Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No.-07-03 to name West Tumbleweed Lane in the Young area. (Tom Homan)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to consider a liquor license application (County No. LL-24-01) submitted by Jeffrey Miller for an owner transfer with an interim permit to operate for a Series0 Beer and Wine Store Liquor License at Jakes Corner General Store located in Payson; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the license should be granted. (Samantha Trimble)   REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A. (Recess as the Gila County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors.) Information/Discussion/Action to approve Library Service Agreements between the Gila County Library District and the following entities: City of Globe-$131,900; Town of Miami-$61,300; Town of Payson-$275,300; Tonto Basin Public Library-$84,000; Isabelle Hunt Memorial Public Library-$127,300; and Pleasant Valley Community Library Board for the Young Public Library-$65,700, all of which will begin on July24, to June,25. (Elaine Votruba)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to approve a Library Service Agreement between the Gila County Library District and the Town of Hayden for the Hayden Public Library in the amount of $59,750 for the period of July24, to June,25. (Elaine Votruba) (Adjourn as the Gila County Library District Board of Directors and reconvene as the Gila County Board of Supervisors.)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval for the submittal of the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC) FY25 Drug, Gang and Violent Crime Control Grant Application; approve ACJC FY25 Drug, Gang and Violent Crime Control Grant Agreement No. DC-25-023 in the amount of,758.81 for the period July24, through June,25; and authorize the Board Chairman to electronically sign the Agreement. (Joe Albo)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the submittal of the County trial courts' FY25 Field Trainer Grant Application in the amount of $25,000 to the Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts. (Jon Bearup)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Gila County, for and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office, and the Tonto Apache Tribe, by and through the Tonto Apache Tribe Police Department, for access to law enforcement related information systems. (Carrie Bartling)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Gila County, for and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office, and the City of Globe, by and through the City of Globe Police Department, for access to law enforcement related information systems. (Carrie Bartling)
G. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Gila County, for and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office, and the Town of Miami, by and through the Town of Miami Police Department, for access to law enforcement related information systems. (Carrie Bartling)
H. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Gila County, for and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office, and the Town of Hayden, by and through the Town of Hayden Police Department, for access to law enforcement related information systems. (Carrie Bartling)
I. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt the proposed FY25 Salary Plan not to exceed $1.2M for General Fund salaries and employee-related expenses. (Maryn Belling)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Hellsgate Fire Department (HFD) whereby Gila County Government will sell nine vehicles (as listed in the IGA) to HFD for the price of one dollar ($1) each. (Maryn Belling/Mark Highstreet)
K. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Agreement No.112024 with the Humane Society of Central Arizona, Inc. for the period of July24, through June,25. (Joshua Beck)   L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment an Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. CTR067227) with the Arizona Department of Health Services to increase the price sheet for personnel and employee related expenses for the period of October23, to September,24. (Joshua Beck)
M. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Independent Contractor Agreement (Contract No.012024-25) between Wildfire and the Gila County Public Health and Community Services Department, Community Action Program, whereby Wildfire will administer funding in the amount of $282,024 which will be used to provide weatherization services, utility repair, and replacement, utility deposits and bill assistance to eligible citizens residing in Gila County for the period of July24, through June,25. (Joshua Beck)
N. Information/Discussion/Action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between Gila County and the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management for an effective term of ten years from the date signed. (Carl Melford)
O. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Modification No.2 to Forest Service Agreement No.-RO-11031200-232 extending the expiration date from September,24, to September,25, and updating Forest Service Program Manager from Cory Brunsting to Michelle Tom and updating Forest Service Administrative Contact from Brian Speeg to John Bechage. (Thomas Goodman)
P. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Contract Agreement No. CTR058876 with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. to prepare environmental documents, including an Environmental Assessment (EA) and supporting technical documentation in an amount not to exceed $279,779 which will facilitate environmental clearance and satisfy the National Environmental Policy Act requirements. (Homero Vela)
Q. Information/Discussion/Action to declare a portion of Outlaw Lane not necessary for public use and direct staff to begin the process to extinguish a portion of Outlaw Lane as shown on Exhibit “A.” (Homero Vela)
R. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment Contract No.1122-Bulk Fuel and Lubricants with Senergy Petroleum, LLC to extend the term of the contract for one additional year from July,24, to July,25, for the purchase of bulk fuel and lubricants for a not to exceed the amount of $1,200,000. (Homero Vela)
S. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Invitation for Bids No.0424-Control Road Roadway Improvements. (Homero Vela)
T. (Recess as the Gila County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Gila County Flood Control District Board of Directors.) Information/Discussion/Action to temporarily assign delegation for floodplain administration to Civil Engineer Senior Alexander Kendrick until the Floodplain Administrator Flood Control District position can be filled with a qualified candidate. (Homero Vela) (Adjourn as the Gila County Flood Control District Board of Directors and reconvene as the Board of Supervisors.)
U. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment Contract No. CTR050894 with JaniServ, Inc. to extend the contract for an additional year for the term of July24 to June,25, and increase the contract amount to $276,148.10 to provide janitorial services for both the southern and northern regions of Gila County. (Joseph Dickison)
V. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Special Use Permit regarding the Crouch Mesa radio tower site with the Tonto National Forest in Young, AZ for the purpose of providing a better communication system. (Woody Cline)
4. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A. Approval of a revised Amendment an Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract No. CTR055258) with the Arizona Department of Health Services for the funding of Title V Maternal and Child Health Healthy Arizona Families Initiative to include the price sheet.   B. Acknowledgment of the May24 monthly activity report submitted by the Recorder's Office.    C. Acknowledgment of the May24 monthly activity report submitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court's Office.   D. Acknowledgment of May24 monthly activity report submitted by Globe Regional Constable's Office.   E. Acknowledgment of the May24 monthly activity report submitted by the Payson Regional Constable's Office.   F. Acknowledgment of the May24 monthly activity report submitted by the Globe Regional Justice of the Peace's Office.   G. Acknowledgment of the report for the County Manager approved contracts under $50,000 for the month of May24.   H. Approval of the monthly activity reports submitted by the Human Resources Department for May24.       I. Approval of the Board of Supervisors' June,24 meeting minutes.
5. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
OK. Good morning everyone. Welcome to the our regular meeting of Tuesday, July 2nd, 2020 4:10 AM. I'd like to call this meeting to 00:00:02
order and we're going to have Cassandra lead us in the pledge and Mr. Menloving the invocation. 00:00:10
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:20
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:27
I kind of gracious heavenly Father, we bow our heads before the at the beginning of this Board of Supervisors being we are 00:00:44
grateful for that blessings. We're grateful for thy tender mercies that. 00:00:49
Those that are in need been received by blessings. We're grateful that we can meet this morning at the board who writers can meet 00:00:56
this morning and we pray for thy guidance that direction that we may do all in accordance with my will. Pray for those that are 00:01:03
less fortunate that they might be blessed and that we may be observant and will it enable to help those that are in need. We ask 00:01:09
this prayer in the name of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:16
Well. 00:01:29
Welcome to a new fiscal year. 00:01:32
And we have a lot of business to conduct this morning, so we'll get started with Item 2A, information, discussion and action to 00:01:35
adopt resolution #24-07-03. To name W Tumbleweed Lane. In the Young area, we have Tom Holman. 00:01:45
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board. 00:01:55
Once again, we've had some land splits and up in the young area. This time the residents were the ones that picked the Tumbleweed 00:01:59
Lane Rd. name. Since it does not conflict with any other Rd. name within the county, we are amenable to it and I'll answer any 00:02:07
questions. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no question. Supervisor Klein, another guy. Thank you, Tom. Yeah, thank you, 00:02:14
Tom. With that, I'll call for a motion. 00:02:22
Public hearing, Sir. Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. Public hearing. So with that, I'll call for anyone in Globe. No, Payson and 00:02:30
Cassandra, No. Okay, I'll close the public hearing portion. Call for motion. 00:02:39
Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #24-07-03, and I'll second that, Mr. Chair. OK, motion to approve and 2nd, those in favor 00:02:49
say aye, aye. And Item 2B. Also public hearing information, discussion and action to consider a liquor license application. 00:02:58
The number LL-24-01 submitted by Jeffrey Miller for an owner transfer with an interim permit to operate for a series. 00:03:07
Oh, or 010 beer and wine store liquor license at Chicks Corner general store are located. 00:03:17
I'm sure in Jake's Corner it says Payson though, and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and 00:03:25
Control whether the license should be granted and Samantha? 00:03:32
OK, thank you. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question. The provider, Klein, neither do I think, neither do I. So I'll open it up 00:04:11
for public hearing. Anyone in Globe? No, Ann Payson doesn't look like it and okay, thank you. Not on the Internet. So close the 00:04:19
public hearing portion and call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor 00:04:27
Licenses and Control approve the liquor license application submitted by Jeffrey Miller for Jake's Corner General Store. 00:04:35
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Good. We have a motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye. 00:04:43
Motion carries and now we'll move on to item three, our regular agenda items. Three, AI will call for motion to recess as the 00:04:51
County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Healer County Library District Board of Directors. So moved. Mr. Chair, I'll second 00:04:59
that all those in favor say aye, aye. OK. We have information, discussion and action to approve library service agreements. 00:05:06
Between the Hewlett County Library District and the following entities. 00:05:14
The City of Globe $131,900 Town of Miami $61,300 Town of Payson $275,300 Tunnel based in Public Library $84,000 Isabel Hunt 00:05:19
Memorial Public Library $127,300. 00:05:28
Supervisor Hunter, I have no question by decline. I don't either. Thank you. Thank you. I have no questions. So with that, I'll 00:06:11
call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the library service agreements with the City of Globe, Town of 00:06:17
Miami, Town of Payson, Tunnel Basin Public Library, Isabelle Hunt Memorial Public Library and Pleasant Valley Community Library 00:06:23
Board as presented. 00:06:29
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye, Thank you. Item 2B is 00:06:35
information discussion action to approve a library service agreement between the Yuba County Library District and the Town of 00:06:43
Hayden for the Hayden Public Library in the amount of $59,750 for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. 00:06:51
Thank you again. This library service agreement is for the Hayden Public Library, which we currently run as a branch. This 00:07:00
agreement provides the same funding as the other seven libraries with the inclusion of staff for current county employees, monthly 00:07:05
utilities programming and collection support. 00:07:10
The Town of Hayden provides the library building free of charge to the Library District and it is possible for maintaining and 00:07:15
ensuring the library premises. 00:07:19
Answer any questions. Thank you, Elaine. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question. Supervisor Klein, thank you. OK, thank you. With 00:07:23
that, I'll call for motion. 00:07:27
Fiscal year 2025 drug, gang and violence crime control grant application approved the AC JC fiscal year 2025. 00:08:09
UMM Drug, Gang and Violence Crime Control Grant Agreement number DC-25-023 in the amount of $91,758.81 for the period July 1, 2024 00:08:22
through June 30, 2025, and authorized the Board Chairman to electronically sign the agreement. Mr. Alva. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, 00:08:30
Members of the Board, the County Attorney's Office is requesting that the Board of Supervisors ratify its prior approval for the 00:08:38
