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A. Information/Discussion/Action to canvass the election results contained in the Official Canvass of the Presidential Preference Election held on March,24, in Gila County, Arizona, and declare the results official. (Eric Mariscal)
3.  CALL TO THE PUBLIC: A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. §-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
Hey, good morning, everyone. I'd like to call this special meeting to order. It's Wednesday, March 27th, 2024, 10:01 AM and in 18 00:00:01
we have 25 declines myself and then the globe. 00:00:08
Boardroom We have Supervisor Humphrey. 00:00:16
If you'd like to stand, and I'll leave this in the plague of allegiance. 00:00:20
Final Legion to the flag. 00:00:26
OK. Thank you. 00:00:41
OK, let's get started with Agenda item 2A. It's information, discussion and action to canvas the election results contained in the 00:00:43
official canvas of the Presidential Preference Election held on March 19th, 2024 in Hilo County, Arizona and declare the results 00:00:51
official. 00:00:58
Divine error. 00:01:05
Good morning, Supervisor Christensen, Supervisor, Client, Supervisor Humphrey, before you, you have the canvas of election results 00:01:07
for the Presidential Preference Election of March 19th. 00:01:11
2024 Opening up the first page, you'll see our contents, basically our precinct listing. 00:01:16
Voter turn out our total ballot summary, early ballot and our provisional Valerie Provisional Ballot, thus rejection summary 00:01:23
reports. 00:01:26
So in our precinct listing, we utilize the same precincts that we normally utilize for this for all of our elections. We had our 00:01:31
six vote centers that we had located in Payson and the Global Miami area along with our 1111 outstanding locations throughout the 00:01:37
county. Two of them because of this presidential preference election, the methodology where it's set up, we're allowed to certain 00:01:44
precincts that don't make a certain voter registration threshold. We're allowed to send those out all by mail and for this 00:01:50
election. 00:01:56
Or whispering Pines Precinct and our Roosevelt Sierra onshore precincts were deemed tabs. 00:02:03
A voter registration that was allowable so that we could send it out by mail. This allows us to save money by reducing the 00:02:10
equipment and the time we have to spend producing kits for those location sites. So let's save this a little bit of time and a 00:02:15
little bit of money in that regard. 00:02:20
Next section is our voter turn out. 00:02:27
And as I've kind of commented to a couple of you that have seen our post the election and when I spoke to a county manager, James 00:02:29
Menlov, it was pretty anemic turnout that we had. We were not extremely busy on Election Day. 00:02:36
Our final turn out was. 00:02:44
46.79%. 00:02:47
Voter turn out here in Gila County we had 23,920 voters that were eligible to participate in the Presidential preference election 00:02:49
and that is primarily the Republican and the Democratic Party members throughout Gila County. Quick summary here. You can see that 00:02:57
our all county ballots came out to 11,191 for a 46.79% turn out. 00:03:05
Our polling place number of ballots cast at our polling places county wide was 876. 00:03:14
So that was a very small turn out, but that has been the. 00:03:20
That we've been seeing in Gila County since 2008. Early voting, voting by mail has taken an extreme. 00:03:24
Umm command of the ways in which the voters vote in Yuma County. Our early ballots came out to about 10,309. 00:03:32
Or where the bulk of our turn out was about 43% there we had six provisional ballots that were cast and were verified and so that 00:03:39
shows how that ends Statewide, we finished #2. 00:03:45
In the total voter turn out like I said 46. 00:03:52
.79. 00:03:56
We were once again eclipsed by Yavapai County, who came in with 54.82%. We keep chasing them, we can't catch them, but we keep 00:03:58
chasing them. But we've been consistent, so we've finishing the top. 00:04:03
1-2 or two or three positions in Gila County for like the last 11-12 years now. So voters in Gila County, they don't mind, they go 00:04:08
out vote no matter what it is. So that's that's a good good thing for them. 00:04:14
