Start Position
A. Information/Discussion/Action to consider two liquor license applications (County No. LL-24-03 and LL-24-04) submitted by Andrea Lewkowitz for the transfer of a Series9 Liquor Store License and a Series7 Beer and Wine Bar License with interim permits to operate at the Tonto Basin Market Place located in Tonto Basin; and issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control whether the licenses should be granted. (Samantha Trimble)   REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:
A. Information/Discussion/Action to consider a sealed bid for the purchase of Assessor's tax parcel number1-07-079 and, if accepted, authorize the Chairman's signature on the Quit Claim Deed. (Samantha Trimble)
B. Information/Discussion/Action to approve FFY25 Governor's Office of Highway Safety Grant Agreement No.25-PTS-023 in the amount of $30,574 for the period of October24, to September,25, that will be used for overtime and employee-related expenses, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) unit, gas system, printer and Intox00 unit. (Dennis Newman)
C. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Amendment Service Agreement No.2922 with Advantage Home Performance Inc. in the amount not to exceed $300,000, and extend the term of the contract for one additional year to September25. (Kayle Lathrop)
D. Information/Discussion/Action to ratify the Board of Supervisors' approval for the Chairman’s signature on the Temporary Construction Easement granted to the State of Arizona by and through its Department of Transportation for the construction of the State Route – Green Valley Parkway to Houston Mesa Road Improvement Project. (Homero Vela)
E. Information/Discussion/Action to approve the use of OMNIA Cooperative Contract No.2816, with Empire Machinery and Caterpiller Inc. in the amount of $382,938.66 for the purchase of a new240-14 AWD Caterpillar motor grader. (Homero Vela)
F. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No.-10-04 authorizing the purchase of ten flood-prone properties adjacent to Campaign Creek and authorize James Menlove, Gila County Manager, to sign the various related documents associated with the purchase of homes related to the Campaign Creek Buyout and other Campaign Creek homes necessary for the successful completion of the Campaign Creek Project.  (Homero Vela)
G. Information/Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution No.-10-03 authorizing the roadway exchange of109 square feet of unneeded Roper Lane in exchange for the acquisition of027 square feet of Assessor's parcel number2-05-001W for new Forest Service9 right of way; and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the related Quit Claim Deed. (Homero Vela)
H. Information/Discussion/Action to review the bid submitted for Request for Proposals No.2124 – Campaign Creek Post-Fire Project – Survey and Cleanup of Asbestos of up to Homes; and award a contract to the most responsive, responsible, and qualified bidder. (Alex Kendrick)
I.  Information/Discussion/Action to review the bids submitted for Invitation for Bids No.1924 – Campaign Creek Post-Fire Project Demolition of Homes; and award a contract to the lowest, most responsive, responsible, and qualified bidder.  (Alex Kendrick)
J. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Request for Proposals No.2924 - Design Services for Flood Protection at Campaign Creek in Roosevelt Estates Community to select an engineering firm to analyze and design a project to protect the residents of Roosevelt Estates from severe weather events that cause flood events in Campaign Creek. (Homero Vela)
K. Information/Discussion/Action to authorize the advertisement of Invitation for Bids No.2424 - Five (5) New Ford Vehicles to purchase one Ford F-250 Crew Cab4 pickup truck, two Ford F-150 Crew Cab4 pickup trucks, and two Ford F-350 Crew Cab4 chassis cabs. (Homero Vela)
L. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No.052024 between Gila County and Community Educational Recreational and Civic Association (CERCA) in the amount of $33,500, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Stephen Christensen)
M. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No.042024 between Gila County and Pine Strawberry Fuel Reduction in the amount of $5,000 to provide residents with free brush removal to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Stephen Christensen)
N. Information/Discussion/Action to approve Economic Development Agreement No.302024 between Gila County and Tonto Rim Search and Rescue Squad, Inc. in the amount of $15,519.78 to purchase an Elevate Search and Rescue Motor Kit and a12 tandem axle enclosed trailer, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. (Stephen Christensen)
4. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS: (Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed and voted upon as a regular agenda item upon the request of any member of the Board of Supervisors.)   A. Adoption of an Order to cancel the November24, governing board elections for certain fire districts, water and wastewater improvement districts, sanitary districts, vocational technology districts, school districts, and provisional college districts; and appoint governing board members to those districts as listed on Attachments A through D of the Order.   B. Approval of Professional Services Contract No.2724 with Gina Gutierrez, Attorney, in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for the provision of indigent legal services for indigent clients in Gila County for the period from September24, to June,25.   C. Approval of Professional Services Contract No.2524 with Jonathan David Lee Leitenberger, Attorney, in an amount not to exceed,000 for the provision of indigent legal services for indigent clients in Gila County for the period from July24, to June,25.   D. Approval of Professional Services Contract No.262424 with Ronald DeBrigida, Attorney, in an amount not to exceed $36,000 for the provision of indigent legal services for indigent clients in Gila County for the period from July24, to June,25.   E.  Approval of Amendment Contract No.3023 with San Tan Ford Partners, LLC  to increase the contract amount by $5,169.84 for a not to exceed amount of $631,529.65.   F. Acknowledgment of the August24 monthly activity report submitted by the Recorder's Office.
5. CALL TO THE PUBLIC:   A call to the public is held for public benefit to allow individuals to address the Board of Supervisors on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Board members may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §-431.01(H), at the conclusion of an open call to the public, individual members of the Board of Supervisors may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda for further discussion and decision at a future date.
We'll have our invocation led by Mr. Gruders in Payson after the pledge. 00:00:01
The United States of America. 00:00:10
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:12
Board of Supervisors and ready for the peace and I'll discuss the liberation even in our. 00:00:30
So that they know how to cover. 00:00:43
Very impressive and we pray this in your name, Lord Jesus, Amen. Thank you. 00:00:45
Well, welcome again, beautiful fall day. Let's start our meeting off here with item number 2. It's a public hearing. Item 2A is 00:00:55
information discussion, action to consider 2 liquor license applications. 00:01:04
The county number is LL-24-03 and LL24-04. Submitted by Andrea Yukowski. 00:01:13
Lukowicz for the transfer of a Series 9 liquor store license in the Series 07 beer and wine bar license with interim permits to 00:01:24
operate Tunnel Basin Marketplace located in Tunnel Base and then issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor 00:01:31
Licenses and control whether the licenses should be granted. Samantha Thank you Chairman and board members. So Andrea Lukowitz 00:01:38
submitted 2 applications to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control the. 00:01:46
The departments or members of the public, so the clerk of the board's office recommends to proceed with the public hearing and I 00:02:24
can answer. Thank you, Samantha Supervisor Hunter. 00:02:28
I have no questions. I thank you, Supervisor Klein. Neither do I and and neither do I. So why don't I open it up to the public 00:02:33
hearing portion? Lisa, up in Payson, do we have anyone there that wishes to speak to this item? 00:02:40
OK. Thank you, Cassandra. No. Is there anyone present here in the globe? 00:02:50
Boardroom. 00:02:54
No, doesn't look like it. So I'll close the public hearing and call for a motion. 00:02:56
That's true. I move to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control approve the liquor license application 00:03:01
submitted. 00:03:05
By Andrea Lukowitz for the Tunnel Basin Marketplace. 00:03:09
Mr. Cheryl, thank you, that thank you. We have a motion and a second to approve. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Motion 00:03:15
carries unanimous thank you. We'll move on to item three regular agenda items. Item A is information discussion action to consider 00:03:22
a sealed bid for the purchase of assessors tax parcel number 10107079 and if accepted, authorize the Chairman signature on the 00:03:29
quit claim fee. Samantha, thank you again. So just as a reminder. 00:03:37
Don't get these sealed bid requests very often. Only a landowner that adjoins a state data tax property may submit a sealed bids 00:03:44
for the Board's consideration. So the Board has that authority through ARS 4218303 F to consider selling property less than a lien 00:03:52
amount from an adjoining landowner only. On August 10th, 2012, the Hewitt County Treasurer dated parcel 10107079 to the State of 00:03:59
Arizona in care of the Board of Supervisors because the previous owner did not pay taxes on the subject property for. 00:04:07
Consecutive years. So the property adjoins Healing County Assessors parcel 10107080 owned by Andrew Olson. Mr. Olson submitted a 00:04:15
sealed bid for the Board of Supervisors consideration. If the Board accepts Mr. Olson sealed bid, he intends to request that the 00:04:24
human Assessor combine the parcels, which is a win win for both parties here. So the lien amount for this property is $2356.44. 00:04:33
If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, and if you just want to let me know when you want me to open the steel kit. 00:04:44
OK. Thank you, Samantha. Supervisor Humphrey, I, I have no questions and it's fine with me to open a bit. 00:04:49
OK, Supervisor Klein? Yeah, you bet. See what the IT is? 00:04:57
Mr. Olson sealed bid is $350.00. 00:05:22
OK. Thank you, Samantha. So from this point, do we call for motion? OK, So I will call for a motion to accept or not accept the 00:05:25
$350.00 bid for this parcel. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to sell Assessors tax parcel number 101-0707 nine to Andrew Olson in 00:05:34
the amount of $350.00 and authorize the Chairman's signature on the quick claim deed. 00:05:42
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion. You have a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you. 00:05:52
OK, the bargain of the day then, right? 3B Information, Discussion Action to approve FFY 2025 Governor's Office of Hwy. Safety 00:06:00
Grant agreement #2025PTS-023 in the amount of $30,574.00 for the period of October 1st, 2024 to September 30, 2025 that will be 00:06:09
issued for overtime. 00:06:17
And employee related expenses. A Lidar unit, gas system printer and INTOX 9000 unit. 00:06:26
Good morning under Sheriff. 00:06:34
Again, the insurance office is taking these improvements for extending the furniture specifically. 00:06:40
Speed enforcement P1 Enforcement continues. 00:06:48
Overtime equipment. 00:06:54
30,000. 00:07:04
Good question. 00:07:08
Thank you, Mr. Newman. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions, Mr. Klein. No, I I don't either the NSA. I think it's a good 00:07:12
deal. And well, I would have one question, you know, with this equipment and you guys setting up and and. 00:07:20
Do you have any idea how many DUI's you'll that this will help catch? 00:07:28
Well, if you like, the kids can catch them, yeah. 00:07:34
During our regular controlling shift and stuff we. 00:07:39
But this is this is part of this funding to go out and not answer radio questions typically looking to do live take areas where we 00:07:47
get citizens complaints about speeding vehicles. We can direct the deputy to go there and that's all exactly. 00:07:55
This is this is targeted funding, but. 00:08:05
OK, You can still hear me correct? Yeah. OK, sorry about that. That that's what this is this this funding goes specifically to to 00:08:10
take care of the things that to grant is it's dedicated to. So like this equipment that you have here is is mobile. 00:08:18
You take it out on the road with you. Well, yeah, the the speed measuring equipment is the lidar. That's the new technology. We 00:08:27
used to have the Doppler radar equipment. Now they're going to the laser radar. That's that's what this is for. The Intoxilizer, 00:08:33
not so much mobile. It's something that needs to be stationary because of the sensitivity of what it does. It doesn't need to be 00:08:39
bouncing around. So. 00:08:45
So no that the intoxilizer would be mobile or I'm sorry would be stationary, but the rest of the equipment. 00:08:52
Would be, would be. 00:08:58
So, so with this intoxilizer, this 9000, do you have one for like each end of the county or is you just pretty much have one in 00:09:00
the county? We do, I believe one of these is actually a replacement we've got on both ends of the county and then down at the 00:09:08
lake. So and, and also over in young we also, in addition to the intoxilizer, we have phlebotomists that are certified to do blood 00:09:15
draws in the event that you got a machine that's down or the, the drive time to that equipment is is extended. 00:09:23
We can draw blood. OK. Thank you, Dennis. 00:09:30
Thanks for butter. I don't have any questions. 00:09:34
And so if that's it, then will this call for motion? And Chair, I move to approve FFY 2025, Governor's Office of Hwy. Safety Grant 00:09:38
application number 2025 Dash BTS Dash 02/3 as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion. Second to approve all those in favor 00:09:47
say aye, aye. 00:09:55
Thank goodness and item 3C Information, discussion, Action to approve amendment #2 to Service Agreement number 062922. 00:10:04
With Advantage Home Performance incorporated in the amount not to exceed $300,000 and extend the term of the contract for one 00:10:13
additional year to September 5, 2025. Good morning, Josh. Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board. So under Community 00:10:21
Services, this is for our weatherization contracts. We've had this discussion with four supervisors before. This was a sole bidder 00:10:28
two years ago on a contract to do weatherization services we renewed last year. 00:10:35
For before their final bills are paid, working with new development and Randy, the director over there. So we have some additional 00:11:41
like checks and balances in order with them that I think will help along this process as well. So I feel pretty good about this 00:11:46
for at least the time being until we can get more vendors up and going. 00:11:51
Very good supervisor, Humphrey. 00:11:57
I appreciate it very much. That's all, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. So Josh, besides Advantage Home Performance 00:12:30
Incorporated, we have another vendor as well or we don't have anybody yet, but we have Hila Monster Construction, another one 00:12:36
that's working towards taking their one week weatherization program class that you have to take at the state, which gets them part 00:12:42
of the way there. And then there's a like 3 or 4 different types of insurance that they have to have in place as well getting 00:12:48
their fingerprint. 00:12:54
Art for all their staff that would work the project. So it's a process to get somebody new even to the point that I feel 00:13:00
comfortable like putting this back out to the. So this other outfit is local right here then and it's local. Well, that's good. 00:13:06
Cool. Thanks, Josh. Yeah, thank you, Josh, for your efforts to expand that. 00:13:12
Offering. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve amendment #2 to Service Agreement number 00:13:19
062922 with Advantage Home Performance incorporated as presented. 00:13:26
Mr. Chair, I'll second that We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye. Thank you, Josh. 00:13:35
Item 3D information discussion action to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval for the chairman's signature on the temporary 00:13:43
construction easement granted to the state of Arizona by and through its Department of Transportation for the construction of 00:13:50
state route 87 Green Valley Parkway to Houston Mesa Rd. improvement project. Good morning Romero good morning chairman board of 00:13:58
suppressors we're asking for the ratification of a signature that's already taken place due to the urgency of a project that. 00:14:05
A doc is proposing and the urgency was that they they came to the county and asked for a temporary construction easement for a 00:14:13
property that we don't have a quick claim for. And so with the help of Jessica Sevilla, County Attorney, we work with ADOT, we 00:14:19
work with the attorney general and we decided that the best thing for the county to do was to sign a temporary construction 00:14:25
easement for three entrances to Otanto Plaza in Payson that serves a number of business communities. Currently, nobody owns that 00:14:31
parking. 00:14:37
It is a parcel that's owned by the state. It doesn't have private ownership. They failed to pay taxes on this one parcel and 00:14:43
therefore, eventually the state ownership of that property. And so when the state comes to Gila County to ask for us to sign a 00:14:51
temporary construction easement, that's when I asked the help of the County Attorney, what's the proper thing for us to do? And 00:14:58
while we're having these discussions, time runs out. We needed to sign the temporary construction. We asked Chairman Christensen. 00:15:05
Sign it knowing that we would be coming back to the board for ratification of that signature as soon as we could and that's what 00:15:13
we're doing today. Now, if the county were not to sign that temporary construction easement, then adopt would not make those 00:15:19
improvements when they approved the Beeline Hwy. the improvement that they're scheduling for Beeline Hwy. they would also improve 00:15:25
the entrances to the highway and that would include the three entrances that are on this parking lot. So those would be unimproved 00:15:31
and they'd end up having to have. 00:15:37
3 inch. 00:15:43
Jump on the onto the highway from the parking lot. In order to avoid that, we thought it was best to to move with the signature 00:15:46
and the ratification. And that's that's what we're asking the board to to approve today. Any questions? I'd be happy to take 00:15:52
questions or sure. Jessica Shabelle, our County Attorney could also help with any questions. Supervisor Humphrey. Mr. Chair, I 00:15:57