submission of the grant application. 00:08:46
In approval grant agreement between the Healer County Attorney's Office and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission in the amount 00:08:54
of $91,758.81, which is the amount received by Healing County from the Criminal Justice Commission. This is part of a federal 00:09:04
appropriation that Elon County has received since the mid 1980s and provides provides valuable funding for drug. 00:09:14
And gang activity within Healer County. 00:09:25
Thank you very much. Take any questions. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Supervisor Klein, Neither do I Thank you, John. 00:09:29
Thank you. And with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. I'm going to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval for the submittal of the 00:09:37
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission on physical year 2025 drug, gang and violent Crime control grant application, approve ACJC 00:09:45
agreement number DC-25-023 and authorized the Board. 00:09:53
The field trainer position handles continuing education and training requirements for all court employees as mandated by the AOC, 00:10:39
travels out to Hayden, Winkelman, Globe and Payson on a monthly basis to support Municipal Court operations and works to roll out 00:10:46
new automation initiatives for Superior Court like digital evidence, which is currently underway. With that, I can take any 00:10:54
questions. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Mr. Chair, I have no questions. Thank you. 00:11:01
Supervisor client. 00:11:09
I don't either. Thank you, Jonathan. Yeah, thank you. And with that, I'll call for motion. This is Carol Make the motion to 00:11:10
approve this the middle of County Trial Courts Fiscal year 2025 field Trainer grant application to the Superior Arizona Supreme 00:11:17
Court Administrative Office of the Courts is presented. 00:11:23
Mr. Chair, I'll 2nd that I have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor stay. Aye, aye. Thank you, John. 00:11:31
Now we begin a portion of our meeting that focuses on Kerry. 00:11:40
Item 3 E information discussion action to approve an intergovernmental agreement between Yuma county four and on behalf of the 00:11:45
United County Sheriff's Office in the final Apache tribe by and through the tunnel fashion tribe Police Department for access to 00:11:51
law enforcement related information systems and monetary. 00:11:57
Good morning, Good morning, Chairman Christensen and board members. I'm pleased to present the intergovernmental agreement IGA 00:12:04
between Gila County and the title Apache Tribe Police Department. This agreement facilitates connectivity between Tano Apache 00:12:10
Police Department and the county allowing seamless access to the Spillman module. Additionally, robust security measures have been 00:12:16
implemented to ensure both entities remain secure over the VPN connection. The IGA it will for the connectivity the tunnel Apache 00:12:22
Police Department. 00:12:29
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Is there any cost to us for this? No, Sir. OK. 00:13:08
No further questions, Mr. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. Jerry, what have we done in the past, do you know? 00:13:16
As far as agreements, no. As far as communications and being tied in with them. 00:13:23
Call. 00:13:29
So this agreement is just to formalize a partnership that we've had that's been more of a handshake deal for several years between 00:13:32
these different agencies. We've in the past had kind of like a one page. 00:13:38
Memorandum of understanding we're going to do, we're going to provide these things to you. You're going to make sure that your 00:13:48
people that are accessing the system are held accountable if they do something they shouldn't. 00:13:53
And it dawned on us recently when we had an issue that we needed to be much clearer and had a much have a much better agreement. 00:13:59
So like any good relationship, clearly defined expectations are important. So Carrie set out to create this agreement to make it a 00:14:07
a much more encompassing and understanding agreement versus what we had before. But this doesn't change any of the the connections 00:14:14
that they have. 00:14:22
Or give them anymore or any less access to the system. 00:14:30
OK. Thank you. That's good. 00:14:36
OK, I don't have any questions, so I'll call for a motion. Mr. I move to approve an Arizona agreement with the Tonal factory 00:14:40
Tribes presented. 00:14:45
And I'll second that motion and a second to approve item 3F. All those in favor say aye, aye, thank you. And the next one is very 00:14:50
similar, just a different agency information discussion action to prove an IGA between Gila County for and on behalf of the Healer 00:14:58
County Sheriff's Office and the Town of Miami by and through the Town of Miami Police Department for access to law enforcement 00:15:05
related information systems. 00:15:12
And I would think, Terry, you could be more abbreviated with your presentation as we go through if you'd like to. Okay, Mr. 00:15:19
Chairman. 00:15:24
Can we address item 3G then? 00:15:32
Yes, right now, since I've already read it. 00:15:36
OK. 00:15:41
This is good morning again. So I'm this is an IGA agreement in our government agreement between Gila County and the. 00:15:43
Miami, the agreement facilitates activity between the town of Miami and the county for access for this film and mod for them. In 00:15:51
addition, it gives robust security measures to implemented to secure the over the VPN connections. So we can answer any questions. 00:15:58
OK, thank you. So supervisor, I have no questions Supervisor Klein and neither do I Thank you, Kerry. OK, so we're going to be 00:16:05
voting now on item 3G. Previous to that we voted on item 3E. 00:16:13
I got a little out of order here. So with that, I'll call for motion on item 3G. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve an 00:16:20
intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Miami as presented. 00:16:25
I'll second that a motion and 2nd to approve of if ever say aye aye, Thank you. We will now address Item 3F Information discussion 00:16:31
action to approve an IGA agreement between Heal County Four and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office and the City of 00:16:39
Globe by and through the City of Globe Police Department for access to law enforcement related information systems. 00:16:46
And I'll second that. 00:17:25
Motion and 2nd to approve those in favor say aye aye thank you. Item 3H Information discussion Action to approve an 00:17:26
intergovernmental agreement between Hayley County and for and on behalf of the Hilah County Sheriff's Office in the Town of 00:17:33
Hayden, buying through the Town of Hayden Police Department for access to law enforcement related information systems. 00:17:41
I'll second that and we have a motion and a second to approve item 3H. Those in favor say aye. 00:18:20
Aye. Thank you, Kerry very much. All right. 00:18:27
Now we'll move on to item three. I information discussion action to adopt the proposed fiscal year 2025 salary plan not to exceed 00:18:32
1.2. 00:18:37
Million for general fund salaries and employee related expenses. Good morning, Marin. Good morning, Mr. Chair, Good morning 00:18:43
Supervisor Humphrey, Supervisor Klein. We discussed this briefly when you adopted the tentative budget and we wanted to bring you 00:18:52
some details so that you and all the staff are aware that we are proposing a base 3% salary increase for all regular status non 00:19:00
elected county employees or a $2080 salary increase for those. 00:19:09
Who would for whom? 3% would be that or less. This does not. 00:19:18
Applied this 2080 dollars does not apply to those covered by a STEP program. A STEP program employees would receive the 3% so that 00:19:24
the steps remain 2 1/2% apart as originally adopted by the Board of Supervisors. There are elected official salary adjustments 00:19:34
that are statutory that will occur in January and we are also requesting an additional 2% capacity for merit based pay increases. 00:19:44
In January 2025 and you can see in the chart here that we expect the July 2024 implementation to include 765,399 and $0.39 in 00:19:55
general fund salaries, $376,987.76 in special revenue salaries and anticipated employee related costs to go with those of 00:20:05
$301,846.12. 00:20:16
For a total of 1,444,000, which is well within the 1.2 million that we are requesting for the general fund maximum. 00:20:27
Thank you, Marin. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions, Mr. Chair. 00:20:42
Supervisor Klein. 00:20:47
Where is that going to bring us Marin, as far as bringing our salaries up compared to inflation today? Are we close? So we are 00:20:50
familiar with the inflation rate that the Feds are using to implement in Social Security and other areas and that is right around 00:20:57
3.6%. Most of the people receiving the 2080 dollars are getting closer to a 6% raise. 00:21:04
Because of how it shakes out with their salaries and with this, the minimum salary for our current staff be 17,000 or $17.24 an 00:21:13
hour, which is 35,864. 00:21:20
Compared to our overall minimum hourly wage for that very beginning point, and we don't have anyone at that currently, would be 00:21:28
1550. 00:21:33
And how many people do we have in a step program? Do you know off top of your head? 00:21:39
I did. That knowledge may not have stayed in my head. I believe it's about 150. I'd have to look for sure. I can e-mail each of 00:21:45
the supervisors administrative staff with that information. 00:21:52
Thank you. Thank you, supervisor. I'm here. I have a question. So on the 2080 dollars approximately. 00:22:01
How many employees would that be? 00:22:10
It's about 2/3 we'll receive that that increase. Wow, OK, that's that's a significant. 00:22:13
Right, right. And we have, we have 600 budgeted positions, not all of them are full. So this would, this does a good job in taking 00:22:23
care of the vast majority of our staff and it also ensures that it more than covers any increase our staff would have experienced. 00:22:33
In the increases for health insurance premiums. 00:22:44
OK. And then I'm confused. Your numbers I'm sure are impeccably perfect, but I don't know, it says 1.444 million and we have a 1.2 00:22:49
million. What's the difference? So the 1.2 million? 00:22:57
Is the maximum that the general fund could absorb. The 1.4 includes those special revenue funds. We have 33 general fund 00:23:04
departments and 75 special revenue fund departments. So because we base the 1.2 on. 00:23:12
Next year's increased property tax levy based on the increased value of properties. We, we chose to present this to you as not 00:23:20
exceeding that amount so that you and our constituents can be assured that it is a sustainable ongoing source of revenue and not 00:23:28
one time money where you'll have to come up with another resource next year. Very good. Thank you for all your work. That's all I 00:23:35
have. If there's nothing else, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to adopt. 00:23:42
The proposed physical Year 2025 salary plan as presented. 00:23:51
Mr. Chair, I'll 2nd that I have a motion and a second to approve. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you Marin. And next 00:23:55
we have item rejay information discussion action to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Healthgate Fire Department 00:24:03
whereby Gila County Government will sell 9 vehicles is listed in the IGA to the Healthgate Fire Department for the price of $1.00 00:24:10
each. Parents. Yes. Good morning, Mr. Chair. Supervisor Humphrey. Supervisor, fine. 00:24:18
The Healer County Sheriff's Department and the Hellgate Fire Department collaborated on this particular item. Hellsgate Fire needs 00:24:26
old vehicles that don't have any value to them to use for training purposes. Their training class is at the end of this month and 00:24:36
we we'd like to bring you this today. These are surplus vehicles from the impound yard that have no tangible value to. 00:24:46
The county and only the Board of Supervisors has the ability to. 00:24:56
Let go of surplus. 00:25:03
Assets. So we are here this morning to ask you to. 00:25:05
To rehome these two Hell's Gate at a cost of $1.00 each. 00:25:10
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:25:14
I have no questions, Supervisor Klein. So these are for training purposes. 00:25:17
I suspect that means they'll be setting them on fire using Jaws of Life. The various things that you can't you can't learn in a 00:25:24
classroom that you need the hands on experience. 00:25:28
After this is done right, the thick and cold beer. 00:25:35
Thank you, Mary. 00:25:42
Yes, thank you. And I think it's important to know that these vehicles may not have, they may have more than $1.00 value, but. 00:25:45
In working with some of our other people in Gila County, other agencies. 00:25:54
ETC, That this becomes a valuable thing for them rather than trying to capture whatever minimal amount that they would actually 00:26:00
auction off for, right? They are not currently operational vehicles, right? OK. All right. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. 00:26:08
Chair, I'll make the motion to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Hellscape Fire Department as presented. 00:26:15
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, Motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Mary. Thank 00:26:23
you. Item 3K Information, discussion action to approve agreement number 06112024 with the Humane Society of Central AZ for the 00:26:31
period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Well, good morning, John. Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board, this impound 00:26:39
agreement is with the Humane Society of Central AZ. 00:26:47
And I'll understand any questions. Thank you, brother Humphrey. Yeah, John, I have no questions. Just thank you for all you're 00:27:29
doing with animal control. 00:27:33
Supervisor client same as me John, it's good. 00:27:38
So thank you. Yeah, Thank you, John. I have no questions. It's working out much better than I think the agreement we have before. 00:27:42
Great. With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to approve agreement number 06112024 with Humane Society of Central AZ 00:27:51
Incorporated as presented. And I'll second that motion to have a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:27:59
Three information discussion. Action to approve amendment #1. 00:28:10
An IGA Contract Center 067227 with the Arizona Department of Health Services to increase the price sheet for personal and employee 00:28:14