The next is our next section is our Total Ballot Summary and this just breaks it down once again. 00:04:20
The number of registered voters that were allowed to participate in this election, 23,920. And then the breakdown and the 00:04:26
Republican 15,949 were eligible. The Democratic Party 7971. And between the two they cast 11,191 ballots. And you can see further 00:04:33
down the breakdown the Republicans 8088, Democrats 3103. Now you'll see that one number there. It says blank. What does that mean 00:04:41
exactly? Those are just simply people. 00:04:48
Voters from both parties they just designed. 00:04:56
They were not going to participate in the election because some of the comments that we saw come back to us, they were not exactly 00:04:58
pleased with the choices that they had. So in protest they simply did not cast a vote at all. And of course once again the voter 00:05:04
turn out and once again voter turn out by the party. 00:05:10
And as you can see here on the next page, page two of this report breaks down how many each candidate received. 00:05:17
The only one that was officially withdrawn from the race was Asha Hutchinson, but yet he still garnered 10 votes in Gila County, 00:05:24
even though it was posted on our web pages and on the polling locations on Election Day that he was an actual withdrawal in 00:05:30
Canada, officially from the Secretary of State's office. But he still did honor some votes. 00:05:36
And on the particular Republican Party, they had four over votes, 1300 votes, and referencing the Democratic Party, they also had 00:05:42
five over votes and 32 under votes on their particular race. 00:05:48
Or polling place ballot summary of the next section. As you can see, that is where we had our. 00:05:54
Or a small number of turn out there at the point of locations and once again breakdown by how they receive their votes. 00:06:00
The next section is the early ballot summary. 00:06:08
OK, and once again how they came and voted by mail? 00:06:11
The total that we received by mail were 10,331. We had 22 rejected for a verified for tabulation of 10,309 and the number rejected 00:06:17
were 22 for various reasons. 00:06:22
Two for empty affidavit envelopes and 15 were. These signatures did not match these the affidavits and the files that the voters 00:06:29
have. 00:06:33
Our provisional ballot summary, you had 31 that were received total. 00:06:39
25 were rejected and we had six that were verified for tabulation. 00:06:43
And the bulk of the ones this time we had 16 who were voted the wrong party. In other words, it was mostly. 00:06:47
Independence that showed up. 00:06:54
Now in some of our provisional detail report, we don't have a lot of information on that simply because that some of the locations 00:07:57
are provisional ballots were cast. 00:08:01
It would be able any of the individual knowing that they voted provisional in that particular precinct. It would be they would be 00:08:05
able to determine how that person voted because there were very few provisional votes cast. So we've redacted that information in 00:08:11
our report so that the secrecy of their ballot is maintained. 00:08:16
OK. So that is pretty much it, if you have any questions on any of the information? 00:08:22
Thank you, Eric Supervisor Humphrey. 00:08:30
I have no question. 00:08:34
Supervisor Klein, The only question I have, Eric, is these election results will be posted on our website to folks to see. Yes, 00:08:37
they will. We'll have them posted up once we get those final signatures. And so for everything you need, we'll have them posted on 00:08:42
our web. And we'll also be sending them off the Secretary of States office as soon as we get all the documentation that we need, 00:08:47
which is basically the signature from the chair. 00:08:52
OK. Thank you. Just have one thing to say on this. 00:08:58
We were. I kind of had a little bit of a problem early on in this election where we lost one of our key personnel in my 00:09:03
department. We're normally 4 strong, but we've lost a couple of people last year, went to a better position, which, no problem 00:09:09
there. We had hired somebody in, but they're brand new, my elections administrator, one of my assistants. 00:09:15
She was not able to continue on with the county for HIPAA reasons. I don't really can't say too much, but she was a significant 00:09:23
