for 2023 that need to be paid to them and then all four quarters for 2024? 00:31:55
With that, I'll take any questions. Thank you, Sarah. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question, Mr. Chair. 00:32:04
So, Sarah, you guys have had this since 9999? Yeah. OK. 00:32:11
Cool. Thanks. You're welcome. We had a catastrophic records failure back then and that's when the board approved for us to go to a 00:32:16
records management system. And so that was in 99 and we have not had any issues since then. 00:32:24
Great. Thanks, Sarah with our call for motion. 00:32:34
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize a payment of the maintenance fees to Motorola Motorola Solutions Incorporated as 00:32:37
presented. 00:32:41
I'll second that motion in a second to approve those in favor. Say aye. Aye. Thank you, Sarah. 00:32:45
Item 2C. Information Discussion and action to approve the Use of Arizona State contract number Ctr. 063770 with Iron Mountain 00:32:52
Information Management, LLC in the amount of $114,172.95 through June 30th, 2024 for the digitization of the assessors parcel 00:33:00
records Micah. 00:33:07
Good morning, Chairman, Christensen Supervisors. 00:33:15
The Assessors office currently maintains parcel records, maps, and the historical value information and paper format. While the 00:33:19
system has served well served us well for over over the years, it poses a significant risk due to the lack of a backup. Our paper 00:33:26
records contain valuable historical title chain information, maps and property valuation data. However, without digitization, 00:33:34
there is no safeguard against potential potential losses due to fire, accidents or other unforeseen events. 00:33:42
Staff in the Payson office often need to access this information. Currently, they must contact the Globe office and request 00:33:49
specific partial records, causing delays and inefficiencies. 00:33:55
The solution would be the digitization, which we propose digitizing all accessories office records. This would involve scanning 00:34:01
and organizing the existing paper files into a secure digital database. Benefits would include digitization that ensures our 00:34:09
valuable historical information is backed up electronically, reducing the risk of permanent loss staffing. Both the Globe and 00:34:17
Payson Office can directly access the records without unnecessary delays. 00:34:24
And in the event of a fire or another emergency, the digital copies will remain. 00:34:32
There is a second contract that will be forthcoming that is for the. 00:34:39
Packaging, prep, transportation and destruction of those files once they've been digitally. 00:34:44
Digitized. So there will be another contract that is forthcoming, but it's I believe its value is 7141 thousand $7142 and it's not 00:34:51
finalized yet, but that will be part of the same digitization project. I just want to make you aware that there will be another 00:34:59
coming contract related to this. 00:35:06
I can take any questions you may. 00:35:15
Thank you, Mike. Supervisor Humphrey, hi. I have no questions. I just think it's great that we're getting digitized to help. 00:35:17
Access the files that we have. 00:35:25
Ever. And for public access as well. 00:35:28
Other than that, I have no comment. Thank you. I'll supervise the client. Micah, thanks. I agree with super supervisor Humphrey 00:35:32
this, this is good and make life a lot easier for a lot of people. Absolutely. It's sort of like we're entering the. 00:35:38
20th century and maybe even more. 00:35:45
So is this ARPA money? Yes. OK, great. Chairman. Yes, yes. I just wanted to notate for the record that there is a document on the 00:35:48
attachments. It's a single source justification. Now that is for the 2nd portion that he's mentioning, it is not relevant to this 00:35:56
agenda item, So just to be presented at a later date, correct. OK. So we're not, we're only approving this 114,000. Yes, this is a 00:36:04
rising out of a state contract. So we don't need a single source justification for a procurement purposes. 00:36:12
Thank you, Jessica. 00:36:21
OK, with that, I'll entertain a motion. 00:36:23
Mr. Move to approve the use of Arizona State contract number Ctr. 063770 with Iron Mountain information. 00:36:26
Management LLC as presented. And I'll second that Mr. Chair. Thank you. Motion to accept and seconded. All those in favor. Say 00:36:35
aye. Aye. Thank you, Michael. Thank you, Carrie. 00:36:41
Item 2D Information Discussion Action to approve amendment number one to Professional services Contract number 081723 with. 00:36:50
Elections systems and software in the amount of $52,520.66 which extends the term of the contract for one additional year from 00:36:59
year from April. 00:37:05
2024 through April 17, 2020. 00:37:12
Mr. 00:37:16
Mr. Chairman, sorry for. 00:37:18
Mr. Mariscal is busy. 00:37:21
Preparing for the president presidential preference election which is coming up real quick And there's he's working to ensure. 00:37:24