related expenses for the period of October 1, 2023. The September 30, 2024. Nepal. 00:28:23
Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board, this is a our WIC funding that we actually realized early on this last year that we 00:28:34
were not going to meet our salaries. And thank you for the increases. That's great. But the grants don't always look at the 00:28:41
increases for us. And actually we went back to the Department of Health Services and they were actually very diligent in looking 00:28:49
at what we were needing in the upcoming years if they wanted us to continue. 00:28:57
WIC services in Houma County and it's absolutely a vital program. So they did come back to the table and they brought this with 00:29:04
some more employee related money so that we can pay our employees and continue to give them the raises that you're so graciously 00:29:12
approved. So we ask that you approve this so that we can pay our staff members. OK, great. Thank you. It's a pleasure, Humphrey. 00:29:20
I have no question, Professor Klein. Thanks for doing that, Paula. Yeah, that's good. 00:29:29
Yeah, just extended it a couple of more months, right, Yes, OK. With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion 00:29:37
to approve amendment #1 to the Arizona Department of Health Services Intergovernmental Agreement Contract Number Center 067227, as 00:29:45
presented. Mr. Carroll, second that. OK motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:29:53
Motion carries 3 M information. Discussion Action to approve an independent contractor agreement number 07012024, Dash 25 between 00:30:02
Wildfire and ELA County Public Health and Community Services Department Community Action Program whereby Wildfire will administer 00:30:09
funding in the amount of $282,024 which will be used to provide weatherization services, utility repair, replacement utility 00:30:17
deposits. 00:30:24
Bill assistance to eligible citizens residing in Eva County for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Paula, thank 00:30:32
you, Chairman. That said it really all of it for us and I know that we've put a very long motion in for you, but it is just 00:30:40
extending this contract for another year. You will notice that they are no longer going to be considered. They're not going to use 00:30:47
wildfire will be. It's saying they used to be, you know, as known as the association. 00:30:55
So now they are just wildfire and it's just extending for another another term. 00:31:03
OK, Thank you, Piper Humphrey. I have no questions, Supervisor. Good. Yeah, thank you. I'll call for motion then. Mr. Chair, I 00:31:08
move to approve the independent contract agreement, contract number 070120 two 4-25 with wildfire as presented. And I'll second 00:31:16
that motion and a second to approve those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Paula. Thank you very much. Item 3, Ann, is 00:31:25
information discussion action to approve an IGA agreement between Hino County and the Arizona Department of Forestry. 00:31:33
And fire management for an effective term of 10 years from the date signed. Good morning, Carl Morning, Chairman and members of 00:31:42
the board. So this is an agreement between Healer County and the Department of Forestry and Fire Management that kind of gives us 00:31:50
a framework to an existing process. This IGA is uniform and is going to all of the counties in the state. The primary purpose of 00:31:57
the IGA is to make us eligible for reimbursements through the fields exceeding the Fire Management assistance grants through FEMA. 00:32:05
During the wildfire, so if the county is supporting in any way, shape or form whether it be through evacuations, notification, 00:32:13
actual wildfire response, we are eligible for reimbursement for those services provided. Couple other highlights from this 00:32:21
agreement is that DFFM will support in wildfire not only surrounding Healing County, but wildfire that originates on county land 00:32:29
and can also support all risk emergencies. 00:32:36
And also the same route for if DFM is requesting assistance from HeLa County, we can provide that assistance now with the 00:33:20
framework established that allows us to be reimbursed for that assistance. 00:33:25
With that short and sweet, I'm done. So any questions for me? OK. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey? Yeah. Who initiated this IGA? 00:33:32
This was initiated by DFM. Oh, OK. Good. Yeah. No. Thank you very much for all you do for emergency services. Of course. Thank 00:33:39
you, Supervisor Klein. Carl, thanks and extend my thanks to DFFM. I think I see it is a good thing. I just hope we never have to 00:33:45
use it. 00:33:52
This is wood, right? Yeah, that's wood. So, Carl. 00:34:01
House DFSM looking after the budget crisis the state is going through. They still got money. Well, the money specifically outlined 00:34:08
in this IGA would come from a fire management assistance grant. But I mean, like a lot of government response agencies, they are, 00:34:15
they will continue to move on regardless of the the challenges that they face. But of course, financial challenges have impacted 00:34:23
them. They've also impacted Emergency Management on a large scale throughout the state. 00:34:31
But they're they're getting by as we are. 00:34:40
Thank you, Carl. Yes, Sir. Mr. Chairman, in the state budget for this year, it did include about $35 million for a little bit more 00:34:43
closely or clearly defined programs and projects related to what D FM, DF FM does. So there is money in the budget. Actually this 00:34:51
year, even amidst the state's financial woes, there's money for projects, so. 00:34:59
OK. Thank you for that. All right, if there's nothing else, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the 00:35:07
Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management intergovernmental agreement as presented. 00:35:13
Sure. I'll second that motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Carl. Thank you, 00:35:19
chairman. Members of work Item three O information discussion action to approve modification number 002, the Forest Service 00:35:25
agreement number 22 dash. 00:35:31
RO Dash 11031200, Dash 232, extending the expiration date from September 21st, 2024 to September 21st, 2025. 00:35:38
And updating Forest Service program manager from Corey Brunsting to Michelle Tom. And updating Forest Service administrative 00:35:51
contract from Brian Spree to John B Chang. 00:35:59
Tom, Good morning, Mr. Chairman and board members. So this is a time extension only. There's no money associated with this. We 00:36:09
have a cooperative agreement with the Tonto National Forest to design and pave 1.3 miles of control Rd. So this will extend the 00:36:19
contract time that expires September 21st, 2024 and it will extend it to September 21st, 2025 and then it will also update the. 00:36:29
Tonto contact persons that were just mentioned. 00:36:40
Mr. Chair, I move to approve modification number 002 to for service agreement #22-R0-1103 one 200-232AS presented and I'll second 00:37:15
that. All right, We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, Thank you, Tom. Item 3P is information 00:37:26
discussion action to approve contract agreement number center 058876 with kindly Horn and associates. 00:37:36
Environmental documents, including an environmental assessment and supporting technical documentation in an amount not to exceed 00:37:47
$279,779, which will facilitate environmental clearance and satisfy the National Environmental Policy Act requirements you're 00:37:55
presenting. Tom. Yes, OK, thank you. Thank you. Again, this is a request to approve a contract agreement with Kimberly Horn and 00:38:02
Associates. 00:38:10
To prepare, prepare environmental documents for four material pits that are located on the Tonto National Forest. It includes 00:38:18
Braddock, Ramirez, Castle Dome and the 824. They're kind of spread out around the county. 00:38:26
The Forest Service is pitching in 165,000. The county would have to pitch in approximately 113,000. The total amount is 279,000, 00:38:34
so this is a request to approve that contract. 00:38:42
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Yeah, No, I appreciate working with them in the Forest Service. Working. Now let's get those 00:38:50
material pitched to help with all our roads. That's that's good. Thank you, Tom. 00:38:55
Thank you. And Supervisor Klein, Tom, any estimation on how long that process is going to take? It's about 520 calendar days. So 00:39:03
there's quite a bit of work they have to do. But yeah, it's it's that's what they're estimating. All right, thank you. 00:39:11
Thank you, Tom. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve contract agreement number Ctr. 00:39:19
058876. 00:39:24
With Kimberly Horn and Associates incorporated as presented. 00:39:31
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion to approve in second. All those in favor say aye. 00:39:34
Aye, aye, Thank you. And we want to item 3 Q information discussion action to declare portion of out all lane not necessary for 00:39:41
public use and direct staff to begin the process to extinguish a portion of outlawing as shown on exhibit A. Good morning, Romero. 00:39:50
Good morning board. This item is about extinguishing an easement for a portion of our floor lane that get in at Central Creek. 00:40:00
Out on Lane was granted to Hilda County, is the County Dirt Rd. easement and it's in Dehuga County Maintenance. 00:40:11
System, we maintain it today. You can see the map up on the screen. There's five partials that are basically petitioning for that 00:40:16
portion that's highlighted to be no longer maintained by the county. It will be a private ingress egress easement that they will 00:40:24
grant to each other, to their heirs and to their signs in perpetuity. It would allow public emergency vehicles to enter that to 00:40:32
enter that area as well. It it would allow for whatever. 00:40:40
The state requires for utilities to be granted based on this easement. We have a simple agreement that was prepared by our County 00:40:48
Attorney Jeff Dalton previously that we have shared with them that captures all of this. They would be responsible for the 00:40:54
maintenance of the road and the liability of the road as well. And, and they seen that type of a document. We haven't asked them 00:41:01
to sign it yet. First, we would like to come and ask the board to declare a portion of Outlaw Lane not necessary for public use 00:41:07
and direct staff to begin the process. 00:41:13
To extinguish a portion of Outlaw Lane as shown on the Exhibit A, which is on the screen right now. 00:41:20
Thank you, Mayor. Supervisor Humphrey. Yeah. Thank you, Homero, for working on this. I know it's kind of a can of worms because 00:41:26
then as people, if they decided to split some of that property, then there would have been no access for new owners or if it was 00:41:34
to sell. So thank you very much for working on this to make it their responsibility as they go forward for appeasement and access. 00:41:41
So thank you very much, Supervisor Clue. I'm good. Thank you, Omar. Yes, Thank you, Humira. Without a call from Motion. 00:41:49
Mr. Chair, I move to the Vera portion, Outlaw Lane and not necessary for public use, and direct staff to begin the process to 00:41:57
extinguish a portion of Outlaw Lane. 00:42:01
As shown on exhibit A and Mr. Cheryl second that motion in the second to approve those in favor say aye aye aye aye and three are 00:42:07
information, discussion action to approve amendment #2 to contract number 051122 bulk fuel and lubricants with. 00:42:15
Synergy Petroleum, LLC to extend the term of the contract for one additional year from July 19, 2024 to July 18, 2025, for the 00:42:26
purchase of both fuel and lubricants or enough to exceed the amount of $1.2 million. 00:42:34
Thank you, Chairman. 00:42:44
Did we do this every year? We don't quite spend. We didn't quite spend 1.2 million last year. We spent something like $850,000 on 00:42:47
this contract. Nonetheless, we are asking for a total contract amount for the next fiscal cycle to to be $1.2 million. They use an 00:42:55
oil price information system that is a commodity price that used worldwide and then they attached to it their cost to deliver 00:43:02
their profits etcetera on top of that. 00:43:09
That that it remains the same from last year. And with that, we would like to ask you to extend the term of the contract for one 00:43:17
additional year from July 19th, 2024 to July 18th, 2025 for the purchase of both fuel and and and lubricants. Not for an amount 00:43:24
not to actually. 1.2 million questions. Very good. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Supervisor client. Well, Meryl, is 00:43:31
this the last year on that contract or I would have to check? I'm not I'm not certain that normally they have a three-year, 00:43:38
three-year extension. 00:43:45
So we could have another year that we could use this. I'm just curious. It seems like this was about the only company that even 00:43:53
wanted to bid on it. So I just curious. Thanks. Thank you. Helero. Without alcohol promotion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to 00:44:00
approve amendment #2 to contract number 051122 with Synergy Petroleum LLC is prevented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that here we have a 00:44:07
motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. 00:44:15
Thank you. You will have another one possibly or Oh it's gonna be Thomas 13S information discussion action to authorize the 00:44:22
advertisement for invitation for bid number 060424 the control Rd. roadway improvements. Tom thank you. This is the request 00:44:30
advertised for construction. This is control Rogan and Whispering Pines area 1.3 miles. The Forest Service has contributed 00:44:38
$2,000,000 to this project and the county will be. 00:44:46
Or have the administration of the construction project. 00:44:55
So we just were requesting action to advertise at this point. 00:44:59
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:45:03
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein. Tom, are we still looking at getting this inch down and getting it done this summer or? 00:45:07
Yes, Sir, we would like to get it done this year by the end of this summer. Thank you, Tom. Yes, thank you, Tom. And remind me 00:45:13
where this money comes from. It comes from the Tonto National Forest. That's what I thought I remembered. Thank you very much. 00:45:20
With that, I'll call through motion. 00:45:26
For bid number 060424 and I'll second that. 00:45:33
Motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye aye aye. Thank you, Tom. 00:45:38