part of our operation and it was a pretty difficult blow. 00:09:28
To try and make up that ground, it's hard to train. Somebody usually takes a couple of election cycles to get an election 00:09:34
administrator that knows what they're doing and can run with a ball on their own. 00:09:38
We had somebody come in right in the middle of this election and I'm very, very grateful that she's still with us because. 00:09:44
Allowed us to be successful in our efforts. So for those department Sherry, Paul, Carroll and Denise without them with the last 00:10:20
minute kind of stepping up and helping us get that final clearance on that hurdle, we were able to provide the citizens view 00:10:26
accounting successful in the election. So just want to make sure that those people got the proper. 00:10:32
Combinations for the help that they've provided, and that's legitimate. 00:10:39
Thank you. Thank you. 00:10:44
And thank all those. 00:10:47
Myself too. That job. 00:10:50
The volunteers and people involved, it's just. 00:10:55
Very necessary to have them, and I know that. 00:10:59
You spend a lot of time training, a lot of time taking care to make sure. 00:11:03
Are done well, and so I. 00:11:08
I was impressed that no one the deceased voted. 00:11:11
Because everyone thinks that happens a lot and so. 00:11:19
I need one here that the signature does not match. 00:11:23
Did they? Did they try and? 00:11:28
Verify those signatures or yes. 00:11:32
The Recorder's office had it, you know. 00:11:36
Notified them and so they had that cure period. 00:11:38
Have them working on the weekends on this particular election due to A. 00:11:42
Issue with the recount and sort of movement of the primary election, as you all know, one of the things down there necessitated 00:11:47
the the recorders offices to be open on the weekends to go ahead and facilitate those people to hear those ballots that they had 00:11:52
issues with. 00:11:56
So they had the opportunity, but. 00:12:02
Very seldom at the end and with this particular election since it was very low turn out and it was not necessarily. 00:12:04
I don't know. It just didn't seem like a lot of people were overly interested in it. So those individuals, that may have been a 00:12:10
reason why they just didn't come in and cure those ballots like they probably should. 00:12:14
There's no way of knowing. 00:12:19
Thank you, Eric. And with that I will ask for a motion to declare the revoke official. 00:12:22
It's all moved. 00:12:31
And I will second that. OK, we have a motion in effect. 00:12:33
Aye, aye. 00:12:37
I. 00:12:40
Thank you. Thank you, Eric. Thank you very much supervisor. 00:12:44
Open Passes. 00:12:47
So call to the public. We have no one here in Payson. 00:12:50
Cathandra. 00:12:55
No, we don't have any. 00:12:57
Anyone in Globe? 00:13:00
OK I. 00:13:04
County manager report. 00:13:08
Chairman, this is Michael O'Driscoll, Deputy County Manager. The county manager, James Menlov isn't here right now, so I will wait 00:13:13
till the next meeting. Let him give the update. 00:13:18
OK, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:13:25
Yeah, I I just current events I I noticed that I got an e-mail from. 00:13:30
Representative Dave Marshall on Fossil Creek. 00:13:37
Today and it, you know, it goes on to say, well it's a two page letter and part of it is I encourage you to do all you can to 00:13:42
assist HEAL accounting to solving the public safety crisis by first advocating that the Yavapai Apache Nation in Eagle County to 00:13:49
begin negotiations to complete the project immediately. And it was my assumption that we're doing everything we can to solve that. 00:13:56
And so I'm going to be getting with him to see where he got the impression that we are not. 00:14:04
Doing all we can or that I'm not doing all that I can as a county supervisor and so that is the current event that I have for 00:14:12
today. 00:14:17
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. 00:14:24
I had that same e-mail but other than that that is all I guess I would have. 00:14:28
OK, I think the origins of that e-mail, although not from myself, was from likely Gary Morris. 00:14:33
Who has? 00:14:43
F Double legislature legislators. 00:14:46
To offer a letter of support, so I need to review that letter myself. 00:14:51
As to why it's addressed necessarily to us. 00:14:57
I believe it's just intended to be a letter of support. 00:15:01