have no questions. 00:16:03
Jessica, did you have anything to add? 00:16:10
Chairman. Members of the board. 00:16:13
Just to clarify what the issue was, this property is owned by the state in care of the county that that's how our tax deeded 00:16:16
properties are named. They are, again, it's owned by the by the state, but in care of the county. And so the county does not hold 00:16:23
the authority to execute any sort of deed or execute any sort of easement. That is why I worked with the Attorney General's office 00:16:30
to confirm that the state is in the opinion that the easement should exist. 00:16:38
In this case particular, I'm OK with moving forward with the easement. If the other party was not the state, then I would be 00:16:46
hesitant. 00:16:51
Supervisor Klein. No, I'm good. 00:16:58
We'll pay you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:17:01
I'm good. 00:17:04
Good too. So Romero, no one wants the parking lot technically, I guess, and it's just completely. 00:17:07
Falling apart and so I suppose then. 00:17:13
I don't know why it's in care of us, but it really shouldn't be. I wouldn't think that needs to go to the owners of the properties 00:17:19
so that they can care for it themselves. I know that's not what we're talking about today. Chairman, members of the board. 00:17:26
So when someone is delinquent on their taxes, there's a process that the property after seven years is deeded over to the state. 00:17:34
So that state is the owner of the property at that point. There's other avenues like here today we just had the auction to get the 00:17:42
property back on the tax roll. Someone made a bid case of the property. However, there's no office. 00:17:50
In the state that takes care of these tax needed properties. That's why they have it in care of the counties. 00:17:59
Because the county is, you know, the treasurer's are supposed to manage these properties. And that's why we ran into the 00:18:06
predicament of, well, why should the county sign it when we don't have we don't own the deed. It's a state that owns the deed, yet 00:18:12
there's no one authorized from the state to sign it. It's really. So it's kind of one of those situations. But here working with 00:18:19
the attorney General's office, we all came to an agreement that it should be signed. OK. 00:18:25
Thank you for that clarification. So with that, I'll call promotion. Mr. Chair, I moved to ratify the Board of Supervisors 00:18:32
approval for the. 00:18:37
Christmas Chairman's signature on the temporary construction easement granted to the State of Arizona by and through its 00:18:44
Department of Transportation for the construction of the State Route 87 Green Valley Parkway to Houston Mesa Rd. Improvement 00:18:50
project. 00:18:56
And I'll second that motion and a second to approve Those in favor say aye. Thank you. 00:19:04
Item 3 E Information discussion action to approve the use of. 00:19:10
Omnia Cooperative Cooperative contract number 212816 with Empire Machine and Caterpillar in the amount of $382,938.66 for the 00:19:16
purchase of a new 2020 4120-14A all-wheel drive capillary motor Razor. Well, thank you, Chairman. The vehicle that we're intending 00:19:26
to replace is J-003. It's a 1987 Motor Grader 40. 00:19:35
1983 motor grader, it's 41 years old. If you have vehicles that are 4 years old and you try to find parts for it, you know that 00:19:46
it's very difficult to find parts and usually they're very expensive. And that's the case with this particular vehicle. And of 00:19:52
course, because of its age, it it has more down time than the newer vehicles. It's time to replace it. We would like to replace it 00:19:58
with a with a Caterpillar. 00:20:04
120-14 all-wheel Drive Motivator The purchase price that you mentioned, Chairman, and the introduction of this item $382,938. 00:20:11
Also includes an extended warranty. We're paying $18,000, eighteen, 1700 dollars, $18,800 for that extended warranty. The extended 00:20:21
warranties for seven years, 7000 miles and includes everything except for lubrication, downtime expenses that we may incur. 00:20:28
Basically it covers everything. It's just a normal wear and tear and lubrication. So that would be a Caterpillar fixing the 00:20:36
vehicle for the next 7 years for 7000 miles, whichever comes first. 00:20:43
That's included in the purchase price. We would like to move forward with this. The vehicle would be coming to the globe area and 00:20:51
one of the older vehicles from the globe area would be going out to to replace J-003, which I think currently is in conservation. 00:20:58
And we and we'd like to use that to put the vehicles where they're most used and you're once where they're most used and the older 00:21:06
ones to to our outlying areas. It's it's a standard practice that we use. So with that we would like to. 00:21:13
Request that you approve this purchase of a new motivator. 00:21:21
Thank you, Meryl Supervisor. 00:21:28
Humphrey, I have no questions. Supervisor Klein, so I have a couple for you. Former this Omnia cooperative contract, is that like 00:21:31
a different program through Kate Cat that we can that we purchase equipment? I I don't understand that. I guess. So we look for 00:21:37
these state cooperative contract. This is a contract that the city of Tucson has and so it's it's it's considered like a state 00:21:44
contract. It does get us. 00:21:51
A significant discount to the sticker price, if you will. 00:21:58
In the board item, we mentioned that there's a savings of 248,000 using both the Omnia contract and a discount from, from 00:22:03
Caterpillar. So we, we, we, it does put a big bite into the purchase price. I, I don't think we would buy Caterpillars at 500,000. 00:22:10
We, we do competitive bids for them, but by the use of these contracts, we can expedite the purchase and get something that is 00:22:17
very competitive, OK. 00:22:24
I guess that's it, Homer. Thank you. Thank you. And so the older unit, J-003, you'll eventually end up in an auction, correct? OK. 00:22:32
All right. With that, I'll call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the use of Omnia Cooperative Contract 00:22:40
number 212816 with Empire Machinery and Caterpillar Incorporated as presented. 00:22:47
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion and a second to approve those in favor say aye, aye aye. Motion passes item. Thank you 00:22:55
homeroom. Item 3F is information discussion action to adopt resolution #24-10-04 authorizing the purchase of 10 flood prone 00:23:03
properties adjacent to Campaign Creek and authorized James Memo, County Manager, to sign the various related documents associate 00:23:10
associated with the purchase of homes. 00:23:18
To the Campaign Creek buyout and other Campaign Creek homes necessary for the successful completion of the Campaign Creek project, 00:23:25
we have Alex. Thank you Mr. Chair board. So as you know we've been working on acquiring the homes for the Campaign Creek buyout. 00:23:33
In addition to that, there was two others that were originally not or they didn't get the applications in the time to be 00:23:40
considered part of the Campaign Creek buyout, but we still consider them in our process moving forward with. 00:23:48
Purchasing of these homes and we were going to use monies from the Woodbury fire mitigation. 00:23:56
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:24:33
Yeah, I think it's a great idea, especially we're under the gun to have this done in 12 months. So getting before the board for 00:24:36
each one of these homes for our approval could slow that process. So thanks for thinking ahead. Anything that can get this process 00:24:43
going and get it done within the 12 months that we have to do it, I I think it's a great thing. So thank you very much. 00:24:50
Appreciate it. Supervisor Klein. I think this is a good deal and I agree with Supervisor Humphrey. Alex, I just have one question 00:24:59
and remind me because I don't remember what ended up being the total cost on those homes. Do you have that handy? If not, it's OK. 00:25:06
Yes. So the total for all 10, including the two that we're purchasing from the housing mitigation fund will be $2,080,000, eight, 00:25:13
165 for the total project. That would also include the demolition and asbestos removal as well. 00:25:20
That's the full process. 00:25:28
Support. OK. Thank you. 00:25:30
Yeah. Thank you. Alex, did you have something else Supervisor? Yeah. And I remember this is a funded in multiple ways including 00:25:33
the homeowners have agreed to contribute some of the. So that was the one I brought before you. That's been we're getting them the 00:25:41
full appraised value using the mitigation funds for that last 10% and that was approved two months. OK. So I don't want to muddy 00:25:48
the water, so I will call for a motion. 00:25:55
Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #24-10-O4 and authorized Jane Menlo to the County Manager to sign the various related 00:26:04
documents associated with the purchase of homes related to the Campaign Creek buyout and other Campaign Creek of houses necessary 00:26:14
for the successful completion of the Campaign Creek project. Mr. Cheryl. Second that. 00:26:23
Motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye aye. 00:26:33
Italics Item 3G Information. Discussion. Action to adopt A resolution #24-10-03 authorizing the roadway exchange of 4109 square 00:26:37
feet of unneeded Roper Lane in exchange for the acquisition of 4027 square feet of Assessor's Parcel Number three 0205-001. 00:26:49
West for New Forest Service 499 right of way and authorized the chairman signature on related quick claim feed Romero. Thank you 00:27:02
chairman. 00:27:07
The partners of parcel #302-50-001 West and Partial 30205023 have applied to abandon a portion of Roper Lane or did apply to 00:27:14
abandon a portion a portion of Roper Lane which lies between the two parcels. Abandoning this portion of Roper Laney would allow 00:27:24
the deckers to combine 2 parcels together with that portion of the abandoned Roper Lane and connect to a well located to the. 00:27:33
And utilize it for irrigation and fire suppression. Would allow them to combine these two parcels together with that portion of 00:27:44
Roper Lane The Board of Supervisors approved the Roper Lane was dedicated to the public on the plat of Birdie Glenn 3 Subdivision 00:27:51
at Verde Lane. The Board of Supervisors approved the flat back in January 29, 1969, and it was officially filed. 00:27:59
As Plat map #393 Roper Lane is not maintained by the county, it did answer the Forest Service boundary. 00:28:08
The floor service has expressed that they're not interested in Roper Lane being used as a vehicular access to the Forest Service 00:28:15
and and basically there they have no objections through a Roper Lane abandonment or in this particular case in exchange. 00:28:24
While reviewing a recent survey of a partial 30205001 W, we discovered that the floor Service 199 or Service Road 199, which runs 00:28:33
along the West and N lines of this parcel and is maintained by the county, encroaches onto the parcel. In some places the 00:28:43
encroachment is up to seven feet. In other places it's it's one foot or something like that. But there is. 00:28:53
Areas of encroachment. 00:29:03
And this survey was reported as a regular survey map number 5465. We consulted with the County Attorney to determine the 00:29:06
feasibility of processing a roadway exchange. In other words, the Deckers apply for a roadway abandonment. We offered them a 00:29:14
roadway exchange Roper Lane for the encroachments on Forest Service Road 199. 00:29:21
And that's what we're bringing to the board. It was concluded that the roadway exchange method criterias outlined in State 00:29:30
statutes 28 Dash 7203, the applicant has a brief as a ropeway exchange. The roadway exchange will benefit the applicant, the 00:29:38
county and the forest, if you will, because it will restrict vehicular access into the Forest Service area. 00:29:46
Today we have a group of people that want to voice a different opinion. 00:29:54
To the board, and I believe that there's a representative for the Deckers here as well for the Deckers. 00:29:59
The. 00:30:07
The roadway exchange and so we're going to listen to to the other side of concern. The roadway exchange we believe is in the best 00:30:12
interest of the public because. 00:30:16
Rope for service wrote 199 Umm. 00:30:21
Has a width of 24 foot and a 7 foot encroachment. Does indeed two way travel on the road? 00:30:27
Umm, going the roadway exchange that we want both a little bit beyond the edge of the road. In other words, it allows for a 00:30:37
shoulder. The roadway exchange is almost equal in area and let me. 00:30:45
The what we're asking is for an exchange of 4190 square feet of unneeded Roper Lane in exchange for the acquisition of 4027 square 00:30:57
feet. 00:31:01
Partial 30205001 W for a for a new 4 service road 199 right of way. So the exchange is is approximately equal. And one of the 00:31:07
things that we looked at was not only do we need the exact prism of the travel way, but we needed shoulders as well beyond the 00:31:16
prison of the roadway and and that's the reason for those, those square footages. 00:31:25
With that, I would like to. 00:31:35
Entertain questions and also. 00:31:37
Asked the board to see if there's an interest in listening to the folks that are here today to express their opinions. 00:31:40
Thank you, Romero. Supervisor Humphrey. 00:31:48
If there's other comments, I'd like to hear other comments before I had questions or anything of that nature. All right, we'll 00:31:51
proceed to that after I ask Mr. Klein if he has any questions at this juncture. I too wait. I understand what homeless saying, so 00:31:58
I'd like to hear what these other folks have to say as well. OK, I have several requests. We have three people in Payson and we 00:32:04
have a few people here. 00:32:10
So I would like to call forward then and if you could be briefing your comments. 00:32:18
We like to limit people to three minutes, but I understand. 00:32:23
Some flexibility can be allowed. I would like to call Mr. Hunt Winston, who lives on Roper Lane. 00:32:28
137 N Roper Lane, adjacent to. 00:32:36
Lot #40. 00:32:42
Thank you. 00:32:46
Good morning and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. My name is Hunt Winston. I actually live. 00:32:51
Not the scale, but I live right there. I'm also in have been the president of the Property Owners Association for the last 3 1/2 00:32:56
years and have been a resident there for four years. First, I want to say in a way it feels a little bit like a bait and switch to 00:33:04
go forward with or start with a, an application for abandonment or declaring that roadway abandoned and then changing it around to 00:33:11
a land exchange. The significant difference in that and what what concerns me about that is one of those requires. 00:33:18
That anything that looks like a public land exchange should be open to the public and to comment and input. 00:33:57
Secondly, and I sent an e-mail yesterday, so I'm not going to read that e-mail. I'm not going to go through it again. I just want 00:34:04
to cover kind of a couple of new things. First off, I really do think this portion of of Broker Lane, not the portion that's part 00:34:10
of the estate, but where the new dead end would be. This is where my line is here, this new dead end here, this area here. You'll 00:34:16
notice in the photographs that I shared with you, the 1st 2 photographs, 1 is. 00:34:22
Flooding, it's about 5 or 6 feet high of water because that culvert wasn't working underneath Roper Lane. And that's that area 00:34:28
right here. 00:34:32
The ditch that the big, the big sunken areas right here, the Clover is right here is usually river right here. So that flood at 00:34:37
least significantly floods at least one time a year if not a couple of times a year depending on how the mountain rains go. That 00:34:44
area also erodes considerably. So the second photograph you'll see is the debris that came across when that water flooded. The 00:34:51
culvert couldn't handle the load and the water came over the roadway and it eroded on both sides of Roper Lane. 00:34:59
Additional load of large trucks, trailers or anything else turning around in that vicinity. So I would propose that before the 00:35:36
Board of Supervisors were to consider this proposal that a geotechnical review should be required to determine whether or not 00:35:42
that's a viable place for a dead end on Roper Lane. 00:35:47
Secondly, Roper Lane is not abandoned. Roper Lane is used every single day, not only by vehicle traffic, but also by foot traffic, 00:35:54
myself included, my family included, and others in our neighborhood and community and the public for access to the force. Now, 00:36:00
like Mr. Veiler said, not vehicular access to the forest, but walking access into the forest and into the East Verde River. If 00:36:06
this land exchange were to continue, that Open Access would be closed down permanently. So a fee, a main feature of our 00:36:12
neighborhood. Birdie Glen 3 and Birdie Glenn. 00:36:18
Specifically, the policies and procedures for Hula County for land exchanges. 00:36:53
And Arizona Revised Statutes for land exchanges notes specifically the exchanges are authorized for an abutting landowner. If it 00:36:57
is for a new road, meaning it's being exchanged for a new road. This is not a new road, right? The minimal and it doesn't look 00:37:04
minimal in this drawing significant, but this is actually very minimal. So the last photograph that you'll see is Forest Rd. 199 00:37:11
is here by the gate area and you can see the the whole. 00:37:18
Caution tape that shows a line from this point to this one. And it's only a few feet that actually are. And I would propose that 00:37:26
those few feet are actually the build up of that driveway. And so that's not actually impacting the road here in any way. And then 00:37:31
over here when the shape is on the north side is a very substantial and significant decline. So it's a huge slope. So the two 00:37:37
markers that are on the road, they're actually on the shoulder of the road. 00:37:42
I appreciate again the time to speak to you. 00:38:17
I wrote a few other items in my in my notes that I sent yesterday, but for those reasons, I would I would really strongly request 00:38:20
that you consider or ask the County Attorney and Mr. Vela to withdraw this proposal at this time until they can get a geotechnical 00:38:25
permit done. And then before they bring it back with that geotechnical review, that they also go down the process of opening it up 00:38:31
for public notification and public comments. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Winston, and if we do have specific questions, 00:38:36
I'll call you back up. OK. 00:38:42
All right. So Mr. Harper is also indicated here and we also have Mr. David West, which is here. 00:38:48
And Miss Deckers here. And so Mr. Harper, are you here to speak for them? 00:38:56
Or OK, would you like to come forward and do that? 00:39:02
There's also people I believe, yes. Are you speaking for? 00:39:06
Barbara and Jay Cuomo and David Owens as well. I know. OK, thank you, Chairman, Members of the board. I, I'm really here primarily 00:39:10