All right, so I will call for a motion item 3. 00:45:43
T is going to be call for a motion to recess of the county Board of Supervisors and convene as the Hilah County Flood Control 00:45:48
District Board of directories so moved Mr. Chair, I'll second that those in favor say aye aye aye aye. If you we have information, 00:45:57
discussion action to temporarily assign delegation for floodplain administration to civil engineer senior. 00:46:05
Alex Kendrick until the floodplain Administrator Flood Control district position can be filled with a qualified candidate. Tom, 00:46:15
thank you. So Guard was our floodplain administrator. He retired and we need to appoint a temporary one. So this is a request to 00:46:24
appoint Alex Kendrick as a temporary floodplain administrator for the county. 00:46:33
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:46:42
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein is darts position out on the street now? Yeah, it's been out for about a month now. OK, 00:46:44
Thank you. 00:46:49
And thank you. With that, I'll call for motion. 00:46:55
Mr. I moved to temporarily assign delegation for floodplain administration to Civil Engineer Senior Alex Kendrick until the 00:46:58
Floodplain Administrator Flood Control District position can be filled with a qualified candidate. And I'll second that Mr. Chair 00:47:05
motion and 2nd to approve those in favor say aye. 00:47:13
Thank you, Tom, and with that I will call the motion to adjourn as the Hill County Flood Control District Board of Directors and 00:47:21
reconvene as the Board of Supervisors. So move. Mr. Chair, I'll second that all those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye aye. Item 3. 00:47:28
U information discussion, action to approve amendment #4. 00:47:34
Number Center 050894 with Janice Irvine incorporated to extend the contract for an additional year. 00:47:42
For the term of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 and increase the contract amount to $276,148.10 to provide janitorial services for 00:47:51
both the southern and northern regions of Gila County. Good morning. We have Melissa. Good morning, Chairman, Board of 00:48:00
Supervisors. I'm presenting amendment #4 to State Contract Ctr. 050894 with Janiserve for janitorial services for both southern 00:48:09
and northern regions of Gila County. 00:48:18
This amendment extends the contract term for additional year. Additionally, it increases the contract amount by $16,584.11, 00:48:28
bringing the total to $276,148.10. This adjustment accounts for the 1.5% CPI increase for the year 2025. 00:48:40
Facilities and Land Management Department and staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve amendment #4 to contract Ctr. 00:48:52
050894 with Janice Serve. The extension will cover the period from July 1, 2024 to June 30th, 2025 and will provide janitorial 00:49:00
services for both southern and northern Gila County. 00:49:08
I'd be happy to answer any questions. Oh, thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:49:16
Just one question, when will this come back up? Forbid do we bid that out? 00:49:21
I can verify and get back to you on that. 00:49:29
OK, thank you very much. No further questions, Mr. Chair. OK, thank you, Supervisor Klein. I think I'm good. Thank you, Melissa. I 00:49:36
I have one question. So who? 00:49:40
And you may not be able to answer this. So who holds this firm accountable for the quality of work that you do or don't do? 00:49:46
That would be facilities, yes. 00:49:55
So facilities and specs to make sure. 00:49:59
That they're doing, they're they're cleaning. They're not just in and out in one minute. 00:50:04
I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I'm just saying I have heard people say it's some things are not cleaned at a level they should 00:50:10
be supervisors with that we always have audit control connection with the contractor. We do that. 00:50:20
Through consistent meetings and also providing them feedback when we get feedback from the customer. 00:50:30
So as an example, if one of the facilities say TCM was not getting the service, we need to say it's not getting mocked properly. 00:50:37
We identify that, see if the symptom that's just an outlier or consistent and then we work with the contractor to rectify it or 00:50:45
fix it. OK, So if something is observed, they would report to you or do facilities. 00:50:52
All the same. Yes, Sir. OK, All right, great. 00:51:02
That's all I have, so I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to approve amendment #4 to contract number Center 050894 with 00:51:06
Janiserve Incorporated as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say 00:51:13
aye. Thank you. OK, next we have item 3V. You're right. We made it through this in record time. Got almost the whole alphabet in 00:51:20
there. 00:51:27
And the shorter the agenda, the more dangerous. So Item 3, the information discussion action approved the US Department of 00:51:35
Agricultural Agricultural Forest Service special use permit regarding the Crouch Mesa radio tower site with the Terminal National 00:51:42
Forest, Young Arizona for the purpose of providing a better communication system. Supervisor Klein. Thank you, Mr. Chair, so this 00:51:49
is. 00:51:56
Just to bring everybody up to date on this one, this is a. 00:52:04
Tower that sits just on the east side of Pleasant Valley, up on top of a mountain right there. And really what it was was a 00:52:07
microwave tower that was tied into the Vet Center when it was an admin site for telephone services to time and point. And then it 00:52:14
went on from there. Anyway, during all the change and whenever they vacated that site or that admin site, that became no longer 00:52:20
needed for the Forest Service. So in 2019, Tim Scott came to me and had an interest from the Sheriff's Office side to to get ahold 00:52:27
of that tower. 00:52:34
So they can put additional repeater on there for better coverage and so forth. It's not a big tower. It's only about 20 feet tall. 00:52:41
Really good place though. And so we started the process back then looking into getting a special use permit from the Forest 00:52:47
Service to use that tower and. 00:52:54
The Forest Service doesn't want it. They didn't want it, but because it was really, really low on their priority list, that 00:53:01
process just set stagnant for all these years and would put in again. They'd lose the application and we'd go back and forth 00:53:08
anyway. Finally they've gotten a permit together to do that. I have 3 entities right now that are interested in this tower. 00:53:16
Sheriff's Office being the 1st, the local fire department being the 2nd, and then local emergency. 00:53:24
Ham radio group being a third and that's the progress I told him would would follow to see what we could put on that tower. So 00:53:32
with that. 00:53:37
Umm, the Sheriff's Office has been notified that they can start taking a look at it and see what it's going to take. There's no 00:53:43
electric, it just sits there on the mountaintop by itself. So whatever they run would have to be off of a solar panel, and that's 00:53:48
what the feds back. 00:53:54
Quite a while back SO. 00:53:59
It should provide a lot of extra coverage for the fire department and the Sheriff's Office and then also provide some coverage for 00:54:02
that emergency him group. 00:54:07
That are taking questions. OK, supervisor yeah, just one will will that availability be a lease or donation to these people that 00:54:12
want to use? Well, I think that that would be up to us. How are we going to do that? But you know, Sheriff's Office, fire 00:54:19
department, emergency hand group. 00:54:26
Go either way but. 00:54:33
We're not going to have anything as far as. 00:54:35
US associated with this tower at all and I believe it will fall under the facilities side of things is what it'll fall into so. 00:54:39
Does that help? 00:54:50
Yeah, that, that's fine. That that's an unknown answer at this time. It's just getting the agreement with the poor service. So 00:54:51
thank you, ask and answer. Thank you, Mr. Chair, That's all I have. OK. I don't really have any questions. So with that, I'll call 00:54:56
for a motion. 00:55:01
OK, so I'll make the motion to approve the US Department of Agriculture for Service Special use permit regarding the Crouch Mesa 00:55:08
Radio tower site with the Tunnel National Forest in Young. 00:55:15
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK. We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. We're on 00:55:22
to Item 4, consent agenda action items. Supervisor Humphrey, would you like to remove all, not all, any or a few or whatever you 00:55:30
want from items 4A through I I am fine the way it is, Mr. Chair. Thank you. OK. Thank you for getting my words out. I'll ask you 00:55:37
the same question. Yeah, I'm good. Thank you. OK, so then. 00:55:45
I'll call for a motion on items 4A through I. 00:55:54
Mr. Chair, I move to approve consent agenda items for a through 4I and I will second that. And we have a motion to 2nd to approve 00:55:56
those in favor say aye, great, Rhonda. Item number 5, which is a call to the public and we always call this at the at the end of 00:56:05
our meetings. So public is able to address any things that they like to talk about, but we won't be able to discuss and vote on 00:56:13
anything that's not specifically identified on the agenda. 00:56:21
Call for the public here in the Globe Room. Anyone wish to speak? No. How about Payson and Cassandra? Anyone there? How many do we 00:56:30
have on the Internet today? 32, Thank you very much. All right, I'll then move on to item number six and this will be our manager 00:56:39
and supervisor's report. We'll start with Manager Manlove. 00:56:48
This Chairman, members of the board, thank you. Last Tuesday after our board meeting did have a couple of conversations with Patty 00:56:59
Carr from Washington, DC One of those was Tri-City Regional Sanitary District had a discussion about the the needs that are 00:57:06
ongoing there and they're significant. 00:57:13
But they are continuing to pursue and move forward with the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District. Secondly, we went out to Russell 00:57:21
Rd. and didn't walk the whole 1 1/2 mile of that road that has been washed out, but did go see the results of the flooding from 00:57:29
Telegraph Fire and the need for pushing that project forward. We do have $1,000,000 Spark grant from the State of Arizona to do 00:57:37
design and engineering for redevelopment of the Russell Rd. 00:57:45
Well, that's a great thing. Good start for us that we've been able to secure that funding from the state of Arizona. 00:57:54
And then finally, as copper is so important to the county and region, we did didn't go down and went up to resolution copper and 00:58:00
Oak Flats and took a site visit to what's up there on on top of their, where they're doing their mining operations and their. 00:58:09
And then go down into the mine because they're not doing chores right now. But it's impressive and, and and quite the operation to 00:58:19
gain a better understanding of what it takes and what it actually is going to entail with that. 00:58:26
Finally yesterday Spelling and I were on Kmart radio up in Payson and I believe had a a good visit there talking about the budget 00:58:34
for fiscal year 2425. 00:58:40
That's my report, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. Thank you very much, and Supervisor Humphrey. 00:58:46
Attended District 2 project team meeting on the 26th. Attended a candidate forum on June 26th. Was on KIKO on July 1st. 00:58:53
9:30 in the morning. We'll hold a tunnel. Based in community meeting tonight at 5. 00:59:08
Also is it a Central Arizona government meeting who is working as a go between with ADEQ on the plant for Tri-City on public 00:59:16
awareness? And that's just tag making people aware of the plant and the design of the plant, the location of the plant, things of 00:59:25
that nature. And it went a little bit S with people warning questions from Tri-City and that wasn't the purpose of the meeting. 00:59:34
The purpose of the meeting was just public awareness for the plant itself, none of the functions of Tri-City. 00:59:43
And also to staff will hold a meeting tonight because I've already scheduled and scheduled it monthly, my Connovation meeting for 00:59:54
the GEICO Road to update because this is the earliest that we could have done it. I had an earlier meeting with the residents of 01:00:03
Garcia when the road and the double chip seal that we subcontracted taxes for it failed. 01:00:13
Miserably and so it's been a real difficult situation since then and so where I noticed that homeroom was really diligently on his 01:00:23
deal. So I'm sure we're still working out things for the meeting tonight. And so if I can convince the people in in Tunnel Basin 01:00:30
that I don't need to be there for the full meeting, I'm probably going to run out of that and try to make with staff and the guy 01:00:38
Selah meeting this evening. 01:00:45
And other than that, that's about all I have. Thank you. 01:00:53
Thank you supervisor, supervisor client. Sorry so. 01:00:56
I've been talking about that PBS project with APS and I've been working with Forest Service and APS. 01:01:02
To try and mitigate. 01:01:11
That power shut off and so on the 26th. 01:01:14
Me and APS, the Forest Service didn't go with us because they couldn't get their prior approvals. But anyway, we flew the Preacher 01:01:19
Canyon leg. It's Preacher Six, I think is what they called it. And we flew that line and videoed that line in the places that were 01:01:26
the worst that, well, not the worst, but that needed to. 01:01:32
The attention the most I should say the APS, you know you guys can all visualize a power line. Well APS is right away is 10 feet 01:01:39
from the center of that power line each way. That's all they got 20 foot wide power line. So that's less than the width of this 01:01:45
room down through there. 01:01:52
Well, that's fine, except your trees are 100 and 2000 and 50 feet high above that, you know, and so they're well within range of 01:01:59
hitting that power line. And, and So what their biggest issue is, is where access is the worst, that's where they really want to 01:02:07
get in and try and work and mitigate those right aways, meaning they want to make sure they're 20 feet is clean, but then any 01:02:14
problem trees outside of that. 01:02:22
You want to take them down, and I want them to. That'd be a good lick. So there was some access that went to parts of that line 01:02:29
that apparently washed out in the last, I don't know how many years, and nobody took really the initiative or whatever to go back 01:02:35
and fix it. 01:02:41