So that's all I have. And if there's nothing else, then I will adjourn the meeting. Thank you. 00:15:05
Really like. 00:15:17
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Hey, good morning, everyone. I'd like to call this special meeting to order. It's Wednesday, March 27th, 2024, 10:01 AM and in 18 00:00:01
we have 25 declines myself and then the globe. 00:00:08
Boardroom We have Supervisor Humphrey. 00:00:16
If you'd like to stand, and I'll leave this in the plague of allegiance. 00:00:20
Final Legion to the flag. 00:00:26
OK. Thank you. 00:00:41
OK, let's get started with Agenda item 2A. It's information, discussion and action to canvas the election results contained in the 00:00:43
official canvas of the Presidential Preference Election held on March 19th, 2024 in Hilo County, Arizona and declare the results 00:00:51
official. 00:00:58
Divine error. 00:01:05
Good morning, Supervisor Christensen, Supervisor, Client, Supervisor Humphrey, before you, you have the canvas of election results 00:01:07
for the Presidential Preference Election of March 19th. 00:01:11
2024 Opening up the first page, you'll see our contents, basically our precinct listing. 00:01:16
Voter turn out our total ballot summary, early ballot and our provisional Valerie Provisional Ballot, thus rejection summary 00:01:23
reports. 00:01:26
So in our precinct listing, we utilize the same precincts that we normally utilize for this for all of our elections. We had our 00:01:31
six vote centers that we had located in Payson and the Global Miami area along with our 1111 outstanding locations throughout the 00:01:37
county. Two of them because of this presidential preference election, the methodology where it's set up, we're allowed to certain 00:01:44
precincts that don't make a certain voter registration threshold. We're allowed to send those out all by mail and for this 00:01:50
election. 00:01:56
Or whispering Pines Precinct and our Roosevelt Sierra onshore precincts were deemed tabs. 00:02:03
A voter registration that was allowable so that we could send it out by mail. This allows us to save money by reducing the 00:02:10
equipment and the time we have to spend producing kits for those location sites. So let's save this a little bit of time and a 00:02:15
little bit of money in that regard. 00:02:20
Next section is our voter turn out. 00:02:27
And as I've kind of commented to a couple of you that have seen our post the election and when I spoke to a county manager, James 00:02:29
Menlov, it was pretty anemic turnout that we had. We were not extremely busy on Election Day. 00:02:36
Our final turn out was. 00:02:44
46.79%. 00:02:47
Voter turn out here in Gila County we had 23,920 voters that were eligible to participate in the Presidential preference election 00:02:49
and that is primarily the Republican and the Democratic Party members throughout Gila County. Quick summary here. You can see that 00:02:57
our all county ballots came out to 11,191 for a 46.79% turn out. 00:03:05
Our polling place number of ballots cast at our polling places county wide was 876. 00:03:14
So that was a very small turn out, but that has been the. 00:03:20
That we've been seeing in Gila County since 2008. Early voting, voting by mail has taken an extreme. 00:03:24
Umm command of the ways in which the voters vote in Yuma County. Our early ballots came out to about 10,309. 00:03:32
Or where the bulk of our turn out was about 43% there we had six provisional ballots that were cast and were verified and so that 00:03:39
shows how that ends Statewide, we finished #2. 00:03:45
In the total voter turn out like I said 46. 00:03:52
.79. 00:03:56
We were once again eclipsed by Yavapai County, who came in with 54.82%. We keep chasing them, we can't catch them, but we keep 00:03:58
chasing them. But we've been consistent, so we've finishing the top. 00:04:03
1-2 or two or three positions in Gila County for like the last 11-12 years now. So voters in Gila County, they don't mind, they go 00:04:08
out vote no matter what it is. So that's that's a good good thing for them. 00:04:14
The next is our next section is our Total Ballot Summary and this just breaks it down once again. 00:04:20
The number of registered voters that were allowed to participate in this election, 23,920. And then the breakdown and the 00:04:26