to answer any questions. But since you've heard a little bit, I'll, I'll talk a little bit about what you've just heard. One 00:39:16
thing, this suggestion that there's a bait and switch going on is, is not true. This was initially applied for as an abandonment, 00:39:22
but then the county and the homework came to us and said, look, we've got a better way to do this in a way that's actually going 00:39:28
to benefit the county. 00:39:34
Because of the encroachments here. 00:39:40
On on the on the Decker property. This is the Decker property. This is a Decker property. 00:39:42
So you end up it's not an abandoned exchange piece to connect us to peace, which allows utilities to be brought back and forth. 00:39:48
That's actually whatever along the streets and what's being proposed benefits the county a lot because all the green area here is 00:39:54
where the road currently approaches. And so that would end that encroachment allowing this exchange within that encroachment and 00:40:00
would would have the road actually be on on public property. So this has not been abated switch at all. It's actually the county's 00:40:06
idea to do the. 00:40:11
I think frankly is a good one and my clients are supportive of it. The the process is governed by a different statute and this is 00:40:18
for instability to talk about different statute that deals with roadway exchanges as opposed to abandonment and it doesn't require 00:40:25
a public notice. So there's no posting done under that statute is actually a case specific Court of Appeals case that deals with 00:40:32
that. And Mr. Winston obviously has heard about this and he's had the chance to to comment anyways. 00:40:39
In terms of access to the forest. 00:40:48
There's a lot of access to the forest in this area. And Mr. Winston property is here. I happen to know that he has access to the 00:40:51
river. Bacteria has access this way. And he also all you have to do is walk here and there's access right here. So the idea that 00:40:58
this is going to cut off access to the force is is just not true. There's there's a lot of forest access in the county has gone 00:41:05
through the work and Mr. Warren in particular, I think did a lot of work to come up with these. 00:41:13
Particular additional area to be picked up and I don't, I don't think there's been any homework and talk about this if he wants 00:41:21
to, but this idea that there should be a geotechnical survey and that sort of stuff, I just don't think that's required. I think 00:41:27
the counties already covered those bases. So I'm here to answer any questions that that you might have. I know that there will be 00:41:34
some other people speaking in favor of this. In fact, just to give you some perspective, Mr. W is here. 00:41:41
He owns a nice property up and then Mr. Owens, I think is it Payson Owens, I believe the next property of and then the Cuomo is on 00:41:49
the next property up. So most of the people on Roper Lane are actually in favor of this. 00:41:54
OK. Thank you for your presentation. And if we want to ask questions, I'll call you back up. Mr. W, did you have anything you 00:42:02
wanted to comment? 00:42:06
OK, comment, you know, as far as approval or I think it's a good idea, support, So you have a vote for support. And then in Payson 00:42:11
we have Barbara and Jay Cuomo also owned property and residents on Roper Lane. Do they wish to speak this morning? 00:42:20
Yes. 00:42:33
Go ahead. 00:42:37
You know, I didn't get there of. 00:42:39
The. 00:42:42
And I am now in David. 00:42:43
OK. So you're in favor of the proposal today? 00:42:55
I think they were. 00:43:00
OK. 00:43:10
Thank you. Is that all from the Cuomo's? 00:43:12
OK. 00:43:16
It's kind of hard to hear, but we have Mr. David Owens as well, a owner on Roper Lane. 00:43:17
That we do need to have 199 taken care of and two, we do need to be in the purple line called soft. 00:43:45
We are totally in favor of this change. 00:43:54
Thank you, Mr. Owens. 00:44:05
Don't believe we have anyone else. 00:44:09
Yeah. 00:44:18
Say something and who's? Who's speaking now? Who's speaking now? 00:44:21
Okay. 00:44:28
Of ugly moments. 00:44:31
Chairman Samantha. 00:44:33
OK, excuse me. 00:44:40
OK. 00:44:50
Let me interrupt. OK, Hang on just a second. We're having trouble here. And because of the microphone or something getting 00:44:52
everything recorded properly, Samantha can't hear the comments. And so I believe that's Mr. Cuomo speaking and he was mentioning 00:45:01
something about a campground. Mr. Cuomo, can we sum it up that you're in favor of this land exchange? 00:45:10
Correct. 00:45:21
OK. All right. I think we've heard all the various arguments. So, Supervisor Humphrey, do you have anything you'd like to? 00:45:21
Ask no, I'm not. 00:45:29
Not really The only comment I'd like to have is any, any roads that are maintained that have violations in the road or 00:45:34
encroachments. We, I think it's our responsibility to try to fix that the best way that we can And, and so I. 00:45:43
That's, that's, that's just my comments on, on that. And so if we, if we have a road where we're encroaching on other properties, 00:45:53
then I, I think we need to, to come up with a solution to fix that. And, and from what I understand, there's more people that have 00:46:02
the appreciation for the fix that our engineers have come up with. 00:46:10
Then are not in support of that. 00:46:20
Thank you. 00:46:24
Supervisor Klein. 00:46:25
Jessica. 00:46:29
Did we cover all our bases? 00:46:31
Chairman, member, supervisors, I just have one more question for Romero, if you wouldn't mind just explaining that green area 00:46:35
again, what the statute requires is that there's an exchange for all or part of a new road. So I just need clarification that that 00:46:42
green area is part of a new road. 00:46:49
They're going to set up a a map that I have. 00:47:02
So that I better answer that question. 00:47:05
OK. This is the same map that we were looking at earlier, just on your board, on your on the agenda. 00:47:31
Red lines in your purplish lines. That is the road where the road travels today. That's a road prism if you will. That's the 00:47:39
actual road to the best of our surveyors abilities. 00:47:45
The encroachment. 00:47:52
The. 00:47:56
The area that we're looking. 00:47:59
Foundry of the of this partial 00 W is this line right here. 00:48:02
So in this particular section we're approaching 8.7 sheet. 00:48:09
OK, the additional. 00:48:14
Area that we're looking here for our shoulder is 5.7 feet. So when you move with the look at this is what one of the flags was 00:48:19
there. This is where another flag was there at the first one is very limited here, a little bit more here, almost nothing here. So 00:48:25
that's just where where the flags happen to have been located far as when the surveyor gave you the connection of how much this 00:48:31
road improves on this property with 8.7 feet. 00:48:38
So the green area shows the property that we would be obtaining in exchange for overlay. 00:48:45
A great hash area and it includes both that road enforcement, but in some cases some shoulders OK. 00:48:53
Thank you, Chairman, member, supervisor. So I understand that the encroachment is. 00:49:03
Part of the road. So when we acquire that area, you're saying that it is part of the new road because it continues to be the road. 00:49:09
It's not like a shoulder is what I'm getting at. That green area is not just a shoulder. It is part of the roadway. 00:49:18
So we're we're acquiring a section of the roadway, but in some cases a shoulder. 00:49:28
Chairman, member, supervisors, it does look like the statute is complied with. It is not a requirement that we acquire a new road, 00:49:37
just a part of a new road, and it looks like we've got that here. 00:49:43
So. 00:49:51
Homer or Jessica, you're one of the. 00:49:52
We make this swap and that green becomes the road basically 199, right? 00:49:56
The Forest Service is going to retain that road that will always be a Forest Service Rd. In this particular area we have it's 00:50:05
called Forest Service 199, but we're acquiring easements. We're acquiring quick plain for something for for something that has 00:50:11
already been quick claimed to us. This is private land going through the forest and on both sides. It's called Forest Service 199. 00:50:17
People refer to this section As for Service 199. This is not. 00:50:23
For service property, that road happens to be it exists today, happens to be Kela County property, OK. So having FS 199 on there 00:50:30
whatever it is kind of misleading to me. 00:50:37
Correct for that section, immediately as it leaves the subdivision it becomes Forest Service 199 because it is on the forest. 00:50:45
That point, I get that. OK, so I'm gonna ask a question. Might as well just ask all the questions we need to today. We're all 00:50:53
here. How was it ever talked about as far as Roper Lane been in that easement Plumb back up the up the road there to where the 199 00:50:59
takes off. 00:51:04
As I've been discussed, or maybe I'm playing devil's advocate, but I like to hear some. 00:51:10
In 1994 Survey 855 Chairman needs to come up. 00:51:17
We we need to have you at the microphone. 00:51:23
Had the answer to that because I look at it in 1994, there was a survey, it shows a number of 855 and it's in the records online 00:51:27
and it does show a proposed roadway extension. That's not what this is about. So that would be a new road extending local lane to 00:51:33
this road here. So you would have easy access to versions M3. That's not what we're talking about. We're not talking about a new 00:51:40
road at all. We're talking about the existing Rd. only today and then potentially you know. 00:51:47
Abandoning Roper Lane at the end. 00:51:55
Which there is no access to the forest or any vehicles outside of us today. So that there was a survey in 90 at least in the 94 00:51:58
that somebody had proposed going and extending Roper Lane. I asked that question because of all the going in your photos, you 00:52:04
know, you mentioned that how Roper Lane benches down right there where the proposal is to cut it off now and it's not very 00:52:09
adequate for a turn around. 00:52:15
But that was backed up the roadways back up there further, I mean. 00:52:22
Much higher so it doesn't flood, it's not prone to any flooding issues or anything else, and it's much more room to turn around 00:53:28
large vehicles as opposed to where the proposed proposal is today. 00:53:32
Sorry, anything else? 00:53:39
I hear what you're saying, I guess I just haven't heard my question answered specifically yet and Cassie didn't turn that map 00:53:42
around to what we had on there. Please. 00:53:47
Yep. Nope, that's it. 00:53:56
And just bring it up where we can see it. Good. And there you go. So I'm just just just asking this question. I'm not saying this 00:53:58
is a way to go because you guys are all the property owners and and all that, But where it's proposed for the land exchange, let's 00:54:04
just call it that there, Benjamin, right there below Roper. Yeah. And so have you guys thought because it's not going to go 00:54:10
anywhere anyway. 00:54:16
So have you thought about moving that abandonment up to like the end of lane right there or something like that? 00:54:23
And cutting it off. 00:54:29
I mean, I would assume that property owners own 1/2 and the other property owners own the other half of that road. That's what I 00:54:31
would assume. Maybe that's not cool, but it's not. That's not actually true. So property lines and there's 48 feet. 00:54:38
Between this property line here and this property line here 48. 00:54:44
Property owners actually don't own any of them. 00:54:51
No 'cause it's an easement. 00:54:55
Right. 00:54:57
There should be an opportunity to make a turn around up here as well. A 38 foot is compared to four service. 19938 feet is a wide 00:55:15
easement compared to. 00:55:20
The 24th week we have with Ford service 199. Just to clarify, 199 here is about 12 feet higher in elevation and so there's only 00:55:27
about 7 or 8 feet between them. They run parallel here and so it's a very, extremely steep. So you couldn't even create a dead end 00:55:34
here and just hide it in the road here. It wouldn't work because it's so steep. 00:55:41
OK, 10 seconds just to I think I can answer your question maybe a little more directly. 00:55:54
This got abandoned. There's no access to this course. 00:56:02
This is the only access to this. 00:56:07
She owns the other side, right? 00:56:11
There so there is access to that property for. Either way I. 00:56:14
Well, you'd have to create some, that's true. You'd have to create some kind of access across. But I don't think that there's ever 00:56:21
been any real plan to to dedicate or to seek an abandonment of it. 00:56:27
Go for it. Are you? Yeah. OK. Yeah. So just a few comments on my part. I'm very familiar with the area. I've worked in that area. 00:56:36
I know where the Comos live, I know where the Owens live. I know where Dave lives. I know where your property is, and I know where 00:56:44
the Bizantes live. So I'm familiar. And there used to be a gate across there. Apparently that gate no longer exists, so. 00:56:52
Homeroom. I don't really have any more questions. It seemed like the main complaints are. 00:57:04
If there's complaints, the main complaints are the process. 00:57:10
That it happened the non notification is an issue and. 00:57:14
And we're bringing in some other issues about flooding and stuff, which is really not what we're talking about today. 00:57:21
Umm, it is a very steep area, uh. 00:57:28
Redirecting Forest Service Road 199, if we call it that, it would be much more problematic. Maybe this solution so. 00:57:34
That's my opinion. Is there any more discussion whom I know that we need to have? 00:57:41
I'll just offer that. 00:57:49
We have typically undertaken roadway exchanges without following the. 00:57:52
Procedures that state tax is very clear applies to a road abandonment. 00:57:58
And the both our policy. 00:58:05
That we follow for roadway exchanges, the policy only refers to the state statue and the state statue is 1 short little paragraph 00:58:11
and it doesn't, it doesn't really bring into play all the other notifications. So on this road exchange, we treated it like we've 00:58:17
done all of the roadway exchanges. 00:58:23
OK. And yes, there is some public concern and we've allowed for for some of that today given very little notification as as Hunt 00:58:29
Winston pointed out, he just found out about it Friday. But I think we've heard of what they have to say. And if there is an 00:58:36
erosion issue that was either permitted and with unintended consequences or not permitted, we can we can investigate that as as 00:58:43
requested. 00:58:50
Other than that, I don't have anything else to add. 00:58:58
Thank you, Camaro. Anything further, Supervisor Humphrey? 00:59:01
Just one question on that. Would there and turn around seem to be one of the questions. Is there room to turn around if that 00:59:06
exchange is made? 00:59:12
I can get first hand. 00:59:19
Wait, wait, wait. I didn't ask you. 00:59:20
It is a 34 foot wide. 00:59:23
Right away. OK. So, so where they turn around now I was in a 34 foot there, there is 30, I'm sorry, 38 foot wide, 19 on 8, that's 00:59:27
what that's that's what they're given to turn around in now, is that correct? So, so we're not we're not making the turnaround any 00:59:33
smaller. 00:59:38
And if there's a culvert issue? 00:59:45
On the road then then that's a maintenance issue of whoever maintains that road. Is that correct? The property owners that OK? 00:59:49
Yeah, no, but if the culverts are not working, it it it's a maintenance issue. That's correct. OK. All right. That that's all the 00:59:55
questions I have. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. 01:00:02
No, I don't. 01:00:11
I don't think I have any more. 01:00:13
I understand the issues with access to the river or whatever, but that's kind of a different deal to me. 01:00:17
And I, no, I don't have any more questions. Thank you, supervisor. With that, I'll call for a motion. 01:00:27
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to adopt resolution #24-10-03 and authorized determinant signature on the related footprint deed. 01:00:33
Mr. Chair, I'll second that we have a motion and a second to approve this item. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion 01:00:42
carries. Thank you. 01:00:46
65 and three H information discussion action to review the bid submitted for request for proposals number 072124 Campaign Creek 01:00:53
post fire project survey and clean up of asbestos of up to 10 homes and award a contract to the most responsive, responsible and 01:01:00
qualified bidder. Alex. Thank you Mr. Chair, Board again, this is another Campaign Creek discussion and we'll have one more 01:01:07
following or two more following this. 01:01:15
So this is the. 01:01:22
Request to award the contract to Native Environmental LLC. 01:01:25
As you know we went out forbid for both the asbestos and the demolition and so this would be the asbestos cleanup of the 10 homes 01:01:31
in Campaign Creek. The bid we're open that the bids were opened at 2:00 on September 19th and evaluated according to ARS 412533 01:01:40
for competitive bidding. As this is FEMA funded money, we needed to do things through. 01:01:48
That met up with ARS and we had one bidder and that bidder was Aid Environmental LLC and they met all the requirements for the 01:01:58
asbestos cleanup. So we would like to award this contract to them. Thank you, Alex. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:02:05
Now, yeah, as best as it comes up and invites you in some of these demo deals, and I don't believe that all of the homes do have 01:02:13
asbestos traps, just tile or roofing or something of that nature. Yes. So in the contract they'll have to do the survey, determine 01:02:20
what what the extent of the expenses in each of the 10 homes and then remediate them. OK, great. And, and, and just as a side 01:02:27
note, I don't know if it's possible or not, but I also know that the road crew is. 01:02:34
Working on some culverts in that area that are also asbestos. And I don't want to muddy the water too much because I know we're 01:02:43
under the gun for 12 months to get this finished. But if there's two or three culverts that are asbestos as well, and then we can 01:02:50
work it with the road crew and, and maybe save a little money and get all the US to sell that area at the same time. But anyway, 01:02:57
that that's all. Thank you very much for, for what you do. 01:03:03
Thank you supervisor client. 01:03:11
We have covert with asbestos in. 01:03:14
That's a source of a different color. So that's not good for the campaign 3 projects here. That's what that's not that that 01:03:17
doesn't deal with the campaign project. It just deals with the Roosevelt State's area and. 01:03:24
Yeah. I'll have to talk with our Deputy Director after this meeting to address Supervisor Humphries statement there. I'd be. I'd 01:03:31
be interested to hear parts of that discussion when you get ready. 01:03:37
That's all I had, OK. 01:03:45
Thank you, Alex. With that, I'll call for a motion. 01:03:47