So when we got done with the flight, we took pictures of all that got done with the flight and sat back down and visited with the 01:02:48
Forest Service. And looks like what's going to happen first is they're going to be able to go back in and reopen those routes into 01:02:53
their power lines where they need it the worst and then start working on on their right of ways and some of those those trees 01:02:59
outside that right away. So I guess in. 01:03:04
Short way of saying that I think we're making progress. The one of the benefits right now is. 01:03:11
We have everybody that's involved in this process. 01:03:19
Has a need for it to happen. You know the Forest Service has a lot of projects along that power line that they can't pull off 01:03:24
because they can't secure the power line so they don't even want to address it. APS has that power shut off deal that they don't 01:03:30
really want to do. They want to keep the power on and keep making money and then I'm sitting there with a whole bunch of people 01:03:36
that don't want to see that power shut off either and so. 01:03:43
I think with that involved, I'm hoping that there's a way everybody's going to come to the table. 01:03:49
And work through any issues that there may be. And I can tell you one issue already is the threatening and endangered species 01:03:55
timeframes, the Mexican spotted owl, they can't get in there and do anything in some of those areas until September 1st. 01:04:03
And so. 01:04:12
They're going to have that to deal with, but that's a doable, doable problem. It can happen. So I'm really hoping that's going to 01:04:14
play out and it's going to work. I don't know that we'll ever get away from the threat of them flipping the switch, but if we can 01:04:20
lessen it, that'll be that'll be huge. And then on the 26th, I as well as Tim and and Kelly's here with us today. We were all in 01:04:26
that candidate forum and I thought that was a good deal. They put on a good deal there for that candidate form. A lot lot going on 01:04:32
that night, but it was good. 01:04:38
On the 27th, I attended a meeting in Round Valley and met with some folks in Christopher Creek and met with the public works staff 01:04:44
in Round Valley as well. And what it is, is there's a couple roads right there in the middle of lower Round Valley that we're 01:04:52
looking to take over maintenance on. So we're going over that. 01:04:59
Getting all that lined out and hopefully that'll that'll work out and come in front of us as a board to deal with that. 01:05:07
And that evening we attended the Wagon Wheel Fire Department meeting and Whispering Pines. That was real interesting. That's that 01:05:14
we we sat there and listened to their budgets and everything else. They they have a new chief who's very active and seems to be 01:05:20
doing a very good job, you know, and don't you? Yes, I do. Yeah. And so I was glad to be there that night and visit those folks as 01:05:26
well. 01:05:32
And then on the 3rd, which is tomorrow, I'll be attending the Copper Valley Independence Day Liberty Dinner, the Knights of 01:05:39
Columbus, and I'm supposed to speak about the Veterans Center in Young. They've asked me to come there and speak about that so. 01:05:47
That's my schedule. 01:05:55
OK, thank you. I don't have a lot to bring up today. I did listen to KMOG yesterday. I think James and Marilyn did an outstanding 01:05:57
job presenting how money is taken in, how it's spent, the reserves that we have and the conservative nature of our financial 01:06:07
status. I believe Huma counties in great shape. We never have enough money, but we are. 01:06:16
Using very sound judgment in our finances. And so I appreciate all that you go through to manage that. And Marin, I don't know 01:06:28
honestly how you manage the. 01:06:34
Magnitude of finances that are involved here, but I thank you very much because you do a great job. 01:06:41
And I think the 4th of July is coming up. So I wish everyone to have a good day there, be safe. If I do my calculations right, 01:06:47
that should be 248 years. He wrote that document so. 01:06:55
Will be. I remember when it was 200. 01:07:03
The bicentennial and now it's coming up on 2:50 so, but I'm not getting any older. 01:07:07
That's all I have. If there's nothing else, I'll adjourn the meeting. Thank you. 01:07:14
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OK. Good morning everyone. Welcome to the our regular meeting of Tuesday, July 2nd, 2020 4:10 AM. I'd like to call this meeting to 00:00:02
order and we're going to have Cassandra lead us in the pledge and Mr. Menloving the invocation. 00:00:10
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:20
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:27
I kind of gracious heavenly Father, we bow our heads before the at the beginning of this Board of Supervisors being we are 00:00:44
grateful for that blessings. We're grateful for thy tender mercies that. 00:00:49
Those that are in need been received by blessings. We're grateful that we can meet this morning at the board who writers can meet 00:00:56
this morning and we pray for thy guidance that direction that we may do all in accordance with my will. Pray for those that are 00:01:03
less fortunate that they might be blessed and that we may be observant and will it enable to help those that are in need. We ask 00:01:09
this prayer in the name of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen. 00:01:16
Well. 00:01:29
Welcome to a new fiscal year. 00:01:32
And we have a lot of business to conduct this morning, so we'll get started with Item 2A, information, discussion and action to 00:01:35
adopt resolution #24-07-03. To name W Tumbleweed Lane. In the Young area, we have Tom Holman. 00:01:45
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board. 00:01:55
Once again, we've had some land splits and up in the young area. This time the residents were the ones that picked the Tumbleweed 00:01:59
Lane Rd. name. Since it does not conflict with any other Rd. name within the county, we are amenable to it and I'll answer any 00:02:07
questions. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no question. Supervisor Klein, another guy. Thank you, Tom. Yeah, thank you, 00:02:14
Tom. With that, I'll call for a motion. 00:02:22
Public hearing, Sir. Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. Public hearing. So with that, I'll call for anyone in Globe. No, Payson and 00:02:30
Cassandra, No. Okay, I'll close the public hearing portion. Call for motion. 00:02:39
Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #24-07-03, and I'll second that, Mr. Chair. OK, motion to approve and 2nd, those in favor 00:02:49
say aye, aye. And Item 2B. Also public hearing information, discussion and action to consider a liquor license application. 00:02:58
The number LL-24-01 submitted by Jeffrey Miller for an owner transfer with an interim permit to operate for a series. 00:03:07
Oh, or 010 beer and wine store liquor license at Chicks Corner general store are located. 00:03:17
I'm sure in Jake's Corner it says Payson though, and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and 00:03:25
Control whether the license should be granted and Samantha? 00:03:32
OK, thank you. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question. The provider, Klein, neither do I think, neither do I. So I'll open it up 00:04:11
for public hearing. Anyone in Globe? No, Ann Payson doesn't look like it and okay, thank you. Not on the Internet. So close the 00:04:19
public hearing portion and call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor 00:04:27
Licenses and Control approve the liquor license application submitted by Jeffrey Miller for Jake's Corner General Store. 00:04:35
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. Good. We have a motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye. 00:04:43
Motion carries and now we'll move on to item three, our regular agenda items. Three, AI will call for motion to recess as the 00:04:51
County Board of Supervisors and convene as the Healer County Library District Board of Directors. So moved. Mr. Chair, I'll second 00:04:59
that all those in favor say aye, aye. OK. We have information, discussion and action to approve library service agreements. 00:05:06
Between the Hewlett County Library District and the following entities. 00:05:14
The City of Globe $131,900 Town of Miami $61,300 Town of Payson $275,300 Tunnel based in Public Library $84,000 Isabel Hunt 00:05:19
Memorial Public Library $127,300. 00:05:28
Supervisor Hunter, I have no question by decline. I don't either. Thank you. Thank you. I have no questions. So with that, I'll 00:06:11
call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the library service agreements with the City of Globe, Town of 00:06:17
Miami, Town of Payson, Tunnel Basin Public Library, Isabelle Hunt Memorial Public Library and Pleasant Valley Community Library 00:06:23
Board as presented. 00:06:29
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye, Thank you. Item 2B is 00:06:35
information discussion action to approve a library service agreement between the Yuba County Library District and the Town of 00:06:43
Hayden for the Hayden Public Library in the amount of $59,750 for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. 00:06:51
Thank you again. This library service agreement is for the Hayden Public Library, which we currently run as a branch. This 00:07:00
agreement provides the same funding as the other seven libraries with the inclusion of staff for current county employees, monthly 00:07:05
utilities programming and collection support. 00:07:10
The Town of Hayden provides the library building free of charge to the Library District and it is possible for maintaining and 00:07:15
ensuring the library premises. 00:07:19
Answer any questions. Thank you, Elaine. Supervisor Humphrey, I have no question. Supervisor Klein, thank you. OK, thank you. With 00:07:23
that, I'll call for motion. 00:07:27
Fiscal year 2025 drug, gang and violence crime control grant application approved the AC JC fiscal year 2025. 00:08:09
UMM Drug, Gang and Violence Crime Control Grant Agreement number DC-25-023 in the amount of $91,758.81 for the period July 1, 2024 00:08:22
through June 30, 2025, and authorized the Board Chairman to electronically sign the agreement. Mr. Alva. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, 00:08:30
Members of the Board, the County Attorney's Office is requesting that the Board of Supervisors ratify its prior approval for the 00:08:38
submission of the grant application. 00:08:46
In approval grant agreement between the Healer County Attorney's Office and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission in the amount 00:08:54
of $91,758.81, which is the amount received by Healing County from the Criminal Justice Commission. This is part of a federal 00:09:04
appropriation that Elon County has received since the mid 1980s and provides provides valuable funding for drug. 00:09:14
And gang activity within Healer County. 00:09:25
Thank you very much. Take any questions. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Supervisor Klein, Neither do I Thank you, John. 00:09:29
Thank you. And with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. I'm going to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval for the submittal of the 00:09:37
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission on physical year 2025 drug, gang and violent Crime control grant application, approve ACJC 00:09:45
agreement number DC-25-023 and authorized the Board. 00:09:53
The field trainer position handles continuing education and training requirements for all court employees as mandated by the AOC, 00:10:39
travels out to Hayden, Winkelman, Globe and Payson on a monthly basis to support Municipal Court operations and works to roll out 00:10:46
new automation initiatives for Superior Court like digital evidence, which is currently underway. With that, I can take any 00:10:54
questions. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Mr. Chair, I have no questions. Thank you. 00:11:01
Supervisor client. 00:11:09
I don't either. Thank you, Jonathan. Yeah, thank you. And with that, I'll call for motion. This is Carol Make the motion to 00:11:10
approve this the middle of County Trial Courts Fiscal year 2025 field Trainer grant application to the Superior Arizona Supreme 00:11:17
Court Administrative Office of the Courts is presented. 00:11:23
Mr. Chair, I'll 2nd that I have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor stay. Aye, aye. Thank you, John. 00:11:31
Now we begin a portion of our meeting that focuses on Kerry. 00:11:40
Item 3 E information discussion action to approve an intergovernmental agreement between Yuma county four and on behalf of the 00:11:45
United County Sheriff's Office in the final Apache tribe by and through the tunnel fashion tribe Police Department for access to 00:11:51
law enforcement related information systems and monetary. 00:11:57
Good morning, Good morning, Chairman Christensen and board members. I'm pleased to present the intergovernmental agreement IGA 00:12:04
between Gila County and the title Apache Tribe Police Department. This agreement facilitates connectivity between Tano Apache 00:12:10
Police Department and the county allowing seamless access to the Spillman module. Additionally, robust security measures have been 00:12:16
implemented to ensure both entities remain secure over the VPN connection. The IGA it will for the connectivity the tunnel Apache 00:12:22
Police Department. 00:12:29
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Is there any cost to us for this? No, Sir. OK. 00:13:08
No further questions, Mr. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. Jerry, what have we done in the past, do you know? 00:13:16
As far as agreements, no. As far as communications and being tied in with them. 00:13:23
Call. 00:13:29
So this agreement is just to formalize a partnership that we've had that's been more of a handshake deal for several years between 00:13:32
these different agencies. We've in the past had kind of like a one page. 00:13:38
Memorandum of understanding we're going to do, we're going to provide these things to you. You're going to make sure that your 00:13:48
people that are accessing the system are held accountable if they do something they shouldn't. 00:13:53
And it dawned on us recently when we had an issue that we needed to be much clearer and had a much have a much better agreement. 00:13:59
So like any good relationship, clearly defined expectations are important. So Carrie set out to create this agreement to make it a 00:14:07
a much more encompassing and understanding agreement versus what we had before. But this doesn't change any of the the connections 00:14:14
that they have. 00:14:22