Republican 15,949 were eligible. The Democratic Party 7971. And between the two they cast 11,191 ballots. And you can see further 00:04:33
down the breakdown the Republicans 8088, Democrats 3103. Now you'll see that one number there. It says blank. What does that mean 00:04:41
exactly? Those are just simply people. 00:04:48
Voters from both parties they just designed. 00:04:56
They were not going to participate in the election because some of the comments that we saw come back to us, they were not exactly 00:04:58
pleased with the choices that they had. So in protest they simply did not cast a vote at all. And of course once again the voter 00:05:04
turn out and once again voter turn out by the party. 00:05:10
And as you can see here on the next page, page two of this report breaks down how many each candidate received. 00:05:17
The only one that was officially withdrawn from the race was Asha Hutchinson, but yet he still garnered 10 votes in Gila County, 00:05:24
even though it was posted on our web pages and on the polling locations on Election Day that he was an actual withdrawal in 00:05:30
Canada, officially from the Secretary of State's office. But he still did honor some votes. 00:05:36
And on the particular Republican Party, they had four over votes, 1300 votes, and referencing the Democratic Party, they also had 00:05:42
five over votes and 32 under votes on their particular race. 00:05:48
Or polling place ballot summary of the next section. As you can see, that is where we had our. 00:05:54
Or a small number of turn out there at the point of locations and once again breakdown by how they receive their votes. 00:06:00
The next section is the early ballot summary. 00:06:08
OK, and once again how they came and voted by mail? 00:06:11
The total that we received by mail were 10,331. We had 22 rejected for a verified for tabulation of 10,309 and the number rejected 00:06:17
were 22 for various reasons. 00:06:22
Two for empty affidavit envelopes and 15 were. These signatures did not match these the affidavits and the files that the voters 00:06:29
have. 00:06:33
Our provisional ballot summary, you had 31 that were received total. 00:06:39
25 were rejected and we had six that were verified for tabulation. 00:06:43
And the bulk of the ones this time we had 16 who were voted the wrong party. In other words, it was mostly. 00:06:47
Independence that showed up. 00:06:54
Now in some of our provisional detail report, we don't have a lot of information on that simply because that some of the locations 00:07:57
are provisional ballots were cast. 00:08:01
It would be able any of the individual knowing that they voted provisional in that particular precinct. It would be they would be 00:08:05
able to determine how that person voted because there were very few provisional votes cast. So we've redacted that information in 00:08:11
our report so that the secrecy of their ballot is maintained. 00:08:16
OK. So that is pretty much it, if you have any questions on any of the information? 00:08:22
Thank you, Eric Supervisor Humphrey. 00:08:30
I have no question. 00:08:34
Supervisor Klein, The only question I have, Eric, is these election results will be posted on our website to folks to see. Yes, 00:08:37
they will. We'll have them posted up once we get those final signatures. And so for everything you need, we'll have them posted on 00:08:42
our web. And we'll also be sending them off the Secretary of States office as soon as we get all the documentation that we need, 00:08:47
which is basically the signature from the chair. 00:08:52
OK. Thank you. Just have one thing to say on this. 00:08:58
We were. I kind of had a little bit of a problem early on in this election where we lost one of our key personnel in my 00:09:03
department. We're normally 4 strong, but we've lost a couple of people last year, went to a better position, which, no problem 00:09:09
there. We had hired somebody in, but they're brand new, my elections administrator, one of my assistants. 00:09:15
She was not able to continue on with the county for HIPAA reasons. I don't really can't say too much, but she was a significant 00:09:23
part of our operation and it was a pretty difficult blow. 00:09:28
To try and make up that ground, it's hard to train. Somebody usually takes a couple of election cycles to get an election 00:09:34