Sure. I move to award a contract to Native Environmental LLC in the not to exceed amount of $60,000 in response to the request for 01:03:50
proposal number 072124. I'll second that Mr. Chair motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye. 01:04:02
Alex. We have information, discussion and action to review the bids submitted for invitation for bid number 071924. 01:04:14
Campaign Creek Coast Fire project, demolition of 10 homes and award contract to the. 01:04:22
Lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder. 01:04:26
Chairman Board, thank you again. So this is for the same project. This is for the demolition contract. So again, we went out for 01:04:31
bid. The bids were opened at 2:00 PM on September 19th and they were evaluated again according to ARS 412533 for competitive 01:04:39
bidding to make sure that we met Fema's requirements for awarding of the bid, Brend Holt Contracting Company. 01:04:47
Was the lowest. 01:04:56
Most, most responsive, responsible, qualified bidder for ARS at the amount of $89,677.00. So we would like to award the bid to 01:04:59
them and hopefully get this project wrapped up. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:05:06
Yeah. No, I don't, I don't have any. I don't have any questions. I do have a comment though. I want to thank staff very much for 01:05:16
doing the walkthroughs and to do a walk through to to help local contractors to be able to do the walkthrough and to get bids 01:05:25
from, from local contractors on this. And I and I thank you very much for that. I do. 01:05:33
Supervisor Klein, how many bids did we have on this? So for the demolition, we had four bids, 4 bids. And this brand hall 01:05:44
contracting, are they local or unfortunately they are not? 01:05:50
Again, per ARS, as the lowest bidder. So they're out of Apache Junction. Gilbert. Gilbert. OK, thank you. Yeah, thank you, Alex. 01:05:56
With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to award a contract to bring Hope Contracting Company in the 01:06:05
amount of $89,677 in response to invitation for bids number 071224. 01:06:14
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. 01:06:24
The item number was 071924. That what you read? I'm sorry, I just misheard it. We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in 01:06:27
favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. And next item is 3J. OK. We have information, discussion action to authorize the advertisement 01:06:37
of request for proposal number 082924, Design Services for flood protection at Campaign Creek. 01:06:46
In Roosevelt State community to select an engineering firm to analyze and design a project to protect the residents of Roosevelt 01:06:56
Estates from severe weather events that caused flood events in Campaign Creek. Alex. So thank you chairman, board supervisors. So 01:07:03
we're calling this the North Bank project. So as we just got approvals for everything moving forward with the Campaign Creek 01:07:10
buyout that will address. 01:07:16
Most of the flooding issues that occur between. 01:07:24
Mesquite St. and Campaign Creek itself. This agenda item here is a request for design services to look at the area in a larger 01:07:28
view and see what else we can do to actually mitigate flooding damages in that area. So our NS boundary would be E Street to Palm 01:07:36
Drive and then the east West boundary would be the. 01:07:44
Roosevelt Lake States and we would be using part of the allocated. 01:07:53
2.1 million from the Woodbury Fire Mitigation Fund. 01:07:58
To move forward with looking at making it so that not just the bio, but the entirety of Campaign Creek will be addressed in in the 01:08:03
flooding capacities. 01:08:08
Hey, President Humphrey. Yeah. And, and what, what created all of this is. 01:08:14
What a couple years ago the state awarded us $3,000,000 for buyout of these homes and we also put in for a grant and the grant has 01:08:22
taken an awful long time to get approved. But with the patience of the constituents and the patience of the staff and willingness 01:08:29
of the staff, we held off on that because we didn't have a restriction time on when we had to spend that money. 01:08:36
And so we were able to to wait until we heard from the grant and we did get the grant, which is a great thing. And it still gave 01:08:44
us this $3,000,000 to work on campaign creep. And so not only are we able to do the buyout, but then when it came before the board 01:08:54
for us to give the homeowners the full appraised value that's coming out of this $3,000,000 and then also to that leaves us money. 01:09:04
To do some work on the Northside to prevent any damage to those residences on the north side. We still have that leftover money 01:09:14
and that's kind of been the plan for the last two years and and it came to fruition. But had we not gotten the grant and all of 01:09:20
that money would have gone to do the demolition of the home. So it's, it's been a long project. It's been a lot of work and. I 01:09:26
think. 01:09:33
Staff very much and I stayed and I thank the constituents for being patient with this to let us try to be as intelligent with the 01:09:40
financing that we could be and and. 01:09:45
And as luck would have it, or the Lord would have it, it turned out. So thank you very much for all the work. And, and now we can 01:09:51
have some money to do some more work there, which will just continue to help that area because years ago there was a buyout 01:09:58
because it took homes down the Creek. So it's been a long process and I just want to thank everybody very much. 01:10:05
The supervisor client. I'm good. Thank you, Alex. Yeah, Thank you, Alex. With that, I'll call for motion As chair. I move to 01:10:14
authorize the advertisement of request for proposal number 082924. 01:10:20
And I'll second that, Mr. Chair. Hey, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you Alex. 01:10:29
And item 3K information, discussion action to authorize the advertisement of invitations for bid number 0824245 New Ford vehicles 01:10:38
to purchase 1 Ford F-250 Crew Cab 4 by 4 pickup truck, 2 Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4 by 4 pickup trucks and two Ford. 01:10:48
350 Crew Cab Format 4. 01:10:58
Trucks, thank you. Thank you, Chairman and Board. 01:11:01
Umm, everyone of these contracts that we bring in front of you. 01:11:05
Our finance manager Eric plays your role in this and actually she's been, this has been quite a year for, for her and and her 01:11:10
staff to put together all the different contract that we're trying to, to engage both for rope repair. 01:11:18
Campaign Creek and and vehicles like this one that you're going to hear today. This is about 5 new vehicles for her. 01:11:27
In buying these five new vehicles, some of them have anywhere from 130,000 miles to 226,000 miles. We are returning, we are we are 01:11:35
putting into the auction of nine old vehicles. So it's more than A1 for one. One of the things that you see in the five vehicles 01:11:42
their Crew Cab. In other words more than one person can drive in in in that pickup truck and sometimes we do send the crew to go 01:11:49
work on. 01:11:56
And so we have to take one truck instead of multiple trucks. That's the idea in in some cases you see some dump trucks that maybe 01:12:04
weren't getting the service that we were utilizing and no sense hanging on to it if we're not going to use it. So nonetheless, we 01:12:12
are turning into auction 9 vehicles, some of them with a whole lot of miles and we are looking to buy 5 new vehicles. 01:12:21
And they are for administration and engineering, as well as the road yard team itself. 01:12:30
OK. So with that, I would like to ask your approval to advertise bids for five new Ford vehicles. Thank you, homeroom Supervisor 01:12:36
Humphrey. 01:12:41
I have no question. 01:12:50
Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Tomorrow. Yeah, I'm good too. I'll call promoted. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize the 01:12:53
advertisement of invitation for bids number 082424. 01:13:00
I'll second that you have a motion in a second to approve. Those in favor say aye aye. 01:13:07
Thank you. 01:13:14
Thank you for now. 01:13:15
Trying to figure out who got in Payson. OK so item number 3L this is my item. All three of the supervisors have contributed 01:13:17
significantly to this. It's information discussion action to approve the economic development agreement number 09052024 between 01:13:25
Hilo county and circa, which is the community educational, recreation and civic association in the amount of $33,500 with the 01:13:32
board determined to be for the benefit of the. 01:13:39
I don't believe we have a representative from Circa here today. Circa is a nonprofit association that takes care of multiple 01:13:47
buildings in the Pine area that belong to the Pine school system. They're old buildings. They're part of the original school 01:13:54
churches and things like that. And they're they suffer with a lack of funds to make the improvements necessary to continue with 01:14:02
the various civic and community projects that occur in. 01:14:09
Locations. So this particular sum of money is to improve the HVAC systems throughout the buildings and I appreciate very much the 01:14:17
willingness of the other supervisors to contribute to this fairly significant amount of money. So with that, I'll answer any 01:14:26
questions I have. No questions. Supervisor Klein? No, I'm good. Thank you. So with that, I'll call for a motion. 01:14:34
Mr. Chair, I move to approve the economic development Agreement number 09052024 with Community, Education, Recreational and Civic 01:14:46
Association as presented, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 01:14:55
And I'll second that, Mr. Chair, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, thank you very much. Item 3 M 01:15:05
also my item, it's a annual request. It's information discussion, action to approve economic development agreement number 09042024 01:15:12
between Hugh County and the Pine Strawberry fuel reduction in the amount of $5000 to provide residents with free brush removal to 01:15:20
reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. 01:15:27
Which the board is determined to be for the benefit of the public. This is a very active 501C3 group of volunteers that run a 01:15:35
brush pit. They also help residents do firewise. They also create trail systems in order to provide greater and better access for 01:15:42
anyone that needs to get into the forest recreationally and also for. 01:15:50
Fire prevention, et cetera. So this is part of their annual request. And so I will answer any questions. The supervisor Humphrey, 01:15:59
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein. I'm good, Mr. Chair. OK, then I'll call for a motion. 01:16:07
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve Economic Development Agreement number 09042024 with pine strawberry fuel reduction as 01:16:15
presented, which the board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Carroll, I'll second that. OK, we have a motion 01:16:24
and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you very much. Item 3 and also my item. 01:16:33
It just happened that all this kind of came together in one meeting, so. 01:16:42
3 N is information discussion action to approve economic development agreement number 0302024 between county and the Tunnel 01:16:47
research and Rescue Squad incorporated A501C3 in the amount of $15,519.78 to purchase and elevate search and rescue motor kit and 01:16:57
a 7 by 12 tandem axle enclosed trailer which the. 01:17:07
To be for the benefit of the public, this is a request brought to me for two items. The first item, which is called the Elevate 01:17:17
Search and Rescue Motor Kit is like a Gurney with a battery powered wheel to assist in very difficult extractions when needed such 01:17:25
as Fossil Creek and the 7 by 12 tandem axle trailer is to provide. 01:17:33
A better and newer storage for I believe the scuba diving and we have Mr. Bill Curly. 01:17:43
Apparently today he's head of the Tunnel Rim Search and Rescue. Mr. Piddley, would you like to add any comments? 01:17:50
Yes, thank you. 01:17:58
We've been involved in 323 times this year and that is one of our most typical third extractions and this. 01:18:05
Probably within the last year, but it's being done by a group of bicycles. California. There are shows out there. 01:18:20
Together and make this work. And so they did, and. 01:18:32
Videos that I have seen on it and the reviews that been able to find on it, it shows like fossil springs, like Monopoly trail they 01:18:36
say it can do. 01:18:43
5 miles and 3000 with elevation game. We're at all around 3 miles. 15116 hundred foot elevation games. I think that it would 01:18:50
actually work out well. 01:18:56
I have had on several pages I had to call on the helicopter to get someone out of there because I did not have enough staff that 01:19:03
that was able to respond. 01:19:09
Somebody because I had people fight up on other missions. Greatly busy this year. We're in 84 mission so far at 1:00 last night 01:19:15
again. 01:19:19
Anyway, and then the slope water trailer. 01:19:25
And we wore out our last one endless squad for at least 10 years, probably longer. And. 01:19:30
You know, we're a little rough on our clothes sometimes. 01:19:40
And. 01:19:45
Regarding the level that we're turning in. So I appreciate this opportunity. 01:19:48
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 01:19:54
I have no questions. 01:19:57
Supervisor Klein, I really don't get to comment. You know, I think we cut him off his children. 01:20:00
Did I cut you off, Bill? 01:20:09
OK. 01:20:14
OK, sorry. OK, I have no question. OK, Yeah, that's just becoming cool to see how it works. So yeah. 01:20:16
I'm good. 01:20:23
Well, if you'd like, go down into Fossil Creek, have an injury and I don't want to go down there. 01:20:25
Unless I'm on someone with four legs. OK, thank you very much. I don't really have any comments. I, I, well, I do, I guess. I. 01:20:30
I really enjoy benefiting the search and rescue people. They're all volunteer. It's a great organization and this helps with the 01:20:40
health and safety of the public county wide. So happy to be able to help. So with that, I'll call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I move 01:20:47
to approve economic development agreement number 09302024 with the Tunnel Rim Search and Rescue Squad incorporated as presented, 01:20:54
which. 01:21:02
Has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Chair. I'll second that we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in 01:21:09
favor say aye aye. Thank you, Bill. Thank you, gentlemen. Our next item is an item number 4 consent agenda items. We have item A 01:21:18
through F Supervisor Humphrey. Any one or more items you'd like to remove from the consent agenda to discuss. 01:21:26
No, I'm good. Thank you. OK, same question to you, Supervisor Klein. 01:21:35
No, I'm good. 01:21:41
OK. All right. Then I will call for a motion to approve consent agenda items for A through F So moved, Mr. Chair, I'll second it. 01:21:43
All right, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye. Thank you. 01:21:51
Lisa, do we have anyone in Payson for call to the public item number 5? 01:22:01
OK, Cassandra, how many do we have on the Internet today? 01:22:07
50 oh, that's a good number. And we don't have anyone that wishes to speak, OK. 01:22:13
And anyone here in the boardroom? No. OK, so let's move on to item number six, which is the. 01:22:17
What do you call it? We'll call it a presentation of the county manager and supervisors. So, Mr. Manager. 01:22:30
Mr. Chairman, remember the Board attended with you last week the County Supervisors Association Legislative Summit preparation for 01:22:40
the upcoming legislative session that starts in January. 01:22:45
Very productive meetings. And then also this week, we'll be attending the Arizona Department of Transportation Rural 01:22:52
Transportation Summit in Prescott. I think it's important to have representation there because of the ongoing projects that we 01:23:00
continue to try to support and bring to Healer County, one of those being the Lion Springs project, 4 miles of widening. 01:23:09
The 260 highway in Northern Arizona. 01:23:19
Just a short summary of why that's why it's important is that the Land Springs project was on the. 01:23:24
Arizona Department of Transportation list of projects for a number of years was planned to be enacted then as Mr. Stratton former 01:23:31
Public Works director for Healer County stated that nobody representing Healer County went to these meetings and went to there to 01:23:37
advocators support these projects in the council has dropped from the Arizona Department of transportation list of projects to be 01:23:44
completed. 01:23:50
It is not back now on line Springs is back on the Arizona Department of Transportation projects and it was acquisition of property 01:23:57
obtained right away and within the next year or so is scheduled to start construction of that widening project. So important that 01:24:04
we keep ourselves in the game and supporting the projects in Gila County. So that's the reason to attend the Arizona Department of 01:24:11
Transportation Rural Transportation Summit. 01:24:19
Week in Prescott. Thank you, Mr. Chen. 01:24:26
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:24:30
Also, agenda, the PSA Legislative Policy Summit will do every year. We didn't do anything this year kind of sneaks up on us and 01:24:33
without knowing ahead of time that it just kind of slips by. And so anyway, but there was a lot of lot of good discussion. I held 01:24:40
a Roosevelt dumpster day on Saturday. 01:24:48
And I called the metal scrapper. Usually I take my truck and trailer for the tires and the metal. 01:24:57
And then everything else can go in the dumpster so that when they get back to the landfill, they don't have to sort all the stuff. 01:25:03
And so anyway, this year I called a metal scrapper to see if he was interested. And I'm sure glad that they did because not only 01:25:10
did we fill a dumpster and 1/2 with just stuff, he took like 4 loads of metal. There was washers, dryers, hot water. You can't 01:25:18
imagine the the metal bicycle that everything in the world got. I've been. 01:25:25
For about 3 days I was doing it by myself. So anyway, that turned out pretty good and it was a it was a good clean up day at 01:25:33
Roosevelt and I held a Roosevelt community meeting yesterday at 1:00. I was on KQSS radio last night at 5:30 and that's about it. 01:25:43
Thank you, Supervisor Final. 01:25:54
Thank you, Mr. Chair. So all week or so ago I went to Washington State on WIR and attended a meeting up there for a couple of 01:25:57
days. Lot of good information came out of that. There's there's issues that are affecting us as well as the other 11 Western 01:26:05
states. And so a lot of that was discussed. One of those issues is the insurance companies dropping. 01:26:14
Homeowners insurance. 01:26:24
And that isn't only here, it's throughout. Everybody to the Canadian border had a really good meeting, worked on some priorities, 01:26:26
but the hard part of the priority list. 01:26:31