Or give them anymore or any less access to the system. 00:14:30
OK. Thank you. That's good. 00:14:36
OK, I don't have any questions, so I'll call for a motion. Mr. I move to approve an Arizona agreement with the Tonal factory 00:14:40
Tribes presented. 00:14:45
And I'll second that motion and a second to approve item 3F. All those in favor say aye, aye, thank you. And the next one is very 00:14:50
similar, just a different agency information discussion action to prove an IGA between Gila County for and on behalf of the Healer 00:14:58
County Sheriff's Office and the Town of Miami by and through the Town of Miami Police Department for access to law enforcement 00:15:05
related information systems. 00:15:12
And I would think, Terry, you could be more abbreviated with your presentation as we go through if you'd like to. Okay, Mr. 00:15:19
Chairman. 00:15:24
Can we address item 3G then? 00:15:32
Yes, right now, since I've already read it. 00:15:36
OK. 00:15:41
This is good morning again. So I'm this is an IGA agreement in our government agreement between Gila County and the. 00:15:43
Miami, the agreement facilitates activity between the town of Miami and the county for access for this film and mod for them. In 00:15:51
addition, it gives robust security measures to implemented to secure the over the VPN connections. So we can answer any questions. 00:15:58
OK, thank you. So supervisor, I have no questions Supervisor Klein and neither do I Thank you, Kerry. OK, so we're going to be 00:16:05
voting now on item 3G. Previous to that we voted on item 3E. 00:16:13
I got a little out of order here. So with that, I'll call for motion on item 3G. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve an 00:16:20
intergovernmental agreement with the Town of Miami as presented. 00:16:25
I'll second that a motion and 2nd to approve of if ever say aye aye, Thank you. We will now address Item 3F Information discussion 00:16:31
action to approve an IGA agreement between Heal County Four and on behalf of the Gila County Sheriff's Office and the City of 00:16:39
Globe by and through the City of Globe Police Department for access to law enforcement related information systems. 00:16:46
And I'll second that. 00:17:25
Motion and 2nd to approve those in favor say aye aye thank you. Item 3H Information discussion Action to approve an 00:17:26
intergovernmental agreement between Hayley County and for and on behalf of the Hilah County Sheriff's Office in the Town of 00:17:33
Hayden, buying through the Town of Hayden Police Department for access to law enforcement related information systems. 00:17:41
I'll second that and we have a motion and a second to approve item 3H. Those in favor say aye. 00:18:20
Aye. Thank you, Kerry very much. All right. 00:18:27
Now we'll move on to item three. I information discussion action to adopt the proposed fiscal year 2025 salary plan not to exceed 00:18:32
1.2. 00:18:37
Million for general fund salaries and employee related expenses. Good morning, Marin. Good morning, Mr. Chair, Good morning 00:18:43
Supervisor Humphrey, Supervisor Klein. We discussed this briefly when you adopted the tentative budget and we wanted to bring you 00:18:52
some details so that you and all the staff are aware that we are proposing a base 3% salary increase for all regular status non 00:19:00
elected county employees or a $2080 salary increase for those. 00:19:09
Who would for whom? 3% would be that or less. This does not. 00:19:18
Applied this 2080 dollars does not apply to those covered by a STEP program. A STEP program employees would receive the 3% so that 00:19:24
the steps remain 2 1/2% apart as originally adopted by the Board of Supervisors. There are elected official salary adjustments 00:19:34
that are statutory that will occur in January and we are also requesting an additional 2% capacity for merit based pay increases. 00:19:44
In January 2025 and you can see in the chart here that we expect the July 2024 implementation to include 765,399 and $0.39 in 00:19:55
general fund salaries, $376,987.76 in special revenue salaries and anticipated employee related costs to go with those of 00:20:05
$301,846.12. 00:20:16
For a total of 1,444,000, which is well within the 1.2 million that we are requesting for the general fund maximum. 00:20:27
Thank you, Marin. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions, Mr. Chair. 00:20:42
Supervisor Klein. 00:20:47
Where is that going to bring us Marin, as far as bringing our salaries up compared to inflation today? Are we close? So we are 00:20:50
familiar with the inflation rate that the Feds are using to implement in Social Security and other areas and that is right around 00:20:57
3.6%. Most of the people receiving the 2080 dollars are getting closer to a 6% raise. 00:21:04
Because of how it shakes out with their salaries and with this, the minimum salary for our current staff be 17,000 or $17.24 an 00:21:13
hour, which is 35,864. 00:21:20
Compared to our overall minimum hourly wage for that very beginning point, and we don't have anyone at that currently, would be 00:21:28
1550. 00:21:33
And how many people do we have in a step program? Do you know off top of your head? 00:21:39
I did. That knowledge may not have stayed in my head. I believe it's about 150. I'd have to look for sure. I can e-mail each of 00:21:45
the supervisors administrative staff with that information. 00:21:52
Thank you. Thank you, supervisor. I'm here. I have a question. So on the 2080 dollars approximately. 00:22:01
How many employees would that be? 00:22:10
It's about 2/3 we'll receive that that increase. Wow, OK, that's that's a significant. 00:22:13
Right, right. And we have, we have 600 budgeted positions, not all of them are full. So this would, this does a good job in taking 00:22:23
care of the vast majority of our staff and it also ensures that it more than covers any increase our staff would have experienced. 00:22:33
In the increases for health insurance premiums. 00:22:44
OK. And then I'm confused. Your numbers I'm sure are impeccably perfect, but I don't know, it says 1.444 million and we have a 1.2 00:22:49
million. What's the difference? So the 1.2 million? 00:22:57
Is the maximum that the general fund could absorb. The 1.4 includes those special revenue funds. We have 33 general fund 00:23:04
departments and 75 special revenue fund departments. So because we base the 1.2 on. 00:23:12
Next year's increased property tax levy based on the increased value of properties. We, we chose to present this to you as not 00:23:20
exceeding that amount so that you and our constituents can be assured that it is a sustainable ongoing source of revenue and not 00:23:28
one time money where you'll have to come up with another resource next year. Very good. Thank you for all your work. That's all I 00:23:35
have. If there's nothing else, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to adopt. 00:23:42
The proposed physical Year 2025 salary plan as presented. 00:23:51
Mr. Chair, I'll 2nd that I have a motion and a second to approve. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you Marin. And next 00:23:55
we have item rejay information discussion action to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Healthgate Fire Department 00:24:03
whereby Gila County Government will sell 9 vehicles is listed in the IGA to the Healthgate Fire Department for the price of $1.00 00:24:10
each. Parents. Yes. Good morning, Mr. Chair. Supervisor Humphrey. Supervisor, fine. 00:24:18
The Healer County Sheriff's Department and the Hellgate Fire Department collaborated on this particular item. Hellsgate Fire needs 00:24:26
old vehicles that don't have any value to them to use for training purposes. Their training class is at the end of this month and 00:24:36
we we'd like to bring you this today. These are surplus vehicles from the impound yard that have no tangible value to. 00:24:46
The county and only the Board of Supervisors has the ability to. 00:24:56
Let go of surplus. 00:25:03
Assets. So we are here this morning to ask you to. 00:25:05
To rehome these two Hell's Gate at a cost of $1.00 each. 00:25:10
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:25:14
I have no questions, Supervisor Klein. So these are for training purposes. 00:25:17
I suspect that means they'll be setting them on fire using Jaws of Life. The various things that you can't you can't learn in a 00:25:24
classroom that you need the hands on experience. 00:25:28
After this is done right, the thick and cold beer. 00:25:35
Thank you, Mary. 00:25:42
Yes, thank you. And I think it's important to know that these vehicles may not have, they may have more than $1.00 value, but. 00:25:45
In working with some of our other people in Gila County, other agencies. 00:25:54
ETC, That this becomes a valuable thing for them rather than trying to capture whatever minimal amount that they would actually 00:26:00
auction off for, right? They are not currently operational vehicles, right? OK. All right. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. 00:26:08
Chair, I'll make the motion to approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Hellscape Fire Department as presented. 00:26:15
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, Motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Mary. Thank 00:26:23
you. Item 3K Information, discussion action to approve agreement number 06112024 with the Humane Society of Central AZ for the 00:26:31
period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Well, good morning, John. Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board, this impound 00:26:39
agreement is with the Humane Society of Central AZ. 00:26:47
And I'll understand any questions. Thank you, brother Humphrey. Yeah, John, I have no questions. Just thank you for all you're 00:27:29
doing with animal control. 00:27:33
Supervisor client same as me John, it's good. 00:27:38
So thank you. Yeah, Thank you, John. I have no questions. It's working out much better than I think the agreement we have before. 00:27:42
Great. With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to approve agreement number 06112024 with Humane Society of Central AZ 00:27:51
Incorporated as presented. And I'll second that motion to have a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:27:59
Three information discussion. Action to approve amendment #1. 00:28:10
An IGA Contract Center 067227 with the Arizona Department of Health Services to increase the price sheet for personal and employee 00:28:14
related expenses for the period of October 1, 2023. The September 30, 2024. Nepal. 00:28:23
Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board, this is a our WIC funding that we actually realized early on this last year that we 00:28:34
were not going to meet our salaries. And thank you for the increases. That's great. But the grants don't always look at the 00:28:41
increases for us. And actually we went back to the Department of Health Services and they were actually very diligent in looking 00:28:49
at what we were needing in the upcoming years if they wanted us to continue. 00:28:57
WIC services in Houma County and it's absolutely a vital program. So they did come back to the table and they brought this with 00:29:04
some more employee related money so that we can pay our employees and continue to give them the raises that you're so graciously 00:29:12
approved. So we ask that you approve this so that we can pay our staff members. OK, great. Thank you. It's a pleasure, Humphrey. 00:29:20
I have no question, Professor Klein. Thanks for doing that, Paula. Yeah, that's good. 00:29:29
Yeah, just extended it a couple of more months, right, Yes, OK. With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion 00:29:37
to approve amendment #1 to the Arizona Department of Health Services Intergovernmental Agreement Contract Number Center 067227, as 00:29:45
presented. Mr. Carroll, second that. OK motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. 00:29:53
Motion carries 3 M information. Discussion Action to approve an independent contractor agreement number 07012024, Dash 25 between 00:30:02
Wildfire and ELA County Public Health and Community Services Department Community Action Program whereby Wildfire will administer 00:30:09
funding in the amount of $282,024 which will be used to provide weatherization services, utility repair, replacement utility 00:30:17
deposits. 00:30:24
Bill assistance to eligible citizens residing in Eva County for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Paula, thank 00:30:32
you, Chairman. That said it really all of it for us and I know that we've put a very long motion in for you, but it is just 00:30:40
extending this contract for another year. You will notice that they are no longer going to be considered. They're not going to use 00:30:47
wildfire will be. It's saying they used to be, you know, as known as the association. 00:30:55
So now they are just wildfire and it's just extending for another another term. 00:31:03
OK, Thank you, Piper Humphrey. I have no questions, Supervisor. Good. Yeah, thank you. I'll call for motion then. Mr. Chair, I 00:31:08
move to approve the independent contract agreement, contract number 070120 two 4-25 with wildfire as presented. And I'll second 00:31:16
that motion and a second to approve those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Paula. Thank you very much. Item 3, Ann, is 00:31:25
information discussion action to approve an IGA agreement between Hino County and the Arizona Department of Forestry. 00:31:33
And fire management for an effective term of 10 years from the date signed. Good morning, Carl Morning, Chairman and members of 00:31:42
the board. So this is an agreement between Healer County and the Department of Forestry and Fire Management that kind of gives us 00:31:50
a framework to an existing process. This IGA is uniform and is going to all of the counties in the state. The primary purpose of 00:31:57
the IGA is to make us eligible for reimbursements through the fields exceeding the Fire Management assistance grants through FEMA. 00:32:05
During the wildfire, so if the county is supporting in any way, shape or form whether it be through evacuations, notification, 00:32:13
actual wildfire response, we are eligible for reimbursement for those services provided. Couple other highlights from this 00:32:21
agreement is that DFFM will support in wildfire not only surrounding Healing County, but wildfire that originates on county land 00:32:29
and can also support all risk emergencies. 00:32:36
And also the same route for if DFM is requesting assistance from HeLa County, we can provide that assistance now with the 00:33:20
framework established that allows us to be reimbursed for that assistance. 00:33:25
With that short and sweet, I'm done. So any questions for me? OK. Thank you. Supervisor Humphrey? Yeah. Who initiated this IGA? 00:33:32