administrator that knows what they're doing and can run with a ball on their own. 00:09:38
We had somebody come in right in the middle of this election and I'm very, very grateful that she's still with us because. 00:09:44
Allowed us to be successful in our efforts. So for those department Sherry, Paul, Carroll and Denise without them with the last 00:10:20
minute kind of stepping up and helping us get that final clearance on that hurdle, we were able to provide the citizens view 00:10:26
accounting successful in the election. So just want to make sure that those people got the proper. 00:10:32
Combinations for the help that they've provided, and that's legitimate. 00:10:39
Thank you. Thank you. 00:10:44
And thank all those. 00:10:47
Myself too. That job. 00:10:50
The volunteers and people involved, it's just. 00:10:55
Very necessary to have them, and I know that. 00:10:59
You spend a lot of time training, a lot of time taking care to make sure. 00:11:03
Are done well, and so I. 00:11:08
I was impressed that no one the deceased voted. 00:11:11
Because everyone thinks that happens a lot and so. 00:11:19
I need one here that the signature does not match. 00:11:23
Did they? Did they try and? 00:11:28
Verify those signatures or yes. 00:11:32
The Recorder's office had it, you know. 00:11:36
Notified them and so they had that cure period. 00:11:38
Have them working on the weekends on this particular election due to A. 00:11:42
Issue with the recount and sort of movement of the primary election, as you all know, one of the things down there necessitated 00:11:47
the the recorders offices to be open on the weekends to go ahead and facilitate those people to hear those ballots that they had 00:11:52
issues with. 00:11:56
So they had the opportunity, but. 00:12:02
Very seldom at the end and with this particular election since it was very low turn out and it was not necessarily. 00:12:04
I don't know. It just didn't seem like a lot of people were overly interested in it. So those individuals, that may have been a 00:12:10
reason why they just didn't come in and cure those ballots like they probably should. 00:12:14
There's no way of knowing. 00:12:19
Thank you, Eric. And with that I will ask for a motion to declare the revoke official. 00:12:22
It's all moved. 00:12:31
And I will second that. OK, we have a motion in effect. 00:12:33
Aye, aye. 00:12:37
I. 00:12:40
Thank you. Thank you, Eric. Thank you very much supervisor. 00:12:44
Open Passes. 00:12:47
So call to the public. We have no one here in Payson. 00:12:50
Cathandra. 00:12:55
No, we don't have any. 00:12:57
Anyone in Globe? 00:13:00
OK I. 00:13:04
County manager report. 00:13:08
Chairman, this is Michael O'Driscoll, Deputy County Manager. The county manager, James Menlov isn't here right now, so I will wait 00:13:13
till the next meeting. Let him give the update. 00:13:18
OK, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:13:25
Yeah, I I just current events I I noticed that I got an e-mail from. 00:13:30
Representative Dave Marshall on Fossil Creek. 00:13:37
Today and it, you know, it goes on to say, well it's a two page letter and part of it is I encourage you to do all you can to 00:13:42
assist HEAL accounting to solving the public safety crisis by first advocating that the Yavapai Apache Nation in Eagle County to 00:13:49
begin negotiations to complete the project immediately. And it was my assumption that we're doing everything we can to solve that. 00:13:56
And so I'm going to be getting with him to see where he got the impression that we are not. 00:14:04
Doing all we can or that I'm not doing all that I can as a county supervisor and so that is the current event that I have for 00:14:12
today. 00:14:17
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. 00:14:24
I had that same e-mail but other than that that is all I guess I would have. 00:14:28
OK, I think the origins of that e-mail, although not from myself, was from likely Gary Morris. 00:14:33
Who has? 00:14:43
F Double legislature legislators. 00:14:46
To offer a letter of support, so I need to review that letter myself. 00:14:51
As to why it's addressed necessarily to us. 00:14:57
I believe it's just intended to be a letter of support. 00:15:01
So that's all I have. And if there's nothing else, then I will adjourn the meeting. Thank you. 00:15:05
Really like. 00:15:17
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