All hinges on this next election. And so a lot of our discussion was just based on, well, we can do this. If this happens, we can 01:26:38
do that. If that happens, however, it's going to work out. We just have to wait and see. But there was a was a very, very good 01:26:44
meeting and I was there along with Craig Sullivan. 01:26:51
And CSA and Patrice Osman from Coconino. So all three of us were up there. 01:26:58
Last Saturday I attended a Ponderosa Springs meeting and at the fire department and remember when we were there, we helped them 01:27:06
with the well. So they've they've they've had the well drilled. It doesn't produce a lot of water, but it's going to produce 01:27:12
enough to be able to put a restroom facilities in that that station. They went down about 220 feet and they're getting less than a 01:27:19
gallon a minute. 01:27:25
But with proper storage and whatnot, they can make that work. I'm gonna work with them a little bit. They're gonna go ahead and 01:27:33
start pursuing a septic system for that that station. So I'm gonna be working with them on that and. 01:27:40
Hopefully we can get it done in the next two or three years. It's going to be pretty costly just because of the type of system 01:27:48
it's going to have to be. That afternoon. I also participated in a auction there in Young that was set up for the Community 01:27:54
Center. There's a fundraising auction. 01:28:00
Ton of items we auctioned off a lot of people who was there is a really good time. I don't know the final figures. I believe by 01:28:07
the end of the night they should have been somewhere around $6000 community centers and as it all going towards their kitchen, 01:28:14
remodeling their kitchen. So that was a good deal. 01:28:20
Also attended the county supervisors legislative summit in Maricopa. 01:28:29
And same thing. 01:28:36
Supervisor Humphrey said we didn't have a lot, but it is good to visit with people and hear what they did have there. Again, we 01:28:38
had more more conversation on the insurance part of things, heard more about that and then. 01:28:45
All one item of interest Wilbur Belvedere from San Carlos, Belvido Park. We've worked with him for, I don't know, six years, 8 01:28:54
years I. 01:28:59
Long time and anyway he's got a ballpark in San Carlos that he took over. It was his it was kind of a ballpark that his family had 01:29:05
started right and Wilbur took this ballpark over and started doing improvements on it every year he had he would look and 01:29:12
prioritize what improvements he wanted to do on this ballpark and has kept it up does an outstanding job on on his request and all 01:29:20
that We worked with him the money that we had helped him with this last year he was able to. 01:29:27
And for a grant from USDA and he got awarded the grant, he was awarded the grant for a total of $316,000. So he does remarkably 01:29:36
well trying to get this, these grants and things set up and, and by helping him out. I don't know, I think it's like $10,000 or 01:29:43
something I helped him with, but he used that for leverage and got it. So he's, he's on his way to constructing an office building 01:29:50
at the park now. 01:29:57
And a very good guy. 01:30:04
You brought up something, Supervisor Humphrey, that I wanted to ask a question about. 01:30:08
Where are we on our Christmas bicycles? 01:30:14
Member supervisors, I'm sorry with the updates, you cannot have a discussion. Well, you're just a downer on on a good thing here, 01:30:18
Jessica. So I will save it for later. OK, then I'll go my last thing and and I'm going to be headed down to Winkelmann either 01:30:26
tomorrow or Thursday. And I'd like to take our condolences down there to Mayor Brock Amani. Last week he lost his son. 01:30:35
And so we're going to go down there and see him and visit him and, and, and I'll, I'll take our condolences down there for him. 01:30:44
Other than that, that's all I have. Thank you supervisor. So I don't have a lot to report. Also attended the Summit Pick Cotton 01:30:54
and went on a tour at Lucid Car Manufacturing. Very interesting. Was very impressive actually and also met with. 01:31:04
Queen Springs residents yesterday. 01:31:16
As they have a number of concerns and so there's about 15 residents there that expressed concerns about various things. So I had a 01:31:20
good discussion there. And so that's all I have to report. So if there's nothing else, I will adjourn the meeting. Thank you. Just 01:31:26
one thing, this key and key. 01:31:32
The holder has been sitting up here for like the last couple three weeks, so if someone lost some keys. 01:31:39
That's still sitting up here and I'm not showing you the other side because the other side has something said on it. And so to 01:31:48
identify your keys, just let us know what the backside of this. It's got two rings, one key and on the backside it has something 01:31:55
said on this side it does not. So anyway, if you've lost your keys or been here and the keys, these have been laying up here for 01:32:02
the last couple of weeks. So I don't know anything about it, but anyway. 01:32:09
If they're if they're yours. 01:32:17
They're still here. 01:32:19
That's it. Thank you. We are adjourned. 01:32:21
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We'll have our invocation led by Mr. Gruders in Payson after the pledge. 00:00:01
The United States of America. 00:00:10
And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:12
Board of Supervisors and ready for the peace and I'll discuss the liberation even in our. 00:00:30
So that they know how to cover. 00:00:43
Very impressive and we pray this in your name, Lord Jesus, Amen. Thank you. 00:00:45
Well, welcome again, beautiful fall day. Let's start our meeting off here with item number 2. It's a public hearing. Item 2A is 00:00:55
information discussion, action to consider 2 liquor license applications. 00:01:04
The county number is LL-24-03 and LL24-04. Submitted by Andrea Yukowski. 00:01:13
Lukowicz for the transfer of a Series 9 liquor store license in the Series 07 beer and wine bar license with interim permits to 00:01:24
operate Tunnel Basin Marketplace located in Tunnel Base and then issue a recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor 00:01:31
Licenses and control whether the licenses should be granted. Samantha Thank you Chairman and board members. So Andrea Lukowitz 00:01:38
submitted 2 applications to the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control the. 00:01:46
The departments or members of the public, so the clerk of the board's office recommends to proceed with the public hearing and I 00:02:24
can answer. Thank you, Samantha Supervisor Hunter. 00:02:28
I have no questions. I thank you, Supervisor Klein. Neither do I and and neither do I. So why don't I open it up to the public 00:02:33
hearing portion? Lisa, up in Payson, do we have anyone there that wishes to speak to this item? 00:02:40
OK. Thank you, Cassandra. No. Is there anyone present here in the globe? 00:02:50
Boardroom. 00:02:54
No, doesn't look like it. So I'll close the public hearing and call for a motion. 00:02:56
That's true. I move to recommend that the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control approve the liquor license application 00:03:01
submitted. 00:03:05
By Andrea Lukowitz for the Tunnel Basin Marketplace. 00:03:09
Mr. Cheryl, thank you, that thank you. We have a motion and a second to approve. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Motion 00:03:15
carries unanimous thank you. We'll move on to item three regular agenda items. Item A is information discussion action to consider 00:03:22
a sealed bid for the purchase of assessors tax parcel number 10107079 and if accepted, authorize the Chairman signature on the 00:03:29
quit claim fee. Samantha, thank you again. So just as a reminder. 00:03:37
Don't get these sealed bid requests very often. Only a landowner that adjoins a state data tax property may submit a sealed bids 00:03:44
for the Board's consideration. So the Board has that authority through ARS 4218303 F to consider selling property less than a lien 00:03:52
amount from an adjoining landowner only. On August 10th, 2012, the Hewitt County Treasurer dated parcel 10107079 to the State of 00:03:59
Arizona in care of the Board of Supervisors because the previous owner did not pay taxes on the subject property for. 00:04:07
Consecutive years. So the property adjoins Healing County Assessors parcel 10107080 owned by Andrew Olson. Mr. Olson submitted a 00:04:15
sealed bid for the Board of Supervisors consideration. If the Board accepts Mr. Olson sealed bid, he intends to request that the 00:04:24
human Assessor combine the parcels, which is a win win for both parties here. So the lien amount for this property is $2356.44. 00:04:33
If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, and if you just want to let me know when you want me to open the steel kit. 00:04:44
OK. Thank you, Samantha. Supervisor Humphrey, I, I have no questions and it's fine with me to open a bit. 00:04:49
OK, Supervisor Klein? Yeah, you bet. See what the IT is? 00:04:57
Mr. Olson sealed bid is $350.00. 00:05:22
OK. Thank you, Samantha. So from this point, do we call for motion? OK, So I will call for a motion to accept or not accept the 00:05:25
$350.00 bid for this parcel. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to sell Assessors tax parcel number 101-0707 nine to Andrew Olson in 00:05:34
the amount of $350.00 and authorize the Chairman's signature on the quick claim deed. 00:05:42
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion. You have a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Thank you. 00:05:52
OK, the bargain of the day then, right? 3B Information, Discussion Action to approve FFY 2025 Governor's Office of Hwy. Safety 00:06:00
Grant agreement #2025PTS-023 in the amount of $30,574.00 for the period of October 1st, 2024 to September 30, 2025 that will be 00:06:09
issued for overtime. 00:06:17
And employee related expenses. A Lidar unit, gas system printer and INTOX 9000 unit. 00:06:26
Good morning under Sheriff. 00:06:34
Again, the insurance office is taking these improvements for extending the furniture specifically. 00:06:40
Speed enforcement P1 Enforcement continues. 00:06:48
Overtime equipment. 00:06:54
30,000. 00:07:04
Good question. 00:07:08
Thank you, Mr. Newman. Supervisor Humphrey. I have no questions, Mr. Klein. No, I I don't either the NSA. I think it's a good 00:07:12
deal. And well, I would have one question, you know, with this equipment and you guys setting up and and. 00:07:20
Do you have any idea how many DUI's you'll that this will help catch? 00:07:28
Well, if you like, the kids can catch them, yeah. 00:07:34
During our regular controlling shift and stuff we. 00:07:39
But this is this is part of this funding to go out and not answer radio questions typically looking to do live take areas where we 00:07:47
get citizens complaints about speeding vehicles. We can direct the deputy to go there and that's all exactly. 00:07:55
This is this is targeted funding, but. 00:08:05
OK, You can still hear me correct? Yeah. OK, sorry about that. That that's what this is this this funding goes specifically to to 00:08:10
take care of the things that to grant is it's dedicated to. So like this equipment that you have here is is mobile. 00:08:18
You take it out on the road with you. Well, yeah, the the speed measuring equipment is the lidar. That's the new technology. We 00:08:27
used to have the Doppler radar equipment. Now they're going to the laser radar. That's that's what this is for. The Intoxilizer, 00:08:33
not so much mobile. It's something that needs to be stationary because of the sensitivity of what it does. It doesn't need to be 00:08:39
bouncing around. So. 00:08:45
So no that the intoxilizer would be mobile or I'm sorry would be stationary, but the rest of the equipment. 00:08:52
Would be, would be. 00:08:58
So, so with this intoxilizer, this 9000, do you have one for like each end of the county or is you just pretty much have one in 00:09:00
the county? We do, I believe one of these is actually a replacement we've got on both ends of the county and then down at the 00:09:08
lake. So and, and also over in young we also, in addition to the intoxilizer, we have phlebotomists that are certified to do blood 00:09:15
draws in the event that you got a machine that's down or the, the drive time to that equipment is is extended. 00:09:23
We can draw blood. OK. Thank you, Dennis. 00:09:30
Thanks for butter. I don't have any questions. 00:09:34
And so if that's it, then will this call for motion? And Chair, I move to approve FFY 2025, Governor's Office of Hwy. Safety Grant 00:09:38
application number 2025 Dash BTS Dash 02/3 as presented. Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion. Second to approve all those in favor 00:09:47
say aye, aye. 00:09:55
Thank goodness and item 3C Information, discussion, Action to approve amendment #2 to Service Agreement number 062922. 00:10:04
With Advantage Home Performance incorporated in the amount not to exceed $300,000 and extend the term of the contract for one 00:10:13
additional year to September 5, 2025. Good morning, Josh. Good morning, Chairman. Members of the Board. So under Community 00:10:21
Services, this is for our weatherization contracts. We've had this discussion with four supervisors before. This was a sole bidder 00:10:28
two years ago on a contract to do weatherization services we renewed last year. 00:10:35
For before their final bills are paid, working with new development and Randy, the director over there. So we have some additional 00:11:41
like checks and balances in order with them that I think will help along this process as well. So I feel pretty good about this 00:11:46
for at least the time being until we can get more vendors up and going. 00:11:51
Very good supervisor, Humphrey. 00:11:57
I appreciate it very much. That's all, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. So Josh, besides Advantage Home Performance 00:12:30
Incorporated, we have another vendor as well or we don't have anybody yet, but we have Hila Monster Construction, another one 00:12:36
that's working towards taking their one week weatherization program class that you have to take at the state, which gets them part 00:12:42
of the way there. And then there's a like 3 or 4 different types of insurance that they have to have in place as well getting 00:12:48
their fingerprint. 00:12:54
Art for all their staff that would work the project. So it's a process to get somebody new even to the point that I feel 00:13:00
comfortable like putting this back out to the. So this other outfit is local right here then and it's local. Well, that's good. 00:13:06
Cool. Thanks, Josh. Yeah, thank you, Josh, for your efforts to expand that. 00:13:12
Offering. So with that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve amendment #2 to Service Agreement number 00:13:19
062922 with Advantage Home Performance incorporated as presented. 00:13:26
Mr. Chair, I'll second that We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye. Thank you, Josh. 00:13:35
Item 3D information discussion action to ratify the Board of Supervisors approval for the chairman's signature on the temporary 00:13:43
construction easement granted to the state of Arizona by and through its Department of Transportation for the construction of 00:13:50
state route 87 Green Valley Parkway to Houston Mesa Rd. improvement project. Good morning Romero good morning chairman board of 00:13:58
suppressors we're asking for the ratification of a signature that's already taken place due to the urgency of a project that. 00:14:05
A doc is proposing and the urgency was that they they came to the county and asked for a temporary construction easement for a 00:14:13
property that we don't have a quick claim for. And so with the help of Jessica Sevilla, County Attorney, we work with ADOT, we 00:14:19
work with the attorney general and we decided that the best thing for the county to do was to sign a temporary construction 00:14:25
easement for three entrances to Otanto Plaza in Payson that serves a number of business communities. Currently, nobody owns that 00:14:31
parking. 00:14:37
It is a parcel that's owned by the state. It doesn't have private ownership. They failed to pay taxes on this one parcel and 00:14:43
therefore, eventually the state ownership of that property. And so when the state comes to Gila County to ask for us to sign a 00:14:51
temporary construction easement, that's when I asked the help of the County Attorney, what's the proper thing for us to do? And 00:14:58
while we're having these discussions, time runs out. We needed to sign the temporary construction. We asked Chairman Christensen. 00:15:05
Sign it knowing that we would be coming back to the board for ratification of that signature as soon as we could and that's what 00:15:13
we're doing today. Now, if the county were not to sign that temporary construction easement, then adopt would not make those 00:15:19
improvements when they approved the Beeline Hwy. the improvement that they're scheduling for Beeline Hwy. they would also improve 00:15:25
the entrances to the highway and that would include the three entrances that are on this parking lot. So those would be unimproved 00:15:31
and they'd end up having to have. 00:15:37
3 inch. 00:15:43
Jump on the onto the highway from the parking lot. In order to avoid that, we thought it was best to to move with the signature 00:15:46
and the ratification. And that's that's what we're asking the board to to approve today. Any questions? I'd be happy to take 00:15:52
questions or sure. Jessica Shabelle, our County Attorney could also help with any questions. Supervisor Humphrey. Mr. Chair, I 00:15:57
have no questions. 00:16:03
Jessica, did you have anything to add? 00:16:10
Chairman. Members of the board. 00:16:13
Just to clarify what the issue was, this property is owned by the state in care of the county that that's how our tax deeded 00:16:16
properties are named. They are, again, it's owned by the by the state, but in care of the county. And so the county does not hold 00:16:23
the authority to execute any sort of deed or execute any sort of easement. That is why I worked with the Attorney General's office 00:16:30
to confirm that the state is in the opinion that the easement should exist. 00:16:38
In this case particular, I'm OK with moving forward with the easement. If the other party was not the state, then I would be 00:16:46
hesitant. 00:16:51
Supervisor Klein. No, I'm good. 00:16:58
We'll pay you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:17:01
I'm good. 00:17:04
Good too. So Romero, no one wants the parking lot technically, I guess, and it's just completely. 00:17:07
Falling apart and so I suppose then. 00:17:13
I don't know why it's in care of us, but it really shouldn't be. I wouldn't think that needs to go to the owners of the properties 00:17:19
so that they can care for it themselves. I know that's not what we're talking about today. Chairman, members of the board. 00:17:26
So when someone is delinquent on their taxes, there's a process that the property after seven years is deeded over to the state. 00:17:34
So that state is the owner of the property at that point. There's other avenues like here today we just had the auction to get the 00:17:42