This was initiated by DFM. Oh, OK. Good. Yeah. No. Thank you very much for all you do for emergency services. Of course. Thank 00:33:39
you, Supervisor Klein. Carl, thanks and extend my thanks to DFFM. I think I see it is a good thing. I just hope we never have to 00:33:45
use it. 00:33:52
This is wood, right? Yeah, that's wood. So, Carl. 00:34:01
House DFSM looking after the budget crisis the state is going through. They still got money. Well, the money specifically outlined 00:34:08
in this IGA would come from a fire management assistance grant. But I mean, like a lot of government response agencies, they are, 00:34:15
they will continue to move on regardless of the the challenges that they face. But of course, financial challenges have impacted 00:34:23
them. They've also impacted Emergency Management on a large scale throughout the state. 00:34:31
But they're they're getting by as we are. 00:34:40
Thank you, Carl. Yes, Sir. Mr. Chairman, in the state budget for this year, it did include about $35 million for a little bit more 00:34:43
closely or clearly defined programs and projects related to what D FM, DF FM does. So there is money in the budget. Actually this 00:34:51
year, even amidst the state's financial woes, there's money for projects, so. 00:34:59
OK. Thank you for that. All right, if there's nothing else, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the 00:35:07
Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management intergovernmental agreement as presented. 00:35:13
Sure. I'll second that motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you, Carl. Thank you, 00:35:19
chairman. Members of work Item three O information discussion action to approve modification number 002, the Forest Service 00:35:25
agreement number 22 dash. 00:35:31
RO Dash 11031200, Dash 232, extending the expiration date from September 21st, 2024 to September 21st, 2025. 00:35:38
And updating Forest Service program manager from Corey Brunsting to Michelle Tom. And updating Forest Service administrative 00:35:51
contract from Brian Spree to John B Chang. 00:35:59
Tom, Good morning, Mr. Chairman and board members. So this is a time extension only. There's no money associated with this. We 00:36:09
have a cooperative agreement with the Tonto National Forest to design and pave 1.3 miles of control Rd. So this will extend the 00:36:19
contract time that expires September 21st, 2024 and it will extend it to September 21st, 2025 and then it will also update the. 00:36:29
Tonto contact persons that were just mentioned. 00:36:40
Mr. Chair, I move to approve modification number 002 to for service agreement #22-R0-1103 one 200-232AS presented and I'll second 00:37:15
that. All right, We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, Thank you, Tom. Item 3P is information 00:37:26
discussion action to approve contract agreement number center 058876 with kindly Horn and associates. 00:37:36
Environmental documents, including an environmental assessment and supporting technical documentation in an amount not to exceed 00:37:47
$279,779, which will facilitate environmental clearance and satisfy the National Environmental Policy Act requirements you're 00:37:55
presenting. Tom. Yes, OK, thank you. Thank you. Again, this is a request to approve a contract agreement with Kimberly Horn and 00:38:02
Associates. 00:38:10
To prepare, prepare environmental documents for four material pits that are located on the Tonto National Forest. It includes 00:38:18
Braddock, Ramirez, Castle Dome and the 824. They're kind of spread out around the county. 00:38:26
The Forest Service is pitching in 165,000. The county would have to pitch in approximately 113,000. The total amount is 279,000, 00:38:34
so this is a request to approve that contract. 00:38:42
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. Yeah, No, I appreciate working with them in the Forest Service. Working. Now let's get those 00:38:50
material pitched to help with all our roads. That's that's good. Thank you, Tom. 00:38:55
Thank you. And Supervisor Klein, Tom, any estimation on how long that process is going to take? It's about 520 calendar days. So 00:39:03
there's quite a bit of work they have to do. But yeah, it's it's that's what they're estimating. All right, thank you. 00:39:11
Thank you, Tom. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve contract agreement number Ctr. 00:39:19
058876. 00:39:24
With Kimberly Horn and Associates incorporated as presented. 00:39:31
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion to approve in second. All those in favor say aye. 00:39:34
Aye, aye, Thank you. And we want to item 3 Q information discussion action to declare portion of out all lane not necessary for 00:39:41
public use and direct staff to begin the process to extinguish a portion of outlawing as shown on exhibit A. Good morning, Romero. 00:39:50
Good morning board. This item is about extinguishing an easement for a portion of our floor lane that get in at Central Creek. 00:40:00
Out on Lane was granted to Hilda County, is the County Dirt Rd. easement and it's in Dehuga County Maintenance. 00:40:11
System, we maintain it today. You can see the map up on the screen. There's five partials that are basically petitioning for that 00:40:16
portion that's highlighted to be no longer maintained by the county. It will be a private ingress egress easement that they will 00:40:24
grant to each other, to their heirs and to their signs in perpetuity. It would allow public emergency vehicles to enter that to 00:40:32
enter that area as well. It it would allow for whatever. 00:40:40
The state requires for utilities to be granted based on this easement. We have a simple agreement that was prepared by our County 00:40:48
Attorney Jeff Dalton previously that we have shared with them that captures all of this. They would be responsible for the 00:40:54
maintenance of the road and the liability of the road as well. And, and they seen that type of a document. We haven't asked them 00:41:01
to sign it yet. First, we would like to come and ask the board to declare a portion of Outlaw Lane not necessary for public use 00:41:07
and direct staff to begin the process. 00:41:13
To extinguish a portion of Outlaw Lane as shown on the Exhibit A, which is on the screen right now. 00:41:20
Thank you, Mayor. Supervisor Humphrey. Yeah. Thank you, Homero, for working on this. I know it's kind of a can of worms because 00:41:26
then as people, if they decided to split some of that property, then there would have been no access for new owners or if it was 00:41:34
to sell. So thank you very much for working on this to make it their responsibility as they go forward for appeasement and access. 00:41:41
So thank you very much, Supervisor Clue. I'm good. Thank you, Omar. Yes, Thank you, Humira. Without a call from Motion. 00:41:49
Mr. Chair, I move to the Vera portion, Outlaw Lane and not necessary for public use, and direct staff to begin the process to 00:41:57
extinguish a portion of Outlaw Lane. 00:42:01
As shown on exhibit A and Mr. Cheryl second that motion in the second to approve those in favor say aye aye aye aye and three are 00:42:07
information, discussion action to approve amendment #2 to contract number 051122 bulk fuel and lubricants with. 00:42:15
Synergy Petroleum, LLC to extend the term of the contract for one additional year from July 19, 2024 to July 18, 2025, for the 00:42:26
purchase of both fuel and lubricants or enough to exceed the amount of $1.2 million. 00:42:34
Thank you, Chairman. 00:42:44
Did we do this every year? We don't quite spend. We didn't quite spend 1.2 million last year. We spent something like $850,000 on 00:42:47
this contract. Nonetheless, we are asking for a total contract amount for the next fiscal cycle to to be $1.2 million. They use an 00:42:55
oil price information system that is a commodity price that used worldwide and then they attached to it their cost to deliver 00:43:02
their profits etcetera on top of that. 00:43:09
That that it remains the same from last year. And with that, we would like to ask you to extend the term of the contract for one 00:43:17
additional year from July 19th, 2024 to July 18th, 2025 for the purchase of both fuel and and and lubricants. Not for an amount 00:43:24
not to actually. 1.2 million questions. Very good. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions. Supervisor client. Well, Meryl, is 00:43:31
this the last year on that contract or I would have to check? I'm not I'm not certain that normally they have a three-year, 00:43:38
three-year extension. 00:43:45
So we could have another year that we could use this. I'm just curious. It seems like this was about the only company that even 00:43:53
wanted to bid on it. So I just curious. Thanks. Thank you. Helero. Without alcohol promotion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to 00:44:00
approve amendment #2 to contract number 051122 with Synergy Petroleum LLC is prevented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that here we have a 00:44:07
motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. 00:44:15
Thank you. You will have another one possibly or Oh it's gonna be Thomas 13S information discussion action to authorize the 00:44:22
advertisement for invitation for bid number 060424 the control Rd. roadway improvements. Tom thank you. This is the request 00:44:30
advertised for construction. This is control Rogan and Whispering Pines area 1.3 miles. The Forest Service has contributed 00:44:38
$2,000,000 to this project and the county will be. 00:44:46
Or have the administration of the construction project. 00:44:55
So we just were requesting action to advertise at this point. 00:44:59
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:45:03
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein. Tom, are we still looking at getting this inch down and getting it done this summer or? 00:45:07
Yes, Sir, we would like to get it done this year by the end of this summer. Thank you, Tom. Yes, thank you, Tom. And remind me 00:45:13
where this money comes from. It comes from the Tonto National Forest. That's what I thought I remembered. Thank you very much. 00:45:20
With that, I'll call through motion. 00:45:26
For bid number 060424 and I'll second that. 00:45:33
Motion and 2nd to approve. Those in favor say aye aye aye. Thank you, Tom. 00:45:38
All right, so I will call for a motion item 3. 00:45:43
T is going to be call for a motion to recess of the county Board of Supervisors and convene as the Hilah County Flood Control 00:45:48
District Board of directories so moved Mr. Chair, I'll second that those in favor say aye aye aye aye. If you we have information, 00:45:57
discussion action to temporarily assign delegation for floodplain administration to civil engineer senior. 00:46:05
Alex Kendrick until the floodplain Administrator Flood Control district position can be filled with a qualified candidate. Tom, 00:46:15
thank you. So Guard was our floodplain administrator. He retired and we need to appoint a temporary one. So this is a request to 00:46:24
appoint Alex Kendrick as a temporary floodplain administrator for the county. 00:46:33
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:46:42
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein is darts position out on the street now? Yeah, it's been out for about a month now. OK, 00:46:44
Thank you. 00:46:49
And thank you. With that, I'll call for motion. 00:46:55
Mr. I moved to temporarily assign delegation for floodplain administration to Civil Engineer Senior Alex Kendrick until the 00:46:58
Floodplain Administrator Flood Control District position can be filled with a qualified candidate. And I'll second that Mr. Chair 00:47:05
motion and 2nd to approve those in favor say aye. 00:47:13
Thank you, Tom, and with that I will call the motion to adjourn as the Hill County Flood Control District Board of Directors and 00:47:21
reconvene as the Board of Supervisors. So move. Mr. Chair, I'll second that all those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye aye. Item 3. 00:47:28
U information discussion, action to approve amendment #4. 00:47:34
Number Center 050894 with Janice Irvine incorporated to extend the contract for an additional year. 00:47:42
For the term of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 and increase the contract amount to $276,148.10 to provide janitorial services for 00:47:51
both the southern and northern regions of Gila County. Good morning. We have Melissa. Good morning, Chairman, Board of 00:48:00
Supervisors. I'm presenting amendment #4 to State Contract Ctr. 050894 with Janiserve for janitorial services for both southern 00:48:09
and northern regions of Gila County. 00:48:18
This amendment extends the contract term for additional year. Additionally, it increases the contract amount by $16,584.11, 00:48:28
bringing the total to $276,148.10. This adjustment accounts for the 1.5% CPI increase for the year 2025. 00:48:40
Facilities and Land Management Department and staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve amendment #4 to contract Ctr. 00:48:52
050894 with Janice Serve. The extension will cover the period from July 1, 2024 to June 30th, 2025 and will provide janitorial 00:49:00
services for both southern and northern Gila County. 00:49:08
I'd be happy to answer any questions. Oh, thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:49:16
Just one question, when will this come back up? Forbid do we bid that out? 00:49:21
I can verify and get back to you on that. 00:49:29
OK, thank you very much. No further questions, Mr. Chair. OK, thank you, Supervisor Klein. I think I'm good. Thank you, Melissa. I 00:49:36
I have one question. So who? 00:49:40
And you may not be able to answer this. So who holds this firm accountable for the quality of work that you do or don't do? 00:49:46
That would be facilities, yes. 00:49:55
So facilities and specs to make sure. 00:49:59
That they're doing, they're they're cleaning. They're not just in and out in one minute. 00:50:04
I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I'm just saying I have heard people say it's some things are not cleaned at a level they should 00:50:10
be supervisors with that we always have audit control connection with the contractor. We do that. 00:50:20
Through consistent meetings and also providing them feedback when we get feedback from the customer. 00:50:30
So as an example, if one of the facilities say TCM was not getting the service, we need to say it's not getting mocked properly. 00:50:37
We identify that, see if the symptom that's just an outlier or consistent and then we work with the contractor to rectify it or 00:50:45
fix it. OK, So if something is observed, they would report to you or do facilities. 00:50:52