property back on the tax roll. Someone made a bid case of the property. However, there's no office. 00:17:50
In the state that takes care of these tax needed properties. That's why they have it in care of the counties. 00:17:59
Because the county is, you know, the treasurer's are supposed to manage these properties. And that's why we ran into the 00:18:06
predicament of, well, why should the county sign it when we don't have we don't own the deed. It's a state that owns the deed, yet 00:18:12
there's no one authorized from the state to sign it. It's really. So it's kind of one of those situations. But here working with 00:18:19
the attorney General's office, we all came to an agreement that it should be signed. OK. 00:18:25
Thank you for that clarification. So with that, I'll call promotion. Mr. Chair, I moved to ratify the Board of Supervisors 00:18:32
approval for the. 00:18:37
Christmas Chairman's signature on the temporary construction easement granted to the State of Arizona by and through its 00:18:44
Department of Transportation for the construction of the State Route 87 Green Valley Parkway to Houston Mesa Rd. Improvement 00:18:50
project. 00:18:56
And I'll second that motion and a second to approve Those in favor say aye. Thank you. 00:19:04
Item 3 E Information discussion action to approve the use of. 00:19:10
Omnia Cooperative Cooperative contract number 212816 with Empire Machine and Caterpillar in the amount of $382,938.66 for the 00:19:16
purchase of a new 2020 4120-14A all-wheel drive capillary motor Razor. Well, thank you, Chairman. The vehicle that we're intending 00:19:26
to replace is J-003. It's a 1987 Motor Grader 40. 00:19:35
1983 motor grader, it's 41 years old. If you have vehicles that are 4 years old and you try to find parts for it, you know that 00:19:46
it's very difficult to find parts and usually they're very expensive. And that's the case with this particular vehicle. And of 00:19:52
course, because of its age, it it has more down time than the newer vehicles. It's time to replace it. We would like to replace it 00:19:58
with a with a Caterpillar. 00:20:04
120-14 all-wheel Drive Motivator The purchase price that you mentioned, Chairman, and the introduction of this item $382,938. 00:20:11
Also includes an extended warranty. We're paying $18,000, eighteen, 1700 dollars, $18,800 for that extended warranty. The extended 00:20:21
warranties for seven years, 7000 miles and includes everything except for lubrication, downtime expenses that we may incur. 00:20:28
Basically it covers everything. It's just a normal wear and tear and lubrication. So that would be a Caterpillar fixing the 00:20:36
vehicle for the next 7 years for 7000 miles, whichever comes first. 00:20:43
That's included in the purchase price. We would like to move forward with this. The vehicle would be coming to the globe area and 00:20:51
one of the older vehicles from the globe area would be going out to to replace J-003, which I think currently is in conservation. 00:20:58
And we and we'd like to use that to put the vehicles where they're most used and you're once where they're most used and the older 00:21:06
ones to to our outlying areas. It's it's a standard practice that we use. So with that we would like to. 00:21:13
Request that you approve this purchase of a new motivator. 00:21:21
Thank you, Meryl Supervisor. 00:21:28
Humphrey, I have no questions. Supervisor Klein, so I have a couple for you. Former this Omnia cooperative contract, is that like 00:21:31
a different program through Kate Cat that we can that we purchase equipment? I I don't understand that. I guess. So we look for 00:21:37
these state cooperative contract. This is a contract that the city of Tucson has and so it's it's it's considered like a state 00:21:44
contract. It does get us. 00:21:51
A significant discount to the sticker price, if you will. 00:21:58
In the board item, we mentioned that there's a savings of 248,000 using both the Omnia contract and a discount from, from 00:22:03
Caterpillar. So we, we, we, it does put a big bite into the purchase price. I, I don't think we would buy Caterpillars at 500,000. 00:22:10
We, we do competitive bids for them, but by the use of these contracts, we can expedite the purchase and get something that is 00:22:17
very competitive, OK. 00:22:24
I guess that's it, Homer. Thank you. Thank you. And so the older unit, J-003, you'll eventually end up in an auction, correct? OK. 00:22:32
All right. With that, I'll call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve the use of Omnia Cooperative Contract 00:22:40
number 212816 with Empire Machinery and Caterpillar Incorporated as presented. 00:22:47
Mr. Chair, I'll second that motion and a second to approve those in favor say aye, aye aye. Motion passes item. Thank you 00:22:55
homeroom. Item 3F is information discussion action to adopt resolution #24-10-04 authorizing the purchase of 10 flood prone 00:23:03
properties adjacent to Campaign Creek and authorized James Memo, County Manager, to sign the various related documents associate 00:23:10
associated with the purchase of homes. 00:23:18
To the Campaign Creek buyout and other Campaign Creek homes necessary for the successful completion of the Campaign Creek project, 00:23:25
we have Alex. Thank you Mr. Chair board. So as you know we've been working on acquiring the homes for the Campaign Creek buyout. 00:23:33
In addition to that, there was two others that were originally not or they didn't get the applications in the time to be 00:23:40
considered part of the Campaign Creek buyout, but we still consider them in our process moving forward with. 00:23:48
Purchasing of these homes and we were going to use monies from the Woodbury fire mitigation. 00:23:56
OK. Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 00:24:33
Yeah, I think it's a great idea, especially we're under the gun to have this done in 12 months. So getting before the board for 00:24:36
each one of these homes for our approval could slow that process. So thanks for thinking ahead. Anything that can get this process 00:24:43
going and get it done within the 12 months that we have to do it, I I think it's a great thing. So thank you very much. 00:24:50
Appreciate it. Supervisor Klein. I think this is a good deal and I agree with Supervisor Humphrey. Alex, I just have one question 00:24:59
and remind me because I don't remember what ended up being the total cost on those homes. Do you have that handy? If not, it's OK. 00:25:06
Yes. So the total for all 10, including the two that we're purchasing from the housing mitigation fund will be $2,080,000, eight, 00:25:13
165 for the total project. That would also include the demolition and asbestos removal as well. 00:25:20
That's the full process. 00:25:28
Support. OK. Thank you. 00:25:30
Yeah. Thank you. Alex, did you have something else Supervisor? Yeah. And I remember this is a funded in multiple ways including 00:25:33
the homeowners have agreed to contribute some of the. So that was the one I brought before you. That's been we're getting them the 00:25:41
full appraised value using the mitigation funds for that last 10% and that was approved two months. OK. So I don't want to muddy 00:25:48
the water, so I will call for a motion. 00:25:55
Mr. Chair, I move to adopt resolution #24-10-O4 and authorized Jane Menlo to the County Manager to sign the various related 00:26:04
documents associated with the purchase of homes related to the Campaign Creek buyout and other Campaign Creek of houses necessary 00:26:14
for the successful completion of the Campaign Creek project. Mr. Cheryl. Second that. 00:26:23
Motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye aye. 00:26:33
Italics Item 3G Information. Discussion. Action to adopt A resolution #24-10-03 authorizing the roadway exchange of 4109 square 00:26:37
feet of unneeded Roper Lane in exchange for the acquisition of 4027 square feet of Assessor's Parcel Number three 0205-001. 00:26:49
West for New Forest Service 499 right of way and authorized the chairman signature on related quick claim feed Romero. Thank you 00:27:02
chairman. 00:27:07
The partners of parcel #302-50-001 West and Partial 30205023 have applied to abandon a portion of Roper Lane or did apply to 00:27:14
abandon a portion a portion of Roper Lane which lies between the two parcels. Abandoning this portion of Roper Laney would allow 00:27:24
the deckers to combine 2 parcels together with that portion of the abandoned Roper Lane and connect to a well located to the. 00:27:33
And utilize it for irrigation and fire suppression. Would allow them to combine these two parcels together with that portion of 00:27:44
Roper Lane The Board of Supervisors approved the Roper Lane was dedicated to the public on the plat of Birdie Glenn 3 Subdivision 00:27:51
at Verde Lane. The Board of Supervisors approved the flat back in January 29, 1969, and it was officially filed. 00:27:59
As Plat map #393 Roper Lane is not maintained by the county, it did answer the Forest Service boundary. 00:28:08
The floor service has expressed that they're not interested in Roper Lane being used as a vehicular access to the Forest Service 00:28:15
and and basically there they have no objections through a Roper Lane abandonment or in this particular case in exchange. 00:28:24
While reviewing a recent survey of a partial 30205001 W, we discovered that the floor Service 199 or Service Road 199, which runs 00:28:33
along the West and N lines of this parcel and is maintained by the county, encroaches onto the parcel. In some places the 00:28:43
encroachment is up to seven feet. In other places it's it's one foot or something like that. But there is. 00:28:53
Areas of encroachment. 00:29:03
And this survey was reported as a regular survey map number 5465. We consulted with the County Attorney to determine the 00:29:06
feasibility of processing a roadway exchange. In other words, the Deckers apply for a roadway abandonment. We offered them a 00:29:14
roadway exchange Roper Lane for the encroachments on Forest Service Road 199. 00:29:21
And that's what we're bringing to the board. It was concluded that the roadway exchange method criterias outlined in State 00:29:30
statutes 28 Dash 7203, the applicant has a brief as a ropeway exchange. The roadway exchange will benefit the applicant, the 00:29:38
county and the forest, if you will, because it will restrict vehicular access into the Forest Service area. 00:29:46
Today we have a group of people that want to voice a different opinion. 00:29:54
To the board, and I believe that there's a representative for the Deckers here as well for the Deckers. 00:29:59
The. 00:30:07
The roadway exchange and so we're going to listen to to the other side of concern. The roadway exchange we believe is in the best 00:30:12
interest of the public because. 00:30:16
Rope for service wrote 199 Umm. 00:30:21
Has a width of 24 foot and a 7 foot encroachment. Does indeed two way travel on the road? 00:30:27
Umm, going the roadway exchange that we want both a little bit beyond the edge of the road. In other words, it allows for a 00:30:37
shoulder. The roadway exchange is almost equal in area and let me. 00:30:45
The what we're asking is for an exchange of 4190 square feet of unneeded Roper Lane in exchange for the acquisition of 4027 square 00:30:57
feet. 00:31:01
Partial 30205001 W for a for a new 4 service road 199 right of way. So the exchange is is approximately equal. And one of the 00:31:07
things that we looked at was not only do we need the exact prism of the travel way, but we needed shoulders as well beyond the 00:31:16
prison of the roadway and and that's the reason for those, those square footages. 00:31:25
With that, I would like to. 00:31:35
Entertain questions and also. 00:31:37
Asked the board to see if there's an interest in listening to the folks that are here today to express their opinions. 00:31:40
Thank you, Romero. Supervisor Humphrey. 00:31:48
If there's other comments, I'd like to hear other comments before I had questions or anything of that nature. All right, we'll 00:31:51
proceed to that after I ask Mr. Klein if he has any questions at this juncture. I too wait. I understand what homeless saying, so 00:31:58
I'd like to hear what these other folks have to say as well. OK, I have several requests. We have three people in Payson and we 00:32:04
have a few people here. 00:32:10
So I would like to call forward then and if you could be briefing your comments. 00:32:18
We like to limit people to three minutes, but I understand. 00:32:23
Some flexibility can be allowed. I would like to call Mr. Hunt Winston, who lives on Roper Lane. 00:32:28
137 N Roper Lane, adjacent to. 00:32:36
Lot #40. 00:32:42
Thank you. 00:32:46
Good morning and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. My name is Hunt Winston. I actually live. 00:32:51
Not the scale, but I live right there. I'm also in have been the president of the Property Owners Association for the last 3 1/2 00:32:56
years and have been a resident there for four years. First, I want to say in a way it feels a little bit like a bait and switch to 00:33:04
go forward with or start with a, an application for abandonment or declaring that roadway abandoned and then changing it around to 00:33:11
a land exchange. The significant difference in that and what what concerns me about that is one of those requires. 00:33:18
That anything that looks like a public land exchange should be open to the public and to comment and input. 00:33:57
Secondly, and I sent an e-mail yesterday, so I'm not going to read that e-mail. I'm not going to go through it again. I just want 00:34:04
to cover kind of a couple of new things. First off, I really do think this portion of of Broker Lane, not the portion that's part 00:34:10
of the estate, but where the new dead end would be. This is where my line is here, this new dead end here, this area here. You'll 00:34:16
notice in the photographs that I shared with you, the 1st 2 photographs, 1 is. 00:34:22
Flooding, it's about 5 or 6 feet high of water because that culvert wasn't working underneath Roper Lane. And that's that area 00:34:28
right here. 00:34:32
The ditch that the big, the big sunken areas right here, the Clover is right here is usually river right here. So that flood at 00:34:37
least significantly floods at least one time a year if not a couple of times a year depending on how the mountain rains go. That 00:34:44
area also erodes considerably. So the second photograph you'll see is the debris that came across when that water flooded. The 00:34:51
culvert couldn't handle the load and the water came over the roadway and it eroded on both sides of Roper Lane. 00:34:59
Additional load of large trucks, trailers or anything else turning around in that vicinity. So I would propose that before the 00:35:36
Board of Supervisors were to consider this proposal that a geotechnical review should be required to determine whether or not 00:35:42
that's a viable place for a dead end on Roper Lane. 00:35:47
Secondly, Roper Lane is not abandoned. Roper Lane is used every single day, not only by vehicle traffic, but also by foot traffic, 00:35:54
myself included, my family included, and others in our neighborhood and community and the public for access to the force. Now, 00:36:00
like Mr. Veiler said, not vehicular access to the forest, but walking access into the forest and into the East Verde River. If 00:36:06
this land exchange were to continue, that Open Access would be closed down permanently. So a fee, a main feature of our 00:36:12
neighborhood. Birdie Glen 3 and Birdie Glenn. 00:36:18
Specifically, the policies and procedures for Hula County for land exchanges. 00:36:53
And Arizona Revised Statutes for land exchanges notes specifically the exchanges are authorized for an abutting landowner. If it 00:36:57
is for a new road, meaning it's being exchanged for a new road. This is not a new road, right? The minimal and it doesn't look 00:37:04
minimal in this drawing significant, but this is actually very minimal. So the last photograph that you'll see is Forest Rd. 199 00:37:11
is here by the gate area and you can see the the whole. 00:37:18
Caution tape that shows a line from this point to this one. And it's only a few feet that actually are. And I would propose that 00:37:26
those few feet are actually the build up of that driveway. And so that's not actually impacting the road here in any way. And then 00:37:31
over here when the shape is on the north side is a very substantial and significant decline. So it's a huge slope. So the two 00:37:37
markers that are on the road, they're actually on the shoulder of the road. 00:37:42
I appreciate again the time to speak to you. 00:38:17
I wrote a few other items in my in my notes that I sent yesterday, but for those reasons, I would I would really strongly request 00:38:20
that you consider or ask the County Attorney and Mr. Vela to withdraw this proposal at this time until they can get a geotechnical 00:38:25
permit done. And then before they bring it back with that geotechnical review, that they also go down the process of opening it up 00:38:31
for public notification and public comments. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Winston, and if we do have specific questions, 00:38:36
I'll call you back up. OK. 00:38:42
All right. So Mr. Harper is also indicated here and we also have Mr. David West, which is here. 00:38:48
And Miss Deckers here. And so Mr. Harper, are you here to speak for them? 00:38:56
Or OK, would you like to come forward and do that? 00:39:02
There's also people I believe, yes. Are you speaking for? 00:39:06
Barbara and Jay Cuomo and David Owens as well. I know. OK, thank you, Chairman, Members of the board. I, I'm really here primarily 00:39:10
to answer any questions. But since you've heard a little bit, I'll, I'll talk a little bit about what you've just heard. One 00:39:16
thing, this suggestion that there's a bait and switch going on is, is not true. This was initially applied for as an abandonment, 00:39:22
but then the county and the homework came to us and said, look, we've got a better way to do this in a way that's actually going 00:39:28
to benefit the county. 00:39:34
Because of the encroachments here. 00:39:40
On on the on the Decker property. This is the Decker property. This is a Decker property. 00:39:42
So you end up it's not an abandoned exchange piece to connect us to peace, which allows utilities to be brought back and forth. 00:39:48
That's actually whatever along the streets and what's being proposed benefits the county a lot because all the green area here is 00:39:54
where the road currently approaches. And so that would end that encroachment allowing this exchange within that encroachment and 00:40:00
would would have the road actually be on on public property. So this has not been abated switch at all. It's actually the county's 00:40:06
idea to do the. 00:40:11
I think frankly is a good one and my clients are supportive of it. The the process is governed by a different statute and this is 00:40:18
for instability to talk about different statute that deals with roadway exchanges as opposed to abandonment and it doesn't require 00:40:25
a public notice. So there's no posting done under that statute is actually a case specific Court of Appeals case that deals with 00:40:32
that. And Mr. Winston obviously has heard about this and he's had the chance to to comment anyways. 00:40:39
In terms of access to the forest. 00:40:48
There's a lot of access to the forest in this area. And Mr. Winston property is here. I happen to know that he has access to the 00:40:51
river. Bacteria has access this way. And he also all you have to do is walk here and there's access right here. So the idea that 00:40:58
this is going to cut off access to the force is is just not true. There's there's a lot of forest access in the county has gone 00:41:05
through the work and Mr. Warren in particular, I think did a lot of work to come up with these. 00:41:13
Particular additional area to be picked up and I don't, I don't think there's been any homework and talk about this if he wants 00:41:21
to, but this idea that there should be a geotechnical survey and that sort of stuff, I just don't think that's required. I think 00:41:27
the counties already covered those bases. So I'm here to answer any questions that that you might have. I know that there will be 00:41:34
some other people speaking in favor of this. In fact, just to give you some perspective, Mr. W is here. 00:41:41
He owns a nice property up and then Mr. Owens, I think is it Payson Owens, I believe the next property of and then the Cuomo is on 00:41:49
the next property up. So most of the people on Roper Lane are actually in favor of this. 00:41:54
OK. Thank you for your presentation. And if we want to ask questions, I'll call you back up. Mr. W, did you have anything you 00:42:02
wanted to comment? 00:42:06
OK, comment, you know, as far as approval or I think it's a good idea, support, So you have a vote for support. And then in Payson 00:42:11
we have Barbara and Jay Cuomo also owned property and residents on Roper Lane. Do they wish to speak this morning? 00:42:20
Yes. 00:42:33
Go ahead. 00:42:37
You know, I didn't get there of. 00:42:39
The. 00:42:42
And I am now in David. 00:42:43
OK. So you're in favor of the proposal today? 00:42:55
I think they were. 00:43:00
OK. 00:43:10
Thank you. Is that all from the Cuomo's? 00:43:12
OK. 00:43:16
It's kind of hard to hear, but we have Mr. David Owens as well, a owner on Roper Lane. 00:43:17
That we do need to have 199 taken care of and two, we do need to be in the purple line called soft. 00:43:45
We are totally in favor of this change. 00:43:54
Thank you, Mr. Owens. 00:44:05
Don't believe we have anyone else. 00:44:09
Yeah. 00:44:18
Say something and who's? Who's speaking now? Who's speaking now? 00:44:21
Okay. 00:44:28
Of ugly moments. 00:44:31
Chairman Samantha. 00:44:33
OK, excuse me. 00:44:40
OK. 00:44:50
Let me interrupt. OK, Hang on just a second. We're having trouble here. And because of the microphone or something getting 00:44:52
everything recorded properly, Samantha can't hear the comments. And so I believe that's Mr. Cuomo speaking and he was mentioning 00:45:01
something about a campground. Mr. Cuomo, can we sum it up that you're in favor of this land exchange? 00:45:10
Correct. 00:45:21
OK. All right. I think we've heard all the various arguments. So, Supervisor Humphrey, do you have anything you'd like to? 00:45:21
Ask no, I'm not. 00:45:29
Not really The only comment I'd like to have is any, any roads that are maintained that have violations in the road or 00:45:34
encroachments. We, I think it's our responsibility to try to fix that the best way that we can And, and so I. 00:45:43
That's, that's, that's just my comments on, on that. And so if we, if we have a road where we're encroaching on other properties, 00:45:53
then I, I think we need to, to come up with a solution to fix that. And, and from what I understand, there's more people that have 00:46:02
the appreciation for the fix that our engineers have come up with. 00:46:10
Then are not in support of that. 00:46:20
Thank you. 00:46:24
Supervisor Klein. 00:46:25
Jessica. 00:46:29
Did we cover all our bases? 00:46:31
Chairman, member, supervisors, I just have one more question for Romero, if you wouldn't mind just explaining that green area 00:46:35
again, what the statute requires is that there's an exchange for all or part of a new road. So I just need clarification that that 00:46:42
green area is part of a new road. 00:46:49
They're going to set up a a map that I have. 00:47:02
So that I better answer that question. 00:47:05
OK. This is the same map that we were looking at earlier, just on your board, on your on the agenda. 00:47:31
Red lines in your purplish lines. That is the road where the road travels today. That's a road prism if you will. That's the 00:47:39
actual road to the best of our surveyors abilities. 00:47:45
The encroachment. 00:47:52
The. 00:47:56
The area that we're looking. 00:47:59
Foundry of the of this partial 00 W is this line right here. 00:48:02
So in this particular section we're approaching 8.7 sheet. 00:48:09
OK, the additional. 00:48:14
Area that we're looking here for our shoulder is 5.7 feet. So when you move with the look at this is what one of the flags was 00:48:19
there. This is where another flag was there at the first one is very limited here, a little bit more here, almost nothing here. So 00:48:25
that's just where where the flags happen to have been located far as when the surveyor gave you the connection of how much this 00:48:31
road improves on this property with 8.7 feet. 00:48:38
So the green area shows the property that we would be obtaining in exchange for overlay. 00:48:45
A great hash area and it includes both that road enforcement, but in some cases some shoulders OK. 00:48:53
Thank you, Chairman, member, supervisor. So I understand that the encroachment is. 00:49:03
Part of the road. So when we acquire that area, you're saying that it is part of the new road because it continues to be the road. 00:49:09
It's not like a shoulder is what I'm getting at. That green area is not just a shoulder. It is part of the roadway. 00:49:18
So we're we're acquiring a section of the roadway, but in some cases a shoulder. 00:49:28
Chairman, member, supervisors, it does look like the statute is complied with. It is not a requirement that we acquire a new road, 00:49:37
just a part of a new road, and it looks like we've got that here. 00:49:43
So. 00:49:51
Homer or Jessica, you're one of the. 00:49:52
We make this swap and that green becomes the road basically 199, right? 00:49:56
The Forest Service is going to retain that road that will always be a Forest Service Rd. In this particular area we have it's 00:50:05
called Forest Service 199, but we're acquiring easements. We're acquiring quick plain for something for for something that has 00:50:11
already been quick claimed to us. This is private land going through the forest and on both sides. It's called Forest Service 199. 00:50:17
People refer to this section As for Service 199. This is not. 00:50:23
For service property, that road happens to be it exists today, happens to be Kela County property, OK. So having FS 199 on there 00:50:30
whatever it is kind of misleading to me. 00:50:37
Correct for that section, immediately as it leaves the subdivision it becomes Forest Service 199 because it is on the forest. 00:50:45
That point, I get that. OK, so I'm gonna ask a question. Might as well just ask all the questions we need to today. We're all 00:50:53
here. How was it ever talked about as far as Roper Lane been in that easement Plumb back up the up the road there to where the 199 00:50:59
takes off. 00:51:04
As I've been discussed, or maybe I'm playing devil's advocate, but I like to hear some. 00:51:10
In 1994 Survey 855 Chairman needs to come up. 00:51:17
We we need to have you at the microphone. 00:51:23
Had the answer to that because I look at it in 1994, there was a survey, it shows a number of 855 and it's in the records online 00:51:27
and it does show a proposed roadway extension. That's not what this is about. So that would be a new road extending local lane to 00:51:33
this road here. So you would have easy access to versions M3. That's not what we're talking about. We're not talking about a new 00:51:40
road at all. We're talking about the existing Rd. only today and then potentially you know. 00:51:47
Abandoning Roper Lane at the end. 00:51:55
Which there is no access to the forest or any vehicles outside of us today. So that there was a survey in 90 at least in the 94 00:51:58
that somebody had proposed going and extending Roper Lane. I asked that question because of all the going in your photos, you 00:52:04
know, you mentioned that how Roper Lane benches down right there where the proposal is to cut it off now and it's not very 00:52:09
adequate for a turn around. 00:52:15
But that was backed up the roadways back up there further, I mean. 00:52:22
Much higher so it doesn't flood, it's not prone to any flooding issues or anything else, and it's much more room to turn around 00:53:28
large vehicles as opposed to where the proposed proposal is today. 00:53:32
Sorry, anything else? 00:53:39
I hear what you're saying, I guess I just haven't heard my question answered specifically yet and Cassie didn't turn that map 00:53:42
around to what we had on there. Please. 00:53:47
Yep. Nope, that's it. 00:53:56
And just bring it up where we can see it. Good. And there you go. So I'm just just just asking this question. I'm not saying this 00:53:58
is a way to go because you guys are all the property owners and and all that, But where it's proposed for the land exchange, let's 00:54:04
just call it that there, Benjamin, right there below Roper. Yeah. And so have you guys thought because it's not going to go 00:54:10
anywhere anyway. 00:54:16
So have you thought about moving that abandonment up to like the end of lane right there or something like that? 00:54:23
And cutting it off. 00:54:29
I mean, I would assume that property owners own 1/2 and the other property owners own the other half of that road. That's what I 00:54:31
would assume. Maybe that's not cool, but it's not. That's not actually true. So property lines and there's 48 feet. 00:54:38
Between this property line here and this property line here 48. 00:54:44
Property owners actually don't own any of them. 00:54:51
No 'cause it's an easement. 00:54:55
Right. 00:54:57
There should be an opportunity to make a turn around up here as well. A 38 foot is compared to four service. 19938 feet is a wide 00:55:15
easement compared to. 00:55:20
The 24th week we have with Ford service 199. Just to clarify, 199 here is about 12 feet higher in elevation and so there's only 00:55:27
about 7 or 8 feet between them. They run parallel here and so it's a very, extremely steep. So you couldn't even create a dead end 00:55:34
here and just hide it in the road here. It wouldn't work because it's so steep. 00:55:41
OK, 10 seconds just to I think I can answer your question maybe a little more directly. 00:55:54
This got abandoned. There's no access to this course. 00:56:02
This is the only access to this. 00:56:07
She owns the other side, right? 00:56:11
There so there is access to that property for. Either way I. 00:56:14
Well, you'd have to create some, that's true. You'd have to create some kind of access across. But I don't think that there's ever 00:56:21
been any real plan to to dedicate or to seek an abandonment of it. 00:56:27
Go for it. Are you? Yeah. OK. Yeah. So just a few comments on my part. I'm very familiar with the area. I've worked in that area. 00:56:36
I know where the Comos live, I know where the Owens live. I know where Dave lives. I know where your property is, and I know where 00:56:44
the Bizantes live. So I'm familiar. And there used to be a gate across there. Apparently that gate no longer exists, so. 00:56:52
Homeroom. I don't really have any more questions. It seemed like the main complaints are. 00:57:04
If there's complaints, the main complaints are the process. 00:57:10
That it happened the non notification is an issue and. 00:57:14
And we're bringing in some other issues about flooding and stuff, which is really not what we're talking about today. 00:57:21
Umm, it is a very steep area, uh. 00:57:28
Redirecting Forest Service Road 199, if we call it that, it would be much more problematic. Maybe this solution so. 00:57:34
That's my opinion. Is there any more discussion whom I know that we need to have? 00:57:41
I'll just offer that. 00:57:49
We have typically undertaken roadway exchanges without following the. 00:57:52
Procedures that state tax is very clear applies to a road abandonment. 00:57:58
And the both our policy. 00:58:05
That we follow for roadway exchanges, the policy only refers to the state statue and the state statue is 1 short little paragraph 00:58:11
and it doesn't, it doesn't really bring into play all the other notifications. So on this road exchange, we treated it like we've 00:58:17
done all of the roadway exchanges. 00:58:23
OK. And yes, there is some public concern and we've allowed for for some of that today given very little notification as as Hunt 00:58:29
Winston pointed out, he just found out about it Friday. But I think we've heard of what they have to say. And if there is an 00:58:36
erosion issue that was either permitted and with unintended consequences or not permitted, we can we can investigate that as as 00:58:43
requested. 00:58:50
Other than that, I don't have anything else to add. 00:58:58
Thank you, Camaro. Anything further, Supervisor Humphrey? 00:59:01
Just one question on that. Would there and turn around seem to be one of the questions. Is there room to turn around if that 00:59:06
exchange is made? 00:59:12
I can get first hand. 00:59:19
Wait, wait, wait. I didn't ask you. 00:59:20
It is a 34 foot wide. 00:59:23
Right away. OK. So, so where they turn around now I was in a 34 foot there, there is 30, I'm sorry, 38 foot wide, 19 on 8, that's 00:59:27
what that's that's what they're given to turn around in now, is that correct? So, so we're not we're not making the turnaround any 00:59:33
smaller. 00:59:38
And if there's a culvert issue? 00:59:45
On the road then then that's a maintenance issue of whoever maintains that road. Is that correct? The property owners that OK? 00:59:49
Yeah, no, but if the culverts are not working, it it it's a maintenance issue. That's correct. OK. All right. That that's all the 00:59:55
questions I have. Thank you, Supervisor Klein. 01:00:02
No, I don't. 01:00:11
I don't think I have any more. 01:00:13
I understand the issues with access to the river or whatever, but that's kind of a different deal to me. 01:00:17
And I, no, I don't have any more questions. Thank you, supervisor. With that, I'll call for a motion. 01:00:27
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to adopt resolution #24-10-03 and authorized determinant signature on the related footprint deed. 01:00:33
Mr. Chair, I'll second that we have a motion and a second to approve this item. All those in favor say aye, aye, aye, aye. Motion 01:00:42
carries. Thank you. 01:00:46
65 and three H information discussion action to review the bid submitted for request for proposals number 072124 Campaign Creek 01:00:53
post fire project survey and clean up of asbestos of up to 10 homes and award a contract to the most responsive, responsible and 01:01:00
qualified bidder. Alex. Thank you Mr. Chair, Board again, this is another Campaign Creek discussion and we'll have one more 01:01:07
following or two more following this. 01:01:15
So this is the. 01:01:22
Request to award the contract to Native Environmental LLC. 01:01:25
As you know we went out forbid for both the asbestos and the demolition and so this would be the asbestos cleanup of the 10 homes 01:01:31
in Campaign Creek. The bid we're open that the bids were opened at 2:00 on September 19th and evaluated according to ARS 412533 01:01:40
for competitive bidding. As this is FEMA funded money, we needed to do things through. 01:01:48
That met up with ARS and we had one bidder and that bidder was Aid Environmental LLC and they met all the requirements for the 01:01:58
asbestos cleanup. So we would like to award this contract to them. Thank you, Alex. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:02:05
Now, yeah, as best as it comes up and invites you in some of these demo deals, and I don't believe that all of the homes do have 01:02:13
asbestos traps, just tile or roofing or something of that nature. Yes. So in the contract they'll have to do the survey, determine 01:02:20
what what the extent of the expenses in each of the 10 homes and then remediate them. OK, great. And, and, and just as a side 01:02:27
note, I don't know if it's possible or not, but I also know that the road crew is. 01:02:34
Working on some culverts in that area that are also asbestos. And I don't want to muddy the water too much because I know we're 01:02:43
under the gun for 12 months to get this finished. But if there's two or three culverts that are asbestos as well, and then we can 01:02:50
work it with the road crew and, and maybe save a little money and get all the US to sell that area at the same time. But anyway, 01:02:57
that that's all. Thank you very much for, for what you do. 01:03:03
Thank you supervisor client. 01:03:11
We have covert with asbestos in. 01:03:14
That's a source of a different color. So that's not good for the campaign 3 projects here. That's what that's not that that 01:03:17
doesn't deal with the campaign project. It just deals with the Roosevelt State's area and. 01:03:24
Yeah. I'll have to talk with our Deputy Director after this meeting to address Supervisor Humphries statement there. I'd be. I'd 01:03:31
be interested to hear parts of that discussion when you get ready. 01:03:37
That's all I had, OK. 01:03:45
Thank you, Alex. With that, I'll call for a motion. 01:03:47
Sure. I move to award a contract to Native Environmental LLC in the not to exceed amount of $60,000 in response to the request for 01:03:50
proposal number 072124. I'll second that Mr. Chair motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye. 01:04:02
Alex. We have information, discussion and action to review the bids submitted for invitation for bid number 071924. 01:04:14
Campaign Creek Coast Fire project, demolition of 10 homes and award contract to the. 01:04:22
Lowest, most responsive, responsible and qualified bidder. 01:04:26
Chairman Board, thank you again. So this is for the same project. This is for the demolition contract. So again, we went out for 01:04:31
bid. The bids were opened at 2:00 PM on September 19th and they were evaluated again according to ARS 412533 for competitive 01:04:39
bidding to make sure that we met Fema's requirements for awarding of the bid, Brend Holt Contracting Company. 01:04:47
Was the lowest. 01:04:56
Most, most responsive, responsible, qualified bidder for ARS at the amount of $89,677.00. So we would like to award the bid to 01:04:59
them and hopefully get this project wrapped up. Supervisor Humphrey. 01:05:06
Yeah. No, I don't, I don't have any. I don't have any questions. I do have a comment though. I want to thank staff very much for 01:05:16
doing the walkthroughs and to do a walk through to to help local contractors to be able to do the walkthrough and to get bids 01:05:25
from, from local contractors on this. And I and I thank you very much for that. I do. 01:05:33