All the same. Yes, Sir. OK, All right, great. 00:51:02
That's all I have, so I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I move to approve amendment #4 to contract number Center 050894 with 00:51:06
Janiserve Incorporated as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK, We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say 00:51:13
aye. Thank you. OK, next we have item 3V. You're right. We made it through this in record time. Got almost the whole alphabet in 00:51:20
there. 00:51:27
And the shorter the agenda, the more dangerous. So Item 3, the information discussion action approved the US Department of 00:51:35
Agricultural Agricultural Forest Service special use permit regarding the Crouch Mesa radio tower site with the Terminal National 00:51:42
Forest, Young Arizona for the purpose of providing a better communication system. Supervisor Klein. Thank you, Mr. Chair, so this 00:51:49
is. 00:51:56
Just to bring everybody up to date on this one, this is a. 00:52:04
Tower that sits just on the east side of Pleasant Valley, up on top of a mountain right there. And really what it was was a 00:52:07
microwave tower that was tied into the Vet Center when it was an admin site for telephone services to time and point. And then it 00:52:14
went on from there. Anyway, during all the change and whenever they vacated that site or that admin site, that became no longer 00:52:20
needed for the Forest Service. So in 2019, Tim Scott came to me and had an interest from the Sheriff's Office side to to get ahold 00:52:27
of that tower. 00:52:34
So they can put additional repeater on there for better coverage and so forth. It's not a big tower. It's only about 20 feet tall. 00:52:41
Really good place though. And so we started the process back then looking into getting a special use permit from the Forest 00:52:47
Service to use that tower and. 00:52:54
The Forest Service doesn't want it. They didn't want it, but because it was really, really low on their priority list, that 00:53:01
process just set stagnant for all these years and would put in again. They'd lose the application and we'd go back and forth 00:53:08
anyway. Finally they've gotten a permit together to do that. I have 3 entities right now that are interested in this tower. 00:53:16
Sheriff's Office being the 1st, the local fire department being the 2nd, and then local emergency. 00:53:24
Ham radio group being a third and that's the progress I told him would would follow to see what we could put on that tower. So 00:53:32
with that. 00:53:37
Umm, the Sheriff's Office has been notified that they can start taking a look at it and see what it's going to take. There's no 00:53:43
electric, it just sits there on the mountaintop by itself. So whatever they run would have to be off of a solar panel, and that's 00:53:48
what the feds back. 00:53:54
Quite a while back SO. 00:53:59
It should provide a lot of extra coverage for the fire department and the Sheriff's Office and then also provide some coverage for 00:54:02
that emergency him group. 00:54:07
That are taking questions. OK, supervisor yeah, just one will will that availability be a lease or donation to these people that 00:54:12
want to use? Well, I think that that would be up to us. How are we going to do that? But you know, Sheriff's Office, fire 00:54:19
department, emergency hand group. 00:54:26
Go either way but. 00:54:33
We're not going to have anything as far as. 00:54:35
US associated with this tower at all and I believe it will fall under the facilities side of things is what it'll fall into so. 00:54:39
Does that help? 00:54:50
Yeah, that, that's fine. That that's an unknown answer at this time. It's just getting the agreement with the poor service. So 00:54:51
thank you, ask and answer. Thank you, Mr. Chair, That's all I have. OK. I don't really have any questions. So with that, I'll call 00:54:56
for a motion. 00:55:01
OK, so I'll make the motion to approve the US Department of Agriculture for Service Special use permit regarding the Crouch Mesa 00:55:08
Radio tower site with the Tunnel National Forest in Young. 00:55:15
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. OK. We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. We're on 00:55:22
to Item 4, consent agenda action items. Supervisor Humphrey, would you like to remove all, not all, any or a few or whatever you 00:55:30
want from items 4A through I I am fine the way it is, Mr. Chair. Thank you. OK. Thank you for getting my words out. I'll ask you 00:55:37
the same question. Yeah, I'm good. Thank you. OK, so then. 00:55:45
I'll call for a motion on items 4A through I. 00:55:54
Mr. Chair, I move to approve consent agenda items for a through 4I and I will second that. And we have a motion to 2nd to approve 00:55:56
those in favor say aye, great, Rhonda. Item number 5, which is a call to the public and we always call this at the at the end of 00:56:05
our meetings. So public is able to address any things that they like to talk about, but we won't be able to discuss and vote on 00:56:13
anything that's not specifically identified on the agenda. 00:56:21
Call for the public here in the Globe Room. Anyone wish to speak? No. How about Payson and Cassandra? Anyone there? How many do we 00:56:30
have on the Internet today? 32, Thank you very much. All right, I'll then move on to item number six and this will be our manager 00:56:39
and supervisor's report. We'll start with Manager Manlove. 00:56:48
This Chairman, members of the board, thank you. Last Tuesday after our board meeting did have a couple of conversations with Patty 00:56:59
Carr from Washington, DC One of those was Tri-City Regional Sanitary District had a discussion about the the needs that are 00:57:06
ongoing there and they're significant. 00:57:13
But they are continuing to pursue and move forward with the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District. Secondly, we went out to Russell 00:57:21
Rd. and didn't walk the whole 1 1/2 mile of that road that has been washed out, but did go see the results of the flooding from 00:57:29
Telegraph Fire and the need for pushing that project forward. We do have $1,000,000 Spark grant from the State of Arizona to do 00:57:37
design and engineering for redevelopment of the Russell Rd. 00:57:45
Well, that's a great thing. Good start for us that we've been able to secure that funding from the state of Arizona. 00:57:54
And then finally, as copper is so important to the county and region, we did didn't go down and went up to resolution copper and 00:58:00
Oak Flats and took a site visit to what's up there on on top of their, where they're doing their mining operations and their. 00:58:09
And then go down into the mine because they're not doing chores right now. But it's impressive and, and and quite the operation to 00:58:19
gain a better understanding of what it takes and what it actually is going to entail with that. 00:58:26
Finally yesterday Spelling and I were on Kmart radio up in Payson and I believe had a a good visit there talking about the budget 00:58:34
for fiscal year 2425. 00:58:40
That's my report, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. Thank you very much, and Supervisor Humphrey. 00:58:46
Attended District 2 project team meeting on the 26th. Attended a candidate forum on June 26th. Was on KIKO on July 1st. 00:58:53
9:30 in the morning. We'll hold a tunnel. Based in community meeting tonight at 5. 00:59:08
Also is it a Central Arizona government meeting who is working as a go between with ADEQ on the plant for Tri-City on public 00:59:16
awareness? And that's just tag making people aware of the plant and the design of the plant, the location of the plant, things of 00:59:25
that nature. And it went a little bit S with people warning questions from Tri-City and that wasn't the purpose of the meeting. 00:59:34
The purpose of the meeting was just public awareness for the plant itself, none of the functions of Tri-City. 00:59:43
And also to staff will hold a meeting tonight because I've already scheduled and scheduled it monthly, my Connovation meeting for 00:59:54
the GEICO Road to update because this is the earliest that we could have done it. I had an earlier meeting with the residents of 01:00:03
Garcia when the road and the double chip seal that we subcontracted taxes for it failed. 01:00:13
Miserably and so it's been a real difficult situation since then and so where I noticed that homeroom was really diligently on his 01:00:23
deal. So I'm sure we're still working out things for the meeting tonight. And so if I can convince the people in in Tunnel Basin 01:00:30
that I don't need to be there for the full meeting, I'm probably going to run out of that and try to make with staff and the guy 01:00:38
Selah meeting this evening. 01:00:45
And other than that, that's about all I have. Thank you. 01:00:53
Thank you supervisor, supervisor client. Sorry so. 01:00:56
I've been talking about that PBS project with APS and I've been working with Forest Service and APS. 01:01:02
To try and mitigate. 01:01:11
That power shut off and so on the 26th. 01:01:14
Me and APS, the Forest Service didn't go with us because they couldn't get their prior approvals. But anyway, we flew the Preacher 01:01:19
Canyon leg. It's Preacher Six, I think is what they called it. And we flew that line and videoed that line in the places that were 01:01:26
the worst that, well, not the worst, but that needed to. 01:01:32
The attention the most I should say the APS, you know you guys can all visualize a power line. Well APS is right away is 10 feet 01:01:39
from the center of that power line each way. That's all they got 20 foot wide power line. So that's less than the width of this 01:01:45
room down through there. 01:01:52
Well, that's fine, except your trees are 100 and 2000 and 50 feet high above that, you know, and so they're well within range of 01:01:59
hitting that power line. And, and So what their biggest issue is, is where access is the worst, that's where they really want to 01:02:07
get in and try and work and mitigate those right aways, meaning they want to make sure they're 20 feet is clean, but then any 01:02:14
problem trees outside of that. 01:02:22
You want to take them down, and I want them to. That'd be a good lick. So there was some access that went to parts of that line 01:02:29
that apparently washed out in the last, I don't know how many years, and nobody took really the initiative or whatever to go back 01:02:35
and fix it. 01:02:41
So when we got done with the flight, we took pictures of all that got done with the flight and sat back down and visited with the 01:02:48
Forest Service. And looks like what's going to happen first is they're going to be able to go back in and reopen those routes into 01:02:53
their power lines where they need it the worst and then start working on on their right of ways and some of those those trees 01:02:59
outside that right away. So I guess in. 01:03:04
Short way of saying that I think we're making progress. The one of the benefits right now is. 01:03:11
We have everybody that's involved in this process. 01:03:19
Has a need for it to happen. You know the Forest Service has a lot of projects along that power line that they can't pull off 01:03:24
because they can't secure the power line so they don't even want to address it. APS has that power shut off deal that they don't 01:03:30
really want to do. They want to keep the power on and keep making money and then I'm sitting there with a whole bunch of people 01:03:36
that don't want to see that power shut off either and so. 01:03:43
I think with that involved, I'm hoping that there's a way everybody's going to come to the table. 01:03:49
And work through any issues that there may be. And I can tell you one issue already is the threatening and endangered species 01:03:55
timeframes, the Mexican spotted owl, they can't get in there and do anything in some of those areas until September 1st. 01:04:03
And so. 01:04:12
They're going to have that to deal with, but that's a doable, doable problem. It can happen. So I'm really hoping that's going to 01:04:14
play out and it's going to work. I don't know that we'll ever get away from the threat of them flipping the switch, but if we can 01:04:20
lessen it, that'll be that'll be huge. And then on the 26th, I as well as Tim and and Kelly's here with us today. We were all in 01:04:26
that candidate forum and I thought that was a good deal. They put on a good deal there for that candidate form. A lot lot going on 01:04:32
that night, but it was good. 01:04:38
On the 27th, I attended a meeting in Round Valley and met with some folks in Christopher Creek and met with the public works staff 01:04:44
in Round Valley as well. And what it is, is there's a couple roads right there in the middle of lower Round Valley that we're 01:04:52
looking to take over maintenance on. So we're going over that. 01:04:59
Getting all that lined out and hopefully that'll that'll work out and come in front of us as a board to deal with that. 01:05:07
And that evening we attended the Wagon Wheel Fire Department meeting and Whispering Pines. That was real interesting. That's that 01:05:14
we we sat there and listened to their budgets and everything else. They they have a new chief who's very active and seems to be 01:05:20
doing a very good job, you know, and don't you? Yes, I do. Yeah. And so I was glad to be there that night and visit those folks as 01:05:26
well. 01:05:32
And then on the 3rd, which is tomorrow, I'll be attending the Copper Valley Independence Day Liberty Dinner, the Knights of 01:05:39
Columbus, and I'm supposed to speak about the Veterans Center in Young. They've asked me to come there and speak about that so. 01:05:47
That's my schedule. 01:05:55
OK, thank you. I don't have a lot to bring up today. I did listen to KMOG yesterday. I think James and Marilyn did an outstanding 01:05:57
job presenting how money is taken in, how it's spent, the reserves that we have and the conservative nature of our financial 01:06:07
status. I believe Huma counties in great shape. We never have enough money, but we are. 01:06:16
Using very sound judgment in our finances. And so I appreciate all that you go through to manage that. And Marin, I don't know 01:06:28
honestly how you manage the. 01:06:34
Magnitude of finances that are involved here, but I thank you very much because you do a great job. 01:06:41
And I think the 4th of July is coming up. So I wish everyone to have a good day there, be safe. If I do my calculations right, 01:06:47
that should be 248 years. He wrote that document so. 01:06:55
Will be. I remember when it was 200. 01:07:03
The bicentennial and now it's coming up on 2:50 so, but I'm not getting any older. 01:07:07
That's all I have. If there's nothing else, I'll adjourn the meeting. Thank you. 01:07:14
scroll up