Supervisor Klein, how many bids did we have on this? So for the demolition, we had four bids, 4 bids. And this brand hall 01:05:44
contracting, are they local or unfortunately they are not? 01:05:50
Again, per ARS, as the lowest bidder. So they're out of Apache Junction. Gilbert. Gilbert. OK, thank you. Yeah, thank you, Alex. 01:05:56
With that, I'll call for motion. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to award a contract to bring Hope Contracting Company in the 01:06:05
amount of $89,677 in response to invitation for bids number 071224. 01:06:14
Mr. Chair, I'll second that. 01:06:24
The item number was 071924. That what you read? I'm sorry, I just misheard it. We have a motion and a second to approve. Those in 01:06:27
favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you. And next item is 3J. OK. We have information, discussion action to authorize the advertisement 01:06:37
of request for proposal number 082924, Design Services for flood protection at Campaign Creek. 01:06:46
In Roosevelt State community to select an engineering firm to analyze and design a project to protect the residents of Roosevelt 01:06:56
Estates from severe weather events that caused flood events in Campaign Creek. Alex. So thank you chairman, board supervisors. So 01:07:03
we're calling this the North Bank project. So as we just got approvals for everything moving forward with the Campaign Creek 01:07:10
buyout that will address. 01:07:16
Most of the flooding issues that occur between. 01:07:24
Mesquite St. and Campaign Creek itself. This agenda item here is a request for design services to look at the area in a larger 01:07:28
view and see what else we can do to actually mitigate flooding damages in that area. So our NS boundary would be E Street to Palm 01:07:36
Drive and then the east West boundary would be the. 01:07:44
Roosevelt Lake States and we would be using part of the allocated. 01:07:53
2.1 million from the Woodbury Fire Mitigation Fund. 01:07:58
To move forward with looking at making it so that not just the bio, but the entirety of Campaign Creek will be addressed in in the 01:08:03
flooding capacities. 01:08:08
Hey, President Humphrey. Yeah. And, and what, what created all of this is. 01:08:14
What a couple years ago the state awarded us $3,000,000 for buyout of these homes and we also put in for a grant and the grant has 01:08:22
taken an awful long time to get approved. But with the patience of the constituents and the patience of the staff and willingness 01:08:29
of the staff, we held off on that because we didn't have a restriction time on when we had to spend that money. 01:08:36
And so we were able to to wait until we heard from the grant and we did get the grant, which is a great thing. And it still gave 01:08:44
us this $3,000,000 to work on campaign creep. And so not only are we able to do the buyout, but then when it came before the board 01:08:54
for us to give the homeowners the full appraised value that's coming out of this $3,000,000 and then also to that leaves us money. 01:09:04
To do some work on the Northside to prevent any damage to those residences on the north side. We still have that leftover money 01:09:14
and that's kind of been the plan for the last two years and and it came to fruition. But had we not gotten the grant and all of 01:09:20
that money would have gone to do the demolition of the home. So it's, it's been a long project. It's been a lot of work and. I 01:09:26
think. 01:09:33
Staff very much and I stayed and I thank the constituents for being patient with this to let us try to be as intelligent with the 01:09:40
financing that we could be and and. 01:09:45
And as luck would have it, or the Lord would have it, it turned out. So thank you very much for all the work. And, and now we can 01:09:51
have some money to do some more work there, which will just continue to help that area because years ago there was a buyout 01:09:58
because it took homes down the Creek. So it's been a long process and I just want to thank everybody very much. 01:10:05
The supervisor client. I'm good. Thank you, Alex. Yeah, Thank you, Alex. With that, I'll call for motion As chair. I move to 01:10:14
authorize the advertisement of request for proposal number 082924. 01:10:20
And I'll second that, Mr. Chair. Hey, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you Alex. 01:10:29
And item 3K information, discussion action to authorize the advertisement of invitations for bid number 0824245 New Ford vehicles 01:10:38
to purchase 1 Ford F-250 Crew Cab 4 by 4 pickup truck, 2 Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4 by 4 pickup trucks and two Ford. 01:10:48
350 Crew Cab Format 4. 01:10:58
Trucks, thank you. Thank you, Chairman and Board. 01:11:01
Umm, everyone of these contracts that we bring in front of you. 01:11:05
Our finance manager Eric plays your role in this and actually she's been, this has been quite a year for, for her and and her 01:11:10
staff to put together all the different contract that we're trying to, to engage both for rope repair. 01:11:18
Campaign Creek and and vehicles like this one that you're going to hear today. This is about 5 new vehicles for her. 01:11:27
In buying these five new vehicles, some of them have anywhere from 130,000 miles to 226,000 miles. We are returning, we are we are 01:11:35
putting into the auction of nine old vehicles. So it's more than A1 for one. One of the things that you see in the five vehicles 01:11:42
their Crew Cab. In other words more than one person can drive in in in that pickup truck and sometimes we do send the crew to go 01:11:49
work on. 01:11:56
And so we have to take one truck instead of multiple trucks. That's the idea in in some cases you see some dump trucks that maybe 01:12:04
weren't getting the service that we were utilizing and no sense hanging on to it if we're not going to use it. So nonetheless, we 01:12:12
are turning into auction 9 vehicles, some of them with a whole lot of miles and we are looking to buy 5 new vehicles. 01:12:21
And they are for administration and engineering, as well as the road yard team itself. 01:12:30
OK. So with that, I would like to ask your approval to advertise bids for five new Ford vehicles. Thank you, homeroom Supervisor 01:12:36
Humphrey. 01:12:41
I have no question. 01:12:50
Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Tomorrow. Yeah, I'm good too. I'll call promoted. Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to authorize the 01:12:53
advertisement of invitation for bids number 082424. 01:13:00
I'll second that you have a motion in a second to approve. Those in favor say aye aye. 01:13:07
Thank you. 01:13:14
Thank you for now. 01:13:15
Trying to figure out who got in Payson. OK so item number 3L this is my item. All three of the supervisors have contributed 01:13:17
significantly to this. It's information discussion action to approve the economic development agreement number 09052024 between 01:13:25
Hilo county and circa, which is the community educational, recreation and civic association in the amount of $33,500 with the 01:13:32
board determined to be for the benefit of the. 01:13:39
I don't believe we have a representative from Circa here today. Circa is a nonprofit association that takes care of multiple 01:13:47
buildings in the Pine area that belong to the Pine school system. They're old buildings. They're part of the original school 01:13:54
churches and things like that. And they're they suffer with a lack of funds to make the improvements necessary to continue with 01:14:02
the various civic and community projects that occur in. 01:14:09
Locations. So this particular sum of money is to improve the HVAC systems throughout the buildings and I appreciate very much the 01:14:17
willingness of the other supervisors to contribute to this fairly significant amount of money. So with that, I'll answer any 01:14:26
questions I have. No questions. Supervisor Klein? No, I'm good. Thank you. So with that, I'll call for a motion. 01:14:34
Mr. Chair, I move to approve the economic development Agreement number 09052024 with Community, Education, Recreational and Civic 01:14:46
Association as presented, which the Board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. 01:14:55
And I'll second that, Mr. Chair, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, thank you very much. Item 3 M 01:15:05
also my item, it's a annual request. It's information discussion, action to approve economic development agreement number 09042024 01:15:12
between Hugh County and the Pine Strawberry fuel reduction in the amount of $5000 to provide residents with free brush removal to 01:15:20
reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. 01:15:27
Which the board is determined to be for the benefit of the public. This is a very active 501C3 group of volunteers that run a 01:15:35
brush pit. They also help residents do firewise. They also create trail systems in order to provide greater and better access for 01:15:42
anyone that needs to get into the forest recreationally and also for. 01:15:50
Fire prevention, et cetera. So this is part of their annual request. And so I will answer any questions. The supervisor Humphrey, 01:15:59
I have no questions. Supervisor Klein. I'm good, Mr. Chair. OK, then I'll call for a motion. 01:16:07
Mr. Chair, I'll make the motion to approve Economic Development Agreement number 09042024 with pine strawberry fuel reduction as 01:16:15
presented, which the board has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Carroll, I'll second that. OK, we have a motion 01:16:24
and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye, aye. Thank you very much. Item 3 and also my item. 01:16:33
It just happened that all this kind of came together in one meeting, so. 01:16:42
3 N is information discussion action to approve economic development agreement number 0302024 between county and the Tunnel 01:16:47
research and Rescue Squad incorporated A501C3 in the amount of $15,519.78 to purchase and elevate search and rescue motor kit and 01:16:57
a 7 by 12 tandem axle enclosed trailer which the. 01:17:07
To be for the benefit of the public, this is a request brought to me for two items. The first item, which is called the Elevate 01:17:17
Search and Rescue Motor Kit is like a Gurney with a battery powered wheel to assist in very difficult extractions when needed such 01:17:25
as Fossil Creek and the 7 by 12 tandem axle trailer is to provide. 01:17:33
A better and newer storage for I believe the scuba diving and we have Mr. Bill Curly. 01:17:43
Apparently today he's head of the Tunnel Rim Search and Rescue. Mr. Piddley, would you like to add any comments? 01:17:50
Yes, thank you. 01:17:58
We've been involved in 323 times this year and that is one of our most typical third extractions and this. 01:18:05
Probably within the last year, but it's being done by a group of bicycles. California. There are shows out there. 01:18:20
Together and make this work. And so they did, and. 01:18:32
Videos that I have seen on it and the reviews that been able to find on it, it shows like fossil springs, like Monopoly trail they 01:18:36
say it can do. 01:18:43
5 miles and 3000 with elevation game. We're at all around 3 miles. 15116 hundred foot elevation games. I think that it would 01:18:50
actually work out well. 01:18:56
I have had on several pages I had to call on the helicopter to get someone out of there because I did not have enough staff that 01:19:03
that was able to respond. 01:19:09
Somebody because I had people fight up on other missions. Greatly busy this year. We're in 84 mission so far at 1:00 last night 01:19:15
again. 01:19:19
Anyway, and then the slope water trailer. 01:19:25
And we wore out our last one endless squad for at least 10 years, probably longer. And. 01:19:30
You know, we're a little rough on our clothes sometimes. 01:19:40
And. 01:19:45
Regarding the level that we're turning in. So I appreciate this opportunity. 01:19:48
Thank you, Supervisor Humphrey. 01:19:54
I have no questions. 01:19:57
Supervisor Klein, I really don't get to comment. You know, I think we cut him off his children. 01:20:00
Did I cut you off, Bill? 01:20:09
OK. 01:20:14
OK, sorry. OK, I have no question. OK, Yeah, that's just becoming cool to see how it works. So yeah. 01:20:16
I'm good. 01:20:23
Well, if you'd like, go down into Fossil Creek, have an injury and I don't want to go down there. 01:20:25
Unless I'm on someone with four legs. OK, thank you very much. I don't really have any comments. I, I, well, I do, I guess. I. 01:20:30
I really enjoy benefiting the search and rescue people. They're all volunteer. It's a great organization and this helps with the 01:20:40
health and safety of the public county wide. So happy to be able to help. So with that, I'll call for a motion. Mr. Chair, I move 01:20:47
to approve economic development agreement number 09302024 with the Tunnel Rim Search and Rescue Squad incorporated as presented, 01:20:54
which. 01:21:02
Has determined to be for the benefit of the public. Mr. Chair. I'll second that we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in 01:21:09
favor say aye aye. Thank you, Bill. Thank you, gentlemen. Our next item is an item number 4 consent agenda items. We have item A 01:21:18
through F Supervisor Humphrey. Any one or more items you'd like to remove from the consent agenda to discuss. 01:21:26
No, I'm good. Thank you. OK, same question to you, Supervisor Klein. 01:21:35
No, I'm good. 01:21:41
OK. All right. Then I will call for a motion to approve consent agenda items for A through F So moved, Mr. Chair, I'll second it. 01:21:43
All right, we have a motion and a second to approve. Those in favor say aye, aye. Thank you. 01:21:51
Lisa, do we have anyone in Payson for call to the public item number 5? 01:22:01
OK, Cassandra, how many do we have on the Internet today? 01:22:07
50 oh, that's a good number. And we don't have anyone that wishes to speak, OK. 01:22:13
And anyone here in the boardroom? No. OK, so let's move on to item number six, which is the. 01:22:17
What do you call it? We'll call it a presentation of the county manager and supervisors. So, Mr. Manager. 01:22:30
Mr. Chairman, remember the Board attended with you last week the County Supervisors Association Legislative Summit preparation for 01:22:40
the upcoming legislative session that starts in January. 01:22:45
Very productive meetings. And then also this week, we'll be attending the Arizona Department of Transportation Rural 01:22:52
Transportation Summit in Prescott. I think it's important to have representation there because of the ongoing projects that we 01:23:00
continue to try to support and bring to Healer County, one of those being the Lion Springs project, 4 miles of widening. 01:23:09
The 260 highway in Northern Arizona. 01:23:19
Just a short summary of why that's why it's important is that the Land Springs project was on the. 01:23:24
Arizona Department of Transportation list of projects for a number of years was planned to be enacted then as Mr. Stratton former 01:23:31
Public Works director for Healer County stated that nobody representing Healer County went to these meetings and went to there to 01:23:37
advocators support these projects in the council has dropped from the Arizona Department of transportation list of projects to be 01:23:44
completed. 01:23:50
It is not back now on line Springs is back on the Arizona Department of Transportation projects and it was acquisition of property 01:23:57
obtained right away and within the next year or so is scheduled to start construction of that widening project. So important that 01:24:04
we keep ourselves in the game and supporting the projects in Gila County. So that's the reason to attend the Arizona Department of 01:24:11
Transportation Rural Transportation Summit. 01:24:19
Week in Prescott. Thank you, Mr. Chen. 01:24:26
Supervisor Humphrey. 01:24:30
Also, agenda, the PSA Legislative Policy Summit will do every year. We didn't do anything this year kind of sneaks up on us and 01:24:33
without knowing ahead of time that it just kind of slips by. And so anyway, but there was a lot of lot of good discussion. I held 01:24:40
a Roosevelt dumpster day on Saturday. 01:24:48
And I called the metal scrapper. Usually I take my truck and trailer for the tires and the metal. 01:24:57
And then everything else can go in the dumpster so that when they get back to the landfill, they don't have to sort all the stuff. 01:25:03
And so anyway, this year I called a metal scrapper to see if he was interested. And I'm sure glad that they did because not only 01:25:10
did we fill a dumpster and 1/2 with just stuff, he took like 4 loads of metal. There was washers, dryers, hot water. You can't 01:25:18
imagine the the metal bicycle that everything in the world got. I've been. 01:25:25
For about 3 days I was doing it by myself. So anyway, that turned out pretty good and it was a it was a good clean up day at 01:25:33
Roosevelt and I held a Roosevelt community meeting yesterday at 1:00. I was on KQSS radio last night at 5:30 and that's about it. 01:25:43
Thank you, Supervisor Final. 01:25:54
Thank you, Mr. Chair. So all week or so ago I went to Washington State on WIR and attended a meeting up there for a couple of 01:25:57
days. Lot of good information came out of that. There's there's issues that are affecting us as well as the other 11 Western 01:26:05
states. And so a lot of that was discussed. One of those issues is the insurance companies dropping. 01:26:14
Homeowners insurance. 01:26:24
And that isn't only here, it's throughout. Everybody to the Canadian border had a really good meeting, worked on some priorities, 01:26:26
but the hard part of the priority list. 01:26:31
All hinges on this next election. And so a lot of our discussion was just based on, well, we can do this. If this happens, we can 01:26:38
do that. If that happens, however, it's going to work out. We just have to wait and see. But there was a was a very, very good 01:26:44
meeting and I was there along with Craig Sullivan. 01:26:51
And CSA and Patrice Osman from Coconino. So all three of us were up there. 01:26:58
Last Saturday I attended a Ponderosa Springs meeting and at the fire department and remember when we were there, we helped them 01:27:06
with the well. So they've they've they've had the well drilled. It doesn't produce a lot of water, but it's going to produce 01:27:12
enough to be able to put a restroom facilities in that that station. They went down about 220 feet and they're getting less than a 01:27:19
gallon a minute. 01:27:25
But with proper storage and whatnot, they can make that work. I'm gonna work with them a little bit. They're gonna go ahead and 01:27:33
start pursuing a septic system for that that station. So I'm gonna be working with them on that and. 01:27:40
Hopefully we can get it done in the next two or three years. It's going to be pretty costly just because of the type of system 01:27:48
it's going to have to be. That afternoon. I also participated in a auction there in Young that was set up for the Community 01:27:54
Center. There's a fundraising auction. 01:28:00
Ton of items we auctioned off a lot of people who was there is a really good time. I don't know the final figures. I believe by 01:28:07
the end of the night they should have been somewhere around $6000 community centers and as it all going towards their kitchen, 01:28:14